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world bears


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kharn the betrayer World Eaters Chaos (Wh 40000) Khorne wll4u ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

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Wh Other Елизавета II ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Елизавета II

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ruo yu chen,Skyrim,The Elder Scrolls,фэндомы,Leman Russ,Primarchs,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Crossover,Wh Other,wh humor,Wh Комиксы,TES комиксы,TES crossover,crossover,TES Other

Отличный комментарий!

Этот бы на первом уровне собрал бы Стаю, захватил Скайрим и ждал бы прибытия Бати. Ну или главгаду ещё в Хелгене навалял.
Fedaykin Fedaykin08.08.202121:49ссылка
Думаю, было бы куда веселее. Типа "В смысле эльдарский доминион? В смысле почитание Магнуса?!.." .
Erwin White Erwin White08.08.202122:35ссылка

Wh Other wh humor Doomer Wojak Мемы boomer zoomer ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

'Ч J _ , 7 УУАКПМММСК 40.000 -^ 1 • с Ш WARHAMMER «0,000 л. Цг аг,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,wh humor,Doomer,Wojak,Вояк,Мемы,Мемосы, мемасы, мемосики, мемесы,boomer,zoomer


Wh Other Wh News ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Карта галактики после событий Собирающейся Бури

« SEGMENTUM OffSCURUS SCARUS SECTOR FINIAL SECTOR CALIXIS SECTOR jftOTHIC SECTOR cHjauNB ¡VNTLET UHUJLIS SECTOR HOLY TERRA Blessed in his authority, here dwells the most beneficent Emperor. SEGMENTUM TEMPESTUS^ REDUCTUS SECTOR Scholastica Psykana Orbital Deferce Syrtemi


Lion El'Jonson Primarchs Roboute Guilliman Tyranids Chaos (Wh 40000) wh humor Wh Other ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Segmentum Pacificus,Lion El'Jonson,Primarchs,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Roboute Guilliman,Tyranids,Тираниды,Chaos (Wh 40000),wh humor,Wh Other

Wh Песочница книга Primarchs Lorgar Corvus Corax ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Отрывки из рассказа "Тень прошлого" сборника "Сыновья Императора".

-Лорд Аврелиан, простите мне мои слабости. Существо демонической злобы помешало Великому труду. 
-Я не вижу демона. 
Калта-Ар оглянулся на братьев. Существо, которое преследовало их, добралось до вершины холма, несмотря на шквал болтерного огня. Оно разбрасывало легионеров взмахами мерцающих когтей, оставляя на каменной кладке внешнего святилища лишь изорванные останки. 
-Это не демон,-Лоргар поднял свой посох, взывая к окровавленному урагану, прорывающемуся сквозь последних воинов Тёмного апостола.-Иди ко мне, брат. 
С последним всплеском активности, который превратил ещё одного легионера в осколки керамита и обрывки плоти, призрак собрался в узнаваемую фигуру. Она была такого же роста что и демонический примарх, облачённая в чёрный доспех с увенчанными длинными когтями перчатками. Пара крыльев, выполненных в виде замысловатых металлических вороньих перьев, тянулась из его украшенного ранца. Лицо было белым как снег, худым, с чёрными как уголь глазами, обрамлённое доходящими до плеч чёрными волосами. 
Калта-Ар почувствовал, как у него перехватывает дыхание, когда он увидел безошибочно узнаваемые черты Корвуса Коракса, примарха Гвардии ворона. Шквал вопросов наводнил его мысли, но все они остались без ответа, когда Коракс заговорил. 
-Что с тобой стало, брат? 
-Я вознёсся,-ответил Лоргар. Он указал на Коракса, ткнув в его сторону посохом.-Я могу задать тебе тот же вопрос. 
Повелитель воронов зашагал к Лоргару Аврелиану. Калта-Ар и его воины рассыпались перед ним, обрадованные тем, что им удалось избежать его гнева. Мардук и его окружение сомкнули ряды вокруг своего примарха, но тот отослал их единственным взглядом. 
-Я то, чем всегда был,-произнёс Коракс.-Я - возмездие воплощённое. Я - справедливость. Это место, находящееся по ту сторону завесы, показало нашу истинную природу. Под личиной человечности, которую наш отец создал для нас, мы состоим из варпа. 
-Ты пришёл, чтобы дать клятву силам, которые являются нашими истинными создателями? 
-Нет. Я поклялся уничтожить всю скверну Хаоса в галактике. Ты станешь первым падшим братом, который погибнет от моих клинков. 
-Я уже не то существо, с которым сражался на Исстване,-ответил Лоргар, поднимая булаву. 
-Как и я!
Калта-Ар едва успл заметить бросок Коракса, настолько быстрым он был. Чёрный ветер отбросил его в сторону, когда тёмное пламя с треском вылетело из посоха Лоргара. С грохотом ударной волны, разбросавшей Несущих слово по земле, столкнулись два полубога.


Craftworld Eldar ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Последние слухи про эльдар с 3-х разных источников:

via Marneus41

3 new plastic kits :

– Eldar Windriders : 3 new motojets with all the weapon choices available.

– Eldar Farseer Skyrunner : 1 eldar farseer or warlock (2 heads and 2 weapons choice).

– Eldar Autarch : no options

New codex of 160 pages with description of 11 craftworld (nothing about specific rules for them).

2 new specific psy discipline (battle runes and fate runes).

One FOC like the necron :

1-3 guardian hosts (3 types available)
0-3 Regent of the warhost (Heroes, seer council, living legends (avatar and phoenix lords))
1-12 formation for each guardian ost (outcasts, crimson death, dire avenger shrine, wraith host, aspect host, wraith-construct, engines of vaul)

Distorsion wepon = D-weapon.

CC weapon of the wraithknight is D weapon.

The wraithknight is now a Colossal creature. Nothing said about Lord of War.

No relation between FOC and Distorsion weapon. They speak of distorsion weapon in general are D weapon. No weapon profile.

It is said that the distorsion weapon are very powerfull weapons and that is why they have the rule Destruction. After it is said that the wraithknight is equipped of 2 of them (Heavy wraith canon).

via Mr. Maloke

“scatter lasers now lost the twin linking bonus, however windriders can now get scatter lasers. (each model can change the TL shuriken catapult for either scatter laser or shuriken cannon)”

“windriders: same pts as before.
3 windriders

statline unchanged.

may include up to 7 additional windriders for same points as before
may take a windriderwarlock for same points as before pts
warlock may replace his hagun zar for a runespear for the same points as before
each windrider may exchange the TL shuriken catapult for:
scatter laser or
shuriken cannon, both same points. shuriken cannon as before.

that means you can basically have a 10 man unit entirely kitted with scatterlasers for 27ppm and add another warlock to them

they also are still troop selections. i think the meta shifts again.

the only other interresting things are those leaked 2 datacards and the 1 leaked psychic power in the WD:

runes of battle 1
warpcharge 1

its either:
S5 ap 4 assault1, soulblaze flamer
a friendly unit within 18″ restores a single wound. this cannot bring units back to the board that have been removed as casuality.

and for the datacards:

11: 1 victory point if you kill a character (not just in a challenge, just a character)
12: gain a victory point if a enemy unit got killed by a eldar unit with the skimmer or eldar jetbike type. gain d3 vitory points if you killed 3 or more in one round. ”

via Manakel (using Google Translate from French so pls bear with)

I had white dwarf hands and also to the speeder bikes which are the same, it is the profile; the figure itself is much better. Regarding their options there is the possibility of their opener or a laser gun shuriken to ten points (same conditions as before).
WK enters colossal creature.
There is now a Host World War as a base ship with 1-3 host guards to choose from:
– 1 GP, 3 units guards defenders, a squadron of vyper a squadron of war walkers, 0-1 prescient Council
– 1 GP, 3 units of horsemen of the wind, a squadron of vyper and I do not know about the rest
– 1 GP, 3 units of shock guards, a squadron of vyper a squadron of war walkers, 0-1 prescient Council
Each keeper host can take regents of the world ship with either:
– Eldrad, Illic or Yriel
– 2 GP and a council, one of the GP can be Eldrad
– Avatar, Phoenix Lords
For each host guards can take 1-12 “I do not know the name” either:
– 1 unit to store
– 3 scarlet hunters
– 3 units Avengers
– Tanks
– Warriors appearance other than avengers
– I do not know anymore : Unsure:
All this from memory so I probably made some mistakes
Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Craftworld Eldar,Эльдар, Eldar, Корабельники

Necrons Wh Песочница сделал сам стихи ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

History of the necrontyr-necrons in a nutshell.

The Green Glow

From very birth cursed they have been
Dying of plague were Necrontyr
Under the glow of native sun
Their own fates were been undone

Then they have built from living steel
Space ships which made survival real
To distant stars flew Necrontyr
And no more doomed, they had no fear

Civilization thrived among stars
But Necrontyr still beared their scars
Albeit free from plaguing light
Gene mutilations were hard to fight

Then Necrontyr have Old Ones met
Those who lived long and sculpted fates
Deepest chagrin possessed their hearts
For immense length of Old Ones' lives

The War in Skies then had begun
Old Ones forced Necrontyr to run
Their greater numbers have not won the war
For Old Ones were masters of the Warp

The Necrontyr defeated were
And hatred grew towards their foe
Then found was that native sun
Held power of the great C'tan

From necrodermis - the living steel
Bodies for Gods have built Necrontyr
C'tan have accepted it with delight
Powers were granted Old Ones to smite

Maphet'ran the Deceiver, one of C'tan
Offered salvation from physical harm
From the pains and diseases the Necrontyrs' bane
Only one realized - price shall be insane

Through bio transference whole race have went
They thought it will be misfortune's end,
Their new bodies like ones of the Gods'
C'tan gorged their souls - that was the price

Feeding on souls C'tan powers grew
Szarekh realized the Diviner said truth
He understood that his kin - Necrontyr
Robbed of their souls became just machines

Old Ones were failing to match Necrons' scores
Web-way was breached with Nyadra'zath's force
Galaxy was in the hands of C'tan
They and Necrons have Red harvests begun.

Whole planets razed and races devoured
C'tans' hunger for lives knew not a bound
Then legends tell that the Great Harlequin
Fooled the C'tan and they killed their kin

After this war only strongest remained
Slaughter of races made Warp inflamed
Necron empire under psykers’ attack
Unseen in the Warp such powers lack

All of the dynasties together once more
Necrons have united against common foe
Great plan of C’tan to shut off the Warp
As though meteor seemed unreal to be stopped

War of the ancients came to culmination
No living soul spared from evisceration
With their pain rose storms in the Warp
No Old Ones nor C’tan have this foretold.

Immaterium’s depths shaking with spasm
Void predators first-borns of chasm
Created and weaved from mortals’ emotions
Enslavers Plague caused great Warp distortions

This was the end to the Old Ones empire
Shattered and smitten they ceased in fire
But the Star Gods’ glee was not meant to end well
Silent King Szarekh leaded rebel

Weapons were charged, powers were aimed
Such was the strike, no C’tan could withstand
Shattered to pieces slaves they became
Necrons once fooled, now their bane

To stop the spread of Enslavers’ hordes
All life was wiped of Necron worlds
Plan was developed what’s lost to regain
Necrons to have living souls once again

To be once more living, have feelings and souls
Free from C’tan, for this strive Necrons
Ten millions of years command was to sleep
Ten millions of years multiplied by six

But the great slumber came to its end
Perilous changes already at hand
Szarekh the head of his people afresh
Under his tread will the Galaxy thrash.

artist lemoots Emperor of Mankind Imperium Pre-heresy Wh Past wh humor Wh Other клуб аметистов Mootslol ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

The Last Church in a nutshell

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,artist,lemoots,Emperor of Mankind,Imperium,Империум,Pre-heresy,Wh Past,wh humor,Wh Other,клуб аметистов,разное,Mootslol

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