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Linn- The Highwayheretic Yvraine Ynnari Aeldari Roboute Guilliman Primarchs Faphammer Эльдариум Человечества ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

'***lg¿ «»si,Linn- The Highwayheretic,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Yvraine,Ynnari,Aeldari,Эльдари,Roboute Guilliman,Primarchs,Faphammer,эротика вархаммер, голые и 18+,Эльдариум Человечества


Отличный комментарий!

Эротишно то как.
Nik_E Nik_E10.01.202316:15ссылка

Wh News Armageddon Steel Legion Astra Militarum Imperium ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 


Wh News,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Armageddon Steel Legion,Astra Militarum,Imperial Guard, ig,Imperium,Империум

Wh News,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Armageddon Steel Legion,Astra Militarum,Imperial Guard, ig,Imperium,Империум

Начну с доктрины которая позволяет нам быть смертельными на ближней дистанции. Пехотные подразделения могут удвоить количества выстрелов из репит фаер вооружения, не на половине дистанции оружия, а в 18 дюймах. А техника считает что AP - 1 равно AP 0. Т.е. живем против самого страшного огня, и всего что стреляет много, это очень даже здорово!

¡ARMAGEDDON: INDUSTRIAL EFFICIENCY To the Steel Legions of Armageddon,' the pitiless mathematics of industrialised slaughter have become a grim fact of life. One by one, their foes are butchered with dispassionate efficiency. Infantry units with this doctrine may double the number of attacks

Самом собой есть уникальные стратигемы и приказы.

"Armoured Fist"  Можете взять на начало фазы стрельбы любой выгрузившийся из машины отряд, и после этого можете перебрасывать единицы на стрельбу до конца фазы стрельбы. Для ветеранов с мельтами и плазмоганами самое то! Но для простых парней с фонарикам работает так себе...

ARMOURED FIST Armageddon Stratagem The Armageddon Steel Legions have perfected the art of the mechanised assault. Gas-masked troopers leap from their transports into the heart of the foe, lasguns blasting. Use this Stratagefn at the start of your Shooting phase. Select an Armageddon Infantry

Уникальный приказ. Юнит получивший этот приказ может до конца фазы стрельбы стрелять и после этого забраться в дружественную машинку,  если модельки стояли в 3-х дюймах от машинки. Проще говоря вы можете пострелять, а потом сказать всем "пока!" и забраться в дружественную машинку. Не работает на юнитов которые только что выгрузились.

Armageddon Mount Up!: Rapid mechanised redeployments are paramount to success in the choking ash wastes of Armageddon. Until the end of the phase, the ordered unit can shoot and then immediately embark within a friendly Armageddon Transport Vehicle, as long as all models in the unit are within 3"

Warlord trait!

+1 к атакам вашего варлорда, и +1 к броскам на тувунд  во время файт фазы. По моему это круто. 

Armageddon Ex-gang Leader: It is common amongst the regiments of Armageddon to recruit from the underhive gangs of the planets towering metrópoli - those who once led gangs in urban warfare fight dirty even on the field of open war. Add 1 to this Warlord's Attacks characteristic. In addition,


Оружие которое заменяет паверсворд и дает +2 к силе -4 к сейву  D3 урона. Можно сделать из вашего варлодра парня который будет всем раздавать в щи. 

THE BLADE DF CONQUEST Vie greatest Imperial Guard commander ever to bestride the stars, Warmaster Solar Macharius reclaimed a thousand worlds for the Emperor. Upon his death he was enshrined as a saint; the six ornate blades of his subordinate generals laid upon the altar to his glory. Only one

Для выживаемости есть абилка.

Бросаем D6 каждый раз когда кто-то (керактер) получает дырку в 3-х дюймах от модели с этим правилом, на 3+ эта вунда заходит как моратл вунда, но уже нашему телохранителю. 

Bodyguard: Roll a D6 each time a friendly Astra Militarum Character loses a wound whilst they are within 3" of this model; on a 3+ the Astra Militarum character does not lose a wound but this model suffers a mortal wound. In addition, this model may not be selected as your Warlord, and may not be

Есть и другие артефакты:

1) Каждый раз когда противник юзает стратигему мы бросаем кубик, на 5+ получаем команд поинт. Это очень здорово.

KURDl/S AQUILA General Kurov was one of the most gifted officers in Imperial history. Upon retirement, he recorded dozens of tactical treatises that were translated into vox-ghosts and uploaded into a two-headed avian servitor referred to as ‘Kurovs Aquila’. An officer who possesses this

2) Это старая фишка, кто не знает коней вырезали, они только в индексе, короче их вообще не будет, печаль. Но не суть, сам ножик дает вот что: мы можем взять носителя ножика, 1 пехотный отряд и разместить их в аутфланге, после этого он спокойно выйдет где-то у противника (в 6 дюймов от края стола в 9 дюймов от противника).

THE DAGGER DF TU'SAKH Tu’Sakh Khan of the 2nd Attiian Rough Riders was known as a particularly cunning and bold commander, with an almost preternatural ability to find the perfect time and place to strike. On his death bed, he dictated that his ornate dagger be gifted to an ally as a gesture of



Wh Песочница книги Ересь Хоруса Цикл Horus Heresy Wh Books ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Энтони Рейнольдс - Очищение

Новая книжица по ереси.

Теневой Крестовый Поход распространяется по Ультрамару. 34-я рота Несущих Слово обрушивается на изолированный мир Перцептона Примус. Когда боевые действия переростают в программу уничтожения, озлобленный командир Сор Талгрон начинает сомневаться о его роли в великой схеме Лоргара - для того, кто стоял рядом с примархами и высокими господами в Большом зале Императорского Дворца, какая слава может быть в наказании этих выскочек-сыновей Жиллимана? Но цена сомнений слишком хорошо известна, и если Несущие Слово когда-либо вернуться на Терру с триумфом, то они должны очистить последние остатки такого неверия с лица галактики.
Anthony Reynolds
Behind a loyal mask,фэндомы,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,книги,Ересь Хоруса,Цикл Horus Heresy,Wh Books

нри Wh Песочница DH2 Dark Heresy fantasy flight games (Wh 40000) Rogue Trader Imperium Поиск игроков реактор ламповый ...warhammer 40k фэндомы 

Сап реахтур, дело есть... Ищу игроков в НРИ по вахаме.

Сап реахтурчане, так вышло, что в игре, которую я веду начал отклеился человек, посему у меня возникла мысль добрать в игру желающих с тёплого лампового.
Немного об игре:
1) Играем в дискорде, потихоньку начну включать roll20 в процесс, но это не точно.
2) Играем 0,5-1 раз в неделю либо в будний день после 20:00 по МСК, либо в воскресенье после 18 часов.
3)Система Dark Heresy 2. Стартовый опыт 4 800.
4) Я адвокатом правил не являюсь, однако лишних тестов стараюсь избегать, всё же НРИ не про кубы и таблицы, а про находчивость и сюжет.
О чём игра: До того как игрок нас покинул, игра рассказывала о приключениях небольшого отделения Имперской Гвардии на свежеоткрытой планете с бурной растительностью и разномастными ксено-гостями. Отделение выполняло задачи, связанные с поиском и захватом лиц и улик, интересующих судью Адептус Арбайтес, власти которого оказалось достаточно для того, чтобы заполучить небольшое корытце с полком гвардии на борту. В данный момент на орбите планеты появилось судно Вольного Торговца и основной фокус сюжета постепенно переносится на него.
Отсюда: Очень хочется, среди доброго люда реахтура обнаружить двух оперативников для работы в передовой группе этого самого Вольного торговца, готовых с честью(иногда и без неё) выполнять самые грязные и преступные поручения своих нанимателей, изымать трофеи из мёртвых лап ксеносов, похищать ценные предметы из под опеки самой Экклезиархии и истреблять отступников, пиратор и ренегатов во имя Императора и своего капитана.

Для чего играем: Играем чтобы отдохнуть и расслабиться, анал-карнавал не поощряется, однако имеются все условия для педофиляй-ксенофиляй, варповых манипуляций и прочей ереси.
OH? HOW HERETICAL,нри,warhammer 40k,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,DH2,Dark Heresy,fantasy flight games (Wh 40000),Rogue Trader,Imperium,Империум,Поиск игроков,реактор ламповый

Wh Песочница книги Цикл Horus Heresy Wh Books ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Волчий коготь. Райт Крис.

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,книги,Цикл Horus Heresy,Wh Books

Едва оставшись в живых после ловушки Альфа Легиона, Космические Волки были вынуждены отступить к туманности Алакксес, хотя боевой дух остался крепким, как всегда. Молодой лидер стаи Бьорн — теперь известный как «Однорукий», стремится восстановить свою честь и обращается к железным жрецам, чтобы те заменили его культю на оружие. Однако железные жрецы не так-то легко выполняют подобные заказы. Впрочем, если Бьорну вскоре предстоит сражаться, он должен найти себе новые когти, и побыстрее напоить их кровью предателей…


Chaos (Wh 40000) спавны больше спавнов спавнов богу спавнов ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Палю годноту.

Chaos Space Marines (1850/1850pt.)
Black Crusade Detachment
Core [1]

The Lost and the Damned
1. Dark Apostle (120pt.) Power armour; Frag grenades; Krak grenades; Sigil of Corruption; Mark of Nurgle; Bolt pistol; Power maul;
2. Chaos Cultists (50pt.)
> 1x - Cultist Champion (14pt.); Improvised armour; Close combat weapon; Autopistol;
> 9x - Chaos Cultist (4pt.); Improvised armour; Close combat weapon; Autopistol;
3. Chaos Cultists (50pt.)
> 1x - Cultist Champion (14pt.); Improvised armour; Close combat weapon; Autopistol;
> 9x - Chaos Cultist (4pt.); Improvised armour; Close combat weapon; Autopistol;
4. Chaos Cultists (50pt.)
> 1x - Cultist Champion (14pt.); Improvised armour; Close combat weapon; Autopistol;
> 9x - Chaos Cultist (4pt.); Improvised armour; Close combat weapon; Autopistol;
5. Chaos Cultists (50pt.)
> 1x - Cultist Champion (14pt.); Improvised armour; Close combat weapon; Autopistol;
> 9x - Chaos Cultist (4pt.); Improvised armour; Close combat weapon; Autopistol;

Auxilary [51]

1. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

2. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

3. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

4. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

5. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

6. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

7. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

8. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

9. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

11. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

12. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

13. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

14. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

15. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

16. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

17. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

18. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

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> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

21. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

22. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

23. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

24. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

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> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

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> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

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> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

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> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

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> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

31. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

32. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

33. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

34. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

35. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

36. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

37. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

38. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

39. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

41. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

42. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

43. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

44. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

45. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

46. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

47. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

48. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

49. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);

51. Spawn
> 1x - Chaos Spawn (30pt.);
Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Chaos (Wh 40000),спавны,больше спавнов,спавнов богу спавнов

Doom Crusade black crusade Wh Roleplay Wh Other ролевые игры ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

 daààÎUÊ• J ZÀiâHUPnH 1,Doom Crusade,BCNBS, Хоумрул Doomrider,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,black crusade,Wh Roleplay,Wh Other,ролевые игры

Апдейт.Раздел силовой брони сильно увеличен и переработан.
Переделка раздела рунических вязей.
Добавлено ордена и банды от 1-го по 9-й Легионы.

Книга ПравилКнига Машин

Прочие Изменения:
Уточнения в Страхе и Трейтах.
В механике слегка изменены правила избегания от множественных попаданий, крит. попадний, безоружного парирования и Борьбы.
В Элитных архетипах исправлены Трейт Тех-Ассасина, требования Варп-Кузнеца, и стартовые обвесы Терминатора и Моритата.
Расширения правила трейтов Machine и Quadruped
Небольшие изменения в реквизиции расходников и психических атаках


Wh Video Chaos (Wh 40000) Blood Pact Imperium Imperial Guard arma2wh40k ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

итак, по просьбе Farello запилил "эпичное" видео. Злые гвардейцы устроили засаду отряду кровавого пакта. если кому понравится, напишите в коментах, сделаю еще. есть пара идей, и если уделить созданию мисси и монтажу более 5 минут, может получится неплохой недо-мувик. и еще хочу извинится что не выключил рацию у ботов. уж слишком много они говорят :( и еще 1, если у кого есть лицушный арров хед, в теории можно зарубится по сети прямо сейчас.



Corsair Craftworld Eldar imperial armor codex ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Честно был очень удивлён что прошло так много времени и никто не слил инфы с 11 ИА 2 редакции сюда... Лулзов много, у корсаров батлфокус и много новой даки и тишина... Так что я слоупочно компенсирую это.

Imperial Armour The Doom of Mymeara What1 sin the Book? • New Units • Corsair Jetbikes • Skathach YVraithkmghts • All New Eldar Corsair Army list • Rules revised for all Eldar Vehicles and Characters furyst illuriiJ,Corsair,Craftworld Eldar,Эльдар, Eldar, Корабельники,Warhammer 40000,wh40k,

The Corsair Prince gets six different paths to follow. A prince can come a psyker. One way is to dabble in malefic demonology, obsessed with finding artifacts of the ancient eldar, leads too demonic possession. If it goes wrong, it has horrific consequences…. Another path has a prince who has to keep summoning until he runs out of warp charge points or dies doing it.

His retinue are gone and are replaced by the Void Storm squad all of whom are Felarchs and can be armed with a variety of exotic weaponry from Eldar through Harlequin to DE and some new stuff. Void Storm squad get void hardened armor which is a 3+/5++ armour save now.

The Shadowfield is still in there too.

The Prince can access ANY remnant of glory, enigma of the Black Library or the relics listed in the DE codex.

The Prince can take a Corsair Venom like an Archon can. Corsair Venoms can now have two heavy weapons including splinter cannons or a mix of Eldar heavy guns and DE. So they can take scatter laser and a splinter cannon at the same time.

A Corsair Baron is a new HQ that sits between the Prince and the Felarchs in the ranks of a Corsair band.

Formations There are some that resemble loose associations and war bands rather than rigid military structures. One uses multiple princes.

The Void Dreamer Gets a major buff. Able to take Telekinesis now and will be ML2. Void Dreamers can use the webway to suck an enemy unit or vehicle off the map and place it into ongoing reserve.

Infantry get boosts. Corsair Jet Packs give a 4+ armour save. WS and BS are 4 as per other Eldar. Felarchs have 5 and 5. Each model can have a different weapon including splinter rifles.

Felarch’s have an ability that helps their unit in close quarters fighting. Not sure if that means shooting, assault, or something else.

There’s an army-wide power akin to battle focus “but a little different”.

New vehicle wargear kinetic fields which is a 4++ against anything within 24″. The 4++ works in CC as well where it becomes rerollable. Wasp Walkers can take kinetic fields which means they’ll tie things up in CC pretty well. Corsair vehicles can really be in the thick of it.

Corsair Jetbikes – There are new models completed by Will Hayes. He coyly confirmed this to me. Corsair Jetbikes can take splinter cannons. The Corsair Prince can take a jetbike.

Warp Hunter – D strength minus 1. Same profile as before not sure if the AP moves to 2.

Firestorm gets ignores jink and rending.

Hornet pulse lasers have a higher cost.

There are lots of specialist grenades that do different things including building and fortification busting. One is a S: D grenade that can be thrown but cannot be used in CC.

Bel-Annath gets a makeover but not sure on the detail.

Changes to how Spectres and Iryillth move.

There is a new Wraithlord variant produced by Will Hayes.

Revenant, Cobra, and Scorpion all getting updated.

No more void dragon phoenix.

And from the Amsterdam Open we have:
Via Lord Thørn on B&C

Anyway, I’ve got a few things to add to this list :
Doom of Mymeara 2nd edition should be out soonish (in the next couple of months), with an updated and expanded corsair list (new units, but no or few new models planned)
Who wants to put money on a highly mobile jump force of infantry and light vehicles updated to 7th Edition?
I predict a LOT of D in there…

Perils of the Warp Chart

Corsairs have their own unique Perils of the Warp chart. In addition to the Void Dreamer, Barons and Princes can be Psykers.

1- Devoured. No Ld check. The Psyker is claimed by She Who Thirsts. Gains Demon, Hatred (Khorne), Rending, and may run +3 inches. Control switches to your opponent. If the psyker is part of a unit they’re locked in combat.

2-3 Soul-Wracked. Slaanesh gives them a back massage is basically what the fluff says. The unit (not just the model) are pinned and your opponent gets to change the target of the psychic power being cast.

4-5 Warp Terrors. Demons swirl about the veil. Unit and all Corsair units within 6″ must make a morale check on 3D6 take the two highest or fall back.

6 The Eye of She Who Thirsts. The Psyker gets the attention of Slaanesh. For the rest of the game perils happen for the psyker on any doubles.

Psychic Powers

– Psychic power #5: Warp Tunnel – WC2 – Pick a friendly unit within 6″. Make a no-scatter Deep Strike anywhere on the table. The target may shoot and assault as normal. For every 6″ moved this way roll a D6, for every 1 rolled take a wound (saves allowed).

– as a whole their psychic powers are pretty average though. The one that puts enemies into ongoing reserve is powerful but it’s WC3. Not witchfire though so that’s good.

– Primaris power under Aethermancy… not so good IMO.

Path-Ward, WC2 (why?) – Blessing, only works on Corsair faction units. The unit automatically gets a ‘6’ on difficult terrain rolls, charge distances, thrust moves, hit and run moves, reckless abandon special rules. If it was a D3, it’s a 3.

I guess that’s a very long, predictable charge range though.

Army Special Rules & Info

By the way, regular troop Corsairs (now called Reaver Bands), got defensive grenades.
Not sure about the vampire hunter. Firestorm yes. Lynx is still there, holofields unchanged. Sonic lance unchanged, It has a whole new gun though:

Corsairs get these two rules:
– Dancing on the Blade’s Edge: Corsairs are piratey and stuff and not the most disciplined. They come with two Ld Values, ie 8/5. You use the lower value when trying to regroup.

– Reckless Abandon: If within 12″ of an enemy, the unit can “battle focus” only after shooting. But don’t roll D6, it’s a flat 6″. Jetpack units get 6+D6″.

Princes can take relics from either book as well as the Harlequin book. Hello Mask of Secrets.
Dissonance cannon: 24″ S5, AP4, Heavy 1, pinning. For each additional model in the unit that hits, add +1S and -1AP. So if three hit that’s S7 AP2 on all of them. Not bad.

grenades – Tanglefield
S2, AP-, blast. Any unit hit by it takes a strength test, if failed reduce initiative and WS in half until next turn.

So the cloud dancer felarch comes with a brace of pistols, either or both of which can be exchanged for a list of named items…
… but the default loadout just says ‘brace of pistols’.
Meaning what – brace of shuriken pistols? Fusion pistols? Laspistols?
Brace of Pistols is wargear that effectively gives access to 2 shuriken pistols and 2 splinter pistols.

– Yes the Corsair Prince and Baron can both take a Cloud Runner jetbike.

– The Baron is a 30 point HQ base, super cheap. He’s not an IC, can take a lot of upgrades such as a shadowfield, pay 15 pts to become a lv1 psyker. I think he’ll see a lot of action.

– The Prince dropped 25 pts. Anything with 12″ uses his Ld.

– Yes Corsairs have a pistol fetish. They have access to 4 pistols (but can of course only fire 2). For one, this means that they all have 2 CCW.

– There are scout Corsairs called Ghostwalkers. They get stealth, scout, infiltrate, plasma and defensive grenades, and a lasblaster. For one point per model they can get longrifles. They can also get flamers, fusion guns, shredders, and blasters (1 per 5). And they can get haywire grenades.

– Corsair jetpacks grant 4+ armor

CW Eldar, Dark Eldar, and Harlequins are battle brothers. Tau, Imperials are Desperate allies, never may be in a list with Chaos, Nids, Crons. Nobody is allies of Convenience for Corsairs (except different parts of their own detachment lol)hey gained open-topped… But get 4++ rerollable vs shooting whenever they jumped or deep struck on the previous turn.

– For +10 points Corsair Reavers (“basic” Corsairs) can all upgrade to Void Hardened armor. This gives them 3+ armor and re-rolls for dangerous terrain and difficult terrain, but they lose Fleet.

– Balelight: Pistol 3D3, rending, blind, one use, 8″, S3, AP6.

– Elite Slot: Malevolent Band. These corsairs are half-insane because of Slaanesh gnawing at their souls and therefore charge into battle with berzerker-like rage.

: Any Corsairs within 6″ of them get -1Ld
: They’re 2W models with FnP
: Fear, fearless, fleet, furious charge, rage
: 5 points gets the whole unit Jetpacks or Heavy mesh (4+ armor). No-brainer.
: Can get melta bombs, venom blades, power swords (1 per 5)
: Comes with brace of pistols and a CCW

In other news, the Corsair Prince can be configured as a “drug lord” and have a better combat drug chart than dark eldar – and it works for his whole detachment. Roll a 6 on the drug chart and your prince goes full El Chapo and gets to roll for two drugs.
Dark Eldar need a new codex.

Looks like no new model support other than the new WK and the jetbikes and those look like modded kits. FW told me though that they plan on releasing more in the future but couldn’t say what or when.

Corsair Formations & Detachments

Anyway Corsairs can take a CAD. Or they can organize into a…
Corsair Fleet Raiding Company
Mandatory stuff:
– Command Crew (1-2 HQ, 0-1 Elite, 0-1 LoW)
– Primary Coterie (1 HQ, 1-3 Troops, 0-2 Elites, 0-2 Fast, 1 Heavy)

Optional 0-3 Coteries (same as primary)

– Obsec Troops
– Coterie Specializations. Each Coterie can select one of the following rules and you can’t double up on any rule pick. (Command Crew doesnt get one):

Titan Breakers – Preferred enemy tank and walker
Head Takers – Rerolls 1 to wound in CC
Sky Burners – Deep strikes scatter D6 and reroll failed reserve rolls (optional)
Vault Breechers – Gain Dissonance breech
Night Hunters – Gain Night Vision and Preferred Enemy (stuff at night)
Hate Bringers – Pick an enemy unit on turn 1. The Coterie’s infantry and jetbikes get Hatred (those guys) for the whole game and if you kill those guys gain a VP. Any part of your army can kill it for the VP doesn’t have to be the coterie with this ability or even Corsairs.

Drawback!!! Internal Politics: Your Coteries count each other as Allies of Convenience. This is potentially a big deal.

The book also has more choices for the Eldar Warhost formation in the CW Codex. Lots more actually. Here’s one.

Lord of the Undying Host (Command Choice)
1 Wraithseer
1-3 units of Wraithblades

Special Rules:
– Wisdom Beyond the Veil: roll 2D6 for warlord trait, pick the one you like
– Bound to Serve: Wraithblades and Wraithseer re-roll to-hit rolls of ‘1’ in the first round of CC

Warhost (decurion type detachment)

There’s an alternate to the Eldar Warhost in here, sort of a modified version where instead of getting the buffed battle focus thing, you pick a trait.

Warhosts of the Pale Courts (The Pale Courts are the minor craftworlds), uses normal auxiliary and command choices
– Pale Courts Battlehost: Farseer, 3 Guardian Defender units, 0-1 Warlock councils
– Pick one of 11 traits.

> Crossroads of Eternity: The Battlehost may include a Harlequin Troupe, counts as CE Eldar faction

> Children of Khaine: The 3 units of Guardians must be Storm Guardians who are S4 when they roll a ‘6’ to hit

> Disciples of Vaul: The Battlehost adds 1-3 Vaul’s Wrath batteries and the Guardians may take 1 support weapon per 5 models

> Graveyard of Dreams: The Battlehost must take 3 Wraithblade units, the Guardians become 0-3. The wraithblades get Crusader.

> Tomb-Ship of Fallen Heroes: The Battlehost uses a Spiritseer or Wraithseer instead of the Farseer, roll 2D6 take the best for WL traits. Must also take a Wraithlord.

> Aspect-Lord Shrine: Guardians become 0-3, Battlehost must include three Aspect Warrior units from a single aspect.

> Fortress of Discipline – Battlehost adds 1-3 War Walkers or 1 unit of Wasps. They get pinning against anything Guardians targeted that turn.

> Swift to Anger – Battlehost must inclide 1-3 Vyper units or 1 Hornet unit. They get outflank and re-roll reserve rolls.

> Halls of Martial Splendor – Take an Autarch instead of the Farseer in the Battlehost. He re-rolls misses and wounds in a challenge.

The strong stand alone – The Battlehost adds a single squadron of Warp Hunters, Night Spinners, or Fire Prisms. Your army can’t contain any other detachments except more Pale Courts Warhosts.

New Vehicle Details
– The Phoenix Bomber looks unchanged other than dropping 20 points.

As well as the Wraithknight (there’s a new one) and the new Revenant.

Unfortunately Prism blasters (focused and dispersed), as well as Ghostlight are the same as they are on the FAQ downloadable from FW’s website, which is to say, lacking. I don’t have info on the Spear of Twlight, Irillyth, or Spectres themselves though, sorry. I have the corsair stuff mostly.

Is Firestorm in the book?
Yes. Its gun got rending and ignores cover vs skimmers and flyers.

– Warp Hunter, 185 points, can be squadroned. 36″ Str: D minus 1 AP2 with small blast barrage D3+1 shots. Also has a template firing mode.

– Kinetic Fields grants a 5++ save to vehicles, increasing to 4++ re-rollable if the vehicle deep strikes or moves flat out. Wasps get it when jumping. Doesnt work in melee but this is damn good.

The Phantoms guns got a boost

Eldar Lynx:
12/12/11, 5 HP
Heavy Support NOT a superheavy
Costs 5 more than a Land Raider
Flyer with skimmer mode
Can Deep Strike
Can’t jink when flying (it’s too clumsy), only snap firing when flying
Comes with a shuriken cannon, can turn it into a BL/SL/SC for +5 pts

Lynx Pulsar:
Saturation: 48″ Str, AP2, Ordinance 1, Large Blast
Salvo: 48″ Str, AP2, Ordinance 3, Twin-Linked

it’s 60 pts cheaper and got +1 armor f/s

The Lynx Pulsar has an Ordinance 3, S: D, AP2, Twin-linked 48″ firing mode now, as well as the Large blast D which also gets ordinance

Sonic lance is unchanged

Revenant Titan
Gets a heavy 4 S8 AP3 skyfire, interceptor, sunder ”Cloudstrike” missile system. And it’s only hit on 6’s in close combat now (GMCs and superheavy walkers hit it on a 5+). Titan holofields are unchanged. Weapons are unchanged. 

– The Nightwing is only 25 points more than a naked Farseer. It has stealth and Agile.

– you can arm a Wasp with both a dark lance and a bright lance.

– Wasps get D6+1 hammers of wrath when they assault using their jump jets. They gained open-topped… But get 4++ rerollable vs shooting whenever they jumped or deep struck on the previous turn.

A lot of folks seem to hate shooting D weapons these days, so if these rumors are true and the Pulsar is changing THAT much it may not be too popular with quite a few people. Also only being able to hit the Revenant on 6’s in hand to hand really cranks up the power level notch on that thing a whole lot.

I can’t imagine the Phantom that’s like 3 times as big as the Revenent not getting the same rules as far as that goes. The titan holofield rules staying the same won’t hurt sales either for these big boys.

Eldar Corsair Jetbikes,Corsair,Craftworld Eldar,Эльдар, Eldar, Корабельники,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,imperial armor,codex

Eldar Skathach Wraith knights,Corsair,Craftworld Eldar,Эльдар, Eldar, Корабельники,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,imperial armor,codex

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Corsair,Craftworld Eldar,Эльдар, Eldar, Корабельники,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,imperial armor,codex


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