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»Wh Past Malcador the Sigillite Horus (Wh 40000) Primarchs Jaghatai Khan Psyker Warhammer 40000 фэндомы
Что же хотел сказать Гор?
"- Ты даже не можешь назвать его, не так ли? - протянул примарх, не веря своим ушам. - Ты даже не можешь произнести его имя.- И ты не произноси его, - укреплённый психической силой голос Малкадора прогремел, словно гром, обрушился на разум Гора, как удар молота по лбу. Примарх отшатнулся, моргнув от боли. Похоже, что удар ощутили и его братья, как и все ещё находившиеся в зале смертные люди. Загудело даже в ушах самого Сигиллита, но говорил он всё так же твёрдо и непреклонно. - Таков был приказ твоего отца, мальчишка, и вы все согласились с ним. Нарушить Его волю сейчас значит потерять веру в самого Императора.
- Моего брата звали... - по лицу Гора расползалась усмешка, кривая и вызывающая.
Свободная рука Малкадора взметнулась быстрее человеческой мысли в колдовском жесте, забытом всеми живущими на Терре людьми.
Гор застыл, его конечности словно налились свинцом, и задрожал, напрягая мускулы и тщетно борясь с давлением. Малкадор медленно поднялся на ноги, удерживая примарха на месте одной лишь силой своего разума. Хан бросился в центр зала, встав на пути Сигиллита.
- Лорд-регент, - призвал он Малкадора, выставив вперёд пустые руки в знак желания мира. - Прошу, отпустите его... В нём говорят разделяемые всеми нами скорбь и стыд.
Воздух между Сигиллитом и Гором гудел и содрогался от незримых потоков энергии, но даже в застывшем взгляде примарха Малкадор видел всё ту же ненавистную и толкающую Луперкаля к непокорности гордыню.
- Никто из вас не готов к будущему, которого вы так жаждете, - прошептал Сигиллит, заставляя Гора опуститься на колени. - Вы не готовы!
- Мал... - поверженный примарх задыхался, но всё же пытался говорить. - М-Мал... ал....
Лицо Сигиллита скривилось в свирепом оскале, и лорд-регент ощутил, что в глубине его бессмертной души вновь разгорается пламя старого знакомого гнев.
- Хватит. Умолкни или я уничтожу тебя здесь и сейчас."
Craftworld Eldar Warhammer 40000 фэндомы
Последние слухи про эльдар с 3-х разных источников:
via Marneus41
3 new plastic kits :
– Eldar Windriders : 3 new motojets with all the weapon choices available.
– Eldar Farseer Skyrunner : 1 eldar farseer or warlock (2 heads and 2 weapons choice).
– Eldar Autarch : no options
New codex of 160 pages with description of 11 craftworld (nothing about specific rules for them).
2 new specific psy discipline (battle runes and fate runes).
One FOC like the necron :
1-3 guardian hosts (3 types available)
0-3 Regent of the warhost (Heroes, seer council, living legends (avatar and phoenix lords))
1-12 formation for each guardian ost (outcasts, crimson death, dire avenger shrine, wraith host, aspect host, wraith-construct, engines of vaul)
Distorsion wepon = D-weapon.
CC weapon of the wraithknight is D weapon.
The wraithknight is now a Colossal creature. Nothing said about Lord of War.
No relation between FOC and Distorsion weapon. They speak of distorsion weapon in general are D weapon. No weapon profile.
It is said that the distorsion weapon are very powerfull weapons and that is why they have the rule Destruction. After it is said that the wraithknight is equipped of 2 of them (Heavy wraith canon).
via Mr. Maloke
“scatter lasers now lost the twin linking bonus, however windriders can now get scatter lasers. (each model can change the TL shuriken catapult for either scatter laser or shuriken cannon)”
“windriders: same pts as before.
3 windriders
statline unchanged.
may include up to 7 additional windriders for same points as before
may take a windriderwarlock for same points as before pts
warlock may replace his hagun zar for a runespear for the same points as before
each windrider may exchange the TL shuriken catapult for:
scatter laser or
shuriken cannon, both same points. shuriken cannon as before.
that means you can basically have a 10 man unit entirely kitted with scatterlasers for 27ppm and add another warlock to them
they also are still troop selections. i think the meta shifts again.
the only other interresting things are those leaked 2 datacards and the 1 leaked psychic power in the WD:
runes of battle 1
warpcharge 1
its either:
S5 ap 4 assault1, soulblaze flamer
a friendly unit within 18″ restores a single wound. this cannot bring units back to the board that have been removed as casuality.
and for the datacards:
11: 1 victory point if you kill a character (not just in a challenge, just a character)
12: gain a victory point if a enemy unit got killed by a eldar unit with the skimmer or eldar jetbike type. gain d3 vitory points if you killed 3 or more in one round. ”
via Manakel (using Google Translate from French so pls bear with)
I had white dwarf hands and also to the speeder bikes which are the same, it is the profile; the figure itself is much better. Regarding their options there is the possibility of their opener or a laser gun shuriken to ten points (same conditions as before).
WK enters colossal creature.
There is now a Host World War as a base ship with 1-3 host guards to choose from:
– 1 GP, 3 units guards defenders, a squadron of vyper a squadron of war walkers, 0-1 prescient Council
– 1 GP, 3 units of horsemen of the wind, a squadron of vyper and I do not know about the rest
– 1 GP, 3 units of shock guards, a squadron of vyper a squadron of war walkers, 0-1 prescient Council
Each keeper host can take regents of the world ship with either:
– Eldrad, Illic or Yriel
– 2 GP and a council, one of the GP can be Eldrad
– Avatar, Phoenix Lords
For each host guards can take 1-12 “I do not know the name” either:
– 1 unit to store
– 3 scarlet hunters
– 3 units Avengers
– Tanks
– Warriors appearance other than avengers
– I do not know anymore : Unsure:
All this from memory so I probably made some mistakes
via Marneus41
3 new plastic kits :
– Eldar Windriders : 3 new motojets with all the weapon choices available.
– Eldar Farseer Skyrunner : 1 eldar farseer or warlock (2 heads and 2 weapons choice).
– Eldar Autarch : no options
New codex of 160 pages with description of 11 craftworld (nothing about specific rules for them).
2 new specific psy discipline (battle runes and fate runes).
One FOC like the necron :
1-3 guardian hosts (3 types available)
0-3 Regent of the warhost (Heroes, seer council, living legends (avatar and phoenix lords))
1-12 formation for each guardian ost (outcasts, crimson death, dire avenger shrine, wraith host, aspect host, wraith-construct, engines of vaul)
Distorsion wepon = D-weapon.
CC weapon of the wraithknight is D weapon.
The wraithknight is now a Colossal creature. Nothing said about Lord of War.
No relation between FOC and Distorsion weapon. They speak of distorsion weapon in general are D weapon. No weapon profile.
It is said that the distorsion weapon are very powerfull weapons and that is why they have the rule Destruction. After it is said that the wraithknight is equipped of 2 of them (Heavy wraith canon).
via Mr. Maloke
“scatter lasers now lost the twin linking bonus, however windriders can now get scatter lasers. (each model can change the TL shuriken catapult for either scatter laser or shuriken cannon)”
“windriders: same pts as before.
3 windriders
statline unchanged.
may include up to 7 additional windriders for same points as before
may take a windriderwarlock for same points as before pts
warlock may replace his hagun zar for a runespear for the same points as before
each windrider may exchange the TL shuriken catapult for:
scatter laser or
shuriken cannon, both same points. shuriken cannon as before.
that means you can basically have a 10 man unit entirely kitted with scatterlasers for 27ppm and add another warlock to them
they also are still troop selections. i think the meta shifts again.
the only other interresting things are those leaked 2 datacards and the 1 leaked psychic power in the WD:
runes of battle 1
warpcharge 1
its either:
S5 ap 4 assault1, soulblaze flamer
a friendly unit within 18″ restores a single wound. this cannot bring units back to the board that have been removed as casuality.
and for the datacards:
11: 1 victory point if you kill a character (not just in a challenge, just a character)
12: gain a victory point if a enemy unit got killed by a eldar unit with the skimmer or eldar jetbike type. gain d3 vitory points if you killed 3 or more in one round. ”
via Manakel (using Google Translate from French so pls bear with)
I had white dwarf hands and also to the speeder bikes which are the same, it is the profile; the figure itself is much better. Regarding their options there is the possibility of their opener or a laser gun shuriken to ten points (same conditions as before).
WK enters colossal creature.
There is now a Host World War as a base ship with 1-3 host guards to choose from:
– 1 GP, 3 units guards defenders, a squadron of vyper a squadron of war walkers, 0-1 prescient Council
– 1 GP, 3 units of horsemen of the wind, a squadron of vyper and I do not know about the rest
– 1 GP, 3 units of shock guards, a squadron of vyper a squadron of war walkers, 0-1 prescient Council
Each keeper host can take regents of the world ship with either:
– Eldrad, Illic or Yriel
– 2 GP and a council, one of the GP can be Eldrad
– Avatar, Phoenix Lords
For each host guards can take 1-12 “I do not know the name” either:
– 1 unit to store
– 3 scarlet hunters
– 3 units Avengers
– Tanks
– Warriors appearance other than avengers
– I do not know anymore : Unsure:
All this from memory so I probably made some mistakes
Wh News Chaos (Wh 40000) Imperium Warhammer 40000 фэндомы
Имперские агенты, легионы Хаоса и не только!
GW анонсировало много чего годного, ожидающего нас в недалеком будущем:
1) Долгожданные многими фанатами КДХ Легионы, в книжке вы найдете: 9 детачментов на каждый из Легионов, уникальные артефакты и миссий.
2) Кодекс Имперских Агентов сборная солянка имперских фракций: Инквизиция, Ассасины, Сестры Безмолвия, Адептус Кустодес, Серые Рыцари*, Караул Смерти*, Адепта Сороритас*, Астра Телепатика. Это и еще, возможно, много чего другого будет ждать нас в кодексе с артефактами детачментами и прочим добром.
3) Апокрифы сборник олдового бека и артов для ценителей.
*как использовать Агентов совместно с ними