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Сравнение размеров космических кораблей

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battlefleet gothic Battlefleet Gothic Armada ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Анонсирован спин-офф Warhammer 40k на Unreal Engine 4

Оригинал статьи: http://shazoo.ru/2015/01/16/27392/anonsirovan-spin-off-warhammer-40k-na-unreal-engine-4

Focus Home Interactive анонсировала сегодня новую стратегию спин-офф Warhammer 40k: Battlefield Gothic – Battlefield Gothic: Armada, разрабатываемый студией Tindalos Interactive на движке Unreal Engine 4.

Battlefleet Gothic: Armadaпредставляет игрокам глубокий менеджмент каждого корабля входящего в флот игрока, как во время битвы, так и между ними. От быстрых фрегатов до гигантских кораблей длинной в милю. Игроки смогут кастомизировать все аспекты: оружие, защита, системы поддержки – каждая кастомизация будет влиять на эффективность кораблей и их особые возможности во время битв. От битвы до битвы адмиралы и команды кораблей будут получать опыт и продвигаться в рангах, повышая их боеготовность.

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battlefleet gothic,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Battlefleet Gothic Armada

battlefleet gothic,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Battlefleet Gothic Armada

Релиз на PC. Больше деталей позже.


космические волки песочница Space Wolves Space Marine Imperium Terminator Squad Chaplain ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

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Игры Комиксы фаргус космическая марина песочница ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Навеяло тут мне...
ПОЛНОСТЬЮ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ПОЛНАЯ РУССКАЯ И АНГЛИЙСКАЯ ВЕРСИИ,Игры,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,фаргус,космическая марина,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,песочница,фэндомы

Chaos (Wh 40000) Librarium ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Кратко о некоторых кораблях на службе у хаоса.

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ЛИНКОР КЛАССА «ГРАБИТЕЛЬ» (Despoiler Class Battleship) 
Грабитель был создан, как часть Прерогативы Гареокса в середине М36. Вера в то, что линкор – абсолютное оружие космической войны проникла во Флот Темпестус, и было создано пятнадцать линкоров класса «Грабитель». Но, как показывает история, этот линкор не устарел раньше, чем был завершен заказ, и было построено всего три таких корабля. Грабители редко бывали в настоящих битвах, будучи использованными в далеких патрулях незанятого ничем пространства. Примерно через 250 лет после первого выхода из дока, «Безжалостная Смерть» пропала во время продолжительного патрулирования Сектора Америкон. Через тридцать лет она снова появилась в разгаре конфликта Банарди, ошеломив и уничтожив шестнадцать незащищенных Имперских транспорта, направляющихся на Банарди Прайм. Далее корабль был замешан в многочисленных стычках, каждая все ближе к Оку Ужаса, пока снова не пропал в ранних годах М39. Вскоре после его второго отсутствия было доложено о пропаже оставшихся двух линкоров класса «Грабитель», обстрелявших свои эскорты и исчезнувших в варпе. После этого поступали многочисленные сообщения о стычках с «Безжалостной смертью» и двумя другими кораблями: «Гневом Проклятия» и «Крепостью Агонии».

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ЛИНКОР КЛАССА «ОПУСТОШИТЕЛЬ» (Desolator Class Battleship) 
Опустошитель датируется ранними периодами кораблестроения, использующими продвинутые технологии, давно утерянные Adeptus Mechanicus. В данный момент на Имперской службе не осталось ни одного, но есть информация по меньшей мере о пяти, отвернувшихся от света Императора где-то между М31 и М34. Среди них наиболее известна «Вечность Боли» и ее капитан-предатель. Как минимум семь линкоров Империи пало от дальнобойной артиллерии и очень мощного лучевого оружия с 453.М33, когда корабль дезертировал. «Мучение», построенный раньше, чем «Вечность Боли», был захвачен пиратами-ренегатами во время Септанской Войны, когда были уничтожены его двигатели, и он дрейфовал к астероидам, разрабатываемым шахтерами. После захвата «Мучение» было причиной нашествия темных Эльдар на Гори VI, после уничтожения им орбитальных систем обороны планеты.

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ГРАНДРЕЙСЕР КЛАССА «ОМЕРЗИТЕЛЬНЫЙ» (Repulsive Class Grandcruiser) 
Грандкрейсеры были предшественниками линкоров, которые стали более предпочтительными во флотах Империи. Практически не уступающие линкорам в огневой мощи и защите, грундкрейсера выпали из фавора после потери искусства создания достаточно мощных двигателей (современные двигатели не могли предоставить достаточно мощности для обретения достаточно боевой скорости). Несколько древних грандкрейсеров еще можно найти в резервах флотов, стоящих в доках Segmentum Obscurus и Segmentum Pacefecus, но в большинстве они практически «вымерли». Из двадцати пяти грандкрейсеров, покинувших Императорскую службу в М34 только дюжина была уничтожена либо захвачена. Из оставшихся самым активным моно считать «Потрошитель Врагов», замеченный с завидной регулярностью на протяжении двадцати трех веков после его извращения Темными Силами. Из самых отвратительных подвигов «Потрошителя Врагов» следует выделить атаку на инсталляцию Adeptus Mechanicus AFR-74, во время которой залп модифицированных торпед пробил атмосферный купол инсталляции, и в мгновение ока убил вакуумом космического пространства пятдесят тысяч Адептов Механики.

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ТЯЖЕЛЫЙ КРЕЙСЕР КЛАССА «СТИКС» (Styx Class Heavy Cruiser) 
Стикс использовался на просторах Segmentum Obscurus и Ultima Srgmrntum на протяжении М32-М33. В большинстве флотов они были заменены на более новые линкоры, которые были в то время построены на Марсе. 
Судно вооружено мощными дальнобойными батареями и лучами, чудесно дополняющими летные палубы. Это делает Стикс намного более внушительным, чем полагается, исходя из его тоннажа. Есть семь записанных случая, когда суда этого типа сражались против сил Императора до Готической Войны. В течении же этого конфликта произошло тридцать девять больших космических сражений с участием данного типа судов, демонстрирующих ценность, которую придают Стиксу последователи Древних Сил. Хотя на сторону врага перешли по крайней мере пять судов класса «Стикс», идентифицировать удалось только два: «Ужасный» и «Бессердечный Разрушитель». Эти суда были замечены работающими в паре.

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ТЯЖЕЛЫЙ КРЕЙСЕР КЛАССА «АИД» (Hades Class Heavy Cruiser) 
«Создатель Войны» был одним из самый почитаемых судов в Готическом флоте, но теперь числится среди самых ненавистных врагов. До Готической Войны «Создатель Войны» был учебным судном, «ушедшим на пенсию» после тринадцати веков блестящего пребывания в качестве флагмана в Четвертой Флотилии Тяжелый Крейсеров. Никому не известно, насколько давно нечестивое семя Хаоса гнездилось в его святом корпусе, сколько флотских офицеров усвоило ложные знания, нашептываемые могучим судном, перед распространением по всему флоту для обращения всего экипажа в свою богомерзкую веру. Предательство было обнаружено только в начала Готической Войны, когда «Создатель Войны» открыл огонь по Орбитальной Станции Джарну. Обломки станции упали на столицу Джарну, убив почти три с половиной миллиона Имперских граждан.

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ТЯЖЕЛЫЙ КРЕЙСЕР КЛАССА «АХЕРОН» (Acheron Class Heavy Cruiser) 
«Chaos Eternus» уникален во многих основаниях. Насколько известно, было построено лишь одно судно класса «Ахерон» для тестирования новых оружейных систем, созданных на основе находок в Секторе 51. Было ли это причиной ренегатства судна, до сих пор является одной из любимых тем для дискуссий на верфях. В оригинале судно носило имя «BF/67-A», и было переименовано в «Chaos Eternus» Адмиралом Гровом, когда судно сбежало с поля боя во время Шарнхорстского Конфликта.

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КРЕЙСЕР КЛАССА «ОПУСТОШЕНИЕ» (Devastation Class Cruiser) 
«Не прощенный» заработал своё название в М37 в бою, который стал известен как Мордианский Инцидент. До этого известный как «Праведная Ярость», судно сопровождало четырнадцать флотских транспортов (несущих на своем борту тридцать две тысячи Имперских гвардейцев, пятнадцать сотен танков и более тысячи вспомогательного персонала) вместе с «Justus Dominus» - линкором класса «Оберон» и шестью эскортами различных дизайнов. «Праведная Ярость» доложила о контакте на сенсорах дальнего радиуса действия и запустила истребители и бомбардировщики на перехват. Но это было не больше, чем извращенным обманом, целью которого был запуск всех крыльев бомбардировщиков. Когда они пролетали мимо «Justus Dominis», судно развернулось бортом, и разрядило все свои орудия, дополняя разгром бомбовыми ударами. Покалеченный Оберон не смог оказать поддержку, когда «Праведная Ярость» повернула свои пушки на эскорты. Прежде, чем эскорты смогли покинуть поле боя, было уничтожено четыре судна. Транспорты были беспомощны, и смакуя из беспомощность, бомбардировщики уничтожали из целых тринадцать часов. Только около трех тысяч человек выжило, спасаясь на шлюпках. Потеря армии повлекла за собой падение Гестенбала от орочьего нашествия. Переименованный в «Не прощенный», крейсер продолжал никак не систематизированный разбой следующие три тысячелетия, пока не был уничтожен «Молотом Правосудия» под руководством капитана Гренфилда.

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КРЕЙСЕР КЛАССА «УБИЙЦА» (Murder Class Cruiser) 
Прежде, чем быть замененным крейсерами класса «Луна», Убийца был одним из основных судов Флота Обскурус. С М33 по М37 было построено пятьсот таких крейсеров, и угрожающе большое количество стало перебежчиками, присоединившимися к силам Хаоса. Вооруженный несколькими батареями плазменных пушек, лучших, которые когда-либо создавали Adeptus Mechanicus, этот класс – опасный противник на больших дистанциях. А его двигатели позволяют избегать попадания в зону обстрела судов с менее дальнобойными орудиями. Несколько таких суден легко могут уничтожить линкор

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КРЕЙСЕР КЛАССА «ПОБОИЩЕ» (Carnage Class Cruiser) 
Побоище был создан как судно поддержки флота, используя большую дальность орудия для обеспечения огневой поддержки другим судам. Это был дизайн, подпорченный технологическими трудностями, связанными с генерацией достаточного количества энергии, чтобы питать такие дальнобойные орудия. Первое судно данного класса, «Непреклонный», сопровождало конвой, пока не повернуло с его сторону свои орудия. Переименованное в «Посвященный Ралатракса», судно пережило три тысячелетия блокад и атак на конвои, пока не было уничтожено имперскими агентами, пребывая в доках предательской «Темной Станции» в секторе Приям.

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КРЕЙСЕР КЛАССА «БОЙНЯ» (Slaughter Class Cruiser) 
Крейсер «Резня» использует двигатель типа Скартикс, что дает судну высокую для его класса скорость. Когда «Исполнительный», крейсер класса «Резня», прешел на сторону противника и бомбардировал мир-кузницу Сехелан в 126.М34, технология создания двигателей Скартикс была утеряна с жизнями кузнецов Сехелана. Некоторые считают, что атака и была произведена для предотвращения создания последующих суденданного дизайна. «Исполнительный» был переименован в «Бездушный» Адмиралом Дорезом, за этот отвратительный поступок, и за ним охотились по всему пространству Империума следующие семь тысячелетий. Наконец-то его уничтожили в процессе Набега Орар, когда его плазменные двигатели были разрушены «Империосом», линкором класса «Марс». 
«Бешенство Убийства» было знаменито тем, что постоянно транслировало по всем частотам одно бесконечное сообщение: «… БЕШЕСТВО… УБИЙСТВО… БЕШЕНСТВО… УБИЙСТВО…». Капитан корабля, Абрахам Траст, показывал невероятное игнорирование опасности для своего корабля, продолжая бой после критических повреждений.

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«Идолопоклонник» - загадка. Мало известно о местонахождение верфей, изрыгающих эти суда, но ходит слух, что их строят на преданном анафеме мире-кузнице Ксана II возле Ока Ужаса. Идолопоклонники включают несколько систем и особенностей очевидно нечеловеческого происхождения. Возможно купленные или украденные у других путешествующих в космосе рас, таких как наемники Круты и налетчики Фра`ал. Они демонстрируют отличную стрельбу на дальних дистанциях, что предполагает использование улучшенных систем наведения, которая недоступна Adeptus Mechanicus. Эскадрильи Идолопоклонников являются постоянной угрозой торговым перевозкам возле Ока Ужаса, и прорыв блокады Кадианских Врат тремя или четырьмя такими кораблями не является редкостью.

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РЕЙДЕР КЛАССА «ЯЗЫЧНИК» (Infidel Class Raider) 
Дизайн эскорта, созданного для замены Кобры, был украден из Орбитальной Верфи Монск в поздние годы М40. Через несколько лет суда очень похожего дизайна начали производить набеги на Имперские конвои и передовые посты. С каждым годом зона операций Язычников расширялась от центра, находящегося недалеко от Монска. Основной зоной деятельности этих судов остается Segmentum Obscurus, но они были замечены даже на границах Segmentum Solar. Рейдеры класса «Язычник» широко использовались на протяжении Готической Войны.

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ЭСМИНЕЦ КЛАССА «ИКОНБОРЕЦ» (Iconoclast Class Destroyer) 
Группы судов данного класса всегда были опасностью для судоперевозок. В основном используемый различными пиратами, Иконоборец очень похож по дизайну на другие маленькие эскорты, производимые практически на всех верфях. Для своего размера они несут очень устрашающий арсенал, который может стать угрозой даже для линейного корабля. При бое в составе флота они часто используются для уничтожения вражеских эскортов и торпед. Эскадрон Падали, базирующийся на спутнике Дюрана, знаменит умением атаковать конвои. При атаке они проскакивали мимо эскортов, атаковали транспорты, и отступали, не вступая в противостояние с противником.

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Liber Astartes + Liber Hereticus

Уже неделю, как протекли сливы из новых книг правил по Ереси, а их так и не продемонстрировали публике JoyReactor`а. 

Будем исправлять, материалы взяты из группы "The Horus Heresy Age of Darkness" (фотки в полном размере можно посмотреть при открытии в новой вкладке и их очень много)

I Тёмные Ангелы

I'1 legiones astartes
*»»hc Dark Angel* returned from the outer exige* of the CrfÁcA «hriww t<* learn oh» late oí th at isxtvan. Too far away from any hope of intervening. they »rfcj Legion inermed. billing to rivir their defiance and seek retribution Foreseeing this eventuality.

cnnrflyof models with the Upon« A,un« (Dark Angel,) %Drtla1 „ .	1
u un.t *»«!* <**"* m°dC,‘m"y ** "**«l to «ket a ,pee,hc^n» ZiTZ' “S? *	1
L, rrofilc) All models m a unit mu« wlect the «me HexaR,ammaton I^h^	^ * notcd 1
t i^ated Transport must tele« the ume

ТЬеЫМщсотре^а^Ыпеш opOoo* +nd War^ar тШс only to Druchm^	t ^*-5
* exemplify* the future of ltut legion.	*"*Ь
eJSXSZZ';=•	•
Tl« Wuro« Of	аифт* •*» • poorly of ay drawn
Ai the First Upon.	aneruil of the Unification Wan of Ancient Terra; ftfic wre^. . T*4*
V /Inr legion, the Dark

n,jdc '***"*> * n"Hlck ",,h*•'f******mt,to , Ttm Advanctd ******* * „	AJv*mrd Ration* arc activated in unique and »pet.fv (D**
Ancei*' **<ul ln,lkr , rjn ha»e pmf» hanging effect» Advanced Reaction» u»e up
tpcelhcxlh noted ncfmtor in their descnptH.n
«-----Kartlt when a Charce U	„

Rite or War: The Storm of War
The Srormuing ore mastery of the open battlefield. RtBD of %hot and %hell When the l\irk Angels mutter for war in all their glory. it is the XUtnhals of the Storm of War that plan and order the hartley that will shatter the foe's armies and grind rheir empires into

anCHS Rm* or W ar

I'm» N”" »»m

SA*fcmw nux he «rfcrvtrU u Tru»^
I fWlt -i----	■»-----——■ i
• i“*‘_	^ j pnaiwirnT uxing thi\ Rue *\t War
«m* ** wicctrd *% Qnn
•	vc a DfOcteKM using this Rue of \v*r OMRhMt using rtux Rue of War maUc
*	»v model' with the Infantry Unit Tvpe. the 1nit

.........noPo.NTS	till
^ *rt »> mbobsm. the Order* of the t i.
‘"r ,ryW teaet ond dangerous knowledge oc9u'rrd on the bmtlefwid IM jltr*1 ^ setrran »orrvr* were m.ruifr, of the Order* untj „„ thnr
.	ugjon Tartaros Centurion or la*>on Cataphractit Centurion
Crnt° Asurto (Da* Angel») »pecial

.. ... Тм* Sii«*'s Akkow
h*~ d,.rm0t
*'шкп»<т Лг fteU of ш*г
# l<f*k’n	% {*• Reeled a» Troop« i Hokw in a
$*»•****' t a**»C ***** R*lc ot Ww
pt«*****^ -y—^-teT model« in a Drtachmrm Mm(
. ****\jV*M that h»*e the Cavain Unit Tvpe and tfc* ***“

! ixlutfymaenr

L'°tSU°n’ Th<Son°f 'hc
font, pri
M ws BS s
. The Leonine P*nopty
. The Lion Sword
. The Fusil Actinjeus . Stasis grenades • Frag grenades
Special Rol„
Ic-gioncc Asurtcr, .
•	Master of the 'k Nth-
•	Ad-nanOumV^
•	The Lion , Chole,
•	The Point

rv „tjaI went A«*	ha"1' *» had bureau „„I
"fth'l°’ ** ,hr rlh<wni mean.
■ d"Znt brwr hU fnrmy SWl'ly a,hewK able and a*"« ot	*“**'* hark no wmp Of his
l*"r ho wcucalploy or shoo of arrngth could coy hi, l’r\n,„, nor do» his onslaught oner haul, WUI ,v,ned W**	,nd only on thr point of a blade

Unit Co ni pot it ion
•	4 I Vjthwtng Companion*
•	I Dcjlhwing Oiihbrjrct
•	Olibunitc wjibhJc
•	Bolter
•	Holt pistol
■	Artificer armour
■	Frag grenades
1 Krak grenades Refractor field (Deathwing
* ^-"HwmgOathbrarr, Inf«*-iCKlrvtn IV...I_.
(Character. IVathwin*)

honoured «

r <W	pnx™*m <*** »«W,
^-thw.«* eompiiwon Deuthmrn« may only be «rimed as	. fv,^______
^ «tth bt^ ih^	^thc •'Htion and the	d1«	ac ka* oec
oanner .s considered a -Retinue Squad and «he model	**** A «* «»««*
^STa-T«M-u. ode, •' referred .oa, «He	^

Marduk Sedras .
\\W [&}//// J ¡^“"hc'V^y-.hirdOrd«, Fska.onof.hc Dreading, Preceptor of the Shattered Sceptre
220 PolNTs
A irtenm of the ewrUert horrid of the Terror, vton of Umfcanoti. Marduk
. has wned the Emperor m battle for mart than i fmo and-a-half centunn.
temper rhofi almost |

1 a mastemori TfrranK 9rratiM'ordgranted to Cofjuum fc> /,
^atAdsexmorsby Levon Master Unan Vtndtaia toLl 'Z'T' ?*"* * '*	that 7V «.a,
^ycampa^ogains,,Hat foul »not breed by a champs	ond*m mddZ'ZZ^
TV »«pon ^rc is counted * a IWe, Wapon fo,
«nat aflect UKh weapons
R^njcc Sir AP T>pt

Eaen among U'< brethren of the tn/itmou * Dreoduimi the Interemptors are a gnn breed. iiedy.utrdat they areroa angularpurpose - the utter annihilation ty (V enemy. When the \nteremptors attack, theI I .r, o behind no tract of rAei compter - no \\t.cs no ruins, nothing.
[ . take no trophies of h

• |'r4H»p4,r*
lnXttt'TZ^X Z^n^T" TV“''''*''' ” - l**" ^ lUidcr P totem C.trtet ...
• Æa*	*•«***■»** Tf«mpoft,tht*doe* notuuupan
Korvc Organisation slot, hut lu point* c<h| mu« .till he paid fof .* part of the almy
^^dwing Interemptor St|u.ul may take:
• lV in additional

Corswain.............................200 Point«
Paladin of the Ninth Order, Champion of the Dark Angel* Legion	*
ximpion of the Pari get*. Contain* name ne which иill echo i n through the ages. mphfying the qualities alwart determination mastery of the e. Corswain w«s the

|	Sedras has sersed hi, Legion for m„rr lhan ttm tmurjn
I ¿¿v*«7*11« O'" "* fo"9>™- of,Hr Crru, Crux*	7^:	S»»« »Wks „ worrf ,„
each of their Ugsons at war in warzonn beyond sount ,H,„ ^\l"Ugh'b"'* r°<h of lhr rnncnZ 7,
J /auglones. ^ ,n Hi, taie, other, find ,hr wisdom ,B
I ., [he start

.^sek Circle *ni	»7s I»0
1' ■	M ws B!> s T___ w |
. , order f"«Ptor
. Terr**«*1“"
. pu»m*-<J*,rr
. ujjooCâuphrac«'
Tcrmiruiof armour
Unit Type
. Infantry (Character, Heavy) Special Rule»
. legione» Astartc» (Dark Angth, . Rclentle»»

III Дети Императора

emperor^ children
ymhc Emperor's Children were the only Legion to bear %^the Emperor's own name and his own standard - the great Palatine Aquila granted to them by his own hand. Few were ever so honoured among the Space Marine legions and and few had less cause to betray a father than they. Given

Id specific tions use

„--------7CbiU,«n Advanced Reaction
t.MrEBoB * R,lction is available only to units composed entirely of models with the Leg,ones Astai
ArfvAOcef J special ru,e. Unlike Core Reactions, Advanced Reactions are activated in union-T"' tor's Cltu	^ jn their

^ Warlord Traits
„ „con's CHILD****	Children) special rule may select a Warlord T,,, ,
Mirror (Traitor only)

The B^en Mirro	eW<«* o/^ot/r
*^jtt%**y~* wrought a temble Wh<reon(tthey
l^SSEE** **~n ego and Inflicted ■\	standards.
This Warlord Trait may only be selected by a model

use of the following Rite* of War
children R'TES °f War
0g’S	hc ugiones Astartes (Emperor's Children) Faction may make
'vhich ’Tast one model with the Master of the Legion special rule .
THE MAR<J Skara tof«*r ...............i*hn‘
\Va*:	„rear pride both in its excellence

The foaowrtg comprise» a list of r.cw options and ViXXeu a-, a .table only to Detachments with the 1
(Emperor'»Children) special rule and exemplifies the nature of that Legion.	L*K'0r'-t' Aiu,^
fcmardi the endof the On: Crusade. the

Palatine Blade Squad
# 4 PllltxK WVT>OTl . i paistioc Prefect«
. fctfpirtol . Chamlbal »capon . Fn||itMd<»
. Krai grenades . ArtlACCT armour
Dcdkaled Transport
•	PiUtlncWinJo,., .
•	P^!llKr,tlt<|0( S
(Character) 'nUn^
Sp*tUI Rolf«
•	LiforH» Avurrc,

M ws_ BS s 7	6 S 4
Capota Saul i«™*
Unit Composition
• i Captain Saul Tarvitz
• Infantry (Character, UniqUcj
Unit Type
. Bolt pistol
. Chamabal broadsword
•	Master-crafted Nemesis bolter
•	Artificer armour
•	Iron halo
•	Frag grenades . Krak grenades
• A

Captain of the 13lk Company ”’* 2l5
. Captain Lucius may take sonic shriekers.....................
. Captain Lucius may exchange the Blade of the Laer for a close combat weapon, reducing his points cost to 175 points*.
•Note that unless this option is chosen, Captain Lucius may not be

Loud Command*7* Eidolon

M WS *$ S
1	*	5	4
. АлЬалЧесЬр««*»
IM CewfoUtk*
. jUWC<nwn*»vlif THiotor
L"** Ът*
SpwW Heir»
• 1*00001AkUnn
. Sorn tluvkm
Lr«V4i Warhj»* |u»i» P*k Death Scream
Art Лее» armour
• Traltoe
Iron halo
• WwJord.^rwlcfulOWj^
. DjgfttiuJo

IV Железные Воины

Яl (he outbreak of civil wat the Iron Wanton »trength »a» bated at around 1*0.000 Space Mannev along »nh numerous adopted Mreha/ucum and Auxilian form and a wboantul »ax fleet However.« M impotublr to bum the Legion'« full «trmgth due to it» conuderahle

R.TES OF WAR	, Faction may make use of the fo.lowing Rit
l0nSa5C*Wa*: THE	lr0n	^
Ü «(«<*	their •* ofhteoZi^Ztory by any means necessary. This culminated	*»
«»*,,nd ' ::£< ** ^	° *** °farm warnon a	e ofwtap°* £

rite of War: The Ironfire
A siege doCtTiM C°nCrd ^	‘1™ ^ ‘he afttTmath °f'hf № °fthe Schadenhold Bastion, the Iron Ftre
protocol facilitates the rapid capture of Loyalist strongholds without the need to comma an entire Grand Company, thus
serving the Warmaster s orders to the Iron Wamors to

rial rule
may select a Warlord Trait from ^
olw«f rtf ■#»* »/’>”"'	*"'
A Warlord with this Trait gains the Fearless special rule, but may not join any unit that is not entirely composed of models with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors) special rule. However, the

frf*nt °fthnfS^ «* Pariahs am°T,a 'i9i°n °/St°iCS and »“"or^otars, given to wild fury and sudden rage TV 8rethTt ‘Burned Men are always at the forefront of any attack, loosing their weapons with wild ferwur os they advance
Wild battle-cries of their Order. Those few willing to endure the

1 n	^ neW 0pt>°ns ^ of that UPon-
The follo"'"'r8‘“.^1on and c*en’P	sfei|b. The foremost practitioners of that
lUo«*^0	,	*«r	¿Sn« W automat« wus second only tht
TZveKth^Var>,n"	. Tartaros Praetor with the Legiones Astartes (Iron
* Mfc*-*"*	. hractii praetor

Olympian Shrapnel Weapons
An Oly"'Pia" ¡""ovation these weapons are tuned to detonate
$i,h a cloud of metallic shards. While they lack the penetratiw: powe’r'oflh*01*™* s^e^slust tyor* impact - spraying the target UP fir it	the terrible wounds caused and the panic they engender	^	^ mo",han make

WllULd M«feTofthe Iron Warriors, The Lord of Iron, The	Pn,
The Hammer of Olympia	*er> l\^
M ws BS s
Unit Composition
. l Perturabo
. The Logos . The Logos Array • Frag grenades . Cortex controller
Unit Type
. Primarch (Unique)
Special Rules
. Legiones Astartes (Iron

The Logos
Ptnurabos panoply of war was a unique and highly customised suit of Terminator armour of his own design known as arrm' of weapons and secondary systems created hy his own last intellect.
The Logos provides a 2♦ Armour Save and 3+ Invulnerable Save, and allows Pcrturabo to ignore

\1 W'S BS S T \y |
_-----------—--------6	4	4	4	4	2	5---r^ls,
Tyrant	6444424,	*	£-
Siege Mister	9	^
Unit Type
Unit Composition	.	Tyrant: Infantry (Heavy)
. 4 Tyrants	. Siege Master: Infantry (He:,
. 1 Siege Master	Character)

A sophatmttJ cogitator-slavtd optuol scanner mUf/n!rd,
««"• *» “""'“opr n/fou, /or pm„	™	Im,» amroar^th, 1_(-> w
rilis rfcicc. rhc Tyrants oft hr Iron WarrUn arc deadly	W"* *">•>* *<*•» ^
t' on on» baulefttJd
A unit that includes at least one model wUh an amni-Kopc «nor _

Iros Circle Maniple
r/sr,Horus Heresy,Ересь Хоруса,Wh Past,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Warhammer 30000,Wh News,длинопост,Wh Other

Karceri Battle Shield
A model with a Karcen battle shield gains a S+Invulnerable S
suffers an unsaved Wound with the Instant Death special ml ^ ‘*nd any modcl with a K"ccri battle shield that loses D3 Wounds instead of one for each unsaved Wound wit^hH^ ‘mmed,a<fl> rcmoved as a casualty, but

'Tyrant S.ege Terminator Squad..... p
.. \vc RS S T w	S
Dedicated Transport
. A Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad numbering no more than five models may take a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. A Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad numbering five or more models may select a

Tyrant Rocket Launcher
A compact rocket system, based on the design of the cyclone missile lmmrh.r t overwhelming salvos of unguided rockets. The Iron Warriors value the sheer fireponrZ tZ Tyrant controlled destruction of the larger Cyclone system.
All weapons listed here are counted as

У ЖВ многое вырезали, включая Голга, Кир Валена и хавоков

V Белые шрамы

g*| > «he dark da vs of the Mono Herc-«y unfolded, the T\ loyalty of the unpredictable White Scar» »» doubted o> many who should have been allies and presumed by those who would become enemies Such wav their reputation at the outset of the Horn» Heresy, ilut those who sought to rule

Whits Scars Warlord Traits
a ‘Л-irl.'rd M>()| rtw	ABiilfi i\Vh«c Snnl vpnval iuV ил нкс« a Wartuid Tr*k (mn,
ЬгЬг»	-ч wlrttwgt o*c of fix Core Wulonl Train

HffOci Sow Ox (loyalist only)
(tort iteamviit .«ч*	.»«* tAr wirm.i «i'r*r. of
the Mfecr Sr*o П«пт й'Ч1/»..и*ч vvui о/ t/vwr «пот ■tar

„ SCAR* Advanced Reaction
STS***»*■*'*'?i'tv*IMe°**r“*u-uu,u^rUDrni t	-—
U"	Reaction». Advanced Reac,^ * *	.K,,
<V.r	and .an oft«, have ,, "" *,r «’'v-rd * .	*U**"" Aua««, ,ww.
^«0* <* vs ,nd' ”"* Adv'*'K'fd Re action may be nude <
Z!L»iX”	unit fnth * Move «¡th

W'HiTfc Scars Kiits 01 War
«•'«hh*. .hr ^*lo«»A«u„„tWhM v .
„ ,i uk**Io * *"* •*« "“*•*«•! v*«h «1,, Mlu„ of">*r ..
'*«<*• «Pn.ulruW-
ioifbt fottovwr* Rii«alW« »fc-.j
gu« or	c ••«dorian Broth I mhoou
‘n 't* ( '“V"'«" '«<W. ro lA/ v	^
1	1	B, (A,
—V V7 — cep»
/Vm*mtrweo. Compos'd of a body

I to natontivi >и<мг<мм < *ч <.l nn .4	*nJ	*'*>1»Ы* .mt>	»«b lb«
ЛМ»« SКЧЫ «ею »«J шя|Мп ih< B.iMfi « И I tor 1 <ffem
I M.KIS Sihmmiib |i 1 nihi
.4 ш> МкМ .V lA, «,пШ)лМ/	the »to Von I*

Any ainM WHh Ndh ito I *J[kMtr» AUAItr* <W hits VilU 4AJ lrJryx»ifTil	.jJ

i U»v»uajuj: !
tmii*- -Й;
rw имев Mr (Г^сЬк 1
The l-зягга Bet
Неиг» L игусЕЫе^Ч, Мо(Г Sba± Putv: few
foror Aey Pwfcer Bith a «ори» o' aber, w«h tfu* yxvu.1 та* (W/ , Bji* а ЛусЬс check beftre mai^g *sy attack* with -Jar %*opc' о.

Jaghatai Khan................~......
Khjg^n of I lie White Sears, The Warhawk,
Matter of the Ice-blue I leavens, Primarth of the Wh
440 p0

The Klun Afoot The Khan Mounted
•The additional Movement ¿¡tuned by the legtoon A\um& ,Wfct rm hided. Unless upqtaded to hose c Sojunu

TV NS ildfi« Panoply
*JuK°*P™"»»* >0* <* “<"*■"■ and bo,' a numb,, of unbp« »vrm, ,„ impnnx h, iWl. ummcM ^
TV WlWiK ft'»pl>'	bl'ynou, Save, a 4* Invulnerable Save dunnS .he St.oo.ing phase a,vial.
|mulnctaMe Save during both the Movement phase and the Assault phase
Lightning From Blue Skies

Horus Heresy,Ересь Хоруса,Wh Past,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Warhammer 30000,Wh News,длинопост,Wh Other

<**^rjgan A»aufc Speed« Squadron may lake:
* up to 2 additional Ky/agan Assault Speeders
.„odel may take up to two hunter-killer missiles for
i Assault Speeder
Kyragan; -	>make much use of the various speeders available to the Leghaes Astone*, and operate u number of'unique
The White Xy-^aoan

Golden Keshig Squadron---.40 Po,**
M	WS	BS	s	V	w	1	A	».4 ,
- —	 *	4	4	4	*4	1	fy
£££££*-	-	5	4	4	4	1	4	J
* 2«
,7vWtfwnK VkHWtt *mnml by "* L*f***>	•'**« *** *«*«*
. ; Olden keshig Rkjtts . 1 Golden Krshtg Champion
• Legion Shamshir ictbikc . Artificer armour »

Keshig Cohort................... p01NTS
M ws	BS S T VV	1 A Ld <fc
	~r	 8* 4	4 4 4 2 '	* 10 2»
•The additional Movement granted by the Ugiones Astan n (White Sear, i ip#,uU amduded.		
^Composition . sKhw«*’	Unit Type « Infantry	
vuite" . IV-wer glai'-e . upon TaxtanxTerminator armour

faster of the Keshig, Chosen of the Khagan
.....2*0 pt
The additional Movement granted hy the Legion* Mtarte, (W7,,
is included.
Unit Composition
•	1 Qin Xa
•	Legion Tartaros Terminator armour
•	Iron halo
•	Grenade harness
•	The Tails of the Dragon
Unit Type

of the KohiK
* n&rt denoted an elite formation of warriors unhin the White *
rdM and fix-Mdm **%' »"fm. only one Kcshig needed no Z'h	‘“f“* *** loaned sm„m	n
Stx* *■#J**** nos a cadre of,he	£^££7*" "*
jM* * Qin X* the mo« fm««/©/the Pnmanh's warlords	** Wh,lr &** and was <„,,
If Oin X. is

VI Космические Волки

^■»he Space Wolves, who in the latter years of the Great Crusade’s long campaigns were a highly veteran force of over 75.000 warriors, were already blooded and reduced to approximately a third of that number by the beginning of the Horus Heresy. The Warmaster had twisted Leman Russ' orders for the

. WOLVES RITES OF WAR s (Space Wolves) Faction may make use of the foil
•"*'CK"'" ■* W|‘
includes at lea>
f^Todek with the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) special rule in a Detachment using this Rite of War gam the Hatred (Traitors) and Preferred Enemy (Primarch) special rules.
•	AH models

RiTe OF war: The Pale Hunters
TfKSpa« Wo,ves U9ion s rePutation as hunters among L Ugi°nes Astart(S 'S matched only by the Whne Scars,
11though the tactics of pursuit and the killing blow differ the two, both in conception and execution. The
i____A____i -----...	.	,
Jo the White Scars, but

Space Wolves Advanced Reaction
tL Advanced Reaction is available only to units made up entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Space Jibes)special rule. Unlike Core Reactions, Advanced Reactions areactrvated in unique and specific circumstances „noted in their descriptions, and can often

Caster of Runes.................
Z^CostffS of Runts manipulate their power through tniUurZ7Z*S PoiNTs V W\\U)hi ^ Fenrisian ritual. Indeed, to outsiders they clam that thor „her 1 malr'Ct'
“"t from th* Warp. but from the heart of their home worU-rn <’rea'pott'"fm',--

the Lay of d-Tongue, sian Sagas
Legiones Consularis:
Speaker of the Dead......................
Servants and leaders both of the Cult of Morkai - the Fenrisian’"”"’ IV» the Speakers of the Dead are the instillers of fear, masters ofdU,^°!i'aspect ofdt^ Legions culture and histories. These

j%ejarls were lords of the Great Companies of the Space Wolves , ,
Union became fragmented and broken down into elite contin	' ho>ts of the
of,he Horus Heresy, each lari, or Wolf Lord, held together his cl“	tht Woodsh,
personal'? and shaped its martial preference by then personal au^ *	5

ARMOURY or THE space wolves
TH	available only to Detachments with the Upon« w
these heavy hladcd axes often seem crude to outsiders, but rt»^ Fl\»lSiAs AXÏ	u.lth ttmble efficacy. When the wamorsofFennsbeganto^
°	(space Wolves) special rule may exchange a chainsword for a Few»»«fa,
Any model

IVMAN RUSS..................
I hf Wolf’KlujI ofl'enri*, The l.onl
Primanh of the Space Wolv c*
lift'*" K'l>s
tmlt Comp»“ll,on
. | uni*n Kuss
. Hie Armour blavagar . the Aw of Helwinter . the Sword of Balenight • Seornspittcr . FTag grenades
of Winter and linin' ’*^50 I>(

Horus Heresy,Ересь Хоруса,Wh Past,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Warhammer 30000,Wh News,длинопост,Wh Other

try Legion, it was said
■	were those for whom te bloody deeds they done in the name of the U Crusade mutilated
■	souls and damaged • minds to such an nt that they were no ler Space Marines, but lathing hollow and rderous beyond reason, ome Legions, such
igs might go all but loaccd, even perhaps

r —,fca]
I CiiltofMorkai
| The Deathstvom serve not only as ,,l>le I „/tenloundln the (ortfpany of the door w''''"5'o/*> «s hungers of Fends'wrath.	crs»f",e	'"'Port,,,,, ^
||	'C'"tyniatlcylir'‘ ,htrltu<li
Dcjthsuxini Packs may not be ioii,,.,/1. . .	"C CaS,,ri v'hr„ ,11 Thn
,hf Spfakcr of

W\\U]///i -, Grey Stalker
T4S PoiNT5

I Counterparts to the Grey
Iiyers, the Grey Stalkers ved to complement rir raw and savage fury th a more focussed rage d more varied panoply, leir role in battle was ore akin to that of e traditional tactical 'uad, to take and hold vund.

0f?Trf> Sulkcn Pack may include:
' . tpto10 additional Grey.....................
Yhr enure unit may take one of the following options:
. Combat shield....•.......................~.........
, Any model with a bolter may take a:
. chain

Geigor Fell-Hand.....................
Thcgn of the Space Wolves, Commander of the Broken c'laiy P0,M* The Fell-hand
I oti
j	I
| battle as <i commander
1 war pack while fighting
,	I
I Crusade, a battle in	.
I which he believed that
I festered in

, cl Red-Blade........................210 Points
4* *4( F<Kllih Great Company, The Ravager, The Headsman of Koltok
7 0S
. | H*»d Red Blade
. Hearth splitter . Ha'S Mler . Grenade harness
•	Iron halo
•	legion Tarraros Terminator armour
Unit Type

iyr arc the chosen if Leman Russ, ed from his own npanv to form his Iuard and close ins in war and o have attained nk and position, distinguished battle many •, and each has own saga worth
than any other they are of his pack, by the great beast ich adorns their and to adopt tour means

ider the leadtnhtp of man Kim and thnr
•Hurt of dull and savage
Фon began to change to ecomt a lingular hyhnd
md ruthless «л of batik nd the patterns of more ccagmsahh Imperial tm'Inon doemne that had gone before Thu new Spair Wolves legion wo.« trull a

°£^rty Sljycr Pack may include
Up to 10 additional Grey Slayers----------------------------------------------
^ model in the unit may exchange iti combat shield for a:
. Bolter--------------------“
. Any model with a bolter may take:

The Wolf-kin of Russ....................ioo points
Freki the Swift and Geri the Cunning, the Hearth Wolves of the King
	M	WS	BS	s	T	W	1	A	Ld	__Sv
Freki	10	5	0	5	s	4	5	4	8	S+
Geri	10	7	0	5	5	4	S	3	8	s+
Unit Composition
. 1 Freki
•	lGeri
•	Tooth & Claw
Unit Type
•	Infantry

Wolf-kin of Russ
In battle Leman Russ would sometimes be accompanied h
(to these were kin to the ¡•rimareh,	"”*** wrfw,
pandered the bleak wastes of Fends unburdened by theyolKofcilVf,edayshe
The Wolf-kin of Russ may only be taken in a Detachm	f
same Detachment. If they are chosen as part of

VI Имперские Кулаки

3n the closing years of the Great Crusade, the Imperial Fists had been recalled to Terra to begin the work of fortifying the Segmcntum Solar and the core worlds of the lmperium. The bulk of the Legion returned to the Throncworld of humanity, though many thousands more remained

lureual Fists Advanced Reaction
1№ danced Reaction .s available only to units composed cnllr,, , f ..,1 (pedalrole. Unlike Core Reactions, Advanced Rr„, ■	e y °f mo<*elswith the i
"	■ ............--»A-wJn*
v^uit Circumstance*
rIl^'JmlfUr'1,keCnre	««need Reactions^
* ,w»cd In then

THE ARMOURY of Ш1 IMPERIAL FISTS,Horus Heresy,Ересь Хоруса,Wh Past,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Warhammer 30000,Wh News,длинопост,Wh Other

,c assault Cannon
JUSTUS	m feigned as a more compact and portable variant of the highly
tirrs pattern, it uos, as can be disined by Us pattern designation, first developed K M'Mte in the Sol System by the Dyunique techno esoteric t alt. ctthel^^'
jwault cannon is an 'Auto' weapon. An lliastus

Imperial Fists Rites of War
A Detachment which has the Legiones Astartes (lmperul Fws) Faction may nuke use of the follow,,* d long as « includes at least one model with the Master of the Upon special rule	^
Rite of W ar: The Stone Gauntlet
TV Impenat Fists nere a capable legion in any

_WaK Hammerfall Strike Force
U*1 ^ffj ^ j f«mpiaff tor landing forte* deployed O'ffLjc phalanx - the flagship of the Uqionc* i"* **Lria/ Fats - o HammerfaD unit fon.e is a ihqebome unit* depknrd for the “jncptfr,!^;{!r,i widen and o\er»bctming boarding or £jbw4C&0Rs against a foe that must be

r.hc Impcri»1 №**.thc V'«ikn'’,hc Blide of «H Prinu«h ofhc^^ ^dtag One
Unit Compos***00
. I Kofril L>om
tnit Type • Pnmaich (Unique)
. The Aunc Armour
•	Storms Teeth
•	The Voice of Terra . Frag grenades

tVAork Armour
^ pom wore am
innour fashioned. it n said, from the
rhc Aunt Armour provide» Rirfjal Dom with a 2*	c_ _
w<wind Rog»l on better titan a 4
pul« arW of the Imperium
Of all the Pnmarchs. Dom was ever the most tenacious, new mftna fo	, ,
rV«e ^ho followed hm drew strength from hi

Temp la h Hui iiiiun
Kkihio* s'haWfftMf
l'nll V.
% 4 Kuilueo
•	t Champion
•	Attilicet armour
•	IVwct ivnHvl
•	Boil pistol
•	Ffcmg grenades
•	Krak grenades
w N T w ,
♦ M
Unit Type	-
•	Ch*n»ta«=h&^vn^
Sp«vi«l Rule»
• I-u nous Charge (1)	**

Brethren unit may take
Upco5*ldloonal Brethren.........
The enure unit may take:
Any model in the unit may take.
Comk»1 shield.....................-.............
Any model in «he unit may exchange its bolt pistol for a:
. plasma

SlCISMUND	p;;"''M.r‘ial Champion of R^I^O'NTj
t- OP«4*"	J*r of «he Templars	’
Unit CompoMt.on
. l Sgisrnurtd
. Artificer armour
•	Iron halo
. The Black Sword . Master-crafted bolt pistol . Frag grenades
•	Krak grenades
Unit Type
•	Infantry (Character.

path's Ch*rop,on
1^25, ««frior, both indefatigable tfsdrvmoncfc« in dir fray, STgte^wiIhto
re <ifW ‘ ‘*ö f „„stoppable agency of the dork fate*. Thi* led none ocher chan ih» r. bu‘ rathtr m _ brother Dorn's chomr»»--------* •
^niorbul turner	-----t'r--- W'*ro/tnfliQrkf

rH**-ANX Waro,R SQl,AD.......................lz5 I'd,
M WS BS J________T w I
—---------^ A A 4	4
ph.ibn* Wat der Warder Sergeant
Unit Type
• Phalanx Warder
* harder Sergej« ln^'^
Special Rules
•	Legiones Astartes (Impérial Fû*w
•	Shield Wall
•	laxrk-step
Unit Composition
. 9

. tv Phalanx Warder Squad may uke Up to 10 additional Phalaru Warden . For every ft** models in the unit, one „
Magna combi weapon	J*Jnx harder
Minor combi-weapon....
Mriugun....... .............
Plasma gun-............
Thunder hammer

Fafnir Rann...........................
Lord Seneschal, Commander of the Persephone, Captain of the First Assault Cadre
175 Point's
Fafnir Rann	'
Unit Composition
•	1 Fafnir Rann
•	Artificer armour
•	Bolt pistol
•	Frag grenades
•	Krak grenades
•	Iron halo
•	The Headsman and The

»Ihtmackashtb m,M„<, ,„ U, d,f,„c,,
w* £ra "■""	™ *«
lit makes a successful Charge that places one or more cn •
| in a unit Fafnir Rann has joined, that enemy unit suffers mS cont«t with Faf„ir
,vVn an enemy unrt makes a. success,u, v. narge that places one or more enemy model
Z, «w"»«",nar

Alexis Polux...............................
Captain of the 405‘h Company of the Imperial Fists, Master of the Retribution Fleet, The Crimson Fist
Alexis Polux
Unit Composition
•	1 Alexis Polux
•	Artificer armour
•	Iron halo
•	Solantc power gauntlet
•	Vigil storm shield

VIII Повелители Ночи

Mil " : to the following pro'
J for Murder
Models with this special rule attacks during the Fight si ig Back or outnumbered by i aadc during the Shooting Att ■
Sl 'K.iirm
Children of the Night
;	,i
NIGHT lords
, I^ar the Night Lords had already 3	" "‘lie

Night Lords Advanced Reaction
Thi> Advanced Reaction ,s available only to units composed entir.lv ,
Lords) special rule. Unlike Core Reactions. Advanced Reactions Jr > ° mod^ s wuh thc kegioncs Astaitcs (Night as noted in their descriptions, and can often have game chansin*	UmqUC and spcoftc

LORI>s '
VVARtO^^m^cj, may Silcci a Warlord Trail from
* «»W Cur, JtpP^ ^ th< aMin „1 thnr many «. to	^	‘° "°
to~* * »	,VT.,Vo *«/« A*"** f° *“"*
«1 tor rtor<-n -*-"££* «,, a nr» master the W»	TV rV v«/hf lords if seemed that
Mankind, and that those who W srnrd

Night Lords Rites of War
A P^hn,'n' "hith h“	(N*hl •■"'<*«) F^lon may make use of .he following Ri.es of War as
as it includes at least one model with the Master of the Legion special rule
Rite of War: The Swift Blade
The ¡adhek clans of Nostramo were amongst the most hateful and murderous of

fUE AliIVI	. Wirgc.u available o„ly » —bo,c„u wuh ,W^
M5l of nc*0P,io,’,Suar" of that legion	^ M
I r»^	• „«andw*rK
™.. imdslF*''0	„	, trhnin weapons in war. designed as much >„ l
—r..	■ —........-
,/lirt 'K,rT" . und howling m
„m*""» l',<”	nrs Asurtcs (Night l-ords)

Among theSight lords, the predilection towardi carnal and visceral destruction of the enemy as a battlefield taetic »us not restricted to the line warriors Indeed many of their greatest heroes' were steeped in the an of murder and slaughter
Any model »nth both the Independent

_ Konrad	450 v
**№l№Ui Z^ n’*M",'’"°"	s
M ws BS S T \y l
primary f*
°f conquest.
th becoming ** the mere
Uni« Composit,on
. l Konrad Curze
^Tbc Nightmare Man'lc . Morey & Forgiveness • The Widowmakers . Frag grenades
" t-»rdi)
Unit Type
. Primarch IPsykcr. Unique
Special Rules

The Nightmare Mantle
Curie's raiment of war was a customised artificer suit w..	„ , . ,	, ,
whose sins he saw as particularly egregious or noteworthy	9	' °phlfi °f lament and the fla}rd skins of those
Teitiind whenchooiinglo Run adds 12 to liii Movtmcn, Chi.accrislK m.Vidofh"
Mercy &

Tebror Squap •
M ws BS S T w
Unit Compo«iti°n
. 4 Executioners , i Headsman
• chainsword
. Bolt pistol
. power armour . Frag grenades . Krak grenades
Unit Type
•	F-«cutioner: lnfant
•	Headsman: Infantrv 'e
Skirmish)	iUr*cter>
Special Rules
•	Precision

Night Raptor Squad
................ Points
Night Raptor Huntmaster
Unit Composition
. 4 Night Raptors . l Huntmaster
. Chains word . Bolt pistol
•	Frag grenades
•	Krak grenades
•	Legion Warhawk jump pack
•	Power armour
Unit Typ«
Night Raptor Infantry (Skirmish)

.. ’ ;

Terminator Squad
•2>p h
Contefcar Dissident
Unit Composition
. 4 Contekar . I Dissident
•	Légion Tartaros Terminator armour
•	Heasy Hanter or volkite cavitor

Range Str	AP	Type
10"	6	S	Heavy 4, Deflagrate
Lord» of the Night
The Contekar were often dispatched to wrest command from lesser Niahr i i ,	.
unfit to prosecute the Legions objectives. Such cruel, but pragmatic methods ,	'7 tht" commondtn df"’,ed
others of both the old Uq.on and the new

Lords and Master °fthe Atr#i^i0
M WS BS s T	***■
1 \Xt
in all who look
Seva tar
Unit Composition
•	J Sevatar
U Wargear
•	Bolt pistol
•	Night's Whisper
•	Artificer armour Iron halo Frag grenades Krak grenades
Unit Type
•	Infantry (Character,	I
Special Rules
•	lxgi°nesMun«(Nlghl,

Dirty Fighter
Sevatar is,one of the most dangerous hand-to-hand combatants in his or any other Ugion. When engaged ui th a worthy foe, ^ere is no trick or ploy he will not stoop to in order to claim victory.
When Engaged in a Challenge with a model whose Weapon Skill is S or more, Sevatar gains

IX Кровавые Ангелы

n urtured in the Bl<x>d Angels' successes were the seeds of their fill; in the fcalousy of the fallen Warrruster who saw in them eventhmg he himself had thrown away. The opening stroke of the Homs Heresy against the Blood Angels would occur in the Signus system, bringing the IX*

; Advanced Reaction
11”\ , special rule. Unlike Core Reactions, Advanced React,ons	° m<xM' *>ththe l
m their descript,ons, and can often have game chang|na^!^W “> unique S'*'
JS" ^plaser-s Reaction Allotment as normal and obey all .ah“ "«•' '«k-onc^g, rv " №,„«»„
Rt)C r,K noted otherwise in

Rite of War: The Day of Sorrows
,U* as the IX- i^fon was famed for their set-piccc shock assault tactics, so they were a so famed or their ability when to stand against any who would overwhelm them, no matter the odds and no matter the foe, and even in their death th,,*' draq their enemies down

-j« s Rites of War
ihc Ugiones Miartcs (Blood AngcW) Vaction HtO°V rnt wb»ch	, onc model With the Master of the Le vu >i p.
:^*ch ^ua**»1’6**
U*	THE DAV Of R^euat.on
VVA»’-	the IX-	“j-wnri for * wars of ultimatum' ,W compo^o,^
n.rt °* , rhi Ort^ Eru	^rUs began with

Blood Angels WA^£f£i<3dii>geis> special
A War below instea
nth the Ugionc* A^tJ c Warlord Traits, id of selecting one of the Co
Encarntine PaU*" ^“^Lnion of the
W ith the onset of the	ftwaous adversaries of the
Blood Angels became! e J , kiuers with the faces

_ blowing comprises ahst °f new options and Wargear availaW ,
Jlooii Angel*) Faction and exemplifies the nature of that l*gion	to Deuchmcntl wj,h ^ ^ ^ ^
Jjugion's tactical doctrines were heavily focused on the use of powerful A l Zj. devastating blow.

Ofte n considered Co be chc greatest of his Ian. Sanguimus u a peerless , wamor. masterful strategist and beloved hero of the Imperium. Among the Pnmarchs, there were few who would speak ill of him, with ewn grim figures such as Perturabo and Ferrus Manus offering grudging praise of

** nius iruf»™* hve in alj w*° MuU hlm' SUC6 '^Zdrtnr his tons and allies to feats of heroism
1 beyond
-flicn^'y unto lhat arC ,<>ckcd 'n comba* *nd have one model within 6’ of Sanguinius, a, well .»s **,nlUsand any unit he has joined, may add *1 to ^ number of successful

a gnm counterpart co ai
the Immortals the\ uan.l foe and a shield for the fiu’ii chi umicldina anchor Hmt turns a simile hla.U N dm, power shields
Blood Angels freed to give

Also known
obscure dogma of the IV legion as the Kemvim. or the Storm Winds, the Crimson Paladin, are one

<h< W* '* r°mn<n<l to th* Crimson Madins, for they ore only sen, into bade »hen the ,idf ofw, .
^¡¡L. wart thfhM of;hi: ‘f9<on-!hc waU upon“h,‘h^/o< <^,ktn miiturntdnia^ z ox" ^rmfn^t0 pr0teci,0n	and lt givc% thCTn th< trJ^h M
bat with a unit that outnumbers them, a Crimson Paladin urn, gams the

■ -Á
Dawnbreakkr Cohort.............150 Poi^
,’h in the aits <>! orbital iJtf and \ho« k assault arc icmlat). the l\n\vhrraktr horn stand apurt Chosen m: iim.utu't the niii'f
pencnced and during the l egion * assault uads, the Dawnbmtkm r tnmtod and cguip/xd 1 act «s the tip of the load

av Atlamc
get,h< .„.jLtrs art trained to make (heir arrival in,on ,)„■, ,,
unit composed entirely of models with this special rule *** „„us within 6" of the unit’s final position suffer a -1 modifier	PJn of * Dcci> s, i
5i„--Bt“sc‘"’y'helX'c'>S,,ikcAs“'"'	.............
ti sWr Pattern

The Angel’s Tears................
__________________________M	ws
Erclim	7	4
Arch-Erelim	7	4
Unit Composition
•	4 Erelim
•	1 Arch-Erelim
•	Two volkitc serpenta
•	chain sword
•	Rad grenades
•	Frag grenades
•	Krak grenades
•	Power armour
•	Legion Warhawk jump pack
Unit Type

_____f ----------- W\\\	)
’	4 ^r, Grtnâde Uuncher
^.„-i ^">"'l>’"m ,ht 1 ''"/U"'"’n lV,,r' «nd Kir	^
""1	1,5P*** "' ''"•/,,r H'"'r " ^'Kumr,/„, ‘	"’f "U ,,
¡¡J«*« I***«*""**»...■Ьут*ЬЛЛиЫг...
,V МГЛ **" RnM’>U,C ,,WKhCr “ COUn,id a’J W wt*poh fot lhow ....................
RrtUKc Sir

V 1 lire CONTEMPTOR-lNCAENDIUS VW v JUiLM Dreadnought.............
200 P0i>
I Tht Incaendtus sub-I class is a Contemptor I Dreadnought chassis I manufactured only within I the Meihanicum enclose I that clings to the irradiated I surface of Baals first I moon, under anaent treaty I

IBolster Pack
****> Ш booster pack is installed on the rear torso of the Contempts,ncaen f A	7» Ь	dr7 thri>^ou9ht front orb,,, „г ,o JgJ*- ^ «M4h fuel for a
, leap''- °nce its f“'1 iS exhausted‘the boost" ^ck ,s purged front ,he ,7 T" dulon“'»rh, ,?
exploit m
booster pack may be used once per

Chapter Master Raldoron.................. p
First Captain of the Blood Angels, The Archein of Wisdom The Tranquil Angel
First among the captains
o' the Blocxt Angels' Three Hundred Companies, Raldoron was respected throughout the Legion for hr\ [turned and strategic insight, superb

1V \\<*р°п bU4i here I* counted a, a Tower' weapon for those rule, iha, ,ffet, MKh
lV Zr^th< Smth’' Cmft' mad* f0r Ra,d°nm ,hf «St^»tnlui hlnut„ ,,
. iw.iNitiWteW'	,m,< hm» |,„0
RaiiKe Str	ЛР	'VI«
+1	2	Melee, Manet-crafted, Shred, Murdetmn

ntmpkty record 'upth cut \hon
nt Crusade. Ihe
refused to integrate
nhty to fight and e art and so Zephon nnty accepted the	I
and dubious honour
legion as part of the	I
ier Host on Terra.
the Horus Heresy out, Zephon	I
i reemtted by the
<\i and friendship	I

paragon of Restoration
Installed in Zephons body by the apocryphal techo-ministrations nf a ll	---------—
The Paragon of Restoration gives Dominion Zephon the Fe Iw
in any battle that Dominion Zephon loses his last Wound or i^'"<S+) *** rule |natM, controlling player must immediately roll a D6.

X Железные Руки

I ho 10!'1'" "r vJli.,ntly totht ‘ Cvcn unto the
„^■ulKnm^cc	however ’
ph. Iron Tenth proud
n,c Iron Tenth proved resourceful and ,rtUt wCre relorged anew under leader» such a.** I* Medusnn and Aulek Mor. Fuelled by bn*,,	*
lhcy would continue to hound the Tram* «¿T*

Hands Advanced Reaction
1 c Advanced Reaction is available only to unite ^ed in their drscnpiions, and can often |,avc	-t
specifically noted otherwise in their description. * °ther r«trictions
d UP°n Action, lnt'011
The Gorgon’s Spite - This Advanced Reaction may be made onr phase

Iron Hands Warlord Traits
A Warlord with (he Lcgioncs Astartcs (Iron Hands) f action may select a Warlord Trait from instead of selecting one of the Core Warlord I raits.

Front lid’s Heart (Loyalist only)
With the death of terms Manus on the fields oflsstvan V, a terrible

s HAN»5
Rites of War
|»0N ü!^Pnnwr> Deuchment W"tord has the UKio„„ a
of the
WTl of War- t
t jpH^'
War: Company of Bitter Iron
Rif* °f liyll„n betrayed at Isstvan V, the Iron Hands 1#,h( "* ¿fate MO a angle, united body again for several ' T>ur\nvig Iron I lands joined Shadrak Meduson's

The (Iron Hands)
following comprises a list of new options and Wargear available only to Detachments wit) i Hands) Faction and exemplifies the nature of that Legion.	111 l*1c LcgionCs

The Iron-Father
Many among the highest levels of the Iron I lands were

- - ------------rmwryrvr
M ' .	ye**** T*“«*	/,*,+, .
T^**01	**"*'*'<**„,„(<, ',?* **»*-, V
rfZ^ofW..l\edf^ rtfAmwIei, J"
:ZZZt:^Tj£rr ................Sr1
nOf In*,"1• V^Jv*„ o«.^,	* "'’’‘'•’•'-w
~J5SSS^!!&?£%zsz'-~ vm .,,
‘¡‘.„n* rf **«’““' ■ •“ **	I*)*' ■>•■» -SUOM

ion was a gend amongst i of his home Iedusa, named le Gorgon’ after ncient of mythic Ferrus was he strongest of rchs, within him ie heat of the 5 fury tempered fior as cold ¡ding as iron.
>n was known ;ompromising tr, fcfusing to pr to,his closest tr even his tmafiihs-FIc J
at he was only race

. Mfdu*an Carapace
, Uanui operated a wide variety of arms and armour, almost all nfu,t. l ' Zt I«« forming the bout of many	Lf¡tonesAstana design, „	*£i
flu Medusan Carapace grants a 2+ Armour Save and a 3+ Invulnerable Save.
fashioned by his close comrade, and later hated enemy,

Gorgon Terminat»
hieofa number of t actical Dreadnought Armour sub-classes found vithin the ranks of the ron Hands Legion, the torgon pattern was one fa number of on-going it tempts by Fcrrus Manus and his cadre of ron-Fathers to refine md augment the various atterns of Terminator

u san Immortals Squad
], Unreal Sergeant
, ivmcf *H«our , guiding »hiilJ .Sokrt .Mir*'"1
tFr<gtraMki . Knlpnud«
Unit T>T*
' .................
(Character, Ucav» ' Special Rule*
•	legume-* A*tanw(Uoo llantlt)
•	heel No Pain (S* )
•	Bitter Duty
•	Stubborn

XII Пожиратели Миров

0f all the Space Marine l,egions of the Great Crusade.
none were as savage and dreaded as (he XII* legion. Monsters long before the outbreak of (he I lorus Heresy, the World Eaters were among the first Traitor Legions to enact the extermination of the

Vorld £atels Advanced Ijeact-ion
T** Advanced Reaction « available only to anils composed entirelv of ^	,
Extni special rule. -nlike Core Reactions. Advanced Reactions arLrt' ^ * Wth *** U8»ones Astartes (World
as noted ¡n their ascriptions, and can often have game changing rff ^7 *" Un,que and

World Eaters
Blood Hunger (Traitor only)	forrupfIon, the
lust as Angmn »-as consum'd by madness ana	r
Lr loyal of his children would follow him down that dark path Thtst wamors revettedm the rtd rag' font up«n fythe Butchers Nails and freely go* sent t0^arka? temble

VVo*LD Eaters r,tes of War
which his ihc l/gioncs Asiatics (World Maters) I-action may make use of the following Rites of War as Ipng as It includes at least one model with the Matter of the legion special rule
Rtrt of War: Berserker Assault
In the aftermath of the bttrayal at Isstvan III. the

The following comprises j list of new options and Wugear available only to Detachments with the Leo,
(World Eaters) Faction and exemplifies the nature of that Legion.	S'oncs Asta^
World Eaters Berserkers
,	More the outfit of the Horns Heresy, the World Enters


Caedere Weapons
(to-/ upon the ritual ueapons of the cyberaugmetic glad,a,on of,*
teas once cast, it urn Angron himself who	rt(. „„ o/ . /T >«"'</ on **«(, W()odl h
,V ueaponsofthe Carder, remainlargely the preserse „f,hc «0 nt^gln^Zdd	^	^ uU
<***» of the cranial berserker implants which

•	The Armour of Mars
•	The Spite Furnace
•	The Butcher's Nails
•	Gorefather
•	Gorcchild
•	Frag grenades
Special Rules
•	Legioncs Astartes (World Eaters)
•	Master of the Legion
•	Red Sands
•	Hatred (Everything)
•	Rampage (2)
•	Furious Charge (2)
•	Traitor
•	Warlord: Sire of

Red Sand*
Train'd to fight and die in single combat. Angran was at his bast whan ,
10 Hade-	P ' a9°inst ^ foes mightiest woman blade
In any given turn Angron may make as many Challenge* as there arc
or pnmarch Unit Type locked in combat with him. up to his current	77*“ *1th th* Clura«« Sub

red Butchers
•25o Po,NT
¡h a« III Atrocity
HcJ u rruidnc^
ul long festered m
rid Eaters legion I'rimanh, a lungn rag< that
i the very core of
inn's bring and was fd by the horrific agression inducing ¡1rrgery many or Id Eaters had d themselves to tiling ground n III. there were

^mpager Squad
135 Points
RjBiplçCT champ«*'
1 Rampager Champin
L'nit TNpe
•	fcimpagcr Infantry
•	Rampager Champion; Infantry (Character)
. One Caedere »capon (or t»o falax blades)
. Boltpntnl . Fragg»***
• Krai grenades
Special Rules
•	Legiones Astartes (World Eaters)

if a/prtun
■t soon rose > Pnmarch’s one of the few ■hose counsel d. While the ■etc implants, Butcher's i ngron ever loodlust and
Khars the Bloody........~........••••.175 p0lN
Captain of the World Eater* 8,h Assault Company, The Twice Un-*Ui(1 8 The Endcr
Kh.irn the Bloody
Unit Composition

I The Cutter
I ¿ham was the master of many weapons, fro fawured most modified chainaxes and ripn many foes during the Great Crusade and Ian
The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Ch
ldes°nesuchZ mtru^nts0fth
Str An __	th Weap
The Cutter,Horus Heresy,Ересь Хоруса,Wh Past,Warhammer

XIII Ультрамарины

ZT X111 l'c«lon w-,s |wrl..,|>s the largest Legion at the «»«dtwon of the Great Crusade and, as such I toms resolved to lure them to the far reaches of the galaxy and destroy them. During the great muster at Calth, the Word Bearers betrayed the Ultramarines and wrought terrible destruction u|xm

a.,nes Advanced Reaction
Reaction is available only to units composed entirely of models with the Irenes Asiatics ^ u| m|c. Unlike Core Reactions, Advanced Reactions arc activated in unique and specific ^nirunnev '^no{cd in thcir descriptions, and can often have game changing effects. Advanced

tHE \J LT RAM AR\N t,$
^uHc on,y ,o Detachments whh the Upon* m
<ioi«" 15 'ha ,ht s[Xkc marine IcgKms.
a nt Cha*«1'-
;h weapons
ft* those rules «hat
Legatine,Horus Heresy,Ересь Хоруса,Wh

ARGYRUM Pattern Boarding Shield
Th<r m Pa,tern B°ardin9 Shield is a prototype boarding shield r l
contain'd a larger field generator that greatly enhanced the protecting i	^ *** ** "°°n «fCanr- that
dirons, such as the Invtaarus Suzerains, the Argyrum pattern boajing *Zis °	9«,«
is on

Pride’s Dark Power (Traitor only)
Despite their success in war and the fast
tc warlord Traits
of selecting one of the Core Warlord Traits
The Burden of Kings (Loyalist only)
itTrte h.anh dun of those that would lead to stand as an „ample mall things, to shine bnghlest and stand boldest m

.,iTIUmarines Rites of War
»hose Primary Detachment and Warlord has the U„nn »
E of War: The Locos Lectora
One of "tany pi^^lapplicatioruofthe vast storehouse of theoretical battle u-
up the '«s(strategic corpus upon ss’hich the Ultramarines Ugion basts its art	P*ani and'atticalr

. v\W^
I ntuh wn*<*ara'"‘l"
among the fmpcnv' MMl K,hnitt Gudbman»10 “>
much a pttrkUn statesman a, hr urn an indctatigablc
murrnr. A bong of
prrtrmatund mteibgtnct. it,U reason and indomitable wACuilimm forged ho
U«ion into a >oa force of conpxst and connot a weapon by »huh he

turtl Str»«'K>
pre****. ^„ch of the controlling player's turns a, ,h '“‘•’'■^including When Embarked on a model w„h ,c ^"Vt P»ayc, ^
select one of the followmg op,i„ns. but	T'J"‘P«n U„„ >h ><■*-*„ -
p^’erI^.s be selected more than once in a single battle as |*'h'	<^***2^
¿^, are applied to all

Invictakus Suzerain Squad.
l *« Type

Roll pistol legatineaxe
Argvnim pattern boarding shield Frag grenades Krak grenades Artificer armour
ds erf Litrainar Honour Bearers

Dedicated Transport
. An Invictams Suzerain Squad may take a Legion Land Raider Рпясш Comer as a

..ruiim In rserotmm the
dements of
nocuvie ond
I ond
___ _____
I’K/U. i vrnmti
	.		M	WS		••'is Points
praetorian	7	s	S y	w 1
Praetorian Primus	7	s	4 4 T~ 1 < 4	2 4 , * »•
Unit Composition				4 2 « U
. 4 Praetorians			Unit Type	
• 4 iTjerotiaus
. 1 praetorian Primus

Remus Ventanus.............................
Commander of the 4* Company of the 1“ Chapter oftheïr,/5 Legion, The Saviour of Calth	Ultr»,«*rh1^
of Calth. .At the moment of the destruction of the Calth Vendian Anchor, limtanus mbs inspecting loading operations at fsu minus Port and. in the

Forged by the master artisans of Veridia Forge, this masterwork power sword was presented to Remus Ventanus by First Master Marius Gage upon his ascension to the rank of captain of the 4th Company. Named after an Ancient Terran hero of the Grekans, the lethal corona of its disruptive

Возможно Локутариев и Фульминаторов вырезали

XIV Гвардия Смерти

yf%ncc a byword tor resilience «mu M.......-------------„
IL'che Death Guard were counted among the closest of Homs’ allies during the Great Crusade and as such their Primarch Mortarion was only too willing to cast off the shackles of servitude to the Emperor and follow the Warmastcr into

death Guard Advanced Reaction
Enhanced R"C'ion is availablc onlVto umt' composed entirely of models with n,, ,
, ^ ■ , special rule. Unlike Core Reactions, Advanced Reactions arc at tic, i, H	l-c*K,ncs Astartes (Death
I ^otedCtheir descriptions, and can often have game changing effects Advanced

A Wariora wim me tÄg^jnes». below instead of selecting one
of the Core Warlord Traits.
----------- listed
The Reaper’s Visage (Traitor only)
Many among the Death Guard bore the skeletal appearance of their Primarch, an appearance that many outside the Legion had likened more to a corpse than

P^t which has the Ugioncs Astartes (Death Guard) Factio
includes at least one model with the Master of the Ugion	U” of,h' ^llovcing RrtesofWa, ,
rr 0F War: The Reaping
B,Tl ,k Guard urre arguably the most remorseless and V*	most feared of the Space Marine Ugions. This
a****1 amply because of

The following comprises a list of new options and VVargear available only to Detachments with the I
(Death Guard) Faction and exemplifies the nature of that Legion.	K'°nes Asta^
Ee bleZg of their grim Primal t fie Death Guard made free use of a number of fork,dden

in Bombs
A*<*V	many forbidden took the Death Guard ren,
¿^retardfor,he damage done to the	*'**“«
\ Am model with the Character Sub-type. U	'°"	^hugh,’^	uC^"n
.«¿n bombs for +10 points.	g,°n« *«*te, (Dejth	^
rd)sP«ial rule and Tr
When an enemy unit declares a Charge tariretim,, ■	'mor

The Pale King, Master of the Dread Liberator of Barbaras

Death Guard, the Traveller, ^ ^ Po'STS
ws	BS	s	T	w_'Au
-7-6	7	7	7	S nrî
Unit Composition
• 1 Mortarion
Unit Type
• Primarch (Unique)
•	The Barbaran Plate
•	Silence
•	The Lantern
•	7

. rbtnn Plate
^Z^rpanopty isofhisown design, fusing power armour technology
in bo^lc but augment his owm singular physiology and 'mrronZnZnZT' 'T * “ **"* ™ only to P"*** Lou« of his home world to mix with the air he breathes.	* S'7uVi,slr>9 ’race elements of the
^ Barbiran Plate

Deathshroud Terminator Squad...140 p0|NTs
Dedicated Transport
•	A Deathshroud Terminator Squad numbering no more than 5 models may take a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its

polishroud Retinue
pcJthshroud Terminator Squad may be selected a, ¿node, with both the Master of the Legion and U^onl elites choice. A unit selected as a ‘Retinue Squad’ i i.amines Astartes (Death Guard) special mi..	Ust 1
„ ...ay oe selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes at

Grave Warden Terminator Squad...250 pQ|
/	;
!	i
!	!
/	/
/	/
!	!
I	/
	M	ws	bs _s	T W | A u
Grave Warden	6	4	4 4 4 ~ 4 2	
Chem-master	6	4	4 4 4 2 4 3 9
Unit Composition			Unit Type
• 4 Grave Wardens			•

,	M ***"*.	fWhl,i< l,n„u hr, ,	, ,,
„+*nh *» m"wn''^,v*	*' ,hf l’"l*»«l \,,ny ,, Wrf(C4 ,U() ' •r""r	I, „ ,W„„
\..,v *w*	«f"VIM »'*^1./«*.<>. urWra«hrt „ iMlrw !!on, „ „
‘/ h wi,,v	ihernii „1 ,,llr
pattern druu„td <• a standard ihuptH «f/rnf» l| 11,1 lllrurnlrolrr/
Assault 2

he Tint Captain of the jth catard legion rxr punned the rule af stolan in the Leyton > branny but with the imarch Mortanan trbotinnq a deep-rooted must of those who elded the powers of the yker, Tvphon suppressed gift and strove instead serve as a wur leader.
> strength, skill and nour led him to

Range Str
AP Type
Melee. Two-handcd, Reaping Blow (1)
many weapons Calas Typhon is knoxsm'to have carried a ,
'Since for the heavy hladcd scythe he referred to only as ‘Lakrimac	<W Wanhr a particular
ofl)ph°ns oam creation. the toxin dr,pping from the hlade and Zn °g7( 'Znd'' T**a

XV Тысяча Сынов

*fhc XV“ Legion's place within the Horus Heresy is Wdefined by the destruction of Prospero at the hands of the Space Wolves. Though this event would occur before even the atrocities on Isstvan III and V, later scholars would see it for what it really was - one of the Warmaster's opening moves in

nlNE A«<-ANA
« P*°Srt	,„/,xcu/l train,nq of the HiaiuoiKl Son, were	anurid llu dlu,o .
f**‘ I'liK r*** „„Jed 'heir Initiate! with unique abilities on the field of battle	* l“' cnl
**	„ thc Character and ISykcr Unit Sub types In a Thousand Son, Detachnwm mus, «W, on, Minor
^b *’th

Thousand Sons Warlord Traits
A Warlord with the Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons) special below instead of selecting one of the Core Warlord 1 raits.
Evoker of Pain (Traitor only)
In the aftermath of the ravaging of Prospero, many among the Thousand Sons nursed an abiding hatred for those that

Thousand Sons Advanced Reaction	^________________________
Atis Advanced Reaction is available only to units , omnoacd
flbousand Sons) special rule and the Psyker Subtype ,	**"> both the
j(1 unique and specific circumstance,, a, noted in their descrinci ^ Advanced React,"" Advanced Reaction, use

The following comprises a list of ness opt.ons and Wargear avarlable only to Detachments ssith the legum«. (Thousand .Sons) Faction and exemplifies the nature of that Legion.
/€ther-fire Cannon
A later d<\ clopmtnt of the P\rae Cult Techmarine artificers, these

hea Pattern Force Weapons
P9*«'“’® « ^nnrlM,hrough ,h(	hnt	^»-(br, v. ,
&*■**•*•“" *"A* ,w'rr,or' **» «•»«* C “	^,cC.
^»oMou-,,^ on^a
uv „«Kiel with both the Legion« Asurt« (Thousand s„„ .	*>
. „»e. »eapon »-«r any one Achea partem forte weapon fnr	'u,t *"d the r h
cSacter speeial rule may

WWLl, //// J ^At^isrMt Rro
■mhbmmhShShSSt IMmarch of the I housand
The Crimson King, The l ogos Maxima, The Cyclopean GUm
Sons, The Sorcerer of Prospero^0 ^*Nt|
lagnus the Red wot rugue among the rima re hy a psykxr of mdigiow power m hose tv essence boiled with ychu potential Such

rCirtr	undisputed master of the arcane among the brotherhood of Pnmarchs Mis knowledge of the
Red was ,he " . ivas equalled only by the Emperor himself, and many have claimed that some secrets held by
**-”* .......................'........'
Jwrnf stCl
Magnus the Red has access to all of the

’n \
ondedto they stood thcrs of the therhood herhood. heir minds levels of the s, the Scarab with such ori and seemed
|, hut more | __________________

Sekhmet Terminator Cabal
___________________________M	ws
Sekhmet	6	5

, a Sekhmet Terminator Cabal may inc|Ulje.
. Upt0 5 additional Sekhmet......
, My model in the unit may exchange^".................
- Slagn* combi-weapon............ COmb>-boltcr ........................
. Minor combi weapon............. .................... °nt of the foliowi......

Dreadnought Talon..........
Unit Composition
•	1 Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnought Wargear
•	Gravis bolt cannon
•	Gravis force blade with in built combi-bolter
•	Atomantic deflector
Unit Type
• Dreadnought (Psyla-,.)
Special Rules

•the unit	—
’ no to 2 addition*1 ContemptorOsiron Dreadnought*
^yContemptor-Osiron Dreadnought in ,hc unit may rcpl;lc ........
........... ** GWVi* bolt «nnon w1(h	4100 Wnt, pc, m ,
* cravis«"«lucannon..........
’ Gravis autocannon..........

CasteLlax-Achea Automata
*4o Points
Unit Composition
•	1 Castcllax-Achca
•	Aither-firc cannon
•	Two Asphyx bolters
•	Two Achca force claws
•	Atoinantic deflector
Unit Type
•	Automata (Psy-automata, Psyker‘)
*A Castellax-Achea may not select a Minor

Fore* Cl*w "<ip°n -law
counted as 'Force' weapons for those rutes that affect such weapons Range Str AP Type
Melct • Rending (st), Achean Force
” ' '""-"can Force
foitial* Uni* Sub-type
™ th<m the cybernetics cortex utilised on the most advanced Mechankum ha, i
^'^blochuseti# more

\) the faekal u ho sensed s the guardians of the
their reliquanes and nitums. Round together oath and ritually larged shn hinds, cash of the
e urrr all inmates of Cults' inner secr, is and pts in their techniques, hsophtes and arts Ihc most u arnors of the octal /tinnedcahals

_	'	----1 Jjj /IjX.
rirriors of the KhcneUi	~~~~
' Zof^n>leSSerfU,tS Within thc ^rosPerinf Arc,i
tfd skill of ¡he blademasters that fl,cd rhcn run^’^ Khcneta, w	^
a model tvith this special rulegains thc Minw	CaPability ofan°Usand	nrc'/'" (/,<• rf..
,0Si presemod by thc Prospcrinc


Ahzek Ahriman .

Chief I Jbrarian of the Thousand Sons, Arch-masister nfiii t he Enduring Son	,hc Corv><Ut)
Ahzek Ahriman
Unit Composition
•	1 Ahzek Ahriman
•	Master-crafted Asphyx bolt pistol
•	The Corvidacan Sceptre
•	Artificer armour
•	Iron halo

I jIk Corvid*«" Sceptre
| ynW9aihoth a mark °fhh «ation os, ,V Cttv^aean ^fP,re ,vaS a long slave W claim that this artefact mas one ofs, coatTotii'm their power.
The «capon
is counted
flieCorvidacan Sceptre
I arelimjgister of the Corvidae
I Muck Ahrinian gains the

Magistus Amon................................. J
The Hidden One, Captain of the Ninth Fellowship, Tutor of Keeper of the Keys
Magistus Amon
Unit Type
•	Infantry (Character, Psyker, Special Rules
•	Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sor
•	Master of the Legion
•	Independent Character
•	Relentless

r ofShadC' . suit of artificer power armour art layer upon layer of psychically chanpd 9(>T
Amon’s own abilities to pass unseen, or even to appear ai another »ho-
"vLei'^10 jtoaaflr,,f,lt'
r~- ’	^Uns''n'°'"'n',Z,nf*xh«'»>^
n. Arm our of Shades provides a 2+ Armour Save. and„„	a’

XVI Сыны Хоруса

Carsoran power axe
Range Str	AP	Type
User	3	Melee, Breaching (S+), Specialist Weapon
Banestrike Bolters
These mysterious variant holt shells, believed to have been designed in secret within the armouries of the Alpha Legion tong before the outbreak of

,F HoRljS ***** OF War
»V‘h^UK^ J* k‘°nC " WUh ,hC M-',Cr Of the >l^,‘0n »’tty »*.
^d**	.	' S**1a| ruU
9	A(. the Black Rcaving
pit °r w of the \Varma>trr. thru gene father, the Jd iv fj^on	morr unytfft and proud
K*ain,n* 'ha<k,c' in'lM«*1 °n them hy the
jdte fnif*n>r and the

¡>Rl\t\^li I
(kf count of th* CtfTOt I CraadeoSJ madofd I ^vnJonhtoeheDnprtw I kA>m he senxd and ¿aded ' fat*r So it u® dial whin I the Fntpcmrxood apart farm the burden of the I command of the Great I Crayatk, rl»m Ham> j ¿hat he named Wcrmaster I to act in hti ittud. But I ambition and

rI(W. trvrl ***** iKtdlnt <„mh,ntxl 0,ui martudex)re rimer, and u M,„ ^
tJii ti the *Urt «f 4ny Cum where I cn 101	of ll*r iu
include* Hon»* i* imrc-ud In # |
ffter* NOW* ■« known u> n maun of M tnrunÿ <V * Ottoman gutter hum Itr. i,t Jtnah hn opponent, and u tij ,•<«!/» „ n

.„„rirwt I	1 ^phr«Ctil l M.
r. Ji1'1	.. \vr_iHr\ (S<>n> <i| I li ii iii.i .. ,
1^^ ^	1	"’"MOW,»
№Ly>t«s A**«« (*>»» of l io.n„ specUl ,„|C *f’n r"*K» v._lt Uv'ZmA to - Dark BminAty	"*	¡£*
All U,‘"n

esConsularis: Dark Emissary
l,t/ .. ,.m»n UYff (he nn n (he Worm/.»..	*

Homs Ascended
AftiKfhfUi/kmy »orrori, /fonts uvtM fit//further and further into the urn hi WArr* * A"**” ttfkutour. ftihmtteJ/ut hi» sense ofjuitK*andturnan^0 *** and, r»Jcwrn<e/iut*«rKru*hh™»r>/of even the nt<»t minor ofinfractions nr / >*' hfl*‘On,	j>

^	. _r.Jc i> id*1*4 ,h*.Jfd to

STAER'N terminator Squad
' \r'"

l nit T
l n.l
[fPones ARan«
gjncstnte combi

Bulky (2)
Iust~nn Rettnu,
Terminator armour
Furious Charge
Chosen W
■-V O

■tin Terminator Squad ,„Jy ,1K|udo
#	¿I«**1	)*“**crin
*	. IT five model* in ll.c unli. onc ,u
f	...
.... "
•	*» ,lK Un,‘ "“y C*th-*»KC <hc„
•Sd« eh"*"......•;■■•■
'	■" the un" "“>' "change tiic11 cario
thunder hammer
„ymodel ■" <h«Un"


• 4KfJVCr!h.cr«.n
. i Reaver CH'c
Unit Type
•	Reaver. Infantry
•	Reaver Chieftain;
- Bolt P,s,<>1 Chaina-«
Krak grenade»
power arwour
Special Rules
. legiones Astanes (Sons 0f u
. Relenúess	^
. Chosen

auRST the Twisted...............
«.lOgH „f the Sons of Horus, Bearer of the Eye, EquerO of *he Warn,aster
’40 Points

Boit pi

upon standard Artificer armour
Unit Type
•	Infantry (Character. Une.

\KAl>t>ON'V"i'loruv HiRh Marshal of lhc‘Vu^° N,, the Breaker of Worlds U*t4*r»n>

I r:**‘
\ **££*'« *
[&2£~ 1
Z«d< **r**°t'hl'
he echoed ho PnmardiI
_jl, -r-*i-f'iy*l< I
0mfcp«mr,as‘l^h!er I
„¿¿dtasaiacocm nbteh ijui^ kirn *''* pnteXwIhot mtU/KJ
1 jm- wffbm

PL L^KEN...............
rjJ^fthc 1 O'" Company, Ncw-moon of the m.I7e D
S^i3fof Lu-	C	75 P0«NTS
**	M WS BS s T
¿¡piel token
¡nil Composition
, ¡Girvtel t oken
. Bolt pistol
. Putgon fade
. Aiti/ieerjrmoiir
. iron halo . fag grenades • krik grenades
BS	S	T	W 1
6	4	4

XVII Несущие Слово

XVII'" legiones astartes
tat to the Sons of Horut, the Word Bartn were
L me In many or,he first pivotal lu tiles of the I torus Here» the scale of their betrayal of the Loyalist forces J, Isstvan Vanil CM would reverberate across the years and se, a high water mark for the

Horus Heresy,Ересь Хоруса,Wh Past,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Warhammer 30000,Wh News,длинопост,Wh Other

Word Bearers Warlord Traits
A Wjrlord »«A thr Legumes Asurrcs (Word Bearers) special rule may select
Mow instead of selecting one of the Core Warlord Traits.	C J ^'*rlord t
Tri" ft,
Enslaved by Darkness (Traitor only)
Among th<ne that accepted the fax our of Chaos into their flesh, there

«„P P-'n.ch has the Legionts AsUrtes (Word Bea„.„,,
ÿsffîôd* ** ■**“ °nt m<XW WKh ,hC M“"r o( <hc I£***"»9
t \V*g ,,ruplion took root within tht Word Jiff0 ¿d*' ol C rtnàwntd for ihr cohesion and selfless ’[¡ft*- " * jf ¡ought in ihr Emperor's name After /■ % »*“ . J

TH E A1''	. Wargear available only to Detachments w„h ^	^
i^sssssgz-*	^
PVafd|Wjrr	Willingly to the corruption of the warp -j,
Anv W"j'	the Burning Lore uph ^ ^ Diabotam Discipline (see the Diabolist entry).
C^ruptrdand P«ker L-n
nine	,	n were fully aware of the truth

""" <#c'"pr,w“...* .................,
, listed here .ire counted u 'Bolt' we«po„, f()i Ih ^ ^
“•'"ill h

у.**!’1’" ,


1 "	/1"’1 кГе'У таПУ “5 ',‘,'r,ldf’'iM'' W,,uU huvt fflt lh'-o-rup,™ feuth	,
tvc‘’ ,n Sr ted 4

A Legion Centurion. Legion Cauphractii C with the Lcgioncs Asiatics (Word Bcarcro a Diabolist:
A >»»rk *"
Special Rules
A Diabolist gains the Corrupted and Diabolism Discipline.
• A Diabolist points cost.
When •» ^
the Chart

pijriplinc. ----------
W&, with this Discipline gains thellsted P„Wcr% u,	—=*
Terrible Power (Psychic Powen	"'tnr's nilek.
mrl>ni TtTTib,t POW"(P,ychic Power)	' "“'«ner, n , —.a,x „
A °Zbf9<nmn9 °fth' H°mS """>- the WoJ «e	tbo'*
Jt» -»flWon and,iuk und™°^ngof7?'Z'cz;h;'+* «*

paster o
Unit ComP®»'
. lb<rn*r
WürK«r	iffh,
. rhe Armour of the
. |||umi"jrum . Devotion
. Frag*renatle*
Unit Type
. Pri march (Psyfcer, Unlqy^ Special Rule«
. Legumes Astartes (Word ft.
•	Master of the Ug,on “**«*)
•	It

, of tbs
|*0** .¡¿»ith weapons than his brethren. Urnm, 1* y ***, flex other muscles and hr,ng other 'Vj	the battlefield. Among hn brothers
^fLfewtO master the posse, of the ethereal *^p J* " jnj though his skill»» ihx-arfed by that *’ Jed*' ytillwork feats that surpassed most
thc psychic


. swrH»'"h"”
Boltspitter Tainted talon* Frag grenades Krak grenades
Power armour
Unit Type
. Dark Brethren, infantry
Special Rules
. Legioncs Astartes (Word Bear*™ . Relentless . chosen Warriors . Rage (2.)
. Feel No Pain (5+1 . Bulky U)
. Traitor

. r,RCi E Squad..
m ws

Uni, Typ.
*	'"«ndu
SP^UI Rult,
*	•^Rion« \,u_ ru,
*	Stubborn
*	* l-'nn*df.T
)***"—	*
,.l<f«nn0ur	.	Scorched Earth
•	War hawk tump pack
. UJP°
«*£*„ Circle Squad may include:
' to 5 additional Incendiaries.............
kon0clast may exchange

Gal Dreadnought
Unit Composition
. , Mhara Cal Dreadnought
• Warpfirc cannon	...
. Tainted claw with in built boltspttter
Unit Type
. Dreadnought (Corrupted)
Special Rules
•	Legiones Asian-. It Will Not Die (S+)
. Rampage (2)
. Shroud of Dark Fire . Accursed

N ifr^urfir*rf,Ktor	°n<e P°'"rre<i,h, s..
■ f*‘"f■• '"> ‘	/.nr A„m „,,	Co,hQi
i I	cal Dreadnought in a guttering	°> »he	'«"v,, Q
II .* ^	0"'» *«ct ««* >"<*	f/lc. „,. i^9ra,lnn that I l'<‘t' Vh
Wit a»<*Jtcd to ■* n,odcl with ,his special rule fr„
II ^by 1 ,n addi,ion- a modcI W“h this special

M ws
___	~J	r
ZÎdu Uy>k	7	S
Blade Sb'«
Unit compoii'i°"
. Bolt pistol . The Azurda Char is
. Artificer armour . Iron halo
. The Panoply of Flame
. Frag grenades . Krak grenades
Wargear (Blade Slaves)
. Plasma pistol . Anakatis blade . Power armour

**"8« Str ^
iP'fÎW»	User 2
Ch#» <Bl»à<
Hwo "<* °funbol>- warP'sPawnfd power and thri
i***L *** Sfw** u,rhin ^ «■**. ^t,r,„,/,«
.+^artonly bought at « frrn/vngpner to both body and^
^pon *"* hffC^ ***** “ *,P0WCr'ind *"«' ^ponforew^,
affect <
Range Str

AK6ti TA\;;;d'co^^er ofthc Serrated Su".Ho v
TheCri"**0"	BS	_
M	WS	BS	S	t	w	.
8	6	5	S	s	s
. lArgclTal
Unit Type
• Infantry (Character n Corrupted) ' Un‘qu*.
.Wr^*f,i,fmon,c w,°ns
Uinbral Pinions . Artificer armour . Frag grenades
. Krak

'Carried the weapons of a Space Marine prou .. fat 0f His o*n armour fused with unnatura, bone ^ob ottfe. ^

1 'ron-h
Range str
,ard flesh. "Ulh'U



' MurdcrQ

pair of wings of twisted ceramite and fused bone, erupting from his armour Hu

H.GM C,,APtl‘Vmi*«r> of «he Warmaster, *<>S p S ^-^mordiaiTrutH V c"i,dofth v, WS BS S x w ,	
	5 4 4 ^ ^ Unit Type . Infantry (Character, Corrupted, Unique ’■
Wargear . plasma pi»'“1 •	Crux Malifica . Artificer armour •	Iron halo . Frag grenades . Krak grenades	Special Ruin •	Ugiones Asurtes

,1*1'^	decorated with the defaced
f *£^'t’>'iauajorus t Empcr°rs *‘4*^^**^
Range --	VJ ’"fitlf ,i.'

0”	M*MWi
fCbao*	**>»
H***£ent that includes High Chaplain Erebus may »1** Rainstorm Daemon Army last - these choices Up to 'Hree „
^?£ char, as norma,, but must begin the ba,S£££ -

M WS BS s T w (
Koh -	.
Fir«* C*Pta,n
Unit C<inip0$i,‘on
. i Kor Pli*eron
: %STa»**
Unit Type
. Infantry (Heavy, Character
Corrupted, Unique) Special Rules
. Lcgiones Astartcs (Word Be, . Master of the Legion . independent Character
. Relentless . Bulky (2)
. Feel No Pain (St)

. «»rtof hr amidmanipulate il,.- n./ ‘ *°
"^.Jhh throne.
>>	tnd* <"* ""r	°> nhdr. I lr M,m/. '‘n
f^ehU* «•'* h>'	son an,I l’ri,i,„rci‘ '""r
'¿Lnh .Ml* »to '*n/»	»*<»» to.f /*llm
,,	... - thouah mans,
»***,* ar*
„ ««01*'»’ 0» U.fK*r 1» not Chown a. the War|„r i r "M ' 'to' *«r

XVIII Саламандры

ii i i/l_il\c5
great war of the Horns Heresy, many deeds of r\y and valour were writ upon the bloody stars, the centre of this maelstrom lay the Salamanders v, betrayed, struck down, laid waste and yet resolute it the foe. There are few Legions who have paid v high price for their loyalty and

Salamanders Rites op War
A IVUchnwnt which h*s the 1 cgtonc* Astartes (Salamanders) Faction may make use of the Ml 1опц as it includes at least one model with the Master of the l cgion special rule
AR: 1 Covenant of Fire
Vulkan thtSa'lani	^tUal leadrnhiPof their Primanh
mist!"'	htvt I«™™ °

Astartcs (Salamanders) Faction
. htofDut> (Loyalist only)
TV"“*1" . ,? Horns and the warriors of the Emperor /t tV	spared no iota of fury, focussing every
i" b0“e'u[t(r destruction of the foe with no regard for the V* Ucaused to the Imperium and its people. To the

The following comprises a list of new options and Wargear available only to Detachments with the Leei (Salamanders) Faction and exemplifies the nature of that Legion.	Ast*rte»
Artifice and Flame
The Salamanders were noted amongst the Legiones Astartes for the

scale Storm Shield
Swl»»“"‘1“,:*“* ™'Sn<'hU!•;"'C^nc„.“-1*«»"Tam™,Te™i„«„,a™,may„ra “ bi^ bolter for a Dragonscale storm shield for +10 points each.	y	8 a
¿Dragonscale storm shield provides a 5+ Invulnerable Save or increases an Invulnerable Save the model already has by one step

. fury of the Salamander
chU Di'c'P ,n ’ scjpline gains all the listed Powers, Weapons and other special rules, as well as the Aethcric m with this 1 ‘st	322 of the Warhammer: Homs Heresy: Age of Darkness rulebook).
APS- pevchic Weapon v» r * ughtningp
• Purv (Psyehie Power)
primarch led

\ A
The Primarch of the Salamanders, thePronü-t’hJ^ Hre'iu4<i5 Po,NTs Salvation, Regent of Nocturne	’thc Hammer of
Unit Composition
•	1 Vulkan
•	The Drakcn Scale Id • Dawnbringer
•	Thc Furnace’s Heart
•	Dragon’s Breath heavy flamer
•	Frag grenades

A warhammer of prodigious size and reputedly indestructible material construction Dawnhringer was too great a weight for any but a Primarch to lift. Wielded by Vulkan. Dawnhringer was capable of sundering any defence set against it. from ston, to the densest armour plate, and brutally crushed

-J PyroclastSquad
"-,75 Pqiv».
Unit Composition
•	4 Pyroclasts
•	1 Pyroclast Warden
Pyroclast Pyroclast Warden
Unit Type
•	Pyroclast: Infantry
*	Pyroclast Warden: Infantry
•	Artificer armour
•	Pyroclast flame projector
Special Rules
•	Legiones Astartes

f UslFl*",ePr°icctor
^ an(j complex flame weapons wielded by the Pyroclasts ,V	art both more elegant and far more potent than the si
^ ustd to incinerate a vast swathe of targets in the mam cutting arcs, difficult to aim, but able to slice through the n
When making a Shooting Attack, the entire

Firedrake Termi
Firedrake Firedrake Master
Unit Composition
• 4 Firedrakes . 1 Firedrake Master
. Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour . Power weapon . Combi-bolter
2	4	t „
Unit Type
•	Firedrakes. Infantry (Heavy)
•	Firedrake Master:

op***, r. Terminator Squad may take:
•AfirCi5 additional Firedrakes.......................
'lode, in the unit may exchange a power weapon for one of the follow................... P°>"ts each '
'funder hammer.................................................*.....

XIX Гвардия Ворона

raven guard
the outset of the Horn» Heresy, the Ra\*n Guard wrre among the least numerous of the Emperor's Legions. Coras and much of his Legion were amongst the first to muster as part of the grand Retribution Fleet dispatched to Isstvan V, with the Primary h determining

Ravtn Guard Rites or War
army who* Primary Detachment and Wjrlord has the I	v .
following Rites of Wars if the Warlord also has the Master of fhc UgioVsp^l mle ****	makr “* °*lh<
Rite of War: Decapitation Strike
Although the Raven Guard Leovrt possessed (as any Space Man re 'ey on did) the

Raven Guard Warlord Traits
A Warlord with the Legiones Asurtes (Raven Guard) Faction instead of selecting one of the Core Warlord Traits.
The Bane of Tyrants (Loyalist only)
Those warriors who, like their Pnmarch, had been freed from the depths of Deliverance to serve the Emperor brought with

дл old Terran innovation, a legacy of the Dark Лае of T A ,he Roten Guards earliest recruits. These long cloaks inc''^ рге^Ы Ы
°1*'1 firm t„„L ,

Any l^on ^aetor or Legion Ccntunon wuh the Ugioncs M Omeleoline upgrade for +20 points, gaining ,hc Shrouded (6+> "	Cu«d>

The following comprises a list of new options and Wargear available only to Detachments with the Legion« Asian« (Raven Guard) Faction and exemplifies the nature of that Legion.
Raven’s Talons	,
These unique and lealously guarded ***** of lightning daws, each a

Shadow and Fury
»Ah w*h	Guard) sp«!a rule gain o* of ,hc Wiping ^ rulc! ^ „„ th,
"d *«**' °Hh' m0dtl *>*• «“ *>*>• MO « of .he 1bM| „¡««a g^„ „„ addhh, J Z,#r
Models with the Legiones Asiatics (Raven Guard) special rule that have the Infantry Unit Type, but do not also have the Heavy Unit

weapon. Like most of the Pnmarchs, Corax is blessed with an extensive armours of artificer-| wrought weapons but those he most often bears to war are a pair of metre
Liberator, Chooser of theth^01*1*
The Shadowed Lord
Corvus Corax
Unit Composition
•	1 Corvus Corax
•	The Sable Armour

The Sable Armour
The Sable Armour provides a 2+ Armour Save ,1.1	,
The Shadowed Lord
If Corvus Corax chooses to use the Hit & Run specU)
determining the distance moved and discards any one	**• "* an *u
In addition, the controlling player may re-roll all faded Shm. a a P

Mor Deythan Squad.
r hi
_ ______ _
M ws BS
Mor Deythan Mor Deythan Shade
Unit Composition
. A Mor Deythan
•	1 Mor Deythan Shade
•	Power armour
•	Bolt pistol
•	Chainsword
•	Astartes shotgun
•	Frag grenades
•	Krak grenades
•	Shroud bombs

Fury Squad
Chooser of the Slain
U*K Composition
. 4 Dark Furies l Chooser of the Slain
. iv»vr armour (Dark Furiei only) • Artificer armour (Choosers of the Slain only)
. iv-o Raven’s Ihlons . Frag grenades . Krak grenades - <v>rvid pattern jump pack
M	WS	ns s
7	4

XX Альфа Легион

The Alpha Legion was ever-prese events of the Homs Heresy 0fte ' its own endsaga.nst theJmpenu, at odds with the plans of the Wa Alphj legion deployed uninvited alongside the Iron Warnors durin conflict, and at Alaxxes and Yaran Wolves, contributing to their neai Cull alongside

«• > CRMnc Asr.m,
or Tr»*chi
,a ¡5*d*is'n that U,u, p,,
pccutl rule is
!>a,d far
i™:-1""	....--..„
'pco 'I ml, In, t|,._ ,
i uptu legion Advanced Reaction	~	—
¡rancid Reaction is available only to units composed entirely of models wuh .h ■
I tt**| special rule. Unlike Core

Alpha Legion Warlord Traits
A Warlord tilth the legiones Attunes (Alpha Ugion) special rule may select a Warlord T
• ' ■'-'nun one of the Core Warlord Traits.	r‘>'t hum
below instead of selecting
The Mobius ton hgu r a 11 on (^ WamasUr Despite Alphanusdrs a,“'‘"n"	,{h( Tra,lo, cause, there

I EGlON Rites of War
„UA V , primary Detachment and VVarU ,
" h<,S 0f War if the Warlord also has ,h>rd.has thc U ¿Zt Rit<* ot	3S thc Mastcr „^»on,

wab: The Co,LS °F The Hydr*
A 0f f, verfuge for which thc Alpha Leg,^ rpfl “	to an end; the end, more oft...

more often than
tvIntrMe to

ARMOURY OF the alpha legion
The following comprises j list of non options and Wargear available only to Detachments with the	■
[Alpha Legion) Fiction and exemplifies the nature of that Legion	r ‘-»pon*, .
These unique pourr » eapons are a partic ular speciality of the Alpha

PZriS consular.*: Saboteur
fd0ffHm#*"**'" <0'rrr ,nfi,trari<"'. «*«“„R.
! Zs^Zjeath the Ugiones Astartes but at whi T"°n ar>d ZZ" +*$ IV
I S#**« make their pmtnct known «•	Co?>’ 2S
:I Rule*
. i gules
t**., «ins the Infiltrate. Scout and False Colour,
l J S*-«**- addition' a

ill Билайн LIE
,hc л|ср|’Nui1, ,ь* ^ ч»к
"-¡»"tb о* I" r ^ f'inal Configuration	^4

( nic C»mpo«»'on
. | Alpharius
. The Pythian Scales
. The Pale Spear . The Hydra s Spite . Three venom sphere . Krag grenades
Unit Type
•	Pri march (Untque)
Special Rule«

„A No"» here
thfrT ^ n°nt “ unPr*dn ,ah. rZZ could am*“' alm<"< any loca,m
Wf*cOU 1	~	—-'y lOCOfign
««tv”**“*'?** *orr"'"> ^
i»'* f^j »vuld find no pattern m K-/~ _ J 1
S	a^ld find no pattern to help pird
\»i I» '¡hen* hr wtuch hl* PrTfrrrnces could he
l^JIn *«n> caSf' >""uWLS>"r<,r ,ha‘

Headhunter Kill Team.
Headhunter Prime
l nie Compotieion
. 4 Headhunter
•	I Headhunter Prime
•	Bancstnke tom hi hotter
•	tower dagger
•	Bolt pistol
•	One venom sphere (Headhunter Prime only)
•	Frag grenades
•	KraJt grenades
•	tower armour
HS	s	T	* 1


river космический покрас Craftworld Eldar под катом еще ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

В продолжение эпика:
Аутарх с разным набором снаряжения
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Комиссар Райвель: Сердце Тьмы. Выпуск №26

p.s. Насчет расстояния в комиксе: на бумаге и в теории - да, расстояния должны быть огромными (20-30 тысяч километров). Но на всех артах флотов в вахе расстояние боя не превышает более 100-150 км. Почему? Все просто - никому не интересна картинка, где корабль стреляет из новы в долбаное ничего, мол для попадания во врага на расстоянии 20.000 км. Никому это не будет интересно. Поэтому в плане визуализации приходится чудовищно сокращать рассстояния

Ьу Ьяру' ВкиЧ. Орда зеленокожих покинула заводской комплекс и теперь продвигается через руины V города. Авиация и ^ г артиллерия уже изрядно А потрепали их, но это лишь I ненадолго притормозило у V ксеносов. У В данный момент солдаты заняли оборону на возведенных укреплениях, Ожидаем прибытие

Остались лишь обломки и кладбище кораблей ССО. У VАдмирал, цель вошла в зону покрытия авгуров ближнего > действия. Два десантных Мародера" и три фрегата класса Дистанция 9520 километров ^ быстро сокращается. > С этой шайкой мы разделаемся в два счета. Всем кораблям - полный ход. Приготовить ^

Турукк Собиратель Голов. Не могу сказать, что рад тебя видеть. (Взаимна, юдишка. У меня ат тваей жылезной рожи тоже кишки варотит, хыаа Что ты и твои зеленые выродки забыли в этой части галактики? Мы там а хде есть что пограбить! Горк и Морк видут нас через космас пряма к блестящщим штукам. А

Обеспечьте связь со всеми у кораблями Всем экипажам, говорит адмирал Куоритч. Полная боевая готовность! Преследуемый нами конвой оказался уловкой, чтобы V. заманить нас в засаду. Сию минуту, сэр! Авгуры ближнего действия обнаружили присутствие орочьего флота. Силы противника превышают наши


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