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LR-imp.CV-II “Argus”
Материалы: Пвх, бумага (газета и туалетная), литник от вахоминек, проволока медная и стальная (из проводов и старого занавеса из бус на дверь), провод многожильный. кабельканалы, эпоксилин дуо, зубочистки, жестяная кофейная банка, одежные кнопки, крышка от кефира бггг, армирующая строительная сеточка, бревнышко из черной смородины, оболочка от шариковой ручки (прозрачная), иголка от шприца 0,7мм.Клей: ПВА, Цианокрилат, клей для плинтусов типо TITAN-а, момент гель.
Инструменты: строительный нож (куча убитых при резке лезвий прилагается), маникюрные ножницы, отвертка, куча надфилей, шлифовальная губка, плоскогубцы, модельные кусачки, набор ножиков для работы по дереву, сверлилка модельная с различными сверлами, циркули, механический карандаш, агрегат для заклепок 1мм, револьверный дырокол для кожи, пинцеты, иголки, и всякое прочее по мелочи и необходимости, свечка.
Грунтовка: Акриловая по металлу, серая.
Ну в общем я закончил с конструкцией, осталось только покрасить. Безмерно рад этому факту, не представлял даже, что это может так радовать, хех. Очень много времени ушло на заклепки и так и не удалось довести их производство до совершенства. Правда еще есть некоторые сомнения в том " не переборщил ли я с их количеством?", но переделывать уже не буду, результат в целом мне нравится. Правда по незнанию (новое занятие, освоение материалов и пр) и кое где небрежности, моделька имеет чертову кучу косяков. При покраске придется делать упор на ржавчину и грязь в кое каких местах.
ХЗ как оно со стороны, вписывается ли в стилистику вахи, но по мне так вполне пойдет. В процессе работы многое вносилось со стороны, к примеру, решил запилить бревно для самовытаскивания, несколько неудавшийся трос и небольшой набор инструментов, а также целый вечер убил на то что бы просверлить кучу дырок в защитном кожухе выхлопной трубы, а это тяжко делать мелкой ручной сверлилкой в старой жести кофейной банки.
Короче, много кропотливой работы, факт. Результатом доволен и на стол поставить не стыдно, хотя и некуда, да и правил нет. Опыта в процессе приобрел не мало и да благословит Император славный квадратный дизайн техники Империума. Когда буду делать себе армию ринок проблем будет сильно меньше.
Wh Other Wh News Warhammer 40000 фэндомы
Urban Conquest: The Hivesprawls of Vigilus
Urban Conquest: The Hivesprawls of VigilusWarhammer 40,000: Urban Conquest is available to pre-order this weekend – a campaign box designed to help you fight exciting interconnected battles across war-torn urban environments. With the war on Vigilus dominating recent events in the 41st Millennium, we thought we’d take a look at the lore regarding the many hivesprawls and metropolitan districts that can be found across the embattled sentinel world.
If you’re looking to pick up a copy of Urban Conquest and need some inspiration for a location in which to set your campaign, read on and see where your imagination takes you:
Serving as the lair of the Patriarch known as Grandsire Wurm, Dirkden Hivesprawl has unwittingly been the spiritual home of the Pauper Princes Genestealer Cult on Vigilus for some time, and it swiftly fell under their sway at the outset of the fighting. Dirkden has also been relentlessly assailed by the Orks of the Speedwaaagh!, but it was ultimately the prevalence of cultists within its walls, combined with their control of the hivesprawl’s Bastion force fields, that forced the Vigilite forces to grudgingly abandon the hivesprawl’s defence. However, it surely won’t be long before the Imperium attempts to reclaim that which was theirs.
After a swift, well-organised strike by the Pauper Princes, Oteck Hivesprawl soon became another of their strongholds, though it would not remain so for long. A strike force of Space Wolves, led by Haldor Icepelt, combined their acute senses with Fenrisian fieldcraft to track the cultists underground and ultimately drove them from the Greigan Hollow. Though the insidious plot of the Pauper Princes to corrupt the hivesprawl’s drinking water with their genetic taint was thwarted, vicious street fighting throughout Oteck continues apace.
As the seat of the Planetary Governor and Aquilarian Council, Hyperia Hivesprawl enjoyed the greatest concentration of Imperial military strength in the early stages of the war. Entire regiments of the Vigilant Guard and resident orders of the Adepta Sororitas secured positions around the Governor’s Palace at Saint’s Haven. This gathering of might did little to deter the Saim-Hann warhost of Spiritseer Qelanaris, however, who sought to assail the Aquilarian Palace directly in order to resolve a personal vendetta. Only the timely intervention of Lieutenant Eothrus of the Ultramarines 2nd Company prevented the wholesale massacre of the Vigilite leadership.
As the heart of the Adeptus Mechanicus presence on Vigilus, Megaborealis saw fierce fighting between the invading Ork Speedwaaagh! and the servants of the Machine God. The sudden ferocity of the initial greenskin attack, combined with natural cover provided by an ill-fated storm of dust and pollution, robbed the Skitarii forces of their defensive advantage. The Orks tore deep into the hivesprawl before their impetus was finally stymied. To make matters worse, Genestealer Cultists infiltrated a Titan hanger and detonated a vortex missile, crippling or destroying all of the God-Machines that were being mustered for the hivesprawl’s defence!
Astra Militarum and reinforcements continue to pour into this crucial region, alongside Tempestus Scion drop teams aboard entire wings of Valkyries and Vendetta Gunships, but the hivesprawl is becoming increasingly overrun each day.
Dontoria has been beset by enemies from without and sickness from within. Through plague spread by an infiltrating detachment of Death Guard, and a Gellerpox Infection believed to have originated from the Litmus Dock, the hivesprawl’s population has been cruelly decimated in spite of the extensive quarantine measures hastily put in place. The hivesprawl is all but ready to fall…
Of all of Vigilus’ hivesprawls and false continents, that which has best weathered the storm is Mortwald. So formidable were the defences of the Deinos Trench Network that they held against repeated waves of Ork attacks despite the unexpected collapse of the Bastion force fields. Now reinforced by the Imperial Fists 5th Company, and a host drawn from a number of Knightly households, Mortwald stands as a beacon of resistance in a world at war.
If you’ve been enjoying taking part in the ongoing war for Vigilus, be sure to pre-order Warhammer 40,000: Urban Conquest this weekend and arrange your own campaign for one of the planet’s embattled hivesprawls. Will your force finally be able to break the defences of Mortwald when all others have failed? Can you fight your way through Dirkden and slay Grandsire Wurm in his own lair? These stories and more can be yours to tell!
Imperium Horus Heresy Primarchs Warhammer 40000 фэндомы
2.The Emperor of Mankind
3.Nathaniel Garro
5.Ferrus Manus
6.Horus Lupercal
9.Mersadie Oliton
10.Leman Russ
12.Bequa Kynska
14." Little Horus" Aximand
15.Rogal Dorn
16.Konrad Curze
18.Ignatius Grulgor
20.Calas Typhon
21.Alpharius Omegon
23.Saul Tarvitz
24.Magnus the Red
25.Garviel Loken
26.Fabius Bile
27.Argel Tal
28.Tarik Torgaddon
29.Kyril Sindermann
31.Hurtado Bronzi
32.Ezekyle Abaddon
33.Lion El'Jonson
34.Lysimachus Cestus
35.Hathor Maat
39.Ahzek Ahriman
40.Malcador the Sigillite