the unclean one
»Dark Eldar Aeldari wh humor Wh Other Imperial Guard Imperium Warhammer 40000 фэндомы
"The Prophets of Flesh, those who studied under the dementedflesh-sculptor Urien Rakarth, had devised a newpunishment – to take a transgressor and reshapethem, melding their mortal clay until they looked,walked and even smelt like a human being. AllDrukhari found this horrifying, for to them a humanform was ungainly and ape-like, a cruel mockeryof a biped in comparison to the lithe and alabaster skinnedAeldari anatomy."
"Пророки плоти придумали самую ужасную казнь для ТЭ - перерабатывали тело жертвы до состояния мясного бульона и вылепливали из них то, что выглядело, двигалось и пахло как человек. Приговорённые к такому вопили и молили, что они сделают что угодно, лишь бы избежать этого"
В итоге Вект брал этих фальшивых людей, внедрял их в ИГ и они направляли ИГ на иннарей
Black Templars Space Marine Imperium Wh News Warhammer 40000 фэндомы
Армисет крестоносцев в орктябре .
The Army Set contains 13 miniatures, including 12 new Black Templars – a Marshal, the Emperor’s Champion, and a 10-man Primaris Crusader Squad with a ton of build options. You’ll also get a Redemptor Dreadnought, for targets which require a more forceful elimination.
The new Marshal comes with a couple of options, including two choices of head and a selection of weapons.
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Красил сам (Wh 40000) Wh Песочница space marines Ultramarines Space Marine космодесантник Ультрамарин роспись сделал сам хобби Warhammer 40000 фэндомы Miniatures (Wh 40000) Imperium
Возвращение в строй
Уже пошел второй год, как я топчу "сапоги". Пока нахожусь в командировке от нечего делать в локдауне наконец-то нашел время для своего любимого хобби, приобрел пробник миниатюр Warhammer 40K Assault Intercessors.
На первых двух модельках чисто вспомнил, как держать кисть, размялся, не вдаваясь в какие-то художественные изыски, их я показывать, конечно, не буду, так как там смотреть не на что.
На третьей модели решил освоить то, что я боялся делать очень давно - Non Metallic Metal.
Сильно тапками не бейте, уже почти год кисти не держал, но от советов не откажусь.Сразу скажу, что на модели слоев краски слишком дохера, так как идея с пробой НММ меня посетила в последний момент, пришлось жирнить со слоями.
Ну и сама модель:
Спасибо за внимание, реактор!Как всегда - ваша критика, моя работа над ошибками.
Leagues of Votann Wh Other Warhammer 40000 фэндомы
Lore of the Votann – Ancient Quasi-divine Machine Intellects Make for Decent Gunsmiths, it Turns Out
The Leagues of Votann are still a few months out from making first tabletop contact with the rest of the 41st Millennium, but after learning about the Ancestor Cores and the cloneskeins, we’re all agog for the main course – the guns.
As with more or less everything else in the Leagues, the collected technological knowledge of the Kin is contained within the Votann. These ancient minds are vast repositories of weapon schematics that would have just about every member of the Adeptus Mechanicus weighing up the merits of becoming a heretek. The Kin, you see, are sitting on a closely guarded network of functioning STCs – a fact reflected across their entire armoury.
An armoury which, mark you, they are perfectly permitted to improve over time. The Kin may move slowly, but they’re not stuck in technological stasis like some factions we could mention. Their engineers – called Brôkhyrs – command the auto-foundries of each Kin hold from their personal A.N-vyl terminals. But what are they forging?
From the Autoch-pattern bolter to the Etacarn plasma gun, many Kin weapons bear superficial similarities to Imperial weapons, but they’re superior in every respect. There’s a clear shared ancestry between the bolt revolver and bolt shotgun and the bolt weapons of the Adeptus Astartes, but Kin weapons simply work better and hit harder.
Then there are items like the volkanite disintegrators, which use technology since lost to the Imperium, or ion technology, which is proscribed by the Adeptus Mechanicus. That’s their loss – the T’au Empire certainly seemed to appreciate being taught how to harness it…
All these weapons are supported by smart tech integrated into Kin battlegear. The haptic utility nerve transmission recalibrator modules – HunTR for short – interface with their neural augmetics to establish a feedback loop between firearms and their users. This system projects minute gravitational pulses to maintain a stable firing platform even while running at full pelt – or zooming along on a flying trike.
The Leagues don’t just fight at range, either. The Kin recognise the need for hand-to-hand engagements – especially in the face of swarms of Orks or Tyranids occupying a perfectly good mineral-rich asteroid – and their melee weaponry is similarly high-tech. They make substantial use of plasma fields either to augment blades or extend them, while concussion weapons like hammers and mauls mount mass drivers to really make an impact.
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