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Dark Eldar Eldar Ynnari СПОЙЛЕР ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

The Fracture of Biel-Tan - Part Two

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Dark Eldar,Eldar,Ynnari,СПОЙЛЕР

With the Yncarne back in the game, the Ynnari are able to break out of the killing fields and fall back to a more a defensible location. They hole up inside the giant Memorial Hall of Atransis, holding the choke points easily. But Yvraine has found only one of the two swords on Belial IV, and they’re effectively trapped inside the Hall. That’s when two huge structures at the back of the hall being to open up, revealing a glowing portal. Stepping out from it is a massive Wraithknight, blue and yellow heraldry emblazoned upon it. Two more Wraithknights follow, as well as a host of smaller Wraith Constructs. Leading the Wraiths is Iyanna Arienal, the Angel of Iyanden. The Iyanden Wraiths cover the Ynnari forces, as Iyanna beckons them through the portal. Whilst they’re still missing one of the crone swords, to stay is to die so the Reborn dash through to the Webway and eventually to Craftworld Iyanden. Iyanna recognises a kindred spirit of sorts in Yvraine. Iyanna believes in Ynnead, but matters of the dead are a touchy subject in Iyanden. “I’ve got your back Sis, but others might not be so friendly,” she warns Yvraine as they enter the Craftworld. There’s one other small problem facing Iyanden at the moment – it’s under attack by two Space Hulks swarming with Demons of Nurgle.

With the defense of the Craftworld in full swing, the Ynnari party are greeted with crossed arms by the Iyanden defenders who basically force them into a house arrest until they can properly deal with them. Yvraine is kinda mad about this, but she forces herself to cool down to avoid hostilities. She instead reaches out with her Pyschic powers to her old Corsair buddies from Commoragh. Hearing her call, they come to the aid of Iyanden, unleashing an unexpected and devastating salvo on one of Space Hulks, destroying it.
Prince Yriel is leading the Iyanden defence, with his Corsairs. They are fighting furiously, and with exceptional skill, but the remaining Space Hulk is proving super-resilient – it is a Nurgle Hulk after all. Yriel realises that they need to launch a strike force to destroy it from the inside, however any conventional assault would be suicide. He comes up with a bold plan. He shuttles himself and his captains over to Iyanden, and convinces the pilots of the Craftworld to follow a specific course of co-ordinates in order to dictate the movement of the enemy Space Hulk. He then takes his group of corsair captains through the portal into the Webway. Using some ancient maps of the Webway near Iyanden, and a perfect sense of timing, Yriel gathers his captains into the right spot at the right time... and activates their personal Webway Teleporters to step right into the heart of the Space Hulk. Not as cool as a Teleportarium Assault by Terminator Assault Marines, but still pretty cool none-the-less.
The inside of the space hulk is utterly infected by the filth of Nurgle, and its only the Corsair Captains air-tight armour that stops them falling dead from a single breath of toxin. Resistance is light, only the occasional Nurgling, as the Corsairs had bypassed all the defences. They make their way to the Enginarium where they find the massively bloated Demon Prince Gara’gugul’gor (“whose name can only be pronounced correctly with a throat full of phlegm”). While he has super-dextrous tentactles to attack with, he’s so fat he can barely move. But lucky for him, his prey came right for him. The Corsairs are able to dodge his attacks at first, but the fighting attracts more and more Nurgle demons and the Corsair Captains are soon hard-pressed. Yriel goes all out – the Spear of Twilight destroying everything it touches – when the Demon Prince sprays a stream of vomit at him. Yriel is able to duck out of the way – but ducks straight into one of Nurgle Prince’s tentacles. Instantly, he’s wrapped up in the tentacle and drawn in to be devoured by the Demon but he uses his ocular implant – the Eye of Twilight – to burn himself free. Close enough now to strike, he brings the Spear of Twilight down... but not on the demon. Instead he strikes into the heart of the enginarium itself. The dark energies of the Spear leach through the machinery of the Space Hulk, turning it into rust and shutting down the engines. The Space Hulk is left unable to maneouver, thus ending its threat to Iyanden. Yriel smiles momentarily in victory – until Gara’gugul’gor grabs a massive girder and smashes Yriel dead with a massive blow. The Demon Prince mops up the rest of the Corsairs, but looks around in concern. He’s gonna lose his standing with Grandfather Nurgle over his failure to destroy Iyanden, but as he looks at the corpse of Yriel he starts chuckling. Maybe there is a way to salvage this mess... 

Iyanden has escaped the threat of the Nurgle forces, but at a high cost. Prince Yriel’s frozen body is found floating through space, and is retrieved with great sadness. What must Iyanden do to escape this seeming curse that haunts it’s every move? Yriel’s body is put into quarantine – the Eldar are no stranger to Nurgle’s “gifts” – and their caution is proved prudent when Yriels body explodes into contagion when examined by some Wraith constructs. Yvraine, since freed from the house arrest and given thanks for calling in the Corsair aid, hears of this and makes her way to the quarantine area. Holding her Crone Sword high, she channels the necromantic powers granted to her by Ynnead into waves of lethal energy that kill off all the spores of Nurgle released into the chamber. She then enters the chamber, and grabs the Spear of Twilight. Iyanna waves off the Wraiths that try to stop her, Yvraine gives Iyanna a curtsey (IS THIS A NEW ‘SHIP?!?!) and plunges the Spear into Yriel’s chest. Yriel bolts upgright, the life energies the Spear had stolen from him over the years returned, as the Spear itself transforms shape and reveals its true form – the 4th Crone Sword. Prince Yriel had been Reborn.

A council is convened of the assembled Eldar forces. “We must act now, to change the fate of the galaxy,” Eldrad says. “But the Great Enemy is ascendant. We cannot prevail alone”.
“Who can help us?” asks Sylandri Veilwaker. “The Tau are still too young, the Orks too unpredictable and the Tyranids out of the question. Humans are too easily corrupted – they are making the same mistakes we did, that led to our Fall.”
“They have faith,” says another Farseer, “and with Faith they have power”.
“The time of their corpse-god is over,” says Wraithknight Soulseeker. Yvraine, with Iyanna at her side, speaks up then. “No, they must have a new leader,” she says. “If we can raise a new hero that reminds them of the glory of their past, they will follow him just as we cling to our myths.”
“She is right,” says Eldrad, “and I have already forseen of a leader the Humans will follow like sheep. We must go to the moon of Klasius and meet our shared destiny”.
“We shall give the humans a demi-god,” says Yriel, his chill voice sounding as if it comes from the grave, “A king reborn, with a deathly blade. And the hosts of Iyanden shall go with us.”

A brief interlude to catch up on Commoragh before we get to the last part of the narrative – the demonic invasion of Dark City has wrecked havoc. With Vect abandoning the city, there is no co-ordinated response and many rival Dark Eldar end up fighting each other as much as the demon invaders. Amongst the unchecked violence spilling through the streets, Kheradruakh completes a kill and claims his last perfect skull he needs. Conducting a ritual amongst the gaze of a thousand skulls in his lair, he opens a gateway to the midnight dimension of the Mandrakes. Overnight, his lair becomes the new kingdom of the Decapitator, long-lost monarch of the Mandrakes. His shadow army combines its strength with the hordes of the Haemonculi covens and the Demonic incursion begins to lose momentum in the face of this adversary. Vect, who’s retreated to consolidate power in outlying outposts, is facing alot of pressure from his own court over the nature of the invasion. Lady Malys in particular is doing everything she can to undermine his power. Vect is sparing no expense to try and find Yvraine, who started all this madness in the first place, in order to claim back his authority. Rakarth on the other hand is simultaneously horrified and intrigued by the prospect of Ynnead. A duel edged sword of immortality that can also mean inescapable death...

Back aboard Iyanden, preparations to depart for Klasius are in full swing. Entire ghost halls are brought to full wake as the dead Eldar souls rejoice at the chance to change the future of their race. These newly Reborn Wraiths show far more awareness and responsiveness to the world around them, as if the awakening power of Ynnead is giving them new powers. Some of the Iyandeni are concerned that the craftworld’s defences will be crippled with the majority of its forces leaving, but the Wraiths won’t listen. They want to fight for Yvraine and Ynnead. They are Reborn. They set out into the Webway for the long journey to Klasius, in the Cadian System.

The Webway is a dangerous place in of itself, not to mention the forces that lurk inside it. Ahriman Ahzek has heard of this new awakening of Ynnead, a god that can reverse the effects of life and death. This is of great interest to Ahriman, and his millennia long search for a way to reverse the effects of his Rubric. The presence of Baleful Eyes go unnoticed as they watch the Ynnari host venture through the Webway...
Ahirman springs his ambush. Scarab Occult terminators rip combi-bolter, rotary cannon and hellfyre rockets into the Ynnari from crystal bridge, while return fire bounces harmlessly off their armour. Wraiths charges in, devastating the ranks of Terminators before the bridge collapse and sends them all tumbling into the void. On another flank, Pink Horrors and Lords of Change are dousing the Ynnari forces with mutagenic fire. Where ever the flames touch, insanity is left behind. Howling Banshees suddenly de-age, left as infants looking at their swords in fascination. Swooping Hawks transform into a scintillating rain of scaled serpents. Dire Avengers find their shuriken projectiles reversing course back into them as a swarm of starving piranhas. The Horrors are laughing with unchecked glee. But then the Phoenix Lords arrive, led not by Asurmen but by Jain Zar. She has taken Ynnead into herself, and been Reborn. Jain Zar, Baharroth, Fuegan, Asurmen, Maugan Ra and Karandras sweep through the Tzeentch Demons, completely outclassing them and send them packing. 

In another part of the battle, the sorcerers of the Thousand Sons are laying waste to the Eldar and its only the presence of Eldrad that holds them in check. Kysaduras meets his end at the psychic power of Ahriman, turned into a crude wooden statue stuck eternally in a cry of anguish. The Harlequins manage to push into Ahriman’s forces, but Ahriman points his staff and turns them into dust. Yvraine, the Visarch and the Yncarne rush in, but Ahriman lifts his hands and suddenly the Eldar Triumvirate find themselves adrift - on the outside of the webway! Yvraine can feel eyes on her back and knows that if she turns she will meet the gaze of the Changer of Ways and learn the meaning of madness. The Visarch and the Yncarne are desperately trying to cut through the wall of the webway, to no avail. Yvraine looks down through the wall of the webway instead and sees Ahriman. A sudden flash of insight strikes her and she shouts out, “Ahriman! I have the power you seek! I can restore your brothers!”.
“Why should I believe you?” he replies. Yvraine reaches out with her power, and focuses on the Rubric Marines that accompany Ahriman and ‘reverses the cycle of their existence’. The marines of the XVth Legion suddenly stagger backwards, before rallying around Ahriman with the discipline of the Legiones Astartes. “Ahzek, is that you brother?” they call out, “What in the name of Magnus is going on? Why are we fighting Eldar?” Ahriman is stunned, shaking uncontrollably with emotion. He reaches out and pulls the Eldar Triumvirate back into the Webway. “Now!” Yvraine signals to her companions, as a Wraithknight smashes a hole in the webway and the Yncarne sucks all the newly resurrected Legionaries out into the void. Ahriman screams in denial, chasing off after them on his disc. “The Whispering God gives new life,” Yvraine says watching the Thousand Son forces get overrun, “Just as he takes life away”.

The Thousand Sons are mopped up, but fighting has taken a heavy toll on the Ynnari. Fully a half of their force has been lost, but the Eldar that died have their spirit stones secured. They will live on amongst the surviving Ynnari. The Yncarne and the Phoenix Lords have disappeared though, no sign of them save for a tunnel packed full of discorporating demons. The Ynnari press on, guided by the Harlequins following the laughter of Cegorach. The Laughing God had been impressed by Yvraine’s gambit against Ahriman, and was lending his aide. He’s taken up by the idea of a brother awakening. Khaine is a bit of a bore after all. Some of the Ynnari even begin talking of a small pantheon again – Khaine, Ynnead and Cegorach. Some even muse on an equivalent female trinity – perhaps Iyanna Arienal as the maiden, Yvraine as the mother and Lady Hesperax as the crone? Hmmm...

The reach their destination, the portal gate to Klasius, where a contingent of Imperial unknowingly approach their destiny. Meeting the Ynarri there first though are a contingent of Wyches from the Cult of Strife. Lelith Hesperax has heard from her Harlequin contacts of the Ynnari’s quest, and she’s sent help. If her Wyches report back that the Ynarri are the real deal, then Lelith too will join the ranks of the Reborn. Yvraine is pretty sure Lelith’s motives mainly selfish – immortality and all that – but welcomes them with open arms anyway. Yvraine opens the portal to the ice moon, and they step through... right into the last stand of Saint Celestine, Belisarius Cawl, Inquistor Greyfax and their allies against the dread Black Legion. The surprise arrival of the Ynnari is too much for Abaddon and he’s forced to retreat. The Imperial and the Eldar retreat to safety as well, and a tense stand-off occurs. The Imperials are nervously fingering their weapons as Celestine walks forward. Autarch Melinel of Biel-Tan steps forward as well. Greyfax’s hand goes for her power sword, the Visarch mirroring her and suddenly boltguns and arc rifles and shurikens are drawn and pointed. Melinel knows the humans distrust the Farseers as manipulators and liars, and they view the Dark Eldar as evil incarnate. But perhaps they’ll listen to a Warrior like himself. He entreats them to listen to his words, and bows before Celestine. A moment passes before Celestine strides forward, very deliberately sheathing the Ardent Blade. The air is still tense, but guns are lowered slightly as Greyfax steps forward into the negotiations. The Black Templars look amongst each other, almost daring another to be the first to step forward into action. But the parley holds. 
The Eldar offer an alliance against the Ruinous Powers. Celestine has an idea of where they need to go, and how important it is that they deliver the cargo that Cawl is carrying. The Eldar are the only ones that can get them there, through the Webway. Greyfax is less trusting – they are still lying, manipulative Eldar after all! – but even she agrees that they can always kill them later if necessary, after the mission is completed. Marshal Almaric eventually gets onboard, though he’s still vigilant for the slightest sign of trickery from the Eldar, and orders his Battle Brothers to stand down. History is made as the Eldar and Humans come ‘as close to an understanding as their races had ever attained’. So the two forces – Imperial and Eldar – join as one, and begin the next stage of the journey. 

Their Destination? The Realm of Ultramar. Macragge.

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Восьмая редакция доступна для скачивания, а вместе с ней нам теперь доступны новые ахуитительные истории с полей бесконечной войны:
- Приведен точный список участвовавших в Падении Кадии сил;
While the planet Cadia was the main target of Abaddons invasion, the region was heavily built-up with defences. Every planet was heavily garrisoned and well equipped with orbital sentry stations and vast arrays of defence lasers, rockets and ion shields. Yet with innumerable warp storms raging,

- Абаддон уже давно не командует всеми силами Хаоса. Боги и отдельные варбанды грабят и разрушают Империум сами по себе;
- Кхорн организовал свой Крестовый поход Крови, который прошелся по множеству систем, уничтожая даже Флоты-ульи целиком и миры-Гробницы (!) прежде чем столкнуться с первым и пока что единственным достойным противником. Наткнувшись на систему Октариус, где вели войну орки Газкулла и щупальце Левиафан, кхорниты устроили махач внегалактических масштабов, но, оказавшись неспособным победить обе стороны разом, Кхорн внял мольбам своего брата Тзинча и забрал своих лучших воителей на Войну в Разломе, оставив остальных развлекаться в грибно-тараканьем салате;

- Кстати, Война в Разломе - это война Кхорна и Тзинча с одной стороны против Нургла с другой, что развернулась уже в реальном мире. Она происходит в Бедственных Звездах, неподалеку от Ультрамара. Здесь не осталось больше сил Империума, Нургл превратил их в свое царство в материальном мире. Ради того, чтобы не проиграть эту войну, Нургл забрал своих чемпионов с битвы за Ультрамар и направил против демонических орд других богов (вот настолько он считает важным этого вашего Гиллимана и этот ваш Империум). Слаанеш также участвует, но постоянно меняет сторону, попросту поддерживая конфликт. В конце-концов Тзинч предложил закончить разборку поединком чемпионов, на что все согласились;
WAR IN THE R FT Ever jealous of one another, the Dark Gods began to war amongst themselves in realspace. The opening campaign saw Tzeentch and Khorne send legions to the Scourge Stars seeking to destroy Nurgles growing foothold. War spread as Nurgle recalled his lieutenants from Ultramar and

- Мордия оказалась отрезана от Терры Разломом. На данный момент Хаос, в том числе Магнус со своими Тысячей Сынов, захватил близлежащие к ней системы и пытается захватить саму систему Мордии, Железная Гвардия превозмогает. В прилегающей системе Дхобаш схлестнулись Тысяча Сынов и Космические Волки, последние потерпели поражение и были спасены благодаря помощи Эльдар с Ультве;
RHO-OEIPHA •:fos;£ wwi) ViNOERS LAJIOiNO (ASII «MIO) . vuusRomko I URTEK MDRDIAN SYSTEM DHDBASH SYSTEM © VEK-YEKIR <Hlrt MBtll) o DiKIDDA • (fmwss vraaio) WAR ZONE: STYGIUS In the wake of the Great Rift, Tzccntch looked upon his brothers. Without plan or agenda. Khorne and Slaancsh

- Кадия стоит! Планета была разрушена, однако системы Кадианских Врат все еще находятся под контролем Империума. Большая часть сил Хаоса прошла мимо них, устремившись вслед за Разломом, а те же, что остались добить сопротивление, больше сил отдают грызне дуг с другом, чем уничтожению рабов Лжеимператора. Командующие обороны систем умело воспользовались враждой в стане врага с целью удержать и закрепиться. Тем не менее, по возможности силы Империума эвакуируются из региона;

- Династия некронов Саутех, которой правит Имотех Повелитель Бурь, завоевала десятки систем, создав свою империю на восточной окраине Галактики. Когда произошел Разлом, Имотех начал серию войн по завоеванию пробуждающихся миров-гробниц с целью подчинить их обитателей своей воле;
- Новые Флоты-ульи вторгаются в Галактику. Гидра, Сцилла, Харбида, Кронус. Первый из них примечателен странной тактикой: вместо того, чтобы нападать на полные органики миры и пожирать их, он охотится на остатки предыдущих Флотов-ульев, что были разбиты. Возможно, с целью получить из их генетического материала информацию о тех, кто их победил.

ANEW MENACE As the years pass, more Tyranid threats continue to enter the war-torn galaxy. Hive Fleets Hydra, Scylla, Charybdis and Kronus have thrust tendrils from out of the intergalactic void. Strangely, the initial invasions of Hydra seem to have bypassed other, more likely targets, instead


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Wh Песочница Sons of Malice Malice story Chaos (Wh 40000) ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Скаут Сынов Злобы. Брат Разиель.

О том, кто представился Сынам Злобы, как Брат Разиель, с уверенностью можно сказать только две вещи: он не является космодесантником, ровно, как и обычным человеком и он действительно знает, что такое ненависть!Все остальное – лишь вал полуэфимерных слухов, порою граничащих с откровенным бредом, обезумевшего разума тех, кому не посчастливилось получить стать его «невольным глашатая», переносящим вирус дезинформации и страха, пожалуй, самого сильного оружия, понятого людской расой.Каждый из обезумевших герольдов принес в сознания свою легенду, открытую ему появившейся из мрака теней, смертью : одни утверждали, что имели дело с ассассином, каким-то неведомым образом, вышедшим из под контроля Официо Ассассинорум и Ордосов инквизиции. Другие, клеймили его оперативником Альфа Легиона, выполняющим свою роль, в огромной и бесконечной паутине его заговоров. Самые безумные зашли в своих выводах столь далеко, что видели в нем Кустодия, несчастному разуму которого, якобы, самим Императором, была открыта тайна, столь невозможная, что убила в его душе, все кроме расчета и ненависти ко всему сущему, заставила покинуть Терру и уйти во мрак теней и шепота, который стал не только его, постоянным саваном и но самой сущностью.Какой бы не была правда, до конца она как и его планы и мотивы остается известной, лишь ему и тем началам, которые в своем переплетении, выстроили звенья судьбы в порядке, из которого и вышел Разиель. Разиель Странник(Stalker).Переход к силам Злобы, выглядел случайном, слишком случайным, чтобы не быть спланированным.Далеко на восток от Кадии, где в бесконечности своего невезения, после долгих скитаний в Варпе в систему астероидных поясов, ближайших Лун, выплыл имперский крейсер. Сбившийся с курса, его груз, предназначенный имперским мирянам, стал лакомой приманкой, беснующимся в ближайшей системе берсеркерам-кхорнитам. В духе своего ироничного чувства юмора, незримая рука судьбы, за долго до потери в Варпе, направила в проклятие крейсеру, сладоустых, лишенных какого-либо здравомыслия и чувства меры, культистов Темного Принца Слаанеш, возглавляемых проповедником некогда состоявшим в рядах, самих Детей Императора. Именно по вине их вожделенно-разлагающего и терпеливого влияния, корабль и отклонился от курса.На недели, корабль стал полем битвы, алтарем жертв и призывов, обителью мертвых воплей и оживающих проклятий. Но даже в вечной пустоте ледяной бездны космоса, чьи холодные глаза, да будут они во веки закрытыми, смотрят в душу каждому, всегда найдется тот, кто возжелает твоего падения в эту разрывающую своей беззвучностью, первородную пустоту.С момента обнаружения крейсера, Сынами Злобы, до их непосредственной высадки, прошло меньше часа.Вспышка новой силы отразилась в Варпе, когда в сплоченную ненависть двух противоборствующих фанатиков, ворвалась с дьявольской бесцеремонностью и ураганным напором, ненависть, заключенная в черно-белую силовую броню.По залитым кровью и слизью и ихором палубам, отсекам, коридорам, разбросанные, израненные, сползались в грузовой «трюм» еретики.Резня и мука, во славу богов, отошла на второй план, выпустив вперед то, что не смогла выродить никакая модификация тела и разума, инстинкт….инстинкт выживания. Однако, молчаливых рыцарей, ожидало куда более интересная картина, нежели, предполагаемая казнь, недобитых недостойных.В проеме раскареженного метала, который еще несколько выстрелов назад, был шлюзом в трюм, виднелась, композиция, столь изощренная в своем садизме, сколько и чарующая в своей постановке.Посаженный на кол, еще трепыхающийся в экстатичесой агонии запаздывающей смерти, проповедник Слаанеш. Острие кола, на котором, выходящего из его пасти, было увенчано башкой предводители берсеркеров.Сама же конструкция, как выяснилось, представляла из себя стяг, черно-белый стяг сшитый содранной кожи. 10 висящих за ноги освежеванных, возглавлялись 11ым, все еще не сдающимся, «Сыном Императора». 

Ни один визор не выявлял присутствия, того, кто мог быть автором сего шедевра. Но не нужно было и зрения, чтобы понять, что тьма вглядывается в пришедших, так же пристально как они в нее.
- С нами или против? – Жестко и лаконично, не тратя понапрасну слов малалитов, прохрипел Лорд-Терминатор.
- С вами. – Та же манера, та же мощь в голосе
- Тогда следуй.
И они просто развернулись и ушли, под грохот керамита о железные полвицы. Никто не пытался выяснить природу нового союзника. Не даже увидеть его. Это не имело значения. Ведь лишь одно играет роль, для обреченного, что посвятил себя Великой Злобе. 
Только ненависть…
Сыны злобы, давно растерявшие своих скаутов, за столетия войн и кровопотерь в ордене, оценили навыки, прирожденного и лучшего из виданных диверсантов. Именно этим навыки и их, компенсировали несогласованность и своеволие маневров.
И да содрогнуться троны Четверых, ведь слуг их злейшего врага, стало на одного больше.

Wh Песочница,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Sons of Malice,Malice,Истории,Chaos (Wh 40000)

фейк ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

To celebrate 15 years of Black Library, we've got another free slice of Horus Heresy action for you. This time it's the brand-new audio drama Sister of Silence. 4, DOWNLOAD Join the discussion on IB Twitter #BLisl5,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,фейк

Craftworld Eldar ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Последние слухи про эльдар с 3-х разных источников:

via Marneus41

3 new plastic kits :

– Eldar Windriders : 3 new motojets with all the weapon choices available.

– Eldar Farseer Skyrunner : 1 eldar farseer or warlock (2 heads and 2 weapons choice).

– Eldar Autarch : no options

New codex of 160 pages with description of 11 craftworld (nothing about specific rules for them).

2 new specific psy discipline (battle runes and fate runes).

One FOC like the necron :

1-3 guardian hosts (3 types available)
0-3 Regent of the warhost (Heroes, seer council, living legends (avatar and phoenix lords))
1-12 formation for each guardian ost (outcasts, crimson death, dire avenger shrine, wraith host, aspect host, wraith-construct, engines of vaul)

Distorsion wepon = D-weapon.

CC weapon of the wraithknight is D weapon.

The wraithknight is now a Colossal creature. Nothing said about Lord of War.

No relation between FOC and Distorsion weapon. They speak of distorsion weapon in general are D weapon. No weapon profile.

It is said that the distorsion weapon are very powerfull weapons and that is why they have the rule Destruction. After it is said that the wraithknight is equipped of 2 of them (Heavy wraith canon).

via Mr. Maloke

“scatter lasers now lost the twin linking bonus, however windriders can now get scatter lasers. (each model can change the TL shuriken catapult for either scatter laser or shuriken cannon)”

“windriders: same pts as before.
3 windriders

statline unchanged.

may include up to 7 additional windriders for same points as before
may take a windriderwarlock for same points as before pts
warlock may replace his hagun zar for a runespear for the same points as before
each windrider may exchange the TL shuriken catapult for:
scatter laser or
shuriken cannon, both same points. shuriken cannon as before.

that means you can basically have a 10 man unit entirely kitted with scatterlasers for 27ppm and add another warlock to them

they also are still troop selections. i think the meta shifts again.

the only other interresting things are those leaked 2 datacards and the 1 leaked psychic power in the WD:

runes of battle 1
warpcharge 1

its either:
S5 ap 4 assault1, soulblaze flamer
a friendly unit within 18″ restores a single wound. this cannot bring units back to the board that have been removed as casuality.

and for the datacards:

11: 1 victory point if you kill a character (not just in a challenge, just a character)
12: gain a victory point if a enemy unit got killed by a eldar unit with the skimmer or eldar jetbike type. gain d3 vitory points if you killed 3 or more in one round. ”

via Manakel (using Google Translate from French so pls bear with)

I had white dwarf hands and also to the speeder bikes which are the same, it is the profile; the figure itself is much better. Regarding their options there is the possibility of their opener or a laser gun shuriken to ten points (same conditions as before).
WK enters colossal creature.
There is now a Host World War as a base ship with 1-3 host guards to choose from:
– 1 GP, 3 units guards defenders, a squadron of vyper a squadron of war walkers, 0-1 prescient Council
– 1 GP, 3 units of horsemen of the wind, a squadron of vyper and I do not know about the rest
– 1 GP, 3 units of shock guards, a squadron of vyper a squadron of war walkers, 0-1 prescient Council
Each keeper host can take regents of the world ship with either:
– Eldrad, Illic or Yriel
– 2 GP and a council, one of the GP can be Eldrad
– Avatar, Phoenix Lords
For each host guards can take 1-12 “I do not know the name” either:
– 1 unit to store
– 3 scarlet hunters
– 3 units Avengers
– Tanks
– Warriors appearance other than avengers
– I do not know anymore : Unsure:
All this from memory so I probably made some mistakes
Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Craftworld Eldar,Эльдар, Eldar, Корабельники

Primaris Space Marine Space Marine Imperium Imperial Fists Reiver Bobot073 ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Primaris Space Marine,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperium,Империум,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Imperial Fists,Reiver,Bobot073

Wh Песочница Imperium Horus Heresy Ultramarines Space Marine Word Bearers Collegia Titanica Roboute Guilliman Primarchs Kor Phaeron ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

The Horus Heresy Book Five - Tempest

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Imperium,Империум,Horus Heresy,Ересь Хоруса,Ultramarines,Ультрамарины,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Word Bearers,Collegia Titanica,Roboute Guilliman,Primarchs,Kor Phaeron

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Imperium,Империум,Horus Heresy,Ересь Хоруса,Ultramarines,Ультрамарины,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Word Bearers,Collegia Titanica,Roboute Guilliman,Primarchs,Kor Phaeron

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Imperium,Империум,Horus Heresy,Ересь Хоруса,Ultramarines,Ультрамарины,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Word Bearers,Collegia Titanica,Roboute Guilliman,Primarchs,Kor Phaeron

mTatfnan thirteen + ♦ Carta Secmtntd^sK $ +li Itramar 3legrawt+ i • +"C()e Domain Of Ultramar, "Cfie iivc iôunSreS VDorfôs ^n5 Bor5ermg Xcaftns + ■/& V irca 6?9C'o?.2V)3Ï+ (S '■ ■ -4xi0.o?xr- • * * Optic Xinutcs< Orpheus Trimé ■ V-cvcma * S, z&foi ■ ** 0 ♦Classification promet

Л*- - -'"Г,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Imperium,Империум,Horus Heresy,Ересь Хоруса,Ultramarines,Ультрамарины,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Word Bearers,Collegia Titanica,Roboute Guilliman,Primarchs,Kor Phaeron

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