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end war


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Dawn of War III Zdzislaw Beksinski Wh Games Wh Other честно спижжено ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Кадры из трейлера и картины Здзислава Бексиньского

 В j л ^4 ■ ^Нв ttj* £7 a,j,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Dawn of War III,Zdzislaw Beksinski,Wh Games,Wh Other,честно спижжено


Inquisition Imperium Orks dow Игры Dawn of War Ork boyz (Wh 40000) freebootaz ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Inquisition,Imperium,Империум,Orks,Orcs, Орки,dow,Игры,Dawn of War,Ork boyz (Wh 40000),freebootaz

anon wh humor Wh Other Wh Песочница ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Отзыв на Total War: Warhammer или когда ошибся тысячелетием

81 из 127 пользователей (64%) посчитали этот обзор полезным Пользователей, посчитавших этот обзор забавным 332 ё Рекомендую § 00ч за последние две недели/51 4 ч всего Опубликовано 29 мая в 9:19 Наиграл уже 40К часов, но никак не могу понять где тут космодесантники Был ли этот обзор полезен?

Wolfdog-ArtCorner ...warhammer 40k фэндомы 

Badab Sector Pirate: void trooper of the 33rd "Marine Hunters"

Wolfdog-ArtCorner,warhammer 40k,фэндомы

The imperium has been trying to secure the Badab sector since the great crusade, yet the Emperor himself could not secure the maelstrom and so it was eventually abandoned, this of course means there is likely a large amount of heresy era tech in the maelstrom. when the Badab war ended, all surviving human forces in league with huron joined him in his flight into the maelstrom, I imagine these soldier found a cache of heresy era Auxiliary armor and weapons, pledged their allegiance to Huron and returned to raid the badab sector with their new powerful toys. Only the best of the best survive in these harsh conditions meaning anything short of a space marine is no match for these hardened warrior. - Also they are not chaos worshipers, they are renegades and only seek revenge on the imperium. Naturally these warriors are hold particular hate for marines who they would likely have seen butchering their comrades without remorse so they like to return the favor as often as they can

Death Korps of Krieg Astra Militarum Imperium govy9807 artist рокк ебол ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

DEATH PEACE,Death Korps of Krieg,корпус смерти Крига, ,Astra Militarum,Imperial Guard, ig,Imperium,Империум,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,govy9807,artist,рокк ебол

Necrons Wh Песочница сделал сам стихи ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

History of the necrontyr-necrons in a nutshell.

The Green Glow

From very birth cursed they have been
Dying of plague were Necrontyr
Under the glow of native sun
Their own fates were been undone

Then they have built from living steel
Space ships which made survival real
To distant stars flew Necrontyr
And no more doomed, they had no fear

Civilization thrived among stars
But Necrontyr still beared their scars
Albeit free from plaguing light
Gene mutilations were hard to fight

Then Necrontyr have Old Ones met
Those who lived long and sculpted fates
Deepest chagrin possessed their hearts
For immense length of Old Ones' lives

The War in Skies then had begun
Old Ones forced Necrontyr to run
Their greater numbers have not won the war
For Old Ones were masters of the Warp

The Necrontyr defeated were
And hatred grew towards their foe
Then found was that native sun
Held power of the great C'tan

From necrodermis - the living steel
Bodies for Gods have built Necrontyr
C'tan have accepted it with delight
Powers were granted Old Ones to smite

Maphet'ran the Deceiver, one of C'tan
Offered salvation from physical harm
From the pains and diseases the Necrontyrs' bane
Only one realized - price shall be insane

Through bio transference whole race have went
They thought it will be misfortune's end,
Their new bodies like ones of the Gods'
C'tan gorged their souls - that was the price

Feeding on souls C'tan powers grew
Szarekh realized the Diviner said truth
He understood that his kin - Necrontyr
Robbed of their souls became just machines

Old Ones were failing to match Necrons' scores
Web-way was breached with Nyadra'zath's force
Galaxy was in the hands of C'tan
They and Necrons have Red harvests begun.

Whole planets razed and races devoured
C'tans' hunger for lives knew not a bound
Then legends tell that the Great Harlequin
Fooled the C'tan and they killed their kin

After this war only strongest remained
Slaughter of races made Warp inflamed
Necron empire under psykers’ attack
Unseen in the Warp such powers lack

All of the dynasties together once more
Necrons have united against common foe
Great plan of C’tan to shut off the Warp
As though meteor seemed unreal to be stopped

War of the ancients came to culmination
No living soul spared from evisceration
With their pain rose storms in the Warp
No Old Ones nor C’tan have this foretold.

Immaterium’s depths shaking with spasm
Void predators first-borns of chasm
Created and weaved from mortals’ emotions
Enslavers Plague caused great Warp distortions

This was the end to the Old Ones empire
Shattered and smitten they ceased in fire
But the Star Gods’ glee was not meant to end well
Silent King Szarekh leaded rebel

Weapons were charged, powers were aimed
Such was the strike, no C’tan could withstand
Shattered to pieces slaves they became
Necrons once fooled, now their bane

To stop the spread of Enslavers’ hordes
All life was wiped of Necron worlds
Plan was developed what’s lost to regain
Necrons to have living souls once again

To be once more living, have feelings and souls
Free from C’tan, for this strive Necrons
Ten millions of years command was to sleep
Ten millions of years multiplied by six

But the great slumber came to its end
Perilous changes already at hand
Szarekh the head of his people afresh
Under his tread will the Galaxy thrash.

Finn adventure time Primaris Space Marine Space Marine Imperium Wh Crossover Wh Other at crossover ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Finn,Финн - парнишка, Финн, Финн парнишка,adventure time,время приключений,Primaris Space Marine,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperium,Империум,Wh Crossover,Wh Other,at crossover,at кроссовер


Blizzard Arthas Menethil Warcraft Wh Crossover Wh Other Space Marine Imperium Warcraft Art Alexey Kruglov crossover ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

 щ ш W л А jC,Blizzard,Blizzard Entertainment, Близзард,фэндомы,Arthas Menethil,Warcraft,Варкрафт,Wh Crossover,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperium,Империум,Warcraft Art,Alexey Kruglov,crossover

 щ ш W л А jC,Blizzard,Blizzard Entertainment, Близзард,фэндомы,Arthas Menethil,Warcraft,Варкрафт,Wh Crossover,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperium,Империум,Warcraft Art,Alexey Kruglov,crossover

ñRTHñS mEmETIL,Blizzard,Blizzard Entertainment, Близзард,фэндомы,Arthas Menethil,Warcraft,Варкрафт,Wh Crossover,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperium,Империум,Warcraft Art,Alexey Kruglov,crossover


Da Regimentul Bosspole The regimental standard wh humor Wh Other Orks mekboy Ork nobz Kommandoz ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Внимание, парни!

Чилавеческая култура приметивная и уродливая — и нас они пабиждают толька числинным перивесом и жульничиством. Особенно юдишки любят жульнечать с помащью сваих бальших шляп.

Хотя чилавеки дажи близка не так цивилизованы, как мы, орки, они тожи знают что бальшая шляпа — эта крута. Использавав сваю природную хитрасть, я праанализиравал самые лучшие чилавечиские шляпы и сварганил для вас, парни, асобые орочьи версии.

Нибисплатна, канеш. Я ж не из жубов зделан.*


Юдишкинские мекбои тот ещё атстой. Всё поют да поют своим танкам и жестянкам вместо того, шобы просто поорать на них, как сделал бы любой нармальный мек.** Но шляпы у них хараши. Закрывают глаза от солнца, да ещё и красные, шобы мозги быстрее работали.

40 жубов


Этат шлем очинь харош на скрытных заданиях. Просто привяжи его к сваей башке, высуни его из-за стены или ещё чего, и скажи: «бла-бла-бла я чилавек миня завут Перкенз орки миня паймали патамуша со мной очинь скушна сражацца киньте мне пжалста одну из наших лазорных стрелял шобы я смог сбижать хвала Импиратару и тэдэ и тэпэ.***

Каждый раз срабатываит.

50 жубов.


Лучшие юдишки называюцца Камиссарами. Они очинь хараши в драке. Пака остальные юдишки с трудом сибя в руках держат, орут зазря, моляцца или пытаююцца сбижать, Камиссары кричат и бигут на нас в бой, да ещё и выносят сваих же парней проста патаму шо могут. Вот эт праильный падход.

Камиссары носят лучшие чилавеческие шляпы. Если такую наденешь, палучишь волшебные спасобнасти — кричать и мачить сваих же парней.

Всиго за 500 жубов!

++ОРК ДНЯ: Снаггла, патамушта он мне памог счистить с шляп все кусочки юдишек.++

* Хоть я прашу об этом Морка каждую ночь. Было б крута. Я б был такой багатый. И кусачий.

** «Дух мошины»? Ну и бредятена.

*** Не забудь гаварить тихеньким писклявеньким голасом
 Humie Mekboy'z are rubbish. Keep singin' to their tinboyz and tankz instead of just yellin' at them like a sensible mek.** » Nice hats tho. Keeps the sun outta yer eyes and iz red, so makes yer brain go fasta. Dis helmit is dead good on sneaky misshuns. Just tie it to yer head, poke it ojat

техножрец бюрократия Imperium Inquisition ...warhammer 40k фэндомы 

Кевин мечтал о повышении,но это было больше ста лет назад,теперь желания Кевина куда скромнее.

Вы хотите отправить меня на пенсию, может быть, на Может, лугше костер? I,warhammer 40k,фэндомы,техножрец,бюрократия,Imperium,Империум,Inquisition

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