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Imperium Pre-heresy Primarchs The XIth Primarch Ibrahem Swaid artist Warhammer 40000 фэндомы
The XIth Primarch
Number XI crashed into an ocean world, risking being drowned, he was saved by sea hunters and been raised by them. Living in a solidarity society of both humans and aliens, XI didn’t take much time to become the king of hunters. Later XI was found by the God Emperor and accepted to serve the Imperium of Mankind but not for a long, when he was accused of heresy for supporting a Craftworld in a conflict long forgotten, he and his legion were cast out from the Imperium by his father the Emperor to be forgotten just like his brother the Second.
Now thousands of light years away from the Imperium, XI fights his way through with his legion allied with the Eldars.
Pulp Fiction crossover сделал сам Warhammer 40000 фэндомы
Inquisitor Julius: You, flock of heretics, you know why we're here? Why don't you tell my man Acolyte Vincentius where you got the heathen artifact hid at?
Heretic Marvin: It's over th...
Inquisitor Julius: I don't remember askin' you a God-Emperor damn thing! You were saying?
Cultist Roger: It's in the cupboard. [Acolyte Vincentius starts looking in the upper cupboard]
Cultist Roger: No, no, the one by your kn-knees.
Inquisitor Julius: We happy? [Acolyte Vincentius continues staring at the briefcase's contents]
Inquisitor Julius: Acolyte Vincentius! We happy?
Acolyte Vincentius: Yeah, we happy, my lord.
Cult leader Brettus: I'm sorry, I didn't get your name. I got yours, Acolyte Vincentius, right? But I didn't get yours...
Inquisitor Julius: My name's Purge. And your heretic ass ain't talkin' your way out of this shit.
Cult leader Brettus: No, no, I just want you to know... I just want you to know how sorry we are that things got so fucked up with us and Lord Inquisitor Marsellius. We got into this thing with the best intentions and I never...
Inquisitor Julius: [Inquisitor Julius shoots the heretic on the couch] I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? I didn't mean to do that. Please, continue, you were saying something about best intentions. What's the matter? Oh, you were finished! Well, allow me to retort. What does Lord Inquisitor Marsellius look like?
Cult leader Brettus: What?
Inquisitor Julius: What segmentum are you from?
Cult leader Brettus: What? What? Wh - ?
Inquisitor Julius: "What" ain't no segmentum I've ever heard of. They speak Low Gothic in What?
Cult leader Brettus: What?
Inquisitor Julius: Low Gothic, daemonfucker, do you speak it?
Cult leader Brettus: Yes! Yes!
Inquisitor Julius: Then you know what I'm sayin'!
Cult leader Brettus: Yes! Inquisitor Julius: Describe what Lord Inquisitor Marsellius looks like!
Cult leader Brettus: What?
Inquisitor Julius: Say 'what' again. Say 'what' again, I dare you, i double dare you, daemonfucker! Now tell me what does Lord Inquisitor Marsellius look like!
Cult leader Brettus: He... he's wearing power armour...
Inquisitor Julius: Go on...
Cult leader Brettus: He's bald
Inquisitor Julius: Does he look like a heathen heretic?
Cult leader Brettus: What?
Inquisitor Julius: [Shoots Cult leader Brettus in the shoulder] DOES HE LOOK LIKE A HEATHEN HERETIC?
Cult leader Brettus: No!
Inquisitor Julius: Then why you try to fuck him like a heathen heretic?
Cult leader Brettus: I didn't...
Inquisitor Julius: Yes you did. Yes you did! You tried to fuck him. And Lord Inquisitor Marsellius don't like to be fucked by anybody except Lady Inquisitor Argentia. Inquisitor Julius: "You read the Lectitio Divinatus, Brettus?"
Cult leader Brettus: "Yes!"
Inquisitor Julius: "Well, there's this passage I've got memorized that sort of fits this occasion. The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of the evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of Holy God-Emperor of Mankind shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly an armoured gauntlet about His fist and the edge of His sword. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know that I am the end when I lay my vengeance upon thee!"
Imperium Librarium Grey Knights Warhammer 40000 фэндомы
Империум Человека - государство, объятое мраком и войной, окруженное со всех сторон врагами, коим нет числа. Врагу противостоят вооруженные силы человечества: сверхлюди Космического Десанта, огромные армии Имперской Гвардии, боги-машины Легионов Титанов и бороздящие пустоту корабли Имперского Флота - силы, с мощью которых не сравнится ни одна раса смертных.
Но есть один враг, против которого не способны выстоять даже эти грозные армии, угроза, опасность которой зиждется в пороке и кровопролитии. Для демонов Варпа победа над человечеством состоит не в уничтожении, а в подчинении его воле богов Хаоса. Чтобы сражаться против такой угрозы, нужна больше чем грубая сила - нужна армия настолько чистых помыслами, чтобы они были выше любых соблазнов Хаоса. Во всем Империуме существует лишь одна такая сила - древний орден воинов, основанный в самый мрачный час человечества. Тысячелетиями они стоят между человечеством и демонами, посвящая свою жизнь бесконечной битве за души людей.
Они - последний дар Императора человечеству, армия бесстрашных и неподкупных воинов, порождение забытой науки. Они - Серые Рыцари, единственная истинная защита против демонов Хаоса.
И сейчас, когда сорок первое тысячелетие подходит к концу, Серые Рыцари предстали перед испытаниями, каких не встречали прежде. Свет Императора тускнеет, и демонические нашествия становятся всё более частыми и свирепыми. За долгую историю ордена ни один Серый Рыцарь не поддался соблазнам Хаоса, и ни один не поддастся сейчас. Серые Рыцари продолжают борьбу, стоя стеной из сверкающей стали между Человечеством и тьмой Хаоса.