Deathwatch :: Ordo Xenos :: Space Marine (Adeptus Astartes) :: Inquisition :: Wh News :: Imperium (Империум) :: Warhammer 40000 (wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник) :: фэндомы

Deathwatch Ordo Xenos Inquisition Imperium Wh News Space Marine ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 


Roaring ртам to the Emperor, the CJuiplmn exhorts the Spate Marines around hm to пет-greater arts of heroism. When these Spiritual leaden take to the battlefield, the an fills with fiery rhetoric and bombastic oaths of battle. \ warrior who has faith in the Emperor and Mankind's

Watch Mailer
In it Type
Infantn (Character)
On the Hitt* Wades arr m
ПечьукЬ, aiwo the uviwn hordes of cAc
a*J ««ppumnuftrt artfA ;V un^rrn^ skii' of the hunter supreme. WA a nrxes of calm, clipped ,wtUr\ they exploit тек opmmg. la«ЛиЛ Jrv<4x&-Ains-/Аяг A';tf Гмш te »лг /А/

US BS s T w I А Ы Sv
5 4 14 -2 I '2 Ю V
(jail type
Infantry (Char-w««>

Ihr I illinium t* that ,,nr*l "I S/uh r Mnimn nnr whnir
fitffhf II il mutt /mini I hull limn the hilr/in I iixa/n щ t hr
Ьнп11n nun imh i\ n inmlrt
fnyhrt who \iiiiln Ihr iMilllr/irU hnlnril wilh nnr /пи hn

Unit TVpr
Infantry (Character)
l пн Cuinpi'«iiiun
I Watch ( jpi.iin
*	pistol
•Owe combat weapon
*	grenade*»
*	Ktak grenades 'Itemhalo (рк 107)
'^peciaUaaue ammunition '1’b
svH:iAl. Rl \ V S:
*	4»<iTh*> Shall Know No F**ar
' lr»il»-ptn^pn, character
•4U400 Тыдка (рн l‘*>

It says much about (hr DeathwaUh that its line infantry air veteran Space Marines, each a one-man arms capable of pwgm* а жегчн nest fn himself. Each has ierved Humanity for decades, even centuries, proving his abilities beyond doubt before being seconded to his new role These

^ throat) tmr of the DeathwaUh Hr,kn \ methamnd itenl« >fim tht last sound hi. quarry ham. These Амилwn well used to *"«•** alone or in small grout» for days or fVfn u«eks at a tone, for the takes they nde to bottle a,e on,met m^nU bases asudl as un‘quel\ deadly war assets Hugged and

/V	gun lunrt trucks the xrnas adversary, spitting fite ns the brutish machine fnmi'ls ufrm the friths of uw limit ufrm the utmr
****V as the Rhino, the Rauuback is ftimed for the bttltinrr it stakes beiictm reliable t rails fr at anil light tank Mans Watch t of Hams «* these tanks as mobile

jbatf	ivUrani
+ fight t* ТвгттвШ
„мл eft	tjmholt
4 Or ImfifTUim i auftAi /Aw
<wv«f wvrnv *•« ***■ willpurwHr luthat of a walking lank. »o pterwu* art try wtfl that the Ikeathumtih *Д «о#т abandon them
По алmdaid щеаропп of a ЬгшшЧя* и imprtunt - in
awful the uearer hold* a itorm Mlet

When the md/rm liable Walken known as Dreadnoughts go In war. the battlefield shakesat thru tread Within their adamantium hull п a sarcophagus - and within that, the mfrfdrd bid) of a Spare Marine laid low in halite Driven h\ an endless nerd far mengr. the* heroes air truly fearsome. 'I'hrir

Hurtling from tk, fa ullJi n ur'»m of p ,urfnnn ^ l tmguard Veter am of the IknlhuxiUh xtnkr ni lethal
Thru wamor) itfmiaUu
•n fnnfMMnt miauhi, then JuU al ttrm i n twA Ihnt nrn • urh wamor ran rhangr ihr flow of hat lit Uuhagtanrr. thn OiUU (hr игак /янnh ,«
Ihr enemy Itnr

***f/*~* uniA « u*m * vno-uton anA a Am	* »'—■*O^inm^n “<,hf ^ ^ <^^^г<п,
**■" * *r 1<прт, ж tnofmwis ,n thf run* hmdf ГН~	«г /V cttrtf W ^ *”""***Г**^
•-*«* *.*«„„* |#euJ 4, A	П,фщи^4Л,х™мпн*иктт*т1ЪиГ*п1тт*и/ш**и4тац
cw___	^	. j	\t*utkl Mtwr thf kill Traffic ntr vn/ w* /V nttsuk Whm
,	^

l tw 1..11...stag lion detail» hatkground and rules information dun describe the forces used by the Deathwatch - their i.11 n it,, u vehicles and dn characters dial lead them to battle. This section will enable you to forge your collection of tW'rtihttau,l oiiniatui es

хелоя hordes on their home worlds, or
IV Block Speer Strike Force allow» you to field the Aha
heltlrlldd. Whether you wish to reprrsenl a U-. i ,' ,Mlnclw* Irmi” of 'be Deathwatch on the Warhammcr 40,000 .....................*.....
»e choices below offer a great was t„ pick your army.

Hse*»' list' ds'latl the print* '.tint's stl SUlhtU* item* ttl St Itl grill atailtlhh In unit* III уши .и111у. Vlilliy null rnlrle* ill lb*
||»|»'Ь|‘|Ч' •I*'»1 UdWvvs ii\t Ititlc "#iiivai option* Iпин »чп «и шин ul tin %e lists In li IiihImih **, ihr afwy h*t

' u°^ur " «lord Тгы«.
rules'” d
"r "—-m to «Ita, V* *fw,ul «»U«
«• —	^ -r «.diected
‘"J-.-uW un.. ,lr	'^T ,КЛ "T un“^
<>***. «.кг	•*	un-
■“«w-these ,,r д„ ^ ~ ,Ыр "* —pb Imed h»
'"•**'««•*— «м!й1 Й?,hr *"»» *“«"
isSd r,™" *r~ -—- -
< ..r £ - -^й~аггйГ"
~ *«"“	«*«• •‘"‘-H

ЛЯКЯ* the аггосятел of the DoAmdl (oold mean the different г between of F.ryxia
tirfcMqcn*» Anxw .pew Vr r*f,/r Uf, t, irarrh vf cb MtMLSb ipml rUrtuin aorfen, v,M М/iMoik^ujC^ •*•■**' •*»«*•* «мм»» o, ^ f
ibatbbobrrltfHtbudtipniudAr* Tb*.rki------1rVi'
tow of Act firrti !’rattan t

Пил section of Coda. Iknthicatih li»i* the weapon* *n<l npiipinnii и». <11ty Им lb aihwafrlt, along with fhr rob* f,„ , them >n your game* of Warhammer lO.(MX).
Profiles for the following ranged weapon* urr Inrhidrd on il.c prolllr* page

•V I Пя.,*мпук<п
^	КЛе» svoms»» »4 tfcw 1«ч.» linltsl bolignn.
;N.j<\. ч Н»л\\ Но» >t к
Sri * i \i Ism i \MMIMI ion
M. /V..M..../.A HU .A../ к/л/пм nnilMl «MW*/ *eni«uv Мя/ А..А/ sfnbth*! Ml mi мм/t Itntgnn/irr Mu mr AiJI/nr \hrll% /1//../-./A	14,1 Мя/ rt^/.u/u fo UIIHuHtfarx

.... c“ *»
•	Ьлтпм
•	Ь.и||ч\м||1(
' W combat weapon kvipont
•	«glutting daw
I lltllulri hailllllri
I*o\\kk Fist \\t> Atxn hk\ Mhtacun
/Лоы<* ,kf Р**А**14Мт /»W, Du under Imfurrum л, 1*н<л<л1г ,n adapt in mattery loAn«**we/. Du adddum .</

Bole» for «hr following can hr found in Ita/hammn 40.000: The Rules.
Frag grenade**
Ktak grenade»
Mefta bomb»
Psychic Iwod • See .««.Ault grenades
Л shod ranged yeanning device. the auipex unities broad •eentmgfh deUelnm matin to fnnfmni townM rnemus
\ model

Лк Mission Tactics special rule represent.» the unique «а» in which the Deathwaich go u> war. At the чип of sour first turn, pick one oT the following Mission Tactics.
It «ill remain acme for the entire battle unless vou decide to change it as dcscriVd below. Ал Jong лл the Tactic h acme, it

CHAPLAIN Roaring ртам to the Emperor, the CJuiplmn exhorts the Spate Marines around hm to пет-greater arts of heroism. When these Spiritual leaden take to the battlefield, the an fills with fiery rhetoric and bombastic oaths of battle. \ warrior who has faith in the Emperor and Mankind's right to rule the stars Miff be caught up in the bow wave of then unfailing comnrtion. When one of these unurlding heroes storms the xenos battle line, it becomes obioous that his strength is by no means confined to matters spiritual Die (Jiap/am \ rnergued menu arcanum lashes out to crush distended skulls and split high-tech armour as if it were rusted tin. Those who aim a return blow find their strike turned aside by a fluttering blast of energy, for the Chaplain i rosarius is far more than м sacred sy mbol These arbiters of Imperial purity are given the most potent of protections, a tightly forward farce field proof against eien the direst alien blade. To watch the Chaplain in battle is to know that the Emperor s power ts sen real and as deadly to the alien as it и Ю the unbeliever. Chaplain Unit Typo liif'.intry (Charm trr) Unit Composition 1 Chaplain WARGEAR: • Bolt pistol • Crozius arcanum -!pg 106) • Frag grenades • Krak grenades •Rosarius pg 107) • Special issue ammunition (pg 105) SPECIAL RULES: • Independent Character • Mission Tactics (pg 104) • Zealot OPTIONS: • \lav take items front the Ranged Weapons. Special Issue Wargear Relics of the Vigilant lists.
WATCH MASTER Watch Mailer In it Type Infantn (Character) On the Hitt* Wades arr m ПечьукЬ, aiwo the uviwn hordes of cAc a*J ««ppumnuftrt artfA ;V un^rrn^ skii' of the hunter supreme. WA a nrxes of calm, clipped ,wtUr\ they exploit тек opmmg. la«ЛиЛ Jrv<4x&-Ains-/Аяг A';tf Гмш te »лг /А/ A«r dnsded and ultimately ivtupurrd beyond doubt. On a strategic levei tkrtr weapons air the Space Manna under then command, then shields the vehicles and gvnshtps that rrpri the enemy ttdvarur In battle, it it then a xtrriut skills that come to the fore. .4 W atch .Winter irtll uy Acs guatdian spear to smite the foe from afar, launching is<lln\ of hdts specifically derelopesl to . on tain substances anathema to then targrts. .\t close ifuartei\ it is the urapon s energised Node that hit adiorutnes mud fear. The clams he iiwn ,rs Aw f\uigr of offiie is i formidable иш/ии in itself - it xmtains a Ainr of tech-spints hat can subotagr an alien uw machine, crippling it a moment leftnr the Watch Muster rams ii.v guardian spear though if» Tackling care. L'nit Composition I Watch MaMrr WARGEAR: • Guardian spear (pg 106) • Frag grenades • Krak grenades • Clevis (pg 107) • Iron halo (pg 107) SPECIAL RULES: • And They Shall Know No Fear • Independent Character • Mission Tactics (pg 10.4) Master ol ladies: II a Watch Master is vour Warlord, von can change ihr a nay's Mission Tactics (pg 104) one extta time during a mission. I'suallv this ««ill allow you to change Mission Гас lies twice during ihr game rather than only once. Inti if your Warlord has the Vigilance Incarnate Warlord Trail (pg 102) oi win annv includes a Black Spear Strike Force (pg 70), you vs ill hr able to change Mission Tactics up to three or four times! OPTIONS: • May lake itents from the Special Issue Wargcar and oi Relics of thr Vigilant lists.
 •BRARIAN US BS s T w I А Ы Sv 5 4 14 -2 I '2 Ю V (jail type Infantry (Char-w««> Ihr I illinium t* that ,,nr*l "I S/uh r Mnimn nnr whnir fitffhf II il mutt /mini I hull limn the hilr/in I iixa/n щ t hr Ьнп11n nun imh i\ n inmlrt fnyhrt who \iiiiln Ihr iMilllr/irU hnlnril wilh nnr /пи hn /town l li/ininnn mii A ml nnilr n mrtrtttng rnrmx 1*101 lr inlh и gnltur, nil inпnlг и mnh n/ xtmn fightm unlh n ilrm pur nr, inlh n fml\r«»/ th.night, wnin lot /Шот и/ nn/irHilntn tltunln и fni' i nliuil nuimrtih htfutr il Iltihtt hotnr /hnr mi those nmimgit Ihr mnh* nf Ihr Ilrulhii4ilih who ran biU\ln thru hodit* with fityiliii energy, moving hhr ifuirhnhtrt a* tfirx ilntl through Ihrrnrm* iiinhi hi Innw hr millи n/irii im/nn dumping in thru wnhr <>thп t mnh mil with thru miniU, thru imlnmilnhlr mill ovrttuluig llml «/ thru iilirn fun In four tUuuon nr ilri/mn ii/шп Ihrm /ml hr/о if thr hilling *fnhr hit\ hotnr llnlilrtnl wtlh /i*\i hn hiunl* thill Have <•// Ihr nlliirh • oj iilirn fnykrn, nnil »nehlmg four \wuul* Ihul ton \lr>il Ihr mill wtlh и nnglr utnkh, Ihr l.ilnnriain о/ Ihr hmlhwnlih inr daunting lo nil* o* ii'rll ni ilihMiutr* I how who wilnm thru f>ou>n* unlr/nhnl чту Ihr ughl with Ihrm In thru gun* Unit Compn«lil»n I | .111 Л Mil •»< hood ammunition (IMS ^ w i v s. *W ■ Sh*" Know No *>*r ‘u r'^”drm (b— PSVKER. \ l ibrarian genrr.Hr» hi» jwmrr»/mm ilir Biomancу Harnumnlogy flMttafJuii Fulminalioo. Grokiaraia Librariua. Pyromancy. Trrhnmnanry. lrl« Telepathy (11m iplinr.v •ЧГ^иг *4r •|»tc 103) *y • «•vrl I) OITIOXS: • May iiftgratlc in I’xykcr (Mattery I ru-l 2i • May lake ilrm» Irom tin Ranged Weapon*. Special !**,„ W-fgi Relics of the Vigilant h*t* • Mav н-plate In* bolt pitiol. rpet Inuir ammunition, h.,K j,( ,j grenade* with Terminator armour Ipg 108) •A Uhrarian in Terminator armour mar lair nnr ol tin- h,lit,wing • Storm Itoltcr.......................... ....... ........ ( nmhi-lhmcr, -melta or -plasma • Л Librarian in Terminatm armour may nnlv take m m from thr Special I* sue Wargcar and/oi Relit * nf the Vigilant Ini* Ю/u* \p* , 1 mpo
Unit TVpr Infantry (Character) l пн Cuinpi'«iiiun I Watch ( jpi.iin WARGEAR: * pistol •Owe combat weapon * grenade*» * Ktak grenades 'Itemhalo (рк 107) '^peciaUaaue ammunition '1’b svH:iAl. Rl \ V S: * 4»<iTh*> Shall Know No F**ar ' lr»il»-ptn^pn, character •4U400 Тыдка (рн l‘*> OPTIONS: • Mat replace Ins bolt pUtol wiili .1 bolfgun • \| n take items Irom I hr Melee Weapons Ranged Weapons Special ls>„e Wargear Relics of the Vigilant Inis • Maj take 1 Jumppw* 1 (pg • Mat lake artificer armour (f»K I"-4' • \lav take a storm shield (pg 1071 • \to- ep,*« his. I--....................................«..... ■. P „Ыо|, close combat wrap».. »|>ecial ими ammunitHM., • 1 nil»tor am...(pg 108) H....bolter and • ... • - nrl Hlill Irag it power iSpn 20^ 2'pt* 2'p, I fcraa go --- .............«- ................................ «ни ............ ..... ............................... 'I*' ----».. uir items Imm the l tt.m ll I ..ipi.. I trite bl.nle (pg 100)...................... • Л iv.m il t .Ipi.iin in Terminator armour 1n.1v only икс item* f, Special Issue W argear and >>i Relies of the Vigihni llч^ WATCH CAPTAIN 95 roivr Watfh Captains lead b\ example, shouting orders and tactual imperatives ал they charge headlong into the fun. Bellicose, fierfatmuist and viciously efficient, these bom leaders are entrusted wilh the footer и tion of vital missions that see the fmftenum de/erutnl and its enemies laid bnr Them is a dual mle, for they air not only mentors and sentinels for the kill Trams under that outputs. but also rxfknrntnl fighters and champions fin the Iteathualrh in limes of a-nr. Often the intervention of a Watch Captain unit turn the tide of a battle. tcilh fmrered blade and explain* bolt they take the fight to the alien, duelling гчапгпеа/ Xmas warkudt and cutting apait hulking biotemm a 1 the cacophony of war rage* all anrural. All the while the HVi/гЛ Captain keep* a weather eye on his battle-brothers. foi и и hi* sacred role to bind them in then duties, Itcord then deeds, and observe the manner if then death1 *hould they fat! Onh the most capable and experienced Spare Marine veterans make it to the mnk of Watch Captain, for f they should fad. the Peothualrh would man falter
VETERANS It says much about (hr DeathwaUh that its line infantry air veteran Space Marines, each a one-man arms capable of pwgm* а жегчн nest fn himself. Each has ierved Humanity for decades, even centuries, proving his abilities beyond doubt before being seconded to his new role These stony-faced killers work seamlessly with (heir brethren, no matter how varied, the light of embattled suns glinting from the niter pauldrms that mark them as truly exceptional In their hands they rarry death, for each selects the u-rapon with which he b most lethal. Their balhav weapons range from advanced boltguns to heaiy boiler combi-weapons that can gout flaming promethium at the twitch of a trigger nir-e. close assault choices are just as varied, from perfectly weighted power swords to bludgeoning mauls and hammers Veteran Watch Sergeant Black Shield \VS BS S T W I A I d Sv •1 4 4 4 I 4 2 9 $+ 4 4 4 4 I 4 2 9 3* 5 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 5+ Unit TYpc Infantry Infantry (Character) Infant 14 (Charat ter) Unit Composition 5 Veteran» WARGEAR: • Boltgun • Close combat weapon • Frag grenades • Krak grenades • Special issue ammunition (pg 105) SPECIAL RULES: • And They Shall Know No Fear • Atonement Through Honour (Black Shield only) (pg 102) • Mission Tactics (pg 103) OPTIONS: • May include up to five additional Veterans.......... • Any model may take items from the Melee Weapons. Ranged Weapons and Special Weapons list • Any model may replace either lus boltgun or close combat weapon with j stortti shield (pg 107)................_..................—— • Up let four Veterans may take items from the Heavy Weapons Utt. • Any Veteran may replace hi» weapons with a heavy thunder hammer (pg 106)..............................— • May upgrade one Veteran to a Black Shield..... • May upgrade a different Veteran to a Watch Sergeant • The W.urh Sergeant may replace his close combat weapon with a xenophase blade (pg 106)........................—..........'—’“T • The Watclt Sergeant may take items from the Special Issue \Sargear •The iiiiii may take a Rhino (pg 84). R.t/.orback (pg 85). Cor*us Bb<+ (pg 87) or Drop Pod (pg 86) a» a Dedicated Transport Мрл* tOpM
BIKERS ^ throat) tmr of the DeathwaUh Hr,kn \ methamnd itenl« >fim tht last sound hi. quarry ham. These Амилwn well used to *"«•** alone or in small grout» for days or fVfn u«eks at a tone, for the takes they nde to bottle a,e on,met m^nU bases asudl as un‘quel\ deadly war assets Hugged and unfading, they <r,e hudl to tnrvene the most havnious and ,*A« dnongh ,he той dense »*» •Mohses. They do soZ wdh guue and finesse but with mu- bote,one. these engines tuned,о Heines тп.тшт thmstrua as thes, famesL.,. ... . .,______,___f* L/,/, ,„lnlll \\hest the DeathuaUh Hikes runt his quarry to ground, he unit engage Au to^r •netwpfJises. They do so not With grtue and finesse Лм/ «»/Л^ mwi ^urtm to ^гомш/. А/ ц-dl engage target * on hudl to bully then through hostiletrirn,n ' i|( Ш1е line of the enemy • fuullade of Jireftimer even as hit squad takes the 11 _ - - Unit Type Bike I'nii Composition 1 BiUi "ARC EAR: * Ivin linked boltgun * Close combat weapon *f r*R Rrcnadcs *^»k grenades ’P^cial issue ammunition tpg ‘ ^<IAL RULES: ’ 'ndTHey Shall Know No Fear ^"моп Tactics (рк 103) , ;k‘>W Rider Vit Fire OrriOSS: • May include up to four additional biker*.. • Any imtdrl mav replace his close combat weapon with a power weapon....-.—...—..— — ——- - — • Any model may take mclla bombs. • \nv model mat take a Dcathwaich teleport homer ipi; 107 W pts/modei model .. ' ptym-dei lOfdvmmM
 /V gun lunrt trucks the xrnas adversary, spitting fite ns the brutish machine fnmi'ls ufrm the friths of uw limit ufrm the utmr ****V as the Rhino, the Rauuback is ftimed for the bttltinrr it stakes beiictm reliable t rails fr at anil light tank Mans Watch t of Hams «* these tanks as mobile bunkers when the files of unit hum hat. assigning them to smaller Kill learns as an extra layer of fnoteetian small f»e smpfy pings from their shifting hulls ami armoured flanks without leaving sa mu h as a scar Some of their transport fa fruity is ***ba powerful gun army, and unlh good reason - as the Razor back nears the front line Us heavy nmfrms thunder death into the °f,A/ fne. shattering the enemy lines moments before Us passengers surge path into the fight *АЛ>Нш| r Armour т BS F S R HP 4 II I MO * Unit "type Vehicle (Tank. Transport) I'nii Composition I Ka/urliai k y**GEAR: ^■'n-linked heavy boiler .flight n,,,kp Uuorhcn ^VNSPORT; •"port Capacity; Six models. Il models with the Bulkv. *Cl°'nU: No”** '«* Ka/orh.»« к has bull . 'Г" *u,nt on rat It side of the **<**4 «he rear. TIONS: i\ take items from the Death* at eh Vehicle Fquipinent list i\ replace its twin-linked heaw boltei with one of the folio*inK fwin-linkcd la-scaiinon ................................ ' ' o-1- .t -xsault cannon............................ 2o pis 20 pis _ A,
 jbatf ivUrani + fight t* ТвгттвШ „мл eft tjmholt 4 Or ImfifTUim i auftAi /Aw <wv«f wvrnv *•« ***■ willpurwHr luthat of a walking lank. »o pterwu* art try wtfl that the Ikeathumtih *Д «о#т abandon them По алmdaid щеаропп of a ЬгшшЧя* и imprtunt - in awful the uearer hold* a itorm Mlet atpoMe of mawing tlmrn aimed of Tyronuit Of a miJt of (Mb. upon Ikt other he wean 4 power ful. a eumbenome ha Л*“lh weapon with a gnp Лл1 row tear apart an FJdat bmdaoughi Mtat rv/Unt toaknatmm at* tammtm m the mtJurftke IbathunUh Same *•4 fi*r\ Heath pom rycl/rne •““if luuruhet* maun let l upon lh*w might} duwhien m u*r ^rngkatnUed auaull cannon* IHl tan nirn theu' through the ttmnmtd tehuiet of the enemy, thenfmmut the turn lightning '*•'* •* thunder hammer* of the dmt rmiitf tpnmluL Attuned 1‘ 'A* beam h* the llnilhwntfh » fmrtemauet*. every weapon h a Itmtlhwairh «—•MWr It aptxmuetl t»r •** ladl aleme - the daughter •ilk* alien mentor и her пет it *mn ,ы u, onh* Unit l Mf UMUrm | Tri mllUKn Unit Tvpr InUnirv vs s HS \R: r*m*ui ^ h»| ^Л,„ armour <(># 106) >: Ir up (И Гонг h i,.f, m.и irphir hi* fnmet lift with anr ul tin lolhmlng opon............................-................. t tiiuiiwin - f l with .umli.irv mrh.igon (pg unit m.и «lio»w »'»ir nl rlir hilltmlng ii% florin holler with .i hrei* Ihmrt iif чинш Itollcr with jo .iffMilt i unnon clone mi * file hum hr i (pg MM) ................. uwy icphrr hi* ым|м»1м with one of thr following ttt p!V mod* I /"• S po/motlfl 10 pH/model top,/model JO plr/m>drl J 4 pits model ft*. Ill pn/mt»M L
When the md/rm liable Walken known as Dreadnoughts go In war. the battlefield shakesat thru tread Within their adamantium hull п a sarcophagus - and within that, the mfrfdrd bid) of a Spare Marine laid low in halite Driven h\ an endless nerd far mengr. the* heroes air truly fearsome. 'I'hrir walkers ‘ limbs air driven In blessed hydraulics, and their crushing fists are powered by sanctified an alien tyrant taught in their grip will be crushed like mat, ht,;«>d in a vut the Iheait nought's multi-mrlta. though rrlatneh short «я hisses loudly as it turns the strongholds of the xenos foe to molten slag. I outorwus watery blares from the Diradnougbt'i iyu arurs «1 its brothers in chtngr after charge, breaking the enemy hues with the fane of a wrecking ball Dreadnought Г Armour i 5 F S К 6 12 12 10 HP .1 Unit Type Vehicle (Walker) t'nil Compo»iuoo I Dreadnought WARGEAR: • Multi-mclta • Power fist with built-in storm bolter • Searchlight • Smoke launchers SPECIAL RULES: • Mission Tactics (pg 103) OPTIONS: • May replace multi-mclta with one of the following: - Plasma cannon............................... ,,,.......... - Assault cannon...................................... - Twin-linked iascannon......................................— • \I.U 11 place powei b't with built-in storm bolu .• with .< minih taunt i • M..\ и j*l.i. c ii' built-in storm bolui with .1 built-in haw) :i >"" : • Ma)*-extraarmoui • May take a Dr<»p Pod (pg #b) as a Dedicated Iramport I
VANGUARD VETERANS Hurtling from tk, fa ullJi n ur'»m of p ,urfnnn ^ l tmguard Veter am of the IknlhuxiUh xtnkr ni lethal Thru wamor) itfmiaUu •n fnnfMMnt miauhi, then JuU al ttrm i n twA Ihnt nrn • urh wamor ran rhangr ihr flow of hat lit Uuhagtanrr. thn OiUU (hr игак /янnh ,« Ihr enemy Itnr before ten, ruling mu, bailie in prat ptamtd Imfis. home fjrrfrr 0, ttnke f,от nbrnr, launching from thr titlark bint of Thundethauh (iumiufn or Corvut HlatkUan uni to dtbvtr them to the Aran of thr enemy UrongfnunL All Vanguard Veterans uu thou йен font u-tlh uhtth Out an deadlteu Though want battle-brothers pirfn ihe tluwr tombina/um of ftethnffnng rhamturmi and brulal bob tntoL jutl at many uvld ’imr lightning riant, frturr 'nit or eton more detaitoting ruler итарнт tutk tu thunder \ommerx 'Пии took of Intru/Uon ай/the Vanguard rterun in Unking uttlA meierov •me. tearing о bloody wound 1 the enemy lunki. and 4ottering Ihe fcAruon of the о w that then taint might be •minuted altogether Vanguard Vrti-u»i t ail Type Jump Infatun tail Compo»i I Vanguard Vi WA ШЯЛН- • b*At у*иЛ • hug grenades • И/sb grenade* • Sp«« ial iHur ammunition <pg 105) SI'H 1Л1 КI I FA: • And I hey Shall Know No bear • MiftMon Tactics (pg iOH) tUrrou InlrrvrfflltMi Л unit (hat rontain* any models with lit»» n*le IKmtfry penalties for disordered 1 hoi ye I and * an M -toll one or i/./lh line wlwrt drift mining it* OKI IONS: • Mw inchidr up to four additional Vanguard Veteran» • рЫ c In» bolt pistol and special rssur ammunition and <* chainsw-orri with one of the following: t • lightning flaw------------------------—--------- siLmUd • Power weapon--------------------------------------------- • Hand llarnrr.... ..........ft - Сш^ЫЫ...-........— • Inferno pistol ---. - Ptauua pistol - Power fist.. * Thunder hammer —........— - Storm shield (pg 107) —.-—•—-------- • Any model nuv replace hi» weapons with a heavy thunder hammer (pg 106)...— —— • \ro model mas taki mi It. I barge range
***f/*~* uniA « u*m * vno-uton anA a Am * »'—■*O^inm^n “<,hf ^ ^ <^^^г<п, **■" * *r 1<прт, ж tnofmwis ,n thf run* hmdf ГН~ «г /V cttrtf W ^ *”""***Г**^ •-*«* *.*«„„* |#euJ 4, A П,фщи^4Л,х™мпн*иктт*т1ЪиГ*п1тт*и/ш**и4тац cw___ ^ . j \t*utkl Mtwr thf kill Traffic ntr vn/ w* /V nttsuk Whm , ^ VowmAfr Dn*A*oufto arr *»•»«< *""• <У<*** ’ W .. _J^L Г Armour т F S R II* 12 I» Unit TV pc Vehicle (WaJkrr) I'nli tompowtion I Venerable Dtrad nought 4 AXGCAR: *'*»ll»meha *Pg**r hv« with built-in Storm bolter •^rhl.^h, ^Uunchrr. Rl-LES: %*°n Tactics (pg 10$) |1*'Г*ЬЦ- H a Venerable v, ^n"uKbt Miller* И penetrative i»t'*’',,Jn make \<nir opponent t>„, <l4, ,rM‘lt on the Vehicle l4,**r You mutt accept the л ц"^,Гл«1|. even il и i* worse than OPTIONS: • Mav replace muUi-meita with otic of the billowing: - Пампа cannon..........—.....—........ • .Assault cannon.................—.... ~5/* 10 fu, Ilf* - Twin-linked !^*,“"‘^|h bul|Mn ,lo.m bolter with a immlr launcher 10 pu :'i:;:............................-..........................* . • Мал :::: ,Zp mu**»— u^"
FORCES Of THE РЕДТНУЩСН l tw 1..11...stag lion detail» hatkground and rules information dun describe the forces used by the Deathwatch - their i.11 n it,, u vehicles and dn characters dial lead them to battle. This section will enable you to forge your collection of tW'rtihttau,l oiiniatui es into an arm) ready m fight battles in your games of Warhammer 40.000. ( U( iqsing \N ARMN N\ hen . hooking an ai ut\ in pint a game of Warhammer lu,nun their- ate two main ways of organising your « nil.. linn l lien' ate (lie I iihound method, which means ul.iiig wtin Imn units h.ii like, and die Battle-forged nt«-i lit til whii h is more i igul hni has extra benefits. Both ail dr»» ttbrd lulls in Wuihammri 40,000: The Rules. II mui an using lit» l nhnuiid method, simply use the datasheets lalei in this set linn that correspond in the inndrls in v»nu i nlh i lion II \nu are using die Battle-Inignl method, \nu will instead need in organise the model* m vinti . nlleciion iiiio Detachments. This is u fun I urn ess in Us own right I lie most common ot these arc the i nndilui'il Ai ни and \IUrd Detachment* Note that you i an also im hide any ol ihc Formation» presented in this sci linn as pa 11 ol a Battledoi ge»l ai my I hc Black Spear Strike Force is a spec ial type of Detachment that can be included in any Battle-forged army. Unlike the Detachments shown in Warhammer 40,000: The Units, ii has a Force Organisation Chart whose slots are a combination of specific Formations and Army List Entries instead of Battlefield Roles. However, ii still has compulsory and optional elements, as well as Restrictions and Command Benefits, just like any other Detachment. Although units cannot normally belong to more than one Detachment, units from a Formation that is pari of a Black Spear Su ike Force are an exception. They count as part of both their Formation and the Detachment, and have all associated Command Benefits and special rules. If your Warlord is part of a Formation or an Army List Entry that makes up pari of a Black Spear Strike Force, that entire Strike Force is vour Primary Detachment. RESTRICTIONS: I Id» DcituItment imiM im hide at le,i»t one (aimmaud i Imli r, one (lore i Imii e and one Auxiliary choice. It nut) im hide up to two more Command choices and am ininibct ol additional Core and Auxiliary choice», in am »omlmiatioit. Only the datasheets li»trd here can be im luded in this Driac hinrnt. All uuii» in die Detuchmeni iiiii*i have |he Deallocate h Fac tion. COMMAND BENKFI I S: Veteran Mauler of the Walcht II (hi* Detachment I» chosen а» ют 14 liiuiry Dei а» limrni, you »an »hooxe lo re-roll die lesuli on ill. Deathwatch Warlord frail» table (pg 102). Flexible Mlaaion Tactical II your army coniain» our or ,1,01,- ill,и к Spear Strike Force*, von can change the army* Ml,»|.m ladle (pg 10.1) one extra dim- during a mission. I ,uallc till» will allow you to change Mission Tbnics twire dining the game rather than only once. Inn if your Warlord D a Wan Ii Matter (|»g 74) eii has the Vigilame liicaiiiiile Warlind hail (pg 102), ton will be able to change Mission facile* up in three or Лип limes! Sudden Onalaughti Ml mm vehU le m.Hlels in a Rlat к Spe.n sink» Feme have the Deep Strike *pecial rule ^ WATCH COMMANDER 1 I of the following: - Librarian - Watch Master - Dreadnought Watch Captain - Venerable • Chaplain Dreadnought KILL TEAM • I unit of Veterans AQL1LA KILL TEAM (PG 91) • 1 unit of Veterans • \t one choice from ihc following 1ы Librarian Terminators Vanguard Veterans Bikers DROPSHIP • I ( orvus \tixlliaiv I- (aMiiinand 1-1 ANCIENT 1 Dreadnought or Venerable Dreadnought
л \ хелоя hordes on their home worlds, or IV Block Speer Strike Force allow» you to field the Aha heltlrlldd. Whether you wish to reprrsenl a U-. i ,' ,Mlnclw* Irmi” of 'be Deathwatch on the Warhammcr 40,000 .....................*..... »e choices below offer a great was t„ pick your army. M example, Hrth\Death watch caliechem consuls о) и 'lawn, a WtiUh < apian,, tux, I Urrnnnns a «.«I/ with ter, models. three Veteran UHUs uith In* a^Wi mck Ikm Terminator*. fn* token. five Vanguard Vefnans, «I Ihendnougkl. a ImuH Kanin Crusader. and a (iwrttt H/ackshn. If Helh utshes la organise her roller hat, tiling the Battleforged «,tW. til of her tin* nerd to be pan „/ a Detachment m a I orm.stwn Beth a, hines this fry choosing a Black Spear Sink, /Ы Drtni hment. Beth lakes Ihf H’rtfrVi Master as hn Command thoue Shr then «,xd\ n Coin hour, vo she rambme»the Watch Captain and a unit of ten I Wntmv together to form a Strntegmm Command Ira-. pi rug the Veterans the Cotv us Hlackstar as a dedicated tinHspxxit irhute lirth next nuikrx up same Kill learns for her army She has the Librarians and terminators fain a unit of Veterans tn make a I'игр1 tu\ hill learn, she adds the Hikers to nnnthej unit of Veterans to make a Venator Kill Irani, and the Vanguard Veterans join the last unit of Veterans to make a Dominatus Kill Team, Ihr Dreadnought and the Land Raider Crusader join Beth's army as an Ancient Auxiliary choice and an Armour Auxiliary choice respectively. • b all of her units belong to the Black Spear Strike Later Detachment, Beth's army is a Buttlefurged army. I he army therefore has the Veteran Matin of the Watch rule, ihr Flexible Mission laches rule, and the Sudden Onslaught rule Finally, Beth chooses the Watch Commander - her Watch Matter - to be her Warlord The Black Spear Strike Farce is thrirjore her Primary Detachment. № f Ы ROR Kil l. I F.AM (PC. 92) • l unit ol Veterans • 1 unit ol Tctimnatot* • \m numbei of choice* from the following list: Librarian Vanguard Veterans - Bikei* VENATOR KILL ГЕАМ (PG 93 • i unit i*» Yctei atis • I unit ol Biket' • Vm numbet olT hoiccs from 'he following list Libiatiau lei initiators Vanguard Veterans MAI I l l s Kll I П AM (PG 95) *1 unit of Veteran* * * "nit ol Terminators * Auv nnmlicr oi i hoi< e* from 'be following Iim; • Libuila„, ^"guard Veterans • Hiker» DOMINATUS Kil l. TEAM (PG 94) 1 I unit of Veterans • 1 unit ol Vanguard Veterans ' Any number ol choice* from the following list: - Librarian - Terminators • Bikers PI RGATUS KILL TEAM (PG96) • I unit of Veteran* • 1 Librarian • 1 unit of Terminators • \ny number о I choices Irom the following list . Librarian - Vanguard Veterans - Bikers armour -Ti Land Raider. | and Raider Redeemer «и Land Raidci Crusade. DROPSHIP \MN(. (P(;99) • 3 Corvits Bla< к star* Го] STRATEGIUM COMMAND TEAM (PG97) • I Watch Captain. Chaplain or Librarian • I choice from the following list - I unit of Veterans - Atpiila Kill Team - Furor Kill Team - Venator Kill Irani • Dominant* Kill Team - Malleus Kill Team - Purgatn* Kill Team WATCH COMPANY (PG98) • l Watch Captain • 4 choices from the following list: • I unit of Veteran* - Aquila Kill Team • Furor Kill leant • Venator Kill Team - Dominatus Kill Team . Malleus Kill Team - Purgatus Kill Team
DKATl l\V.\T( I1 WAR(IRAK I.IS I Hse*»' list' ds'latl the print* '.tint's stl SUlhtU* item* ttl St Itl grill atailtlhh In unit* III уши .и111у. Vlilliy null rnlrle* ill lb* ||»|»'Ь|‘|Ч' •I*'»1 UdWvvs ii\t Ititlc "#iiivai option* Iпин »чп «и шин ul tin %e lists In li IiihImih **, ihr afwy h*t miry ''ill it'll vMl |ln bs'M IrvO очи» Hs vs Isis It list* t mt In- iisihI Utils ч Ini lltmi- iti-ni* • nil In- I mind in llir Append!*. Ranges! Weapon*................................................... 101 \ nuxkl VMS npl.UC lux bollRUH. lush pi*|ss| ,il It I III Mill'» Sss'.ipstn ss lib s'lU- s'l I hr Issllt swing Htsllgun........»..............................„....,.........jiff ■ Sum»» holier........................................„„........ ' pfs t.ntlthl IWlt.l, phlMlU, И.ППГ1 ............... Hand tl.nm-i lOptx Gntv-pUtol 19 pb' tnJtertto pUto) I9pt% HrtSWrt pistol......................I............... / ^ /»/t Special Weapon* \ Itlodrl imiV u i It»*. hnltgUM ss till щи u| tin following 1». nhWKM it shotgun ........................... ilrr Sulkci pallet n holigutt s f,lK * Seiner.................................1 pis Mrltagllll Cr«*gun ....................................... n/lh Пакта gun......................................./к ^ Mflrc Weapons................................... |0I, \ щ«м|с*| mas icplaic* Ins holtgnn, hull pistol anil oi Mrlcr weapon with one ol tin* following ( haimwoitl /,,, Lightning, lass /'/./, IVnsri weapon.................................. /1 I>I\ Pinverfl»t ■'/./. I bunder ha in met ......................... HI pis Heav y Weapon* \ Mindel и p|,ii i hlv holtgnn willi <ini' ol tin l« ills ISV IЦЦ III ass holli i ЮрН о Mas ilso lat.« hrllliu' ч1м IU (pg 107) ^ pis lli avs HiniH i 10 pis MumIi I.iiiiii In i ( mivslle*) П pit о Mas also i,ili Hal l tni**i|i * H>pis Inin nuv In avs holm 20pii о Mas also laki hrllliu* shell* (pg 107) ^ fHs hralhwali It Iiag i annon ..............29 pU l»K 107 Spi’tial Hftin* War gear \ niotlrl mas laki any ol ihr following MttpM ’ /''* i . unbttt ihit Ul ' f'1' Mt lla hoinh*.......................................... s Pt% Drallissatt Ii tslrpoii hoinn... HI pis weapon* ... 10 pis Kellr* of the Vigilant .. pg 109 ()nls tint ol r.n Ii Kelli ol the \ igilant may hr taken pn .ii ms \ innilrl i an take one "I the lollowing I hr t shim* ol I. toi lade* ................ lOpts ll.inrholi* ol Riyxia ... ................... HI pis I In « K*eti* kry 1 ............................ .. /5 pis Doittiiitiv Argl* .................................20 pi. i I hr I lilel ol Sr« iet* ..........................20pi% iin Beacon \ngell* Hi pis Drat Instils It Vehiele ION \ model mas take tip to otn rai h ol the lollowing: I »oo i blade ..............9pis Sim m holla........................................ 5 pis I \ti a .n moot ................................ HI pi \ I Inntrrk till i im*'ilr ......................... Hi pis i1 an only bt laktn by n Walth Mastri Htplarrs wndfl's rInins Is rpin* t\ modtl's VW/r иvapon May notIn I'*'» r,\ о him! Uanln of any tyf*
' u°^ur " «lord Тгы«. rules'” d "r "—-m to «Ita, V* *fw,ul «»U« «• — ^ -r «.diected ‘"J-.-uW un.. ,lr '^T ,КЛ "T un“^ <>***. «.кг •* un- ■“«w-these ,,r д„ ^ ~ ,Ыр "* —pb Imed h» '"•**'««•*— «м!й1 Й?,hr *"»» *“«" ЕЖТ&аа ЫЫшргтт isSd r,™" *r~ -—- - < ..r £ - -^й~аггйГ" ~ *«"“ «*«• •‘"‘-H •" «he contm, w% with this model). 9 Comma i Squads Л.. тттл dm,„n. f*, Spa,, Atom* топ ю rrMMI ,UxMt filling miv lua, „тип ai 1A1 Urtkat uhuUnm dutai„ A leu-model Veteran squad см break down into two li,r-iiHMlrl unit». < ailed •uiiilut squads You must deride which Veteran squads air splitting into combat squads, and which tnodelt go Into each combat squad, immediate!) betoce detrimining мни Warhml Traits, Л Veteran unit spin into squads is now two se|utate units for all цате purposes, mi hiding calculating live total uuinbri ol units in the arm)' and lietriinining the uiunlier of units you can place in Resets* Then proceed with drpknmenl as nor та I. In an exception to the normal rules, two combat squads *pht fioiu the same unit can rmluil in the same transport sehklc. presiding its Transport Capacity allows Oim e mhi tune decided whether or not to split a unit into cotnlul squads, it must innaiti that was fot the entile tattle It cannot split up or join hack together later in the Kittle, not «an sou use a redeployment to split up a unit <>t join И back ti*gcthcr. FACTION AND AI-LIKS Ml uiut. in ( Wrs /MMiosrfti base the Dealhwauh fartnut I he Dcathwuli h ate part of the Armies of the Impertum ami alls as ukh as desenbed in the Albes •««"*» «•< WMbmmmft 4O.0W ГЪ Ku!„ WARLORD TRAITS \\ hen generating Warlord traits for a Warlord wt.h the . r^aLws snt| <4(1 Cllbrf roll МП ОПС ol ibr iSeathwaich ”4J| " '_«,«» ПеЛкпос rnfl Warlord Tratt. table* m Иаг*а—r» w .H, the table to the right of Deathwan b Spwr Marines In sow games of and Tactical OhJtCtisrs TV ptolUrs |Mgr si the end ur games Warlord Traits Table ) WARI.ORD TRAIT Bane of Monstrosities: I hi Bar Lid if*. lal.w,.. *"414 dmm <iaw Viesswii fiat eytM as,Ax ll* • rain ,V lie snow mtdUu You ran tr-t«sll tailed To WosiihI and ainuHii prnetration lolls Inc ssmii Watlotil against Monstrous < reatuir*. Tank* and Super-beast Wlnclcs t.ord of lllrlden knowledge. It| >. -King tie ап кит of lie iWAerclIii a*ef tie /«puti/ms, 1A11 Haiti. J nsec kaawinlfr U*Jf 41 4 utmfam Roll .1 |M> - sour Warlord has gleaned dm main insights into the enemy's weaknesses Той 1 an use each ol these insights oner dining the kittle 10 ic-ioll a laileil To llil. In Wound 01 aimour pcnrtraiion toll foe soui Warlord 01 lu» unM Castellan of tV Hlaik Xanlli tl'uiii Mea-mr-J. nf tie /ValtiksUii air ».,its.four ulafnai flihn+id At tie lmfrnum\ gmiuu .milAl - Ли* *Aa guard lAa* irnatU are aa4 afiaid la esaie me of Лгт Ml weapons ranted bs soot Wailoid liasr the Mattei-cialtrrl special tulr tvsrrpl Relhrid the Vigilant) Hunger of the Red tiawni Iki Иям • a .-r.a.. nadir ,*nvr of dark n/11 sriew Лifnkaihl dews di gwunf. tie ArUer la tin •I tus Mi emd sstint went Tout Warlord has the Night \ Isinu sjwt i«l 111I1 In atklitiuo, alter ile|ikesiiieiil. кипи ileslan that tl»e Night lighting qwsialrulc •* meile.l duilng game Пии I (lltere is no need Ire mill S Vigilance Incarnate fs I lint ueiltie of Iki Imfrnym Mil Waitail alarm knani On a/ft apt tali laelWI la dtp*! a f~ You 1 an 1 liauge Mitimo I ai in t (we oppmeii -one •dduiiMial nine duilng ihr halile > Master of the Yordhunl: /*> И- " ' 1 • 4 dnsdb ll.iiik.f - mat, hr Aai lie alerter ai4 if All fseaert, Meee laaisaekap from All Malpiai At the u,nr ol г ai h id tour iuiio, trail Waris'l can rail rlown a lame mike и|ми| an euetnv 111111 within IV Roll a tine, mi ,1m nnar the unit sulfeit l)t Mrenglh ft ЛГ1 hue On a u siilt of ft it instead ttillns HI Mrrnglh I'» AW hits Vm Mounds llral aie inllme.l »<» Kaiulonih .Mis and
ЛЯКЯ* the аггосятел of the DoAmdl (oold mean the different г between of F.ryxia tirfcMqcn*» Anxw .pew Vr r*f,/r Uf, t, irarrh vf cb MtMLSb ipml rUrtuin aorfen, v,M М/iMoik^ujC^ •*•■**' •*»«*•* «мм»» o, ^ f ibatbbobrrltfHtbudtipniudAr* Tb*.rki------1rVi' tow of Act firrti !’rattan t art Util rxlaitt. kou uri uUkin '« NVjfcy „ <V ^ «»'*'• /wl «е tfbw» . Ac-**,. u*cu defarwd * ^ MW <en »An if, /«TRW in C terowi A model that и equipped with Bancbcdt* of F.rvxia <an uve the Mbming tpccial iwue ammun.t.on <pg 105). in addition to anv other type» it can помпа I It uie ^1^2!VIGILANT Holt piviol Boltpui Stalker pattern Mtjpni Ranee AP 12- 24* 30- 2m. Piuol. KilUlmt Awauli I. KilUhot Heatv 2. KPhhat, Sniper Kilt-vhot: II the To Wound toll for an attack with thkt weapon it f>, it hat tlic Intuiit Death special rule Thf Beacon Angeus lb ймпм| Angrltt inai rlrttud Ю gutdr Iks IbtlKwaUb to Me tbnbM of tb «fieri arfumai}. Почив u-iMiu a rrlt/ftuiiy. rAe Bmm Angrtn rail* out to Me augur array* of tb DrathuaUb заЛЛг онее» of a hundtrd fi/ttnt cArruAiw It* lunnoni n to ^«4 it util draw tkr nghuou» unto ill lu'ttlf rrgatHUu of uhut btbtrw mn iurwur/il il. Iricmlh unitt do not trailer when they Deep Slnke. v> bis* tf,,. (j(4) niodrl i, pl.u i'd within f>* of the model Iwanni; the Beacon Angcliv In addition, once pci game. i! the tun ci( any friendly Movement phate. the hearrr '«i t«e the Beacon Angel It to teleport hit comrade» to h«|xn«iiin When In- doet u,. remove one friendly unit ,,u" hat ilw- Deatlmatch Faction from the board, even lf" n locked in combat. I hrv then immediate!) amve ^i*hir. 6* of the l>earer. trying the inlet for Deep Strike ^mimл Aegis " ”4*4 /«Me, М/ form of an ontnlr finer tbuU; ttbn «lerf^r „ drrum hard into Me ground. >< f>r»l*4* n **4*nuatfm„ ftrM ,hnt ^0Mti „It thou- urMrn 4* ™<tl . 7/-WW merjfto t„nuA to taar b thou Kill IramteyflrrUd ,Ыо 'b ban of lb хеши AauSrt. 4 bn unvd mtinM'» Wn w An tfom №lin<10 wtor> a'lKf ,Urn't,ky 't**4 ‘b ur*,t of Me «Леи Klim at bo) r'l"4»|>ed with the Dominut ЛсЦ!, doet t. ”***'he Mmrmrin plutr. lit unit s-»»'4 •• V.J "l,‘,'a,<le late until the Mart of «>«' ,lrxl I phate tert prrteote on the lidd of hatih- Tut Ossi:v> Kl 5 ГЬ атпгы dmxt Ытт ш Me fhwui Ал и иЫ to b Me mhU MV, M, tovn uW OUT m*l tb Ьфггжт а* ,шЬ /Ли,ц*т, Me fAww An о mob from Me trwiir. «W pWaitffn о/ MvmW ImpnclFbtbnn tbufmkt n Mr //«to /U, I, .u. wrmMoW мМ тАнмп .err end imAW inf A <V m.gtuaU •M*«r Itunr, e^Me ajv ffwA Mete /WAmTcA ,.A.« rгАлг .^w,r *ew««f *£f deiMrewruartf irtM/V Chieni An. А» *o pvtaf ran Am if, (mm /пш ewfn. uud u» The Oueuft Krt it a cLmt t|*c 107). In additkin, il а model equipped with the CKtent Kn kt л lelm le oi IniilditiR in tlte At vault Phaw. n>ll a due .liter all rtf u« Attar:Lt hate been revolted to determine the ellrttt D6 Ketull I No effect 2-3 The target Miffcit a glartcing lilt. 4-0 The target mfltn a penetrating hit. Tm Thief or Si t ki is Ikrfvarr no inf k*mr* a* Me lb и/of Vetrti о oiWatof Ay a noeArne that ha* an utuftmrkaUr Hunt /••* «•i«ctVe>fCr BVn U tour* (Ae tit,tl fluid, of an <ww. Maw lofwds art obuaM into Me Mode and ,of,/inf Ay Mr kwyimM ,.,r,n qf loguvm rtU* мМт 7V burlogual unrl* of the iui/м/л/ .ynrfnrr «гг rAe*. irnflAtrai Ay (Ar AAut/4 nwuArne i/»nf, it/A.tJtqg uvUrt to ех/Лм/ Me U.deti Autefnfft' /и», fnnnl on R-nge AP T>pe IVr Melee. Ilmpliagt Biophagr: Whenever a model inllic it an iintaved wound with live Thiel of Secret,, the weapon Irani* .hr weaknett of that model , unit anil ant other n.iiit <>| .ln-tame type (feu example, if it wound* a t ariulrt. u I. at m die weaknevt ot all Ca.mlrtcx) \m Inline aitai kt made living the Thief of Sec reit agatnu unit* whov,- weakn. .u-v .tie known to it will Чиселtlnllv moic a wound on a To Wound toll of -♦ I ho Ian* until llu- end of the luith Tin Tome ‘>i Kirroci m»i.n /Au gnmmrr. bound in tb Mm ,f lb ,U*n, bid* lb non fnniYffut truth* lb /V/itAuvifrA Am* «««.nor./ «fouf lb и turn,* for* lb bmtrr ran aurrlam lb itdnrtuMifo* of lk,,*r b u «fcnil to far* ~ »“'* hnrrjMgr bi* in lb fn*t un *J not о«/. lb AwA t luUadul». but mine imnWi \i the tiart of each of ton. mutt, you «an |м. к one ot th. Motion radio lined on PK 103 l »»l 'he t.a.l ..I ton, (urn. tin* 1МЫ appliet U> ihe model .a,.tmK d-neot 1’сикЫс». «md all other modrlt in it. iimt that i " ,h. Drathwateb ladnrn I ho It m addition m th. am -«the Mittiiui Utw that .n.iei.ih hr'ac 1ПГ and от. Dralhwal.h hu.r.
ARMOURY OF THE DEATH WATCH Пил section of Coda. Iknthicatih li»i* the weapon* *n<l npiipinnii и». <11ty Им lb aihwafrlt, along with fhr rob* f,„ , them >n your game* of Warhammer lO.(MX). RANGED WEAPONS Profiles for the following ranged weapon* urr Inrhidrd on il.c prolllr* page li'urAnnimer dO.OOO: thr Kulrx (pg 112). Their foil rule» ran lie f/n.nd tn 4kmuIi cannon lira* pi«tol Ml« la.itithet Hollgnn l lii.ltl (lai.u i Mull, in» tra Hoh ptMo) Heavy boiler llaui.a rairman Coinb. weapon* He*w lla.i.ri I'btrr.a g.iti Flamer Inli'llIII p.tlol I'lasriu |<Mtail KlantcMoim t.tniton la*, j.uiori Slortt. bolter til.w-gun Mtiiagnn Hi At КМ ЛК C.l « 4 11 К 1 U N1 III.К I Ik ('win HUukUm Am tun uni mauntrd ginuutr latoulisn, allowing the pilot to too* <■ bottom, «/ miuutum, м An irakr ш b Uiafn An primary Ungri.%. I hr l/iuiubt n in (mbit of firing rtlbr nntn rhnnng fine iluUrry in о muUnx ,<f infnnus grenadn /hot Unit burning fnumrlhiiim in lb lUiukdai i irnkf. Unlike other Bombs. a НЦекмаг cluMn l.uuu lici dor* not h.ivc «lie One l *c Only nile and run be meil e.uli nun __________________R-«e S AP TV!» Krug cluster • "i 6 Bomb I, I .ii Re BlM Infcnu» cluster - » « Honili I. IW.ol. Ignoin Cover BlAC.KSTAR Rot К» 1 I" N< 1,1 K 7 V pugnatiou* rUbmrttr o/Ar (Ъпм\ Шшкит hrtnl.U о twuigr ol mnulfi. пик "In lot lb momml bfi*' ,lu drUnation ,t wirak, НЫЬт rurtoaur mtxnlrx gu.drd * to* „,rmy ourm/IJmm A, dre* or an,bad, drug»* btmm тгШ./mg into в моUni Muto/юп of bOfur. lb" «” with pinpoint etturary mid Hnt timing Corvid tv.uhc.ul ***** SO' Draco* warhead SO* S AF ТУР» li | Нелу IX». Skylire I Г» Нелу I. Ijirc BUM, Ignorr* < o'er CYCLONE MISSII.F UUNCIII.K Ih, minor тпч/г taunibr yyUrm и ^£«'***4 run, to send four* of mnaln UmAiag mto lb for 14>m * ' drugnrd to kill noalbn «rno, m/on/.r ■■» And «»*«••<• ,„,kr „тиИаптн* to UO' kolr, in rnrmr armour. A Terminator «ап fire h.* cyclone I липе bet... .idditton to In* Monn Ix.lter Frag nti**ilc Ki.ik mteuie Range -S 4K" » 4Г » АР тур» 7 11.-Л1 Л HUM t Нел* 2 lll AIIIWAK II FRAU C.ANNON lb liralhunlth/log i/тми II ohn (о n man partotdr nrt.LUr, four. oifuiUr of laying dawn a hard, ikntUnng uth о nr о bn a inM thill that toll bhiM thtough tnlamanlium ol ilau tan/y ______________ ft—» 8 AT Type bag found trmpUftr fc ЛттЫ Brodmg Solkl «hell 24" 7 * Arnault 2. Impart Impact: II il.r urge. ..пи и-мЬ.п 12'. tbn *«л\*л,\ Strength I» increased Ui 0 and »t» AP i» .netrated to DlAIIIWAK II SlIOIGI'N (/fjlimlv.l fur Ihr ih,v fu/irUii "tuforr tJfmaOj fovfb »« 'pot, hulk, nod xmm infrUat axtmdM, lb Itrothuauh thMfun Ы, a mi lu/xn bid o ividr ladiu• of tffHi lb I m fur moral diuin/t tjfm of inrindgr. »*»„ lAndm of \hot known ai irjfiiirrrttr round, to ___.d !u4tr 5 (jyptrlearer round 1в’ • Xrnofiurge iIi.r 16' » Wvinidireatb «hell I r mplale * ^__________ А-ШЛ2. ShrrrJ 4 Лмаох: A Arnault I Ikathwimi» Laui«:»im« L]unlfta UuJkuind tan ~ km, та /Utrd to —» ./ i/n/l IN/onlrf /lit lufifro: M Um, fmi m-ra, r - “C v infantry fur lufiprol tan iaui wrandi tbn nrrd to raurra Ka«*r 12*
 •V I Пя.,*мпук<п ^ КЛе» svoms»» »4 tfcw 1«ч.» linltsl bolignn. 1и4ч>и1^гад^ц ;N.j<\. ч Н»л\\ Но» >t к Sri * i \i Ism i \MMIMI ion M. /V..M..../.A HU .A../ к/л/пм nnilMl «MW*/ *eni«uv Мя/ А..А/ sfnbth*! Ml mi мм/t Itntgnn/irr Mu mr AiJI/nr \hrll% /1//../-./A 14,1 Мя/ rt^/.u/u fo UIIHuHtfarx in lOSYT. -ХФ АгиА.ч Mil «I,/и* ИН mhimnntiiir ,iHr .rib/ imfnmnl fnsfriLshl hsfmtt,iu i hr IA niril hulr tlrllfur muniU rfi-uu M-pU in 1Ч ..НИ.Ч1 rtin/*, i.’Ai/e iingMuir iiMiflifi *т/>Ло iint/nWr /fas mu /лАлиАх» /Ля/ янАп /Aon Airimr/inii /« uu, Am i4.f.>/rW» tffnbiY .iKiimsi nimoutni Imyrli In iiiMiiuhi to i lull mutual profile lot llirli boll pistol ill ImllKllll lllli |«и|1|1Ц it.ilkil pallet It Itoltgiiiu and |Ц|)|Ц||||Ч ill,II .ИГ p.lll III .1 <olllbltV«\t|>oll HI gllallll.lll 'Iи*,111, models null »|n i mI Ivmm* aiuinmiiimii «ап i biiiio , in ••.»! li ol tin'll M looting phases. lo bull .ill III! nor III lb. |M»lll«'< In’ll и. iinlll I In' lit ginning ol ili. и in14i Shooting |ill,im’ Ml models mill special min' .iiiiiniinuioii iii ,i nun mint use ihc wmr tspe of llllllllllllklillll Mill'll tin- noil shoots I)k m.onmki Hoi i K..„cr S AP Tspe Hull pistol W 1 ъ Pistol. iRIIOin Cover llollgltll •/»- 4 5 Rapid Fire, Ignore» (lover Malln |Miu iii Kilieuii :l»r X 5 1 Iimw 2, Smpci. Ignores (over I It I » I IHI Rot Mi >: vine Рап»к\ 1m»i i».t s Roigc S ДР T>pe Holt pistol 12' 1 5 I’lilol. ^ Mk Mil nfUrinn (W Я Iwf Will/ MW rflaixjri Poisoned (2‘) •^zh/Anh. At itlfci рЫЯт hsUgnn и >M fr» A-*f ru«ifr mamamiiu «*4 fatоц( .yj At Amins .у /А* абт кмп IViltgiui 21“ 1 Ъ Rapid Fine, Sulkei p/tttein Ж X 5 Poisoned (2*) 1 leaw 2. W s vr l\pc X S licass 2. Sniper Imltgun Sni|K-i. Poisoned <2*1 Krvki\ Him T 45*»»'/пА* нои/л Vunr *» Ihr (-«I-HI Km Altai *** 1шку nttmgh ik iwmi* ---------*- ** Ъ*________________________ 2 I Irass I, ( от uelvc, One Use Onh RoiiCr S AP Tspe Hull pistol 15' « 4 Pistol Hollgnn .10" 1 4 Rapid I’iir Mallet p.iili’in It. X 4 lltrnv 2. iKlIlgun SnijM-t \ i \ta \\« i Roi ni> Rangr s AP Tspe Hull pistol *r 4 Pistol. Gets Hot Holtgnn IS' 4 .1 Rapiil Fire, (k-ts Hot Mallet p.llll*m 24* X .1 llrsiss 2. lioltgun Sniper. Get» Hot
w V.111'1 VVKAPONS —....... .... c“ *» • Ьлтпм • Ь.и||ч\м||1( ' W combat weapon kvipont • «glutting daw PoWVI IlM mpuni I lltllulri hailllllri I*o\\kk Fist \\t> Atxn hk\ Mhtacun /Лоы<* ,kf Р**А**14Мт /»W, Du under Imfurrum л, 1*н<л<л1г ,n adapt in mattery loAn«**we/. Du adddum .</ ■>«/ pan to another и torn .11 a forgnable nlnim ..//A, OnnminA'i ичИ V. </ и I An/ галл» rf the i./w/c™, „и,/ А, /V lhathivauh hair nu*r /Али on/ roi/ the rn<vAoi£ night of a pourrfilt twinned uilh /А/ l.rnA butting fHOential of a rruUagun being full one ll«A example * КО/-И N \K< \\1 M * '*"*"“* <»*“» „ Ч *“ ',и,А“'^ Of nghteout judgement л/мп on/ rate A mum. 11 nn nua/ni rrbr. ^ dbw. /гоИ i/Лнп to / hafdain and Among mrA iii/mwv wmwri W •tt rt. W tmpt mound i/i An// AP J>Vc ♦2 Melee, Conclusive l.t \Rm \\ Sim ah A model equipped viith a power (ut and auxitiars mrltagiin un lire it a, a nieltagun instead of shooting another weapon, aiwl attack with it in the Assault phaie » a power Пя. They can do both in the same turn. Bl.ADi •Met* irltf Uadrt Amo Arm in Du unnt of Du Imptrtum longer Diiih (hr uuj/rA fortrevui that maintain Dun Same predate thr llonu finny, originally ureirled In Du /in/ nud am/ fm.-nful of thf Spate Marian, only to be patud to Du founder! of /А/ heathtralth al the Am u о/ thf Impenum that гхЫt today It it urn ®i filling Inhulf to thou nmunt heron that thru guinl paurrnl btadet air itill uud to tlefend Mankind to thn day \ king ami dnulhafted ptdenrm Uwtu only by thr bmfrrvrt mmt huxtnl Mimon, thr guatdmn tpntt и tun uniform in ont. Unuath * /ii.etrd hhuif t-nukhng urth dmuptnr mnyprs. thr tptar Am a t ampin I Kttin that nllot.t i/t Aram In kill hit tram enemm at range. \ iii.hIcI ci|iup|»r<l with a guardian fprar can Гиг it ai a lioltgun with ip«4 ial issue ammunition (pg I o'») It tan also alia, к with it in the Vss.uilt phase using the profile below. It «an do both in llu- same turn Range S AP Type_________ . , I 2 Melee. Hlock. Two-handed Range_________S_ AP Type •2 3 Melee. Two-handed Xknopii.ask Hi aim Karrly urn outude tkt Deatharatth, thr lenofAau Unde и an ant uni and barely understood arte feat i. троп Snmt Muxr a hat i/i origin t a manga longdrftalrd xenot dynat/ut. though tpeaking of iti hitlory hat long Arm foeMden on pain of exenteration. lit rffuaiy и beyond ifiuttion, for i/i 6lad/ tippler urth a mulrtulai realign ount field that afloat it to <ttm<r though рже firldt and nelaphywal unnlt at rauh at it tult through fMtual armour R»«y _________5_______A,>_______________________ 1‘ser 3 Melee. MntnuUi Hlock: Once |wi tutu, in the Assault Phase, a model .ipnp|»cd with a guardian sfu-ar ran attempt to block a Mtiglc Miack that targets them After the To llu roll is made, mil a dice It the result is higher than the Го Hit roll, the дна. к is bins ked and has no s-ftecl Mtacks that do not hair a I.. Hit mil cannot l»c blocked. Realignment field Molecular Realignment Held: Successful insiilderabie vising throws nude against Wounds inflic ted h> this weapon tnusi be re-rolled. Ill \\ i lllUNDKR llAMMKR Пи largnl man-poAoUf Ihun.ln hammer it used by Du llnlhuntrh - a gutnl ,тилАга< tool of dertmetum to heut-y that nm a Sprue \lanne ,ann.4 uu dont+nnded Moathedby a p,H,rrtul ditTUfdHm fuhi I* bun thunder hammer ,t .apahU пЫ only of, mekiHg tfen a Carnt/ex t exoxblel.m. but aba of tmeuktng through Ih rnrduкшт lo bmh lb cmUurr rn tun,., Range 10 AP г Jfe Melee. Puheme. C'aincussive. TWohandcd. I 'n wields Puberise: If .be Го Monnd roll for an attack with dm . _ i. .. .w- ..... к has the Instant Death sj»e«»al mie Heavy thunder hammer
SPECIAL ISSUE WARGEAR Bole» for «hr following can hr found in Ita/hammn 40.000: The Rules. Frag grenade** Ktak grenade» Mefta bomb» Psychic Iwod • See .««.Ault grenades AUSPEX Л shod ranged yeanning device. the auipex unities broad •eentmgfh deUelnm matin to fnnfmni townM rnemus \ model with an auspex can use n in place of nuking a shooting attack. If lie dor» *o, target an enemy unit within IT <thb doe* not count » chousing a target lor lu> unit to drool at). A unit that is targeted hx one or more auxpexes ha» it» co»er »a»e reduced by 1 until the end of the phaue Ci-Wis Thn artefact lonlenns annent machine spmls that tan to pryrjateel through the an to dnrufd a nearby яяАишш. Subtract I from the Wcajion skill. Ballistic Skill ami Initiator characteristic* of any enemy »chule» w ithin 6" ol a model that i» ecpiipped with a cLavit. Hemmkk Shells I'nfoud from then original design to better ilas lyansd «uiUfrOtl/i/1, these hear) ibelh mtmfennte a powerful bsersenf. Each tune a weapon equipped with hrllfitr drelb fire», the controlling plater can choose whether to fire a bellftrr »hcll or to u«r tl»e ordinal» profile for that weapon. _________S AP Type______________________ 24" | Ilea»» I. Blau Poisoned 12») Ikon Halo The iron halo n a powerful delate granted to high-ranking Spate Marine offuns ttbni behind the head не incorporated into the armour, the iron halo contains an energy field that wards agamil the noH pXenl xemn weaponry An iron halo confers a 4» invulnerable »a»c. Jump Pack Л jump peak enables the treater to make great bounding leaps. or make a boosted flight orer ihurt distance! Jump packs also enable airdrop deployment, the ueetrrr fdus* meting into battle from tow fhmg diopships. uung controlled bursts to slow tkerr descent Model» rt|Utp|ird with jump |хм к» gain the Jump unit type at drwnbed in Mlsrhammer 40,000. The Rules Rosarius Л iMorfut и ovrn In a Otaphunfw protection and ai a symbol of off* e It emit у an energy field that eon deflert the Henry of alter, memstroutvs. It u belw.ed that the monger Hi bearer s belief in the might of the Кмртг. the monger a toumuT fane field u*U be A rosarius confer* a 4» intulnerable »a»e. Combat Shiuo W uarrues wear a combat shield filial to their гetmbnue to proosde an additional element of protection ' combut shield confers a 6* invulnerable sexe. Ueatiiwatch Tki.kpokt Homer Tdepnt homen emit a signal that allows ortntng Iteathusit-h **** Cnaien to loth onto them With trlepartaM* equipment Funnily unit» composed entirely ol models in Terminal'* 1,n*"W. or that bate the Sudden Onslaught »}>ecial rule 'w do not tcaiier when tliev Deep Strike, so long 44 'be luw model placed within 6* of the Wraths, awl. ’‘J'lHut homer’s bearer For this to work, die bearer of , »caUnmtch teleport homer mtixt have been <>" u,,WWdat I lie мам of the turn. J^TAt Weapons _ r^neapm, mr ,on„au,t tarns and mimatuir flamers t so but ran udu advantage of an exposal weakness ham**1 Jrmtd w"b ‘•'К**1 '*«p«u rj",c’"11 J '"'Kk 1 r,‘1' To Wound in rach Assault phase Storm Siiim i> Л slorsn shield о a large, mini thield that Am a* cnerp field generator budt into It Though the hulk of the shield offers physical protection, и II the energy field which о more imperssne. a, rliyrnpahle ef deflating almost any ottoik Tiers ton that would normally cut through Terminator armour ait turned aisde uslA ease by the pevUetae energies of the ilaem shield lield confers псгаЫе »а»е о. a model with а storm I rieter c laim the for being armed delee weapon*
 Лк Mission Tactics special rule represent.» the unique «а» in which the Deathwaich go u> war. At the чип of sour first turn, pick one oT the following Mission Tactics. It «ill remain acme for the entire battle unless vou decide to change it as dcscriVd below. Ал Jong лл the Tactic h acme, it affect» all unit» in your army that have thr Mission Tactic» special rule. Once during the battle, at the Mart ol am turn after the fiiM, sou can choose to change the current .Mission Tactic for another one. Furor Tactics HVn (Ac тяп hoidr groan flow or looJti toon to m<mrh/lm /«fmal linn. the IhrmhuxxHh trill Ы toikrtl with thr drsimation of (Am tors urnyrth. Aiming not for shnisa! killi but for maximum dntnutwn n units arm. Ihty tsar thr hrait from Ihr mmy army lolrmronly raggril man,mbi brhind. Whenrvci a unit with the Mission Tactics serial rule •aiget» an enemy Troops unit, you can гг-roll am Го Hit mils of 1. Visator Tactics ^"••пПЫ Ihr balllrftrld a to тл«гr thr sbb firm' of unr. ИАrr, hsaihoauh n„4 mtrul thr mmy 4 abditj to manonn-rr. Wwor tits tut art tmpluyrd fh puking out Iks fails it taigrti amt ,m'\C for snginn, tsfiulujn amt othsr mrtkodt of mot nr pawn. ‘‘■o Orand thr for, marring that thru tan hr no ruapr from thr ^tktrr that foOoun *benesrr •i unit with the Mission Tactics spec ial rule ’"Kru an cnenis l ast Attack unit. you • an re-rull any Го 4 lolls | thr mrun firidi a i am miration offont that thrrutmi to Arrak thr ftsulhuaUhasiaull apart On thnr ncau.Mii Ikmmalui lartu» art mpluyd, ruth KM Tram tout smutting m fmpoan upon thr рты of thr mrun u/uadi in order to blunt thr aiming allot к Whenever a unit with the Mission Tat tics special rule targets an cucinv Hites unit, sou can re-roll any To flu rolls of 1. Malleus Tactics И Am Ihr gianh of war hmtrr forth to \hattrr thr world* of man, thr IknthumUh will adopt Mallrui lartit!. Krrr U finrr arurngr twnnrd with hard uvn kmmdrdgr. hm Ihr taignl hrhrmath hat a wrak рыт. ami thranhnn of thr Dntthnvlth numhn thru, all IK thr sxplaitalojn of thr for \ vulnnahilitwy. thr foulnt auuutradtm art \lam and thr wist niggni mgmn of drum, Hon blaitrd apart Whenever a unit with the Mission Tactics »pct ial rule targets an enemy Hcas-v Support tiiiit, you can re-mil any To Hit rolls of 1. Purcatus Tactics Somrtimn Ihr trunt routr to n, lory is (r> launth a dnapitaling Mnkr - rut eff thr hrad of thr inprnt, and thr body will dtr. IK adopting Purgatui tatliti. thr ItraAaalth fotui thnr dradh irr upon thr tomumndm of thr enemy holt, awnunaling thrm mr lifts, another with pitilru hradxknti ami killing ihruiti of thr binds H'rrA thr s опта ml itnnhar of Ihr for dsitiirynl. thnr nstmalu r.xtmni nation MW follows. Whenever a linn with ihr Mission Tactics \|>сч.»1 mlc targris an enemy HQ unit, you can rr-roll am I» Hu rolls Ы I. MISSION TACTICS TV Death*aleb w»gc w„ ,na Hurd and adaptable fashion. bnked bs cooMan, so, impetuses. .heir own diMinc, ba.tle —* and a mutual underMandmg of ,V threau they face, thrs can «.itch from remosmg .V dura, of menu aitillerv. to “We*,dera- hunt-and-vlay tactic, in . matter of seconds. With a panoph of wamor skills at behest, these MUo. Tactics allow Лет to cut down tV rnems wbeneser ,« rears to stake Dominates Tactics SWA u thr magniludr cf tks ahrn thmil that thrrr иrr limn whm ’•sing tin Mission fai lle MIXED UNITS . . L ill Tram Doctrine special rules (pages 91 to1>«>. <» certain lieailiwatch I^ , - ......-.........» rules, any ol ihe . nM%, Ы uinlswilh difTrirnl КтНИ.1 rnlrv (foi rumple. .. r 'J '^bjccihes (|>ages 1Ю to III), vout large* 1,1 X a-twnderU (diaraelcr s|K4ul rule) In ihn rase, the urget unit Tminu that liaslwxn joinedbyan llQunil wit I >e " rule * Uwal Ohjruiw •'*4* basing henh Isilllelield r.JcsM «hr ,H..|».oes.d smi |
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