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Спойлеры к новой книге от БЛ развивающие последний бэк. Dark Imperium, by Guy Haley.

УЫ ARH AMMER y 40.000\ /7//К HAIEY M «P • Л 2J Le.,Wh News,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Primarchs,Roboute Guilliman,Primaris Space Marine,Emperor (wh 40000),Imperium,Империум,Black Library,Wh Books,Wh Other

-книга начинается через сто лет после ереси со смерти Примарха. Фулгрим против Жильмана. 

-Тиэль стал вторым капитаном после ереси.  

-Тетрархов вернули, теперь они и в 40к. 

-Сестры тишины видят в Жильмане живого святого. Они рады его возвращению и поклоняются ему. 
-Когда Жильман разговаривал с императором во время gathering storm, он был шокировали тем, как на самом деле "отец" видит его, не как сына, а лишь как инструмент. 
-к сороковнику человечность императора полностью исчезла. 

-на самом деле Жиля не особый фанат примарисов, он называет их "кощунственными ордами Коула".

-он видит в них лишь инструменты (по крайней мере сейчас). 
-Так же говорится что Жиля псайкер, но не использует свой потенциал из-за примера Магнуса. 
-Он все еще думает в терминах теории и практики.


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Necrons Wh Песочница сделал сам стихи ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

History of the necrontyr-necrons in a nutshell.

The Green Glow

From very birth cursed they have been
Dying of plague were Necrontyr
Under the glow of native sun
Their own fates were been undone

Then they have built from living steel
Space ships which made survival real
To distant stars flew Necrontyr
And no more doomed, they had no fear

Civilization thrived among stars
But Necrontyr still beared their scars
Albeit free from plaguing light
Gene mutilations were hard to fight

Then Necrontyr have Old Ones met
Those who lived long and sculpted fates
Deepest chagrin possessed their hearts
For immense length of Old Ones' lives

The War in Skies then had begun
Old Ones forced Necrontyr to run
Their greater numbers have not won the war
For Old Ones were masters of the Warp

The Necrontyr defeated were
And hatred grew towards their foe
Then found was that native sun
Held power of the great C'tan

From necrodermis - the living steel
Bodies for Gods have built Necrontyr
C'tan have accepted it with delight
Powers were granted Old Ones to smite

Maphet'ran the Deceiver, one of C'tan
Offered salvation from physical harm
From the pains and diseases the Necrontyrs' bane
Only one realized - price shall be insane

Through bio transference whole race have went
They thought it will be misfortune's end,
Their new bodies like ones of the Gods'
C'tan gorged their souls - that was the price

Feeding on souls C'tan powers grew
Szarekh realized the Diviner said truth
He understood that his kin - Necrontyr
Robbed of their souls became just machines

Old Ones were failing to match Necrons' scores
Web-way was breached with Nyadra'zath's force
Galaxy was in the hands of C'tan
They and Necrons have Red harvests begun.

Whole planets razed and races devoured
C'tans' hunger for lives knew not a bound
Then legends tell that the Great Harlequin
Fooled the C'tan and they killed their kin

After this war only strongest remained
Slaughter of races made Warp inflamed
Necron empire under psykers’ attack
Unseen in the Warp such powers lack

All of the dynasties together once more
Necrons have united against common foe
Great plan of C’tan to shut off the Warp
As though meteor seemed unreal to be stopped

War of the ancients came to culmination
No living soul spared from evisceration
With their pain rose storms in the Warp
No Old Ones nor C’tan have this foretold.

Immaterium’s depths shaking with spasm
Void predators first-borns of chasm
Created and weaved from mortals’ emotions
Enslavers Plague caused great Warp distortions

This was the end to the Old Ones empire
Shattered and smitten they ceased in fire
But the Star Gods’ glee was not meant to end well
Silent King Szarekh leaded rebel

Weapons were charged, powers were aimed
Such was the strike, no C’tan could withstand
Shattered to pieces slaves they became
Necrons once fooled, now their bane

To stop the spread of Enslavers’ hordes
All life was wiped of Necron worlds
Plan was developed what’s lost to regain
Necrons to have living souls once again

To be once more living, have feelings and souls
Free from C’tan, for this strive Necrons
Ten millions of years command was to sleep
Ten millions of years multiplied by six

But the great slumber came to its end
Perilous changes already at hand
Szarekh the head of his people afresh
Under his tread will the Galaxy thrash.

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Heldrake WS U# equipH ««h » had« au.ocannonand I Iddrakc daws. Hrfdra^ Bjldianicr Hjdts autocann°n HrUrakcilaw.' MTARCEAR OPTIONS mm RANGE TYPE S AP _ D 18' 36" Assault P6 Heavy 4 6 8 _2 -1 2 2 Melee Melee User -1 D3 Id DAMAGE Some of this models characteristics chan it suffers

Obliterators 2221------- №niioc* l^ih nMitrrator »• wiih flohmrtAl gum ' im I *__________I ftfiWMHWBWJS %>Mtli loth» Mh Emperor (pg 10) FMl„,e,.l Weapon«: When « unil of OW.Irrefoo» ET e I^Th, „.her The fn* n*.. £ !L „41» *e AK end .he .h.nf roil .. .he l»«fr. Foe d- a Lfaii ftv * 2 then

----------- ...uiwhmcnamlthe Talon of I lorus. Only on* of this model mav K. JHarmedw,,hDn.^ ■ „ ABILITIES TYPE___________ 3 —------ Rapid Fire 2 4 * Melee Melee Roll a D6 each time Abaddon the tv. . 1 he suffers a mortal wound and tann* further during this phase. On a 2- he' many

Some 0f thi« model’« charactertitle* cha. H cullers damage, at »hown below: RIMAIMING * M WS 13-24+ 12* 34 1 7-12 9" 44 1-6 6" 54 This weapon automatically hits its target This weapon can target units that are not visible to the bearer. If the target is within half range of this weapon,

Loro OI Vywi.—p--,IV I I Malignant Plaguccaster (pg 59) Noxious Blightbringcr (pg6l) | I Daemon Prince (pg 21) ■ Chaos Lord (pg 16) I 1 Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour, I (pg 16) Chaos Lord on Palanquin of Nurgle I (pg 19) I Sorcerer (pg 22) I Sorcerer in Terminator Armour i iPgJ2) _

IERETIC flSTARTES 16*8«==*'.... putnu , j.-i ermine tbciotol point* cosl ,ih i" »Icicrminc your armyV ini' tmn MOW is PEU UNI) llhw irwlodl* ChtcJ BArt* 19 1040 OMwCullnn Ciiw»l-and Ruder 1 ChmM Lord 1 i'hvn lard w Term inetur Armour 1 1 Cham lord on Rilot 1 1 Cham lord on

PARK hereticus discipline "■'•ore the battle, generate the psychic powers for Phvkkm that n use p0Wers from the Dark Hereticus discipline using the table low you can either roll a D3 to generate their powers randomly (Te-roll any duplicate results), or you can select the psychic powers >u wish

Кровавые Ангелы:

minie! equipped with two Furioso * «o»m bolffr "’¿agun. Uc- «'Mttad ^•«hiSmo, ^ them: n? musr sul JI target th, kt UuiKhf^Orv« per b*nl¿'~ *%*Vn «*“ ****ng phase. UtKitS *2*««' U “ ^“'P^ with them, untd your Shooting phase your opponent mu« wbtracú fre « -"«s for .»gri «.p™ lhl, ^ZZZ

minis FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWOROS jW I Commander Dante 12" 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 6 i Commander Dante is a single model armed with the Axe Mortalis, an inferno pisto I may be included in your army. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP 0 I Jnferno pistol 6" Pistol 1 8 -4 D6 1 'Ihe Axe Mortalis Melee Melee +2 -3

Astorath NAME Astorath storath i< a single model included in your army. WEAPON Bolt pistol The Executioners Axe Frag grenade Krak grenade ' ABILITIES JACTION KEYWORDS .KEYWORDS M WS BS s T W A Id Sv 1 12" 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 2+ mted with the Executioners Axe, a bolt pistol, frag grenades and

one of this model may be Lemartes is a single model armed with the Blood Crozius, a bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. Onl> included in your army Lemartes mm of WEAPON RANGE TYPE S ДР D I Bolt pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 1 The Blood Crozius Mclcc Melee +■2 -2 D3 I Frag grenade 6"

WcArun _ - - - - Plasma pistol Standard - Supercharge The Sanguine Sword Frag grenade Krak erenade ABILITIES When attacking with this weapon, cnoosc «... y. 12" Pistol 1 7 3 Pistoll 8 -3 2 On a hit roll of 1, the bearer is slajn Melee Melee x2 '3 Grenade D6 3 0 6* Grenade 1 6 — And They Shall

Death Company dreadnought NAME Death Company Dreadnought A Death Company WEAPON 1 )readnoughl is a single model equipped with two Furioso fists, a storm TYPE S AP D ABILITIES bolter and a meltagun. RANGE Heavy flamer 8’ Heavy D6 5 *1 1 MeJtagun 12’ Assault 1 8 •4 D6 Storm bolter 24*

ANBels war Angdus boltgun Blood Song • Master-crafted boltgun Meltagun Frag cannon Hand flamer bit rolls for this weapon * Ca*>0n' c*1°OSc 000 or both of the profiles below. If you choose both, subtract t from ail i U' Rapidfirel - *2" Assault 1 8’ Assault 2D6 If the target is within half

Sanguinary Guard Urn unit contains 4 Sanguinary Guard. It may contain up to 6 additional Sanguinary Guard (Power Rating *12). Each Sanguinary Guard is arnwrd with an angclus boltgun. cncarminc sword. Sanguinary Guard WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP 0 ABILITIES jf Angclus boltgun 12" Assault 2 4 -1 1

Tycho the Lost fm M WS BS s I W A Id Sv f I Tycho the Lost 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 2+ , J Tycho the Lost is a single model armed with Blood Song, a ■ included in your army. bolt pistol, frag grenades, krak grenades and an iron halo. Only one Tycho may be l 1 WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES

9 s NAME Chief Librarian Mephisto» Chief Librarian Mephiston M WS 2+ Chief Librarian Mephiston is a single model armed with a plasma pistol, the Sanguine Sword. hag grenades and krak grenade r ABILITIES WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP 0 Plasma pistol When attacking with this weapon, choose one ol

b* Death Company [■» [peath Company Marine 3+ BS 3* Sv 3+ T^isunit contains ? Death Company Marines. It may include up to 5 additional Death Company Marines (Power Rating +9) or up to 10 addition.»! Death Company Marines (Power Rating +18). Each model is armed with a bolt pistol, a

Brother Corbulo ! KAMI M WS BS s I w A LU a» 6” 2+ 2+ « 4 5 4 9 3+ 1 Brother Corbulo is a single model armed with Heaven’s Teeth, a bolt pistol jrag grenades and krak grenades. Only one ot this model may be 1; I WfAPON RANGE TYPE s AP 0 ABILITIES f Bolt pistol 12’ Pistol 1 4 0 1 1

Sangitin.ii. Guard Ancient ^Sangui", y Guard Ancient is a single modd ”n’Cd Wl,h an -'ngolus boltgun. an eiu-armine sword. WUPDS ABILITIES Assault 2 If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. attacking with

WARGEAR OPTIONS ■ 'This model may replace his lightning claw with a thunder hammer. abiutiis ACTION KEYWOROS EYWOROS And They Shall Know No Fear (pg 8«) Terminator Armour: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. Teleport Strike: During deployment, you can set up th.s uni. in a teleportanum

Sanguinar Sv A Sanguinary Priest is a single model armed with a bolt pistol. WARGEAR OPTIONS WEAPON Bolt pistol Boltgun RANGE 12" 24” iirt Pistol 1 Rapid Fire 1 4 4 0 0 1 1 Chainsword Melee Melee User 0 1 Frag grenade Krak grenade 6" Grenade D6 3 0 1 6’ Grenade 1 6 •l D3 ABILITIES Each

M WS BS S T W A Id Sv guinary Priest on Bike 14" 2+ 3+ ¡A »Sanguinary Priest on Bike is a single model armed with a bolt pistol, a chainsword. frag grenades, krak grenades, a blood chalice and a iccium. His Space Marine bike is equipped with a twin boltgun. ■ Bolt pistol ■ Boltgun I Twin

Sanguinary Guard Urn unit contains 4 Sanguinary Guard. It may contain up to 6 additional Sanguinary Guard (Power Rating *12). Each Sanguinary Guard is arnwrd with an angclus boltgun. cncarminc sword. Sanguinary Guard WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP 0 ABILITIES jf Angclus boltgun 12" Assault 2 4 -1 1

Tycho the Lost fm M WS BS s I W A Id Sv f I Tycho the Lost 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 2+ , J Tycho the Lost is a single model armed with Blood Song, a ■ included in your army. bolt pistol, frag grenades, krak grenades and an iron halo. Only one Tycho may be l 1 WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES

u ,f following list* to determine the total potnisc™ wargear they are equipped with, to determine ymir rute point* values from page* 202-203. ftûNREfl WEAPONS MELEE WEAPONS WEAPON POINTS PER WEAPON Blood talons 65 Encarmine axe 16 | Encarrnine sword 1> | Furioso fist (single/pair) 40/30

,Ss >' . •< . *. • Vl^1 , , ;-v . Mttfiis Hen'S' S* ' -v >r^v ',*nm's m ,'i‘ ~~ v~- HbtwSh**«M«‘ ( ►J* ir* the gene seed thfll sTi-fc ro etch w» generation ot - .-v st-iayk- constantly with V. •- - -V- 'V Ficxxi Angels ,-ici :hor nature, hut this ssiuics into herserk frenzies. It is hi. See

Ванильные СМ

 points muis fjn n,r tlic following lltut« determineth< toulpoinu f they «c equipped with, v.deternu,*^ ■lut i»K» * r°,f'u ._ltl ail VrtUr IHOoCI»! ** nuuhe*1|'>«VH"n,,‘- *H * F h ,.M \ofidU« the point» v value. (Will«» MODUS PMTS PER Mogu PER UNIT (Dde» not include w,n. INIS PUT MOOfl

(:c»turlon pcvastator Squad pivaslotor ’u.-d . Arniorn ub Hcllblasic Hunter ^nd Rail Land Rail' i Land Raid-, a net predator Stalker •jhunderfirc Cannon Techmarinc Gunner indicator Whirlwind MODELS PER UNIT POINTS PER MOOLI (Including wargear) ISO 132 2 138 120 p‘S«ntTelion

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Ifloltstonn hampion’s bj; ^‘ttoful I '-' «sccrator i Force axe / ,:°rcc stave Force sword 'Lightning claw Master-crafted Power sword Mdec *wapoalfi **A time it t Weapon. \\>u IhunderhanuW'' j imit has a canto cJoak you can add 2 to saving throws nude for models in the unit when

nm ttw s - -wmn Add 1 to ill hit rolls made tor this weapon agamst »argrt» 60' Hw'7 3 l I> < that cm fit Subtract I from the hit roil» made for thu w eapon against ill other ta/geiv VJgnpear mtuak launcher 9 D6 Add 1 to all hit roll» made for this weapon against target» that can Fly. You

Surcharge Standard Supercharge agamst x& «b« urgtu. rKVrWjCdiW n m- ***t hn tt» 'up' -*1n# f.rhe Sexier ndSrrs 1 .... rpjf . vhOtt h»T bee* rrwAnd • . fiff eadb of h* batxerkJU » • I- •- • :-Jde for ibis weapon *£um! target» ■- fit fcbtract 1 irca the hit nth m*de for tfc* If the target

 . * SPACE MARINES WARGEAR i| !l*#v V . * ,,fl «mi«, «» to •to"”-*"' ~ *4' Moo'll DA 5 0 24' Assault I * A-** uhln half range, add I lo this c fit Strength. 12* Pistol 1 4 0 i0' Raptsl fmr t 4 -1 24* Rapid Fire 1 4 0 »2* Piston 4 0 36“ Avsaull I>3 A 2 18' Heavy 1)6 4 0 24* Rapid


Wh Песочница Dark Eldar Kabalite Warrior ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

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Кхорн уже не тот.

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еретики и еретички еретические размышления о ереси ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

У меня вот тут один вопросец нарисовался. Ага, снова. Да-да-а, я в курсе, что я всех задолбал, но все-таки.
Итак, суть вот в чем. Читая биографии различных хаоситов, маринадов и эльдар, я вдруг подумал: эй, а почему среди них так мало женщин?
Нет, я понимаю, что бабам вроде как воевать не положено, и даже в 41-ом тысячелетии их место есть и будет на кухне, но тем не менее. Даже среди остроухих ублюдков баб не так много, и те в основном видящие (которые знамениты только тем, что с постными рожами раз за разом предрекают Апокалипсис). Да-да-да, у империума есть Сороритки, но действительно выдающихся личностей там почти что и нет (я имею ввиду таких, которых можно было бы поставить на один ряд с Руссом и Жиллиманом). У хаоситов же известные женщины - это Мириаэль Саббатиэль (и то только потому, что это единственная Сороритка, открыто предавшая Импи и сбежавшая к Слаанеш), да Культист-тян (которая создана была для лулзов, и к истории не имеет никакого отношения).
Так вот, если кто знает, то пожалуйста назовите известных самок сорокатысячника, чем они знамениты, а так же источник, где про них можно почитать.
Пы.Сы. Ну и вот вам барышня для минутки поклонения Слаанеш
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