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Fulgrum rule 63
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Nurgle Chaos (Wh 40000) Faphammer Warhammer 40000 фэндомы
По реквесту lopus'a выкладываю *блеванул* нурглитку. Просьба сильно не пинать и больше нурглиток не просить. Не хватало ещё мне перед днём рождения рыться в нурглятине.
Imperium bits commanders head plasmagun with augmented hand loincloth comparison Warhammer 40000 фэндомы
Wh Песочница Miniatures (Wh 40000) Tyranids Warhammer 40000 фэндомы
Heavy Support, slight over 150ptsAcid blood, Lash whips, fearless, Instinctive behavior feedOn a large oval base with 10 long tentacles and a face like a lictor.A 5 wound t6 monstrous creature who is hypertoxic and shrouded. this means any hit gains instant death on a wound roll of a 6 due to a toxic cloud. This includes its close combat attacks and its choking cloudChoking Cloud; 12" assault1 ignores cover, lg blast. Chocking cloud is S3, poisoned 2+ and against open topped vehicles or any vehicle that has lost a hull point the attack gains armour bane.
Elite Choice: Monstrous Creature, slightly over 200pts A 4 legged beast with two large scything talons A psyker level 2, synapse monstrous creature that has an invul save of 5+. It has shadows of the warp and a 4+ save. Psychic Overload: Warp Charge 2 It has the psychic power psychic overload, which is a 24" focused witchfire. target must take a leadership test on 3d6 and vehicles count as leadership 10, failure causes d3 wounds no armor or cover saves allowed, and a causes a single glancing hit to vehicles, no cover save allowed. The maleceptor can do psychic overload three times a round, but cannot target the same model twice. At the beginning of every Shooting phase, including the foe's, every non-vehicle enemy unit within 6" of the Doom of Malan'Tai must take a Leadership test on 3D6. If the test is failed the unit suffers a single wound for each point they failed by, with no armour saves allowed.