Liber Astartes + Liber Hereticus / Horus Heresy (Ересь Хоруса) :: Wh Other :: Wh News :: Wh Past :: Warhammer 40000 (wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник) :: длинопост :: Warhammer 30000 :: фэндомы

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Liber Astartes + Liber Hereticus

Уже неделю, как протекли сливы из новых книг правил по Ереси, а их так и не продемонстрировали публике JoyReactor`а. 

Будем исправлять, материалы взяты из группы "The Horus Heresy Age of Darkness" (фотки в полном размере можно посмотреть при открытии в новой вкладке и их очень много)

I Тёмные Ангелы

I'1 legiones astartes
*»»hc Dark Angel* returned from the outer exige* of the CrfÁcA «hriww t<* learn oh» late oí th at isxtvan. Too far away from any hope of intervening. they »rfcj Legion inermed. billing to rivir their defiance and seek retribution Foreseeing this eventuality.

cnnrflyof models with the Upon« A,un« (Dark Angel,) %Drtla1 „ .	1
u un.t *»«!* <**"* m°dC,‘m"y ** "**«l to «ket a ,pee,hc^n» ZiTZ' “S? *	1
L, rrofilc) All models m a unit mu« wlect the «me HexaR,ammaton I^h^	^ * notcd 1
t i^ated Transport must tele« the ume

ТЬеЫМщсотре^а^Ыпеш opOoo* +nd War^ar тШс only to Druchm^	t ^*-5
* exemplify* the future of ltut legion.	*"*Ь
eJSXSZZ';=•	•
Tl« Wuro« Of	аифт* •*» • poorly of ay drawn
Ai the First Upon.	aneruil of the Unification Wan of Ancient Terra; ftfic wre^. . T*4*
V /Inr legion, the Dark

n,jdc '***"*> * n"Hlck ",,h*•'f******mt,to , Ttm Advanctd ******* * „	AJv*mrd Ration* arc activated in unique and »pet.fv (D**
Ancei*' **<ul ln,lkr , rjn ha»e pmf» hanging effect» Advanced Reaction» u»e up
tpcelhcxlh noted ncfmtor in their descnptH.n
«-----Kartlt when a Charce U	„

Rite or War: The Storm of War
The Srormuing ore mastery of the open battlefield. RtBD of %hot and %hell When the l\irk Angels mutter for war in all their glory. it is the XUtnhals of the Storm of War that plan and order the hartley that will shatter the foe's armies and grind rheir empires into

anCHS Rm* or W ar

I'm» N”" »»m

SA*fcmw nux he «rfcrvtrU u Tru»^
I fWlt -i----	■»-----——■ i
• i“*‘_	^ j pnaiwirnT uxing thi\ Rue *\t War
«m* ** wicctrd *% Qnn
•	vc a DfOcteKM using this Rue of \v*r OMRhMt using rtux Rue of War maUc
*	»v model' with the Infantry Unit Tvpe. the 1nit

.........noPo.NTS	till
^ *rt »> mbobsm. the Order* of the t i.
‘"r ,ryW teaet ond dangerous knowledge oc9u'rrd on the bmtlefwid IM jltr*1 ^ setrran »orrvr* were m.ruifr, of the Order* untj „„ thnr
.	ugjon Tartaros Centurion or la*>on Cataphractit Centurion
Crnt° Asurto (Da* Angel») »pecial

.. ... Тм* Sii«*'s Akkow
h*~ d,.rm0t
*'шкп»<т Лг fteU of ш*г
# l<f*k’n	% {*• Reeled a» Troop« i Hokw in a
$*»•****' t a**»C ***** R*lc ot Ww
pt«*****^ -y—^-teT model« in a Drtachmrm Mm(
. ****\jV*M that h»*e the Cavain Unit Tvpe and tfc* ***“

! ixlutfymaenr

L'°tSU°n’ Th<Son°f 'hc
font, pri
M ws BS s
. The Leonine P*nopty
. The Lion Sword
. The Fusil Actinjeus . Stasis grenades • Frag grenades
Special Rol„
Ic-gioncc Asurtcr, .
•	Master of the 'k Nth-
•	Ad-nanOumV^
•	The Lion , Chole,
•	The Point

rv „tjaI went A«*	ha"1' *» had bureau „„I
"fth'l°’ ** ,hr rlh<wni mean.
■ d"Znt brwr hU fnrmy SWl'ly a,hewK able and a*"« ot	*“**'* hark no wmp Of his
l*"r ho wcucalploy or shoo of arrngth could coy hi, l’r\n,„, nor do» his onslaught oner haul, WUI ,v,ned W**	,nd only on thr point of a blade

Unit Co ni pot it ion
•	4 I Vjthwtng Companion*
•	I Dcjlhwing Oiihbrjrct
•	Olibunitc wjibhJc
•	Bolter
•	Holt pistol
■	Artificer armour
■	Frag grenades
1 Krak grenades Refractor field (Deathwing
* ^-"HwmgOathbrarr, Inf«*-iCKlrvtn IV...I_.
(Character. IVathwin*)

honoured «

r <W	pnx™*m <*** »«W,
^-thw.«* eompiiwon Deuthmrn« may only be «rimed as	. fv,^______
^ «tth bt^ ih^	^thc •'Htion and the	d1«	ac ka* oec
oanner .s considered a -Retinue Squad and «he model	**** A «* «»««*
^STa-T«M-u. ode, •' referred .oa, «He	^

Marduk Sedras .
\\W [&}//// J ¡^“"hc'V^y-.hirdOrd«, Fska.onof.hc Dreading, Preceptor of the Shattered Sceptre
220 PolNTs
A irtenm of the ewrUert horrid of the Terror, vton of Umfcanoti. Marduk
. has wned the Emperor m battle for mart than i fmo and-a-half centunn.
temper rhofi almost |

1 a mastemori TfrranK 9rratiM'ordgranted to Cofjuum fc> /,
^atAdsexmorsby Levon Master Unan Vtndtaia toLl 'Z'T' ?*"* * '*	that 7V «.a,
^ycampa^ogains,,Hat foul »not breed by a champs	ond*m mddZ'ZZ^
TV »«pon ^rc is counted * a IWe, Wapon fo,
«nat aflect UKh weapons
R^njcc Sir AP T>pt

Eaen among U'< brethren of the tn/itmou * Dreoduimi the Interemptors are a gnn breed. iiedy.utrdat they areroa angularpurpose - the utter annihilation ty (V enemy. When the \nteremptors attack, theI I .r, o behind no tract of rAei compter - no \\t.cs no ruins, nothing.
[ . take no trophies of h

• |'r4H»p4,r*
lnXttt'TZ^X Z^n^T" TV“''''*''' ” - l**" ^ lUidcr P totem C.trtet ...
• Æa*	*•«***■»** Tf«mpoft,tht*doe* notuuupan
Korvc Organisation slot, hut lu point* c<h| mu« .till he paid fof .* part of the almy
^^dwing Interemptor St|u.ul may take:
• lV in additional

Corswain.............................200 Point«
Paladin of the Ninth Order, Champion of the Dark Angel* Legion	*
ximpion of the Pari get*. Contain* name ne which иill echo i n through the ages. mphfying the qualities alwart determination mastery of the e. Corswain w«s the

|	Sedras has sersed hi, Legion for m„rr lhan ttm tmurjn
I ¿¿v*«7*11« O'" "* fo"9>™- of,Hr Crru, Crux*	7^:	S»»« »Wks „ worrf ,„
each of their Ugsons at war in warzonn beyond sount ,H,„ ^\l"Ugh'b"'* r°<h of lhr rnncnZ 7,
J /auglones. ^ ,n Hi, taie, other, find ,hr wisdom ,B
I ., [he start

.^sek Circle *ni	»7s I»0
1' ■	M ws B!> s T___ w |
. , order f"«Ptor
. Terr**«*1“"
. pu»m*-<J*,rr
. ujjooCâuphrac«'
Tcrmiruiof armour
Unit Type
. Infantry (Character, Heavy) Special Rule»
. legione» Astartc» (Dark Angth, . Rclentle»»

III Дети Императора

emperor^ children
ymhc Emperor's Children were the only Legion to bear %^the Emperor's own name and his own standard - the great Palatine Aquila granted to them by his own hand. Few were ever so honoured among the Space Marine legions and and few had less cause to betray a father than they. Given

Id specific tions use

„--------7CbiU,«n Advanced Reaction
t.MrEBoB * R,lction is available only to units composed entirely of models with the Leg,ones Astai
ArfvAOcef J special ru,e. Unlike Core Reactions, Advanced Reactions are activated in union-T"' tor's Cltu	^ jn their

^ Warlord Traits
„ „con's CHILD****	Children) special rule may select a Warlord T,,, ,
Mirror (Traitor only)

The B^en Mirro	eW<«* o/^ot/r
*^jtt%**y~* wrought a temble Wh<reon(tthey
l^SSEE** **~n ego and Inflicted ■\	standards.
This Warlord Trait may only be selected by a model

use of the following Rite* of War
children R'TES °f War
0g’S	hc ugiones Astartes (Emperor's Children) Faction may make
'vhich ’Tast one model with the Master of the Legion special rule .
THE MAR<J Skara tof«*r ...............i*hn‘
\Va*:	„rear pride both in its excellence

The foaowrtg comprise» a list of options and ViXXeu a-, a .table only to Detachments with the 1
(Emperor'»Children) special rule and exemplifies the nature of that Legion.	L*K'0r'-t' Aiu,^
fcmardi the endof the On: Crusade. the

Palatine Blade Squad
# 4 PllltxK WVT>OTl . i paistioc Prefect«
. fctfpirtol . Chamlbal »capon . Fn||itMd<»
. Krai grenades . ArtlACCT armour
Dcdkaled Transport
•	PiUtlncWinJo,., .
•	P^!llKr,tlt<|0( S
(Character) 'nUn^
Sp*tUI Rolf«
•	LiforH» Avurrc,

M ws_ BS s 7	6 S 4
Capota Saul i«™*
Unit Composition
• i Captain Saul Tarvitz
• Infantry (Character, UniqUcj
Unit Type
. Bolt pistol
. Chamabal broadsword
•	Master-crafted Nemesis bolter
•	Artificer armour
•	Iron halo
•	Frag grenades . Krak grenades
• A

Captain of the 13lk Company ”’* 2l5
. Captain Lucius may take sonic shriekers.....................
. Captain Lucius may exchange the Blade of the Laer for a close combat weapon, reducing his points cost to 175 points*.
•Note that unless this option is chosen, Captain Lucius may not be

Loud Command*7* Eidolon

M WS *$ S
1	*	5	4
. АлЬалЧесЬр««*»
IM CewfoUtk*
. jUWC<nwn*»vlif THiotor
L"** Ът*
SpwW Heir»
• 1*00001AkUnn
. Sorn tluvkm
Lr«V4i Warhj»* |u»i» P*k Death Scream
Art Лее» armour
• Traltoe
Iron halo
• WwJord.^rwlcfulOWj^
. DjgfttiuJo

IV Железные Воины

Яl (he outbreak of civil wat the Iron Wanton »trength »a» bated at around 1*0.000 Space Mannev along »nh numerous adopted Mreha/ucum and Auxilian form and a wboantul »ax fleet However.« M impotublr to bum the Legion'« full «trmgth due to it» conuderahle

R.TES OF WAR	, Faction may make use of the fo.lowing Rit
l0nSa5C*Wa*: THE	lr0n	^
Ü «(«<*	their •* ofhteoZi^Ztory by any means necessary. This culminated	*»
«»*,,nd ' ::£< ** ^	° *** °farm warnon a	e ofwtap°* £

rite of War: The Ironfire
A siege doCtTiM C°nCrd ^	‘1™ ^ ‘he afttTmath °f'hf № °fthe Schadenhold Bastion, the Iron Ftre
protocol facilitates the rapid capture of Loyalist strongholds without the need to comma an entire Grand Company, thus
serving the Warmaster s orders to the Iron Wamors to

rial rule
may select a Warlord Trait from ^
olw«f rtf ■#»* »/’>”"'	*"'
A Warlord with this Trait gains the Fearless special rule, but may not join any unit that is not entirely composed of models with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors) special rule. However, the

frf*nt °fthnfS^ «* Pariahs am°T,a 'i9i°n °/St°iCS and »“"or^otars, given to wild fury and sudden rage TV 8rethTt ‘Burned Men are always at the forefront of any attack, loosing their weapons with wild ferwur os they advance
Wild battle-cries of their Order. Those few willing to endure the

1 n	^ neW 0pt>°ns ^ of that UPon-
The follo"'"'r8‘“.^1on and c*en’P	sfei|b. The foremost practitioners of that
lUo«*^0	,	*«r	¿Sn« W automat« wus second only tht
TZveKth^Var>,n"	. Tartaros Praetor with the Legiones Astartes (Iron
* Mfc*-*"*	. hractii praetor

Olympian Shrapnel Weapons
An Oly"'Pia" ¡""ovation these weapons are tuned to detonate
$i,h a cloud of metallic shards. While they lack the penetratiw: powe’r'oflh*01*™* s^e^slust tyor* impact - spraying the target UP fir it	the terrible wounds caused and the panic they engender	^	^ mo",han make

WllULd M«feTofthe Iron Warriors, The Lord of Iron, The	Pn,
The Hammer of Olympia	*er> l\^
M ws BS s
Unit Composition
. l Perturabo
. The Logos . The Logos Array • Frag grenades . Cortex controller
Unit Type
. Primarch (Unique)
Special Rules
. Legiones Astartes (Iron

The Logos
Ptnurabos panoply of war was a unique and highly customised suit of Terminator armour of his own design known as arrm' of weapons and secondary systems created hy his own last intellect.
The Logos provides a 2♦ Armour Save and 3+ Invulnerable Save, and allows Pcrturabo to ignore

\1 W'S BS S T \y |
_-----------—--------6	4	4	4	4	2	5---r^ls,
Tyrant	6444424,	*	£-
Siege Mister	9	^
Unit Type
Unit Composition	.	Tyrant: Infantry (Heavy)
. 4 Tyrants	. Siege Master: Infantry (He:,
. 1 Siege Master	Character)

A sophatmttJ cogitator-slavtd optuol scanner mUf/n!rd,
««"• *» “""'“opr n/fou, /or pm„	™	Im,» amroar^th, 1_(-> w
rilis rfcicc. rhc Tyrants oft hr Iron WarrUn arc deadly	W"* *">•>* *<*•» ^
t' on on» baulefttJd
A unit that includes at least one model wUh an amni-Kopc «nor _

Iros Circle Maniple
r/sr,Horus Heresy,Ересь Хоруса,Wh Past,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Warhammer 30000,Wh News,длинопост,Wh Other

Karceri Battle Shield
A model with a Karcen battle shield gains a S+Invulnerable S
suffers an unsaved Wound with the Instant Death special ml ^ ‘*nd any modcl with a K"ccri battle shield that loses D3 Wounds instead of one for each unsaved Wound wit^hH^ ‘mmed,a<fl> rcmoved as a casualty, but

'Tyrant S.ege Terminator Squad..... p
.. \vc RS S T w	S
Dedicated Transport
. A Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad numbering no more than five models may take a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. A Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad numbering five or more models may select a

Tyrant Rocket Launcher
A compact rocket system, based on the design of the cyclone missile lmmrh.r t overwhelming salvos of unguided rockets. The Iron Warriors value the sheer fireponrZ tZ Tyrant controlled destruction of the larger Cyclone system.
All weapons listed here are counted as

У ЖВ многое вырезали, включая Голга, Кир Валена и хавоков

V Белые шрамы

g*| > «he dark da vs of the Mono Herc-«y unfolded, the T\ loyalty of the unpredictable White Scar» »» doubted o> many who should have been allies and presumed by those who would become enemies Such wav their reputation at the outset of the Horn» Heresy, ilut those who sought to rule

Whits Scars Warlord Traits
a ‘Л-irl.'rd M>()| rtw	ABiilfi i\Vh«c Snnl vpnval iuV ил нкс« a Wartuid Tr*k (mn,
ЬгЬг»	-ч wlrttwgt o*c of fix Core Wulonl Train

HffOci Sow Ox (loyalist only)
(tort iteamviit .«ч*	.»«* tAr wirm.i «i'r*r. of
the Mfecr Sr*o П«пт й'Ч1/»..и*ч vvui о/ t/vwr «пот ■tar

„ SCAR* Advanced Reaction
STS***»*■*'*'?i'tv*IMe°**r“*u-uu,u^rUDrni t	-—
U"	Reaction». Advanced Reac,^ * *	.K,,
<V.r	and .an oft«, have ,, "" *,r «’'v-rd * .	*U**"" Aua««, ,ww.
^«0* <* vs ,nd' ”"* Adv'*'K'fd Re action may be nude <
Z!L»iX”	unit fnth * Move «¡th

W'HiTfc Scars Kiits 01 War
«•'«hh*. .hr ^*lo«»A«u„„tWhM v .
„ ,i uk**Io * *"* •*« "“*•*«•! v*«h «1,, Mlu„ of">*r ..
'*«<*• «Pn.ulruW-
ioifbt fottovwr* Rii«alW« »fc-.j
gu« or	c ••«dorian Broth I mhoou
‘n 't* ( '“V"'«" '«<W. ro lA/ v	^
1	1	B, (A,
—V V7 — cep»
/Vm*mtrweo. Compos'd of a body

I to natontivi >и<мг<мм < *ч <.l nn .4	*nJ	*'*>1»Ы* .mt>	»«b lb«
ЛМ»« SКЧЫ «ею »«J шя|Мп ih< B.iMfi « И I tor 1 <ffem
I M.KIS Sihmmiib |i 1 nihi
.4 ш> МкМ .V lA, «,пШ)лМ/	the »to Von I*

Any ainM WHh Ndh ito I *J[kMtr» AUAItr* <W hits VilU 4AJ lrJryx»ifTil	.jJ

i U»v»uajuj: !
tmii*- -Й;
rw имев Mr (Г^сЬк 1
The l-зягга Bet
Неиг» L игусЕЫе^Ч, Мо(Г Sba± Putv: few
foror Aey Pwfcer Bith a «ори» o' aber, w«h tfu* yxvu.1 та* (W/ , Bji* а ЛусЬс check beftre mai^g *sy attack* with -Jar %*opc' о.

Jaghatai Khan................~......
Khjg^n of I lie White Sears, The Warhawk,
Matter of the Ice-blue I leavens, Primarth of the Wh
440 p0

The Klun Afoot The Khan Mounted
•The additional Movement ¿¡tuned by the legtoon A\um& ,Wfct rm hided. Unless upqtaded to hose c Sojunu

TV NS ildfi« Panoply
*JuK°*P™"»»* >0* <* “<"*■"■ and bo,' a numb,, of unbp« »vrm, ,„ impnnx h, iWl. ummcM ^
TV WlWiK ft'»pl>'	bl'ynou, Save, a 4* Invulnerable Save dunnS .he phase a,vial.
|mulnctaMe Save during both the Movement phase and the Assault phase
Lightning From Blue Skies

Horus Heresy,Ересь Хоруса,Wh Past,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Warhammer 30000,Wh News,длинопост,Wh Other

<**^rjgan A»aufc Speed« Squadron may lake:
* up to 2 additional Ky/agan Assault Speeders
.„odel may take up to two hunter-killer missiles for
i Assault Speeder
Kyragan; -	>make much use of the various speeders available to the Leghaes Astone*, and operate u number of'unique
The White Xy-^aoan

Golden Keshig Squadron---.40 Po,**
M	WS	BS	s	V	w	1	A	».4 ,
- —	 *	4	4	4	*4	1	fy
£££££*-	-	5	4	4	4	1	4	J
* 2«
,7vWtfwnK VkHWtt *mnml by "* L*f***>	•'**« *** *«*«*
. ; Olden keshig Rkjtts . 1 Golden Krshtg Champion
• Legion Shamshir ictbikc . Artificer armour »

Keshig Cohort................... p01NTS
M ws	BS S T VV	1 A Ld <fc
	~r	 8* 4	4 4 4 2 '	* 10 2»
•The additional Movement granted by the Ugiones Astan n (White Sear, i ip#,uU amduded.		
^Composition . sKhw«*’	Unit Type « Infantry	
vuite" . IV-wer glai'-e . upon TaxtanxTerminator armour

faster of the Keshig, Chosen of the Khagan
.....2*0 pt
The additional Movement granted hy the Legion* Mtarte, (W7,,
is included.
Unit Composition
•	1 Qin Xa
•	Legion Tartaros Terminator armour
•	Iron halo
•	Grenade harness
•	The Tails of the Dragon
Unit Type

of the KohiK
* n&rt denoted an elite formation of warriors unhin the White *
rdM and fix-Mdm **%' »"fm. only one Kcshig needed no Z'h	‘“f“* *** loaned sm„m	n
Stx* *■#J**** nos a cadre of,he	£^££7*" "*
jM* * Qin X* the mo« fm««/©/the Pnmanh's warlords	** Wh,lr &** and was <„,,
If Oin X. is

VI Космические Волки

^■»he Space Wolves, who in the latter years of the Great Crusade’s long campaigns were a highly veteran force of over 75.000 warriors, were already blooded and reduced to approximately a third of that number by the beginning of the Horus Heresy. The Warmaster had twisted Leman Russ' orders for the

. WOLVES RITES OF WAR s (Space Wolves) Faction may make use of the foil
•"*'CK"'" ■* W|‘
includes at lea>
f^Todek with the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) special rule in a Detachment using this Rite of War gam the Hatred (Traitors) and Preferred Enemy (Primarch) special rules.
•	AH models

RiTe OF war: The Pale Hunters
TfKSpa« Wo,ves U9ion s rePutation as hunters among L Ugi°nes Astart(S 'S matched only by the Whne Scars,
11though the tactics of pursuit and the killing blow differ the two, both in conception and execution. The
i____A____i -----...	.	,
Jo the White Scars, but

Space Wolves Advanced Reaction
tL Advanced Reaction is available only to units made up entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Space Jibes)special rule. Unlike Core Reactions, Advanced Reactions areactrvated in unique and specific circumstances „noted in their descriptions, and can often

Caster of Runes.................
Z^CostffS of Runts manipulate their power through tniUurZ7Z*S PoiNTs V W\\U)hi ^ Fenrisian ritual. Indeed, to outsiders they clam that thor „her 1 malr'Ct'
“"t from th* Warp. but from the heart of their home worU-rn <’rea'pott'"fm',--

the Lay of d-Tongue, sian Sagas
Legiones Consularis:
Speaker of the Dead......................
Servants and leaders both of the Cult of Morkai - the Fenrisian’"”"’ IV» the Speakers of the Dead are the instillers of fear, masters ofdU,^°!i'aspect ofdt^ Legions culture and histories. These

j%ejarls were lords of the Great Companies of the Space Wolves , ,
Union became fragmented and broken down into elite contin	' ho>ts of the
of,he Horus Heresy, each lari, or Wolf Lord, held together his cl“	tht Woodsh,
personal'? and shaped its martial preference by then personal au^ *	5

ARMOURY or THE space wolves
TH	available only to Detachments with the Upon« w
these heavy hladcd axes often seem crude to outsiders, but rt»^ Fl\»lSiAs AXÏ	u.lth ttmble efficacy. When the wamorsofFennsbeganto^
°	(space Wolves) special rule may exchange a chainsword for a Few»»«fa,
Any model

IVMAN RUSS..................
I hf Wolf’KlujI ofl'enri*, The
Primanh of the Space Wolv c*
lift'*" K'l>s
tmlt Comp»“ll,on
. | uni*n Kuss
. Hie Armour blavagar . the Aw of Helwinter . the Sword of Balenight • Seornspittcr . FTag grenades
of Winter and linin' ’*^50 I>(

Horus Heresy,Ересь Хоруса,Wh Past,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Warhammer 30000,Wh News,длинопост,Wh Other

try Legion, it was said
■	were those for whom te bloody deeds they done in the name of the U Crusade mutilated
■	souls and damaged • minds to such an nt that they were no ler Space Marines, but lathing hollow and rderous beyond reason, ome Legions, such
igs might go all but loaccd, even perhaps

r —,fca]
I CiiltofMorkai
| The Deathstvom serve not only as ,,l>le I „/tenloundln the (ortfpany of the door w''''"5'o/*> «s hungers of Fends'wrath.	crs»f",e	'"'Port,,,,, ^
||	'C'"tyniatlcylir'‘ ,htrltu<li
Dcjthsuxini Packs may not be ioii,,.,/1. . .	"C CaS,,ri v'hr„ ,11 Thn
,hf Spfakcr of

W\\U]///i -, Grey Stalker
T4S PoiNT5

I Counterparts to the Grey
Iiyers, the Grey Stalkers ved to complement rir raw and savage fury th a more focussed rage d more varied panoply, leir role in battle was ore akin to that of e traditional tactical 'uad, to take and hold vund.

0f?Trf> Sulkcn Pack may include:
' . tpto10 additional Grey.....................
Yhr enure unit may take one of the following options:
. Combat shield....•.......................~.........
, Any model with a bolter may take a:
. chain

Geigor Fell-Hand.....................
Thcgn of the Space Wolves, Commander of the Broken c'laiy P0,M* The Fell-hand
I oti
j	I
| battle as <i commander
1 war pack while fighting
,	I
I Crusade, a battle in	.
I which he believed that
I festered in

, cl Red-Blade........................210 Points
4* *4( F<Kllih Great Company, The Ravager, The Headsman of Koltok
7 0S
. | H*»d Red Blade
. Hearth splitter . Ha'S Mler . Grenade harness
•	Iron halo
•	legion Tarraros Terminator armour
Unit Type

iyr arc the chosen if Leman Russ, ed from his own npanv to form his Iuard and close ins in war and o have attained nk and position, distinguished battle many •, and each has own saga worth
than any other they are of his pack, by the great beast ich adorns their and to adopt tour means

ider the leadtnhtp of man Kim and thnr
•Hurt of dull and savage
Фon began to change to ecomt a lingular hyhnd
md ruthless «л of batik nd the patterns of more ccagmsahh Imperial tm'Inon doemne that had gone before Thu new Spair Wolves legion wo.« trull a

°£^rty Sljycr Pack may include
Up to 10 additional Grey Slayers----------------------------------------------
^ model in the unit may exchange iti combat shield for a:
. Bolter--------------------“
. Any model with a bolter may take:

The Wolf-kin of Russ....................ioo points
Freki the Swift and Geri the Cunning, the Hearth Wolves of the King
	M	WS	BS	s	T	W	1	A	Ld	__Sv
Freki	10	5	0	5	s	4	5	4	8	S+
Geri	10	7	0	5	5	4	S	3	8	s+
Unit Composition
. 1 Freki
•	lGeri
•	Tooth & Claw
Unit Type
•	Infantry

Wolf-kin of Russ
In battle Leman Russ would sometimes be accompanied h
(to these were kin to the ¡•rimareh,	"”*** wrfw,
pandered the bleak wastes of Fends unburdened by theyolKofcilVf,edayshe
The Wolf-kin of Russ may only be taken in a Detachm	f
same Detachment. If they are chosen as part of

VI Имперские Кулаки

3n the closing years of the Great Crusade, the Imperial Fists had been recalled to Terra to begin the work of fortifying the Segmcntum Solar and the core worlds of the lmperium. The bulk of the Legion returned to the Throncworld of humanity, though many thousands more remained

lureual Fists Advanced Reaction
1№ danced Reaction .s available only to units composed cnllr,, , f ..,1 (pedalrole. Unlike Core Reactions, Advanced Rr„, ■	e y °f mo<*elswith the i
"	■ ............--»A-wJn*
v^uit Circumstance*
rIl^'JmlfUr'1,keCnre	««need Reactions^
* ,w»cd In then

THE ARMOURY of Ш1 IMPERIAL FISTS,Horus Heresy,Ересь Хоруса,Wh Past,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Warhammer 30000,Wh News,длинопост,Wh Other

,c assault Cannon
JUSTUS	m feigned as a more compact and portable variant of the highly
tirrs pattern, it uos, as can be disined by Us pattern designation, first developed K M'Mte in the Sol System by the Dyunique techno esoteric t alt. ctthel^^'
jwault cannon is an 'Auto' weapon. An lliastus

Imperial Fists Rites of War
A Detachment which has the Legiones Astartes (lmperul Fws) Faction may nuke use of the follow,,* d long as « includes at least one model with the Master of the Upon special rule	^
Rite of W ar: The Stone Gauntlet
TV Impenat Fists nere a capable legion in any

_WaK Hammerfall Strike Force
U*1 ^ffj ^ j f«mpiaff tor landing forte* deployed O'ffLjc phalanx - the flagship of the Uqionc* i"* **Lria/ Fats - o HammerfaD unit fon.e is a ihqebome unit* depknrd for the “jncptfr,!^;{!r,i widen and o\er»bctming boarding or £jbw4C&0Rs against a foe that must be

r.hc Impcri»1 №**.thc V'«ikn'’,hc Blide of «H Prinu«h ofhc^^ ^dtag One
Unit Compos***00
. I Kofril L>om
tnit Type • Pnmaich (Unique)
. The Aunc Armour
•	Storms Teeth
•	The Voice of Terra . Frag grenades

tVAork Armour
^ pom wore am
innour fashioned. it n said, from the
rhc Aunt Armour provide» Rirfjal Dom with a 2*	c_ _
w<wind Rog»l on better titan a 4
pul« arW of the Imperium
Of all the Pnmarchs. Dom was ever the most tenacious, new mftna fo	, ,
rV«e ^ho followed hm drew strength from hi

Temp la h Hui iiiiun
Kkihio* s'haWfftMf
l'nll V.
% 4 Kuilueo
•	t Champion
•	Attilicet armour
•	IVwct ivnHvl
•	Boil pistol
•	Ffcmg grenades
•	Krak grenades
w N T w ,
♦ M
Unit Type	-
•	Ch*n»ta«=h&^vn^
Sp«vi«l Rule»
• I-u nous Charge (1)	**

Brethren unit may take
Upco5*ldloonal Brethren.........
The enure unit may take:
Any model in the unit may take.
Comk»1 shield.....................-.............
Any model in «he unit may exchange its bolt pistol for a:
. plasma

SlCISMUND	p;;"''M.r‘ial Champion of R^I^O'NTj
t- OP«4*"	J*r of «he Templars	’
Unit CompoMt.on
. l Sgisrnurtd
. Artificer armour
•	Iron halo
. The Black Sword . Master-crafted bolt pistol . Frag grenades
•	Krak grenades
Unit Type
•	Infantry (Character.

path's Ch*rop,on
1^25, ««frior, both indefatigable tfsdrvmoncfc« in dir fray, STgte^wiIhto
re <ifW ‘ ‘*ö f „„stoppable agency of the dork fate*. Thi* led none ocher chan ih» r. bu‘ rathtr m _ brother Dorn's chomr»»--------* •
^niorbul turner	-----t'r--- W'*ro/tnfliQrkf

rH**-ANX Waro,R SQl,AD.......................lz5 I'd,
M WS BS J________T w I
—---------^ A A 4	4
ph.ibn* Wat der Warder Sergeant
Unit Type
• Phalanx Warder
* harder Sergej« ln^'^
Special Rules
•	Legiones Astartes (Impérial Fû*w
•	Shield Wall
•	laxrk-step
Unit Composition
. 9

. tv Phalanx Warder Squad may uke Up to 10 additional Phalaru Warden . For every ft** models in the unit, one „
Magna combi weapon	J*Jnx harder
Minor combi-weapon....
Mriugun....... .............
Plasma gun-............
Thunder hammer

Fafnir Rann...........................
Lord Seneschal, Commander of the Persephone, Captain of the First Assault Cadre
175 Point's
Fafnir Rann	'
Unit Composition
•	1 Fafnir Rann
•	Artificer armour
•	Bolt pistol
•	Frag grenades
•	Krak grenades
•	Iron halo
•	The Headsman and The

»Ihtmackashtb m,M„<, ,„ U, d,f,„c,,
w* £ra "■""	™ *«
lit makes a successful Charge that places one or more cn •
| in a unit Fafnir Rann has joined, that enemy unit suffers mS cont«t with Faf„ir
,vVn an enemy unrt makes a. success,u, v. narge that places one or more enemy model
Z, «w"»«",nar

Alexis Polux...............................
Captain of the 405‘h Company of the Imperial Fists, Master of the Retribution Fleet, The Crimson Fist
Alexis Polux
Unit Composition
•	1 Alexis Polux
•	Artificer armour
•	Iron halo
•	Solantc power gauntlet
•	Vigil storm shield

VIII Повелители Ночи

Mil " : to the following pro'
J for Murder
Models with this special rule attacks during the Fight si ig Back or outnumbered by i aadc during the Shooting Att ■
Sl 'K.iirm
Children of the Night
;	,i
NIGHT lords
, I^ar the Night Lords had already 3	" "‘lie

Night Lords Advanced Reaction
Thi> Advanced Reaction ,s available only to units composed ,
Lords) special rule. Unlike Core Reactions. Advanced Reactions Jr > ° mod^ s wuh thc kegioncs Astaitcs (Night as noted in their descriptions, and can often have game chansin*	UmqUC and spcoftc

LORI>s '
VVARtO^^m^cj, may Silcci a Warlord Trail from
* «»W Cur, JtpP^ ^ th< aMin „1 thnr many «. to	^	‘° "°
to~* * »	,VT.,Vo *«/« A*"** f° *“"*
«1 tor rtor<-n -*-"££* «,, a nr» master the W»	TV rV v«/hf lords if seemed that
Mankind, and that those who W srnrd

Night Lords Rites of War
A P^hn,'n' "hith h“	(N*hl •■"'<*«) F^lon may make use of .he following of War as
as it includes at least one model with the Master of the Legion special rule
Rite of War: The Swift Blade
The ¡adhek clans of Nostramo were amongst the most hateful and murderous of

fUE AliIVI	. Wirgc.u available o„ly » —bo,c„u wuh ,W^
M5l of nc*0P,io,’,Suar" of that legion	^ M
I r»^	• „«andw*rK
™.. imdslF*''0	„	, trhnin weapons in war. designed as much >„ l
—r..	■ —........-
,/lirt 'K,rT" . und howling m
„m*""» l',<”	nrs Asurtcs (Night l-ords)

Among theSight lords, the predilection towardi carnal and visceral destruction of the enemy as a battlefield taetic »us not restricted to the line warriors Indeed many of their greatest heroes' were steeped in the an of murder and slaughter
Any model »nth both the Independent

_ Konrad	450 v
**№l№Ui Z^ n’*M",'’"°"	s
M ws BS S T \y l
primary f*
°f conquest.
th becoming ** the mere
Uni« Composit,on
. l Konrad Curze
^Tbc Nightmare Man'lc . Morey & Forgiveness • The Widowmakers . Frag grenades
" t-»rdi)
Unit Type
. Primarch IPsykcr. Unique
Special Rules

The Nightmare Mantle
Curie's raiment of war was a customised artificer suit w..	„ , . ,	, ,
whose sins he saw as particularly egregious or noteworthy	9	' °phlfi °f lament and the fla}rd skins of those
Teitiind whenchooiinglo Run adds 12 to liii Movtmcn, Chi.accrislK m.Vidofh"
Mercy &

Tebror Squap •
M ws BS S T w
Unit Compo«iti°n
. 4 Executioners , i Headsman
• chainsword
. Bolt pistol
. power armour . Frag grenades . Krak grenades
Unit Type
•	F-«cutioner: lnfant
•	Headsman: Infantrv 'e
Skirmish)	iUr*cter>
Special Rules
•	Precision

Night Raptor Squad
................ Points
Night Raptor Huntmaster
Unit Composition
. 4 Night Raptors . l Huntmaster
. Chains word . Bolt pistol
•	Frag grenades
•	Krak grenades
•	Legion Warhawk jump pack
•	Power armour
Unit Typ«
Night Raptor Infantry (Skirmish)

.. ’ ;

Terminator Squad
•2>p h
Contefcar Dissident
Unit Composition
. 4 Contekar . I Dissident
•	Légion Tartaros Terminator armour
•	Heasy Hanter or volkite cavitor

Range Str	AP	Type
10"	6	S	Heavy 4, Deflagrate
Lord» of the Night
The Contekar were often dispatched to wrest command from lesser Niahr i i ,	.
unfit to prosecute the Legions objectives. Such cruel, but pragmatic methods ,	'7 tht" commondtn df"’,ed
others of both the old Uq.on and the new

Lords and Master °fthe Atr#i^i0
M WS BS s T	***■
1 \Xt
in all who look
Seva tar
Unit Composition
•	J Sevatar
U Wargear
•	Bolt pistol
•	Night's Whisper
•	Artificer armour Iron halo Frag grenades Krak grenades
Unit Type
•	Infantry (Character,	I
Special Rules
•	lxgi°nesMun«(Nlghl,

Dirty Fighter
Sevatar is,one of the most dangerous hand-to-hand combatants in his or any other Ugion. When engaged ui th a worthy foe, ^ere is no trick or ploy he will not stoop to in order to claim victory.
When Engaged in a Challenge with a model whose Weapon Skill is S or more, Sevatar gains

IX Кровавые Ангелы

n urtured in the Bl<x>d Angels' successes were the seeds of their fill; in the fcalousy of the fallen Warrruster who saw in them eventhmg he himself had thrown away. The opening stroke of the Homs Heresy against the Blood Angels would occur in the Signus system, bringing the IX*

; Advanced Reaction
11”\ , special rule. Unlike Core Reactions, Advanced React,ons	° m<xM' *>ththe l
m their descript,ons, and can often have game chang|na^!^W “> unique S'*'
JS" ^plaser-s Reaction Allotment as normal and obey all .ah“ "«•' '«k-onc^g, rv " №,„«»„
Rt)C r,K noted otherwise in

Rite of War: The Day of Sorrows
,U* as the IX- i^fon was famed for their set-piccc shock assault tactics, so they were a so famed or their ability when to stand against any who would overwhelm them, no matter the odds and no matter the foe, and even in their death th,,*' draq their enemies down

-j« s Rites of War
ihc Ugiones Miartcs (Blood AngcW) Vaction HtO°V rnt wb»ch	, onc model With the Master of the Le vu >i p.
:^*ch ^ua**»1’6**
U*	THE DAV Of R^euat.on
VVA»’-	the IX-	“j-wnri for * wars of ultimatum' ,W compo^o,^
n.rt °* , rhi Ort^ Eru	^rUs began with

Blood Angels WA^£f£i<3dii>geis> special
A War below instea
nth the Ugionc* A^tJ c Warlord Traits, id of selecting one of the Co
Encarntine PaU*" ^“^Lnion of the
W ith the onset of the	ftwaous adversaries of the
Blood Angels became! e J , kiuers with the faces

_ blowing comprises ahst °f new options and Wargear availaW ,
Jlooii Angel*) Faction and exemplifies the nature of that l*gion	to Deuchmcntl wj,h ^ ^ ^ ^
Jjugion's tactical doctrines were heavily focused on the use of powerful A l Zj. devastating blow.

Ofte n considered Co be chc greatest of his Ian. Sanguimus u a peerless , wamor. masterful strategist and beloved hero of the Imperium. Among the Pnmarchs, there were few who would speak ill of him, with ewn grim figures such as Perturabo and Ferrus Manus offering grudging praise of

** nius iruf»™* hve in alj w*° MuU hlm' SUC6 '^Zdrtnr his tons and allies to feats of heroism
1 beyond
-flicn^'y unto lhat arC ,<>ckcd 'n comba* *nd have one model within 6’ of Sanguinius, a, well .»s **,nlUsand any unit he has joined, may add *1 to ^ number of successful

a gnm counterpart co ai
the Immortals the\ uan.l foe and a shield for the fiu’ii chi umicldina anchor Hmt turns a simile hla.U N dm, power shields
Blood Angels freed to give

Also known
obscure dogma of the IV legion as the Kemvim. or the Storm Winds, the Crimson Paladin, are one

<h< W* '* r°mn<n<l to th* Crimson Madins, for they ore only sen, into bade »hen the ,idf ofw, .
^¡¡L. wart thfhM of;hi: ‘f9<on-!hc waU upon“h,‘h^/o< <^,ktn miiturntdnia^ z ox" ^rmfn^t0 pr0teci,0n	and lt givc% thCTn th< trJ^h M
bat with a unit that outnumbers them, a Crimson Paladin urn, gams the

■ -Á
Dawnbreakkr Cohort.............150 Poi^
,’h in the aits <>! orbital iJtf and \ho« k assault arc icmlat). the l\n\vhrraktr horn stand apurt Chosen m: iim.utu't the niii'f
pencnced and during the l egion * assault uads, the Dawnbmtkm r tnmtod and cguip/xd 1 act «s the tip of the load

av Atlamc
get,h< .„.jLtrs art trained to make (heir arrival in,on ,)„■, ,,
unit composed entirely of models with this special rule *** „„us within 6" of the unit’s final position suffer a -1 modifier	PJn of * Dcci> s, i
5i„--Bt“sc‘"’y'helX'c'>S,,ikcAs“'"'	.............
ti sWr Pattern

The Angel’s Tears................
__________________________M	ws
Erclim	7	4
Arch-Erelim	7	4
Unit Composition
•	4 Erelim
•	1 Arch-Erelim
•	Two volkitc serpenta
•	chain sword
•	Rad grenades
•	Frag grenades
•	Krak grenades
•	Power armour
•	Legion Warhawk jump pack
Unit Type

_____f ----------- W\\\	)
’	4 ^r, Grtnâde Uuncher
^.„-i ^">"'l>’"m ,ht 1 ''"/U"'"’n lV,,r' «nd Kir	^
""1	1,5P*** "' ''"•/,,r H'"'r " ^'Kumr,/„, ‘	"’f "U ,,
¡¡J«*« I***«*""**»...■Ьут*ЬЛЛиЫг...
,V МГЛ **" RnM’>U,C ,,WKhCr “ COUn,id a’J W wt*poh fot lhow ....................
RrtUKc Sir

V 1 lire CONTEMPTOR-lNCAENDIUS VW v JUiLM Dreadnought.............
200 P0i>
I Tht Incaendtus sub-I class is a Contemptor I Dreadnought chassis I manufactured only within I the Meihanicum enclose I that clings to the irradiated I surface of Baals first I moon, under anaent treaty I

IBolster Pack
****> Ш booster pack is installed on the rear torso of the Contempts,ncaen f A	7» Ь	dr7 thri>^ou9ht front orb,,, „г ,o JgJ*- ^ «M4h fuel for a
, leap''- °nce its f“'1 iS exhausted‘the boost" ^ck ,s purged front ,he ,7 T" dulon“'»rh, ,?
exploit m
booster pack may be used once per

Chapter Master Raldoron.................. p
First Captain of the Blood Angels, The Archein of Wisdom The Tranquil Angel
First among the captains
o' the Blocxt Angels' Three Hundred Companies, Raldoron was respected throughout the Legion for hr\ [turned and strategic insight, superb

1V \\<*р°п bU4i here I* counted a, a Tower' weapon for those rule, iha, ,ffet, MKh
lV Zr^th< Smth’' Cmft' mad* f0r Ra,d°nm ,hf «St^»tnlui hlnut„ ,,
. iw.iNitiWteW'	,m,< hm» |,„0
RaiiKe Str	ЛР	'VI«
+1	2	Melee, Manet-crafted, Shred, Murdetmn

ntmpkty record 'upth cut \hon
nt Crusade. Ihe
refused to integrate
nhty to fight and e art and so Zephon nnty accepted the	I
and dubious honour
legion as part of the	I
ier Host on Terra.
the Horus Heresy out, Zephon	I
i reemtted by the
<\i and friendship	I

paragon of Restoration
Installed in Zephons body by the apocryphal techo-ministrations nf a ll	---------—
The Paragon of Restoration gives Dominion Zephon the Fe Iw
in any battle that Dominion Zephon loses his last Wound or i^'"<S+) *** rule |natM, controlling player must immediately roll a D6.

X Железные Руки

I ho 10!'1'" "r vJli.,ntly totht ‘ Cvcn unto the
„^■ulKnm^cc	however ’
ph. Iron Tenth proud
n,c Iron Tenth proved resourceful and ,rtUt wCre relorged anew under leader» such a.** I* Medusnn and Aulek Mor. Fuelled by bn*,,	*
lhcy would continue to hound the Tram* «¿T*

Hands Advanced Reaction
1 c Advanced Reaction is available only to unite ^ed in their drscnpiions, and can often |,avc	-t
specifically noted otherwise in their description. * °ther r«trictions
d UP°n Action, lnt'011
The Gorgon’s Spite - This Advanced Reaction may be made onr phase

Iron Hands Warlord Traits
A Warlord with (he Lcgioncs Astartcs (Iron Hands) f action may select a Warlord Trait from instead of selecting one of the Core Warlord I raits.

Front lid’s Heart (Loyalist only)
With the death of terms Manus on the fields oflsstvan V, a terrible

s HAN»5
Rites of War
|»0N ü!^Pnnwr> Deuchment W"tord has the UKio„„ a
of the
WTl of War- t
t jpH^'
War: Company of Bitter Iron
Rif* °f liyll„n betrayed at Isstvan V, the Iron Hands 1#,h( "* ¿fate MO a angle, united body again for several ' T>ur\nvig Iron I lands joined Shadrak Meduson's

The (Iron Hands)
following comprises a list of new options and Wargear available only to Detachments wit) i Hands) Faction and exemplifies the nature of that Legion.	111 l*1c LcgionCs

The Iron-Father
Many among the highest levels of the Iron I lands were

- - ------------rmwryrvr
M ' .	ye**** T*“«*	/,*,+, .
T^**01	**"*'*'<**„,„(<, ',?* **»*-, V
rfZ^ofW..l\edf^ rtfAmwIei, J"
:ZZZt:^Tj£rr ................Sr1
nOf In*,"1• V^Jv*„ o«.^,	* "'’’‘'•’•'-w
~J5SSS^!!&?£%zsz'-~ vm .,,
‘¡‘.„n* rf **«’““' ■ •“ **	I*)*' ■>•■» -SUOM

ion was a gend amongst i of his home Iedusa, named le Gorgon’ after ncient of mythic Ferrus was he strongest of rchs, within him ie heat of the 5 fury tempered fior as cold ¡ding as iron.
>n was known ;ompromising tr, fcfusing to pr to,his closest tr even his tmafiihs-FIc J
at he was only race

. Mfdu*an Carapace
, Uanui operated a wide variety of arms and armour, almost all nfu,t. l ' Zt I«« forming the bout of many	Lf¡tonesAstana design, „	*£i
flu Medusan Carapace grants a 2+ Armour Save and a 3+ Invulnerable Save.
fashioned by his close comrade, and later hated enemy,

Gorgon Terminat»
hieofa number of t actical Dreadnought Armour sub-classes found vithin the ranks of the ron Hands Legion, the torgon pattern was one fa number of on-going it tempts by Fcrrus Manus and his cadre of ron-Fathers to refine md augment the various atterns of Terminator

u san Immortals Squad
], Unreal Sergeant
, ivmcf *H«our , guiding »hiilJ .Sokrt .Mir*'"1
tFr<gtraMki . Knlpnud«
Unit T>T*
' .................
(Character, Ucav» ' Special Rule*
•	legume-* A*tanw(Uoo llantlt)
•	heel No Pain (S* )
•	Bitter Duty
•	Stubborn

XII Пожиратели Миров

0f all the Space Marine l,egions of the Great Crusade.
none were as savage and dreaded as (he XII* legion. Monsters long before the outbreak of (he I lorus Heresy, the World Eaters were among the first Traitor Legions to enact the extermination of the

Vorld £atels Advanced Ijeact-ion
T** Advanced Reaction « available only to anils composed entirelv of ^	,
Extni special rule. -nlike Core Reactions. Advanced Reactions arLrt' ^ * Wth *** U8»ones Astartes (World
as noted ¡n their ascriptions, and can often have game changing rff ^7 *" Un,que and

World Eaters
Blood Hunger (Traitor only)	forrupfIon, the
lust as Angmn »-as consum'd by madness ana	r
Lr loyal of his children would follow him down that dark path Thtst wamors revettedm the rtd rag' font up«n fythe Butchers Nails and freely go* sent t0^arka? temble

VVo*LD Eaters r,tes of War
which his ihc l/gioncs Asiatics (World Maters) I-action may make use of the following Rites of War as Ipng as It includes at least one model with the Matter of the legion special rule
Rtrt of War: Berserker Assault
In the aftermath of the bttrayal at Isstvan III. the

The following comprises j list of new options and Wugear available only to Detachments with the Leo,
(World Eaters) Faction and exemplifies the nature of that Legion.	S'oncs Asta^
World Eaters Berserkers
,	More the outfit of the Horns Heresy, the World Enters


Caedere Weapons
(to-/ upon the ritual ueapons of the cyberaugmetic glad,a,on of,*
teas once cast, it urn Angron himself who	rt(. „„ o/ . /T >«"'</ on **«(, W()odl h
,V ueaponsofthe Carder, remainlargely the preserse „f,hc «0 nt^gln^Zdd	^	^ uU
<***» of the cranial berserker implants which

•	The Armour of Mars
•	The Spite Furnace
•	The Butcher's Nails
•	Gorefather
•	Gorcchild
•	Frag grenades
Special Rules
•	Legioncs Astartes (World Eaters)
•	Master of the Legion
•	Red Sands
•	Hatred (Everything)
•	Rampage (2)
•	Furious Charge (2)
•	Traitor
•	Warlord: Sire of

Red Sand*
Train'd to fight and die in single combat. Angran was at his bast whan ,
10 Hade-	P ' a9°inst ^ foes mightiest woman blade
In any given turn Angron may make as many Challenge* as there arc
or pnmarch Unit Type locked in combat with him. up to his current	77*“ *1th th* Clura«« Sub

red Butchers
•25o Po,NT
¡h a« III Atrocity
HcJ u rruidnc^
ul long festered m
rid Eaters legion I'rimanh, a lungn rag< that
i the very core of
inn's bring and was fd by the horrific agression inducing ¡1rrgery many or Id Eaters had d themselves to tiling ground n III. there were

^mpager Squad
135 Points
RjBiplçCT champ«*'
1 Rampager Champin
L'nit TNpe
•	fcimpagcr Infantry
•	Rampager Champion; Infantry (Character)
. One Caedere »capon (or t»o falax blades)
. Boltpntnl . Fragg»***
• Krai grenades
Special Rules
•	Legiones Astartes (World Eaters)

if a/prtun
■t soon rose > Pnmarch’s one of the few ■hose counsel d. While the ■etc implants, Butcher's i ngron ever loodlust and
Khars the Bloody........~........••••.175 p0lN
Captain of the World Eater* 8,h Assault Company, The Twice Un-*Ui(1 8 The Endcr
Kh.irn the Bloody
Unit Composition

I The Cutter
I ¿ham was the master of many weapons, fro fawured most modified chainaxes and ripn many foes during the Great Crusade and Ian
The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Ch
ldes°nesuchZ mtru^nts0fth
Str An __	th Weap
The Cutter,Horus Heresy,Ересь Хоруса,Wh Past,Warhammer

XIII Ультрамарины

ZT X111 l'c«lon w-,s |wrl..,|>s the largest Legion at the «»«dtwon of the Great Crusade and, as such I toms resolved to lure them to the far reaches of the galaxy and destroy them. During the great muster at Calth, the Word Bearers betrayed the Ultramarines and wrought terrible destruction u|xm

a.,nes Advanced Reaction
Reaction is available only to units composed entirely of models with the Irenes Asiatics ^ u| m|c. Unlike Core Reactions, Advanced Reactions arc activated in unique and specific ^nirunnev '^no{cd in thcir descriptions, and can often have game changing effects. Advanced

tHE \J LT RAM AR\N t,$
^uHc on,y ,o Detachments whh the Upon* m
<ioi«" 15 'ha ,ht s[Xkc marine IcgKms.
a nt Cha*«1'-
;h weapons
ft* those rules «hat
Legatine,Horus Heresy,Ересь Хоруса,Wh

ARGYRUM Pattern Boarding Shield
Th<r m Pa,tern B°ardin9 Shield is a prototype boarding shield r l
contain'd a larger field generator that greatly enhanced the protecting i	^ *** ** "°°n «fCanr- that
dirons, such as the Invtaarus Suzerains, the Argyrum pattern boajing *Zis °	9«,«
is on

Pride’s Dark Power (Traitor only)
Despite their success in war and the fast
tc warlord Traits
of selecting one of the Core Warlord Traits
The Burden of Kings (Loyalist only)
itTrte h.anh dun of those that would lead to stand as an „ample mall things, to shine bnghlest and stand boldest m

.,iTIUmarines Rites of War
»hose Primary Detachment and Warlord has the U„nn »
E of War: The Locos Lectora
One of "tany pi^^lapplicatioruofthe vast storehouse of theoretical battle u-
up the '«s(strategic corpus upon ss’hich the Ultramarines Ugion basts its art	P*ani and'atticalr

. v\W^
I ntuh wn*<*ara'"‘l"
among the fmpcnv' MMl K,hnitt Gudbman»10 “>
much a pttrkUn statesman a, hr urn an indctatigablc
murrnr. A bong of
prrtrmatund mteibgtnct. it,U reason and indomitable wACuilimm forged ho
U«ion into a >oa force of conpxst and connot a weapon by »huh he

turtl Str»«'K>
pre****. ^„ch of the controlling player's turns a, ,h '“‘•’'■^including When Embarked on a model w„h ,c ^"Vt P»ayc, ^
select one of the followmg op,i„ns. but	T'J"‘P«n U„„ >h ><■*-*„ -
p^’erI^.s be selected more than once in a single battle as |*'h'	<^***2^
¿^, are applied to all

Invictakus Suzerain Squad.
l *« Type

Roll pistol legatineaxe
Argvnim pattern boarding shield Frag grenades Krak grenades Artificer armour
ds erf Litrainar Honour Bearers

Dedicated Transport
. An Invictams Suzerain Squad may take a Legion Land Raider Рпясш Comer as a

..ruiim In rserotmm the
dements of
nocuvie ond
I ond
___ _____
I’K/U. i vrnmti
	.		M	WS		••'is Points
praetorian	7	s	S y	w 1
Praetorian Primus	7	s	4 4 T~ 1 < 4	2 4 , * »•
Unit Composition				4 2 « U
. 4 Praetorians			Unit Type	
• 4 iTjerotiaus
. 1 praetorian Primus

Remus Ventanus.............................
Commander of the 4* Company of the 1“ Chapter oftheïr,/5 Legion, The Saviour of Calth	Ultr»,«*rh1^
of Calth. .At the moment of the destruction of the Calth Vendian Anchor, limtanus mbs inspecting loading operations at fsu minus Port and. in the

Forged by the master artisans of Veridia Forge, this masterwork power sword was presented to Remus Ventanus by First Master Marius Gage upon his ascension to the rank of captain of the 4th Company. Named after an Ancient Terran hero of the Grekans, the lethal corona of its disruptive

Возможно Локутариев и Фульминаторов вырезали

XIV Гвардия Смерти

yf%ncc a byword tor resilience «mu M.......-------------„
IL'che Death Guard were counted among the closest of Homs’ allies during the Great Crusade and as such their Primarch Mortarion was only too willing to cast off the shackles of servitude to the Emperor and follow the Warmastcr into

death Guard Advanced Reaction
Enhanced R"C'ion is availablc onlVto umt' composed entirely of models with n,, ,
, ^ ■ , special rule. Unlike Core Reactions, Advanced Reactions arc at tic, i, H	l-c*K,ncs Astartes (Death
I ^otedCtheir descriptions, and can often have game changing effects Advanced

A Wariora wim me tÄg^jnes». below instead of selecting one
of the Core Warlord Traits.
----------- listed
The Reaper’s Visage (Traitor only)
Many among the Death Guard bore the skeletal appearance of their Primarch, an appearance that many outside the Legion had likened more to a corpse than

P^t which has the Ugioncs Astartes (Death Guard) Factio
includes at least one model with the Master of the Ugion	U” of,h' ^llovcing RrtesofWa, ,
rr 0F War: The Reaping
B,Tl ,k Guard urre arguably the most remorseless and V*	most feared of the Space Marine Ugions. This
a****1 amply because of

The following comprises a list of new options and VVargear available only to Detachments with the I
(Death Guard) Faction and exemplifies the nature of that Legion.	K'°nes Asta^
Ee bleZg of their grim Primal t fie Death Guard made free use of a number of fork,dden

in Bombs
A*<*V	many forbidden took the Death Guard ren,
¿^retardfor,he damage done to the	*'**“«
\ Am model with the Character Sub-type. U	'°"	^hugh,’^	uC^"n
.«¿n bombs for +10 points.	g,°n« *«*te, (Dejth	^
rd)sP«ial rule and Tr
When an enemy unit declares a Charge tariretim,, ■	'mor

The Pale King, Master of the Dread Liberator of Barbaras

Death Guard, the Traveller, ^ ^ Po'STS
ws	BS	s	T	w_'Au
-7-6	7	7	7	S nrî
Unit Composition
• 1 Mortarion
Unit Type
• Primarch (Unique)
•	The Barbaran Plate
•	Silence
•	The Lantern
•	7

. rbtnn Plate
^Z^rpanopty isofhisown design, fusing power armour technology
in bo^lc but augment his owm singular physiology and 'mrronZnZnZT' 'T * “ **"* ™ only to P"*** Lou« of his home world to mix with the air he breathes.	* S'7uVi,slr>9 ’race elements of the
^ Barbiran Plate

Deathshroud Terminator Squad...140 p0|NTs
Dedicated Transport
•	A Deathshroud Terminator Squad numbering no more than 5 models may take a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its

polishroud Retinue
pcJthshroud Terminator Squad may be selected a, ¿node, with both the Master of the Legion and U^onl elites choice. A unit selected as a ‘Retinue Squad’ i i.amines Astartes (Death Guard) special mi..	Ust 1
„ ...ay oe selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes at

Grave Warden Terminator Squad...250 pQ|
/	;
!	i
!	!
/	/
/	/
!	!
I	/
	M	ws	bs _s	T W | A u
Grave Warden	6	4	4 4 4 ~ 4 2	
Chem-master	6	4	4 4 4 2 4 3 9
Unit Composition			Unit Type
• 4 Grave Wardens			•

,	M ***"*.	fWhl,i< l,n„u hr, ,	, ,,
„+*nh *» m"wn''^,v*	*' ,hf l’"l*»«l \,,ny ,, Wrf(C4 ,U() ' •r""r	I, „ ,W„„
\..,v *w*	«f"VIM »'*^1./«*.<>. urWra«hrt „ iMlrw !!on, „ „
‘/ h wi,,v	ihernii „1 ,,llr
pattern druu„td <• a standard ihuptH «f/rnf» l| 11,1 lllrurnlrolrr/
Assault 2

he Tint Captain of the jth catard legion rxr punned the rule af stolan in the Leyton > branny but with the imarch Mortanan trbotinnq a deep-rooted must of those who elded the powers of the yker, Tvphon suppressed gift and strove instead serve as a wur leader.
> strength, skill and nour led him to

Range Str
AP Type
Melee. Two-handcd, Reaping Blow (1)
many weapons Calas Typhon is knoxsm'to have carried a ,
'Since for the heavy hladcd scythe he referred to only as ‘Lakrimac	<W Wanhr a particular
ofl)ph°ns oam creation. the toxin dr,pping from the hlade and Zn °g7( 'Znd'' T**a

XV Тысяча Сынов

*fhc XV“ Legion's place within the Horus Heresy is Wdefined by the destruction of Prospero at the hands of the Space Wolves. Though this event would occur before even the atrocities on Isstvan III and V, later scholars would see it for what it really was - one of the Warmaster's opening moves in

nlNE A«<-ANA
« P*°Srt	,„/,xcu/l train,nq of the HiaiuoiKl Son, were	anurid llu dlu,o .
f**‘ I'liK r*** „„Jed 'heir Initiate! with unique abilities on the field of battle	* l“' cnl
**	„ thc Character and ISykcr Unit Sub types In a Thousand Son, Detachnwm mus, «W, on, Minor
^b *’th

Thousand Sons Warlord Traits
A Warlord with the Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons) special below instead of selecting one of the Core Warlord 1 raits.
Evoker of Pain (Traitor only)
In the aftermath of the ravaging of Prospero, many among the Thousand Sons nursed an abiding hatred for those that

Thousand Sons Advanced Reaction	^________________________
Atis Advanced Reaction is available only to units , omnoacd
flbousand Sons) special rule and the Psyker Subtype ,	**"> both the
j(1 unique and specific circumstance,, a, noted in their descrinci ^ Advanced React,"" Advanced Reaction, use

The following comprises a list of ness opt.ons and Wargear avarlable only to Detachments ssith the legum«. (Thousand .Sons) Faction and exemplifies the nature of that Legion.
/€ther-fire Cannon
A later d<\ clopmtnt of the P\rae Cult Techmarine artificers, these

hea Pattern Force Weapons
P9*«'“’® « ^nnrlM,hrough ,h(	hnt	^»-(br, v. ,
&*■**•*•“" *"A* ,w'rr,or' **» «•»«* C “	^,cC.
^»oMou-,,^ on^a
uv „«Kiel with both the Legion« Asurt« (Thousand s„„ .	*>
. „»e. »eapon »-«r any one Achea partem forte weapon fnr	'u,t *"d the r h
cSacter speeial rule may

WWLl, //// J ^At^isrMt Rro
■mhbmmhShShSSt IMmarch of the I housand
The Crimson King, The l ogos Maxima, The Cyclopean GUm
Sons, The Sorcerer of Prospero^0 ^*Nt|
lagnus the Red wot rugue among the rima re hy a psykxr of mdigiow power m hose tv essence boiled with ychu potential Such

rCirtr	undisputed master of the arcane among the brotherhood of Pnmarchs Mis knowledge of the
Red was ,he " . ivas equalled only by the Emperor himself, and many have claimed that some secrets held by
**-”* .......................'........'
Jwrnf stCl
Magnus the Red has access to all of the

’n \
ondedto they stood thcrs of the therhood herhood. heir minds levels of the s, the Scarab with such ori and seemed
|, hut more | __________________

Sekhmet Terminator Cabal
___________________________M	ws
Sekhmet	6	5

, a Sekhmet Terminator Cabal may inc|Ulje.
. Upt0 5 additional Sekhmet......
, My model in the unit may exchange^".................
- Slagn* combi-weapon............ COmb>-boltcr ........................
. Minor combi weapon............. .................... °nt of the foliowi......

Dreadnought Talon..........
Unit Composition
•	1 Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnought Wargear
•	Gravis bolt cannon
•	Gravis force blade with in built combi-bolter
•	Atomantic deflector
Unit Type
• Dreadnought (Psyla-,.)
Special Rules

•the unit	—
’ no to 2 addition*1 ContemptorOsiron Dreadnought*
^yContemptor-Osiron Dreadnought in ,hc unit may rcpl;lc ........
........... ** GWVi* bolt «nnon w1(h	4100 Wnt, pc, m ,
* cravis«"«lucannon..........
’ Gravis autocannon..........

CasteLlax-Achea Automata
*4o Points
Unit Composition
•	1 Castcllax-Achca
•	Aither-firc cannon
•	Two Asphyx bolters
•	Two Achca force claws
•	Atoinantic deflector
Unit Type
•	Automata (Psy-automata, Psyker‘)
*A Castellax-Achea may not select a Minor

Fore* Cl*w "<ip°n -law
counted as 'Force' weapons for those rutes that affect such weapons Range Str AP Type
Melct • Rending (st), Achean Force
” ' '""-"can Force
foitial* Uni* Sub-type
™ th<m the cybernetics cortex utilised on the most advanced Mechankum ha, i
^'^blochuseti# more

\) the faekal u ho sensed s the guardians of the
their reliquanes and nitums. Round together oath and ritually larged shn hinds, cash of the
e urrr all inmates of Cults' inner secr, is and pts in their techniques, hsophtes and arts Ihc most u arnors of the octal /tinnedcahals

_	'	----1 Jjj /IjX.
rirriors of the KhcneUi	~~~~
' Zof^n>leSSerfU,tS Within thc ^rosPerinf Arc,i
tfd skill of ¡he blademasters that fl,cd rhcn run^’^ Khcneta, w	^
a model tvith this special rulegains thc Minw	CaPability ofan°Usand	nrc'/'" (/,<• rf..
,0Si presemod by thc Prospcrinc


Ahzek Ahriman .

Chief I Jbrarian of the Thousand Sons, Arch-masister nfiii t he Enduring Son	,hc Corv><Ut)
Ahzek Ahriman
Unit Composition
•	1 Ahzek Ahriman
•	Master-crafted Asphyx bolt pistol
•	The Corvidacan Sceptre
•	Artificer armour
•	Iron halo

I jIk Corvid*«" Sceptre
| ynW9aihoth a mark °fhh «ation os, ,V Cttv^aean ^fP,re ,vaS a long slave W claim that this artefact mas one ofs, coatTotii'm their power.
The «capon
is counted
flieCorvidacan Sceptre
I arelimjgister of the Corvidae
I Muck Ahrinian gains the

Magistus Amon................................. J
The Hidden One, Captain of the Ninth Fellowship, Tutor of Keeper of the Keys
Magistus Amon
Unit Type
•	Infantry (Character, Psyker, Special Rules
•	Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sor
•	Master of the Legion
•	Independent Character
•	Relentless

r ofShadC' . suit of artificer power armour art layer upon layer of psychically chanpd 9(>T
Amon’s own abilities to pass unseen, or even to appear ai another »ho-
"vLei'^10 jtoaaflr,,f,lt'
r~- ’	^Uns''n'°'"'n',Z,nf*xh«'»>^
n. Arm our of Shades provides a 2+ Armour Save. and„„	a’

XVI Сыны Хоруса

Carsoran power axe
Range Str	AP	Type
User	3	Melee, Breaching (S+), Specialist Weapon
Banestrike Bolters
These mysterious variant holt shells, believed to have been designed in secret within the armouries of the Alpha Legion tong before the outbreak of

,F HoRljS ***** OF War
»V‘h^UK^ J* k‘°nC " WUh ,hC M-',Cr Of the >l^,‘0n »’tty »*.
^d**	.	' S**1a| ruU
9	A(. the Black Rcaving
pit °r w of the \Varma>trr. thru gene father, the Jd iv fj^on	morr unytfft and proud
K*ain,n* 'ha<k,c' in'lM«*1 °n them hy the
jdte fnif*n>r and the

¡>Rl\t\^li I
(kf count of th* CtfTOt I CraadeoSJ madofd I ^vnJonhtoeheDnprtw I kA>m he senxd and ¿aded ' fat*r So it u® dial whin I the Fntpcmrxood apart farm the burden of the I command of the Great I Crayatk, rl»m Ham> j ¿hat he named Wcrmaster I to act in hti ittud. But I ambition and

rI(W. trvrl ***** iKtdlnt <„mh,ntxl 0,ui martudex)re rimer, and u M,„ ^
tJii ti the *Urt «f 4ny Cum where I cn 101	of ll*r iu
include* Hon»* i* imrc-ud In # |
ffter* NOW* ■« known u> n maun of M tnrunÿ <V * Ottoman gutter hum Itr. i,t Jtnah hn opponent, and u tij ,•<«!/» „ n

.„„rirwt I	1 ^phr«Ctil l M.
r. Ji1'1	.. \vr_iHr\ (S<>n> <i| I li ii iii.i .. ,
1^^ ^	1	"’"MOW,»
№Ly>t«s A**«« (*>»» of l io.n„ specUl ,„|C *f’n r"*K» v._lt Uv'ZmA to - Dark BminAty	"*	¡£*
All U,‘"n

esConsularis: Dark Emissary
l,t/ .. ,.m»n UYff (he nn n (he Worm/.»..	*

Homs Ascended
AftiKfhfUi/kmy »orrori, /fonts uvtM fit//further and further into the urn hi WArr* * A"**” ttfkutour. ftihmtteJ/ut hi» sense ofjuitK*andturnan^0 *** and, r»Jcwrn<e/iut*«rKru*hh™»r>/of even the nt<»t minor ofinfractions nr / >*' hfl*‘On,	j>

^	. _r.Jc i> id*1*4 ,h*.Jfd to

STAER'N terminator Squad
' \r'"

l nit T
l n.l
[fPones ARan«
gjncstnte combi

Bulky (2)
Iust~nn Rettnu,
Terminator armour
Furious Charge
Chosen W
■-V O

■tin Terminator Squad ,„Jy ,1K|udo
#	¿I«**1	)*“**crin
*	. IT five model* in ll.c unli. onc ,u
f	...
.... "
•	*» ,lK Un,‘ "“y C*th-*»KC <hc„
•Sd« eh"*"......•;■■•■
'	■" the un" "“>' "change tiic11 cario
thunder hammer
„ymodel ■" <h«Un"


• 4KfJVCr!«.n
. i Reaver CH'c
Unit Type
•	Reaver. Infantry
•	Reaver Chieftain;
- Bolt P,s,<>1 Chaina-«
Krak grenade»
power arwour
Special Rules
. legiones Astanes (Sons 0f u
. Relenúess	^
. Chosen

auRST the Twisted...............
«.lOgH „f the Sons of Horus, Bearer of the Eye, EquerO of *he Warn,aster
’40 Points

Boit pi

upon standard Artificer armour
Unit Type
•	Infantry (Character. Une.

\KAl>t>ON'V"i'loruv HiRh Marshal of lhc‘Vu^° N,, the Breaker of Worlds U*t4*r»n>

I r:**‘
\ **££*'« *
[&2£~ 1
Z«d< **r**°t'hl'
he echoed ho PnmardiI
_jl, -r-*i-f'iy*l< I
0mfcp«mr,as‘l^h!er I
„¿¿dtasaiacocm nbteh ijui^ kirn *''* pnteXwIhot mtU/KJ
1 jm- wffbm

PL L^KEN...............
rjJ^fthc 1 O'" Company, Ncw-moon of the m.I7e D
S^i3fof Lu-	C	75 P0«NTS
**	M WS BS s T
¿¡piel token
¡nil Composition
, ¡Girvtel t oken
. Bolt pistol
. Putgon fade
. Aiti/ieerjrmoiir
. iron halo . fag grenades • krik grenades
BS	S	T	W 1
6	4	4

XVII Несущие Слово

XVII'" legiones astartes
tat to the Sons of Horut, the Word Bartn were
L me In many or,he first pivotal lu tiles of the I torus Here» the scale of their betrayal of the Loyalist forces J, Isstvan Vanil CM would reverberate across the years and se, a high water mark for the

Horus Heresy,Ересь Хоруса,Wh Past,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Warhammer 30000,Wh News,длинопост,Wh Other

Word Bearers Warlord Traits
A Wjrlord »«A thr Legumes Asurrcs (Word Bearers) special rule may select
Mow instead of selecting one of the Core Warlord Traits.	C J ^'*rlord t
Tri" ft,
Enslaved by Darkness (Traitor only)
Among th<ne that accepted the fax our of Chaos into their flesh, there

«„P P-' has the Legionts AsUrtes (Word Bea„.„,,
ÿsffîôd* ** ■**“ °nt m<XW WKh ,hC M“"r o( <hc I£***"»9
t \V*g ,,ruplion took root within tht Word Jiff0 ¿d*' ol C rtnàwntd for ihr cohesion and selfless ’[¡ft*- " * jf ¡ought in ihr Emperor's name After /■ % »*“ . J

TH E A1''	. Wargear available only to Detachments w„h ^	^
i^sssssgz-*	^
PVafd|Wjrr	Willingly to the corruption of the warp -j,
Anv W"j'	the Burning Lore uph ^ ^ Diabotam Discipline (see the Diabolist entry).
C^ruptrdand P«ker L-n
nine	,	n were fully aware of the truth

""" <#c'"pr,w“...* .................,
, listed here .ire counted u 'Bolt' we«po„, f()i Ih ^ ^
“•'"ill h

у.**!’1’" ,


1 "	/1"’1 кГе'У таПУ “5 ',‘,'r,ldf’'iM'' W,,uU huvt fflt lh'-o-rup,™ feuth	,
tvc‘’ ,n Sr ted 4

A Legion Centurion. Legion Cauphractii C with the Lcgioncs Asiatics (Word Bcarcro a Diabolist:
A >»»rk *"
Special Rules
A Diabolist gains the Corrupted and Diabolism Discipline.
• A Diabolist points cost.
When •» ^
the Chart

pijriplinc. ----------
W&, with this Discipline gains thellsted P„Wcr% u,	—=*
Terrible Power (Psychic Powen	"'tnr's nilek.
mrl>ni TtTTib,t POW"(P,ychic Power)	' "“'«ner, n , —.a,x „
A °Zbf9<nmn9 °fth' H°mS """>- the WoJ «e	tbo'*
Jt» -»flWon and,iuk und™°^ngof7?'Z'cz;h;'+* «*

paster o
Unit ComP®»'
. lb<rn*r
WürK«r	iffh,
. rhe Armour of the
. |||umi"jrum . Devotion
. Frag*renatle*
Unit Type
. Pri march (Psyfcer, Unlqy^ Special Rule«
. Legumes Astartes (Word ft.
•	Master of the Ug,on “**«*)
•	It

, of tbs
|*0** .¡¿»ith weapons than his brethren. Urnm, 1* y ***, flex other muscles and hr,ng other 'Vj	the battlefield. Among hn brothers
^fLfewtO master the posse, of the ethereal *^p J* " jnj though his skill»» ihx-arfed by that *’ Jed*' ytillwork feats that surpassed most
thc psychic


. swrH»'"h"”
Boltspitter Tainted talon* Frag grenades Krak grenades
Power armour
Unit Type
. Dark Brethren, infantry
Special Rules
. Legioncs Astartes (Word Bear*™ . Relentless . chosen Warriors . Rage (2.)
. Feel No Pain (5+1 . Bulky U)
. Traitor

. r,RCi E Squad..
m ws

Uni, Typ.
*	'"«ndu
SP^UI Rult,
*	•^Rion« \,u_ ru,
*	Stubborn
*	* l-'nn*df.T
)***"—	*
,.l<f«nn0ur	.	Scorched Earth
•	War hawk tump pack
. UJP°
«*£*„ Circle Squad may include:
' to 5 additional Incendiaries.............
kon0clast may exchange

Gal Dreadnought
Unit Composition
. , Mhara Cal Dreadnought
• Warpfirc cannon	...
. Tainted claw with in built boltspttter
Unit Type
. Dreadnought (Corrupted)
Special Rules
•	Legiones Asian-. It Will Not Die (S+)
. Rampage (2)
. Shroud of Dark Fire . Accursed

N ifr^urfir*rf,Ktor	°n<e P°'"rre<i,h, s..
■ f*‘"f■• '"> ‘	/.nr A„m „,,	Co,hQi
i I	cal Dreadnought in a guttering	°> »he	'«"v,, Q
II .* ^	0"'» *«ct ««* >"<*	f/lc. „,. i^9ra,lnn that I l'<‘t' Vh
Wit a»<*Jtcd to ■* n,odcl with ,his special rule fr„
II ^by 1 ,n addi,ion- a modcI W“h this special

M ws
___	~J	r
ZÎdu Uy>k	7	S
Blade Sb'«
Unit compoii'i°"
. Bolt pistol . The Azurda Char is
. Artificer armour . Iron halo
. The Panoply of Flame
. Frag grenades . Krak grenades
Wargear (Blade Slaves)
. Plasma pistol . Anakatis blade . Power armour

**"8« Str ^
iP'fÎW»	User 2
Ch#» <Bl»à<
Hwo "<* °funbol>- warP'sPawnfd power and thri
i***L *** Sfw** u,rhin ^ «■**. ^t,r,„,/,«
.+^artonly bought at « frrn/vngpner to both body and^
^pon *"* hffC^ ***** “ *,P0WCr'ind *"«' ^ponforew^,
affect <
Range Str

AK6ti TA\;;;d'co^^er ofthc Serrated Su".Ho v
TheCri"**0"	BS	_
M	WS	BS	S	t	w	.
8	6	5	S	s	s
. lArgclTal
Unit Type
• Infantry (Character n Corrupted) ' Un‘qu*.
.Wr^*f,i,fmon,c w,°ns
Uinbral Pinions . Artificer armour . Frag grenades
. Krak

'Carried the weapons of a Space Marine prou .. fat 0f His o*n armour fused with unnatura, bone ^ob ottfe. ^

1 'ron-h
Range str
,ard flesh. "Ulh'U



' MurdcrQ

pair of wings of twisted ceramite and fused bone, erupting from his armour Hu

H.GM C,,APtl‘Vmi*«r> of «he Warmaster, *<>S p S ^-^mordiaiTrutH V c"i,dofth v, WS BS S x w ,	
	5 4 4 ^ ^ Unit Type . Infantry (Character, Corrupted, Unique ’■
Wargear . plasma pi»'“1 •	Crux Malifica . Artificer armour •	Iron halo . Frag grenades . Krak grenades	Special Ruin •	Ugiones Asurtes

,1*1'^	decorated with the defaced
f *£^'t’>'iauajorus t Empcr°rs *‘4*^^**^
Range --	VJ ’"fitlf ,i.'

0”	M*MWi
fCbao*	**>»
H***£ent that includes High Chaplain Erebus may »1** Rainstorm Daemon Army last - these choices Up to 'Hree „
^?£ char, as norma,, but must begin the ba,S£££ -

M WS BS s T w (
Koh -	.
Fir«* C*Pta,n
Unit C<inip0$i,‘on
. i Kor Pli*eron
: %STa»**
Unit Type
. Infantry (Heavy, Character
Corrupted, Unique) Special Rules
. Lcgiones Astartcs (Word Be, . Master of the Legion . independent Character
. Relentless . Bulky (2)
. Feel No Pain (St)

. «»rtof hr amidmanipulate il,.- n./ ‘ *°
"^.Jhh throne.
>>	tnd* <"* ""r	°> nhdr. I lr M,m/. '‘n
f^ehU* «•'* h>'	son an,I l’ri,i,„rci‘ '""r
'¿Lnh .Ml* »to '*n/»	»*<»» to.f /*llm
,,	... - thouah mans,
»***,* ar*
„ ««01*'»’ 0» U.fK*r 1» not Chown a. the War|„r i r "M ' 'to' *«r

XVIII Саламандры

ii i i/l_il\c5
great war of the Horns Heresy, many deeds of r\y and valour were writ upon the bloody stars, the centre of this maelstrom lay the Salamanders v, betrayed, struck down, laid waste and yet resolute it the foe. There are few Legions who have paid v high price for their loyalty and

Salamanders Rites op War
A IVUchnwnt which h*s the 1 cgtonc* Astartes (Salamanders) Faction may make use of the Ml 1опц as it includes at least one model with the Master of the l cgion special rule
AR: 1 Covenant of Fire
Vulkan thtSa'lani	^tUal leadrnhiPof their Primanh
mist!"'	htvt I«™™ °

Astartcs (Salamanders) Faction
. htofDut> (Loyalist only)
TV"“*1" . ,? Horns and the warriors of the Emperor /t tV	spared no iota of fury, focussing every
i" b0“e'u[t(r destruction of the foe with no regard for the V* Ucaused to the Imperium and its people. To the

The following comprises a list of new options and Wargear available only to Detachments with the Leei (Salamanders) Faction and exemplifies the nature of that Legion.	Ast*rte»
Artifice and Flame
The Salamanders were noted amongst the Legiones Astartes for the

scale Storm Shield
Swl»»“"‘1“,:*“* ™'Sn<'hU!•;"'C^nc„.“-1*«»"Tam™,Te™i„«„,a™,may„ra “ bi^ bolter for a Dragonscale storm shield for +10 points each.	y	8 a
¿Dragonscale storm shield provides a 5+ Invulnerable Save or increases an Invulnerable Save the model already has by one step

. fury of the Salamander
chU Di'c'P ,n ’ scjpline gains all the listed Powers, Weapons and other special rules, as well as the Aethcric m with this 1 ‘st	322 of the Warhammer: Homs Heresy: Age of Darkness rulebook).
APS- pevchic Weapon v» r * ughtningp
• Purv (Psyehie Power)
primarch led

\ A
The Primarch of the Salamanders, thePronü-t’hJ^ Hre'iu4<i5 Po,NTs Salvation, Regent of Nocturne	’thc Hammer of
Unit Composition
•	1 Vulkan
•	The Drakcn Scale Id • Dawnbringer
•	Thc Furnace’s Heart
•	Dragon’s Breath heavy flamer
•	Frag grenades

A warhammer of prodigious size and reputedly indestructible material construction Dawnhringer was too great a weight for any but a Primarch to lift. Wielded by Vulkan. Dawnhringer was capable of sundering any defence set against it. from ston, to the densest armour plate, and brutally crushed

-J PyroclastSquad
"-,75 Pqiv».
Unit Composition
•	4 Pyroclasts
•	1 Pyroclast Warden
Pyroclast Pyroclast Warden
Unit Type
•	Pyroclast: Infantry
*	Pyroclast Warden: Infantry
•	Artificer armour
•	Pyroclast flame projector
Special Rules
•	Legiones Astartes

f UslFl*",ePr°icctor
^ an(j complex flame weapons wielded by the Pyroclasts ,V	art both more elegant and far more potent than the si
^ ustd to incinerate a vast swathe of targets in the mam cutting arcs, difficult to aim, but able to slice through the n
When making a Shooting Attack, the entire

Firedrake Termi
Firedrake Firedrake Master
Unit Composition
• 4 Firedrakes . 1 Firedrake Master
. Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour . Power weapon . Combi-bolter
2	4	t „
Unit Type
•	Firedrakes. Infantry (Heavy)
•	Firedrake Master:

op***, r. Terminator Squad may take:
•AfirCi5 additional Firedrakes.......................
'lode, in the unit may exchange a power weapon for one of the follow................... P°>"ts each '
'funder hammer.................................................*.....

XIX Гвардия Ворона

raven guard
the outset of the Horn» Heresy, the Ra\*n Guard wrre among the least numerous of the Emperor's Legions. Coras and much of his Legion were amongst the first to muster as part of the grand Retribution Fleet dispatched to Isstvan V, with the Primary h determining

Ravtn Guard Rites or War
army who* Primary Detachment and Wjrlord has the I	v .
following Rites of Wars if the Warlord also has the Master of fhc UgioVsp^l mle ****	makr “* °*lh<
Rite of War: Decapitation Strike
Although the Raven Guard Leovrt possessed (as any Space Man re 'ey on did) the

Raven Guard Warlord Traits
A Warlord with the Legiones Asurtes (Raven Guard) Faction instead of selecting one of the Core Warlord Traits.
The Bane of Tyrants (Loyalist only)
Those warriors who, like their Pnmarch, had been freed from the depths of Deliverance to serve the Emperor brought with

дл old Terran innovation, a legacy of the Dark Лае of T A ,he Roten Guards earliest recruits. These long cloaks inc''^ рге^Ы Ы
°1*'1 firm t„„L ,

Any l^on ^aetor or Legion Ccntunon wuh the Ugioncs M Omeleoline upgrade for +20 points, gaining ,hc Shrouded (6+> "	Cu«d>

The following comprises a list of new options and Wargear available only to Detachments with the Legion« Asian« (Raven Guard) Faction and exemplifies the nature of that Legion.
Raven’s Talons	,
These unique and lealously guarded ***** of lightning daws, each a

Shadow and Fury
»Ah w*h	Guard) sp«!a rule gain o* of ,hc Wiping ^ rulc! ^ „„ th,
"d *«**' °Hh' m0dtl *>*• «“ *>*>• MO « of .he 1bM| „¡««a g^„ „„ addhh, J Z,#r
Models with the Legiones Asiatics (Raven Guard) special rule that have the Infantry Unit Type, but do not also have the Heavy Unit

weapon. Like most of the Pnmarchs, Corax is blessed with an extensive armours of artificer-| wrought weapons but those he most often bears to war are a pair of metre
Liberator, Chooser of theth^01*1*
The Shadowed Lord
Corvus Corax
Unit Composition
•	1 Corvus Corax
•	The Sable Armour

The Sable Armour
The Sable Armour provides a 2+ Armour Save ,1.1	,
The Shadowed Lord
If Corvus Corax chooses to use the Hit & Run specU)
determining the distance moved and discards any one	**• "* an *u
In addition, the controlling player may re-roll all faded Shm. a a P

Mor Deythan Squad.
r hi
_ ______ _
M ws BS
Mor Deythan Mor Deythan Shade
Unit Composition
. A Mor Deythan
•	1 Mor Deythan Shade
•	Power armour
•	Bolt pistol
•	Chainsword
•	Astartes shotgun
•	Frag grenades
•	Krak grenades
•	Shroud bombs

Fury Squad
Chooser of the Slain
U*K Composition
. 4 Dark Furies l Chooser of the Slain
. iv»vr armour (Dark Furiei only) • Artificer armour (Choosers of the Slain only)
. iv-o Raven’s Ihlons . Frag grenades . Krak grenades - <v>rvid pattern jump pack
M	WS	ns s
7	4

XX Альфа Легион

The Alpha Legion was ever-prese events of the Homs Heresy 0fte ' its own endsaga.nst theJmpenu, at odds with the plans of the Wa Alphj legion deployed uninvited alongside the Iron Warnors durin conflict, and at Alaxxes and Yaran Wolves, contributing to their neai Cull alongside

«• > CRMnc Asr.m,
or Tr»*chi
,a ¡5*d*is'n that U,u, p,,
pccutl rule is
!>a,d far
i™:-1""	....--..„
'pco 'I ml, In, t|,._ ,
i uptu legion Advanced Reaction	~	—
¡rancid Reaction is available only to units composed entirely of models wuh .h ■
I tt**| special rule. Unlike Core

Alpha Legion Warlord Traits
A Warlord tilth the legiones Attunes (Alpha Ugion) special rule may select a Warlord T
• ' ■'-'nun one of the Core Warlord Traits.	r‘>'t hum
below instead of selecting
The Mobius ton hgu r a 11 on (^ WamasUr Despite Alphanusdrs a,“'‘"n"	,{h( Tra,lo, cause, there

I EGlON Rites of War
„UA V , primary Detachment and VVarU ,
" h<,S 0f War if the Warlord also has ,h>rd.has thc U ¿Zt Rit<* ot	3S thc Mastcr „^»on,

wab: The Co,LS °F The Hydr*
A 0f f, verfuge for which thc Alpha Leg,^ rpfl “	to an end; the end, more oft...

more often than
tvIntrMe to

ARMOURY OF the alpha legion
The following comprises j list of non options and Wargear available only to Detachments with the	■
[Alpha Legion) Fiction and exemplifies the nature of that Legion	r ‘-»pon*, .
These unique pourr » eapons are a partic ular speciality of the Alpha

PZriS consular.*: Saboteur
fd0ffHm#*"**'" <0'rrr ,nfi,trari<"'. «*«“„R.
! Zs^Zjeath the Ugiones Astartes but at whi T"°n ar>d ZZ" +*$ IV
I S#**« make their pmtnct known «•	Co?>’ 2S
:I Rule*
. i gules
t**., «ins the Infiltrate. Scout and False Colour,
l J S*-«**- addition' a

ill Билайн LIE
,hc л|ср|’Nui1, ,ь* ^ ч»к
"-¡»"tb о* I" r ^ f'inal Configuration	^4

( nic C»mpo«»'on
. | Alpharius
. The Pythian Scales
. The Pale Spear . The Hydra s Spite . Three venom sphere . Krag grenades
Unit Type
•	Pri march (Untque)
Special Rule«

„A No"» here
thfrT ^ n°nt “ unPr*dn ,ah. rZZ could am*“' alm<"< any loca,m
Wf*cOU 1	~	—-'y lOCOfign
««tv”**“*'?** *orr"'"> ^
i»'* f^j »vuld find no pattern m K-/~ _ J 1
S	a^ld find no pattern to help pird
\»i I» '¡hen* hr wtuch hl* PrTfrrrnces could he
l^JIn *«n> caSf' >""uWLS>"r<,r ,ha‘

Headhunter Kill Team.
Headhunter Prime
l nie Compotieion
. 4 Headhunter
•	I Headhunter Prime
•	Bancstnke tom hi hotter
•	tower dagger
•	Bolt pistol
•	One venom sphere (Headhunter Prime only)
•	Frag grenades
•	KraJt grenades
•	tower armour
HS	s	T	* 1

I'1 legiones astartes DARK ANGELS *»»hc Dark Angel* returned from the outer exige* of the CrfÁcA «hriww t<* learn oh» late oí th at isxtvan. Too far away from any hope of intervening. they »rfcj Legion inermed. billing to rivir their defiance and seek retribution Foreseeing this eventuality. Horn* dispatched the Night Lord.* Legion to wreak havoc in the sector* around Thrama*. hoping to draw in the First Legion and contain their fury away from his own advance. The vengeful £>ark Angels were drawn to Thramas by word of the atrocities being perpetrated, and led a counter-invasion to retake the region for the Impcrium. The rwv Legions engaged in a bitterly contested conflict that dragged on for more than three years and saw the ruin of dozens of worlds across four inhabited sectors. The stalemate was ended when the Dark Angels unleashed their arsenal of forbidden weaponry upon the Night Lords, reducing them to a crippled and scattered legion. Bv this rime, the Ruinstorm occluded most of the eastern Impenum. and the Dark Angels were unable to strike at the heart of Horn* Dark Empire Instead, they aUmgode the Ultramarine* and Wood AngeW galactic cast. beating back the Shadow Crusade a^a . of isolated Traitor element* Elsewhere. Viol««* D Angel* fleet* and ba*tk>ns aero** the galaxy other Loyalist forces to resist the Traitors advar h A* the gTcat warp storms began to dissipate the pt l ion embarked on a punitive campaign again« the™** Traitors that came to be known as the Passage of the Angel of Death. Mis legion was a bolt of hatred ca« the southern Impenum. bnnging ruin to the home of the Death Guard and the Emperor s Children lewT* and any other Traitor stronghold they came upon. The' Dark Angels also became embroiled in the great Catach of Iron, unleashing the Lion’» sanction with impunity all who turned their face from the Emperor. Only at the last, when news of Homs* siege on Terra reached the Angels, did they end their vicious campaign and turn hack towards the Imperial core. - — — — i S) I Thf Hexagrammaton All units composed entirely of models mth the 1 egioues special rule I the iofknxing Hexagranmuton Unit Sub types11 when chosen during the army selection pi, • . .* v , Prcadu/ng. Death wing. Irorming, Firewing or Ravcnwing. Sec the Hcxagranvnaton rules that: i 'Some models or units may be required to hat c a sped fit ( mr Sub-typ^^^^^Efct'f so it will he hs:oi and,jumped. — — — — — — — — — — — Arsenal ofthi RUST Legion nth this special rule g | is i I ___________I ! oftheHek 1 I , I I 1 I ! 1 I Thf. First Legion | A Warlord with this special rule run select a Warlord Trait from the Far* __|
rHFXAGRAM MATOS UNIT SUB-T^rES 8 cnnrflyof models with the Upon« A,un« (Dark Angel,) %Drtla1 „ . 1 u un.t *»«!* <**"* m°dC,‘m"y ** "**«l to «ket a ,pee,hc^n» ZiTZ' “S? * 1 L, rrofilc) All models m a unit mu« wlect the «me HexaR,ammaton I^h^ ^ * notcd 1 t i^ated Transport must tele« the ume Unit Sub type as the unit „ \ ^ t>pc la model 1 f^^Scn-n. or Legion Apothecarion Detachment tTd£^ **> * J K model m thf unit - but when these model, are assigned to oth# ‘^’Ufraramaton Unit | |50^a. least one model with the «me Hexagrammaton l SutttSSST* ** "T** * 1 ',bJ' TJv have a different Hexagrammaton Unit Sub type than the model t*l<c,cd ** j , Kr*,nl,i “ I . rh<: independent Character special rule and a Hexagrammaton Unit Soh.r^ Nt «iel‘ vv„h a different Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-type. >T* "***,oln un,ts liut .m*** . ./¿f V n,t onl> ga*n »hc benefits of 3 Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-type if thai .m.t„ a < ,D-rk spcc'11 «•«•«««•SiS :H^r;;r[:,;M:"f:<"ch ", % tc moM, in x urn. may only benefit from .h« ml« of.nngk Hcxxg,,m„3 Un„ Sub^„t7''' *... «"■of ■* pl^r st‘um'iny 7" u?d"thit pl^” «“<">< »*«* ^ ,¿£¿„7 ¿««ion l-n« r '7 COn"° i,ng P'J>" musl “nc of Ao« Hrn,,» Un, 7ub- ¿c benefit* -II bo applied «0 ihe models in that urn, unt.l the star, of the controlling pUye* n„, lurn . Mesapammaton Unt. Sub-types wtll grant no benefit to that un.t for the dural,on of that Came Turn ( , Forked on any model, « unit gains no benefit from any Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-typex that any model „ 0 „u, possess, but the model they are Embarked on may benefit from any Hexagrammaton Um, Sub-type .-j? It tlxMpoSSCS<CS STOMIWINC Unit Sub-type ‘ .^clMn a un.i under the effect of this nmuton Un.t Sub-type gain a bonus of +lTo 1 I - Jvn rolling To H.t as part of a Shooting Attack |M . j,ng during Reaction) with a bolter, combi* m \ r or bolt pistol. , Duthwinc Unit Sub-type ^3 I .Ail models in a unit under the effect of this HiWsimmatonlnitSub-typcgainabonusof+lTo ■ Hit «hen rolling To Hit in an assault with one of the “ *wg weapons: chainsword, force sword, power . i Terranic greatsword, CaJibanite warblade, I 1 c.unubal sabre, and Paragon blades or close combat I sports modelled as swords. In addition, a model with ^ I f ^chicle t-nit Type gains a +1 bonus to the .Strength Hits inflicted as part of a Ram Attack (up to a I of Strength 10). 1 I JWlNC UwrSui-TyPE ! ,n a unrt under the effect of this IWu|on Unit Sub-type reduce the Strength of all aSUns* them v%ith Flame. Plasma. Volkitc and ^ an<* ^°rcc ‘,ttac^cs ma(k a&amst I ^»soned (X) special rule to increase the roll ° ,;n ; ‘ ____ ______ ______ _______ J Ironwing Unit Sub-type I | All models in a unit under the effect of this Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-type may rc-roll failed To | Hit rolls of T when targeting an enemy model with the Vehicle Unit Type. Additional a model with this I | Unit Sub-type and the Vehicle Unit Type makes all Snap Shots at BS 2 instead of BS L Firewing Unit Sub-type I All models in a unit under the effect of this Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-type gam a bonus of To | Wound when attacking a unit that contains at least 01 model with the Independent Character special rule I Ravenwing Unit Sub-type 1 All models in a unit under the effect of this I I lexagrammaton Unit Sub-type, other than model I with the Vehicle Unit Type, add +1 to the distance 1 I moved when the unit Runs, and models with the Cavalry Unit Type may also re-roll any failed Shr I Damage Mitigation rolls. Models with this Unit Sub-type and the Vehicle Unit Type instead add | to their Movement Characteristic when movin | Cruising Speed._______________
THE ARMOURY — ТЬеЫМщсотре^а^Ыпеш opOoo* +nd War^ar тШс only to Druchm^ t ^*-5 * exemplify* the future of ltut legion. *"*Ь eJSXSZZ';=• • Tl« Wuro« Of аифт* •*» • poorly of ay drawn Ai the First Upon. aneruil of the Unification Wan of Ancient Terra; ftfic wre^. . T*4* V /Inr legion, the Dark Antjels I cere originally out fit tea nun a panoply of artnt d uuh Mary hut instead from the arsenal of the Unification Wan of Ancient Terr n0f ffo*»i th, rn’hut often difficult to replicate and esrn treacherous, many of which would I ° '!* W*aP°*.s a^f^eftk-ns were formed. and the Great Crusade ratified and standardised much of th T" "^^den / atedon large World* aero« the Imperium. the Dark Angel, retamed many ofth^^ Ast*n*' ptKl «.«. **r— ....... ptXfTKx but of ten difficult Legions неге formed, and the Great i ’rusoae ratipea ana uunaaranea muen of the Legione, Aitartes ^ **" гГ reheated on Forge Worlds across the Imperium. the Dark Angels returned many of these anaent aZ *" *> techno anana that resided within them These they continued to employ solely withm the Legion '*сГ neserfuth sieUed to Man or their Spase Marine brethren by the Emperor's own command ' Any model with the Character Unit Sub type and the Legiones Astartes (Dark Angel*) * sword for a Calibanite warblade for *5 points. ****** nde n^y f\n\ illicit I WIUI UK Vlirti-s.s. *. V r - swordfora Calibanite wrarbladc for »5 points. The weapon listed here is counted as a 'Power' weapon for those rules that affect such w ^4,,. Weapon Calibanite warblade Range Str ♦I AP Type 3 Melee. Rending (6+) Any model with the Legiones Astartcs (Dark Angels) special rule may exchange a plasma gun for a plasma repeater for + S points or a plasma burner for +10 points each. In the case of uni TpU*nu all such weapons in the same unit must be upgraded to the same weapon if either option is'ch^^ multiPlc PUsc^11 All weapons listed here are counted as 'Plasma weapons for those rules that affect c u 1 nca sucn weapons. Weapon Plasma repeater Plasma burner Range Str 12“ 6 Template 6 AP Type 4 4 Assault 3, Gets Hot. Twin-linked, Breaching(4+) Assault 1. Breaching (4+) Any model with both the Independent Character and Ugiones Astanes (Dark Angels) specal ml« may exchange a powvr fist for a Terranic greatsword for no additional cost. The weapon listed here is counted as a Tower’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons. Weapon Terranic greatsword Range Str +2 AP Type 3 Melee, Two-handed, Rending (5+), Murderous Strike ----y-u, rvcnumg o+j, Murderous Striki ^y models w,^, the Legion« Astartes (Dark Angels) special role that have a missile launcher may take stasn mist . °h*?' ot cr missi es ava*kble to them for +5 points per model, all such weapons in the same unit mus upgraded with the same option. AH capons listed here are counted as Missile’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. Weapon Range Str Ap Type 24 4 - Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Concussivc (1)
,—---------- n,jdc '***"*> * n"Hlck ",,h*•'f******mt,to , Ttm Advanctd ******* * „ AJv*mrd Ration* arc activated in unique and »pet.fv (D** Ancei*' **<ul ln,lkr , rjn ha»e pmf» hanging effect» Advanced Reaction» u»e up tpcelhcxlh noted ncfmtor in their descnptH.n «-----Kartlt when a Charce U „ I .. - U^.,H | d«* *»*“- . , ^ ... n,„ Advanced React.on mav be made once per bank, when a Charge ,» declared for , T*, «nerh of Death - rhi ^ % „ Before the Charge .» revived, the Reactive PU„ m *n cncm> unit tantrt.n»: one * ) tlip Characteristic in the unit making this Reaction. If the UaderdT ^ J ' r, :ZU:Z£'^L^nK Un,< oin .h, F-fc- and Fear C2> specu. untll rest is ju»»ed the eadervhip test is failed then all models in the unit making this Rr w, *** ^^ «nd „f ,h, con„Qll,nK pu^ r n.„ ,uni, ^ - ,n«ead among those listed Marshal of the Crown In the complex language of ciphers and allegory that the Dari .Angels use to mark their armour, the crown speaks oj authonn - though not aluxzys that of the crude ranks that others use to label the warriors of the Legiones Astana. To the Dark.Angels, the crou-n is a symbol of moral authority, marking a warrior that stands as a paragon of some aspect of the Legion, one that others of the same aspect uill follow into fire and death without hesitation. A Warlord with this Trait must select one of the Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-types. All units that include at least one model with the corresponding Unit Sub-type and at least one model with line of sight to the Warlord gain *1 Leadership (to a maximum of 10). In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction in a Phase of the opponents turn dictated by the Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-type possessed by the Warlord: • Deathwing, Dreadwing - Assault phase • Stormwing. Ironwing - Shooting phase • Ravenwing, Firewing - Movement phase This Additional Reaction may only be made as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty. Seneschal of the Keys The armonal markings of the Dark Angels are a language that shows the true purpose of each wamor, for each membfr of that Legion is a precise weapon carefully forged for a specific use. Amongst these symbols, the key is a most potent emblem, one that attests to a secret knowledge of one of the Orders of the Hekatony'stika, a true weapon against one of the universe's great terrors. A warrior that bears this mark waits for the call to war from his superiors or his Primordi. a time when he must unleash the hidden knowledge he bears to vanquish the foes that stalk the Imperium. A Warlord with this Trait may select any one Faction (for example, Mechanicum, Dark Mechanicum, Daemons of the Ruinstorm, Legiones Astartes (X),etc). Once per battle, the Warlord’s controlling player may, at the start of any of their own turns, declare that turn to be Decisive. During the Decisive turn, the Warlord and all models in a unit he has joined may increase their WS or BS by +1 when making attacks against a unit that includes at least one model from the chosen Faction. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the opposing players Assault phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty.
Rite or War: The Storm of War The Srormuing ore mastery of the open battlefield. RtBD of %hot and %hell When the l\irk Angels mutter for war in all their glory. it is the XUtnhals of the Storm of War that plan and order the hartley that will shatter the foe's armies and grind rheir empires into dust When the Storm of War is unleashed, it sweeps Jean the battlefield as a wasr of unstoppable force. Effects • Any Legion Tactical Squads, legion Despoiler Squads or Legion Assault Squads selected as part of a Detachment using this Rite of War and consisting of at least 20 models may include a Legion Centurion. A legion Centurion selected in this manner docs not use up a Force Organisation slot but must be paid for from the army’s points total as normal. The Centurion is considered part of the squad he is purchased for and may not leave it during play nor select any Consul upgrades. A Legion Centurion selected in this manner may not be chosen as the army's Warlord and must have the Storm\iing Unit Sub-type. • A11 models with both the Character and Stormwing Unit Sub-type gain the Stubborn special rule, including any Centurion selected for unit using this rules presented as part of this Rite of War. • Legion Tactical Squads. Legion Despoiler Squads and Legion Assault Squads may be selected as Elites choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War. • Legion Assault Squads may be selected as Fast Attack choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War. Rite of War: The Un , -t—* *nc oath-bound <V,>* peathwmg. once «worn to a tadt they ^iCI «**. them from US completion On the battlefield will stay their advance and where other. - *** rv*’* - ** fai r n( nr>r,,h-ls'’- "* " •ixta rv„ ------- --- aruJ other, *oJd C face of annihilation, the Deuthwinq «and, Un w ar dictates that the impowble mu« be ath^!^ wumon of the Deathwmg to which the “S \ Effect» . legion Veteran Squadi. Legion TanarotTente». Squad* and Legion CataphracTu may be selected as Troops chores m * using this Rite of War. • Models with the Independent Character and the Deathwing Unit Sub type from a Detach^, using this Rite of War gain -1 Attack while wnh^J any Objective. . All models in a Legion Veteran Squad. Legion Tartan* Terminator Squad or Legion Cauphractii Tennm«^ Squad chosen as part of a Detachment using War gain the Heart of the Legion special rule. Limitations ' dCP'°ym'nt ^ beCT C°mP^. *, r - /.......— completed, the contioQit^ player must place a single additional Objective at the centre of the battlefield or as close as possiWe. At the end of the battle, if the controlling player does not control this Objective the opposing player g^ms +\ Victory point, or ♦ D3 Victory points if the opposing player controls it instead. Limitations • All Legion Tactical Squads, Legion Despoiler Squads and LegiontAssault Squads in a Detachment using this Rite of War must have the Stormwing Unit Sub-type. • All Compulsory Troops choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War must take the maximum number of models possible for that unit. • No Legion Tactical Squad or Legion Despoiler Squad selected in a Detachment using this Rite of War may take a Dedicated Transport. No unit from a Detachment using this Rite of War may be assigned to a Deep Strike Assault, Flanking Assault or Subterranean Assault. If the Primary Detachment of an army is using this Rite jf War, the army's Warlord must have the Stormwing Jnit Sub-type or be Lion EFJonson. All Legion Tartaros Terminator Squads, Legion Cataphractii Terminator Squads and Legion Veteran Squads in a Detachment using this Rite of War must have the Deathwing Unit Sub-type. If the Primary Detachment of an army is using this Rite of W ar. the army’s Warlord must have the Deathwmg Unit Sub-type or be Lion El’)onson.
 anCHS Rm* or W ar I'm» N”" »»m SA*fcmw nux he «rfcrvtrU u Tru»^ I fWlt -i---- ■»-----——■ i • i“*‘_ ^ j pnaiwirnT uxing thi\ Rue *\t War «m* ** wicctrd *% Qnn • vc a DfOcteKM using this Rue of \v*r OMRhMt using rtux Rue of War maUc * »v model' with the Infantry Unit Tvpe. the 1nit Sub-tvpe and with 10 or fewer model' ____yon Lind Rjudcr Proteus Carrier ax a ^ Transport. or. if the unit include' more than -sociris. a Lejrror. Land Raider Spartan up enmrfv of models with the Infanm * list Tree m a Detachment using this Rite of War ¡bcs: iegtn the bottle Embarked on a model with ri* Transport Sob-type that has sufficient Transport •to cam them. This may not be a Vehicle with rieFher Sub-n-pe , unas selected as Troops choices. Legion Predator Sflcxcons and Legion Kratos Squadrons in a Dcocnmenr using this Rite of War must haw the l nit Sub-r>pe. rctn a Detachment using this Rite of War mav to a Deep Strike Assault. Flanking Assault or ieemaxiean Assaulter 2* Prcrurv Detachment of an army is using this Rite ct War. the arms Warlord must haw the Iron wing cot Sub-type or be Lion EJ /onson. kin Uefw! VhP Suh t\nc ,n makr w»k ”-A,n lru\ the» ,, . l***» • ^ ** •‘««‘rtckl I«™. „ “ ‘»"wit Terrain **• "•*«•—> ‘Wwi T«ram. while lmwiubk 0tl a>iwso* ^ Behm: raoiic|> "**>* ■» iiWfcv W4 b, PlJNer nu\ choose to nb tJcP*oNTd. the conevofe* ™ Lu^c r than a ;smm h«e^ ZZH '°to' ““ •*“' “ S' iron 4 battlefield eihTm *!IT'""* On*»™™ Zone iv l i ”'"'PUW' marker indurwCT hm6'0,'m <•*«-> including tcrtain pieces within the zone of this u^TO“Tn™n»Silt other effects tor the duration ot the battle • AHmodels with the Drtadwmg Unit Sub-tvpe m a Detachment using this Rite of War gam *1 toanTo Wound rolls nude against models m am rone of Area Terrain or Terrain Piece that counts as Dangerous Terrain including am- models forced to count other types ot terrain as Dangerous Terrain bv another spcoal rule. Limitations • If the Primary Detachment of an army is using this Rite of War. the array s Warlord must haw the Dreadwing Unit Sub-type or be Lion EDonson. • All units selected as Troops choices. Legion Destroyer Assault Squads and Legion Mortalis Destroyer Squads in a Detachment using this Rite of War must have the Dreadwing Unit Sub-type. • If, at the end of the hattk. there ate cncmv units in the opposing player's Deployment Zone that are not Pinned ot Falling Rack the opposing player gains +D3 \ ictwv po«nts Detachments using this Rite of War may not take Fortification choices.
.........noPo.NTS till ^ *rt »> mbobsm. the Order* of the t i. ‘"r ,ryW teaet ond dangerous knowledge oc9u'rrd on the bmtlefwid IM jltr*1 ^ setrran »orrvr* were m.ruifr, of the Order* untj „„ thnr . ugjon Tartaros Centurion or la*>on Cataphractit Centurion Crnt° Asurto (Da* Angel») »pecial rule may be upgraded to a Palad.n of - „nvul instead of selecting any of the standard Consul upgrade* ^^Zffi***** benrf’<' aj Ru,f* kjron>stika must be given one of the Orders of the ./**•* HC available to the Inner Circle Knights Cenobium at no hu**'<*J ^^'and must increase his WS to 6 and Ld to 10 In addition. point* «** M|ka gains the Stubborn and Adamantium Will Or) ^dUtofthc »«*«' , . H^tonywika must uko i Ttirank greattword (or no addmonal - • “0» ^ lP>biin I cost
.. ... Тм* Sii«*'s Akkow Г**' h*~ d,.rm0t *'шкп»<т Лг fteU of ш*г Rrr* ^OiT И* S**r»VT'» b*si Outrider # l<f*k’n % {*• Reeled a» Troop« i Hokw in a $*»•****' t a**»C ***** R*lc ot Ww pt«*****^ -y—^-teT model« in a Drtachmrm Mm( . ****\jV*M that h»*e the Cavain Unit Tvpe and tfc* ***“ • nn Sub*rvpe gam the the Rampagr (21 fjr*** ; 4*°** ri^»Je up entireh of models «nth the Cavaln or . |Tvpe*andthe Ravmwtngl. rnt Suh-typr ***0* CMfcnk special rule. # ADB»oi____“®nS ** of War ma\ not include * ^jo» with the Vchide Unit Type that do not aho have ^ Fa«. Skimmer or Flyer Unit Sub-types. . t Detachment using this Rite of War may only include a ^ Heavy Support choice. yao selected as Troops and Fast Attack choices -a Detachment using this Rite of W ar must have the «(hpn^J Meet» Unit Sub-type- fa* Pnnun <*\Чаг. the army s Detachment of an anm :s using this Rite Warlord must have the Ravrnwing wns Sub-type or be Lxm ETJonson. • Atthewan, •elect th ■■*** b*ukn мTr “*■**■• fcjtcoiW,, •Mennt HQ, Efacn w Uvdt ^ dedm thr dmn units to their дар» -------—-«.»«-л*, Ftxrwtng Una Sub-tvpr mav *dd .| to Л To Htr rdh made against these Pnonty Targets or <m «ns that a Ptiorttv Target has <omed If the enemy anm does not include ax leas three Pnmarch. HQ. Elites or Lords of War choices then am other units m the аюв> armv may be designated to fiB the remaining repaired Pnonty Targets • Models with both the Character and FcewtngLmi Sub-types m a Detachment usmg this Rite ofWar gam *1 Attack when locked in combat with a Pnonty Target urot. • Up to three units selected as Troops chocesm a Detachment using this Rite of War that have the Firewing Unit Sub-tvpe mav be gnen the Infiltrate mUillndr Limitations • All umts selected as Troops choices m a Detachment using this Rite of War must have the Firewmg Umt Sub-type. the tattle, the opposing planer scores ♦ J At the end ot i V*cartr penrzs for each Pnonty Target unit that has at least one model on the turtiefteki and is neither Pinned or Faiung Back. If the Prinnn Detachment of an anm is using this Rite of War. the array s Warlord must have the Firewng Umt Sub-type or be Lion EHonson. HE
¥ ! ixlutfymaenr .herthefteva L'°tSU°n’ Th<Son°f 'hc font, pri M ws BS s \Sirgf*r . The Leonine P*nopty . The Lion Sword . The Fusil Actinjeus . Stasis grenades • Frag grenades Special Rol„ Ic-gioncc Asurtcr, . • Master of the 'k Nth- • Ad-nanOumV^ • The Lion , Chole, • The Point of the BUd, • Loyalist ' WirlOrd:Sir'0ftl*D«VSwi •Lion Eijonson does not pick one Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-type at the a the battle, instead at the start of each of the controlling playeri turns one of^5 ,,...,m™ron Unit Sub-types may he selected for him - Lon m_^ V the battle, instcaa ui w« -----/----------"‘••if j rums one of th, Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-types may be selected for him - Lon El'lonsonaa Hexagrammaton Sub-type until the start of the controlling players next tun!’” ,t a new Sub-type may be chosen (or the one currently in use retained) **** point Options . Lion ElJonson may exchange the Lion Sword for the Wolf Blade _ ^Wiriord^ireofthe Dark Angels On the battlefield Lion El'lonson is a figure of quiet and terrifying focus, a storm whose true force is caged within a will of iron. Those who fight by his side draw strength from his restraint, from the knowledge that should the tide of battle tip against them, the Lon will hose his rage and let nothing keep him from victory. If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Lion El’lonson automatically has the Sire of the Dark Angels Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait. Sire of the Dark Angels - All models with the Legiones As tart es (Dark Angels) special rule in the same army as Lion El’Jonson gain the Crusader special rule, and any friendly models with the Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) special rule that can draw line of sight to Lion El’Jonson may add +1 to their Leadership iTo a maximum of Ld 10). In addition, an army with Lion El’lonson as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Shooting phase as long as Lion El JonsonJhas not been removed as a casualty.
rv „tjaI went A«* ha"1' *» had bureau „„I "fth'l°’ ** ,hr rlh<wni mean. ■ d"Znt brwr hU fnrmy SWl'ly a,hewK able and a*"« ot *“**'* hark no wmp Of his l*"r ho wcucalploy or shoo of arrngth could coy hi, l’r\n,„, nor do» his onslaught oner haul, WUI ,v,ned W** ,nd only on thr point of a blade ¿tclanng J Charge for l.ion El’jonson and any ^obr ha» roined. the controlling player may choovr malt a Charge roll to determine their Charge Jounce and instead make a Charge move of 8” for I . ^ 1 nonson and any unit he has joined, ignoring the I r*ct<of»ff>‘u|t Terrain and Dangerous Terrain and aiding no bonuses to the distance moved for the unit’s I yC^nt Characteristic or Wargear ! TVLxw sCholer \ Po Lord of the Fits’ Legion had faced terrors unimaginable if, mortal man and triumphed, had vanquished foes dBf threatened the utter extinction of life as it is known pdslotn creatures more vast than even the greatest war ] trtf mes When he went into battle there were few foes i aortic of death at the Lions hand, and only those that I ioddprove by bloody defiance that they were worthy of his I trmtf would witness the true choler of the Lion. I When reduced to 4 Wounds or less Uon El'Jonson gains «1 Attack, increased to +2 Attacks when reduced to 2 ■ | founds or less. j The Leonine Panoply The Leonine Panoply provides a 2+ Armour Save and | a <• Invulnerable Save. The first failed Invulnerable Save made for Uon El'Jonson each player turn may be rerolled. ^*e FuiiJ Actinaeus ^re weapon listed here is counted as a 'Plasma' weapon L - weapons. “ciciitOUn f * Unties that affect such t ^ fltsil ''Ornaeus* Range Str AP Type The Lion S ___ Range Str AP Type The Lion Sword' User 1 Melee. AimouAmc MN, Fkahbanc. Master-eraftcd Instant Death. Two-handed The Wolf BUde The weapon listed here is counted as a "Power weapon for those rules that affect such weapons. Range Str AP Type The Wolf Blade' *2 3 MeWe. 18- 3 Assault 2, Twin-linked, Blind, Rending (3+) Two-handed. Shred, breaching (4vj, Reaping Blow (2). Mavtercrafted. Fearsome Ruin !Ch S,Uffm ont or more caauaiues from this wraoon and makes a Morale check dunng the Assa^ n^ mustro'l an addinonai D6 for that Check and keep 'HC h‘st’fs'di«‘° determine the result oftS Morale check. Both the Lion Sword and the Waif Blade benefit from the *1 To H" from 'be Deathwing Unit Sub-type dunng am rum where Uon B/onson is using that Unit Sub-type Stasis Grenades Once per battle, Uon ETJonson’s controlling player may choose to use stasis grenades when a Charge is declared for Uon El jonson and any unit he has joined. If the Charge for which the stasis grenades are used is successful then the target enemy unit or units must take an Initiative test (using the majority Initiative value of -the unit(s)). If the Initiative test is passed then there is no further effect. If any of the target units fail the Test, then all enemy models in that unit must reduce their Initiative by -1 for the duration of the Assault phase in which the Charge was made. ^bingin **nef,tsfrom +/ To Hit from the ^hnson i, n,t Suh'type during any turn where Uon ~ ‘^that Unit Subtype.
Unit Co ni pot it ion • 4 I Vjthwtng Companion* • I Dcjlhwing Oiihbrjrct VnHT^, Wupit • Olibunitc wjibhJc • Bolter • Holt pistol ■ Artificer armour ■ Frag grenades 1 Krak grenades Refractor field (Deathwing * ^-"HwmgOathbrarr, Inf«*-iCKlrvtn IV...I_. (Character. IVathwin*) Special Rules • Legiones Astarte» (Datk Angels) • Death-sworn Companions • Chosen Warriors • Relentless • Deathwing Retinue Oathbearer only) Dedicated Transport • A Deathwing Companion Detachment may take a Legion Rhino Transport or I-egion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. Options • The Dcathwmg Companion Detachment may take: - Up to 5 additional Deathwing Companions_______________-*2S points each • Any model with a bolter may take: •Bayonet......................................... *1 point each - Chain bayonet............................................»2 points each • All models in the Deathwing Companion Detachment may take - Mclta bombs___________________________________________*2S points per unit • Any model in the unit may exchange its Calibanitc warblade for one of the following: • Power fist________________________________________________♦$ points each - Terranic greatsword.........................................+S points each ■ Any model in the unit may exchange its bolter for one of the following: - Magna combi-weapon.......-................................+10 points each • Minor combi-weapon.—........................................+$ points each One Deathwing Companion may take a: - Legion vexilla...........................................„..+10 point If the model for which the Deathwing Companion Detachment has been selected as part of the Deathwing Retinue special rule has a Legion Warhawk jump pack then the Deathwing Companion Detachment must select the same upgrade. - Plasma pistol...... - Cytheron pattern aegis ____+10 points each ____+10 points each paying the cost listed below-: - legion Warhawk jump pack, ♦10 points each
.cfChc Rrtifiuf honoured « r <W pnx™*m <*** »«W, ^-thw.«* eompiiwon Deuthmrn« may only be «rimed as . fv,^______ ^ «tth bt^ ih^ ^thc •'Htion and the d1« ac ka* oec oanner .s considered a -Retinue Squad and «he model **** A «* «»««* ^STa-T«M-u. ode, •' referred .oa, «He ^ '**£petachjncn« indudes more than one eligible Leader «hen the control!™ °* *hn ***c'*1 rule 1 -fcrl TV Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Or*» meat, on do« mlZ!* P<TJ'fWxt' °** unn' ¡¡^•elected a» tu Leader The Retmue Squad mu« be deployed w«h «he "f* !^citV un.« and «he Leader may no« voluntarily Wave the Retmue Squad durmg pU A l pgxteua* may not be elected as part of an army without a Leader Other»0 Pattern Aegis A eeaaon of the long lost city of Cytheron on Mercury, these devices are l d* ferocity of Sol itself. ! upon the power fields that once held at bay fl*Otheron pattern aegis can be used m one of two ways: it can either provide the bearer with a 4- Invulnerable $„* against Shooting Attacks and a S+ Invulnerable Saw against Mdee Attacks, or it can be deployed. The cccBoUtng player may choose to deploy the Cytheron pattern aegis at the end of any of their own Movement phases [•¿x an« must be deplovxrd on the battlefield and not Embarked upon any raodell as long as at lea« two models in the unit are equipped with Cytheron pattern aegis - all models in the unit that have a Cytheron partem aegis must dtpiov diem to gain any benefit. While deployed, the entire unit gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save against Shooting cocks and a S+ Invulnerable Save against Melee Attacks, and anv enemy models Engaged with a model from the Dearhwmg Companion s Deuchment in an assault have their Initiative reduced by -L However, while deployed, the mr^i< equipped with Cytheron pattern aegis may not make attacks in any Phase or as part of any Reaction. The controlling player mav choose to end the deployment at the start of any of their own Movement phases, or if the number of Cytheron pattern aegis-equipped models in the unit drops below two. the effect immediately ends. i*atfl-swom Companions i ’¡sandamong the honoured dead, I Beyond the reach of doubt and uncertainty, Beyond the frailties of flesh and honour, wknr only duty remains.' Opening stanza of The Last Oath, from the initiator)' rites of the Deathwing Componk ^ -m that mcludes atleast one model with this special rule ignornthe^? P!'ra*on Shots (X) 2nd Sniper special rules. and casualties from Shootmg Attack. i‘*Xated to a model of the controlling player’s choice. --------—
Marduk Sedras . \\W [&}//// J ¡^“"hc'V^y-.hirdOrd«, Fska.onof.hc Dreading, Preceptor of the Shattered Sceptre 220 PolNTs IP. A irtenm of the ewrUert horrid of the Terror, vton of Umfcanoti. Marduk . has wned the Emperor m battle for mart than i fmo and-a-half centunn. temper rhofi almost | ar.y other thing Space Mann*. He ha* seen battle on \*rnid> uirhout | number and akmgstde heroes. Pnmarchs and the tmpeme hrmseff. Indeed. . there are few foes or baakfields that Marduk Sedras has not beheld and mastered, and the laics he ceib of kmg-forgotten i campaigns and fallen empires serve to inspire and educate both the newt) l recruited and initiated warriors and veterans of the legion alike. His long record of service within the First Legion began in the ranks of the now-defunct Host of Stone, where he was acknowledged as the pre- I foment siege master of the 1 l egion, an ■ ie i uhi I 'a:cr enter the ranks of the during. Rather than i n the Council of Masters > ¡mur.i, Sedras opted ' cot the lesser rank Marduk Sedras Unit Composition . I Marduk Sedras Wargcar • Plasma burner . Three phosphex bombs • Grenade harness . Regalia of the Shattered Sceptre . The Death of Worlds M _WS BS S "6 6 s r A U ^ 4 Unit Typ« • Infantry (Unique. Character. Heavy Dreadwing) Special Rules • Legion« Astartes (Dark Angels) • Master of the Legion • Independent Character • Relentless • Ancient of War • Loyalist • Warlord: Preceptor of the Shattered Sceptre Warlord: Preceptor of the Shattered Sceptre Marduk Sedras, as so many of his brethren in the First Legion did, wore many titles. He was lord of the Twenty-third Order, an Eskatonof the Dreadwing and also Preceptor of the Shattered Sceptre. The Shattered Sceptre are one of many Orders of the Hckatonystika. dedicated to the fall of false kings and the dismemberment of empires. When he took to the field, this dour veteran often did so at the head of a phalanx of his Orders finest warriors. If chosen as the army's Warlord, Marduk Sedras automatically has the Preceptor of the Shattered Sceptre Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait. Preceptor of the Shattered Sceptre - If Marduk Sedras is the army’s Warlord then a unit of Inner Circle Knights Cenobium may be selected as part of the same HQ choice. A unit selected in this manner is considered a Retinue Squad'. The Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as Marduk Sedras. The Retinue Squad must be deployed with Marduk Sedras deployed as part of the unit and Marduk Sedras may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. However, if this option is selected then no other unit may be selected for Marduk Sedras using the Retinue or Deathwing Retinue special rules. In addition, an army with Marduk Sedras as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player s Assault phase as long as Marduk Sedras has not been removed as a casualty.
1 a mastemori TfrranK 9rratiM'ordgranted to Cofjuum fc> /, ^atAdsexmorsby Levon Master Unan Vtndtaia toLl 'Z'T' ?*"* * '* that 7V «.a, ^ycampa^ogains,,Hat foul »not breed by a champs ond*m mddZ'ZZ^ TV »«pon ^rc is counted * a IWe, Wapon fo, «nat aflect UKh weapons R^njcc Sir AP T>pt Du«^' «*(* n •TV /»Wr *ri« 'he ./70 "« procTdrd fe> the Deathssing Vntt Sub-type ^ Armour of the Forest and the Mantle of the Champion A masterfully *rought suit of artificer armour struck from Tenon steel in the hean nf r ^ ,. <m* hand, the Armour of the lores! emhodtes the peoymatom of the Ua„>n lf4 jL, *7?“ * ** **" Oon'» i£"r'rtt »„tSL, 4 the Dari Angels, obscuring the symbols of his Order and Host so that he ought sene the enure leLn Zh JZZ purpose as their champion. * •ww> 07 The Armour of the Forest and the Mantle of the Champion grant Conwain a 2* Armour Save and a 4. Invulnerable Sts*, improved to3* against close combat attacks.
Eaen among U'< brethren of the tn/itmou * Dreoduimi the Interemptors are a gnn breed. iiedy.utrdat they areroa angularpurpose - the utter annihilation ty (V enemy. When the \nteremptors attack, theI I .r, o behind no tract of rAei compter - no \\t.cs no ruins, nothing. [ . take no trophies of h •■Htonn and ted no p of those that hair l i before them, those figned to death at r hands are forgotten lx" They are the Lion * sanction, his I urse for those foolish I. -.1 to stand against »>: Legion a*: ¿r: M vvs BS S 7 4 4 7 4 4 4 A Ld s« 2 T" * 9 ~lr J* Unit Type . Intcrcmptor: Infantry (Dreadwmg) . Intcrcmptor Praefcctus. Infantry (Character. Dreadwing) Special Rule« • Legion« Astaitcs (Dark Angels) . Stubborn • Counter-attack (1) • Bitter Duty Intcrcmptor Intcrcmptor Praefcctus Unit Composition • 4 Interemptors • I Intcrcmptor Praefcctus Wargear • Plasma burner • Bolt pistol • Basic dose combat weapon • Rad grenades • Frag grenades • Krak grenades • Power armour
• |'r4H»p4,r* lnXttt'TZ^X Z^n^T" TV“''''*''' ” - l**" ^ lUidcr P totem C.trtet ... • Æa* *•«***■»** Tf«mpoft,tht*doe* notuuupan Korvc Organisation slot, hut lu point* c<h| mu« .till he paid fof .* part of the almy ^^dwing Interemptor St|u.ul may take: • lV in additional Interemptor*........................................... m*y,4ke •°* i vexlll* • Legion ................ • Interemptor may take. . On* . Nuncio vox............. # out inwremptoi may take . Augury scanner............................ . R* every five models In the unit, one may exclunKc Its ol „m, i . Missile launcher with «uspensor web, rad mlul|„ and «a.T, JJT'IT ' * . pUsma incinerator............................... 'Ilc* —.................... , i he Interemptor Praefectus may t.ik* up to . Three phosphex bombs.......................... - Melta bombs.......................................... The Interemptor Praefectus may exchange his power armour for.......... . Artificer armour.......................................... ♦ 20 point« each ... «10 point« ..... «10 point« .... «10 point« ..♦IS point* each „...♦IS point« each ..♦lO point* each ........♦lO points ♦10 point Plasma Burner and Plasma Incinerator A dangerous offshoot of more common plasma technology, these weapons vent plasma gas through a magnetic bottle in high-speed jets. Any enemy caught in the path of such a jet is quickly reduced to molten slag, annihilated by pressurised torrents of raw plasma, leaving no trace of its presence. However, the magnetic fields that keep the superheated gas contained are fragile and emit a low-intensity field of radiation, and as such the average Interemptor remains combat-liable for only a few short decades before requiring augmetic replacements or reassignment to a Dreadnought sarcophagus. The weapons listed here are counted as ‘Plasma weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. Range Plasma burner Template Plasma incinerator Template Str AP Type 6 4 Assault 1, Breaching (4+) 6 4 Assault 1, Breaching (4+), Torrent (9") 4* yM.' w- ? ,¿ÍF?' *#ea ’ n, r . *• â ^ >* V ^v •* * . wj*- • ‘ / iA* ÏS1; $?'t r*'Tg& Y*' ' • ti * oKSSw Jtv • j-.a- '
Corswain.............................200 Point« Paladin of the Ninth Order, Champion of the Dark Angel* Legion * M WS BS S T Corswain ximpion of the Pari get*. Contain* name ne which иill echo i n through the ages. mphfying the qualities alwart determination mastery of the e. Corswain w«s the g star amongst his im in the annals of real Crusade. Hu he righteous path \ paladin, and being f Caliban but not rained scion of hr, Corsu ain was W placed to bridge nans within the h its formative der the Primarch; n recognised о good use by m son. Under the sw am would •d to serve no: ost or Order Legion, hut to the respect and of all. E\en of the Age of | tiled. Corswain Unit Composition • 1 Corswain Wargcar • Bolt pistol • Bolter • The Blade • Armour of the Forest and the Mantle of the Champion • Frag grenades • Krak grenades Unit Type • Infantry (Unique. Character, Deathwing) Special Rules • Lcgiones Astartes (Dark Angels) • Master of the Legion • Independent Character • Relentless • Precision Strikes (4*) • loyalist • Warlord: Marshal of the Crown (Deathwing) Warlord: Marshal of the Crown (Dcathwing) Corswain was renowned amongst the ranks of the First legion and beyond not ! only for his grasp of the tactics employed by his own-brethren, but also by the other I Legions. When confronted in battle, the foe could not predict the strategy that wvuld | be deployed against them by such a warrior, and would have to fight both uncertainty 1 and the warriors of the Dark Angels. If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Corswain automatically has the Marshal of the | Crown (Deathwing) Warlord Trait (see page 152) and may not select any other Warlord Trait. Imperial I WW *
-*ут* | Sedras has sersed hi, Legion for m„rr lhan ttm tmurjn I ¿¿v*«7*11« O'" "* fo"9>™- of,Hr Crru, Crux* 7^: S»»« »Wks „ worrf ,„ each of their Ugsons at war in warzonn beyond sount ,H,„ ^\l"Ugh'b"'* r°<h of lhr rnncnZ 7, J /auglones. ^ ,n Hi, taie, other, find ,hr wisdom ,B I ., [he start °^*h,r h'*11'0, J(fct deployment but before the first iurn l . „V Faction from .l.o Allies In .he Age of Darkness table. mdudrng e.ZTh "T ConUaU'”* ** may vies, a J (ha. * rcprc«n.ed in .he enemy army. Marduk Sedras. and any friendly uni s 7T °f ** I utcd'l special rule .ha. nave at leas, one model wnhin 6' of Marduk Srd "’’h 'he lepones Astanes (Dark wahKh he Is Embarked when all models have been deployed but beforemV ^ ,ht Tran‘P<>" Sub ty Enemy (Chosen Fadon) special rule for all models in .ha. unit for the dura.L r * T* T,Urn- *■*'",h' Reserves. .his special rule has no effect. "on of .he hat.le If Marduk Sedras is i. Rqtalia of the Shallered Sceptre ! Crafted in the forge-fanes ofXana after the end of the second Rangdan Xenocide and mtteA , s c Shattered Sceptre, this armour has served the Order since that day. Forged so that ,ts blare, m ah^l ! of death worlds, this ornate Cataphractii plate hides an array of field props tors designed to nullify dangerous iradond”^ I phag< contaminants. The Regalia of the Shattered Sceptre confers a 2c Armour Save and a 4c Invulnerable Save. In addition the Regal,a of die Shattered Sceptre also allows its bearer to automatically pass any Dangerous Terrain tests that model iscalled upon to take. Tl»e Death of Worlds A rrik of the First legion, the blade known as the Death of Worlds was pattern-welded from fragments of adamant,urn collected from the hise cities of the first world to fall under the Eskaton, the edict of utter destruction. With each world its welder presides oser the death of, new fragments are added to its length and, by the end of the Great Cmsade, the Death of Worlds had grown to such length that only the strongest warriors in the Ugion could hear it into combat The shards pattrm-wrlded to its edge carry the curse of a thousand dead worlds, the ragged blade tearing apan its victims with a vicious spite The Death of Worlds Range AP Type 2 Melee, Unwieldy, Two-handed, Curse of Dead Worlds Curse of Dead Worlds: Invulnerable Saves taken against hits inflicted by this «^Jf Wori^takes an a n,.n,mum of 6c (for example, a model with a 4c invulnerable Save struck by the Death Invulnerable Save of only 5c against the attack).
. KNIGHTS CENOBIUM--------- .^sek Circle *ni »7s I»0 1' ■ M ws B!> s T___ w | 5» . , order f"«Ptor war**«- ••«word . Terr**«*1“" . pu»m*-<J*,rr . ujjooCâuphrac«' Tcrmiruiof armour Unit Type . Infantry (Character, Heavy) Special Rule» . legione» Astartc» (Dark Angth, . Rclentle»» . Bulky (2) . Stubborn . Adamantium Will (J*) . Order Exemplar» *r‘K o ....* ,ht* ^ h.H'M iyl (Vdkated *>"“*** Cenobium of no more than S model» may take a Levy* . An Inner Circle * „ j, Dedicated Transport, or for a unit of S or try*, Und ***?[ JTund Raider Spartan. As a Dedicated Transport this does not ** m°'^addinonaI Force Organisation »lot. but its points cost mutt still be p** fc, ts part of the army. ♦SO points each Options . The Inner Circle Knights Cenobium may take: • Up to S additional Order Cenobites-------------- . One Order Cenobite may take: • Legion vexilla......-.-................................. • Any model in the unit may exchange its Terranic greatsword for a: - Thunder hammer-----------------------------------------------------fat • The Order Preceptor may take the following: - Grenade harness.............................................. a&pnmtt -♦10 points c- . slayers of Kings Weapon Skill of . Hunters of Bca? combat with inc Toughness is 6 r • Reapers of Hos than one cnenv • Breakers of Wi enemy unit tha Pksma-caster * 0rdnancc,/ , The weapon list« »'Usma- V.ISU-! • ■*
emperor^ children ymhc Emperor's Children were the only Legion to bear %^the Emperor's own name and his own standard - the great Palatine Aquila granted to them by his own hand. Few were ever so honoured among the Space Marine legions and and few had less cause to betray a father than they. Given the plaudits and accolades accorded them, few could doubt that they were the embodiment of what the Emperor intended the Ugiones Astartes to be: noble in action and aspect, excelling in all matters, strong, civilised, firm of purpose and loyal to the core. From this height they descended in treachery to the low est and \ilest of creatures, enslaved to pride and consumed by desires that no natural pow er could fulfil. The history of their deeds before their fall is not simply a history of what they were and what they achieved, but as with others that turned traitor, a history of how they created their own doom, for as the ancient texts say ‘Pride goeth bcf0 seldom has this proverb been more ......... ..... ■ ” ,,K,>eaptiK the 111'4 Legion of the Space Matines. * 'n % Betrayal changed the Emperor s < recognition: their quest for perfection for excess, and the finely balanced order of th \ *N0 Structure twisted until it shattered. This no* iT*"*' showed its commitment to Homs' cause ihroutf^ massacres and brutal conquests, the indifferc^ showed for the suffering of friend and foe alikel-the change that had overtaken the Emperor's Despite this, it would be the martial prowess of Emperor's Children that formed the stable founds the Warmastcr's rebellion. Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions Flawless Execution I 1 >n «turn m which they make a successful Charge, even if that Charge is considered a Disordered Charge, models | with the Legiones Astartes (Emperor's Children) special rule make their attacks in an assault at one Initiative «cp higher than normal - after any Initiative modifiers from other special rules have been taken into account. Models I With the Legiones Astartes (Emperor's Children) special rule and the Vehicle Unit Type gain a bonus of ♦! to all To I I lit rolls made for Defensive weapons when making a Shooting Attack as part of a Reaction. I'm Pf.rff.ct Tools Models with this special rule gain I I access to unique Wargear options 1 | (sec Hie Armoury’ of the Emperor's Children on page 1S4 _____ | The Phoenician’s Own I Any legion Tartaros Centurion | with this special rule may select the Phoenix Warden Consul upgrade (see The Armoury of the Emperor’s | hildrcn on page 1SS). ____ I Exemplars of War — I A Warlord with this special rok | may select a Warlord Trait from , I the Emperor's Children Warlord Trait list. -¿L I Í4
Id specific tions use _______________ „--------7CbiU,«n Advanced Reaction t.MrEBoB * R,lction is available only to units composed entirely of models with the Leg,ones Astai ArfvAOcef J special ru,e. Unlike Core Reactions, Advanced Reactions are activated in union-T"' tor's Cltu ^ jn their descriptions, and can often have game changinv .«• ^¡"stances,as |ayers Reaction Allotment as normal ana • VintS°s«c.fically noted otherwise in »*■- ' Jess>t,sS^ eircunn—-------- -------nesci ,p points of a Reactive players React, ¡jess it is specifically noted otherwis rtes urJeSS"~' ' , ..........theirdescrip^'“« The Perfect Counter - This Advanced React Assault phase when any enemy unit declares Tc7'ybc m*d' o, imposed entirely of models with the Legion« a8' 'arS«inv ic made for the encmv unir . es ^startec /*?_ "°Shddlni'Und- *e'P,U>Cr's roll -. —.»player’s tor tne enemy unit making ‘“"Reacting unit. If the result of the Reacting unit's Charge Distance roll is equal to or greatVfthaX o'hj" ' emy uni' then the Reactive player may choose to make a Charge with the Reacting unit immediately canceling e.*Zmy »nit'S ChargC 'f' “ rC“Srh Z the USUa'benCfitS °f;' Charge, or ff the Rea’r" tier's Charge Distance roll ,s lower than that of the enemy unit, the Reactive player may choose to have the P 7, a Shooting Attack targeting the enemy unit and which must bc fully resolved before the -- Charge. A unit that makes a Shooting Attack as part of a The Perf.~ ~ * °ks indirectly (without line of sight) including - 7 that otherwise 1 " incc t00r greater tha^ncer0" I ,n«unhimmedfl,hatoft^ -i««* co or grea ------ and gaining all the usual h ^'V!1'' Reactins unit ir r I nla,*r's Charge Distance roll is lower than that of the enemy unit th "u °f 3 successf“> C / ¿¿t a Shooting Attack targeting the enemy unit and which rnusi be "“y C / *, own Charge. A unit that makes a Shooting Attack as part of a The ll feet r ‘h / attacks indirectly (without line of sight) including weapons with the r ,1 °Untcr Rca«i. I mles that otherwise ignore line of sight, and models with the v„i-, • - aSe special r,.i-I Template weapons may only be used - ' roust use the Wall of Death rule P^maychooit' 'ht^ctinR normally.
^ Warlord Traits „ „con's CHILD**** Children) special rule may select a Warlord T,,, , Jm Mirror (Traitor only) rOtn % The B^en Mirro eW<«* o/^ot/r *^jtt%**y~* wrought a temble Wh<reon(tthey l^SSEE** **~n ego and Inflicted ■\ standards. This Warlord Trait may only be selected by a model with the TnkorAlkgunce. When a friendly unit comprised of more than one model and within 12" ofa Warlord with this Trait, including the Warlord and any unit it has joined, fails a Morale check, instead of Falling Back it must instead suffer one Wound that cannot be negated by an)’ Armour Sam or Damage Mitigation rolls (this Wound Is allocated by the unit’s controlling player). Once this Wound has been resolved, the unit is considered to have passed the Morale check and play continues as normal. In addition, an army whose WWord has this Trait may nuke an additional Reaction during the opposing players Shooting phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty. Marty« of Ustvan (Loyalist only) A* the horrors of the Horus l/eresy/W/0<roiJ jo too did the legend of the Martyr* ©/7iltVo warriors that had stood in the face ofanmhZ, h'J” the Warmaster and grant the /mpe/fuma^T* victory - and chief among the names ofthose'!^ q heroism was Saul Tarvitz, a humble captain W. Children. Some among the UP Legion looked as their Primarch wallowed in debauchery and15 accepted hubris like a virtue. These warriors cast off Vs** of Fulgrim's treachery and swore to defend the Imi..'"'’ their dying breath. This Warlord Trait the Loyalist Allegiance A Warlord with this Trait and all ^t, Hit), — models in a unit the Warlord has joined that have the Legiones Acunes (Emperors Children) special rule gain a bonus of »110 all To Hit rolls made while locked in combat w ith an enemy unit that has any version of the Legiones Asurtcs (X) special rule and the Traitor Allegiance. In addition an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player s Asu phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty. Paragon of Excellence The Emperor’s Children prided themsehx -in all things, and those among their nun. the acknowledgement of Ful grim himse!; icons for the rest of the Legion to emulate led by example, first onto the field and n ground in the face of the enemy. Those t into battle strove to meet the standards t themselves beyond their limits out of loy their own mettle. When any friendly unit within 12” ofaV> Trait, including the Warlord and any unit passes a Morale check it gains +1 Weapon $k 11 end of the controlling player’s next turn (thi- h- nc!u un only be applied once per Game Turn to any single unit. In addition, an army whose Warlord lias this 1 fait njli-make an additional Reaction during the opposes P’'f Movement phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty. ‘lienee "smtd riots íátr •th this .'ined.
use of the following Rite* of War children R'TES °f War 0g’S hc ugiones Astartes (Emperor's Children) Faction may make 'vhich ’Tast one model with the Master of the Legion special rule . ! THE MAR<J Skara tof«*r ...............i*hn‘ gff*‘ \Va*: „rear pride both in its excellence ero* ability to systematise and replicate Pt^r°rS „A its ability’ to .. . ^ ™ ’‘ “P'n'n“a something of an existential 1*t&defiM a Zloyment It needed, and execute ensts. 1 he Primarch Fulgrim withdmv from hi* Legion for 0strategic air / Qffhc innumerable such long months, for reason* rhnr _j_jr ^"^dessly °n ^T^Emperor's Children operated. *** Lu ond “i"° J fc ,ht legion's praetor, looking to t&ZLthereby glory in the eyes of *UV- . „.„s the Maru Skara or ‘Killing */*%nand Primarch - was....--------- • yarned after one of the most difficult strikes in the lore *“■ çumpic duelling cults, it called for a precisely /.moving feint designed to engage an opponent's n second, invariably fatal, blow could be dealt ■ r---r..,m aft**" "*3sachat a second,, mu»«».; --- J“, jt „hick there could be no defence from. four units selected as Elites, Troops or Fast Attack * choice' in a Detachment with this Rite of War and that jo not include any models with the Heavy, Slow or Bombard Unit Sub-type may be granted the Outflank special rule at the start of the battle, before any models are deployed . Allofthe controlling player's units made up entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Emperors Children) special rule that are part of a Detachment using this Rite of War and deployed on the battlefield at the start of the battle may add +1 to their Movement if Characteristic until the start of any turn on which the controlling player chooses to bring any of their own units into play from Reserves, including those deployed aspartofa Deep Strike Assault, Flanking Assault or Subterranean Assault. ■ The controlling player does not make Reserves rolls for any units assigned to a Flanking Assault or Subterranean Assault. Instead, the controlling player may choose to have all units assigned to a Flanking Assault or Subterranean Assault deploy onto the battlefield at the start of any of their turns after the first without making a Reserves roll. Rite of War: 111“ Company Elite In the aftermath of the Dropritr Massacre on fsstvan V, the Emperors Children experienced something of an existential crisis. The Primarch Fulgrim withdrew from his Legion for long months, for reasons that would not be understood for some time. In his absence, passions long held in check by duty and devotion were unleashed, and experiments begun at the earliest stages of the legion's fall found a foothold amongst willing subjects, most especially among the elite Third Company which soon came to be emblematic of the change that had overcome the Emperor's Children. Effects • Kakophoni Squads may be taken asTroops choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War. • Any unit composed entirely of models with both the Legiones Astartes (Emperor's Children) special rule and the Infantry Unit Type that is part of a Detachment using this Rite of War may select a single Surgical Augment at +30 points per unit. All models in the unit must be given the same Surgical Augment. Limitations • This Rite of War may only be used by a Detachment with the Traitor Allegiance. • All models with the Character Unit Sub-type in a Detachment using this Rite of War must have a Surgical Augment (cither bought as part of an upgrade to the unit, using the rules for this Rite of War, or bought separately using the rules presented in The Armoury of the Emperor's Children). Limitations • Detachments using this Rite of War may not include models with a Movement Characteristic of 0 or any models with the Slow or Bombard Unit Sub-type. • No more than half of the total number of units in a Detachment using this Rite of War may be assigned to a Flanking Assault, Subterranean Assault or otherwise J. held in Reserve at the start of the battle. • Detachments using this Rite of War must take a Legion Centurion, Legion Cataphractii Centurion, or Legion Tartaros Centurion with the Legion Champion or Phoenix Warden Consul upgrade as a HQ choice.
THE ARMOURY of THE EMPEROR’S CHILDrE , The foaowrtg comprise» a list of options and ViXXeu a-, a .table only to Detachments with the 1 (Emperor'»Children) special rule and exemplifies the nature of that Legion. L*K'0r'-t' Aiu,^ SlRCICAL At'CME NTS fcmardi the endof the On: Crusade. the legioni amvurrrt andepotheeann had begun to experience • sefnena andpt^Ubtonk weaponry based. h part, on ten* designs. Although their true bftahhrouahu ,.'t<'9ko1 nee cent until pirn unholy unpetus and inspiration during the Legion* fell, some succeu hed already been ' °f fir!ds »«‘Id flfrvn.T oynSu imfianu which me re finding teleethruv as the Homs Heresy dawned, 'fuchtd in <rK. Any model with the TV*.tor Allege and both the Leffones Astarte* (Emperor's Children) specul rule and the OurKte. LM Sub*type but not the Unique Subtype nay select a sir#Je Surgical Augment from the list below , <(W of «¡0 potws - Soak Shrieken - Dunng a turn in which a unit with at least one model equipped with sonic shr-.ei.ers sutcessfu" Charges, or is themselves successfully Charged, all models in any enemy unlt(s) locked in combat with them „. «r? -1 penalty to all To Hit roUv Models which art immune to the effects of the fear (X) specul rule arc not affected £ * thuraoddier • Subsonic Falser - A model equipped this upgrade, and any unit it joins, ignores the penalties to Leadcrsh.o and Ballistic Stull unposed by the Night Fighting special rules p - Sook Lance - A model equipped with this upgrade gains the sor.ic lance weapon- Weapon Range Str AP Type Sonic lance Template 2 • Assault 1. Breaching (6«), Pinning Phoenix Pattern Power Weapons forged at works ofertSS much as eh ey were fearsome weapons, rhe Phoenir pattern of power »eapon relied on a certain anurry »-.cli the Mode over Vice force Thty combined the finer aspects of the famed Chamcbol blades with rhe pc/uer fields of Terras design, creating a weapon fncored by the Emperor's Children cnee the more common power weapon Any model with the Legiones Asunes (Emperor's Children) specul rule and Charac ter Unit Sub type may exchange i power weapon for one of the following for no additional points cost All weapons listed here are counted as Power' weapons for those rules that affect such weapons Weapon Phoenix rapier Pbornu power spear Range Str AP Type • Uw J Melee, Rending (6»J. Murderous Strike (6*1 ♦2 J Melee, Reach (1). Murderous Stnkc (6»), Breaching (6*1 Two-handed ouoBNix Wardens * , TiH»rOT C<nlunon v'1tl1 thc **&*** -Usuries Au u?p»ded to a FWu Warden pik Ckfl«W»*Mjl <**<*•»*“’«' ■ f" *V 'W* **t* WA„ ,,X onT social R“1« ■nTe Pboenix Warden pin» the Skill Unmatched and Using kc<a wu- ^ 51011 Unmatched \Wn a combat that invoke* one or model! »tth (hit special rule »roobed btiy< ihe »Urt of step 10 the control!.!-* player 0f», rxdc'.sm¡Jut ccoio, w«h this special rule mas- select one of the th.-ce foOcming cptxn» ar>j ^ ,,v eflecw of that option to al! models with thil special rule for the dunce« of that Ac«uh phase When a unit contain* more than one model with t>j vpecial m!<. then all model» in that unit mu»t »elect the tame option Jece U cbc«r»- . A Perfect Guard: 1 f a model or models with the Skill LVarutched spec«’ rue »elects this option, they mits! increase that Weapon Sia b> .1 Ur the purpose of determining the score required for enemy model» to make To Hu ro5t only, but mu« reduce their Attacks Characteristic by -l . A Perfect Strike: If a model or models ssith the Skill Unmatched »pedal rule »elects this option, they must increase the.r Weapon SbJl by for the p jpose Of detcrm.nlng the score reduced for that models To Hi: roO» larsetiag er-em models only, but mu»t reduce their Attacks Characteristic by I. i- A Perfect Fury: If a model oc models With the Skull Unmatched »pecial rule se'ects this option, they must increase their Attacks by -1, but must reduce their Weapon SMI by-I [Using Icon» Tfcoe usance» hose drd.cared themsehel nee ,-ujt to (he perfect»» ofsfcYer <w ice ii tmMyinj tht uMUnt e.'e<jonce ofthtj Primorch and standinj ei an aemp-V to their brtlhrtn. All tht MOmdrr of tht Emptror’i Children aspst to atdi catltnct. ard in betue “ill suffer an/ hardthlp to a send dishonour ,n the presence ofiuch po-oprea A model ssith this special rule, and all mode!» in any friend!) unit with the Uj***s A«aites (Emperor's Ch.idren) »pecial ru!e and at lea« one rode! «thin fr‘ of a rr*od«J «th this special rule , piM ♦! t© KOf« U»«d 10 cdOlktC t>* * * g g“*« ¿«ring the Assault phase The effects of tha special rule di nor stack, u* wy ghen unit can only be affected by a single in«ance of this special rule - tr* ^ «<f«t» of this special rule do suck ssith the effects of Fulgnm's Sue of the | «perof » Children ipcoil rule. Wargea r * Hi« Phoenix Warden gams a Pheenix pattern posser weaponofinyk.r.d •ton halo at no additional points cost
Palatine Blade Squad <>si> VeMCeefetf*« # 4 PllltxK WVT>OTl . i paistioc Prefect« «lljur . fctfpirtol . Chamlbal »capon . Fn||itMd<» . Krai grenades . ArtlACCT armour Dcdkaled Transport L-.HT>p, • PiUtlncWinJo,., . • P^!llKr,tlt<|0( S (Character) 'nUn^ Sp*tUI Rolf« • LiforH» Avurrc, (Empiror'» Child, «„I • Relentless • Chosen Warn«,. • Counter-attack (1) • Skill L'nnutch<d . A ralKit* Blade Squad may take a legion Rhino Transport, leg™ (, , lepett Termite Assault Dn!l as a Dedicated TVansport. As a Dedicated /rj, N !>it docs not use up an additional For« Organisation »Io«, but ttt „ *'"‘Por' stdl be paid foe a* part of the army. Options The Palatine Slade Squid may include • Up to 5 additional Palatine Warnoe s..................»2A points pc, koW Any model in ihc unit may exchange their Charnabal » capon foe a • Pe»er »capon------------------------------------------------.5 point, • Phoenix po»er spear ----------------------------------------.S pexnts each - Phoenix rapier--------------------------------------.-------•$ pew.i, each All model» in the unit may take a Surgical Augment (see page 1S4) at a cost of «25 points foe the entire unit - all model» in the unit must have the same Surpcal Augment • The Palatine Prelector may exchange hi» bolt plitol for a: - Plasma ptuol.................................— .10 root. The Palatine Prefector may take: • Melta boobs ___________________________________________ цдцОГНОИ! SQU AD . »¿fcpMol . J«tK . fri* tкr'**c, . (\>.тг дгтг.очг Omitid Trimport . АКДорЬош nuy uV д Unco«htooTr*^, At < D«A«t»á Trimport ih.» doet мищ 4.4. but it» pOtoO <оя паы Kill tx pud fc* м р» * ^ ОрНсм» . a Kikopfconi S^uid nui uVc • üptoSiAlKKvul Chofi . TVOtthrKritortnjytilr irryoitV kfvnt • Aittfttfr armour • Cblkttword... . ft~»r »»ipon . lV»tt fut ТЪсСморЬоп) TV СесорНолг narufat а >antty of opnwca' »rJ >n> »ttpou. made fiwm ftn KreOonj.' /*«* «f tafmaf and Л- mV-« wdiol »V* rV uhupatJ ¡arta о/ лvk-"'i|» Aurfcpmm fv» Vend IV» пай ¿tsica art aSt lo unMi Ыдо of KM«t ¿xcnttni traf, Ли <«t rvm flnh and uKintfMt metal 7Mr moir CcmÿM| аЫл. V*cw. cl» opr- * tV min* of tAtxc *V> Mwifc w tV mtmfaU (ndftit! heatn cf rtc V»!»p Wtipon СкорЬогл Sir Af T>pt 6 S AtuuJrlCлНА.’ tVbpiK
OrtAINSAULTARVlTZ M ws_ BS s 7 6 S 4 Capota Saul i«™* Unit Composition • i Captain Saul Tarvitz • Infantry (Character, UniqUcj Unit Type Wargear . Bolt pistol . Chamabal broadsword • Master-crafted Nemesis bolter • Artificer armour • Iron halo • Frag grenades . Krak grenades • A Brother Betrayed Cfli,drcn) Special Rules • Lcgioncs Astartes (Emperors Children) • Master of the Legion • Independent Character • Relentless • Preferred Enemy (Empc • Loyalist • Warlord: Defiant unto Death > —--------------------------------------------------------“ Warlord: Defiant unto Death If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Captain Saul Tarvitz automatically has Dcfiaiu unto Death as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other. Defiant unto Death - If an army’s Warlord has this trait, then check at the start of each of the controlling player's turns to see if any of the following is true: * . The army that includes Captain Saul Tarvitz has accrued fewer Victory points than any enemy army. . The army including Captain Saul Tarvitz has fewer units on the battlefield than all enemy armies combined. . Captain Saul Tarvitz is within 6" of an objective. • Captain Saul Tarvitz and any unit he has joined is locked in combat with more than one enemy unit, or a single enemy unit that outnumbers Captain Saul 1. Tkrvitz’s unit. ^ . If any of these are true then Captain Saul Tarvitz and any friendly units with at least one model within 12* of Captain Saul Tarvitz gain the Fearless special rule. In addition, as long as Captain Saul Tarvitz has not been removed as a casualty, 1 f/f ■ 1 A Brother Betrayed I**"'M lh‘ Zl'b^Zl^ani fJb^Z ZUT TarVUi ^^^^^«ood/brAe ¡mpenum. IW wouM turn upon hit brother in an act of betrayal that Tama would brood on /or the fax jfcw Ws of h» h/< Captain Saul Tarvitz gams >1 Weapon Skill. *1 Strength and *1 Toughness while locked in combat wsth any enemy model that has both the Independent Character and legion« Artartes (Emperor1» Children) special rule» or any ur that such a model has joined. If an enemy model that has both the Independent Character and Legonei Astartes (Emperor's Children) special rules Is removed as a casualty whilst locked in combat with Captain Saul Tarvitz or any unit he has joined then Captain Saul Tarvitz’s controlling playcT gains *\ bonus Victory point in addition to any Others that mightoe gained from this; this bonus Is increased to *2 bonus Victory points if Captain Lucius 1» removed as a casualty while Engaged in a Challenge with Captain Saul Tarvitz. Chamabal Broadsword A much heavier \ersion of a traditional Tenon duelling blade, Tarvitz has mattered this weapon and made it hi* own. d * The weapon listed here is counted as a ChamabaT weapon for those rules that affect such weapons. ------- Range Weapon Char rubai broadsword AP Tvpc Melee. Rending (4.), Duellists Edge (2k Two-handed, Master-crafted
Captain of the 13lk Company ”’* 2l5 Options . Captain Lucius may take sonic shriekers..................... . Captain Lucius may exchange the Blade of the Laer for a close combat weapon, reducing his points cost to 175 points*. •Note that unless this option is chosen, Captain Lucius may not be taken in the same army as Fulgrim. ^^3loH^^^iad^lon^™ Ifchosen as the army’s Warlord, Captain Lucius automatically has The Blade Alone as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other. The Blade Alone - If an army’s Warlord has this Trait, then no other models or units may use his Leadership regardless of any other rules or Wargear that a unit may have, however, whenever Captain Lucius is Engaged in a Challenge, all friendly models in the same combat gain the Fearless special rule. In addition, the first Reaction made in each Game Turn by Captain Lucius and any unit he has joined docs not use up a point of the controlling player’s Reaction Allotment. I Captain Lucius Unit Composition . i Captain Lucius M ws BS S T__\v 1 7 S 4 4 3 Unit Type • In&ntty (Character, Unique) Wargear . Bolt pistol . Nineteen . The Blade of the Laer . Artificer armour • Iron halo • Frag grenades • Krak grenades Special Rules • Legioncs Astartes (Emperor’s Children) • Master of the Legion • Independent Character • Relentless • Preferred Enemy (Independent Character) • Precision Strikes (3+) • Stubborn • Supreme Duellist • Traitor • Warlord: The Blade Alone ■fc Supreme DucULit While fighting in a Challenge, if Captain Lucius' Initiative Chara«cmtic u hioh^r .v,,« k w u +1 to his Attacks Characteristic. ^«erw.c « h.gher than hit opponent v then he gams Nineteen Lucius, famed for h is overweening egotism, hod htde interest in the tools he used and weed no simple Node to gam o fame that approached Mown. Despite the casual disinterest of its wider, the Node referred to as Nineteen by Lucius wo -a masterwork of the smiths art and most likely taken as a trophy from some slam and forgotten opponent Its slender edge belied its strength and, in Luaus hands, it could block almost any attack aimed at the ox ksurt u0mor Weapon Nineteen Range Str AP Type User - Melee, Rending 1*4), Duellist's Aegis Oh Murderous Strike (6*). Mastcr-crafted Duellist’s Acgjs (X): A model with this special rule gains a bonus to their Weapon Skill equal to the value in brackets listed as part of the special rule whenever it is Engaged in a Challenge with an enemy model The Blade of the Laer Following the cataclysmic events oflsstwn V, the Phoenician gifted Lucius with the masterwork blade that he recovered from an alien temple on the planet Laeran and often carried into battle himself. The dark power lying dormant within the blade that ended the life of one of the Emperors sons seemingly recognised in Lucius the unfathomable darkness of its own kind and slowly reawakened to its full potential. Weapon The Blade of the Laer Range Str AP Type User 2 Melee"Duellist's Edge (1). Flcshbanc, Specialist Weapon. Master-crafted
Loud Command*7* Eidolon M WS *$ S 1 * 5 4 *trc**r . АлЬалЧесЬр««*» IM CewfoUtk* . jUWC<nwn*»vlif THiotor L"** Ът* • SpwW Heir» • 1*00001AkUnn . Sorn tluvkm Lr«V4i Warhj»* |u»i» P*k Death Scream Art Лее» armour • Traltoe Iron halo • WwJord.^rwlcfulOWj^ . DjgfttiuJo * kjakprr'J'Vt Gifford rrtdrfulOevbexhl tf cboten а» the army'. Warleed. Iwl Commander Eidolon automata* Kj, PndcM Omlau*?* * hi* Warlord Trait and may not »elect *яу other m&tul Onalrught - I/Lord Commander Eidolon It the am> t Warlord. that at the bejpmm*of the battle. <*>« аЛ ol the орро«1П£ pU>ri4 mccV,, K*,f bees deployed. bucbefoee the fin* turn ha* begun. Lotd Commander 1 .Лл.пЧ <ofU*o<!:n<pii>tr гпоЧ acieet one enemy HQ or Prwrunh choice a* tor* Certminder bdoior/i TOnT. Lord Commander Eidolon and ary ur t hr ha* jotord »am a fconu* of *1 to all To Hit roll* made a* the Rtvii urt« - ivi the TL*jJ unit u part of any enemy Shoottns Attack о» Combut that reiuit. w t fjjttMDy un« betasremmed a« canultle» re FalUnj Bu-k. tbtn Uvd CoMunder Eidolon and an? unit he hat joined alto »aim a bonu. of •! to ai To Wound roClt made ajairut the -Яла!’ unit foe the remaandet of the hittic Jut that Shooonj Attack or Combat hat been fully tetoived !r. addtnor. lori Commander Ftdofon and any unit he ha* joined may only declare Reaction* jfurM the RrvaJ unit, bert the fiete tocb Reaction each rum it free and doe* rx*
IV™ LEGIONES ASTARTFS IRON WARRIORS Яl (he outbreak of civil wat the Iron Wanton »trength »a» bated at around 1*0.000 Space Mannev along »nh numerous adopted Mreha/ucum and Auxilian form and a wboantul »ax fleet However.« M impotublr to bum the Legion'« full «trmgth due to it» conuderahle •ih-depkn-metu» and gam*on* aero» the gala«?. and K> mcreaungh notaooruat trndenoex Additionalh. the legion «udered more from internal *chl«m than anv other Traitor legion after the l*«t*an campaign», it« «tattered (orto fearful and untnming of Perturahn. or rice holding cane «nth the Legion'« Trrran ongim and loeahjev The Iron Wimon under Horui underttood thrm*el*e* only a» machine» built to kill - their ptagmatK nature» urtworiing the propaganda of the Impenum the> »ere an indomitable force and the backbone of the Traitor advance, incorruptible and dependable a» oer The IN*' legion, corroded bv r»o centuno of horror and dradh attrition tn the terwe of a thankJe»« came the» did not believe in. no» tore do»n the Impenum they once helped build. Anal!» rrlithtng »ar »ith the opportunity — »wpa»i n« *Uih4 detractor». partKularU among«t the tltramartn«. Imperial Fist* Legion« IV lion Warrior, c»m«ol!? »tratcgicall* »»ul world* for the WarmaUr **4* followed their order* without fault At Ph»ll Ptnvw . and hU might* armada met Dom » Retribution Flee* halting their advance At Tallarn the Iron Wanton \Mli waste to vaat Loyalist holding* and depleted m»«h of the «trength of a Segmentum in the largru armoured battle in the Imperium* hi«tor> At Vanahckm the* became *o entrenched that they frustrated the Spa« \Vol«e» into eatremi* The* dominated much of the galactic centre, creating an empire of Iron around ih< who of Olympia At Terra. (Yrturabo orchestrated the pandect urge Mankind would ever experience. with hi* «on* «peaxheadmg the auault into the Solar Syitcm and laving waste to the defence» of the lmpenal Palate, the true gemu* of the Iron Warnor* was finally exposed for all thru allies and encmie* to witne»» Li cion i * Aitaitu (Iron Warrior*) U nudtk m nb tho «penal rule are wdyect to the following pruciuon* NN H *c N A Rl I N "I I w hen a m.«Jd »nb tim «penal rule make» a Shunting Attack or Mdee Attack targeting a model with the 1 , | I I •«! NaucM a* ot Ru* Wmmmt Iron within, Iron win .» epex ul rule A Wartord with that «pCflM >.se^i.,um«we vNargearcfwuo* may chocnr to upgrade a Legion «tktt a Warlord Trait frdj Prartor Legion Cauphwtu Praetor Wimon Warlord TraK Um •r ranaawPTKtorlOJ Wjnnuth iwr The Armoury of the _______ _____________ ____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ TVS «/»«wo«* Advancid Riac. M ■ V IgON *** “ •' the Leg) ffcft A<*'*ni uj pyi, Unlike Core Reaction* Ad* aru cd Reaction* are activated in It^|W1 * _ m their and tan often have tame changing etleeU Aiuna and *pev»fk |tfV0 ~ '» ln dotrlfKumt. and tan often have jam* chanpng rtfexu Wanted RcKttoa» M &/***TT*'*t4Cti* player * Reaction Allotment a» normal and obev all ex her mimmi placed upon Reaction* Ur£,lTo°«P^,fK‘|,1) ncKcd °,hcnM|r ,n ,hf'r df'<T,l**an Mtei Fury-tM* Advanted Reaction ma> he made ontr pet battle dunng the oppoung rimer« »«ter FUf>. ^ny enemy unit declare* a Shooting Attack targeting a friendly unit under the Reacuvc pU>er* Shoe*1"* P ^ ^ entirely of model* With the Leftone* Anartc* (Iron Warnotti «pedal rule Onte the Active placer fontrvd tl,n'l^ro ^ jnj ro vVound roll*, and Armour Sntt are made but before am Damage Mitigation rub* are b""*1 renxmed. I he Kc-»«"*e placer ma> make a Shooting A»ck. targeting the unit that tnggered thn ,tud< 01 weapon* making rwtte their normal number of attack* but gaining the Get* Mot tpctial rule To ¡£2* weapon* that already pome*» the Gets Mot »pettal rule logger that *pecul rule on a rod of I or 2 dunr HU rot* A unit that make» a Shoot me Attack a* nan of a Hitter Fur> Reaction dunng H,Sh King AtUtk. ln*tead of only on a 1 A unit that make* a Shooting Attack a* pan of a Bitter Fun Reaction **•*• S any 4iutlu indirectly without line of ughti including weapon* ***th the barrage *pectai rule or other " special rule that other*« t*e Ignore hne of ughi and Vehicle* mm onh fire DefetuKe weapon* Template weapon* u*ed a* part of a Bitter Fury Ration u*e the Wall of Death rule imtcad of hnng normal!« reft
 R.TES OF WAR , Faction may make use of the fo.lowing Rit APrtiChn’t"d^t0nern l0nSa5C*Wa*: THE lr0n ^ Ü «(«<* their •* ofhteoZi^Ztory by any means necessary. This culminated *» agenyof^^^^ «»*,,nd ' ::£< ** ^ ° *** °farm warnon a e ofwtap°* £ ^Z^^tntmydtftn f---------------------------------- Fury of Olympia Trained to excel in close range firefiqhts through sheer weight of fire and bloody minded determination, the Iron Warriors are a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Marching across the battlefield, they maintain a volume of fire that is unmatched among the Ugiones Astartes. A fXon Tactical Squads composed entirely of models »ith the Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors) ^ul rule selected as part of a Detachment using this Rite of War must replace the Fur)’ of the Legion special rule with the Fury of Olympia special rule. • .All Legion Predator Squadrons, Legion Vindicator Squadrons. Land Raider Proteus Carriers and Legion Land Raider Spartan models in a Detachment using this Rite of War ignore the effects of the Crew Shaken and Crew Stunned results on the Vehicle Damage table. • A unit composed entirely of models with the legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors) special rule that is part of a Detachment using this Rite of War may re-roll all failed To Hit rolls of T made for shrapnel pistols, shrapnel bolters, shrapnel cannon and Gravis shrapnel cannon. A model with this special rule may add one to the number of shots fired when making a Shooting Attack with a shrapnel bolter or shrapnel pistol (but not with shrapnel cannon or Gravis shrapnel or any other ‘Bolt' weapon). cannon Limitations • A Detachment using this Rite of V. mst include a model with the Warsmith upgr.i .s oneofits Compulsory HQ choices, or it mus. nclude Perturabo as a Primarch choice. • No unit from a Detachment using this Rite of War may be assigned to a Deep Strike Assault, Subterranean Assault or Flanking Assault.
 rite of War: The Ironfire A siege doCtTiM C°nCrd ^ ‘1™ ^ ‘he afttTmath °f'hf № °fthe Schadenhold Bastion, the Iron Ftre protocol facilitates the rapid capture of Loyalist strongholds without the need to comma an entire Grand Company, thus serving the Warmaster s orders to the Iron Wamors to topple Loyalist fortresses ahead of the march on Terra. Corrupted mind- impulse technology taken from the Forge World ofDiamat allowed Iron Warriors gunners to interface with their weapons so closely that they could target heavy ordnance with preternatural accuracy, allowing them to unleash a rolling bombardment head of assault units closing on enemy positions. Effects . Legion Arquitor Squadrons may be selected as non-Compulsory Troops choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War. . Any weapon with the Barrage special rule fired by a model selected as part of a Detachment using this Rite of War, and targeting any point within 12" of a friendly unit composed entirely of models with the Legioncs Astartes (Iron Warriors) special rule, scatters D6" instead of 2D6", including when fired using the Barrage special rule. . Any unit with the Infantry Unit Type selected as part of a Detachment using this Rite of War that is within 12" of the final target point of a weapon fired using the Barrage special rule by a friendly model gains the Stubborn special rule until the start of the controlling player's next turn. • Any unit with the Infantry Unit Type selected as part of a Detachment using this Rite of War may re-roll any failed Armour Saves taken against Wounds inflicted by any attack made by a weapon with any variant of the Blast special rule. Limitations • A Detachment using this Rite of War may not assign any units to a Deep Strike Assault, Subterranean Assault or Flanking Assault. • A Detachment using this Rite of War must include more squadrons of Legion Arquitor, Legion Basilisks or Legion Medusa than it does units that include any models with the Cavalry Unit Type. • A Detachment with this Rite of War must include a model with the Legiones Consularis special rule that has the Siege Breaker upgrade.
IbonVVArB.obSWarlorpTra-tS rial rule may select a Warlord Trait from ^ olw«f rtf ■#»* »/’>”"' *"' A Warlord with this Trait gains the Fearless special rule, but may not join any unit that is not entirely composed of models with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors) special rule. However, the Warlord and all models in any unit it joins must adhere to the following restrictions: during both the controlling players Shooting phase and the Charge sub-phase, the unit must attempt a Shooting Attack and/or Charge if there is an enemy unit within range, and must target the closest enemy unit possible that is within its line of sight and is a valid target for a Shooting Attack or Charge. If two or more targets are equally dose then the controlling player chooses which will be the target of a Shooting Attack or Charge. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the opposing players Shooting phase as long is the Warlord has not been ' removed as a casualty. ,n8%. Tyrant of the Dodekathon The Brethren of Stone are the masters off creation and destruction. Those w arnor'^^ strict initiation rituals and attain the r * ?“f PQs'- t£..S among the finest siege masters in all JI? ^ r>1*» J battlefield meh women ate not dawlrd **** foe chooses to cower behind, for such tern ' * **0i 4* little more than irritnnr< k_ , s' little more than irritants to be crushed After all armies have been deployed but before Scout moves and Infiltrators!**}**** controlling player of a Warlord with this T V**«1* nominate one area of terrain. Bui!di„Co 7 on the battlefield. If the chosen item is Jni{**'«* that provides a Cover Save, then that Cov,!^*^ removed and the area counts as both and Dangerous Terrain instead. Ifthcft^! k I*"* Building or Fortification then all rolls on Damage table made for Uu, Build, a modifier of *1. In additio,,a„.„„ this Tran may make an addition/ avSSS, nas not been removed as a cast;s
m frf*nt °fthnfS^ «* Pariahs am°T,a 'i9i°n °/St°iCS and »“"or^otars, given to wild fury and sudden rage TV 8rethTt ‘Burned Men are always at the forefront of any attack, loosing their weapons with wild ferwur os they advance Wild battle-cries of their Order. Those few willing to endure the horri/ic rituals of the Order and reach the rank of ^mnq^ fcafened fanatics whose restraint in battle has long since vanished. jYfflfl* are ■ h this Trait, and every' model with the Infantry Unit Type in a unit it has joined with the Lcgioncs Astartes parlor«1 vVlt 1 ^ cial rujc may choose to roll an additional dice when making a Shooting Attack with any Rapid (lrOt'vVarr'°rS| weapon that docs not have the Blast or Template special rules, but these weapons gain the Gets pre, As*ault °[ f f ,hat Shooting Attack. If a Warlord and/or unit under the effect of this Trait makes the Bitter Fury ^ special ru c or .(dc|piona\ jjcc ¡s added to the number of attacks made by each model after the effects of Bitter R{jCt,on, then •>" ^ addition, whenever a Warlord with this Trait, and any unit it has joined, is the target of an Fuff h*ve '>cen cg it must make either the Return Fire or Bitter Fury Reactions if possible - this Reaction docs den"’ Sh°°tinK'ttaC Rc ictivc player's Reaction Allotment, but does not allow that unit to make any further Reactions noiCOStaPOi"Lldoes not allow the Bitter Fury Reaction to be made more than once per battle. However, a Warlord in (hat Phase and c^ R ^ joincd niay make no other Reaction in any Phase, excepting only the Interceptor with this 1 r.ut ■ Advanced Reaction-
v of THE IRON WARRIORS THE AR^°UR 1 n ^ neW 0pt>°ns ^ of that UPon- The follo"'"'r8‘“.^1on and c*en’P sfei|b. The foremost practitioners of that lUo«*^0 , *«r ¿Sn« W automat« wus second only tht TZveKth^Var>,n" . Tartaros Praetor with the Legiones Astartes (Iron * Mfc*-*"* . hractii praetor or W5>°" ‘ tQ a Warsmith for +20 points A Warsmith g** iccion Catap upgr , Rattlesmith (3+) special rules. A model upcrrjAfj f h» amviton crusher is a device of savage power, fitted to Any model with the Ugtones A. ' thunder hammer for a Dreadnought Unit Type may fSS-*'“*1*"“ Type Melee, Haywire Melee, Unwieldy, Two-handed, 1< Melee, Brutal (2), Haywire Range Str AP Weapon User 3 Graviton mace +2 2 Graviton crusher +2 2 Graviton maul
Olympian Shrapnel Weapons An Oly"'Pia" ¡""ovation these weapons are tuned to detonate $i,h a cloud of metallic shards. While they lack the penetratiw: powe’r'oflh*01*™* s^e^slust tyor* impact - spraying the target UP fir it the terrible wounds caused and the panic they engender ^ ^ mo",han make /wy model with the Ugiones Astartes (Iron Warriors) and Ind pistol for a shrapnel pistol or a bolter for a shrapnel bolter for Hv Ch,aractcr SP«W rules may exchange a bolt •‘aaitional points cost. Any unit composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Imn w . , in the unit to shrapnel pistols, and/or all bolters for shr.pneZiZZdIoZh cost of +2 points per weapon. d'or a11 heavY bolters ( heaw Mt™'efmay,UPgrade a" b°!t Pislols «vy bolters for shrapnel cannon for i .------ »utapnei cannon for a Any unit composed entirely of models with the Vehicle Unit Type and the i may eschange *11 heavy bolters in the unit fo, shtapnel cannonTr *2 pLa a "i°”’ ‘‘T' 0^n,°^K.a^h t**6 ^re‘l.^nOU*j', unit Type and the Legiones Astartes^ron'v^r^^sp^al wk^ay'eaciungean^ ^ Gravis bolt cannon for Gravis shrapnel cannon for+5 points per weapon. ruie may exchange all A. weapons listed here are counted as 'Bolt' weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. Weapon Shrapnel pistol Shrapnel bolter Shrapnel cannon Gravis shrapnel cannon Range Str 10" 4 18" 4 24" S 36" 5 AI> Type Pistol 1, Pinning Rapid Fire, Pinning 6 Heavy 4, Pinning 6 Heavy 5, Twin-linked, Pinning
WllULd M«feTofthe Iron Warriors, The Lord of Iron, The Pn, The Hammer of Olympia *er> l\^ M ws BS s w Perturabo Unit Composition . l Perturabo Wargcar . The Logos . The Logos Array • Frag grenades . Cortex controller Unit Type . Primarch (Unique) Special Rules . Legiones Astartes (Iron Warrioi . Master of the Legion . Battlesmith (2+) . Firing Protocols (2) • Master of Automata . Traitor . Warlord: Sire of the Iron Warriors Tlors) Options • Perturabo may be given Forgebreaker Desecrated for.. ••+35 points Warlord: Sire of the Iron Warriors Perturabo had long established himself as a Warlord and strategist or is home world and was considered amongst the finest of artificers among tht iks of the Primarchs. In battle, however, it was his ruthless sense of discipi hat most influenced his Legion, for all those warriors that fought at his side veil aware of the price of failure or cowardice in the eyes of the Lord of Iron. I If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Perturabo automatically has the Sire of the Iron Warriors Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait Sire of the Iron Warriors - All models with the Legiones Astartes (Iron ro,riSPeCial mle and the 1 n fan try Unit Type in the same army as Perturabo hv addltIonaI dice when making Morale checks or Pinning tests caused deter^nZTtl dfard the dice with the highest result before
1*5 The Logos Ptnurabos panoply of war was a unique and highly customised suit of Terminator armour of his own design known as arrm' of weapons and secondary systems created hy his own last intellect. The Logos provides a 2♦ Armour Save and 3+ Invulnerable Save, and allows Pcrturabo to ignore all the effects of Night Fighting, and when Perturabo or any unit he has joined makes the Interceptor Advanced Reaction, the Reaction does not cost the controlling player a point from their Reaction Allotment. This docs not allow the unit to make more than one Reaction per Phase, but docs allow the controlling player to exceed the normal three Reactions limit in a given turn. The Logos Array Suite into the arm systems of the l^gos armour are two small batteries of custom-built bolt »capons, prime examples of Olympias shrapnel bolt technology and improved by the genius of Perturabo himself. These weapons unleash a storm of shot that few enemies can withstand. This weapon is considered a ‘Bolt’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons. The Logos array has two profiles, one for use as a ranged weapon and one for use in melee. \ Weapon Range Str AP Type The Logos Array (Ranged) 30" 6 3 Assault 6, Twin-linked, Shred, Pinning, Shell Shock (1) (Melee) - +1 2 Melee, Two-handed Forgebreaker Desecrated Once wielded by the Primarch Ferrus Manus, this weapon was taken from his body as a trophy by his killer and presented to Perturabo by the Traitor Warmaster. In the hands of the grim master of the Iron Warriors, it has become a horrific icon of the darkness that had corrupted many of the Mankind's greatest champions. Weapon Forgebreaker Desecrated Range Str 12 AP 1 Melee, Unwieldy, Master-crafted, Exoshock (3+), Brutal (2)
TmlNTS«fflT№»>N*TORSQ.,AO.-----------------------s \1 W'S BS S T \y | _-----------—--------6 4 4 4 4 2 5---r^ls, Tyrant 6444424, * £- Siege Mister 9 ^ Unit Type Unit Composition . Tyrant: Infantry (Heavy) . 4 Tyrants . Siege Master: Infantry (He:, . 1 Siege Master Character) Wargcar Special Rules Conibi-boltcr I ! power fist • 0n,CS AstarteS (lr°" Carrion) I . Tyrant rocket launcher * nut" of . Ugion Cataphractit ®u ky ^ Terminator amtour * k'nng Protocols (2) . Omni-scope (Siege Master only) * Inexorable Dedicated Transport . A Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad numbering no more than five models may tale a Ugion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. A Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad numbering five or more models may select a Ugion land Raider Spartan as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transpc his does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost still be paid for as part of the army. Options • A Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad squad may include: - Up to 5 additional Tyrants.........................+55 points each Any model in the unit may exchange their power fist for one of the following. - Chainfist........... +5 pointseach Any model in the unit may exchange both their combi-bolter and power weapon for: - Two lightning claws. +10 points per ^ * The Siege Master may take a grenade'i^^IZZIZZ...........+l0P°mtS
Omni-scop* A sophatmttJ cogitator-slavtd optuol scanner mUf/n!rd, ««"• *» “""'“opr n/fou, /or pm„ ™ Im,» amroar^th, 1_(-> w rilis rfcicc. rhc Tyrants oft hr Iron WarrUn arc deadly W"* *">•>* *<*•» ^ t' on on» baulefttJd A unit that includes at least one model wUh an amni-Kopc «nor _ that includes one or more models with this special mlc nukes the | ™ ° N,Rh’ F*^lm** *nd ^hen a unit not cost the controlling player a point from their Reaction AllmmJ!.AJvarKiJ Rr*tH>n- *»* react™ 4oe* than one Reaction per Phase, but does allow the controlling p|iytI to '"“T11“ un,‘*> "“k given Phase * P m '° <Xf<ed th< "°™*l three Reactions limit in a Tyrant Rocket launcher A compact rock« system, based on the design of the cyclone movie launcher, rhe Tyrant launcher„ capable ofddreenna osrrsvhelming sal«,, ofungutded rockets. The Iron Warriors sstlue the sheer fmpouer of,h, Tyrant system user th, man controlled destruction of the larger Cyclone system. All weapons listed here air counted as Missile weapons tor those rules that affect such weapon* Weapon T\Tant rocket launcher Range Str AP T>T>e - Frag 48“ 4 6 Heavy 4, Pinning • Krak 48“ 8 3 Heavy 2 -Flak 48“ 7 3 Heavy 2, Skyfire
Iros Circle Maniple r/sr
Karceri Battle Shield A model with a Karcen battle shield gains a S+Invulnerable S suffers an unsaved Wound with the Instant Death special ml ^ ‘*nd any modcl with a K"ccri battle shield that loses D3 Wounds instead of one for each unsaved Wound wit^hH^ ‘mmed,a<fl> rcmoved as a casualty, but instead addition, any Charge that targets a unit that includes one or ' DM,h Spccul rulc 'nflicted on it. In which is not already locked in combat is always resolved as i Disorder I ^ulPPed with •> Karcen battle shield Moving Bulwark Some warriors and war machines are eauiDDed tn farm „ „ , ¿„advance. f m9 wa"°^ tended to maximise the,rdefences as When a model with this special rule is in base contact with another friendly mode, that also has the Moving o“ r,::“mod*^ ~«, s..o4.),„. .jl. The Shield of the Iron Tyrant The first deployment of the Iron Circle' was as a bodyguard for their Primarch after the Battle ofPhall. and these war machines Perturabo continuously sought to tamper with and improve as the whim took him. An Iron Circle Maniple composed of at least three models may be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes Perturabo, instead of as an Elites choice. An Iron Circle Maniple selected as a Retinue Squad' counts Perturabo as its leader for the purposes of this special rule. An Iron Circle Maniple selected as a Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as Perturabo. An Iron Circle Maniple selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with Perturabo deployed as part of the unit and Perturabo may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. Domitar-ferrum that are a part of an Iron Circle Maniple chosen as a 'Retinue Squad’ for Perturabo gain the Feel No Pain (5+) special rule. Cybemetica Unit Sub-type Powerful hulking war machines equipped with the finest weapons and bulky armour, these units are given the sole purpose of bringing ruin upon a foe. The following rules apply to all models with the Cybemetica Unit Sub-type: • Models with the Cybemetica Unit Sub-type are subject to the Programmed Behaviour provision. During both the controlling player's Shooting phase and the Charge sub-phase, an Automata unit must attempt a Shooting Attack and/or Charge if there is an enemy unit within range, and must target the closest enemy unit possible that is Within its line of sight and is a valid target for a Shooting Attack or Charge. If two or more targets are equally close then the controlling player chooses which will be the target of a Shooting Attack or Charge. • A model with the Cybemetica Unit Sub-type may fire all weapons they are equipped with in each Shooting Attack they make, including as part of a Reaction where eligible (this fule on its own docs not allow units to make Reactions if they would otherwise be prevented from doing so). • Models with the Cybemetica Unit Sub-type may fire Heavy and Ordnance weapons and count as Stationary even if they moved in the preceding Movement phase, and may declare Charges as normal regardless of any Shooting . S ma<k 'n 53,116 tUm penalties to their Initiative Characteristic when Charging Models with the Cybemetica Unit Sub-type ignore any p ■ into or through Difficult Terrain or Dangerous Terrain.
'Tyrant S.ege Terminator Squad..... p .. \vc RS S T w S Dedicated Transport . A Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad numbering no more than five models may take a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. A Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad numbering five or more models may select a Legion Land Raider Spartan as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transpcr '.his does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost i still be paid for as part of the army. Options A Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad squad may include: • Any model in the unit may exchange their power fist for one o t e ^ ints - Chainfist................................................r • Any model in the unit may exchange both their combi-bolter an p° weapon for: M WS BS S T w y Siege Master . 4 Tyrants * i Siege Master Unit Composition Unit Type • Tyrant: Infantry (Heavy) . Siege Master: Infantry (Heavv Character) Wargear . Combi-bolter . Power fist Special Rules . Legiones Astartes (Iron Warri< • Relentless • Bulky (2) warriors) . Tyrant rocket launcher • Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour • Omni-scope (Siege Master only) • Firing Protocols (2) • Inexorable - Up to 5 additional Tyrants, • TI» Siege Master may take’ a gre'nad^'h^'ess' Two lightning claws. .+10 points per per mode' .+10 pci"15
Tyrant Rocket Launcher A compact rocket system, based on the design of the cyclone missile lmmrh.r t overwhelming salvos of unguided rockets. The Iron Warriors value the sheer fireponrZ tZ Tyrant controlled destruction of the larger Cyclone system. All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Missile’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons Weapon Tyrant rocket launcher Range Str AP Type -Frag - Krak 48" 4 6 Heavy 4, Pinning 48" 8 3 Heavy 2 - Flak 48" 7 3 Heavy 2, Skyfire
WHITE SCARS g*| > «he dark da vs of the Mono Herc-«y unfolded, the T\ loyalty of the unpredictable White Scar» »» doubted o> many who should have been allies and presumed by those who would become enemies Such wav their reputation at the outset of the Horn» Heresy, ilut those who sought to rule the Impenum. be they emperor or tyrant, eyed the l egion as a pnre to be won and leashed to their ambitions, a fulcrum upon which to Irver Mankind's civil war In their favour. I torus scijueMered rise legion to .1 long campaign on isolated Chondax. expecting the White Scarx to fall to his « once his might was undeniable There he sent the Alpha I .eg ton to wjylav live V" and hide the truth of his heresy from the Khan. However, though wamor lodges had infiltrated the White Scats and almosi half of their number would momentarily teeter on the precipice of treachery, the Khan surprised the War-master by remaining fiercely loyal, breaking free from the prison of Chondax jnd making for Terra with his legion The path to the Ihrorveworld would not be Barred by the Kiunvtotm, the White Stars spr,«*** waging a hit and run war wsthtn the Dark the Wat mailer on a circuitous passage to thr |n,L Core Hundreds of battles on KOTesoiwuildswt^u ier the Traitor forces suifet at the blades of the warriors, victories that the White Sears pud a here, in l egiorury lives and fleet assets to achieve until the greater measure of the Khan's Ujpoo hadfev, and the I egxm tisied its viability as a fighting^ It finally fled the Traitors gauntlet toward Terra. The,, the White Scars loined the Praetorians defences (mu, Segmcntum Solar. particulaily in the battles over ?*,** and Lortn Alpha and. when the Traitor fleet darkened!* ekies ahose Terra, the White Scars would standsbxij«, to shoulder with their Loyalist brother legions .n defer*, of the Emperor. LECIONES AST*«1 rs W HIT 1 StARS) “I Ul rnoJels w uh this special rule arfofKQ|JoAt fuianvmg promtons | | Swift of Action \l! models wilhthii-special rule add •! to their Movement Ch.iiactrmat and whenever caiicd upon to miu j I «intact*!wo': plase: will ta> the I rst rumoftoXe... •..•* mr .• rse.ihcc-miotlingpun .«• I .*hose Pmnarv fX-rachment has this «iwial rn.'c may rollanadrlit'oruIdKeanddiicaidthe lowrv roi'ed « " _____ ________ ________ I I Chih;o»un Panoply H 1 1 with ttns special rule gam , I ic« • s' f<>unique Wargear options 1 I L _ _ _ _ _ 1111 l.oxivs os 1 he Sroa3!m | I \m l egion Ccnturvins».largirin iaruros Centurions or I egion | | Cataphi.iuii Ccnuunmv with this special rule may not ,'tlect the I | 1 ibiarun Consul upgrade, hut gain a«cry. to the Smnteecr Consul | ___ _____ 1 sofChocohis 1 1 it this spend-re J J I L___________ I
Whits Scars Warlord Traits a ‘Л-irl.'rd M>()| rtw ABiilfi i\Vh«c Snnl vpnval iuV ил нкс« a Wartuid Tr*k (mn, ЬгЬг» -ч wlrttwgt o*c of fix Core Wulonl Train HffOci Sow Ox (loyalist only) (tort iteamviit .«ч* .»«* tAr wirm.i «i'r*r. of the Mfecr Sr*o П«пт й'Ч1/»..и*ч vvui о/ t/vwr «пот ■tar «Г л/Jw л/ /ип»т >m, btrxmn а No*w- /or rftr /«ptvV Sam» frx twsy wartoah .irr ашМЫ тчопу rhr m»-niSrr о/rAoc -nriWЛгтг- tirmpli»» <1/ rAf V"’"*’ per*c/feta«1ГГ.Гand щЬетт they lead, thrWhneScan fottim wrtAcwr fear fum m deeaK the legmJ of f*Of m^Ary ■mrrrrm .«ini lc*»vi ro itmxy. /or rrnpon mi^ir fed - Делю «пппг' Bee TJui WJuford Trait Buy only bo ulrtird by a model with the Loyalist Авсфапсе Л Watford with thu TVair. and all model* m any unit he rats*, earn* the Stubborn special rule, furthermore, if the Warlord к removed as.1 casualty »11 models m any friendly uiw compose.! entrreh Ыmode!» with the Legumes Astorro iWhttr Scan) special rule, from winch one or more models on draw a fme of sigh« 10 the Warlord at the point when he it removed as a casualty. gain the fcaries, special rule for the remainder of the battle In addition, an army whose Worked has thu Trort may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player s Assault phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty Bom to the Saddle The 1» amors of the И hue Scary both self runs of the fiped'-nortary companies and the Outgo nan recruits. displayed cn гхсеректЫ talent with mechanical needs and the tactia of тлЪЛе warfare Many of the V* Ugumi greatest utfruys would dedicate thrmstiies to the mastery of these rtiUi on the field of battle. 1 be 1 begotten Sons (Traitor only) Ignetepi end forgotten by their hnjtKer tr**»u the Vts,«, Scan bad freight the C-eat ( ruwsdr m bedatm TV. uurtnrd m Apw о ns fan*•• со rfo KAun ■« ba teotha’ ttorui IVTien <S/oesss'ecrosmed Womvcsro »atsot>u, bonne»»ut /urvon. many /ликт»anw, rhe Wuu Scm j. . omprlkd to peon him, 4ее» my to k»pr onewdeuinyunA, fjxthght cf hocttry «1 the W'uemesrer < udr. This Warlord Trait may only be selected by a model %ek the Traitor Allegiance. If on army Warlord has this Trait includes as Allied Detachment with the l-cgioncs Asurtes Г»ом oi Hotut) special rule, the Warlord and any unit be ^c, automatically pass any Morale checks ot Pinning test» they arc 1 ailed upon to make without any due bring rolled as long os at least one (ricndly unit with the l.egioncs AMattcs (Sons of Homs) special rule can dm line ol sight to the Warlord or his unit. In addition. Ihe Warlord, and any unit he has joined, may make the Death Dealers Reaction (this Advanced Reaction ts detailed tn Liber I lerrtuus} without expending a point from the controlling player * Reaction Allotment md counting all model* in that unit that have the Legumes Astoncs (White Scats) special rule as though they also had the l.egiones Asiatics (Sons of Homs) special role (though they gain none of the benefits of that special rule) - this Adv anced Reaction may wiU only be used once pet battle. ¡his Warlord and all modeiv in the same army with the legiono. Asurtes 1W hue Scarsi spcdoJ niJc and the Cavalry L'nir Type ignore all the effects of Difficult Terrain and gain id- Invulnerable: Save agatnst all Wounds inflicted by failed XangtTOus Terrain ttsxs they are called Upon to make. 1 addition an army whose Warlord has this Trait may uke an additional Reaction during the opposing player's ««nm! phase as long as the Warlord his not been moved ¿« a casualty.
„ SCAR* Advanced Reaction STS***»*■*'*'?i'tv*IMe°**r“*u-uu,u^rUDrni t -— U" Reaction». Advanced Reac,^ * * .K,, <V.r and .an oft«, have ,, "" *,r «’'v-rd * . *U**"" Aua««, ,ww. ^^i^edothenMtemthe.rdevi.ptH*, ^«0* <* vs ,nd' ”"* Adv'*'K'fd Re action may be nude < Z!L»iX” unit fnth * Move «¡th a„v of,.» „»^.T Prr ^''^unniMh. •^¿.tncHaver»vootroi«,«»,(hrLepoue.Art«tr,(Whhr>2 ** ^^bcoRH^ ^ alifrtrndh unhicX^ST^ (^^«^^CZ,,n‘‘',,h wv:, Scan."*>' u«hin ir .rf tha, enemy unit, f.n<i »«*» £ u*^ ¡^T» *d. -mo mas choose to activate Jump Pa. k* to ok.ease .heST?:^^* ^ C „lUbr«l wall C»R- "«"»> pcnaltie» for Difficult retram. Dan«.,«« W ‘**«r «** Run TV... mo., .»«hi o» otherwise unable to mote may not mine due to th.s rc*, ^T"n aftd unlu«*»*are I r Pmned. totted >n
W'HiTfc Scars Kiits 01 War «•'«hh*. .hr ^*lo«»A«u„„tWhM v . „ ,i uk**Io * *"* •*« "“*•*«•! v*«h «1,, Mlu„ of">*r .. '*«<*• «Pn.ulruW- ioifbt fottovwr* Rii«alW« »fc-.j gu« or c ••«dorian Broth I mhoou ‘n 't* ( '“V"'«" '«<W. ro lA/ v ^ 1 1 B, (A, —V V7 — cep» /Vm*mtrweo. Compos'd of a body <1 Is«*.*™», "«'6**<* or ln /moV-" Mr* forrnouon, uw vj/a//fa, ,^-avm.x-^'Hrx, ^uur/„„ Wfccrt/dcwrfw, gjoj^nfat. •« **'«> «<<hr ut.uirf ¿,«-*-ir f.’.V1'4X1*»*• '"O'i'W 10 rocr/cír [V „vmj- and r#>«' bnthnn. Effect* . trgWo Sky-hunter Squadrons and Ixjpon Ouindei SquaJrom may be »elected a» Troop» choice» in a Detachment using thtt Rite of War and such unit» gam the une Unit Sub type. . Upon Sky hunter Squadron» and legion Outrider Squadron» may alio be »ejected a» Elite» choice» in a Detachment u»ing thi» Rite of War. though these unit» do not gain the lane Sub-type. . AU model* with the Infantry Unit Type to a Detachment using this Rite of War gam the Outflank tpecul rule Limitations • Any unit made up entirely of models with the Infantry Unit Type in a Detachment using this Rite of War that docs not begin play Embarked on a model with the Transport Sub-type, or any model with the Vehicle Unit Type without cither tlic Transport or East Sub-type», must begin play in Reserve if the mission allows it. If the mission docs not allowany units to be placed into Reserves then the unit is instead deployed as normal • A Detachment using this Rite of War may not indude any Heavy Support or Fortification choices, unless those choices arc entirely composed of models ssith the Flyer Sub-type. RittotWariTm» fcacvAR Ma/a* ,, 'án* ‘""’l*"«'-- ím iKcu cAonx.mylo an T’*"* ty a ftrnr and -- ^ ll>*l< *f apcxrrrnt entity atan du/iptinr . --- r -TK-"" »•««/ ■wipw "Wioor II, tanta,an«erf Vfntnn lhr W bat Scan lav»«. ^"•¡btd-tcladanttr wtrh dealh. dHna.rd tv thr >*rj of a . OnaaanuUy. haynr.rr. rk« fswnVnn« majhr hr co-imt/ted toeaiirhyomcrc^J.Varfrr .gi*uri| "numun(n T7ta>v rol/d Jfran thttr Rrothtdml t. town ai prmcmii. or xhr Vagin- Atoja*. and it a din/ fate o> wvi ,,vr an honour»«/ d/«th and. m so 4*r»g. nodi awuy arrOoiafdr.SwKir. Effects • Ebon Kcshig Cohosts may be taken as Troopv choice» in a Detachment usmg this Rite o< War. • All units composed entirely of models with the Infantry Unit Type in a Detachment using this Rue cd War mutf be given both the Kharash (see page 18b) and the Feel Via Pam IS*» special rules. • Ali models with both ihr l_cg>ones Astartrs (While Scars) and Kharash special tule» lu a Detachment using thb Rile of War gain the Fearless »penal rule (or the duration of any Assault phase in which they make a successful Charge Limitations • An army to which any Detachments are using this Rite of War may not choose to place any units into Resetve and as vuch is unable to perform a Deep Stnke Assault Subterranean Assault or a Flanking Assault. . A Detachment using this Rue of War may not mclud any Heavy Support that art not turr.posed entirely o models ssith the Infantry Unit Type, or any Vortthca or Pn march choices rcgard'.cvs of Unit Type.
THE ARMOURY OF THE WHITE SCARS I to natontivi >и<мг<мм < *ч <.l nn .4 *nJ *'*>1»Ы* .mt> »«b lb« ЛМ»« SКЧЫ «ею »«J шя|Мп ih< B.iMfi « И I tor 1 <ffem I M.KIS Sihmmiib |i 1 nihi .4 ш> МкМ .V lA, «,пШ)лМ/ the »to Von I* Any ainM WHh Ndh ito I *J[kMtr» AUAItr* <W hits VilU 4AJ lrJryx»ifTil .jJ t«v>. Sil ГКАЛ, !•_ Sub opc. imy...luiv.- I f -течн» Simnur K'bito for • MuwJ« to. no «.M.i*n>l _______________________ ,4 .■aumtfMr (rttoU h.1 »m« «.llnt.Jl Uuovtol, In «Milton. • model »wb » I <tvn 1 Stoimbir ktbVc Ош К.11Ч lh* Shnn-lrJ (S. у ..«-«1 11 (ulr umA tto n-Ut erf ito crnitroilu)* pUyef’« mu turn *" **® A n-4lrl wiih I to Infjntiv Uibi Type llultriKtaa lijWnMumAli KTtokr u Jf>» muiubov -«Une tw» CJijJn (AMfgtot kefptn*жortor lMU Sob typo* peevintaN bael.(toingn Kt Мттсм Ошкгм«, щц?* ito MrtojC Ртвч«ь (li iivl I Umam oTWrath (I) »pci Ul ruin and onfwo«« in Amour S*<4 101* 11« w4, ‘It**AbncnalM,nrmn\l granted by the Legtoeus Aston tt (WhiteSeanJ xpedo! rule ¡1 included Scatth it no Li Launchf.k Л иmqw нгпЛк« on Га ran kJtjun leehnoloso, the uMierbati hiimVr'i АНЬ itoon.itr upon robbing« mu» unrf i.nliWi а storm of razoe-sharp shrapnel and suk munition« Hit weapon fulfil tore 1» count«] At a Boll' weapon lor ihote ruin that alien sorb weapon« Weapon Starlet boil burn tor Range Sir ТетрЫе S AP 4 Type Assault 1. Shred. Pinning Powfr Glaive Based on the ancient рЫе arms of'Mundut Manus, (he power glaAe в aimadia irairfe of status among* the White Stan ai ■ о e weapon o/wvr A'rvn»7i in rA* language of the steppes tribes led by ¡aghotat Khan as the Rising Moon Blade, the »rape* a inown both for Its intimidating »right as н/til as the grateful sleeping strikes that characterise its use. Any model with both che Character Sub-type and the Legion Asian» (White Stirs) special rule may hate a power weapon upgraded to a power glaive for ♦$ points Toe weapon listed here is counted as a Tower' w eapon for those rules that a (feet such weapons. Weapon Range Str AP Type Power glaive - «1 3 Melee. Breathing (S*) Cyber-hawk Crofted by the Techmannes of the V* Legion, these dedicated servo-automata are based upon the form of great niptoo, and art configured to act as advance scouts and pathfinders for their masters. Any model with both the Legion» AsUrtes (White Scars) and Independent Character special rules that docs not also hr* the Unique Sub-type nuy take a cyber-hawk for *10 points. At the start of any rum in whxrh the controlling player is the Active player, a model with a cyber-hawk may seket one спят unit with at least one model within 24'. When making Shooting Attacks against that unit, the model with the cyber hawk ard all models in any unit it has joined may re-roll all failed To Hit rolls of T and, when declaring a Charge targeting the chosen enemy umt the model with the cyber-hawk, and any unitit has jomed, may add +1 to their Charge roll.
i U»v»uajuj: ! •’«rower* tmii*- -Й; MiftwpU-rW' CJBfc't.-SthclaMI rw имев Mr (Г^сЬк 1 AbaHefl The l-зягга Bet Туpr Неиг» L игусЕЫе^Ч, Мо(Г Sba± Putv: few foror Aey Pwfcer Bith a «ори» o' aber, w«h tfu* yxvu.1 та* (W/ , Bji* а ЛусЬс check beftre mai^g *sy attack* with -Jar %*opc' о. iraob-z* I Ae A**T- Jitbe Check is Rxxmrfui then the Sfrengd) vxhj' of »а» <зю> r^ir | »¿«¡¡tai tftae Check »fa^ then a fVrfl* of li»r‘Aar? astark Hresot«*i MgЛе uar romaimag themodci «a; itokd KsCheck. lithe P*>Vrr ил«*« Perfl» of the Warp then к may attack « normal. ГЪг C«D</the Wind 'Psychic flower? Caby tbrmcxm »tnk*n of the Оюдопал Лотт, о Wr can x< cfxcumaettfthe winA of the future, and tpeai his ЫаЬт along ibe r»jt path tOHOOry i-Ottead rf jborteg m the Movement phisc, a ftvfcrr with this Rsydik Pмгт may pmthtfloa rJJspcoaJruJe to all friendly units with at ¡cast one model withm the Рлкхх,Аи*реаа1гик la«* until the beginning of the controlling P*»w'» neat tam. When using this power, the controlling player голу choose и> make a |4>dncchect If the Check a pawed then the свес*, a »prosed to grant the fleet (4) special rule, if the Check is failed then orJ> the -taker form of the power is applied to the target unit and the Ps>*er sufteis fcrtb of the Warp
Jaghatai Khan................~...... Khjg^n of I lie White Sears, The Warhawk, Matter of the Ice-blue I leavens, Primarth of the Wh 440 p0 '«So« The Klun Afoot The Khan Mounted WS AS •The additional Movement ¿¡tuned by the legtoon A\um& ,Wfct rm hided. Unless upqtaded to hose c Sojunu pertirm Mudbike kJ***,*«*lr* used for this model Unit Composition • 1 Ugiuui Klun Wargcar • The Wildfire Panoply • The White Tiger Dan • Storm’s Voice • Frag grenades Unit Type • Primarth (Unique) Special Rales • Legion« Auartn (White Se*> • Master of the Legion • Hu & Run • Crusader • Pathfinder • Most Through Cover • Lightning From Blue Skies • Loyalist • Warlord: Sire of the Whoc Sen Options • Jaghatai Khan may take a Sojutsu pattern voidbike' 'If this option is chosen, use the 'Khan Mounted'profile, and the Khan's Vnt Types changed to Primarch (Unique, Antigrav). Warlord; Sire cf the White Scars and dUdwateTho aT” Undmstimated h> huf°*> dismissed as cm ynnkxei "OrnadlX^? * * -Tit. command tdoptfd as hti^ dm fat exceeded am of' them m « lC iCOrS MW 0 wild storm unleashed uith a prrasson chd aSc^ them to overcome any opponent. White Crar! Warlord, Jaghatai Khan automatically has the Satd• fN 3 r or^ T ra*t *u>d may not select any other Warlord Trait- Astartev!u^*tC ^Car* ~ ^ Infantry and Cavalry models with the lX7i V * ^ SPCCU' "* 'n ,^ -me army as **“ ** they haw U°' m thc Furious Char8' 0) special rule on any ^ l^ghaui Rfaction in 'h' opposing players Mmetnefrt f** has not been removed as a casualty.
TV NS ildfi« Panoply *JuK°*P™"»»* >0* <* “<"*■"■ and bo,' a numb,, of unbp« »vrm, ,„ impnnx h, iWl. ummcM ^ TV WlWiK ft'»pl>' bl'ynou, Save, a 4* Invulnerable Save dunnS .he phase a,vial. |mulnctaMe Save during both the Movement phase and the Assault phase Lightning From Blue Skies held in R««ve. do not roll for Jaghatai Khan or any unit he Is considered to be part of while in Reserve lnst«d, at the beginning of any of the controlling players turns except the firs,, jaghatai Khan and any unit he has joined may be brought into play from Reserves without a Reserves roll li Jaghatai Khan Is part of a Hanking Assault then this rule applies to all units that are part of that Flanking Assault - but does not apply to a Deep Strike Assault, DropPod Assault or Subterranean Assault that includes Jaghatai Khan. Storin'» Voice An artnan pistol from the Dark Age of Technology gifted to thr Khagan by the tmperor. Storms Voice stayed at /aghatai s side throughout the long years of the Great Crusade. Many a xenos tyrant or wayward human despot deemed unworthy ’ of the Khans blade met their end engulfed by the searing lightning of Storms Voice, an end that many Traitors would eventually share during the wars of the Horus Heresy. Weapon Storms Voice Range Str AP Type 12” 6 4 Pistol 2, Rending (SO. Deflagrate. Concussivc (1), Master crafted TV White Tiger Dao This elegant weapon is styled in the manner of the weapons of the Chogorian hill tribes, yet Us primitive exterior hides a plethora of technological marvels that allow the blade to part ceramite and plasteel with ease Weapon White Tiger Dao Range Str AP Type +1 2 Melee, Duellists Edge(l), Furious Charge (2). Murderous Strike (m), Master-crafted Pattern Voidbikc PatUm V0idbikf is an earl>' Protot)pf ¡«bike that predates the more common Scimitar jetbike in use with the ■*5wvj Astanes. During initial trials, its thrusters were capable of prosiding sufficient thrust to grant the bike limited [TKKi' ox flight, and even some manoeuvrability in deep space, and it was classed by the Logisticae Impenahy a-, an 3*« fighter craft instead of a jetbike. jaghatai Khan retains a specially engineered version of this prototype vehicle for ot/*7’ “*•,Js rnhanced thrusters capable of carrying the Primarch into battle with a swiftness that was the envy of the *orr** of his Legion. Pguded to have a Sojutsu pattern voidbike. laghatai Khan r^rngbenefttv ^*ter-crafted heavy bolters. : the Khan Mounted profile and gains the • The Antig^^ ^a,1<* ^Ir'n8 Protocols (3) special rules * ‘° ^ a S°iutsu Pattern CavauT™4 to h*vc a Sojutsu pattern ^ ^VP^dC-Spitc the Usual rrtfrii U« WheJ lo haw a Sojutsu pattern voidbike. Jaghatai Khan Falls Back TDÓ* Instead of 21X> voidbike. laghata, Khan may join units that include models the ■pile the usual rcstrictioas, and any rules that target the Cavalry Unit . pc arc«.«nu er u' Wwaas if he had that Unit Type.

<**^rjgan A»aufc Speed« Squadron may lake: * up to 2 additional Ky/agan Assault Speeders .„odel may take up to two hunter-killer missiles for i Assault Speeder Kyragan; - >make much use of the various speeders available to the Leghaes Astone*, and operate u number of'unique The White Xy-^aoan is one such, a Jaivlin Land Speeder modified to cany a more deducted package of strike weapons ^nation*- armour. Though held in disfavour by the adepts of the Methamcum, who look upon unsanctioned and heaver /n>n ^ ^ fh,n/y vri/ed contempt, the Kyzagan has proven a capable raider and assault vehicle for fa mobile White Scars brotherhoods A Kyxagan Assault Speeder has one Kheres assault cannon and two Reaper autneannon.
Golden Keshig Squadron---.40 Po,** M WS BS s V w 1 A ».4 , - — * 4 4 4 *4 1 fy £££££*- - 5 4 4 4 1 4 J * 2« ,7vWtfwnK VkHWtt *mnml by "* L*f***> •'**« *** *«*«* V.0»icompo«t«on . ; Olden keshig Rkjtts . 1 Golden Krshtg Champion Wargear • Legion Shamshir ictbikc . Artificer armour » Chamssrord . Boh pistol Kontos power lance Unit Type - GoUkn Keshig Rxkr Cavalry (Armgrav. Hen# • Goiden Keshig Champmn: Cavalry (AnngRV. Heaw. Character) Special Rales • 1 rgumes AstBtes (White Scan) • Hil & Run • Relentless • HammcT of Wrath 0) Option» • A Golden Keshig Squadron may take : - Up to i additional Golden Keshig Riders------------ • Anv model in the unit may exchange its chainsword fox a: • Pcmet weapon------------------ • Chamabal weapon______________ One Golden Keshig Rider may take a: legion verilla__________________ ----*101 ____-101 The Golden Keshig Champion may cxcl Thunder hammer hangc his chainsword K»r ■ .Sp««*’ Kootos Power Lance „ TV Komo» pern** lance ¿, a prtme example of how the Greet Khar, took '*■* ^Chopons'nomadK tnbe* and named n to the hyh technobgyofd* »*** bu WUm had wielded lance, of wand tippedinsteel hanknr,i<rTarmte, tipped with lightning and thunder A \ . “*'* of a charging prink*. utti enough to « l.even the rnou terrible of foes. 1 v '•«pon I Med here u counted as a Power weapon »or those rules lM * 1 ***** S«*- AP TVl* K IM# P^tU"«* 10 1 Melee. U****’U Brutal (3). Sudd« Striked TVi'O-handcJ **y onf> attack with this weapon on a tum <* ^***«Picwl ^dn« not gam a bonus a«*-k K* C.
EBON Keshig Cohort................... p01NTS M ws BS S T VV 1 A Ld <fc ~r 8* 4 4 4 4 2 ' * 10 2» •The additional Movement granted by the Ugiones Astan n (White Sear, i ip#,uU amduded. ^Composition . sKhw«*’ Unit Type « Infantry vuite" . IV-wer glai'-e . upon TaxtanxTerminator armour Special Rules • Legiones Astaires (While Scars» • Relentless • Bulky (21 • Kharash • Stubborn • Fed No Pain <S») Option» . An Ebon KcthigCohort may take: . Acs model in the unit may exchange us power glaive for one of the blowing Options: ♦15 points; per model • Am model in the unti may exchange its combi-bolter for one of the following: »5 points each _*2 points each • One Kharash may take: «10 point» • Any model in the unit may take: tlO point* each Wurach TheKharash u both an ancient tactic of Chogons arui « «>cr oaf o > 7)»sf char accept the burden of fuch a position are pledged to tc ^ ^ far mmwat and seek only fo kill as many of the foe as po& ' a„„vui that sunme senteriniftr Kharash"*^**jZ£aU O'VhaeScan. ««man detuned for greatness, and those that fall are foegnen °nd remembered only with honour for their sacrifice ■ i of a unit "nh ihu jjw ^ nUv ew xon anV Victory points for the destruction < *« «fleet in ^* rute rc^*nd,'s’> of the scenario placed or any victory conditions " %* u*n«Po» *U>n * RKxirf W1,h »h«* *P««1 nik may nor rein any unit that ,»y * a*x*C| rt*** rnUnr*' °* »odds that also hase the Kharash »pec ial rule n>'< *”> "Jude», , dor’ not tavc the Kharash special nile Join a unit that includes _ w,,h that special rule.
faster of the Keshig, Chosen of the Khagan .....2*0 pt The additional Movement granted hy the Legion* Mtarte, (W7,, is included. Unit Composition • 1 Qin Xa War-gear • Legion Tartaros Terminator armour • Iron halo • Grenade harness • The Tails of the Dragon «'Scan) s!*n<dr Unit Type Special Rules • 1-cgiones Astartes (White Scani • Independent Character • Master of the Legion • Counter-attack (2) • Furious Charge (1) • Bulky (2) • Relentless • Stubborn • Master of the Keshig • Warlord: Chosen of the Khagan • Loyalist Warlord: Chosen of the Khagan Qin Xa, often overlooked hy allies and enemies, was a constant presence aithe&kd the Khan - a vital advisor to the subtle-minded lord of Chogoris and a siiSfd»5rW and commanded in battle. During the dark years of the Homs Herts)-he to become one of the Khagan’s most trusted companions and a notable leader -the warriors of the Legion. If chosen as the army's Warlord, Qin Xa automatically has the Chese. Khagan Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Tra>1 Chosen of the Khagan - If Qin Xa is the army's Wariord. unit** controlling player may choose to either bring a single dig' group of friendly units assigned to a Deep Strike Assau t ,n Re*^ play from Reserve automatically instead of rolling or *'* ^ of •* ^ for that turn (this may not be used to bring a unit orIn addin0*1 when a Reserves roll could not normally be made or ? potion army whose Warlord has this trait may make an. ^ ^ Assault phase as long as the Warlord has not been re
 of the KohiK * n&rt denoted an elite formation of warriors unhin the White * rdM and fix-Mdm **%' »"fm. only one Kcshig needed no Z'h ‘“f“* *** loaned sm„m n Stx* *■#J**** nos a cadre of,he £^££7*" "* jM* * Qin X* the mo« fm««/©/the Pnmanh's warlords ** Wh,lr &** and was <„,, If Oin X. is »thc , cadcr of a uf °n Tartar0s Com™nd Squad, any model m «hat Tartar« Command SquaJ nuy replace its power weapon with a power glaive for ♦$ points cash. fhe Tail* of the Dragon As the legend is told amongst the horse tribes of Chogoris, the Tails of the Dragon were twin blades gifted by the Khan to cot among lhar tribe loyxtl Without question not only to them, but to the protection of the tnbe and to,he puma ofestr ^ter martial glory. While the original blades, if they ever existed, hair been lost to time, the Tails of,he Dragon blades gifted to Qin Xa by the Khaganwere crafted in their image and legacy in a form more befttmg a renewed uamor of the A\hHe Scars Legion The Tails of the Dragon are two separate but identical weapons, and the bonus for welding two melee weapons has -already been included in Qin Xas profile. Thc weapons listed here arc counted as Power' weapons for those rules that alfect such weapons. When attacking with thc Tails of the Dragon in close combat, select one of the profiles to from those shown below for both weapons at thc start of each of thc controlling players Assault phases, before aayatucks are made: Weapon Range Str AP Tails of the Dragon • Split the Mountain , +3 2 - Pan thc Horse’s Mane ♦1 2 Type Melee. Unwieldy. Master crafted Melee. Precision Strikes (30. Master-crafted
^■»he Space Wolves, who in the latter years of the Great Crusade’s long campaigns were a highly veteran force of over 75.000 warriors, were already blooded and reduced to approximately a third of that number by the beginning of the Horus Heresy. The Warmaster had twisted Leman Russ' orders for the censure of Magnus the Red into the destruction of the Thousand Sons Legion, in the hope that two rivals might be eradicated in one act. During a vicious campaign that ravaged the world of Prospcro in a cataclysm that unleashed the Warp to rend reality asunder, the sons of Russ suffered heavy casualties and the Thousand Sons Legion was all but annihilated. Though victorious. Prospcro was a mark of shame for the VI* Legion, which realised it had unwittingly perpetrated the first open act of fratricide of the Horus Heresy. The Legion fought bitterly throughout the Age of Darkness to scour that mark from its honour; however, the Traitors were intent on punishing the wounded Space Wolves for the arrogance they showed in holding themselves as a Legion apart. Many thousands of Space Wolves fought across theg^ in small battlegroups. but the bulk of the Legion would remain united throughout the Horus Heresy. Alongside Russ, they would suffer terribly, but always snatch an epic saga from the jaws of painful defeat. At Alaxxes they were harried through the nebulae by the Alpha Legion. At Vanaheim, a stalemate conflict was concluded when the Legion's unbridled rage was unleashed upon the entrenched Iron Warriors. At Trisolian, Russ faced his brother, Horus, and wounded the Warmaster grievously, affecting the war in ways fen mortals could fathom at that time. Yet, the Space Wolves paid a high price for this desperate mission, for they were unable to return to Terra and were instead run to ground and forced to give battle against a united host of Traitor Legions at Yarant, where they faced their darkest hour during the so-called 'Wolf Cull’. Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) I All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions:, I Bestial Savagery that choose'to Runmlhc *7 7 ,nfamr>’ Unit T>Pe and the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) special rule a Charge in the Assault Dha -7 7™ P * 51,11 make a Shootin8 AtUck in the Shooting phase, and declare I 1 a unit with this special rule h e * MmC 7" ' but any Shoot,nB Atucks made in the same turn as that in which Termit^orsi^Tj^hTat^do not1 i hav v ^ ^ <*uch - «<*■" Cataphracu. they successfully Charge, even if that Ch * * *C *7 ,nfantl> Un,t T>T* instead gain +1 WS on any turn in whKh this special rule that make Rim Arr l **** ^ considcrcd Disordered. Models with the Vehicle Unit Type and "1C s mcrcasc the Strength of any Hits inflicted as pan of that attack by +1.10 a i Vas : rs Of Morkai 1 1 Mod »ccjal rule gain 1 \ 1 j (fee Armoury of the Space Wolves \ 1 on page 200),________________J Lords of Winter \ 1 Any legion Centurions, Legion 1 1 Cataphractii Centurions and 1 1 Legion Tartaros Centurions with 1 \ this special rule may not select - ' : 1 Mcdicac Consul upgrades. Instead, j 1 1 Thegn.! 1 _________1 Wolves of Fenris ▼OEVSS OFTEN»»----------- ' I I Space Wolves Warlord Trait list
ш . WOLVES RITES OF WAR s (Space Wolves) Faction may make use of the foil •"*'CK"'" ■* W|‘ includes at lea> f^Todek with the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) special rule in a Detachment using this Rite of War gam the Hatred (Traitors) and Preferred Enemy (Primarch) special rules. • AH models in a Detachment using this Rite of War gain the fearless special rule when locked in combat with a Primarch that has the Traitor special rule or is otherwise using the Traitor Allegiance. • When a unit from a Detachment using this Rite of War has a Charge declared for it targeting an enemy unit that includes a model with the Primarch Unit Type, that unit gains a bonus of +2 to its Charge roll made to determine its Charge Distance. Limitations • This Rite ofWar may only be taken by an Allied Detachment with the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) Faction, and may never be taken for a Primary Detachment. • A Detachment with this Rite of War may not mrU. any models with the Vehicle or Primarch Unit Tipe. • This Rite of War may only be used by an army thaia the Loyalist Allegiance. ■\AJMMl
RiTe OF war: The Pale Hunters TfKSpa« Wo,ves U9ion s rePutation as hunters among L Ugi°nes Astart(S 'S matched only by the Whne Scars, 11though the tactics of pursuit and the killing blow differ the two, both in conception and execution. The i____A____i -----... . , Jo the White Scars, but favour more the bloody, relentless paring down of a foe, much as their namesake ofTerran lore. No quarter or honour is offered to the prey, and theirs a a fate of remorseless cruelty after which death seems as a Messing to many. Wolves value speed and the surety of the strike, as Effects . All models in a Grey Slayer Pack or Grey Stalker Pack from a Detachment using this Rite of War gain the Hit & Run special rule, and when making a Hit & Run Move may choose to Move a number of inches up to the distance rolled rather than the full distance, so long as they remain at least 1" away from any enemy unit at the end of this Move. • On the turn in which a unit from a Detachment using this Rite of War enters play as part of a Flanking Assault, all models in that unit gain the Fleet (2) and Rage (2) special rules until the end of the player turn in which it enters play. • Up to three units from a Detachment using this Rite of War made up entirely of models with the Infantry or Cavalry Unit Types and the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) special rule may be upgraded to grant all models in those units the Outflank special rule for no additional points cost. Rite of War: The Bloodied Claw The Space Wolves haw never shied from the gore-drenched demands of the all-out frontal assault, but in this, as with other facets of their way of war, their unique character and controlled savagery shapes much of what they do when faced with such a dire prospect To them, such banles ml upon a single terrible moment: the breaking of the line, w here one side shatters the others strength in a single art of unstoppable violence, and all that comes afterwards is little more than the living body s death after its heart is ripped from it by a bloodied claw. Effects next turn, all models with the 1-cgiones Astartes (Space Wolves) special rule in the Detachment with this Rite of War gain the following benefits: - Add +1 to the score used to determine the winner of any Assault (this is not cumulative, and no individual combat may have it applied more than once). - Gain the Fleet (2) and Furious Charge (1) special rules. - Gain the Stubborn special rule, or if they already had the Stubborn special rule or another special rule that allows them to ignore modifiers to Leadership, gains the Fearless special rule instead. --------„.VI uku piaycr turn, a player whose army includes a Detachment using this Rite of War may declare a Bloody Claw. Once the Bloody Claw is declared and until the start of the controlline nlawr't imitations During the turn in which the controlling player has declared the Bloody Claw, all units that include one or more models with the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) special rule in this Detachment capable of Charging must always attempt to Charge an enemy unit in the Assault phase if there are any eligible targets in range and line of sight. If multiple eligible targets are available, the controlling player may choose which to ' ' —aoainst.
 Space Wolves Advanced Reaction tL Advanced Reaction is available only to units made up entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Space Jibes)special rule. Unlike Core Reactions, Advanced Reactions areactrvated in unique and specific circumstances „noted in their descriptions, and can often have game changrng effects. Advanced Reactions use up points of a Reactive player's Reaction Allotment as normal and obey all other restrictions placed upon Reactions, unless it is specifically noted otherwise in their description. So Prey Escapes the Wolf - This Advanced Reaction may be made once per battle in the opposing player’s turn, when any enemy unit with one or more models within 12" of a friendly unit made up entirely of models with the Legiones Asurtes (Space Wolves) special rule is moved during the Movement phase. Once the enemy unit that triggered this Reaction has been moved, but before any other units are moved, a single friendly unit made up entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) special rule that can draw- a line of sight to the enemy unit that moved may immediately move up to a number of inches equal to the highest Initiative Characteristic in the unit and then declare a Charge targeting the enemy unit that moved if it is within 12”. A Charge declared as part of this Reaction is resolved immediately (the enemy unit may not declare any Reaction against this Charge), and if successful the combat will be fought as normal in the following Assault phase, with a Charging unit with the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) special rule gaining all the normal benefits of Charging. Space Wolves Warlord Traits A Warlord with the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) special rule may select a Warlord Trait from among those listed Wow instead of selecting one of the Core Warlord Traits. Howl of Morkai then he instead gains +1 Attacks and Strength until the have htard the terrifying battle cries of the Wolves of end of the controlling player’s next turn. In addition, an UnkQsh*d can stand, unshackled by fear in the face of army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional ^ Munu, unsnacmea oy fear in the face of 0 an(^ fewer Mill live to tell of the terror that °f Morkai giwn form in the Space Wolves’onslaught. ¡¡ZZ"91™’ an^fewer SUM Hv'c to tell of the terror that Reaction in the opposing players Assault phase so long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty. Crown Breaker For many Space Wolves, the highest test of valour and battle-spite is the slaying of the foe’s champions, be they hero or devil, and they will endure any hurt to accomplish it.
. criONES CONSULARIS: Caster of Runes................. Z^CostffS of Runts manipulate their power through tniUurZ7Z*S PoiNTs V W\\U)hi ^ Fenrisian ritual. Indeed, to outsiders they clam that thor „her 1 malr'Ct' “"t from th* Warp. but from the heart of their home worU-rn <’rea'pott'"fm',-- :WOr>dofF^ru¿Z***, A Ugi°n Centurion, Legion lartaros Centurion or Lcti,m r with the Lcgiones Astartes (Space Wolves) special rule mTv^Uphrac,,i Cimun„n of Runes Consul instead of selecting any of the standard C to*Ca„er the benefits listed below: dard Cons“l upgrades. Riming Special Rules A Caster of Runes gains the Psyker Sub-type and must select on Psychic Disciplines: Winds of Fenris (see below). Divination TeH f°lloWmg Biomancy. A Caster of Runes may not select any other Discipline iTTh™ Caster of Runes gains the Adamantium Will (4+) special rule 3 mon,a Wargear A Caster of Runes may replace a power weapon, bolt pistol or combi-bolter with a force weapon at no additional points cost. In addition, a Caster of Runes may select a psychic hood for +15 points. Psychic Discipline: Winds of Fenris A Psyker with this Discipline gains all the listed Powers, weapons and special rules. Wrath of the Death Wolf (Psychic Weapon) The Caster of Runes summons a storm from the cold hearth of Morkai and channels it into an icy blast which shatters its frozen victims. Type Assault 1, Deflagrate, Force Range Str AP Wrath of the Death Wolf Template 5 4 | Force: Any Psyker with a weapon or ability with this special rl‘ ^ resolving make a Psychic check before making any attacks with t at vs attacks made 'he ability. If the Check is successful then the Strengt 'a js res0|Ved is doubled. If the Check is failed then a Perils of the Warp . ]f the Psyker ^fgeting the unit containing the model that tailed it survives Perils of the Warp then it may attack as norma . wrought (Psychic Power) Qf Runes shrouds ho' ‘n9 forth a sudden blizzard from the aether, t e m the enemy’s depredations. / . h t|,is of a Psyker'*'1 . 6- ;tead of making a Shooting Attack, the controU'^P^J one ¡Chhlc Power may select a single friendly unit wi lnfantr>'.c‘ , ^ic that is composed entirely * <*> jg! using t!^ht Unit Types. The chosen unit gain* sll00ting PhasC. a psychic c beginning of the controlling P,ayer s 11 . e the Ps>*cr (t+), i*’,l,c ^.thecontrolling player i \ ; 1 j I 1 I I 1 ! I promised death.’ I ! Цч1 survie or e>f ibe 1 Vilikftili—r '*■ 1 ««Oltrdforue“0" I __________1
the Lay of d-Tongue, sian Sagas Legiones Consularis: Speaker of the Dead...................... Servants and leaders both of the Cult of Morkai - the Fenrisian’"”"’ IV» the Speakers of the Dead are the instillers of fear, masters ofdU,^°!i'aspect ofdt^ Legions culture and histories. These blood-soaked priests ofFcnL °ndl:"Pm' wear esoteric masks and carry curious tokens. Each Speaker ofth stn>n9tn oath before battle, and its chanted memetics can take root „„i! C Dead ^es ^ prosiding deadly results. th,n th' minds «SK*. A Legion Centurion, Legion Tartaros Centurion or Legion C with the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) special rule may b*'aphractii centUr)0r| of the Dead Consul instead of selecting any of the standard c UPg,,aded to * SpeaJ* Special Rules A Speaker of the Dead must increase his Leadership to 10, and the Speaker of the Dead and all models with the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) special rule in a unit they join gains the Stubborn and Hatred (Everything) special rules. Wargear • A Speaker of the Dead gains a narthecium and a Master-crafted power maul for no additional points cost. Restrictions A Speaker of the Dead may not select two lightning claws, or a boarding shield
IaRL j%ejarls were lords of the Great Companies of the Space Wolves , , Union became fragmented and broken down into elite contin ' ho>ts of the of,he Horus Heresy, each lari, or Wolf Lord, held together his cl“ tht Woodsh, personal'? and shaped its martial preference by then personal au^ * 5 led of Unities A Legion Praetor, Legion Cataphractii Praetor or Legion Tartar™ n the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) special rule may be T* points, gaining the Counter-attack (2) special rule. A model with the lar a may also be given the Skirmish Sub-type at no additional cost in points lh-be decided at the start of the battle before any models arc deployed and ml"11“! changed during the battle. Legiones Consularis: PackThegn.........................+IO Points A Pack Thegn or lesser Claw leader is a proven warrior of a score of campaigns or more who is deeply experienced in the making of murder. Ixmg of fang and beard, often a Pack Thegn is a commander who has survived the loss of his company or lost esteem in the eyes of his betters and is side-lined from any hope of becoming a lari These warriors bind their fortunes to that of their favoured lari (or indeed whichever lari is willing to take them on if disgraced), sharing their cunning and expertise in war with his new recruits and teaching patience to his more savage pack members. A Pack Thegn will stay at the heel of that Jarl, hunting at the head of his packs until death. A Legion Centurion, Legion Cataphractii Centurion or Legion Tartaros Centurion with the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) special rule may be upgraded to a Pack Thegn Consul instead of selecting any of the standard Consul upgrades, granting that model the benefits listed below: Special Rules „ A Pack Thegn gains the Counter-attack (1) special rule. A model with the Pac gn upgrade may also be given the Skirmish Sub-type at no additional cost in P°'n _ must be decided at the start of the battle before any models are dep ov e an not be changed during the battle. ^ Pack Thegn may not take a Legion Scimitar jetbike or l egion Sp mallows the aar-firt. Wo* they hidden UnHe darkness when the light h&gone. Our light is uithin us. Wc run the Hum of Tire in the, I Foes bum in our passing " V*tr, A
ARMOURY or THE space wolves TH available only to Detachments with the Upon« w these heavy hladcd axes often seem crude to outsiders, but rt»^ Fl\»lSiAs AXÏ u.lth ttmble efficacy. When the wamorsofFennsbeganto^ ° (space Wolves) special rule may exchange a chainsword for a Few»»«fa, Any model with the Legiones Asurtcs .2 points each. Weapon Fcnnsan axe Range Str AP Type +1 - Melee, Reaping Blow (1) Frost Blades Owed by the weaponsmiths of the Fang, the famed frost blades u ere forged after detailed study of the arcane tedmalopestf Leman Russ own Emperor-gifted blade, coupled with unique materials gleaned from the death world of Fenris itself, namm the preternatural!) hard chi tin-teeth of the Fenrisian Icrakens that haunted that death world’s deeps. Most took the shaped traditional Fenrisian battle axes or Terran-influenced double-edged chainblades, while some few were also fashioned afirprwe -laws or e\m bmad-bladed war spears, but all were finely made and equally lethal. Only a few such weapons were able to "¡At the fabled paragon blades of Ancient Terra m destructive potential and quality, but all were truly formidable weapons in da own right. with both the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) and Independent Character special rules may exchange i Asunes iSnarr w 1 T' ***ostswon*' ^rost ** or frost claw) for +5 points each. Anv model with both the Lep^6 So¿T^'"indent.Character special rules may exchange a power weapon for a great ft««** Range Str +1 +1 User +2 AP 3 2 3 2 Type Melee, Specialist Weapon, Reaping Blow (M Melee, Specialist Weapon. Unwieldy. Reaping & Melee, Specialist Weapon. Shred. Reaping Bio» 1 Melee, Reaping Blow (1), Two-handed Weapon Frost sword Frost axe Frost daw ~ Great frost blade ' her of hif^1 - /tTOER-RVJNE Armour . _|v of war a num a as « The Space Wohes Legion was known to have among its most pn* |Qn circuitr>'u' K jyCed. ^rat» ¿¡0! artificer pmvrr armour fitted with intricately woven psycho-*thenc i Keliex'eei to be P -r0 th< J and negating psychic forces directed against the wearer. These artefacts u „mains unknO»'n , ■ «mounts. by the Legion itself, although from what pattern or rare matena s ^ fo the ntu° , cfc(*f'***^ gt** of those within the Legion, the phenomenal protection the armour pron e . Imp*' raft ‘ formed, which they brlirxrd armoured the warrior's soul as much as it did t fir has*5 tl notion as mere superstition and pointed to an underlying, if ill-understood, lfC wots of armour Ap № cter y toy model with both the Upon« Axtatt« (Space Wolves) and Independent ,2S po'°1' ‘ jd* ^UnupseGmtSub-rype may exchange artiheer atrnour for (Ether-tune armour ' arsdp^"^>U.,.<''mf'r'12* Armour Save. In addition, it increases the 'Flown Adamannum WiU (Ac) speaal rule to that model.
til IVMAN RUSS.................. I hf Wolf’KlujI ofl'enri*, The Primanh of the Space Wolv c* lift'*" K'l>s tmlt Comp»“ll,on . | uni*n Kuss Waigear . Hie Armour blavagar . the Aw of Helwinter . the Sword of Balenight • Seornspittcr . FTag grenades of Winter and linin' ’*^50 I>( N Unit Type • Primarch (Unique, Skirmish) Special Rules . Legiones Asurtes (Space Woh^ . Master of the Legion < Howl of the Death Wolf . Counter-attack (2) . Loyalist . Warlord: Sire of the Space Woho Warlord: Sire of the Space Wolves First and foremost, Leman Russ was a warlord; like some barbarian king ofancm myth he strode into battle at the head of his army, proving to all who foil wed him that he feared nothing, be it man or xenos, warp-spawned horror or self-pmdamed god. He was then to his Legion a paragon of what they should strive to be, just as much as he was their commander and their liege lord. He was a being they would have rather died for than disappoint or be shamed before. If chosen as the army's Warlord, Leman Russ automatically has the Sire o. -Space Wolves Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait Sire of the Space Wolves - All models with the Legiones Astartes special rule in the same army as Leman Russ gain a bonus of^ for the duration of any turn in which such a unit successfully ^ enemy unit. In addition, an army with Leman Russ as its ''ar or Lcniin^ additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Assault phase as has not been removed as a casualty. 11 owl of the Death Wolf decUre u* utn Onu- per battle, Leman Russ’ controlling player ma> ^^tpla)*1 npeciid rule at the start of their turn. For the duration ■'ll friendly models with the legiones Asurtes ($PaC _ cflCrn> rolcr l«»nu« of* ♦ | their Movement Characteristic and a ^ ^<s) sp* onc ,,r more models with the 1 egiones Astartes ( Pa “*> Immediate Pinning test. H99HH

try Legion, it was said ■ were those for whom te bloody deeds they done in the name of the U Crusade mutilated ■ souls and damaged • minds to such an nt that they were no ler Space Marines, but lathing hollow and rderous beyond reason, ome Legions, such igs might go all but loaccd, even perhaps rk one for advancement. He in others, the gift of al peace was offered, perhaps outcast status one of the so-called ontats' or a place m the stirrer units But within t Space Wolves, such an ■consuming impulse to ’ and kill aaain uas better i. and the wavs held the answer tc the shape Deathsworn Pack . Deathswom Unit Composition • 5 Deathswom Wargear • Bolt pistol • Power axe • Frag grenades • Krak grenades • Ymira class stasis bombs • Artificer armour •l7S Points A 2 ■M WS BS S T W l ~7 4 4 4 4 2 r Unit Type • Infantry (Heavy) Special Roles • Legiones Astartcs (Space Wolves) • CultofMorkai • The Dreams of the Death Wolf • Counter-attack (1) • Stubborn ^ Sv «IT Dedicated Transport A Deathswom Pack may take a Legion Rhino Transport or Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. Options • The Deathswom Pack may include: - Up to 5 additional Deathswom___________________________+30 points each • Any model in the unit may exchange its power axe for a: - Power fist_____________________________________________— +33 points each • For every five models in the unit, one model may exchange its power axe for one o the following: - Great frost blade--------------------------------------+30 points eacn - Thunder hammer______________________________________—--P°‘nts • The entire unit may take one of the following options: -Melta bombs___________________________________________+20 points per ^ - Rad grenades________________________________________+20 points per unU
r —,fca] I CiiltofMorkai | The Deathstvom serve not only as ,,l>le I „/tenloundln the (ortfpany of the door w''''"5'o/*> «s hungers of Fends'wrath. crs»f",e '"'Port,,,,, ^ || 'C'"tyniatlcylir'‘ ,htrltu<li Dcjthsuxini Packs may not be ioii,,.,/1. . . "C CaS,,ri v'hr„ ,11 Thn ,hf Spfakcr of Dea«' or Caster of i 5 wm' ‘he Indent, | " is i Retinue Squad In a ifeuchinent tl,,. uncs Consul Um,, , e'" <-hariI(l Runes Consul upgrade, Instead of as anV'llte"?'* lcasl ot.c mo, !"l',d<,,tion. a iw“' '"’""ha uitfi the Speaker of the Dead nr r '(es choice./\uni ‘c'vi,h i|i(. c, ^'Wom P*.l m°deh ....... fhe Drei ms of the Death Wolf I ”* dreams of the n,,,,, Wolf ha,■> hath closing about them. In that | broken and lifeless. ™0 wn 0, ufny, „ I «L'c*tn$worn model I . I °f re™^^t7l?ptyg‘sha ^at/f T 'f'* h^n? "Ud'a'™. pUce ,hi fi!hion arc stiluZm^y S'n8,C A"atk ^e being removed as a a'Tl ^'' m0deh pliced “,he ^ W rCS°,Ving WhiCh Sidc has *«.. a combat) rCm°VCd “ in lhi k.?— ' '" "™n,‘ « “>* Death Wolf ~ "7 ,h' Retinue Sauad, *'*"< The dreams of the Death Wolfh p,Jy. SssttS^KsssKasss- vUnif 7 *ucn a fate for the Deathsworn, however, seems of little concern. I ^'ch '<,r<‘ered Chan. * f-bargesa unit that includes one or more models with Ymira class stasis bombs d|"lr' mil5 ^ chccseT " addlt'°n’lhc controlling player of a unit that includes any models witJ™ fo;f jr X„i„ td ‘O deter,n ° activatc ‘he Ymira class stasis bombs when declaring a Charge or t a ■ >>WS Charge Distance. Use Vmira Cass stas,s booths remain Olaj mU<,c,s With y" ’ "ld may ** ac,ivated again if another Charge is later < tea ^ ^ ^ ,n , Si y* duhng Z ...V",,ra da»s stasis bombs must add both the Flcshbanc and Ge ^ „.„I, in N O c,ass ta'f’f' suhphase. All Wounds Inflicted by the Gets Ho. ^"h )n„ra stasis bomb' ^Sck^ «*« bomb are resolved using the A I’ value of the weapon the «««
ti W\\U]///i -, Grey Stalker Pack T4S PoiNT5 TROOPS I Counterparts to the Grey Iiyers, the Grey Stalkers ved to complement rir raw and savage fury th a more focussed rage d more varied panoply, leir role in battle was ore akin to that of e traditional tactical 'uad, to take and hold vund. but moulded by te teachings of Leman uss into something new nd distinct. In battle hey followed on the eels of the Grey Slayers, lorrying those foes too well ntrenched fora frontal issault and securing he ob/ectives cleared hy the onslaught of the Grey Slayers. The Grey Stalkers were often composed of a more higher number of Terran recruits than other cadres of the Space Wolves. Being among those units most akin to the old ways of 'he Legion, and less tied to the savage rites and qnm culture of Fenris. 'hev units were often best uited to the skills such ll * it a subtle hint of M WS BS S T W 1 A Grey Stalker 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 2 Huscarl 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 $ Dedicated Transport • A Grey Stalkers Pack of no more than 10 models may take a Legion Rhino I ransport or Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. Asa Dedicated Transport, this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. Unit Composition • 9 Grey Stalkers • 1 Hustarl Wargear • Bolt pistol • Chainsword • Frag grenades • Krak grenades • Power armour Unit Type • Grey Stalkers: Infantry (Skirmish. Line) • Huscarl: Infantry (Skirmish. Une, Character) Special Rules • Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) • Relentless • Counter-attack (1) • Heart of the Legion
0f?Trf> Sulkcn Pack may include: ' . tpto10 additional Grey..................... Yhr enure unit may take one of the following options: iidfcff-——....................................... . Combat shield....•.......................~......... , Any model with a bolter may take a: . chain bayonet......................................... . Am mode! in the unit may exchange its chainsword for a: f. .fewerweapon......................................... . For every five models in the unit, one model may take a: - Magna combi weapon................................ • Minor combi-weapon............................... . Flamer....................-....................... • VoOute charger................................... - Rotor cannon..................................... - Yolkite caliver.................................. - Plasma gun....................................... -Mekagun............................................ — *12-points each ♦1 point per model ♦1 point per model -----*1 point each ....*2 points each ----♦$ points each ♦10 points each - ♦$ points each ♦S points each .. +5 points each ... *S points each ... +S points each . *10 points each ..♦IS points each For every five models in the unit, one model may exchange its chainsword for a: - Heavy chainsword. ............ ......................—......._ ___________________+2 points each - Power fist.................................................................. -Lightning daw.................................................................. For every five models in the unit, one model may exchange its bolt pistol for a: - Hand flamer. .......... ..._________ -Plasma pistol___ ___________________________________________________________ Grey Stalker may take a: +20 points each ♦10 points each ... +5 points each . ♦lO points each 0*ey Stalker mav take a ^ 'Lel»onvexilh... - his chainsword for one of the following options: ^»»gclaw. ‘««a: isword, axe or claw)...................................... ~ iRUHiU, L,n * ^ Htecrt may exchange his bolt pistol for one of the following options, flamer..... _. +10 points „. +10 points „♦20 points „ +10 points __+15 points ... +25 points ....♦5 points ♦10 points K0 ^tange his chainsword and bolt pistol for: ......_.......................................... * Hu*/! nU' CXc^Ange his power armour for artificer armour ^ take mclta bombs..................................... „.♦IS points +10 points .. +10 points
Geigor Fell-Hand..................... Thcgn of the Space Wolves, Commander of the Broken c'laiy P0,M* The Fell-hand I I I I oti I I j I f | battle as <i commander I I I 1 war pack while fighting , I | I Crusade, a battle in . I which he believed that I I I I I festered in Geigor s soul I I H °f f^rspern, hts voter I 1 | H 1 I I H ' I I I I _ J Geigor Fell-Hand Unit Composition • 1 Geigor Fell-Hand NVargear • Bolt pistol • Bolter • The Fell-Hand • Frag grenades • Krak grenades • Refractor field • Artificer armour M WS BS s 7 5 5 4 W Unit Type • Infantry (Character. Skirmish. Unique, Special Rules • 1-egiones Astartes (Space Wohts) • Independent Character • Relentless • Counter-attack (1) • Master of the legion • Warlord: Crown Breaker Warlord: Crown Breaker Geigor's wrath was most often directed at the enemy 's commanders, those warriors that led the vanguard and directed the attack. Yet this was no display of tactics, no attempt to cut the head from the snake, but instead a bitter and abiding need to prove himself better than those ranged against him. If chosen as the army's Warlord, Geigor Fell-Hand automatically has Crwu rcakcr as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other. Crown Breaker - Geigor Fell-Hand and all models in any friendly unit he has joined gain the Preferred Enemy (Independent Characters) special rule TV* also gam the Feel No Pain (S*) special rule when locked in combat with one or n. enemy models with the Independent Character special rule. In addition ani army with Geigor Fell-Hand as its Warlord may make an additional R not 1 U °Pposing player's Movement phase as long as Geigor Fell-Hand not been removed as a casualty. The Fell-Hand °^a part,cuiarly potent frost claw of exquisite in themseives'a andj.°rged a^rr man>‘ tnab and bellicose deeds wvrth}'°f.*L [he death thJyZ^Zl^ ^ ^ vurr-nome ^ ™ rcavrd on the battlefield. Weapon "nic Pell-Hand Range TypC mftol- Melee. Master-^1 Rending (5*). -sh Reaping Blow (1*
 , cl Red-Blade........................210 Points 4* *4( F<Kllih Great Company, The Ravager, The Headsman of Koltok M WS BS 7 0S r t w 4 Compo*'1'01' . | H*»d Red Blade Waffe" . Hearth splitter . Ha'S Mler . Grenade harness • Iron halo • legion Tarraros Terminator armour Unit Type • Infantry (Character, Unique) Special Rules • Independent Character • Battle Cunning • Lcgioncs Astartcs (Space Wolves) • Master of the Legion • Relentless • Inexorable • Counter-attack (1) • Fear(l) • Bulky (2) • Warlord: Head-taker Warlord: Head taker Hind gtoned in only one thing in battle, the death of the foe. I le cared little for grand «nr«® or ni bile tricks of deployment or manoeuvre and instead erased simply to time «ith the foe and see their blood spilled on the broken soil of the battlefield. Kchosen as the army's Warlord, Hvarl Red-Blade automatically has Head taker *his Warlord Trait and may not select any other. ****'** end > thtfot, to close with them as quickly as possible, break heart, yef, he suas no fool and knew well the salue of sending ttodisi ■ " us no jooi ana knew well me s alue oj senai aru* "'Mead the foe before motinting his main onslaught. I rheu!*'!” uni,s composed entirely of models with the Infantry . ^ mle. Dtl*hment as I Ivarl Red Blade may be given the Sc ** tamed axe was not of Fenris hut a stone-grey powerthe %, ¿S*lrnm a battlefield trophy taken form a huge mas hme_««*. . ‘ftohok saw him elevated to Ihcqn and first eame n 0 thousand battles since, it has never failed him. ^. [ ^ »* counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for thos* rU'C AP 2 Type Melee, Armourbane (Melee)
■ L1TES iyr arc the chosen if Leman Russ, ed from his own npanv to form his Iuard and close ins in war and o have attained nk and position, distinguished battle many •, and each has own saga worth than any other they are of his pack, by the great beast ich adorns their and to adopt tour means more ■nply to walk in the ing's shadow and .711 heir lives for needs be, it means ling much more. It that, at least for a he)- have foregone ance to lead their •rs in battle, to while others strike, nd fast and not fc out the glory of . save when their ommands. When Uke a thunderbolt Varagyr Wolf Guard Terminator Squad.... 25° Points ____________________________M ws Varagyr 6 S Thegn 6 5 Unit Composition • 4 Varagyr • 1 Thegn Wargear • One of the following: frost axe, frost sword or frost claw • Combi-bolter • Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour BS S T W I A Ld Sv 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 Yt 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2. Unit Type • Varagyr: Infantry (Heavy) • Thegn: Infantry (Heavy, Character) Special Rules • Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) • Fear(l) • Relentless • Counter-attack (1) • Stubborn • Hammer of Wrath (2) • Lordsbane • Bulky (2) Dedicated Transport • A Varagyr Wolf Guard Terminator Squad of no more than 5 models may take a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. A Varagyr Wolf Guard Terminator Squad of any size may instead take a Legion Land Raider Spartan as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army.
\vwkiftíLM troops ider the leadtnhtp of man Kim and thnr •Hurt of dull and savage am tnbod- Фon began to change to ecomt a lingular hyhnd md ruthless «л of batik nd the patterns of more ccagmsahh Imperial tm'Inon doemne that had gone before Thu new Spair Wolves legion wo.« trull a reflection of neither of those parents but something new march : and the increasing use of ■■o-calkd Ore} Slasvr units kos perhaps one of the под stable outward signs of Oils trandormatum ' reas trie Ierran- tOCi Will tatingiy cvujtem m úu \жци*1 tirder of batti Grey Slayer Pack Grey Slayer Hutcarl Unit Composition . 9 Grey Slayers > 1 Hustarl Wargear • Bolt pistol • Fcnnsianaxc • Combat shield • Frag grenades • Krak grenades • Power armour M WS BS •'« r<»n, 4 4 4 4 UmtType • Grey Slayers: Infantry -Siisat • Huscari: Infantry Sfcmadi. Character; Special Rales • Legiones Astaires 'Space Wooes: • Relentless • Ccrunter-artaci fl, • Heart of the Legion Dedicated Transport • A Grey Slayer Pack of no more than 10 models may take a Legion Rkrao Tjsb or Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport .As a Dedans: Transport, this does not use up an additional Force Organisation doc. teas points cost must still be paid for as part of the army.
°£^rty Sljycr Pack may include Up to 10 additional Grey Slayers---------------------------------------------- ^ model in the unit may exchange iti combat shield for a: . Bolter--------------------“ . Any model with a bolter may take: ' .Bayonet——-—------------------------------------------------------------------- . chain biyonet------------------------------------------------------------------ . Any model in the unit may exchange its Fenrisian axe for a: • Power weapon....................-............................................ . For every five models in the unit, one model may exchange its Fenrisian axe for a: • Heavy chainsword............................................................. • .Power fist........-..............-............................................ • Lightning claw.. . for every five models in the unit, one model may exchange its bolt pistol for a: - Hand flamer.................................................................... • One Grey Slayer may take: ’ ‘Nuncio-vox....................................................................... • One Grey Slayer may take: - Legion vexilla................................................................. • The Huscarl may exchange his Fenrisian axe for one of the following options: •Power fist...................................................................... • Lightning claw................................................................. • frost blade (sword, axe or claw).............................................. •Thunder hammer.. • The Huscarl may exchange his bolt pistol for one of the fo owing op • Hand flamer........................................................ • Plasma pistol....................................................... • The Huscarl may exchange his Fenrisian axe and bolt pistol for. r*o lightning claws • TK- Ll ' Ihe tin ar|cxchangc his power armour for artificer armour. may ukcmdu bombs........................... — +12 points each Free — +1 point each —+2 points each — points each — +2 points each ..♦20 points each .. +10 points each +$ points each .. +10 points each ______+10 points ______+10 points ______+20 points ______+10 points ......+15 points ..... +2S points .......+S points .....+10 points ......+1S points ..... +10 points .....+10 points
The Wolf-kin of Russ....................ioo points Freki the Swift and Geri the Cunning, the Hearth Wolves of the King M WS BS s T W 1 A Ld __Sv Freki 10 5 0 5 s 4 5 4 8 S+ Geri 10 7 0 5 5 4 S 3 8 s+ Unit Composition . 1 Freki • lGeri Wargear • Tooth & Claw Unit Type • Infantry (Skirmish, Light, Unique) Special Rules • Wolf-kin of Russ • Fearless . Fear (1) • Rampage (2) • Hammer of Wrath (1) • Feel No Pain (5+) • Bulky (4)
Wolf-kin of Russ In battle Leman Russ would sometimes be accompanied h (to these were kin to the ¡•rimareh, "”*** wrfw, pandered the bleak wastes of Fends unburdened by theyolKofcilVf,edayshe The Wolf-kin of Russ may only be taken in a Detachm f same Detachment. If they are chosen as part of a Detach1 Uman Russ '* in the asa^Q choice so far as any special rule, objective or mi are treatcd do not take up slots on the Force Organisation chart Th S'°n ■'*concerned. but by any other model, except Leman Russ. IS Umt cannot be joined Tooth & Claw WeaP°n Range Str AO Tooth & Claw
IMPERIAL FISTS 3n the closing years of the Great Crusade, the Imperial Fists had been recalled to Terra to begin the work of fortifying the Segmcntum Solar and the core worlds of the lmperium. The bulk of the Legion returned to the Throncworld of humanity, though many thousands more remained scattered the breadth of the galaxy and would take years to rendezvous with the Legion's main force. At the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, Rogal Dorn was invested with the powers of Warmaster in all but name - becoming commander of all of the lmpenum's military assets in the effort of coordinating the galactic defence. Its fleet was amongst the first to respond to 1 lorus' treachery and a Retribution force w-as sent by Dorn to face the Traitors. Waylaid at Phall by warp storms, the Imperial Fists would outmatch the Primarch Pcrturabo in void warfare before withdrawing back to Terra following their Pnmarch's orders. At Tallam. the sons of rw clash again with the Iron Wamors as pan o(lhT* * armoured engagement, cementing their bitter blood At Cthonia. they contained the Sons of Hr*?** in the skies above Pluto. Rogal Dorn ^ back th* Ah? Legion's early attempt to strike at Terra with the the Phalanx - the lynchpin of the Solar defence Across the northern Segmcntum Solar, Dom erected the Gauntlet of Stone, a line of defences that held off the Traitor onslaught across the vital channels of Paramar, Beta Gannon and Lorin Alpha. The leponihi fought a bitter and desperate defence at its home v*wid of Inwit against overwhelming Traitor forces. When Horus brought his hordes to Tena. the Vll" Legion »31 instrumental in the defence of the Imperial Palace, fopl Dom commanded the lmpenum's defiance, and «Am the sacrifices of the Imperial Fists all might hairbeenk* Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists) All models with this special rule are subject to the following provision» | Discipline and Resolve ______ _____ __________ __________ __________ I [ \ OFTMI Phai VNX Models with this specul rule gain I | .>r:c Armoury of the Imperial Fists ____ _____ ______ J 1 Lords OF THE Imperium Sentinels of Tejuw | ! sfcc'J may select the Castellan nu< sdccCaW* I >ul “Pgrade (*t the Armoury of Impenal (hit W __________________ ¿iuiC\niB
lureual Fists Advanced Reaction 1№ danced Reaction .s available only to units composed cnllr,, , f ..,1 (pedalrole. Unlike Core Reactions, Advanced Rr„, ■ e y °f mo<*elswith the i " ■ ............--»A-wJn* v^uit Circumstance* rIl^'JmlfUr'1,keCnre ««need Reactions^ * ,w»cd In then descriptions. and can often have game chanKin* J ** ,n Uni<iUi and sp< leidh«player s Reaction Allotment as normal and obey all other fdvanced R^t,om noted otherwise in their description.' «Actions placed upon R< , impen, unique and specific arcumsunce» nre/l b....: use up pomu of a Reactions, unless u i* TV W Defence - This Advanced Reaction may be made once per battle durmv the pfu* «hen any enemy unit ends a Move within 10* and within line of sight of ****** Movement lUnpttUl Fists) specul rule in a unit under the Reactive players control with th*.!!!!?* ?"h ?* UgU3nei ***** LwpUjc, miy declare a Cha,ge for ,h. Reacting uni, again,, r^VunuT ? "* «« that enemy unit has completed its move, and as if ,t were the controlhng players AvuuTrT *1*'™ Duunce in inches equal to D6 plus the lowest unmodified Initiative CharactenstK of anv m* Ch"KC • • unit has If the Cha roe k ROK*tl\«p»)xi >■-; --------f>- tttet that enemy unit has completed nuance in inches equal to D6 plus tl--------------- ... , , —•»«. »uc 01 any moaei in tne Krjuino “*•mdanyChargc mod.ficr, <he un,, ha,. If ,hc Charge „ ,uccc»ful. ,he uni,, rrelocked in comba, Jnu fctamkphme a, normal, w„h the t harging uni, benefiting from any Charge bonme* Hammer cfYIrJhm, etc. lithe Charge fails, no Surge move is made. Warlord Traits I«u«k ,he legionc, ArUrte, (Imperial Fists) special rule may select a kVa,lord Tn„ from among ,h«e fined W»* »stead of selecting one of the Core Warlord Traits. War Marshal (Loy alist only) *tti* fats of (he Arch-Traitor pressed the borders of the tywom Solar, the commanders of the Imperial Fists spheres learned the extremes of desperation and ****QBred for victory. ^ra** only he selected by a model with *,*fa'*trior¿!*^ra,t an<* ***l roodeU in any friend! ^kTh* Ram *' *° *hcir WeaP°n Sk,H t,**y 18Wi th,,. in combat with one or mo !1l!v ***>se W Tra,tor Allegiance. In additi gtl(t ir ^ this Trait may make one iJ**‘ « k 5)01 lUm 'n any onc l*,c 0PP°S1 *» 1 "* 4S l^c Warlord has not been additional Reaction may than Unit in<* <*oct not aRow an t** Reaction per Phase. Warden of Inwit As constant and immovable as a glacial plateau, any attack made against a Warden of Inwit is as sure to be rebuffed as an assault against a solid wall of ice. When within 6“ of an objective, or within dieirown Deployment Zone, a Warlord with this Trait, and all models in any friendly unit that Warlord joins, automatically pass any Morale checks or Pinning tests they arc called upon to make, in addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may nuke an additional Reaction during the opposing player s Assault phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty. >f Devastation he Imperium. the noblest rirtue of the Imperial • of their role as builders and defenders. They n atop the ramparts of bastions which they had • the length and breadth of the galaxy, laying ng hails offirepouer against any who had he Pax Imperialis. I. and all models with the Legiones Astartes ts) special rule in any unit he Joins, may re-I lit rolls ofTas long as that unit is entirely .-a of Terrain that grams a Cover Save or - *i«-»Non. In addition, an army
,c assault Cannon JUSTUS m feigned as a more compact and portable variant of the highly tirrs pattern, it uos, as can be disined by Us pattern designation, first developed K M'Mte in the Sol System by the Dyunique techno esoteric t alt. ctthel^^' jwault cannon is an 'Auto' weapon. An lliastus assault cannon may be following lull«: rule and the Infantry cannon for +10 point* each . A Upon Prc^,or "*«h ,hc LeglonesAstartes (Imperial Fists) special rule may «change its Turret Mounted Predator cannon for a Turret Mounted twin-linked lliastus assault cannon for no additional points cost. . Any model «ith the Dreadnought or Vehicle Unit Type and Legiones Asurtes (Imperial Fists) special rule may exchange a heavy flamer for an lliastus assault cannon for +20 points each. „^jclsthe Astartcs (Imperial Fists) special IJypexchange a heavy flamer for an lliastus assault Weapon Range Str AP Type Ihntut assault cannon 24* 6 4 Assault 4. Rending (6+), Malfunction Malfunction: If a weapon with this special rule is used to make a Shooting Attack as j pm of any Reaction it gains the Gets Hot special rule for that Shooting Attack. Legiones Consularis: Castellan.....................+20 Points Fpon the broad shoulders of the Ixtrds Castellan were the foundations of the Imperium The)’are the unbending spine of the VIt* legion, those chosen few lords of siege «'fare »ho commanded armies in the name of their Primarch. conquering world after In their wake, the Castellans left only loyal, compliant civilisations; erecting upon *t*orlds which they conquered mighty Imperial redoubts from which the defence of at*r ^ worj could be coordinated. ^^^Centiirion with the Legiones Astartcs (Imperial Fists) special rule may e 10 J Castellan Consul instead of selecting any of the standard Consul ^ panting that model the benefits listed below: *** ^’re Support special rule and the I leavy Unit Sub-type: oUCninUkmS an "tack witli a Heavy weapon, a Castellan may increase * a nUdc Wlth thal ^Pon by ♦* when nuking a Shooting Attack a Shooting Attack with a Heavy 3 weapon would r ^ W iX"5 a,Utks- rolling four dice in total). In addition, any legion 1 kravv C Samc t^^chment as a Castellan gain the Line Sub-type. <?^«unon ‘U^Woftt. the Castellan upgrade must select one of the ........... ................................ hu. ^tlnon.... .................. ............+ 10 points them*^kln Srtm ? 001 a legion Warhawk jump pavk. legi»**1 Nlu’ Ktblke. combat shield, boarding shield. Pi,wcr " tqhin mator tow$rds the rvmng of ¡hit prat edifice ri'atuthtlmpenum The l 'tutors would tear down all our work, and bun uj m the rubble of out own destruction ' Castellan Felkon. I legionc* Astartcs I Imperial Flats I
1 Imperial Fists Rites of War A Detachment which has the Legiones Astartes (lmperul Fws) Faction may nuke use of the follow,,* d long as « includes at least one model with the Master of the Upon special rule ^ Rite of W ar: The Stone Gauntlet TV Impenat Fists nere a capable legion in any theatre of conflict. their temperament and training meant they < of warfare that combined phenomenally resilient interlocking defence with calculated hursts of relentless I and its distinction over the practices of many other Ugions, was that it combined in lockstep the strengths ofeochL?!!* as a whole. One such tactical eiample of this was an infantry formation known as the Stone Gauntlet, which the legion’s Breathers and Warders into a grinding, implacable battrrmg ram of force Effects . Phalanx Warder Squads may be taken as Troops choices for a Detachment using this Rite of War. • All models selected as part of a Phalanx Warder Squad in a Detachment using this Rite of War gain the Line Sub-type and Heart of the Legion special rule. • Any model in a Detachment using this Rite of War, and with the Lcgioncs Astartes (Imperial Fists) special rule, with a boarding shield, which is in unit coherency with at least two other models that also fit these criteria, may re-roll all failed Invulnerable Saves made against Shooting Attacks or attacks made during the Fight sub-phase. This bonus may not be claimed if the unit the model is part of has made a Run move. Charge or a Sweeping Advance move in the ament player turn, or is Falling Back. • Any model in a Detachment using this Rite of War with the Legioncs Astartes (Imperial Fists) special rule, with a boarding shield, which is in unit coherency with at least two other models that also fit these criteria, gams the Hammer of Wrath (1, special rule for the duration of any Assault phase in which a Charge is declared for the unit that model is pan of (whethe. or not the Charge n successful). Limitations • A Detachment using this Rue of War mustseka Phalanx Warder Squads to fill all Compulsory If** choices in the Detachment. • A Detachment using this Rite of War may not dqv* I models using the Deep Stnke special rule or othowir I as part of a Deep Stnke Assault, Subterranean .teas I or Flanking Assault (and units which mull depks b I these methods therefore cannot be chosen is?»* I the Detachment). • A Detachment using this RiteofWarcannoitiktvn I Elites and Fast Attack choices in total than they tor I Troops choices in the Detachment So, for I Detachment with three Troops chorees I choices made up of Fast Attack. Bites, <x a of the two. *1
_WaK Hammerfall Strike Force U*1 ^ffj ^ j f«mpiaff tor landing forte* deployed O'ffLjc phalanx - the flagship of the Uqionc* i"* **Lria/ Fats - o HammerfaD unit fon.e is a ihqebome unit* depknrd for the “jncptfr,!^;{!r,i widen and o\er»bctming boarding or £jbw4C&0Rs against a foe that must be destroyed without j^rter The forte utilise* rare and mi-aiuabic jfrtfv' to teleport transpoeukr equipped „¡a the heart of a battle, the arcane devices ensuring Arr «nmate m a flash of golden light so intense that ^ *emon are temporary blinded Effects . rtoluu Warder Squads may be taken as Troops choices m a Detachment using this Rite of War. . tfmodrisin a unit composed entirely of models with the Infantry Unit Type and the Legiones Astartcs ilicpenal Fists) special rule in a Detachment using this tote oiWar may be given the Deep Strike special rule hr *30 points per unit. • Mmodebirt a unit composed entirely of models with the Infantry Unit Type upgraded to have the Deep Stnkc rule in a Detachment using this Rite of War gain thr Shrouded (M) special rule when deployed onto the is part of a Deep Strike Assault. This effect beginning of the controlling player's next PHjotum. u*iUtiom tht v«hicle Unit Type taken in a UMn*^ Rltc °* War must begin and ma> no* **4SS*RtKd Ow.j nke Assau^t* Subterranean Assault or An*tfcW^Uuh ***** R,tc of War may not take Riti OF War: Templar Assault 7*m thr TmUmofteUyci our», ,, <!ox,mhJ">‘mdn&tw.raT,„A*dl *" cannot fa hatted owpl „ ZZZZ’*im ’"i"**"*’ “”"5 Effects • U nits of Templar Brethren may be taken at Troop* choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War • All models in a Templar Brrthrcn unit taken a. pan of a Detachment using this Rite of War gam the Heart of the Legion special rule and the Line Unit Sub-type. • For the duration of any turn in w hich a unit of Templar Brethren taken as pan of a Detachment using thit Rite of War Disembark from a model, all models in the Disembarking unit gain the Rage (2) special n»Ie (this docs not apply if the unit is forced to nuke an Emergency Disembarkation). Limitations • A Detachment using this Rite of War must select Templar Brethren to fill all Compulsory Troops choices in the Detachment. • This Rite of War may only be taken for a Detachment in an army with the Loyalist Allcguncc and all Detachments in an army that includes a Detachment with this Rite of War must have a variant of the l.cgioncs Astartcs (X) special rule. . Detachments using this Rite of War cannot take more Elites and Fist Attack choices in total than they has* Troops choices in the Detachment So. for «***(>*•* Detachment with three Troops choices could take three choices made up of Fast Attack. Elites, or a combmaoon of the twxx
.................................................... r.hc Impcri»1 №**.thc V'«ikn'’,hc Blide of «H Prinu«h ofhc^^ ^dtag One pr.etorunol M RojjaiDom Unit Compos***00 . I Kofril L>om tnit Type • Pnmaich (Unique) Wargcaf . The Aunc Armour • Storms Teeth • The Voice of Terra . Frag grenades Special Rules • ^onesAsunesUnp^ • Mastcrofthelepor * ', • Crusader • Furious Charge (2) • Deep Strike • loyalist • Warlord: Sire of the l«pr* r* irinrrr*"-------* I i»^*UBOtriJ»*On^ I ■r>r „JWprpWUCTfr nctrr I Gcaq m aspect of act The mnr m fcu tool § •en kamriet tobnr I W-orArocari y&rFSw—tAtae>rrf>r ***** * term ipbt ik'mt**h+*n»+a ^ the *^na/ Can»» ,‘Wat ^*n. ^ 0"* Warlord: Sire of the Imperial Fists During the darkness of the Horus Heresy. Rogal Dom was grim the mode ofWarmasterin all but name, becoming the ultimate commander of laris forces in the Segmentum Solar. He did not baulk at this duty but accepted ' characteristic resilience, and enacted it with brilliant competence If chosen as the army's Warlord. Rogal Dom automatically has the Seed ® Imperial Fists Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord sol Sire of the Imperial Fists - All models with both the Legions Fists) special rule and the Character Sub type in the same arm> * ^ may use his Leadership Characteristic instead of their own. are part of may add +1 to the total number of successful W purposes of resolving which side has won a combat (this other rules that increase the Assault result). In addition.^ 3l rbc^' V an army with Rogal Dorn as its Warlord may select one battle, before any models are deployed onto the battlchc ^ ** _ Phase of their opponent's turn, an army that includes additional Reaction as long as Rogal Dom has not been ^ .•4
tVAork Armour ^ pom wore am innour fashioned. it n said, from the rhc Aunt Armour provide» Rirfjal Dom with a 2* c_ _ w<wind Rog»l on better titan a 4 pul« arW of the Imperium Of all the Pnmarchs. Dom was ever the most tenacious, new mftna fo , , rV«e ^ho followed hm drew strength from hi determ,nor,on. and pnde from '* '***"■*<«*•■•» u/ierr (he enemy wus foolish enough to test his wrath a*hty 10 ,un’ hdt of am Any successful Charge that target* Rogal Dom or a unit he ha* jomed is always counted « a Duordeml Ou,, Storm'» Teeth Tho colossal chainblade. too weighty for any hut a Primarch to wield, is said to hasr been enhed h oftm* before the coming of the Imperor. Its razored teeth can shred metaL stone end flesh noth eL SZ+T* Ur***" °™ « «• **** »"« rrt*. oil. ^ * „ *, has sen ed him faithfully for so long he favours most The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Chain’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons. Weapon Range Str AP Type Storm's Teeth +2 2 Melee, Two-handed. Murderous Strike (6*). The Voice of Terra Presented to Rogal Dorn by the Custodian Guard to honour the Primarch's appointment as PraetonanofTena. tAu totnaj/ bolter follows the pattern of the Ugio Custodes' own weaponry, albeit redesigned for the hand and might of a Primarch to wield. The weapon listed here is counted as a 'Bolt' weapon for those rules that affect such weapons W°P°n Range Str AP Type Shred. Reaping Blow (2). ^ Voice of Tena 24“ 5 3 Assault 3. Rending (St)
Temp la h Hui iiiiun m Kkihio* s'haWfftMf l'nll V. % 4 Kuilueo • t Champion W«i|Mr • Attilicet armour • IVwct ivnHvl • Boil pistol • Ffcmg grenades • Krak grenades w N T w , ' ¡TTTTH' ♦ M Unit Type - Brethren Mata • Ch*n»ta«=h&^vn^ Sp«vi«l Rule» • I-u nous Charge (1) ** • Cniudcr Dedicated Transport • A Templar Brethren unit may take a Legion Rhino Trimport on Leycnu* Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. As a DediottdTnaipir,.* docs not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its point» aw4 he paid for as part of the army. . * . 1 . T1 .1 . A* . C . Ar .f . Of . h . 0*1 - L . Th< - IN ■S< - Tl . The • Al . The * M.
 Brethren unit may take Upco5*ldloonal Brethren......... The enure unit may take: Milubomhs..........-.......................... Any model in the unit may take. Comk»1 shield.....................-............. Any model in «he unit may exchange its bolt pistol for a: . plasma pistol................-.....-.....-......... One Brethren may take a: . Nuncio-vox............—............~... ........... One Brethren may take a: • Legion vexilla.................,................... tire Champion may exchange his power sword for one of the foiL-i .leftist........................................ .... '“-ngopnonv . soiaritc power gauntlet.-...................... - Thunder hammer....................................................... The Champion may exchange his bolt pistol for the following option: -Archaeotech pistol.........................................’ TK,rhamoion may upgrade one of his weapons to become: *2S points cadi points per unit • «2 points cadi -----*10 points each ♦10 points ♦10 points ......—♦$ points •10 points •10 points .......tS points
SlCISMUND p;;"''M.r‘ial Champion of R^I^O'NTj t- OP«4*" J*r of «he Templars ’ S T Sigismund Unit CompoMt.on . l Sgisrnurtd War**" . Artificer armour • Iron halo . The Black Sword . Master-crafted bolt pistol . Frag grenades • Krak grenades M WS BS 4 W Unit Type • Infantry (Character. Unique) Special Rules . Legioncs AsuitesdmperulFtaj) • Independent Charaacr • Master of the Legion • Fearless • Eternal Warrior • Adamantium Will (3+) • Dolorous Fighter • Death's Champion • Precision Strikes (3+) • Warlord: Slayer of Kings • Loyalist I Warlord: Slayer of Kings I Sigismund was known throughout all the Legions of the Legiones Astartes as a swordsmm of surpassing skill and strength, few other than the himarchs themsdus I could stand against him in single combat. In battle his brethren looked upon s a source of pride, each of Sigismund's \ictories bolstering the courage of his mcr. if chosen is the army's Warlord. Sigismund automatically has Slayer of Kmp* h» W arlord Trait and may not select any other. ~ If S*8*smund is the army’s Warlord and slays the cneitn m A CJuH«nge, Sigismund's controlling player gains +1Victory P1 am,va c—t0 3ny 8a,ncd by Mission Objectives) and all units in the* dm Demi '?SlT1Und that »»’elude at least one model with the Lejpone* ■ if each comKaTcl??Cial fUle "“y add ♦! to the toul number of W<*» battle (this el °rt C purposcs °f determining Assault adults for t e r . ^jtl ekt n°>«** »y «her .ha, ^ ."•»Son SigKm“nd “its Wlrion) "“y 11“""
path's Ch*rop,on sombre 1^25, ««frior, both indefatigable tfsdrvmoncfc« in dir fray, STgte^wiIhto re <ifW ‘ ‘*ö f „„stoppable agency of the dork fate*. Thi* led none ocher chan ih» r. bu‘ rathtr m _ brother Dorn's chomr»»--------* • Mhesttm* ^niorbul turner -----t'r--- W'*ro/tnfliQrkf ,^A,m <lw< <* '«< »V Oomi W ■»» «W “«*■«». . Sigtununaand any unit he joins gainsbonus of »2 to ail C[ the um«. In addition, if Sigismund it present m any Uetachm^r,i!,,'U'Ktt "•» aa, muds as Troops choice«. (heT1 ,h* ^Uchm«,, mj) ta^“^* ** Dolorous Fighter Dolorous Hgmer S^mundi skill is /e^ndary. even among tht trans-human warrion of,he, instinct»* talent for dealing death and finding the merest chink in hU enem/^tT" ^ <an *» When a Challenge is issued in any combat that includes Sigismund Sto™. a accept that Challenge with Sigismund - if the opposing pU>er does not mj*, pbm muM ***** controlling pla>er must do so and must nominate Sigismund to hghc in that in a Challenge, successful Invulnerable Saves taken against Sigismund s attacks muM be rrwfcd^’ ^ ***** The Black Sword A paragon blade of unknown pmvenunce which takes the shape of an ancient twshandtd svordofhiurtUv black ««at it is able to cut through stone and metal without effort or mar to the edge. In the hands of a uvmor such as Sqvnund. the Black Sword is deadly beyond belief, and alien warlords and mighty warriors without number hast fallen before it Weapon Thi- Rlirk tiinnl Range Str ♦2 AP Type 2 Melee. Two-handed. Insum Death. Stauet crafted ■ -
rH**-ANX Waro,R SQl,AD.......................lz5 I'd, M WS BS J________T w I —---------^ A A 4 4 ph.ibn* Wat der Warder Sergeant Unit Type • Phalanx Warder * harder Sergej« ln^'^ Heavy) Special Rules • Legiones Astartes (Impérial Fû*w • Shield Wall • laxrk-step Unit Composition . 9 Phalanx Warders . l Warder Sergeant WarRear . Bolter . Bolt pistol . power axe . Boarding shield • l’rag grenades • Krak grenades . Brcachc-T charge . Power armour Dedicated Transport • A Phalanx Warder Squad of no more than 10 models may take a Legion Rhino Transport, Legion Termite Assault Drill or legion Land Raider Proteus Carte as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost mast still be paid for«?*1
Option* . tv Phalanx Warder Squad may uke Up to 10 additional Phalaru Warden . For every ft** models in the unit, one „ Magna combi weapon J*Jnx harder Minor combi-weapon.... Flamer..................... Mriugun....... ............. Plasma gun-............ Thunder hammer ma> fcPlace SK**er *»th ^ of the (qIJ *¿0 'Mrr> 4 . One rhaiaru Warder may be upgraded . • Legion vexilla..„.......... . One Phalanx Warder may be upgraded r,. NtancfcMttt. _ " . The Warder Sergeant may exc hjiu-c ||,s f* Power fist... ,tP'sto«. bolter or Plasma pistol.............. • Thunder hammer............. .................-........ • Solaritr power gauntlet.... • The Warder Sergeant may take: - Melta bombs............. ■ Ihe Warder Sergeant may exchange his •Artificer armour......... power armour For. The entire squad may take: • Melta bombs...... >P°»«tti ’Writs •is, ’ Points each P°**rr .’‘‘«’-‘«ch 5pwH»«th “SWms 'n itr in» "— •10 Wnu •»Opcinis *,0pcxnij •-•*S poin,, •IS point* — *5 pomt» •lOpoou. ♦SO points per unit 2°dc,S ln fh*d Unit (including t7i* s,S thf Lock‘stcp sPcci•'‘, ruIc and is not locked in combat, all fnendh 4,10,1 of^y Assault phase in svl T1!°“* *!*. L°Ck'Step ***dal 8Jin a bonus of *1 Weapon Skill for the "c ' f^c unit *s successfully Charged by one or more enemy units. T* Wall ^**r °f **fife nit}, selfless b^ ^°Se °r<*er ^iu:ip^nf ant* dfftmne tactics, shielding their comrades from ham in the ar/} and are^!!L1th boardinR shields, which are in base contact with at least two other models with boarding models K [ *aI,ing Back or tinned, may add *1 to their Imulnerable Sam (to a maximum of a W i^fh,SlPccial n H ,HC ,ndci*ndcnt Character special rule that ha** joined a unit of Phalanx Warder* also benefit "w so Jong ^ thc Uf)it incJudcs af ,east thrcc models with the Shield Wall special ru.c _ ■
Fafnir Rann........................... Lord Seneschal, Commander of the Persephone, Captain of the First Assault Cadre 175 Point's Fafnir Rann ' Unit Composition • 1 Fafnir Rann Wargear • Artificer armour • Bolt pistol • Frag grenades • Krak grenades • Iron halo • The Headsman and The Hunter • Boarding shield M ws BS s 1 6 S 4 w Unit Type • Infantry (Unique. Character, Heavy) Special Rules • Lcgioncs Astartes (Imperial Fists) • Independent Character • Master of the lxgion • Shield Master • Executioner’s Tax • Hammer of Wrath (1) • Warlord: The Unbroken Wall • Loyalist I Warlord Trait: The Unbroken Wall ■ As a commander Fafnir Rann adhered to one simple dictum: victory' demands sacrifice. For, despite the shelter of high walls or the stubborn determination of a shield wall, even the most impenetrable defence can only deny victory to the enemy victory comes only to those with the courage to attack If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Fafnir Rann automatically has The Unbroken Wall Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait The Unbroken Wall - Fafnir Rann, and all models in any Legion Brcacher Squads or Phalanx Warder Squads in the same Detachment, gain a bonus of +1 to their Weapon Skill for the duration of any Assault phase in which they successfully Charge an enemy unit. In addition, an armv with Fafnir Rann as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction in the opposing players Assault phase as long as Fafnir Rann has not been removed as a casualty'.
 »Ihtmackashtb m,M„<, ,„ U, d,f,„c,, w* £ra "■"" ™ *« lit makes a successful Charge that places one or more cn • | in a unit Fafnir Rann has joined, that enemy unit suffers mS cont«t with Faf„ir ,vVn an enemy unrt makes a. success,u, v. narge that places one or more enemy model Z, «w"»«",nar fr :„t ■,ha'c”myunii«■*« ms, .......»™»„ ®“l*jllr ««I >K ”sol,'d ‘iunng lhc F'8l,‘ “M““ « ImtiMIve Step 10 h,„ ‘ Th"t «“*> hit 1*£* W* *»» “T *“ “nir Rann o, any „they ------------- inflicted by this special rule are allocated as normal for attacks made in an assault. jUdd Master factor his unconventional ability to use a combination of axes and shield, Ranns talents with this comh,nn, , ^nsare unsurpassed and his ability to make the most of his shields defensive capabilities was unrivalled. ° When Fafnir Rann is locked in combat and his controlling player has chosen to use the Single Axe profile for The Headsman and The Hunter in that Phase, all Hits inflicted by enemy models and allocated to Fafnir Rann must reduce their Strength by -1 (to a minimum of 1). When using the Twinned Axe profile for The Headsman and The Hunter, this special rule grants no benefit, Fafnir Rann is not counted as having a boarding shield for any rules that «wld grant him benefits for having a boarding shield and Fafnir Rann may ignore the usual restriction for using a weapon with the Two-handed special rule while also having a boarding shield until the end of that Assault phase. Headsman and The Hunter fox twinned axes were Fafnir Ranns constant companions, and that warrior had mastered a unique style of combat, etching between his axes and shield to meet any combat situation. Few foes could stand against this potent combination °ffoocious attack and indomitable defence. Ranns P0*" axes. The Headsman and The Hunter, are considered a single weapon with two profiles - one jilting Fafnir Rann using a single axe in concert with his shield and one representing Fafnir Rann using fc,^ °npCfJneach F'ght sub-phase Fafnir Ranns controlling player must choose one of these two pro esto use »nh theRannS attacks’(Note that the ShieId Master sPecial mle all°WS Faftl'r Rann makC USC ° *' 0 handed special rule despite having a boarding shield). *<*hWca are COurRed as ‘Power’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. I S Y Melee, Shield Master*, Specialist Weapon- Master-crafted minimum ofl) - ** must reduce their Strength by № Range Str +2 Sdieted by waster-”“ ^ Kttr / enemy moc/els and allocated to Fafnir Rann must reduce Racial rule fot more details. u ^«e ,,, Specialist". +1 2 Melee, Rampage (2), - P Master-crafted
Alexis Polux............................... Captain of the 405‘h Company of the Imperial Fists, Master of the Retribution Fleet, The Crimson Fist M WS BS Alexis Polux Unit Composition • 1 Alexis Polux Wargear • Artificer armour • Iron halo • Solantc power gauntlet • Vigil storm shield • Combi-melu • Frag grenades • Krak grenades Unit Type . Infantry (Character. Heavy. Uni^j Special Rules • Legiones Asurtes (Imperial Fists) • Independent Character • Master of the Legion • Void Commander • Deep Strike • Hammer Blow • Warlord: Master Tactician • Loyalist Warlord: Master Tactician Polux was possessed of a keen tactical mind, well capable of adapting his plans I suit any situation. This tactical flexibility was a deadly weapon, and one that Polux wielded kith more skill than any other in his arsenal. If chosen as the army's Warlord, Alexis Polux automatically has Master Tactician as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other Master Tactician - After all models are deployed but before any rolls to SetK the Initiative are made, the controlling player of Alexis Polux may redeploy on« friendly unit within the limitations of the mission being played. This may place a unit that had been deployed normally into Reserves, or bring a unit out of Reserves - but may not add or remove units that have been assigned to a Deep Stnkc Assault, Drop Pod Assault, Flanking Assault or Subterranean Assault In addition, an army with Alexis Polux as its Warlord may mike an addition" Reaction during the opponent's Assault phase as long as Alexis Polux has r> • been removed as a casualty.
: Mil " : to the following pro' J for Murder Models with this special rule attacks during the Fight si ig Back or outnumbered by i aadc during the Shooting Att ■ i : i Sl 'K.iirm Children of the Night ; ,i viir- LEGIONES ASTARTES NIGHT lords , I^ar the Night Lords had already 3 " "‘lie edge of renegade status for '“'11L then own wars with little regard ¡SEA- Their numbers were impossible certain as all contact with them was lost, but are lined to have been close to .20.000 Space Marines. At tenon and beyond, the Legion fully embraced (heir malicious nature and brought untold horrors upon the Impenum. becoming the harbingers for the Warmosters campaign of Dark Compliance. Horus gave the Night Haunter bloody mandate; to sow such fear and destruction on worlds as to force their neighbours into surrender. The Warmaster later dispatched the bulk of the Night Lords to distant Thramas where they would engage in a prolonged and ruinous conflict with the Dark Angels Legion. As the Age of Darkness progressed,» unity of the Vlll* l egion came with the*” ^ tc» Primarch by the Dark Angels at the he»^'0'! Crusade. A spent force, the Night Lor<hh'°f't''C but to splinter and scatter. Some broke i I disparate warbands. fighting their (*„1°*“At*, sullen fratricide. Others, such as old Vl||* pledged themselves to overthrowing the *<N retained the unforgiving sense of metale!’’"'1'*1! had once been the heart of the Legion. The fel4* became raiders and pirates in the void, across the Imperium in hundreds of conflict v ' of Sotha and Davcrant, while the latter follow ***1 at the heels of the Warmaster's advance. A signif^*' portion of the Legion reunited at the Siege ofTtm,^ they meted out terrible death among civilian popein, and Loyalist defenders alike, with records mAasgji < they were the first of the Traitors to set foot on tbt>S of the Imperial Palace.
 Night Lords Advanced Reaction Thi> Advanced Reaction ,s available only to units composed , Lords) special rule. Unlike Core Reactions. Advanced Reactions Jr > ° mod^ s wuh thc kegioncs Astaitcs (Night as noted in their descriptions, and can often have game chansin* UmqUC and spcoftc ““^stances. Reactive player's Reaction Allotment as normal and obey all oth* ^ Adv,lnccd Rc‘*c»«ons use up points of a specifically noted otherwise in their description. **rcslnctions P>aced upon Reactions, unless it is The Better Part of Valour - This Advanced Reaction may be made once oer hw,u a any eneniv unit Mm a Cl,,,go targeting a fncndly unit under the nl Ws"^! Astartes (Night Lords) special rule Before thc Charge is resolved thc tarvci r n „1° T ,hf Xx*mnci Morale check, but immediately Regroups once that move ^ ^ ? for a unit that has Regrouped and may Move. Run. Charge and mVkllh^tl a , ^ rcMrKt,on‘ ‘7 uni'M°"' m°r.C ,hln lr »' «* f»*»of. .heChanging uniuhenthc r T h ;rr ° e" 'n'm> Un,, Wi,hm 'lnKC-bl" ,f ,ht >“*« «nuint »ilhin 12’and JL |,ne of right of the Charging unit, thc target unit must attempt the original Charge If the Fall Back caused by this Reaction forces the Reacting unit to reach the edge of the battlefield, it immediately stops moving and Regroups but suffers none of the usual restrictions for a unit that has Regrouped and may Move. Run. Charge and nuke Shooting Attacks as normal.
LORI>s ' VVARtO^^m^cj, may Silcci a Warlord Trail from SffigcaCi;««*-1-' Woo*-*” * «»W Cur, JtpP^ ^ th< aMin „1 thnr many «. to ^ ‘° "° to~* * » ,VT.,Vo *«/« A*"** f° *“"* «1 tor rtor<-n -*-"££* «,, a nr» master the W» TV rV v«/hf lords if seemed that Mankind, and that those who W srnrd urrA dwm«Wn would profit, \xEU$h from history Tta Warlord Tran may only be «leered by a model with the Traitor Allegiance. A Warlord with this Trait and any unit he has joined gains a bonus of *1 to all To Hit rolls made when targeting enemy nmry that include one or more models with the Independent Character special rule and Loyalist Allegiance. Furthermore, if the army that includes a Warlord with this Trait also includes a Detachment with the Legrones Astartes (Sons of Horns) faction, the Warlord and am unit it joins gains the Fearless special rule. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make o. Jitomu! Racoon during the Shooting as long n the Warlord has not been remoced as a casualty. •‘mon8lV fadhek Clanlord One of many of S'ostramo's fadhek cla the Sight Lords Legion, this warrior rttai!? rrcru*ed that was the defining nan of those xag^^ **1® the arrival of the Horus Heresy and the on the Impenum. the Sight Ixirds fell fa Tj into disorder, and warriors such old patterns - more pirate* and raiders thrmnL*?** Ugtonanes that had won the Great Crusade A W arlord with this Trait and all models th* unit he joins gain the Counter-attack (Dspc^^** ignore all penalties to their Movement and due to Terrain and may re roll all failed Dangcrai ** tests they arc called upon to make. In addition an ^ whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additio^ 1 Reaction during the opposing player s Moveraewph* long as the W arlord has not been removed as a casual * Flaymaster Among the Sight Lords, the title of Flaymaster denxed a warrior that had raised the art of torture to uhor d* morbid warriors of that Legion considered an an form, h the excruciation, dismemberment and brutalisation of da foe these warriors were pre-eminent, and upon the bankjdi they made use of these skills to destroy the morale of tha opponents just as their blades destre . <d their leaden. A Warlord with this Trait gains the rear (1) sp*0** **■ and each time that Warlord is pan of a combat tha ks& in all enemy units being destroyed, by havingalld** models removed as casualties or as part of aSwttp®* Advance, or that is part of a Challenge in ^ enemy combatant is removed as a casualty. H ^ value of that special rule by +1 (up to a nUxUIT° (3)). In addition, an army whose Warlord has may make an additional Reaction during **** players Assault phase as long as the Warlor removed as a casualty.
Night Lords Rites of War A P^hn,'n' "hith h“ (N*hl •■"'<*«) F^lon may make use of .he following of War as as it includes at least one model with the Master of the Legion special rule Rite of War: The Swift Blade The ¡adhek clans of Nostramo were amongst the most hateful and murderous of that world's vile denizens, swift and fearless warriors with an affinity for wanton violence. When the Night Haunter purged the various criminal gangs and syndicates, the Jadhek were amongst the last to bend the knee to his new law, clinging to the freedom of their traditional reaving lifestyle. The legacy of those clans remained hidden within the Night lards Legion until after the events of Isstvan, when the Legion began to disregard the commands of its Primarch and regress to the old ways of the fadhek clans once more. Effect* • A Detachment using this Rite of War may take up to five HQ choices, regardless of the Force Organisation chart in use. One of these HQ choices must be a Legion Praetor and all other HQ choices selected must be a Legion Centurion and must select a Legion Spatha combat bike or Legion Scimitar jetbike (a Legion Centurion may select an upgrade from the Legiones Consularis as per the normal rules). No single 1 IQ choice is selected as the Warlord, instead all HQ choices are treated as the Warlord. These HQ choices do not choose a Warlord Trait but instead gain the Jadhek Clanlord Warlord Trait. All of the HQs in this Detachment must be slain to fulfil the conditions of any rule or objective that requires a Warlord to be removed from play as a casualty, however the bonus Reaction granted by the Jadhek Clanlord Warlord Trait is only added once per turn, although the army retains this bonus until all Warlords with this Trait have been removed as a casualty. • Legion Outrider Squads may be taken as Troops choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War. Limitations • This Rite of War may only be selected for a Primary Detachment. • A Detachment using this Rite of War may not take any model whose rules state that it must be the anny’s Warlord, including, but not limited to, the Legion’s Primarch. • A Detachment using this Rite of War may not take any units that include one or more models with the Heavy, Bombard, Slow, Super-heavy or Artillery Unit Sub-types. long Rite of War: Terror Assault The infamous speciality of the Night lards Legion was the Terror Assault, often conducted under conditions of complete darkness, whether natural or artificially induced. Such attacks were not just designed to overwhelm their foe, but to sow as much gut-wrenching terror in both their victims and any who were left to survive to tell the tale, so as to shroud whole worlds in a pall of fear. Effects • When any Detachment in a battle is using this Rite of War, the Night Fighting rules arc always in effect at the start of the first Game Turn of the battle and remain in play until the end of the second Game Turn. At the start of the third Game Turn, before any Reserves rolls are made or any models are moved, the controlling player of a Detachment using this Rite of War may have the Night Fighting rules automatically end, or may roll a D6. If the result of the roll is a ‘4’ or greater, then the Night Fighting rules remain in effect for the duration of the third Game Turn. If the result of the roll is a*3’ or less, then the Night Fighting rules end immediately. At the start of the fourth turn the Night Fighting rules are automatically removed from play, regardless of the effect of any other special rule. • Terror Squads and Night Raptor Squads may be taken as Troops choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War. • Any model with the Legiones Astartcs (Night l.ords) special rule and the Character Unit Sub-type in a Detachment using this Rite of War gains the Fear (1) special rule. Limitations • This Rite ofWar may only be selected for a Primary Detachment. . Detachments using this Rite of War may only take a single Heavy Support choice as part of their Force Organisation chart. • An army whose Primary Detachment has this Rite of War may not include any Lords of War choices or models with the Super-heavy Sub-type.
mOURYofTHEN,GH1 LORc,S fUE AliIVI . Wirgc.u available o„ly » —bo,c„u wuh ,W^ M5l of nc*0P,io,’,Suar" of that legion ^ M I r»^ • „«andw*rK ™.. imdslF*''0 „ , trhnin weapons in war. designed as much >„ l —r.. ■ —........- ,/lirt 'K,rT" . und howling m „m*""» l',<” nrs Asurtcs (Night l-ords) speoal rule may exchl Chjracter Suh.VP'‘^^per model ora Headsmans axe for HS poim, ^ ^ ^"‘tl^^C*U,ngU,Ve fo, ------- weaponfor weapons for All weapon'11 gang* Str AP Shred, Breaching (6*) +1 3 Melee, Two-handed, Shred, Breaching (b*) cha,„blade - +2 , Melee. Two-handed, Shred, Breaching (6*) Melee, 1 wo-nanaca, anreu, di earning^) Melee, Two-handed, Shred, Breaching (6,) Headsman's axe ESCATON POWER CMW.B Chainglane Headsman's axe A brutal pn»ot>T** P er daw was re-engineer I Escaton clawsaw limited testing with oil of die UgiM. bu,,h'fin»hlP"'<n,offin,sh' 9 ■ bords Regions. but the first snip"*'» - ------------------------------ ",,i' 5 T 2E*sta4.M«ta«»** «■«* Escaton power claw Specialist Weapon
LORDS OF MURDER Among theSight lords, the predilection towardi carnal and visceral destruction of the enemy as a battlefield taetic »us not restricted to the line warriors Indeed many of their greatest heroes' were steeped in the an of murder and slaughter Any model »nth both the Independent Character and Legioncs (Night Lords) special rules that does not also have the Unique Sub-type may be given the Bloody Murder special rule for +S points » Bloody Murder The Sight lords were renowned for their vicious cruelty in battle, they always sought to target their foes at their weakest point and when they found such a weakness, left only twisted and mutilated corpses in their wake Z* ZtlTir- °f m0dHHS W"h,thlS 5ptCil1 mlc * Charge targeting a uni. that is Pinned or Falling Back, the Charge roll gainsan additional si modifier, and if the Charge is successful then all models in the Charging unit gam +1 Attack for the duration of the turn in which that Charge is made Prey Sight Similar to the inffasisors in use by other Legions, these unique sensor suites were manufactured on Sostramo to the specification of the Sight Lords and granted them a significant edge in battle. All models in a unit composed entirely of models with the Lcgiones Astartcs (Night lords) special rule may be given the Night Vision special rule for +1S points per unit. Trophies of Judgement The Sight Lords favour the use of terror as a weapon, as embodied by the artefacts they refer to as trophies of judgement - the lisceral remains of enemies defeated in battle and rendered into gory relics. These trophies are carried into battle by the Night Lords’champions, as much a mark of rank as a weapon against the foe. Any model with the Lcgiones Astartes (Night Lords) special rule and the Character Unit Sub-type may be given the Fe; (1) special rule for +10 points. A model that already has any version of the Fear (X) special rule may not be upgraded wi Trophies of Judgement.
_ Konrad 450 v **№l№Ui Z^ n’*M",'’"°" s M ws BS S T \y l primary f* °f conquest. th becoming ** the mere Uni« Composit,on . l Konrad Curze ^Tbc Nightmare Man'lc . Morey & Forgiveness • The Widowmakers . Frag grenades " t-»rdi) Unit Type . Primarch IPsykcr. Unique Special Rules . Legioncs Astartes (X,^, ^ • Master of the legion . Hit ft Run . Fear(J) . The King of Terrors . Bloody Murder . Night Vision . A Death Long Foreseen . Traitor . Warlord: Sire of the Night Lords f Warlord: Sire of the Night Lords A dark and haunted figure, obsessed by death and judgement, and unshaJcaUe in fa belief in the fundamental fallibility of Mankind and the agency of fear as the only true means of controlling humanity’s failings, Konrad Curze and his Legionnni shaped by the terror and darkness of Nostramo just as much as they were bythegm-craft of the Emperor. If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Konrad Curze automatically has the Sire of the Night lairds Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait Sire of the Night Lords - All models with the Infantry, Dre .nought or Caialn Unit Type and the Legiones Astartcs (Night Lords) special rule in the same an”) as Konrad Curze gain the Night Vision and Bloody Murder special rules and arc immune to the effects of the Fear (X) special rule. In addition, an army*1 Konrad Curze as its Warlord gains an additional Reaction in the Movemen' phase as long as Konrad Curze has not been removed as a casualty-
The Nightmare Mantle Curie's raiment of war was a customised artificer suit w.. „ , . , , , whose sins he saw as particularly egregious or noteworthy 9 ' °phlfi °f lament and the fla}rd skins of those Teitiind whenchooiinglo Run adds 12 to liii Movtmcn, Chi.accrislK m.Vidofh" Mercy & Forgiveness This pair of murderous artificer lightning claws, unknown in origin, which Curze favoured as his personal weapons ssrre gisen the doleful names Mercy and Forgtveness by the Night Usrds. though what thru „elder named them. ,f anything remains as with so much about their master, unknown. Mercy & Forgiveness are two separate weapons, and Konrad Curze gains the si Attack bonus for having two weapons when using them - this is not included as part of his profile Type Melee, Shred, Murderous Strike (4+) Melee, Shred, Murderous Strike (4+) The Widowmakers Based on the micro-serrated throwing blades utilised for signature-kills by certain Nostraman assassin-cults, Curze favoured the use of these vicious, yet highly precise weapons over more conventional firearms in battle, using them to disable and maim as he willed. Weapon Range Str AP Mercy Melee User 2 Forgiveness Melee User 2 Weapon Widowmaker volley Range 12" Str 4 AP S Type Assault 3, Rending (4+) X A Death Long Foreseen Konrad Curze was cursed with one tiny sliver of his father’s psychic talent - he could foresee snatches of the future with limited clarity. Only one vision he ever accepted with unswerving certainty, that of his own death. Curze could conjure up this vision with a moment offocus, reaffirming his belief in its truth and thus entering the fray with a suicidal fury. Konrad Curze gains access to the Glimpse of Death Psychic Power only and gains no other Disciplines. Glimpse of Death (Psychic Power) An empire in flames, a throne in a palace of nightmares and a shadowy figure wreathed in righteous anger. It all ends in horror and a short, undignified stroke of a blade. What terror can the battlefields of the present hold compared to the empty futility of the future? At the start of any Assault phase, a Psychic check may be made for Konrad Curze by the controlling player, this Psychic check must be made against a Leadership of 7. If this Check is passed, Konrad Curze gains the Feel No Pam H+) special rule and +1 Attacks for the duration of that Assault phase. If the Check is failed, Konrad Curze suffers Perils of the Warp. The King of Terrors r - . , ,, . , , Such is Curie’s aura of preternatural malice and sinister intent, that even the most valorous warnors buckle before h,s onslaught, all thoughts of standing against this spectre of doom washed aw a\ by an unnatu f When Konrad Curze and any unit he has joined ends a combat «n draw a estroymg an enemy unit due to a Sweeping Advance, all enemy ut ■fie of sight to Konrad Curze must immediately take a Pinning test. _____________
Tebror Squap • M ws BS S T w fxectitionw Hcadsnu11 Unit Compo«iti°n . 4 Executioners , i Headsman Wargcar • chainsword . Bolt pistol . power armour . Frag grenades . Krak grenades Unit Type • F-«cutioner: lnfant • Headsman: Infantrv 'e Skirmish) iUr*cter> Special Rules • Precision Strikes (6t) • Infiltrate • Bloody Murder ' Preferred Enemy (Infantry, ^Terror Squad no more than 10 models may take a Legion Rhino Transpon, ' union Dreadclaw Drop Pod or Ugion Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport As, Dedicated Transport this docs not use up an additional Force Organisations!«, hut its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. Options • A Terror Squad may take: - Up to 10 additional Executioners .+18 points cadi • One Executioner per unit may take a Legion vexilla • Any model in the unit may take one of the following options: - Bolter - Volkitc charger - Rotor cannon - Flamer ...+2 points cadi .+5 points each An> model in the unit may exchange his chainsword for: - Chainblade... +10 pointseacb • Chainglaive ..+10 points'** ■ Chainaxe.. +5 points'*6 - Plasma pi™" exct,an8e his bolt pistol for one of the following Hand flamer. Volkite serpenta - Power weatm CXctlan8e his chainsword for one of the following P^ ■"tuning daw.... may exchange power armour for artificer armour
Night Raptor Squad ................ Points Night Raptor Huntmaster Unit Composition . 4 Night Raptors . l Huntmaster Wtfjear . Chains word . Bolt pistol • Frag grenades • Krak grenades • Legion Warhawk jump pack • Power armour M VVS Unit Typ« Night Raptor Infantry (Skirmish) • Huntmaster: Infantry (Character Skirmish) Special Rules • Legioncs Asurtes (Night Lords) • Relentless • Sudden Strike (1) • Bloody Murder • Fear (1) • Night Vision Options • The Night Raptors Squad may include: - Up to 10 Night Raptors......_.......................+25 points per model . Any model in the unit may exchange their chainsword for: - Chainblade................................................. points each - Chainglaive.............................................+10 points each - Lightning claw...........................................+S points each - Power weapon.........~..................................+S points each • Any model may exchange both their chainsword and bolt pistol for: - Two lightning claws.................................+10 points per model • For every S models in the unit, one Night Raptor may exchange his bolt pistol for one of the following: - Flamer ....................................................+10 points each - Meltagun........................-...........................+1S points each - Plasma gun.................................................+10 P°ints cach - Plasma pistol..............................................+10 points each -Hand flamer...................................................... points cach The Huntmaster may exchange his bolt pistol for a: - Plasma pistol....................................................points - Volkite serpenta.................................................P0’01* The Huntmaster may exchange his power armour for: - Artificer armour. .+10 points 1 V : ' /in leath rrpetted hack to hem in the eves of their filler, Like mam of the Legion's elite, where possible they adorn their armour with grisly trophic and utilise adxamed systems to project images of death upon its surface, imago that pkc the ■ n rhe Niithf Rapt»
.OiintrdO”0^ ; I i1 .. ’ ; i1 ; j 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Terminator Squad •2>p h Contefcar Dissident Unit Composition . 4 Contekar . I Dissident Wargear • Légion Tartaros Terminator armour • Heasy Hanter or volkite cavitor • Chainblade Unit Type • Contekar: Infantr>. . Dissident: Infant (Chjj^ Special Rules - UgionesAsuttes(\,ght Lori! Relentless Bulky (2) Chosen Warriors Stubborn Lords of the Night Deep Strike Fear (1) Dedicated Transport . A Contekar Terminator Squad of no more than 5 models may take a Legion land Raider Carrier or a Legion Dreadclaw Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transports Dedicated Transport, this does not use up an additional Force Organisation it. but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. Options • The unit may include: - Up to an additional 10 Contekar...............................„„+40 pwntsod • The Dissident may exchange his chainblade for: - Escaton power claw.................... _ ___ ______________+t$po®
Range Str AP Type 10" 6 S Heavy 4, Deflagrate Lord» of the Night The Contekar were often dispatched to wrest command from lesser Niahr i i , . unfit to prosecute the Legions objectives. Such cruel, but pragmatic methods , '7 tht" commondtn df"’,ed others of both the old Uq.on and the new Nostraman res runs rclvm, T* 7^7 h> "urlo,d> uuh“' Slu,,ur ,md m addition, a Contekar Term.nator Squad may be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that,„eludes Sevatar, instead of as an Elites choice. A unit selected as a Retinue Squad' counts Sevatar as the Contekar Terminator Squad s Leader for the purposes of this special rule. A Contekar Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as Sevatar. A Contekar Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with Sevatar deplosed as part of the unit and Sevatar may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. Volldte Cavitor The cavitor is a variant of the more common volkitc weapons produced in the factories of Nostramo, a rare example of lost technology on that otherwise benighted world. The removal of safety equipment allows the cavitor to project a more diffused beam at limited ranges, the tendrils of lethal volkite energy making a mockery of armour and burning flesh to ash. The weapon listed here is counted as a 'Volkite' weapon for those rules that affect such weapons Weapon Volkite cavitor
Lords and Master °fthe Atr#i^i0 M WS BS s T ***■ 1 \Xt in all who look Seva tar Unit Composition • J Sevatar U Wargear • Bolt pistol • Night's Whisper • Artificer armour Iron halo Frag grenades Krak grenades Unit Type • Infantry (Character, I Special Rules • lxgi°nesMun«(Nlghl, . Master of the Legion ^ . Independent Charactw . Relentless • Fear (2) . Precision Strikes (4+) • Dirty Fighter . Bloody Murder • Dark Dreams . Traitor . Warlord: Master of the Atnaati Warlord: Master of the Atramentar Jf chosen as the army’s Warlord, Sevatar automatically has the Master ofthe Atramentar as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other. Master ofthe Atramentar - Any units of Legion Cataphractii Terminators and Legion Tartaros Terminators included in the san Detachment as$w* gain the Deep Strike special rule (Sevatar himself do not). When any unto* gjon Cataphractii Terminators, Legion Tartaros T minators or Conti» Terminators that are part ofthe same Detachment Sevatar are ind^ p Part ofa Deep Strike Assault that does not include Sevatar, they«"®** referred Enemy (Everything) special rules for the duration ofthe <0 adTf3^ .e^°ye<^ Edition, an army whose Warlord is Sevatar ^ tiona Reaction in the opposing player s Movement phase, S not been removed as a casualty. Dirty F Seivtar foe. thei When I special Thev Js
Dirty Fighter Sevatar is,one of the most dangerous hand-to-hand combatants in his or any other Ugion. When engaged ui th a worthy foe, ^ere is no trick or ploy he will not stoop to in order to claim victory. When Engaged in a Challenge with a model whose Weapon Skill is S or more, Sevatar gains the Instant Death special rule on all attacks made during that Challenge. Dark Dreams Sesatar, like his Primarch, harboured a limited psychic talent - the ability to perceive discordant shards of the future in his dreams. This proved as much a hindrance as a benefit, tormenting Sevatar with half-remembered glimpses of tragedies yet to come. Sevatar gains access to the Shadows of Past and Future Psychic Power only and gains no other Disciplines, Psychic Powers or Psychic Weapons. Shadows of Past and Future (Psychic Power) On rare occasions, Sevatarcould focus his talent for foresight just enough to glimpse the immediate future, granting him an edge in combat, though any lapse in concentration left him wracked by doubts and weakened in the face of his foes. At the start of any Assault phase, a Psychic check may be made for Sevatar by the controlling player: this Psychic check must be made against a Leadership of 7. If this Check is passed, Sevatar gains +1WS and Attacks for the duration of that Assault phase. If the Check is failed, Sevatar suffers Perils of the Warp. ijlW^rV * ' 'v Night’s Whisper One of several weapons the Night Haunter had long since discarded in his gore-spattered sanctum, Sevatar appropriated the Night’s Whisper for his own use. In form it was an elegant chainglaive of archaic make, its archaeotech motor tuned to a sibilant purr rather than the discordant roar of more commonplace weapons. The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Chain’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons. Weapon Range Str AP Type Night’s Whisper ' - +2 2 Melee, Two-handed, Duellist’s Edge (1), Murderous Strike (6+), Master-crafted
BLOOD ANGELS n urtured in the Bl<x>d Angels' successes were the seeds of their fill; in the fcalousy of the fallen Warrruster who saw in them eventhmg he himself had thrown away. The opening stroke of the Homs Heresy against the Blood Angels would occur in the Signus system, bringing the IX* legion to its knees as it fought the Daemons of the Rnmvtorm and elements of the Word Bearers Legion. The terrible tragedies that followed would nearly shatter their resolve and leave them broken. The Legion s three recruiting grounds would be besieged: Baal and Saiph barely holding against the Traitors onslaught, while Canopus would be destroyed by the Legion's own, refusing to let it fall into enemy hands. At Anvillus. the Blood Angels attempted to intervene in the internecine war, only to be brutally rebuffed. At Drussen, a company's strength was annihilated in a single battle, and at Paramar. their stratagem was foiled by the Sons of Horus. leading to disaster. Thousands of Legionaries their Legion dead and their Primarch with them lost for rnanv long ytarv Such h the IX* Legion, however, that Us *** ^ ^ despair nor to darkness, but rose agjln The Legion endured and. with Sangum*,, beyond the Ruinstorm. they struck bm« the enemy At Beta Garmon, the Wood W*,*** 1* Warmaster to unleash all of his strength or rl campaign, and at Gildens Star they punished Bearers for their perfidy. Upon the walk of Terri/* Sanguinius and his trimson-clad angels that the beleaguered defenders to continue ben»d ^ of certain despair, and the Great Angel ha»*#,* beat back the forces of darkness at the Eterax*G* Whatever the threat, and however much n »odem the 1-egion. the Blood Angels would meet« «xkuhfc and ferocity. Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) All models with this special rule are subject to the following provisions lower result To Wound EscarmineFury _______ All models with the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) special rule require one lower mm _—^ ' rmally .to a minimum of 2+. on any turn in which they are part of a success __ ^ ^ j I unit even if that Charge is counted as Disordered. This effect applies regardless o t^e Aiigd«**^’l I example, if using a Str 4 Melee weapon and attacking a target with a Toughness o ab I I G lb\ and. rather than the usual 4*). In addition, any Vehicle with the Legiones <* I | makes a Ram Attack increases the Strength of any Hits inflicted J>y +1. 10 am ^ | Pvson v of the 1 i i i >ury of the Blood Angels om 1__________________________________________________1 HILDREN OF BAAL Warlord with this special ruk ^ ^ rait from the Blood .Angel'' Jf
; Advanced Reaction 11”\ , special rule. Unlike Core Reactions, Advanced React,ons ° m<xM' *>ththe l m their descript,ons, and can often have game chang|na^!^W “> unique S'*' JS" ^plaser-s Reaction Allotment as normal and obey all .ah“ "«•' '«k-onc^g, rv " №,„«»„ Rt)C r,K noted otherwise in their description. ’ °'h" '«*** placed *-...... > ac"onc.unlesjn ,. ena wrath of Angels - This Advanced Reaction may he made once pe, haul , when any enemy player declares a Shooting Attack ,a,ge„„K a „„„ ”***■» ** “№»■"* placets a™ £«y Unit Type and the Ugiones Astartes (Blood Angels) spec.,, r„le the untt targeted by the Shoot,ng Attack that tnggee Ilm ™ *«■« Us.) k*iththc control AH . ----' i<**ycrs control. All .asfjntiy Un,t . tarecico oy uilrtlwlK inal ln**cr% th,% Rcaa‘on 8*in thc Shrouded (S>) %petu\ m\t m0dds in the unu * ^ ^ pjm of thc shooting Attack that triggered tins Reaction if the React,ng unit already ainst all Wounds1 (X) spccia\ rule then this docs not stack or increase that role, and the Reacting placet * a vision of the >' ^ Shrouded rules available to them Once the Shooting Attack has been completely *** choose to use any on ^ayc a charge declared for it, following all thc normal rules for Charging and ^ cJ the Reacting unit may c cncmy unit may not make a R«nioo<*» t Type and the Lcg.oncs Astartes tbiood Angels) special rule „„ t ' . e unit targeted by thc Shooting Attack that triggCrs tlm R dcr ll bunds inflicted as part of thc Shooting Attack that inhered - . 01.—_________________________________ . . umRc h>sa isc any onc of the Shrouded rules available to tl ^•choose unit may have a Charge declared for it. f ...„ ..„„„a, rules tor Charging and resolved, the • ^ thal majc the Shooting Attack. Thc enemy unit may not make a Reaction to this Charge targeting the cncn . ^ .^mc<jialcjy aftcr xi \s declared. If thc Charge is successful, the units arc locked in combat and and itto fully rCS°,'C. .» ,1S „ormal with thc Charging unit benefiting from any Charge bonuses. 1 lammer of Wrath
Rite of War: The Day of Sorrows ,U* as the IX- i^fon was famed for their set-piccc shock assault tactics, so they were a so famed or their ability when to stand against any who would overwhelm them, no matter the odds and no matter the foe, and even in their death th,,*' draq their enemies down with them to destruction. To even their brother Legiones Astartes, such feats of resilience sometime seemed to border on the preternatural and could be laid to no single tactical plan nor doctrine nor biological trait, hut ratZ had their origins within their unshakeable will to endure, as if somehow fuelled by the rage and grief wrought in their ht0ru l the deaths of their battle-brothers. To the Blood Angels themselves, such battles became known as the 'Days of Sorrows', when few would stand against many and sell their lives dear, their names and deeds to be reborn eternally in the most sacrosanct of the Legion's rites of battle and remembrance. When the bulk of the Legion was missing for many years at Signus Prime, those few lone ships and garrisons which remained in an Imperium riven by war would find themselves time and again outnumbered by their foes. Many were their own days of sorrow, but far greater was the number of the Traitor foes who died along with them as they passed burning into the night Limitations • In any combat that includes one or more models with the Character Sub-type from a Detachment using this Rite of War, the controlling player must issue or accept Challenges in combat where applicable. The controlling player chooses which of their Characters issues or accepts Challenges where there is more than one eligible model in a given combat. • Any units made up entirely of models with the Infantry or Cavalry Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) special rule which are a part of a Detachment using this Rite of War and that have been reduced to 50% or less of its starting number of models must declare a Charge at the closest enemy unit if they are capable of making a Charge (i.e., not Pinned, Falling Back or otherwise restricted from Charging) at the beginning of the Charge sub-phase, as long as the target unit is no more than 12" away from a model in the Charging unit. If there are no enemy units with at lea one model within 12" then no Charge need be dec • No units from a Detachment using this Rite of ^ may be assigned to a Deep Strike Assault, Subur -Assault or Flanking Assault, and may not be pka in Reserves at the beginning of the battle (ahl1 models may enter Reserves after play has begun Effects • A Detachment using this Rite of War may select Crimson Paladin units as non-Compulsory Troops choices and all Crimson Paladin units in a Detachment with this Rite of War gain the Line Sub-type. • All models in a unit from a Detachment using this Rite of War that are made up entirely of models with the Infantry Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) special rule, gain the Stubborn special rule while they have at least one model within 6" of an Objective. If they already have the Stubborn or Fearless special rules then they gain no further benefit. • When any unit made up entirely of models with the Infantry Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) special rule which is a part of a Detachment which uses this Rite of War is reduced to 50% or less of its starting number of models, the remaining models gain the Fleart of the Legion and Hatred (Everything) special rules and Line Sub-type (if they did not already have it) from the beginning of their next turn - this lasts for the remainder of the battle.
 'fir de, for ith -j« s Rites of War ihc Ugiones Miartcs (Blood AngcW) Vaction HtO°V rnt wb»ch , onc model With the Master of the Le vu >i p. :^*ch ^ua**»1’6** U* THE DAV Of R^euat.on VVA»’- the IX- “j-wnri for * wars of ultimatum' ,W compo^o,^ n.rt °* , rhi Ort^ Eru ^rUs began with Sanguinnu, or one of hu 1 ruci..n,uffonw- i&**Z>*#»»*V*i «iay„fRevela,.°n\,nwh,chtbr.vw,,u1d>,,frrr,hf,,, ,,,h< h!oud Plication Of f«*" Jflion hosts were overcome with dread and owe. and ttpmdaud woh«, hraumon n,^ L ! ,ht uatherfd ,A Mnci of the Angel Sanguimus transformed .mo un-ag, fury« blind,- u- &$-*'**' ***'*'r start of the battle, before any models are * dcp|o><a or which player will take the first turn is decided, the controlling player of a Detachment using this Rite ofWar must declare to their opponent a Turn number from Turn 2 - 4, indicating on which of their own turns they will bring their Deep Strike Assault into play- Then the controlling player places a marker anywhere on the battlefield, indicating the point where the first unit of the Deep Strike Assault will be placed. . A Deep Strike Assault which includes only units from a Detachment using this Rite ofWar docs not make Reserves rolls to see when it may enter play - instead the controlling player must bring the Deep Strike Assault into play at the start of the Turn chosen at the start of the battle. In addition, the first model placed to determine where the Deep Strike arrives must be placed within 6' of the marker placed at the start of the battle, and does not scatter (if the first model cannot be placed at least 1" away from an enemy model because of these restrictions then the controlling player may choose to place it anywhere on the battlefield, but must then scatter the model after placing it). • All units from a Detachment using this Rite ofWar that we deployed onto the battlefield normally and are not ; placed into Reserves gain the Fearless special rule until die start of the controlling player’s second turn. ''•’«onor, tw Limitation« • Compulsory HQ choices in. Detachment usm.thts Rue ofWar must be nude upemuetv nt model, wnh Legion Wirhawk jump packs. • All units that are made up entirely of models with the Deep Strike specul rale in a Detachment using this Rue of War must be assigned to a Deep Stnke Assault. • A Detachment using this Rite ofWar may not take any Fortification choices ot any model with a Movement Characteristic of 0 oror that is otherwise unable to move, unless that model also has the Ortmal Assault Vehicle special rale. • A Detachment using this Rite of Wat may not include any models with the Subterranean Assault special rale.
 Blood Angels WA^£f£i<3dii>geis> special f^-r^^^oreWarlord-nait, A War below instea nth the Ugionc* A^tJ c Warlord Traits, id of selecting one of the Co Encarntine PaU*" ^“^Lnion of the W ith the onset of the ftwaous adversaries of the Blood Angels became! e J , kiuers with the faces ^«0^ - ^'z:t::Ze ^ * asZhe high ideals that Sangmnius enmson fury, puttr g „.mina instead to the rage iSZ» end the Uses of those that *°uld'°™[‘. Emperor s great «or* with a brutal fervour that belies his angelic appearance. Tins Warlord TYait may only be selected by a model with the Loyalist Allegiance. A Warlord with this Trait gains the Fear (1) special nilc when the enemy army has the Traitor Allegiance. Whenever a Warlord with this Trait is on the winning side of a combat in which the Warlord was Engaged and that includes at least one enemy model with the Traitor .Allegiance, he increases the value of his Fear special rule by one point at the end of the Assault phase in which the combat is won. to a maximum of Fear (4). For example, if a Warlord with this Trait and the Fear (1) special rule is locked in combat with an enemy unit with the Traitor Allegiance and wins the resulting combat, his Fear special rule would become Fear (2) at the end of that Assault phase. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the opposing pU ers Assault phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty. Paragon of Unity ^tZZflZhC C07™ncf that« rte hallmark of only those Z Wart°rd Strives t0 insPir' not £mperors dream ofVntZh, ““ Z* fight to see the to embody the finest phnaole ^° ^ advance and Any friendly unit ^P°n« Astartes (Blood AnnT^ °f models with the *lmf of s'ght to a ££ SPCdal nde that «n ^ m 1 umt this Warlord ? thiS Trait- to any is part of, """»«I * , “* “,h' W.rlorrtK, rule may select a Warlord Trait from Thrall of the Red Thirst (Traitor Whether by the wiles of Horus and his Jp hubris, some among the ranks of the BlZ * ^ themselves slaves to the grim flaw that lurU^1^ gene-seed. Overcome by a 'rmble hunger and possessed of a fury that never waned, thlZ creatures were more living engines ofdeatZZ^ warriors of the Legiones Astartes. The might,"**’**1 number would come to lead their fallen breth!""^’1* caring little for the cause for which theyfouZ the blood they spilled in battle. This Warlord Trait may only be selected by a the Traitor Allegiance. If, at the stan of the controlling player's Charpsub-^ there are any enemy units with at least one mode! 12" of a Warlord with this Trait, or any model in mi, Warlord has joined, and the Warlord and any umtlxb joined are eligible to make a Charge, then the contra^ player must declare a Charge for the Warlord and ry a he has joined targeting that enemy unit If there tsant than one potential target then the Warlord's comrahy player may select any of those units to be the target d the Charge. Whenever this Warlord and any uni: be * joined make a successful Charge that is not the Warlord and all other models in a unit the " joined gain +2 attacks, instead of the 5tin^ir?' granted for Charging. In addition, an array» has this Trait may make an additional opposing player's Movement phase as lot ^ has not been removed as a casualty.
THEARMOURYoFTHEbl _ blowing comprises ahst °f new options and Wargear availaW , Jlooii Angel*) Faction and exemplifies the nature of that l*gion to Deuchmcntl wj,h ^ ^ ^ ^ T„E FIRES OF HEAVEN Jjugion's tactical doctrines were heavily focused on the use of powerful A l Zj. devastating blow. Because of this, flamer and melta weaponry JL „ ,s^ultt to shatter an tntmv. ,u ability101 W model with the Legiones Astartcs (Blood Angels) special rule may exchan« , n,e weapon listed here is counted as a 'Melta weapon for those rules that affect such weapons Weapon Range Str AP Type Inferno pistol 6" 8 1 Pistol 1, Armourbanc (Melta) Perdition Weapons Though some would later attribute the various 'Perdition weapons to the artifice ofSanguinius himself, these brutal weapons had been in the use of the IX"' Legion since long before the Primarch had returned to them. The flame projectors built into these »capons are a legacy of the wars fought during Old Earth’s long darkness, the innovation of some long forgotten warlord brought to its pinnacle by the warriors of the DC1’ Ugion. Any model with both the Legiones Astartcs (Blood Angels) special rule and the Character Sub-type may exchange a po»tr weapon for a Perdition weapon from the following list for +S points: All weapons listed here are counted as both ‘Power’ and 'Flame' weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. Weapon ^ of Perdition b** of Perdition J** °f Perdition Miul °f Perdition Range Str +1 +2 +1 +3 AP Type 3 Melee, Two-handed, Rending (6+), Brutal (2) 2 Melee, Unwieldy, Two-handed, Brutal (2) 3 Melee, Reach (1), Two-handed, Brutal (2) 3 Melee, Two-handed, Brutal (2) Hr TP°nS iySttm desi3ntd « « more compact and portable variant of thecult. neJ by its pattern designation, first developed on the lliastus Satellite in the > ^'“s assault cannon is an 'Auto' weapon. A- Iliastus assault cannon may be selected by the C-T,ht Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) special nde and the Infar > unIcd Predator ■«fan prJ lastus «sault cannon for +10 points each. «change its Turret fo,. T °r Wl,h *he Ugiones Astartes (Blood Angels) specia d<jjti0nal pom'5 cos‘ , ¡e ^ ^1J?1* Moun,fd Twin-linlced lliastus assault cannon <,r (Blood Angel») spec 'Stir,h; Dreadnought or Vehicle Unit Type and ^ ^amcr for an lliastus assault cannon for +20 pom ^uh Range Str AP Type Rending (6+).M‘lfunC,i°" L n°n 6 4 ^ cIt JS part of a11)' React'0"- Wi,h thi‘ »Pedal rule is used to make a Shooting 0r that Shooting Attack.
PR1MARCH Ofte n considered Co be chc greatest of his Ian. Sanguimus u a peerless , wamor. masterful strategist and beloved hero of the Imperium. Among the Pnmarchs, there were few who would speak ill of him, with ewn grim figures such as Perturabo and Ferrus Manus offering grudging praise of their ,, winged brother. Í Many among that legendary brotherhood were surprised to find chat the Emperor named Horus as the first among them, rather than choosing Sanguimus, and those who sunned the Age of Darkness haw been known I to speculate that this was their father's great mistake For ci en as the wars of the Horns Heresy tore the Imperium apart and set e\rn the noblest of his brothers on dark paths Sanguimus remained untarnished and resolute, I a beacon of hope that outshone tier, the Uurkness I of that age. Sanguimus.................................^ p The Great Angel, The Brightest One, Master of Hosts, 5 U*NTs Primarch of the Blood Angels __________________________M WS BS Sanguinius 8 8 6 Unit Composition • 1 Sanguinius Wargcar • The Regalia Resplendent • The Blade Encarmine • Infemus • Frag grenades Unit Type • Primarch (Unique) Special Rules • Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) • Master of the Legion • Bulky (6) • Angelic Presence • Great Wings • Deep Strike • Loyalist • Warlord: Sire of the Blood Angels Options • Sanguinius may exchange the Blade Encarmine for the Spear of Telesto and the Moonsilver Blade...........................................Free Warlord: Sire of the Blood Angels Sanguinius stood as the icon of the Great Crusade, a hero at once idolised by million: for his grandeur and poise in parade and battle and trusted by each of his brothers In war, he was a storm of fury and martial power, while in peace, he was a statesman and artist. Among his brethren, many were surprised when the Emperor chose Homs as his Warmaster instead of Sanguinius, but the Great Angel himself merely smiled and gave earnest and true congratulations to Horus, ever the noble warrior. If chosen as the army's Warlord, Sanguinius automatically has the Sire of the Blood Angels Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait. Sire of the Blood Angels - All friendly models with the Legiones Astartes (Biord Angels) special rule in the same army as Sanguinius that either deploys as part o a Deep Strike Assault (or any other deployment method that requires the PcCP Strike special rule) or has a Legion Warhawk jump pack gain +1 Weapon Skill on any turn in which they make a successful Charge. In addition, an arm' Sanguinius as its Warlord gams an additional Reaction in the opposing P^u _ Movement phase as long as Sanguinius has not been removed as a casual
Prc****** ** nius iruf»™* hve in alj w*° MuU hlm' SUC6 '^Zdrtnr his tons and allies to feats of heroism 1 beyond lOf’O -flicn^'y unto lhat arC ,<>ckcd 'n comba* *nd have one model within 6’ of Sanguinius, a, well .»s **,nlUsand any unit he has joined, may add *1 to ^ number of successful Wounds caused for the * vvCi 0f rcsoMng which side has won a combat (this sUck with any other rules that increase the juuh result) !V R^alia Resplendent !>c Regalia Resplendent provides a 2 s Armour Save <♦ Invulnerable Save, and allows any failed Invulnerable Saves made on a turn in which Sanguinius Charges to be re-rolled. Great Wings ¡¡cm amongst the Primarchs. the limperor saw ft to bless sa^umius *tth the aspect of a true angel of myth. Able to fly on these uinps. they grant him great speed and power. to the start of the controlling player's Movement phase, or »hen deployed as part of a Deep Strike Assault, Sanguinius' Movement Characteristic may be set to a value of 14 for the duration of the controlling players turn (referred to as'activating' this special rule). This allows Sanguinius to owe up to 14", regardless of the Movement Characteristic Acwi on his profile and gain any other benefits of a Movement Characteristic of 14 (including the bonus to Charge distance). In addition, Sanguinius may move over Terrain, vertical terrain or friendly and enemy BID^eb or units without penalty while using this special ^but may not end his movement in Impassable Terrain * withm 1 of any model from a unit Sanguinius is not ^«Sanguinius ends or begins his movement or a ^-Danger^Terrain he must take a Dangerous . ,Cit employing this special rule, and treats all Terrain as Dangerous Terrain. ^ ^11 Run on a turn when his wings S When making a Run move after ^ biswings, add Sanguinius' Initiative ' ifcortiw. (K t01410 determine how far he may move *ith aa iJn dn<*0lhcr m°dck while making a Run -mgs as noted above, but he may not fe? a Charge in tire same *** ^nms has Run as per the normal rules ^Us W'ngs ma>'not be activated to nguinius’ Movement Characteristic ,nftrnu% hxfemusilc Weap°n Infemu» Sir mt(n »ho»« rule» I Y r>* *“*»hi Cn"—- <Va- >l 2 Melff ,S*>. Shred n'S^r„fTrfc,,o ^ "«pon ?“ ,00"‘ih"»W- sp-ofTH„,0R‘"" f; AP ^ 10 1 M*,. T**handed. ^ersnfted. lance. Moonsilverblade . , Fj®*ockffr) ^ 1 Melee, Master-crafted Blind. DutUM* Edged). MoonsiKrr Moonsilver. Any unsaved Wound caused again« a model with the Daemon Unit Type or Psvker Sub rvpe is instead counted as two Wounds. Wounds caused in excess of the model's remaining Wounds do not spill over to other models. Once per battle, in the Shooting phase, in lieu of making any other Shooting Attacks, Sanguinius may make a Shooting Attack using the Spear of Telesto, using the profile below. Should he choose to do this, he ma> not make either Shooting Attacks or Melee Attach with the Spear of Telesto for the reminder of the battle Weapon lUnge Sir AP Type Spetr of Telesto , Mmkl (Shooting) u Exoshock (*♦)■ Instant Death. Lance
 ELITES a gnm counterpart co ai the Immortals the\ uan.l foe and a shield for the fiu’ii chi umicldina anchor Hmt turns a simile hla.U N dm, power shields R Blood Angels freed to give Also known obscure dogma of the IV legion as the Kemvim. or the Storm Winds, the Crimson Paladin, are one of the warrior Orders of the First Sphere. As with the other First Sphere Orders, thei■ forsake name and rank to assume an idenat) ' sense of self and leases them mth only the singular duty Ossianed to them Win sacnfke, made m the name of the Great Angel and for ■ the resolve of these warriors in the point that no threat or dire fate can turn them from their purpose Crimson Paladins.............. ___________________ M ws Crimson Paladin 6 5 Crimson Exemplar 6 S Unit Composition • 2 Crimson Paladins • 1 Crimson Exemplar *45 PoiNTs Unit Type . Crimson Paladin: Infantry (Heavy) . Crimson Exemplar: Infantry (Heavy, Character) Wargear • Power weapon • Coriolis pattern power shield • Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour Special Rules . Lcgioncs Astartes (Blood Angels) • Relentless • Bulky (2) • Deep Strike • The Blood is Forever • Stubborn Dedicated Transport • A Crimson Paladin unit of no more than S models may take a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier. Or a unit of any size may take a Legion Land Raider Spartan as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, this docs not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. Options • A Crimson Paladin unit may take: - Up to 7 additional Crimson Paladins.........................— +40 points each • Any model in the unit may exchange its power weapon for a: - Sunset blade..._.....................................................Ft“ • For every five models in the unit, one Crimson Paladin may exchange his Coriolis pattern power shield for one of the following: - liiastus assault cannon................................+10 points per model - Heavy flamer..............................................+5 points per model - Plasma blaster.........................................+10 points per model • Up to two Crimson Paladins may exchange their power weapon for a: - Power fist....................................................+10 points per model - Chainfist...............................................+15 points per model I*he Crimson Exemplar may exchange both his power weapon and Coriolis pattern power shield for a: - Perdition weapon.............. ....................................—Free The Crimson Exemplar may take a grenade harness for................+1° P°intS ’3
<h< W* '* r°mn<n<l to th* Crimson Madins, for they ore only sen, into bade »hen the ,idf ofw, . ^¡¡L. wart thfhM of;hi: ‘f9<on-!hc waU upon“h,‘h^/o< <^,ktn miiturntdnia^ z ox" ^rmfn^t0 pr0teci,0n and lt givc% thCTn th< trJ^h M bat with a unit that outnumbers them, a Crimson Paladin urn, gams the Feel No Pam (S.) Whilell5cWcd m C "mbered by more than twice their own number then they instead gam the Feel No Pain (4*) via' ru>«-lf 0Ut” ,cl with the Independent Character special rule that joins this squad does not gam this special ^.„1 rule- Any m for the purposes of determining when the unit is outnumbered. Each Cnmson Paladin ^ and do«s not covin ^ as №0 modcls as they have the Bullcy (1) special rule iand likewise , any enemy n*j frin'son Exenrp •« JS qq rule count as the number of modcls they would for the purposes of Transport *^dcb with a variant o tj<- ^ mQrc than onc enemy unit, add the sire of all enemy units together to decide if ^^ITaSns arc outnumbered. sunset Blade - «««»r weapon set, the Sunset blade, which the Cnmson Paladins hold as emWemanc of the,r half of an Eqmnoxpowe ^nirithmthebeg«»"-■pie weapon uslcu Weapon Sunset blade Range Str AP Type User 3 Melee, Rending ($+), Sunder Coriolis Pattern Power Shields These prototype devices were one of many systems trialled within the Legions as part of the storm shield initiator. Capable of projecting a very short ranged gravitic field, Intended to slow and deflect strikes in combat, the Coriolis unit uvuld later be deemed too power-hungry for general deployment. Wuce the result of all To Wound rolls made that target a model with a Coriolis pattern power shield by a weapon *ith the Melee type by -1.
■ -Á Dawnbreakkr Cohort.............150 Poi^ EUTES ,’h in the aits <>! orbital iJtf and \ho« k assault arc icmlat). the l\n\vhrraktr horn stand apurt Chosen m: iim.utu't the niii'f pencnced and during the l egion * assault uads, the Dawnbmtkm r tnmtod and cguip/xd 1 act «s the tip of the load Angels ' spear, the rst warriors ft) set foot n those benighted worlds 1 at the l egion is called pern to saw. Lacking the ersatilityof standard lie deal or assault units, he Oawnbrcakers haw me purpose in battle, to under the enemy’s lines' md tear the heart from es formation. Armed with dnets and blades w reathed I in keen-edged power fields, (here are few warriors who can stand in the face of such an onslaught Standard combat dextrine among these elite warriors emphasises not only martial excellence, but also the symbolic nature of their role, hnnging light and justice to even the most hellish war ymes of the fledgling Imperiuni Indeed, the common name by which they an known is inherited from their preferred tuetic an assault staged en masse from mint tust as dawn breaks INo few worlds still speak in awe of the day unfp-ls tell from thr ,/<mT, skies to free theni from the oppress m of tyrants and M WS BS S T W | A Id u Dawnbreakcr 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 i~ TV *2T Dawnbreakcr Champion 7 S 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2* Unit Composition . 4 Dawnbrcakcrs . 1 Dawnbreakcr Champion Wargcar • railing-star pattern power spear . Grenade dischargers (frag and krak bombs) • Frag grenades • Artificer armour • Legion Warhawk jump pack Unit Type • Dawnbreakcr: Infantry • Dawnbreakcr Champion: Infantry (Character) Special Rules • Legiones Astartcs (Blood Angels) • Furious Charge (1) • Set the Sky Aflame Options • The Dawnbreakcr Cohort may take: - Up to 5 additional Dawnbrcakcrs............................+25 points each • Any model in the unit may exchange its Falling-star pattern power spear for an: - Equinox power blade case...............................+5 points per model • Tire entire unit may take nielta bombs....................+25 points per unit • The Dawnbreakcr Champion may exchange his Falling-star power spear fora: - Power weapon........................................................Free - Perdition weapon................................................+5 points I •' •. ».• *\iv. JC. .f- ■ - •••'.« ;i*%'^**3*
av Atlamc get,h< .„.jLtrs art trained to make (heir arrival in,on ,)„■, ,, t****** unit composed entirely of models with this special rule *** „„us within 6" of the unit’s final position suffer a -1 modifier PJn of * Dcci> s, i 5i„--Bt“sc‘"’y'helX'c'>S,,ikcAs“'"' ............. ti sWr Pattern Power Spean *m<2te poatr weapons have been redesigned to enhance the aggressive ft lhl „wt.«*««" int»» "■•lit a angle sweep when wielded by a ' ‘" dm,«, ft* weapon listed here is counted as a ’Power’ weapon for those rules that affect sud, Wfapon Weapon RanKc Str AP Type Falling-star power spear - +1 3 Melee, Reach (1), Rending (Sr) Equinox Power Blade Case IV Equinox power blades are intricate weapons, designed and forged to be used in pairs. Each blade is fashioned to sene a vitalised form of combat adapted from the practises of the tribes of Baal - the Path of the Sun. An Equinox power blade case is a pair of Melee weapons, each with a different profile as listed below. In any given Assault phase, the wielder must choose one of the following two profiles before making any attacks, and all their “tacks in that Phase will use the chosen profile and gain the additional attack for using two combat weapons we*P°n listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons. Weipon ^utnox power blade blade '^t blade / Range Str AP User 3 User 3 Type Melee, Shred, Sudden Striked) Melee, Rending (5+), Sunder
The Angel’s Tears................ __________________________M ws Erclim 7 4 Arch-Erelim 7 4 Unit Composition • 4 Erelim • 1 Arch-Erelim Wargear • Two volkitc serpenta • chain sword • Rad grenades • Frag grenades • Krak grenades • Power armour • Legion Warhawk jump pack Unit Type • Erelim: Infantry (Heavy) • Arch-Erelim: Infantry (Heavy, Character) Special Rules • Legiones Astartcs (Blood Angels) • Counter-attack (1) • Stubborn • Bitter Duty Options • The Angel’s Tears unit may take: - Up to 5 additional Erelim • The entire unit mav take melta bombs for +20 points each • Any model in the unit may exchange one of its volkite serpenta for one of the following: - Anpels Tears grenade launcher +10 nointseach - Heaw flamer ..+5 points each - Iliastus assault cannon +10 points each - Rotor cannon Fret - Heavy chainsword +2 points each • The Arch-Erelim may exchange his chainsword for one - Heavy chainsword of the following: +2 points - Power weapon ,._+10 points - Power fist +20 points - Single lightning claw............ .......................... ]0 ^ . funder hammer------------------------ JfgjC ic Arch l.relim may exchange one or both of his volkite serpentas fora: _Plasmaputol.......................................... ........ ,5 pen« «ch rc im may upgrade his power armour for artificer armour._+10 point* A
_____f ----------- W\\\ ) ’ 4 ^r, Grtnâde Uuncher ^.„-i ^">"'l>’"m ,ht 1 ''"/U"'"’n lV,,r' «nd Kir ^ ""1 1,5P*** "' ''"•/,,r H'"'r " ^'Kumr,/„, ‘ "’f "U ,, ¡¡J«*« I***«*""**»...■Ьут*ЬЛЛиЫг... Z..... ,V МГЛ **" RnM’>U,C ,,WKhCr “ COUn,id a’J W wt*poh fot lhow .................... RrtUKc Sir АР Гуре yTMngrc,udcU«nchcr 14- 4 *^l %u<h *«ponv *■*****„,. и**,,
V 1 lire CONTEMPTOR-lNCAENDIUS VW v JUiLM Dreadnought............. 200 P0i> FAST ATTACK I Tht Incaendtus sub-I class is a Contemptor I Dreadnought chassis I manufactured only within I the Meihanicum enclose I that clings to the irradiated I surface of Baals first I moon, under anaent treaty I with the great Forge of I Amsllus, Similar in most I respects to the widely used I Comemptor chassis, the I Incaendtus differs in one I key aspect: the external I booster pack secured to I its back. This volatile, I single-bum, magneto-I plasma engine is powerful I enough to decelerate the I Dreadnought in a fall I from low orbit or to propel I it in a shallow leap at I significant velocity, despite I bulk of its armour and I ceramite endoskeleton It I serves the Blood Angels I as a shock assault unit I of unparalleled ferocity, I for the half dead warrior I entombed within suffers I none of the disorientation I forties inflict on I the Ining '•lost commonly, such I >Wik les an armed with I weapons designed for twr/( at close ranges, wu h flamers and the so-:<l Colons of Perdition r*">u referred, though XJU" cannon. These M WS BS Contemptor-lncaendius 8 S S 7 7 Unit Composition Unit Type • 1 Contemptor-lncaendius Dreadnought • Dreadnought Wargear Special Rules • Two Talons of Perdition with in-built • Legiones Asurtes (Blood Angels heavy flamer • Atomantic deflector • Incaendius booster pack Options • A Contemptor-lncaendius Dreadnought may replace any in built heavy flamer with one of the following: - In built meltagun............................................+10 pointsejdi - In built lliastus assault cannon.............................+15 points ead • A Contemptor-lncaendius Dreadnought may replace both of its Talons of Perdition and in built heavy flamer with: - Gravis power fists and in-built heavy flamer...........„...........„free \ «¿is* ,£\
IBolster Pack ****> Ш booster pack is installed on the rear torso of the Contempts,ncaen f A 7» Ь dr7 thri>^ou9ht front orb,,, „г ,o JgJ*- ^ «M4h fuel for a , leap''- °nce its f“'1 iS exhausted‘the boost" ^ck ,s purged front ,he ,7 T" dulon“'»rh, ,? exploit m booster pack may be used once per battle in one of two wavs thrs, Th< lnc*n , mcans the other may not be used in that battle. ' P °n'irt muftuDy «elusive and the use» ., д, .be start of the battle, before any models are deployed onto the battlefield the , De«P «пк*; c thc contemptor-lncaendius Dreadnought into Reserves and give „ the Deep Strike choose t°P . strike Assault or another deployment that requires the use of the tLp StnkTspc'ul т2Г* then take pa If The controlling player may opt to deploy the Contemptor-lncaendius Dreadnought as normal. ln Shock As«“ • ^ ^ lncaendius booster pack may be declared once per battle at the start of any of the controlling this case the us ^ ^ including the first. When activated, the Contemptor-lncaendius Dreadnought's player's Movemen ^ se(. tQ 12" and gains the Hammer of Wrath (2) special rule for the duration of the Movement Charac - efject is act,vej the Contemptor-lncaendius Dreadnought may ignore all other controlling player s fU 1 while moving, but may not end its Move in Impassable Terrain or within Г of another models and terrain free у ^ ends that Movement phase in Difficult Terrain, it must take a Dangerous Tmain^sfi WWl'e the lncdendius booster pack is activated the model may not Run. i endius Dreadnought selected as part of a Detachment using the Day of Revelation »^(^i^^t'^theDheep Strike option and must be assigned to a Deep Strike^ssault. T^eZnZna larger version of the more common Perdition weapons, addtng flame motors lightning daw mount intended for use on Drea noug Ши**. 1, counted as both Tower and 'Паше weapons fo, those rule. <M **“
Chapter Master Raldoron.................. p First Captain of the Blood Angels, The Archein of Wisdom The Tranquil Angel M WS BS First among the captains o' the Blocxt Angels' Three Hundred Companies, Raldoron was respected throughout the Legion for hr\ [turned and strategic insight, superb mama1 skills and faultless discipline. Of all his captains and aides, it is said chat Sanguinius relied or. Raldorons e\m temper and keen intelligence more than any other. Eien among the other Legions of the Emperor s Space Manncs, hes reputation and record I »ere spoken of with respect I ind admiration. Roqal ~kim himself is known to a\e referred to Raldoron is an Exemplar of the narrial spirit of the Great 'rusade' at the end of the lahgnax campaign. j battle he is known have favoured tried id tested u eapons and :ncs, those that brought I : greatest chance for > ton at the lowest cost « bis Legion. His own 'gear followed the same I ttrrn, trusting more to cur-worn armour he home throughout the of t rusade than any Chapter Master Raldoron Unit Composition • 1 Chapter Master Raldoron Wargear • Artificer armour • The Encarmine Warblade • Combi-flamer • Bolt pistol • Iron halo • Frag grenades • Krak grenades Unit Type • Infantry (Unique, Character) Special Rules • Legiones Aslartes (Blood Angels) • Independent Character • Relentless • Master of the Legion • Furious Charge (2) • Warlord: Archein of Wisdom • Loyalist Warlord: Archein of Wisdom Raldoron is renowned within his Legion for his stoic and measured composure, approaching war in a practical manner much unlike the impassioned nature of his fellows. To Raldoron, war is a puzzle to be dissected and conquered, and he has studied all the strategic texts he can to arm himself fully, including the treatise of all the other Legions. If Chapter Master Raldoron is selected as the army ’s Warlord then his Warlord Trait may be selected from the Core Warlord Traits or from any Legion specific Warlord Trait from any of the following Legions (counting as though Raldoron and all other models with the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) special rule in the same Detachment possesses the appropriate variant of the Legiones Astartes special rule, this does not grant them any of that variant’s rules or effects but only allows them to benefit from the effects of the selected Warlord Trait). V\ hite Scars, Imperial Fists, Space Wolves, Ultramarines, Iron Hands. Rawn Guard and Salamanders. This does not include any W'arlord Traits available only to specific named characters, or a Warlord Trait that requires the Traits Allegiance may not be selected.
Mctofth* -------"*"»»<omM, 1V \\<*р°п bU4i here I* counted a, a Tower' weapon for those rule, iha, ,ffet, MKh lV Zr^th< Smth’' Cmft' mad* f0r Ra,d°nm ,hf «St^»tnlui hlnut„ ,, . iw.iNitiWteW' ,m,< hm» |,„0 \Ve»p»*n TVPncaimii'e RaiiKe Str ЛР 'VI« +1 2 Melee, Manet-crafted, Shred, Murdetmn Sinke IS*| Warblade ______
JJK 7IIÆÀ HQ ntmpkty record 'upth cut \hon I nt Crusade. Ihe refused to integrate nhty to fight and e art and so Zephon nnty accepted the I and dubious honour I legion as part of the I ier Host on Terra. the Horus Heresy out, Zephon I i reemtted by the I I <\i and friendship I ieefi noarcheologist han Ixmd. Ijand took \ [pon himself to repair ____ ____| hunger of Sorrow him n again just as word of rd'sod Angels’ return bed Terra. He eagerly •d the i is of his >raceJ Dominion Zephon......................185 pQ The Bringer of Sorrow, The Exile, The Twice-born, * ** Exarch of the High Host M VVS Dominion Zephon 7 6 Unit Composition • 1 Dominion Zephon Wargear • Artificer armour • The Spiritum Sanguis • Liment and Grief • Iron halo • Frag grenades • Krak grenades • Rad grenades • Mclta bombs • legion Warhawk jump pack Unit Type • Infantry (Unique. Character) Special Rules • Legiones Asurtes (Blood AngeU) • Independent Character • Relentless • Master of the Legion • Furious Charge (1) • Bitter Duty • Stubborn • Paragon of Restoration • Warlord: Exarch of the High Host • Loyalist à Warlord: Exarch of the High Host A fraternity of the DC* Legion sometimes known as the Archae or the Principal, the High Host was one of the lesser Orders of the First Sphere made up of those warriors who bore the sorrowful duty of delivering Sanguinius'ultimate sanction to the Emperor’s enemies. Unlike their brothers in the Angel’s Tears, the High Host did not shrink away from showing their true faces as they deployed weapons bom of humanity's darkest nightmares that left a trail of murdered worlds in their uuir If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Dominion Zephon automatically has the Exarch of the High Host Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait. Exarch of the High Host - If Dominion Zephon is the army’s Warlord then^ I-egion Destroyer Assault Squad may be selected as part of the same HQc A unit selected in this manner is considered a ‘Retinue Squad. The Rct,n^^ Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered pan ^ same unit as Dominion Zephon. The Retinue Squad must be dcpIo><■ ^ Dominion Zephon deployed as part of the unit and Dominion not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. All models in * ^ Destroyer Assault Squad chosen using this Warlord Trait gain the ^ ^ W arriors special rule. If this option is selected then no other unit selected for Dominion Zephon using the Retinue special rule ,n u ^ army with Dominion Zephon as its Warlord may make an addtt^n^ ^ ^ in the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as Dominion Zephon removed as a casualty.
paragon of Restoration Installed in Zephons body by the apocryphal techo-ministrations nf a ll ---------— The Paragon of Restoration gives Dominion Zephon the Fe Iw in any battle that Dominion Zephon loses his last Wound or i^'"<S+) *** rule |natM, controlling player must immediately roll a D6. On a resuh of 4* ?'^removed from Duv '°n' 'he firs> "me instead of being removed or destroyed. ’he remains in p|ay ^ t s: “ * «sualty, the s'ngle Wound remaining The Spiriturn Sanguis A P°'«rful broad-bladed sword of exquisite craftsmanship, the Spiritum S Ugion’s Master of Artisans upon his departure to join the Crusader Hasten Ten"“ P“d f° 2tphon **th' «* TV weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons Weapon The Spiritum Sanguis Range Str A P Type +1 2 Melee, Two-handed, Reaping Blow (I), Master-crafted Lament and Grief njes that sear the flesh as well as the sight of their targets. nt and Grief are two separate weapons, both counting as ‘Volkite' weapons and with identical profiles. Weapon ^«nt and Grief Range Str AP Type 10" S S Pistol 3, Deflagrate, Blind m
I ho 10!'1'" "r vJli.,ntly totht ‘ Cvcn unto the SSSSuSSSSS*— „^■ulKnm^cc however ’ ^onhands ph. Iron Tenth proud n,c Iron Tenth proved resourceful and ,rtUt wCre relorged anew under leader» such a.** I* Medusnn and Aulek Mor. Fuelled by bn*,, * lhcy would continue to hound the Tram* «¿T* Uxy disrupting supply (Wets and .inkin, i( of the Traitor Legions, at worlds such as Bod, „eatly hindered the World Eaters recruitmen, t>TV where they grievously wounded the PnmarchMon*. —a on Colchis, where their repeated incursioni m '«nntment dJ* where they grievously wounded the Pr,march Mon-and on Colchis, where their repeated incuroom from Medusa itself, stymied the Word Bearers in response, the Warmaster would dispatch hi, h,*, 4 hunters to scour the sons of Fertus Manus and the* ^ from the stars. and dozens of guenlla conflicts --------aid ensue. The efforts of the Iron cl<4VCt . Mow. however, the l* min. 1' w.»> *l ^*^cr ^ iron Hands " l''Zn was,lw "o!,ch of the leg‘on hunters to scour tne sons u. n.,«. ""anus and ft« w ,v the I ion.»> “ c oflsstvan V. and a Jrom the surs. and dozens ofguenlU conflicts St the Traitor hordes throus LeCIONES ^^“¿^cTthe follow ing pros,cons All models with this special rule arc The Medusa’s Scales with this special rule that does n°t’^jfi£^UnU All Shooting Attacks nradc again« a «1 w ,th thls special rule an^|JjL u. S^ESSSSSS* l-mt-v'" U 1 rule gam Legion l>.actot> 1 cgion .IT options Cauphtastu I’t c!."' .Ulsl 1 o-UO Tartarus Praetors with this spcci«W^jej|fcjjWr rule nta\ he to Iron- flHHB Fathers as detain. J in the \rmoury of the Iron I lands on page 2- 8
IV« Hands Advanced Reaction IttON 1 c Advanced Reaction is available only to unite ^ed in their drscnpiions, and can often |,avc -t specifically noted otherwise in their description. * °ther r«trictions d UP°n Action, lnt'011 The Gorgon’s Spite - This Advanced Reaction may be made onr phase when any enemy player declares a Charge targeting a fneX ^ dunng th« oppose , is composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hand"!' resolved all Charge rolls for the Charge that triggers this Reaction whelh ^ £ ,« moved as part of either a Charge Move or Surge Move, the Reactive the unit that has had a Charge declared against it, targeting the unit that triggered Shoot,n* »ith nuking twice their normal number of attacks* but gaining the Gets Hot special rule Aun^Zi111^' -Attack as part of a Gorgon’s Spite Reaction may not make any attacks indirectly (without line of sX^ifcT weapons with the Barrage special rule or other weapon or special rule that otherwise ignores line of «gh. ini models with the Vehicle Unit Type may only fire Defensive weapons. Template weapons used as part of a Gorgon's Spite Reaction use the Wall of Death rule instead of firing normally. The unit targeted by the Gorgons Spite attack may not take Cover Saves against Wounds inflicted as part of a Gorgon’s Spite Reaction. 'This does not stack with any other rules that increase the number of attacks a model^ of At I Won. Where models making this Reaction have sin* ncc ml rules, they have no e ect ns Spite Reaction.
Iron Hands Warlord Traits A Warlord with (he Lcgioncs Astartcs (Iron Hands) f action may select a Warlord Trait from instead of selecting one of the Core Warlord I raits. am°nf!'hotel,, Wfd Front lid’s Heart (Loyalist only) With the death of terms Manus on the fields oflsstvan V, a terrible malaise spread through the Iron I lands. Some were crippled by doubt or despair and some turned to bizarre mortuary cults to assuage their grief, but others were filled with a terrible fury and a need to seek vengeance for the fallen Primarch without regard for the consequences of their actions. These grim warriors would bring utter destruction to the ranks of the Traitors, laying waste to worlds and sacrificing hundreds of lives just to see a single Traitor fall. This Warlord Trail may only be selected by a model with the Loyalist Allegiance. A Warlord with this Trait, and all models in any unit he joins, gain the Fear (1) special rule and should the Warlord be reduced to 0 Wounds, the controlling player may choose to inflict D6 automatic Hits upon the unit whose attacks caused the final Wound, with these Hits allocated as per the standard rules. Each I lit is resolved using the profile of either any one of the Warlord’s ranged weapons if he lost his last Wound to a Shooting Attack, or using the profile of any one of the Warlord’s melee weapons if he lost his last Wound as part of an Assault, with all J fits resolved using the same profile (if the Wou -i ¡. > , ■ >> neither a Shooting Attack nor a Melee A:».. t ,i has no effect and no Hits are-: d)i ■ V) ! whose Warlord ction during the rhe Warlord has rot over ic mo, I The Eye oSr" Vi, ,.'7 Jilance among the Iron ‘ '“f *>:. :ght beside the Warmaster and earned the trust -.yrcm general Many of these warnors swore new oaths to the Warmaster and eagerly jninct the ranks ofHorusdark host, seeing in him a more worthy master. the Traitor Allegiance.* ' * ** Sclec*«dby, A Warlord with this Trait, and all unit that Warlord joins, gains the (Loyalist, special rule. In addi^?*^ the controlling player is the Reactive Pi bl"k 'Si, and any unit the Warlord has joined Reaction without expending a point f, Reaction Allotment - this can ¡n„w the'wf unit to make more than one Reaction in ¿ but that unit may not make the same React,*,^ Silver-iron Will The Iron Hands are renowned for their bloody determination and refusal to concede weakness estn face of annihilation. This vicious tenacity has led then u> numerous glorious victories during the Great Crusadt mi v almost as many ignominious disasters. In this warlord, ib spirit of the Gorgon is strong, and he will admit no tour, nor allow any to fester in the warriors he commands ■ or i it should lead them to their deaths. A Warlord with this Trait and all models ininy unit* has joined are never affected by any special rule or tfa that lowers Viracteristic - indudingtheFtarlXi I rules and due to losing an : . as inflicted more Wounds l"1 lord has this Trait may not Movement phase, but ma) in either one of the i Rad-ph.ig where t, an arm Reactioi > additu i Shootir is remov lost, but i phase as ii Warlord has 1 aalty then this addition^ ,nay make Reactions m th , any appropriate •n removed as a casualty-
 s HAN»5 Rites of War |»0N ü!^Pnnwr> Deuchment W"tord has the UKio„„ a of the WTl of War- t t jpH^' War: Company of Bitter Iron Rif* °f liyll„n betrayed at Isstvan V, the Iron Hands 1#,h( "* ¿fate MO a angle, united body again for several ' T>ur\nvig Iron I lands joined Shadrak Meduson's attack-cell whilst others rallied to the banner Talon Some ln>n Hands units fought their way № * Kl(dusa and. considering themselves to have failed in to the legion and to their Primarch, cast off their tW kVnk renounced their companies, and formed themselves ^umts of Medusan Immortals. Steeped in self-loathing and these forces resolved to sell their lives dearly fighting in mors that had laid the Iron Hands so low. Effects . a Detachment using this Rite of War may take Medusan bnmoruls Squads as Troops choices. • All models in any Medusan Immortal Squad selected as a Troops choice in a Detachment using this Rite of War pm the Line Unit Sub-type and the Heart of the Legion «pecval rule. • '•models in a Detachment using this Rite of War with ^theLegiones Astartcs (Iron Hands) and Bitter Duty ,*«l odes also gain the Hatred (Traitors) special rule. i |Z!^tlSWith the Independent Character and (••tt , AsUrtcs^ron Hands) special rules may be Bitter Duty special rule for no additional cost. ; Rations I ^Ritf of u-» i^Loyaj, only be used by an army that lus ?S4 *'?'■ I^fotinfi j * Dctachment using this Rue of W.u f udiFcmis Manus. known as the Headof'rheZrZ^ ^ ^ wouU ^ brought to battle heUinZ ** <""»* before closing in to create a mhe^ZsZ^ ^ Effects • All models with the Infantry Unit Type in ,D«*W using this Rite of War gain the Stubborn special rule while within their own Deployment Zone. • Any model with the Infantry Unit Type with flamen may exchange them for graviton guns or graviton shredders for +1S points per model. • Castellax Battle-automata Maniple units* may be selected as Elites choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War - all models in such units gain the It Will Not Die (S+) special rule at no additional points cost (they do not gain the Legiones Astattes (Iron Hands) special rule or any of its benefits). . Any Iron-Fathers or Legion Techmarines may take a cortex controller for +15 points each. I'^^XS*«****’** ■dial cost. hanicum. ■ — nr using this Rite of War may only select a Attack choice. i which any Detachment is using this Rite of i lot attempt to Seize the Initiative. .V
1 THE ARMOURY of THE IRON The (Iron Hands) hands following comprises a list of new options and Wargear available only to Detachments wit) i Hands) Faction and exemplifies the nature of that Legion. 111 l*1c LcgionCs The Iron-Father Many among the highest levels of the Iron I lands were gifted war-smiths and artisans though, unlike th Salamanders legion, they eared little for aesthetics and sought only brutal efficiency in their works The c" “>tly sons to ever value function over form - to judge their labour only by the power of its creations and to W tq^ of outsiders. aren0th,n9f°nhfrr^ Any Legion Praetor, Legion Cataphractii Praetor or Legion Tartaros Praetor with the Legiones Asun special rule may be upgraded to an Iron-Father for +65 points and gains the benefits listed below r°n Iron-Father: A Legion Praetor, Legion Cataphractii Praetor or Legion Tartaros Praetor with the Iron Fath gains the Battlesmith (5+) and Feel No Pain (5+) special rules, and the machinator array and cyber-familurV^' An Iron-Father may not select a Legion Warhawk jump pack, Legion Spatha combat bike or Legion Scimitar^1' Blessed Auto-simulacra Based on devices first forged by Ferrus Manus himself, these complex engines of self-repair can be integrated into the. a vehicle only through many arduous days of labour by the most skilled artificers among the Iron-Fathers, who guard the sev-method jealously. A vehicle so modified becomes a steadfast bastion on the field of battle, able to recover from even the moa grievous blows. Any model with the Vehicle Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) special rule may be upgraded to hue the It Will Not Die (6+) special rule (this will be increased to It Will Not Die (5+) by the Medusa’s Scales speualmle as nottd in the Legiones Astartes (Iron I lands) rules) for +10 points. Cyber-familiar The Iron Hands held these devices in great favour, and made widespread use of them. Any model w ith the Infantry Unit Type, the Character Unit Sub-type and the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hand t may take a cyber-familiar for +20 points (see page 141).
- - ------------rmwryrvr M ' . ye**** T*“«* /,*,+, . T^**01 **"*'*'<**„,„(<, ',?* **»*-, V rfZ^ofW..l\edf^ rtfAmwIei, J" :ZZZt:^Tj£rr ................Sr1 nOf In*,"1• V^Jv*„ o«.^, * "'’’‘'•’•'-w f--.................. ~J5SSS^!!&?£%zsz'-~ vm .,, ‘¡‘.„n* rf **«’““' ■ •“ ** I*)*' ■>•■» -SUOM on, *" " ■ J*,n«kofl,--~«,*1,1*«. M. M test as tf they had veen *ft by a weapon w*, 0»«d spec* «,<e.An,u* th,, ’ '°rg°n rr"nini,0f "mow »nil Gorgon Terminator ar.*w« are ¡miwim to ft««« effect. 1 Compov<i tn°r«ly of nod,!, GurtTOm %HWDDf ffS ftrruj Manus was amongst the most '¿fled of *« Mrkren with the more exotic techniques of the Uechamcvm and am mud, mjkag towards the study oeei urdernutrAirg of >*A secrets. The graviton shredder and graviton bolter are one-nuk of hu ^3. Able to emit a salvo of more precise gurvito* pukes, these weapons excel at the pinpoint destruction of heavy,dudes disrupting an infantry advance with a -yAoo of gyvsrjc Mr lay model with the Infantry leuit Type arad the C*git«ies Astarv= (bun Hands) ipecial rule may upgrade a graviton P« far a graviton shredder at a cost of+Spomr : each arr,d *-■ uodel is at also has the Character Unit Sub-type may ^*mgt a plasma pistol for a grave/.*. p»«to! at «*> additional poin cor. "“Pons listed here are cammed as ‘Gravton' weapons i a those rules that affect such weapons. apon ’’«'»n shredder ^pistol ROTECHNIKA ' of necro-technicengineerirg »u, dogy is capable of harnessing the sir ron-Fathers who raided the Vaults of 1P°n the galaxy once more and as t ’ grief-madd' i a Detach i Type r„M r C°nCUS“VC ® 'G™on Haywire <ol 1, Conducive a), ’Gramm Pulse, Haywire ■ ologies bound within the sealed, nulls ofFerns nt'Sfe to power engines of mechanical destruction of the death of their Primarch would unleash this rew towards its climax, it was sighted with terrible the Legiones Asiatics(Iron Hands) Faction Outdoes -*~-fc*iika for +50 points. -•uthis tV'hicun . ft, fF*ded to have th " ’ WonesAstartes^... *£%**> <*h a, ''Kro,^lh,or,SCpo,m uPgrarireniOVed as casual,-C !,U‘did within 6 of a model with the Vehicle Unit 7)pe »7 th dm lrt*dd„ C re8*ins ] I iun p K S' n,d 3 ^ f°r each model removed as a casualty For each result 'ka rp. ,C>n’any Unit (f ■ °'nt nidy not bring it above the number of Hull Points listed tq .Ust reduce th- ,ndl> or enemy) with at least one model within V of a model nth IS Modifier. UadershlP value of all models unit by -1. Units with the Stubborn
ion was a gend amongst i of his home Iedusa, named le Gorgon’ after ncient of mythic Ferrus was he strongest of rchs, within him ie heat of the 5 fury tempered fior as cold ¡ding as iron. >n was known ;ompromising tr, fcfusing to pr to,his closest tr even his tmafiihs-FIc J at he was only race toiling at Ferrus Manus Master of the Iron Hand* The Co The Great Iron Father ’ G°rg°n’ 465 ^ .. — ___ M ws BS c Ferrus Manus § y— Unit Composition • 1 Ferrus Manus Wargear • The Medusan Carapace • Servo-arm • Forgebreaker • Master-crafted plasma blaster • Master-crafted graviton shredder • Heavy flamer • Grenade harness Unit Type • (Unique, Special Rules • Uegiones Astartes (|ro„ Hands) • Master of the Legion • Battlesmith (2+) • Firing Protocols (3) • Loyalist • Warlord: Sire of the Iron Hands Warlord: Sire of the Iron Hands °ne of the most physically powerful Pnmarchs, whose skills as an anhitectafam an armour were every bit as potent as his martial prowess, Ferrus Manus ¿op*: weakness and, by his presence on the battlefield, the Primarch drove his men woost superhuman endurance and remorseless fervour,\..jr If chosen as the army's Warlord, Ferrus Manus automatically has theSm0^ Iron Hands Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait- j Sire of the Iron Hands - All models with both the Infantry Unit Type Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) special rule in the same army as gain the Feel No Pain (6+) special rule (this does not suck of the of the same special rule, and models that already have a better <r)injjfl special rule may use either one at the choice of the contt°^neS (iron models with both the Vehicle Unit Type and the U&°ni on # am? special rule gain the It Will Not Die (5+) specialnde.ln ^ ^ > Ferrus Manus gains an additional Reaction in the oppo ^ casua|t> phase as long as Ferrus Manus has not been fly*** ^
. Mfdu*an Carapace , Uanui operated a wide variety of arms and armour, almost all nfu,t. l ' Zt I«« forming the bout of many Lf¡tonesAstana design, „ *£i flu Medusan Carapace grants a 2+ Armour Save and a 3+ Invulnerable Save. forjebreakcr fashioned by his close comrade, and later hated enemy, the Primarch Fulgrim, this exquisitely fash.nn ^ , , Uprose to have a dark infamy of its own and serve the hands of many masters before the Horus^tded"'™ Weapon fotgebrcakcr Range Type Melee, Master-crafted, Exoshock (3+). Brutal (Î)
 Gorgon Terminat» elites hieofa number of t actical Dreadnought Armour sub-classes found vithin the ranks of the ron Hands Legion, the torgon pattern was one fa number of on-going it tempts by Fcrrus Manus and his cadre of ron-Fathers to refine md augment the various atterns of Terminator rmour employed by he Legiones Astartes orces. It is an interesting ase in point that, while Several thousand suits of Terminator armour in the most common Tartaros, Cataphractii and Iridomitus patterns were in service with the Legion [many of which were concentrated in the hands of the doomed warriors of the Avcrnii Clan and lost at lsstvan V), the Primarch himself was known to not be entirely satisfied with the performance of any of these designs, md so a full issue to his Legion was never ipproved. One of the most extreme technological ’xamples of the Iron ¡-lands' innovation to mprove on the designs n this regard was the hazardous, but powerful, Gorgon'prototype, which equired bonding to its °RSquad Gorgon Terminator Gorgon Hammcrbearcr Unit Composition • 4 Gorgon Terminators • 1 Gorgon Hammcrbearcr Wargcar • Gorgon Terminator armour • Combi-bolter • Power axe (Gorgon Terminator only) • Thunder hammer (Gorgon Hammerbearer only) • Grenade harness (Gorgon Hammerbearer only) BS -Ltw i00|>°'Kl* 4 2 t ; Unit Typ* ’ Gor8°n Terminator ‘ Gorgon (Character, Heavy) ' Special Rules • Legiones Astanafl,o„ Feel No Pain (St) • Relentless • Stubborn • Bulky (2) Dedicated Transport • A Gorgon Terminator Squad of no more than S models may take a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. A Gorgon Terminator Squad f t any size may instead take a Legion Land Raider Spartan as a Dedicated Tratrsp. -As a Dedicated Transport, this does not use up an additional Force Organiuuor slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. Options • A Gorgon Terminator Squad may take: - Up to 5 additional Gorgon Terminators...... • One Gorgon Terminator in the unit may take a: - Legion vexilla............................. • Any Gorgon Terminator may exchange his power axe Power fist............................. +35 points ab ____+10po®° ...........................Ill—-AfiS* •Lig",nin8Claw. .-............lir^2> '.+5^ vexcl^“ Any Gorgon Terminator - Magna combi-weapon. - Minor combi-weapon.... - Lightning claw..............."'X^on Terminator ~ * For every three models in the unit, on +5P111 ^ combi-bolter for one of the following: ............ +15^’ ^^ -Heavy flamer...................... ................. - Reaper autocannon............... ........■**№-"".. - Plasma blaster............................. Citer f°r * ..^¡S * Graviton gun...............Change his con’bi‘b° .. I- A The Gorgon Hammerbearer may exchang............^ - Magna combi-weapon.............. .............. - Minor combi-weapon........
u san Immortals Squad £^$<r*cjn‘ lw*t* ], Unreal Sergeant , ivmcf *H«our , guiding »hiilJ .Sokrt .Mir*'"1 tFr<gtraMki . Knlpnud« Unit T>T* ' ................. (Character, Ucav» ' Special Rule* • legume-* A*tanw(Uoo llantlt) • heel No Pain (S* ) • Bitter Duty • Stubborn pcJ.fitfd Iransport . \ Meduun Immortals Squad of no more than 10 model* may take a la^on land Raider Protcuv Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Traniport. th:. lie* not use up an additional Force Organisation dot, but it* point* co*t muit mil be pud for as part of the army. Optiwu • Utedusan Immortals Squad may take: • l>to 10 additional Immortals..................... • model in a Meduun Immortals Squad may exih 'olkitc charger..,...„„........................ - Chiinword............ ....................... • Any model with a bolter may take: ................................ ^fMny five models in the unit, one Immortal in ; «flowing options: • IS point» each •,•1 j • ’point* each Free . t point each . ¡Mints each •rr for one of . > point* each • IS points each . IS punts each ■ .20 point* each Ifc^Sc.*«».mjy rxtiun^c i l.'l. 1............ 1 l^iJ*in*{lplK,ri‘*no^nf!'t option may be selected mo'« 1 ' .jopoln«» ™ pistol fv,CjPon rlw* [^ninjcr... ^ •<*tgeant may take any of the following- faew^*Kf->n| nuy exchange his artificer armour. it* Upon t Men tkf*.*hd cW« •here ihftmzit mmrn »¿mot «4**1 ofnnmlonf** Upma*M*tn*o Jnnt*. Am*** trwK’L'rJ prse.-pd’'1 tyèmtoc ******* _mnr Uxl <-« •*****' *** U, U<**
XII™ LEGIONES ASTARTES WORLD EATERS 0f all the Space Marine l,egions of the Great Crusade. none were as savage and dreaded as (he XII* legion. Monsters long before the outbreak of (he I lorus Heresy, the World Eaters were among the first Traitor Legions to enact the extermination of the Loyalist elements within their ranks on the world of Isstvan III. Their Primarch Angron led the assault that fell upon (he Loyalist survivors of the first wave himself, a vision of blood that cut a terrible path through friend and foe alike. When the last laryalist drowned in (he blood of his defiance, he was at last done and the World Eaters were dedicated utterly to the Warmaster's cause. During the Dropsite Massacre, the World Eaters were responsible for indicting horrific casualties upon the Loyalist Legions, and even when their enemies broke and attempted to dee, they harried them relentlessly. In the aftermath of Isstvan. the World Eaters, joined by the Word Bearers Legion, invaded the realm of Ultramar in the so called Shadow Crusade, burning a bloody trai, across (lie eastern segmenta The worlds of Armature Espandor and a do/en other planets were laid w*«* populations put to the sword in an act of galactK ritual bloodletting. At the culmination of these massacres, orchestrated by his brother l-orgar. Angron became infused with the Warp and ascended into daemonhood. This had a lasting impact on his Legion, for while then Primarch was no longer dying by the Butcher's Nails implanted in his skull, he became an uncontrollable beau that freely sated his lust for bloodshed upon his sons and the Legion’s serfs. The I-egion too would become tainted by Angrons new daemonic form and slowly descended into madness, invading worlds and mindlessly slaughtenng their populations without regard for military or strategic targets. Across the Ultima Segmentum. this pattern would be repeated until only a shadow of the Xll* Ixgion remained, reduced to a horde of savage berserken by the time they were recalled by Horus to cull the defenders of Terra. i Legiones Aetaktes (World Eaters) \ i i Vioi i vc i Incarnate ■ l_L* --— —■ — — — — — WorldEatomBerserkers i 1 i i | \ 1 j i i \ i i ' i i _____ j p ^¡* w .
Vorld £atels Advanced Ijeact-ion T** Advanced Reaction « available only to anils composed entirelv of ^ , Extni special rule. -nlike Core Reactions. Advanced Reactions arLrt' ^ * Wth *** U8»ones Astartes (World as noted ¡n their ascriptions, and can often have game changing rff ^7 *" Un,que and admittances, Reactive player’s inaction Allotment as normal .nd bev .ill rv- * ^ Advanccd factions use up points of a . . ***™omerrCstnctions placed upon Reactions, unless it is Гъс Savage Ac - Tbs Advanced Reaction may be ™de once per battle during the opposing player’s Shooting -.base »hen any enemy ant declares a Shooting Attack targeting a friendly unit with the Infantry Unit Type -nder СЖ Reactrve player’s control with the Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) special rule. АП models in the Reacting unit gain the Feel Mo 3am (S+) special rue against all Wounds iixficted as part of the Shooting Attack ’.hat triggered this Reaction. If the Reacting unit already' has a version of the Feel No Pain (X) special rule, then dns dies ™: stack or increase that niie, and the Reacrr.g riayer may chx>se to use any one of the Feel No Pain (X) special rues available to them. Овсе the Shooting Attack has been completely resolved, the unit may make a Charge, iulrowing ¿1 the normal rules for CTiarging, targe^ng &e enemy unit that made the Shooting Attack. The enemy unit may not make a Reaction ro this Cnarge.
that World Eaters ISSSSSXZSZ-'**1* Blood Hunger (Traitor only) forrupfIon, the lust as Angmn »-as consum'd by madness ana r Lr loyal of his children would follow him down that dark path Thtst wamors revettedm the rtd rag' font up«n fythe Butchers Nails and freely go* sent t0^arka? temble hunger that fell upon them, seeking blood and death wherever thes walked. Strategy and tactics mean nothing to such a warrior, for them the battlefield holds only the clash of blades and the blood of the fallen, a red wash of death th feeds the madness growing inside them. This Warlord Trait may only be selected by a model with the Traitor Allegiance. A Warlord with this Trait gains a bonus Wound whenever a melee attack it has made causes an enemy model to be removed as a casualty (this may raise the model's Wounds score above its starting value, but no higher than 6 Wounds). In addition, a Warlord with this Trait, and any unit it has joined, must declare a Charge in any of the Controlling player’s Assault phases where there is an enemy unit within 12" and line of sight of the Warlord or its unit, and must always target the closest enemy unit if possible. Furthermore, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the opposing players Movement phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty. rule may select a Warlord Trait from among those listed Cloaked in Blood Such is the infamy of the XII0' Legion that many enemies have quit the field merely at the mention of their name and et en the most hardened of warriors have fled in the fact of the charge of their gore-spattered berserkers. This warlord, whether through cruel cunning or brutal disinterest, leaves his battle-plate marked by the crimson stains of those that hast fallen before him. Any model that does not have the Legiones Asuttes (World Eaters) special rule must reduce its Leadership by -2 while locked in combat with this Warlord or any unit that includes this Warlord. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player's Movement phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty. The Butcher’s Claws Some among the children of Angron have gained a measure of control over the Butcher’s Nails, the implants that flood their minds with rage. Though they cannot end the torment imposed upon them, they can channel the rage, focus it to a razor's edge and turn it upon the foe as a weapon of such tempered fury' that few can stand before them. When a Warlord with this Trait, and all models with the Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) special rule in a unit that it has joined, gain a bonus attack from the Violence Incarnate clause of the Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) special rule they also gain +1 Strength for the remainder of that turn. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player s Assault phase as long as the Warlord ha5 not been removed as a casualty.
VVo*LD Eaters r,tes of War which his ihc l/gioncs Asiatics (World Maters) I-action may make use of the following Rites of War as Ipng as It includes at least one model with the Matter of the legion special rule Rtrt of War: Berserker Assault In the aftermath of the bttrayal at Isstvan III. the World Eaten Legion under their savage Primarch Angron, became tier more insular as a Ugton and uncontrollable on the battlefield, prosing a double edged sword even to their allies. The psycho-surgery rife within the Ugion became even more widespread and extreme in its use, and the neophytes inducted with ever-increasing pace into the World Eaters'ranks to replace the fallen were cerebrally mutilated with the implants as a matter of course. Ml-out infantry assaults supported by fast-mosing armour, with the aim of immediately closing into bloodv melee with the foe. had always been a hallmark of the iegion, and now became often their goal: carnage for its own sake beyond any strategic objective to the contrary. Effects . All units composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) special rule in a Detachment using this Rite of War add +2" to the distance moved when Running. • AD units composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) special rule gain a bonus of +2 to all Charge rolls made for them. * All units composed entirely of models with the legiones Astartes (World Eaters) special rule in a Detachment using this Rite of War gain a bonus of +1 to their Leadership (to a maximum of 10) when making Pinning tests. Hwnpager Squads may be taken as Troops choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War. Le9on Predator Squadrons may be taken as Fast Attack choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War. limitations ^1 units m a Detachment using this Rite of War must * Ctafge in any of the controlling player’s Assault u *h«Te there is at least one model from any enemy y 12 and line of sight of a unit selected as part ik. ^ment usln8 Rite of War, and must always r closest enemy unit if possible. This Charge . J/J** ,r"t“te a Multiple Combat. ^ ,nc^u<k* a Detachment using this Rite of ^ 001 a,so 'ndude an Allied Detachment. Rite of War: The Crimson Path From the earliest days of the Great Crusade, the X/f* legion was known for its legionaries' willingness to pay even the highest butcher's hill in exchange for victory At rimes, it was observed that they seemed able to shrug off injuries that should have laid them low. somehow staving off death for the few moments more that it took to close upon the breach so that World Eater and enemy might die together in the mutual embrace of death. This horrifying spectacle grew ever more common as the Legion's descent into damnation accelerated, until, by the advent of the Shadow Crusade, it was almost a standard battle doctrine in certain assault companies. Effects • Any unit composed entirely of models with both the Infantry Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) special rule ignores the first Wound inflicted on that unit in each Phase. No saves or Damage Mitigation rolls are made for this Wound, it is simply discarded and no other special rules may be triggered because of it. • All models with both the Independent Character and Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) special rules in a Detachment using this Rite ofWar gain the It Will Not Die (5+) special rule while outside of their own Deployment Zone. This does not stack with other versions of the It Will Not Die (X) special rule, and the controlling player must select one version of the rule to use. • Rampager Squads in a Detachment using this Rite of War gain the Line Unit Sub-type. Limitations . Detachments using this Rite of War must include more units composed entirely of models with the Infantry Unit Type than the total number of units that include one or more models with any other Unit Type combined. . A Detachment using this Rite of War may include only a single Heavy Support choice.
THE ARMOURY of THE WORLD EATERS The following comprises j list of new options and Wugear available only to Detachments with the Leo, (World Eaters) Faction and exemplifies the nature of that Legion. S'oncs Asta^ World Eaters Berserkers , More the outfit of the Horns Heresy, the World Enters were rumonred ro finer experimented uitfi psyefio.*, teefimonrs tfinr enfinneed tfie sn.ugery of ¡heir wamors. while n/so turning them into crude nnd brutal berserkers. ^ tfie aegis of Homs' Dark Umpire tfiese e/forts were redoubled and such mindless killers became ever more common amongn the Legion. Any model with both the Independent Character and Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) special rules that does nor have the Psykcr Sub-type, may be upgraded to a Berserker for +20 points and gains the Ravening Madmen sne i *° and increases its Attacks Characteristic by +1. n"e Ravening Madmen Ghing themsehes o\xr to frenzy and blind rage, these warriors pay no heed to strategy or the plans of distant generals Instead they charge forwards without regard for enemy fire or formations, seeking to lose themselves in the red ruin of melee. Any model making a To Wound roll in the Assault phase against a unit composed entirely of models with this special rule reduces its Strength by -1 when determining the score required To Wound (this does not affect the attacking unit’s Strength for the purposes of inflicting Instant Death). Additionally, any To Hit rolls made in the Assault phase targeting a unit that includes one or more models with this special rule, always count the majority Weapon Skill of the target unit as 3. regardless of the actual Weapon Skill of the models in that unit. A unit that includes models with this special rule may only be joined by models with this special rule, or the Primarch Angron, and models with this special rule may not join a unit that includes any models without this special rule. Savage Fervour Among all the Legiones Astartes, the World Eaters were possessed of a savage and bloodthirsty fervour and most often eschewed the use of the tried and tested chainsword in favour of the far more brutal chainaxe. Eatm) ^ ^ n»y «ch»* ch^
I Caedere Weapons (to-/ upon the ritual ueapons of the cyberaugmetic glad,a,on of,* teas once cast, it urn Angron himself who rt(. „„ o/ . /T >«"'</ on **«(, W()odl h ,V ueaponsofthe Carder, remainlargely the preserse „f,hc «0 nt^gln^Zdd ^ ^ uU <***» of the cranial berserker implants which are a hallmark „fYuUgZ'n(, ^ the best ,0 ,h, ' A model With Caederc weapons may select one of the following weapons wh,„ , Additionally. any model with either the Independent Character sntcul ml rL“ “ P*" of *» «">y. Astartes (World Eaters) special rule may exchange a chainsword for one nf'ih,\- a Sub,ypc inJ ,hc uK'oncs nc Of the Cacdere weapons for points: Weapon Range Str AP Meteor hammer +2 4 Excoriator chainaxe ♦2 3 Falax blade* +1 S garb-hook lash User s Type Melee, Two-handed. Reach (1), Breaching (S+) Melee, Two-handed. Shred, Murderous Strike ($♦), Unwieldy Melee, Specialist Weapon, Rending (4-0, Duellist's Edge (1) Melee, Two-handed, Flcshbanc, Reach (1), Rending (S+) •A model that upgrades a chainsword to a Falax blade replaces the chainsword with two Falax blades.
Wargear • The Armour of Mars • The Spite Furnace • The Butcher's Nails • Gorefather • Gorcchild • Frag grenades Special Rules • Legioncs Astartes (World Eaters) • Master of the Legion • Red Sands • Hatred (Everything) • Rampage (2) • Furious Charge (2) • Traitor • Warlord: Sire of the World Eaters V 1 Warlord: Sire of the World Eaters Forced to abandon those who had trusted him and fought for him by the Emperor, Angron would never be the inspirational leader that many of his kin became. He treated his own Legion with a brutal disdain, and yet those bloody warriors would not abandon the one whose genes had forged them, seeking ever to please and impress their progenitor. Only the most reckless feats of bloody-handed slaughter would receive even the smallest gesture of respect from Angron, and the World Eaters would face any peril to secure such a mark of honour. If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Angron automatically has the Sire of the World Eaters Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait. Sire of the World Eaters - All models with the Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) special rule in the same army as Angron, including Angron himself, gain the Feel No Pain (6+) and Adamantium Will (3+) special rules. In addition, an arm) with Angron as its Warlord increases its Reaction Allotment to 3 in the opposing player s Movement phase as long as Angron has not been removed as a casualty (this does not allow more than three Reactions to be made in that Phase, and may not be further modified by any other rule or effect), but may only make Advance Reactions.
Red Sand* Train'd to fight and die in single combat. Angran was at his bast whan , 10 Hade- P ' a9°inst ^ foes mightiest woman blade In any given turn Angron may make as many Challenge* as there arc or pnmarch Unit Type locked in combat with him. up to his current 77*“ *1th th* Clura«« Sub type ind fight them in an order deeded by Angron s controlhng pUyer dunnoiZ Ml 01,1 aU thf challengers that any enemy model with the Pnmarch Unit Type must be fbmfaf. V*”*"8* of lhc FlKhl wb phase, between them and must assign at least one attack to each Challenge he fiJT. c"®?" mUSt d,v,dc h,s aUacks and Angron himself, count as being in a Challenge and follow all the ruleffc! 7k n. ”*Mi cha,lcn8^ h> Angron. are not removed as remain in a Challenge with Angron until cither all the'"Si"* casualties. Angron is removed as a casualty or the Challenge is ended b> the effects of^^T “ The Butcher’s Nails TV cybcr-ntural ,mplams buried deep into Angron s nervous system dme h,m to hetgbts of,age tbu, cannot be “ understood by any other than the Red Angel himself ThU dresce feeds on and umpires Angron, osvn ,a„e and,nil,It <** mgf T" anfgT bri0me' S"kman ■ ^pattered iCZnng machine dating down hves in a frenzy of violence unequalled by any of his brethren. At the start of each of the controlling players turns after the first. Angron gains *1 to his Attack characteristic for the rest of the battle to a maximum of 10 Attacks at the start of the controlling player’s fifth turn (if the battle lasts that long). If Angron is in Reserves at the start of the controlling player’s turn then this rule has no effect and his Attacks do not increase that turn. Additionally, any To Hit rolls made in any Assault phase targeting a unit that includes Angron. alwav’s counts the majority Weapon Skill of the target unit as 3. regardless of the actual Weapon Skill of the models in Chat unit. The Armour of Mars i The warplate of Angron is the rebuilt skeleton of his ancient gladiator armour, reinforced and enhanced by the technology of Mars at the behest of the Emperor. Though once a gleaming golden token of the Emperors esteem for his new champion, Angron has shown little interest in its condition, allowing the gore of each victory to dull its lustre and refusing to allow any but the most basic maintenance. The Armour of Mars gives its wearer a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. Gorefather & Gorechild , These archaic matched chainaxes are among the most potent weapons known among the relics of t e marc made all the more deadly by Angron s consummate skill as a fighter. All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Chain’ weapons for those rules that affect such Nscai Weapon Range Str AP Gorefather +1 2 Gorechild j/r ¡tSBf- +1 2 Murderous Strike (3+), Shred Melee, Specialist Weapon, Armourbane (Melee). Murtlerous Strike (3+), Shred The Spite F * •"¿SS*. i. t„n«d -n.™ W..PO. lo,,ho« ml.. .1». ***pon ^ Spite Furnace Range Str 12” 7 p^ol 2, Gets Hot, Mast«r-craft«l
red Butchers •25o Po,NT r- elites ¡h a« III Atrocity HcJ u rruidnc^ ul long festered m rid Eaters legion I'rimanh, a lungn rag< that i the very core of inn's bring and was fd by the horrific agression inducing ¡1rrgery many or Id Eaters had d themselves to tiling ground n III. there were iters on either if conflict who ed utterly. 1 into mindless ;us ages that be controlled an putting h individuals ppened in the ich things had rom time to before the Hnrus if \pothecuncs ud subdued and r a far darker echmannec rmiscil r suits from I'tiriieur for lour and as '' hlirihe.t sed u nh a •d Hunt in I | holds 1.1 th, Red Butcher Devoured Unit Composition . 4 Red Butchers . 1 Devoured Wargear . Two power axes . Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour M WS BS S T w Unit Type . Red Butchers: Infantry (Heavy) . Devoured: Infantry (Heavy, Char; Special Rules • Legiones Astartes (World Eaten) • Relentless • Bulky (2) • Ravening Madmen • Fearless • Hatred (Everything) «ter) Dedicated Transport . A Red Butchers Squad numbering no more than five models may take a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. A Red Butchers Squad numbering five or more models may select a Legion Land Raider Spartan as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. Options • The Red Butchers Squad may take: - Up to S additional Red Butchers...........................+45 points each • Any model in the unit may exchange one power axe for a: - Combi-bolter.......................................................Free • Any model in the unit may exchange all other weapons for a: - Two lightning claws...................................... points per model • The Devoured may exchange any of his power axes for one of the following weapons: *^werfist..................................................... +5 points each TRain,fiSt.'............................................... +10 points each _Thunder hammer.............................................+10 points each ™f. Devoured may exchange a power axe for a: ‘ M,nor combi-weapon........... Free •Magna combi-weapon............~.................................+5 noin« each • 7116 Devoured may take a grenade harness ZI................. J^lOpo*« RAl* jlarnpaB* Ur»»* Co, . 4 Ram , j Ram] . Onec Falaxl . Bolt p . Frag g . Krak { . powei
^mpager Squad 135 Points RjBiplçCT champ«*' L««Comr°***> 1 Rampager Champin L'nit TNpe • fcimpagcr Infantry • Rampager Champion; Infantry (Character) . One Caedere »capon (or t»o falax blades) . Boltpntnl . Fragg»*** • Krai grenades Special Rules • Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) • Furious Charge (1) • Chosen Warriors • Stubborn . fv>»er armour Dedicated Transport . a Rampager Squad numbering 10 models or fewer and that docs not include any models »ith legion Warhawk jump packs may take a legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier asa Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as pan of the army. Options • The squad may include: ■ Dp to an additional 10 Rampagers..............................+22 points each • The Rampager Champion may exchange his bolt pistol for a: - Plasma pistol™......................................................+10 points • The Rampager Champion may exchange his Caedcre weapon for one of the following: - Ttro lightning claws................................................+10 points • Power fist...........................................................+1S points • The Rampager Champion may exchange his power armour for: • Artificer armour.....................................................+10 points The entire squad may be equipped with: Ttgion Warhawk jump packs +10 points per model
if a/prtun ■t soon rose > Pnmarch’s one of the few ■hose counsel d. While the ■etc implants, Butcher's i ngron ever loodlust and Khars the Bloody........~........••••.175 p0lN Captain of the World Eater* 8,h Assault Company, The Twice Un-*Ui(1 8 The Endcr Kh.irn the Bloody Unit Composition • 1 Kliilrn the Bloody Wargcar • The Cutter • Plasma pistol • Frag grenades • Krak grenades • Artificer armour • Iron halo Unit Type • Infantry (Character, Unique) Special Rules • Legiones Astartcs (World Eaters) • Relentless • Independent Character • Master of the Legion • Rampage (3) • Precision Strikes (4+) • Traitor • Warlord: Savage Assault Options • If Angron is not part of the army, Kharn the Bloody may exchange The Cutter for Gorechild* for +35 points. *See page 221. Warlord: Savage Assault If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Kharn the Bloody automatically has Savage Assault as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other. Savage Assault - No enemy unit may declare a Reaction against a Charge made by a unit that includes Kharn the Bloody, unless the unit targeted by that Charge includes a model with the Primarch Unit Type. In addition, an army with Kharn the Bloody as its Warlord may make an additional Advance Reaction during the opposing player’s Movement phase as long as Kharn the Bloody has not been removed as a casualty.
I The Cutter I ¿ham was the master of many weapons, fro fawured most modified chainaxes and ripn many foes during the Great Crusade and Ian The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Ch ldes°nesuchZ mtru^nts0fth Str An __ th Weap Weapon The Cutter
ZT X111 l'c«lon w-,s |wrl..,|>s the largest Legion at the «»«dtwon of the Great Crusade and, as such I toms resolved to lure them to the far reaches of the galaxy and destroy them. During the great muster at Calth, the Word Bearers betrayed the Ultramarines and wrought terrible destruction u|xm the world and assembled might of the Xlll"' Legion. The Ultramarines suffered crippling losses but the skill and righteous determination of their commanders saw them emerge victonous from the trap laid for them. Hie Underworld War on Calth would rage on for many years to come and, as the rising Rainstorm cut the Legion off from the rest of the galaxy, the Shadow Crusade engulfed the hive Hundred Worlds. The sons of Guilliman, though wounded, stood lirm against the onslaught of the Word Bearers and World Eaters Ixgions and, at great cost, cast them out of their domain. By the time Ultramar was freed, Roboutc Guilliman believed the Emperor and Terra lost. |oincd by the Dark Angels and Blood Angels Ixgions stranded in the Ultima X1U'" LEGIONES ASTARTES ULTRAMARINES Segmentum. as well as disparate tlnviv* I 1, gums, the Ultramarines looked to remains of their realm and rebuild then In,*, * the Impenum Setundus. Howeset. num warriors were yet abroad at the daiV * * Across the galaxy they fought many buries forces, lending their strength to the LtMtao » ^ of hundreds of worlds, bohtering the e«ora <4 Imperial commanders. Only when the warp storms began toabate & j, turn its gaze once more to the Thronewerij « ' Its allies, moved to shatter the accuned»wido(^n putting an end to the Ruinstorm. Duringdxluipy the Horus Heresy the Ullranrannesnouldfcrjtiie : back to the beleaguered heart of the Imptmaa 11aft spear aimed at the exposed back of the Trews ■oat repay the debt of blood owed them b* the LEGIONES ASTARTES (UltrWI UUNES) L_________ Sir- nl.ih of Wisdom------------------------ ; lo I In tbra model wich thisspecul micas part ofaShooring"^n^" ' ' with this rule in the same Shooting phase, and if the attacking me* ‘ r,’;° not affect attacks made with the Blast or Barrage SP° rut Arsenals of ^ ^ to unique the U|,ra'
a.,nes Advanced Reaction Reaction is available only to units composed entirely of models with the Irenes Asiatics ^ u| m|c. Unlike Core Reactions, Advanced Reactions arc activated in unique and specific ^nirunnev '^no{cd in thcir descriptions, and can often have game changing effects. Advanced Reactions use a Reactive player s Reaction Allotment as normal and obey all other restrictions placed upon Reactions. *prtRti Bealls noted otherwise in their description. of Purpose - This Advanced Reaction may be made once per battle during the opposing player's Shooting 1^« when any enemy player declares a Shooting Attack targeting a friendly unit under the Reactive player s ¡wirol composed entirely of models with the Lcgiones Astartcs (Ultramarines) special rule Once the Active player toroohed all To Hit rolls. To Wound rolls, and Armour Saves are made, but before any Damage Mitigation rolls « nude or casualties removed, the Reactive player may choose to expend one of their Reactions for that Phase tohait both the unit targeted by the Shooting Attack and one other unit composed entirely of models with the UponesAstartes (Ultramarines) special rule make a Shooting Attack, targeting the unit that triggered this Reaction and following aill the usual rules for Shooting Attacks. Any unit that makes a Shooting Attack as part of a Unity of Purpose Reaction may not make any attacks indirectly (without line of sight) including Barrage weapons or other weapons or special rules that otherwise ignore line of sight, and models with the Vehicle Unit Type may only fire Defensive weapons. Template weapons may only be used as part of a Unity of Purpose Reaction if the target unit avthmS* and must use the Wall of Death special rule instead of firing normally. Both units that make Shooting Attacks as part of this Reaction are considered to have made a Reaction this Phase and as such may not make any Reactions.
tHE \J LT RAM AR\N t,$ ^uHc on,y ,o Detachments whh the Upon* m of»«"01 ,ci"PUI'c' <ioi«" 15 'ha ,ht s[Xkc marine IcgKms. (UUramanncs)sp«u' ,dUg>oncs Char»clcr a nt Cha*«1'- „UP*1"*4* ;h weapons ft* those rules «hat •n,iS»«Pon Weapon Legatine
ARGYRUM Pattern Boarding Shield Th<r m Pa,tern B°ardin9 Shield is a prototype boarding shield r l contain'd a larger field generator that greatly enhanced the protecting i ^ *** ** "°°n «fCanr- that dirons, such as the Invtaarus Suzerains, the Argyrum pattern boajing *Zis ° 9«,« is on instrument of war. ng shield is as much a symbol of status and posset a, it Any model with both the Independent Character and Legiones Astartes (Ult the Unique Unit Sub-type may take an Argyrum pattern boarding shield for ramarines) special rules that does not have +15 points. An A^rurn pattern boarding shield provides a 5+ Invulnerable Save against Shooting Attacks in any Phase that increases to 4+ against any attacks made while engaged in an assault. Invulnerable Saves u , boarding shield do not stack with other Invulnerable Saves and cannot be modified by any other social XIKd has another Invulnerable Save then the controlling player must choose which one to use In addition, a model with an Argyrum pattern boarding shield may not make attacks with any weapon that has the Two-handed special rule The Mantles of Ultramar These suits of artificer armour, believed to number only seven, are said to owe their origins to a pre-Age of Strife derelict human warship found floating on the borders of the Seyrn Reach area at the very edge of the eastern galactic fringe. The ship, and all it contained, was claimed as a prize by Chapter Master Theokista Weir at the outset of his disastrous counter-invasion of the Khrave-haunted Reach, a campaign which would ultimately cost his own life and the lives of close to 4,000 of his fellow Ultramarines. These ancient suits of void battle plate, hybridised for use by the Legiones Astartes, have since shielded the h\ o of many of the legion’s greatest warriors. Awarded only by the hand of the Rrimarch, they have come to sy ise savn unfailing service and the adherence of duty unto death to the Ultramarines Legion. One Legion Praetor in a Detachment with the Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines, special rule may exchange their artificer armour for one of the Mantles of Ultramar for +25 points. * Mantle of Ultramar confers a 2+ Armour Save. In addirion. ’t pants the ^ joined isaffected by *th it, and that model is not affected by the Blind special rule (however, any Nind as normal).
 Pride’s Dark Power (Traitor only) Despite their success in war and the fast tc warlord Traits of selecting one of the Core Warlord Traits The Burden of Kings (Loyalist only) itTrte h.anh dun of those that would lead to stand as an „ample mall things, to shine bnghlest and stand boldest m i Z,, oftotle. Such is the legacy of the ancient lungs of have never felt that they receised the praise ssZZJ Ultramar, handed do»n to the Tetrarchs of the Ultramarines nrhi^ments Thnuah nlmn<r -------n*> «fan, by the hand of Guilliman himself This warlord, as part of the ruling elite of Ultramar, embodies this tradition in all things and always leads from the front, sharing the burdens of his Harriots without complaint or backward step - in return they Mould follow him through the gates of Hel itself. for the distant Emperor, some within the Uhram^^ have never felt that they received the praise worthy of the achievements. Though almost none among the Legion ^ countenance breaking with their revered Primarch, thtn^ some who felt that the Legion might assume a more fut^ position in any new Imperium - that the chaos of the Hone Heresy was the Legion's chance to establish in dominance to show the galaxy the true mettle of the Ultramannes This Warlord Trait may only be selected by a model with the Loyalist Allegiance. This Warlord Trait may only be selected by a model »id, the Traitor Allegiance. In any Phase in which one or more Wounds has been allocated to a Warlord with this Trait, whether saved or unsaved, the Warlord gains the It Will Not Die (4+) and Fearless special rules until the end of the Warlord’s controlling player's next turn. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may, once in each of the opposing players turns, make a single Reaction without spending a point of the controlling player’s Reaction Allotment, as long as the Reaction is made by the Warlord or a unit the Warlord has joined. The Aegis of Wisdom Among all the warrior virtues the Primarch of the Ultramannes prized wisdom the most highly, the wisdor. know »hen to fall back for advantage and when to Siam the last man in defence of the Emperor's realm. This war knows well how to harbour the strength of his followers» how to turn seeming defeat into victory through a carefi timed counter-attack. Any friendly unit made up entirely of models with th Legiones Astartcs (Ultramarines) special rule that car draw a line of sight to a Warlord with this Warlord Ti may. when called upon to Regroup, use the Warlord's Leadership Characteristic for that test, and if success the unit may make Shooting Attacks and declare Cha “ 'gnonng the nomul restrictions for units hive Regrouped in the same tun. •- ■-whose W—«- • • Once per battle, a Warlord with this Warlord Trait may * the start of any one Phase in either players' turn, choose® use his Leadership Characteristic in place of his Toughne» when resolving any To Wound rolls made against it and the end of that Phase (thus, a Warlord with Leadership W that chooses to activate this Trait at the start of the enemy player’s Shooting phase would treat his Toughness as if it was 10 until the end of that Phase). In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty
.,iTIUmarines Rites of War »hose Primary Detachment and Warlord has the U„nn » E of War: The Locos Lectora One of "tany pi^^lapplicatioruofthe vast storehouse of theoretical battle u- up the '«s(strategic corpus upon ss’hich the Ultramarines Ugion basts its art P*ani and'atticalr ^mpresM rendered, the pronouncement ofwrif, „ 0 battlefield fnl °fwar> Logos Lee, ,hat make wofuyon anus to there best effect. Reliant on »phistkaUdcornmZd n.Whkh ,ak“ odvanta,r J' nw,t only ¿soph". if the Ixrgos Lectora has a disadvantage as a tactic it is, ho, * ^ Contro1 Protocols faZ?“” 'm'rl<Kk"'9 it thei' makeup and deployment *-•'***«, mtedocking oZ rig« ereot pattern someuhat boginning of each turn in which the controlling * nlawrof a Detachment using this Rite of War is the Acme player, that player may select one of the Logos Lectora Commands that follow, but may not select the same Command twice in a row (however, each command may be selected more than once in a single battle as long as it is not selected twice in a row, without a different Logos Lectora Command being selected before any command is repeated). The effects of this Command are applied to all models in the army with both the Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines) special rule and the Infantry Unit Type, and last until the start of the controlling player’s next turn as the Active player: Limitations • Detachments using this Rite of War must take an additional Compulsory HQ choice in addition to that usually required by their Force Organisation chart, and this additional Compulsory choice must be either a Master of Signal Consul or a Legion Damocles Command Rhino. * Detachments using this Rite of War must take an k additional Compulsory Troops choice in addition to fcdat usually required by their Force Organisation chart. '‘Inch are part of a Detachment using this Rite ^iartnay not deploy using the Infiltrate special rule P**“jday via a Deep Strike Assault, Subterranean •* Ranking Assault (normal Reserves are, ^.allowed). This means that certain units which ■P^*nttr Play in this fashion, such as Legion Drop pf not be taken as part of the Detachment. Locos Lectora Commands - Full March: All models with the Infantry Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines) special rule must increase their Movement Characteristic by +2, but reduce their Ballistic Skill and Weapon Skill Characteristics by -J- - Hold Fast: All models with the Infantry Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines) special rule must increase their Leadership (if applicable) by +1 and may re-roll all failed To Hit rolls during a Shooting Attack, but may not Move or Run in the Movement phase. - Retribution Strike: All models with the Infantry Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines) special rule must increase their Weapon Skill Characteristic by +1 and gain an additional bonus of +1 to any Charge rolls they make, but must reduce their Ballistic Skill Characteristic by -1. - Regroup: All models with the Infantry Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines) special rule may re-roll failed Leadership tests made to regroup while Falling Back and any failed Reserves rolls.
. v\W^ PJU MARCH I ntuh wn*<*ara'"‘l" among the fmpcnv' MMl K,hnitt Gudbman»10 “> much a pttrkUn statesman a, hr urn an indctatigablc murrnr. A bong of prrtrmatund mteibgtnct. it,U reason and indomitable wACuilimm forged ho U«ion into a >oa force of conpxst and connot a weapon by »huh he made himself the master of a domain uhkh spanned /he hundred uvrkk Gutlhman uas a chansmabc and gifted leader, bdosed of ho people I and angularly capable of compartmentalising incredible quantities of infomation. He uas an organiser, a logistician, one capable of turning I the uildest thrones into I radical reality and rendering order from \ th __ __ d_ft__ __ ___ __ ; lh(victorious,TheM>««oR M WS BS Roboutc Guilliman Unit Composition • 1 Roboutc Guilliman Wargear • The Armour of Reason • Tlic Gladius Incandor and the Hand of Dominion • The Arbitrator • Cognis-signum • Frag grenades Unit Type • Primarch (Unique) Special Rules • Lcgiones Astartcs (Ultramarines) • Master of the Legion • Adamantium Will (3+) • Preternatural Strategy • Calculating Swordsman • Loyalist • Warlord: Sire of the Ultramarines Warlord: Sire of the Ultramarines Guilliman was the paragon of controlled wisdom among his brothers, a general of supreme cunning and a lisionary strategist. He valued a calm appraisal of any situation, no matter how dire and looked with little favour on overwrought grandstanding or those that allowed emotion to control their actions. Ifhhoscn as the army s Warlord, Roboutc Guilliman automatically has the Srre of tramarines Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait Sire of the Ultramarines - All models with the Legiones Astartes (Ultramannes' Chararr 'n ‘hC SamC 3rmy 35 Roboute Guilliman gain *1 to their Leader^ Rror, ‘St'C (t° 3 maximum 10) while he is on the battlefield and is not in any model 3S 3 casualty-ln addition, at the start of the battle, as its War|S jrC cp*oycd onto (hc battlefield, an army with Roboute GudlirJ or Assaulr r mLUSt Select 0nc of the foUowing Phases: Movement. Shooting its Warlord °f' ' duration °f >he battle, an army with Roboute Gudim«" player's tur,fa"|S 3n addi,i°nal Reaction in the chosen Phase of the opi* . «long as Roboute Guilliman has not been removed as a «■ _
turtl Str»«'K> pre****. ^„ch of the controlling player's turns a, ,h '“‘•’'■^including When Embarked on a model w„h ,c ^"Vt P»ayc, ^ select one of the followmg op,i„ns. but T'J"‘P«n U„„ >h ><■*-*„ - p^’erI^.s be selected more than once in a single battle as |*'h' <^***2^ ¿^, are applied to all models In thea,my w„h Ote Le^^**2 GuiUi"“"' !>ut -,n>’ mndcl' W1"' ">c Vehicle Unu T1 ?*» jjJU turn as the Active player VPC and las, - fleet (2) special rule ’^Counter-«ack (1) special rule •Z Furious Charged) special rule ^Stubborn special rule gating Swordsman rj, Guilliman had not garnered the renown of some of his brothers as a red hand . MW*t» i"lhe Imptrium. As a warrior he relied not on brute strength or m^7™'V *l«igdi, ^ V studied his opponent, and learned and exploited the flaws he discovered. °" Wm h, «hen fighting in »Challenge, Roboutc Guilliman may re-roll all failed To Hit rolls off on th, „ . , eluent rounds of the Challenge, “«second and an TV Armour of Reason The Armour of Reason provides a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save and, in addition, the fust Invulnerable Sue hiled by Roboute Guilliman in each separate Phase of the battle may be re-rolled. IVGIadius Incandor and the Hand of Dominion kiouteGuillimans controlling player must choose which of these two weapons to use in any particular Vv.. ihtte, and all of the models attacks are made with the chosen profile, but in cither case, Roboutc C.ui„ s for using two specialist weapons in combat. STL., ^ S+‘; A; Melee, Shred, Murderous Smkc (>-!• Mastet-crafttd Specialist Weapon ( <raftcd. Melee, Unwieldy, Brutal (2), Was< \ Specialist Weapon Pinion 10 herC ‘S counted as a ‘Bolt’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapon *" T'w -.m,cere Ranee Str
Invictakus Suzerain Squad. WS BS rJ*,hN, l *« Type Rola Roll pistol legatineaxe Argvnim pattern boarding shield Frag grenades Krak grenades Artificer armour ds erf Litrainar Honour Bearers Dedicated Transport . An Invictams Suzerain Squad may take a Legion Land Raider Рпясш Comer as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, this does not use up n additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be pad faraspn of the arms . Options • An Invictams Suzerain Squad may include: - Up to 5 additional Suzerain-------------- • Any Suzerain may exchange his bolt pistol for a: - Plasma pistol____________________________ • Any Suzerain may exchange his Legatme axe for i - Thunder hammer___________ .-30« Lords of Ultramar I Any friendly unit made up entirely of models with the Intantn or Cz»an -«c Tvpe which is not Pinned or Failing Back and does not include m> nodeh with this special rule gains a +1 modifier to their Leadership Ounctensr. - a max.mum of 9) while it has at least one model within 6* of a tnendh —“ includes one or more models with this special rule. Mi mvtctarus Suzerain Squad may be selected as a yj^ster of* Detachment that includes at least one model with bot ¡nStead°t*,P ^ Legion and Legumes Astartes (Ultramarines) special ruies, with ** choice. A unit selected as a Retinue Squad' must ha'i ^ Master of the Legion and Legumes Astartes (ti ltramann W same Detachment selected by die controlling piavf * ftr^ Squad's Leader for the purposes of this special rule An w Squad selected as a Retinue Squad does no« use uf - as its *nd is considered part of the same unit as the mode, sc ^ ^ dcPK'^jif Imictams Suzeram Squad selected as a Rennue Squac m ^ ^ rf* ^ the mode! selected as its Leader deployed as part of n >■ - o.^> ma\ not voluntarily leave the Rennue Squad dunng • th^' lnvictarus Suzeram Squad selected as a Retinue mas e* for a Izw-. —— • ‘ 1 Region stiTt<lard for -Б points. t'/r
' ..ruiim In rserotmm the Ac Ac f/'w dements of nocuvie ond I ond ___ _____ I’K/U. i vrnmti . M WS ••'is Points praetorian 7 s S y w 1 Praetorian Primus 7 s 4 4 T~ 1 < 4 2 4 , * »• Unit Composition 4 2 « U . 4 Praetorians Unit Type • 4 iTjerotiaus . 1 praetorian Primus Wargcar . Power sword . Bolt pistol • Boarding shield • Frag grenades . Krak grenades • Power armour - -iv* Praetorian: Infantry (Heavy. Unci Praetorian Primus: infantry (Character, Heavy, Une) Special Rules • Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines) • Chosen Warriors • Hammer of Wrath (1) Dedicated Transport . A Praetorian Breachcr Squad may take a Legion Und Raider Proteus Camer as a Dedicated Transport, As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. Options • The Praetorian Breacher Squad may include: - Up to S additional Praetorians.......................+22 points per model • One Praetorian may take: • Nuncio-vox...................................................... *10 points • One Praetorian may take: - Legion vexilla.................................................. +I° P°'nts • For every five models in the unit, one Praetorian may exchange his power sword I | Hni .............+10 points each • The Praetorian Primus may exchange his power sword tor one of th ^ ^¡nis •Power fist.«....................................................... +5 points • Legatine axe..................................JT"...... • The Praetorian Primus may exchange his bolt pisto ora' ........+10 points • Plasma pistol....................................... • The Praetorian Primus may exchange his power armou ________+10 points for artificer armour...«..........................
Remus Ventanus............................. Commander of the 4* Company of the 1“ Chapter oftheïr,/5 Legion, The Saviour of Calth Ultr»,«*rh1^ ; of Calth. .At the moment of the destruction of the Calth Vendian Anchor, limtanus mbs inspecting loading operations at fsu minus Port and. in the anarchic hours that followed, he rallied the remnants of the 4* and warriors from other shattered formations into a force able to mount a fierce resistance against the Traitors. It mbs during this earl) phase that Ventanus linked up uith Magos Anahticae Tassren, the most senior sunning Mechanicum adept and the only Tech-Pnest able to perceive a means of ; > I ___ bulk of the Ultramarines ___ ___ ____ _ Remus Ventanus Unit Composition • 1 Remus Ventanus Wargcar • Iron halo • Phaethon • Bolt pistol • Nuncio-vox • Melta bombs • Frag grenades • Krak grenades • Legion standard • Artificer armour Unit Type . Infantry (Character, Unique) Special Rules • Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines) . Master of the Legion • Independent Character • Adamantium Will (3+) . Warlord: Resolute Planning • Loyalist ■> -
 Phaethon Forged by the master artisans of Veridia Forge, this masterwork power sword was presented to Remus Ventanus by First Master Marius Gage upon his ascension to the rank of captain of the 4th Company. Named after an Ancient Terran hero of the Grekans, the lethal corona of its disruptive energy field could easily part even the toughest forms of armour. This weapon counts as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons. Weapon Phaethon Range Type Melee, Rending (5+), Master-crafted Warlord: Resolute Planning Remus Ventanus, in the years before Calth, had been nothing more th At Calth it was his grim determination to formulate a plan amidst tl “"h f °^f"' umemarkabl' <" his ability, with that plan regardless of the obstacles or consequences, that ^uldbnn'ghimT^0^^thtn fo,low th,ou9h If chosen as the army's Warlord, Remus Ventanus automatical^ W d . not select any other Warlord Trait. * the Resolute Plan"'"8 Warlord Trait and may Resolute Planning - Both Remus Ventanus and any units composed entirely of models with the Lcgiones Astartes (Ultramarines) special rule in an army with Remus Ventanus as its Warlord automatically pass any Leadership tests or Morale checks made while they have at least one model within 3" of an objective. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player’s Movement phase as long as Remus Ventanus has not been removed as a casualty.
yf%ncc a byword tor resilience «mu M.......-------------„ IL'che Death Guard were counted among the closest of Homs’ allies during the Great Crusade and as such their Primarch Mortarion was only too willing to cast off the shackles of servitude to the Emperor and follow the Warmastcr into treachery and rebellion. Of the 95,000 Space Marines in the Legion at the conclusion of the Great Crusade, around 25,000 potential Loyalists were culled at Isstvan III, including most of the Legion's Ancient Terran armour contingents. At Isstvan V, the Death Guard was the anvil upon which the Loyalist assault halted and broke. Utcr, the Legion accompanied the main Traitor advance alongside the Sons of Horus, and as such the bulk of its forces remained under the direct command of its Primarch. It dominated the Warmastcr s newly forged Dark Empire, cowing worlds into submission and scouring the Cyclops Cluster and the Coronid Deeps. The Death Guard hunted the Shattered Legions, the White Scars and its own wayward sons across the northern Imperium, unleashing unprecedented levels yet highly disruptive forces. From its home on the shadow of the Reaper covered the southern V*** of the Imperium too, the Ixgion harrying the scat»^ Raven Guard around Deliverance, and uniting entir^ sectors in defiance of the Emperor and his praetori - pushing towards the prize of the Imperial Fists world of lnwit. The Death Guard were instrumental to the Traitor cau* throughout the I lorus Heresy, and could always be found prosecuting the largest and most arduous of campaigns for the Warmastcr - often in the stead of the Sons of Horus At Potresh, Dwell and Molcch the two Legions earned victory together and Mortarion earned his place amongst the Warmaster's most dependable allies. During the final march to Terra, disaster would see the Death Guard fleet lost in the Warp. What emerged was a Legion disfigured and twisted by the foul forces of the Immatcrium, transformed into a dire blight that would fall upon the Imperial Palace. Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) All models with this special rule arc subject to the following provisu Remorseless A model with this special rule that docs not have the Cavalry Unit Type or Artillery Unit Sub-type ignores any | modifiers or restrictions on moving during the Movement phase (including modifiers imposed by Terrain or restrictions from rules such as Pinning which would normally stop them from moving) as long as the model does I not Run or make use of another alternative form of Movement such as ‘activating a jump pack, Disembarking I dcp 1 ikc- Furthermore, as long as the model has not Run or used another alternative foi Movement in the controlling player s Movement phase, it is counted as Stationary when making Shooting Attacks | untti the start of the controlling player’s next turn. This special rule does not affect whether or not make * Charge and does not allow models with the Vehicle Unit Type to ignore the effects of an Immobile *■* | 0 the Veh.e e Damage table (but does allow a model with the Vehicle Unit Type to move even when under the | 1 nee t of the C rew Stunned result on the Vehfcle l )amage tab! _______ [The Reaper's Arsenal i 1 1 1 1 1 ___________________________________________________________1 Sons of Barbarus Trait from the Death Guard Warlord Trait j Warlord sg. ■' \ ts'V
death Guard Advanced Reaction Enhanced R"C'ion is availablc onlVto umt' composed entirely of models with n,, , , ^ ■ , special rule. Unlike Core Reactions, Advanced Reactions arc at tic, i, H l-c*K,ncs Astartes (Death I ^otedCtheir descriptions, and can often have game changing effects Advanced iT* T" circums<ance$' as Ivors Reaction Allotment as normal and obey all other r s ictmn, A “ UP P°'ms °f a I --^ted otherwise in their description. "'nC',0nS pllc'd uP°n *'«*"»■« « *winction« niie • usc up points of a . ——peon. etions placed upon Reactions, unless it is I Remorseless Advance-Jills Advanced Reaction may be made on | phase when any enemy unit declares a Shooting Attack targeting afn>nril dUri"g ,hc °PP°*ng players Shooting I cciih the Legioncs Astartes (Death Guard) special rule. All models J™"<Uyun" Undtr ,he »««¡4 player s control I triggered this Reaction gain the Feel No Pain <4+) Spec., I rule against by 'h' Shoob"fS that automatically pass any Morale checks or Pinning tests they arc called uno t l 'h' Shoo,in8 Attack and j Once the Shooting Attack has been entirely resolved, the unit mav make ’ u . * 1 "sul1 of lhc footing Attack I obeying all the normal rules for making a Move. «Move many direction up to T and
A Wariora wim me tÄg^jnes». below instead of selecting one of the Core Warlord Traits. ----------- listed The Reaper’s Visage (Traitor only) Many among the Death Guard bore the skeletal appearance of their Primarch, an appearance that many outside the Legion had likened more to a corpse than to the regal features of many of the other Primarchs, but some revelled in this similarity. The death 's head grin and unflinching glare of this warlord are as that of his gene-fat her, a weapon to inspire dread and to set the foe to flight as he advances, for few will stand and fight in the face of his terrible gaze. This Warlord Trait may only be selected by a model with the Traitor Allegiance. Any enemy unit with at least one model within 12' of a Warlord with this Trait must reduce the Leadership of all models in that unit by -2 whenever making a Leadership test, a Morale check, or attempting to Regroup - unless that unit also includes at least one model with the Independent Character special rule or the Primarch Unit Type. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty. Witch Hunter Mortarion had always made plain his hatred for the and the witch. These evils were the cause of both his <Z, and the Imperiums woes in the eyes of that grim Primarch and he taught his warriors to loathe such creatures and9 them the tools and training to strike them down on the of battle. This warrior is one of the Primarchs psy-hounds, Q finder of witches and burner of magi with few equals. A Warlord with this Trait gains +1 to his Toughness and Weapon Skill when locked in combat with any unit that includes at least one model with the Psyker Sub-type. All friendly units composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) special rule, and with at least one model within 12" of the Warlord gain a 6+ Invulnerable Save against any Hits inflicted by a Psychic Weapon, Psychic Power or Perils of the Warp. In addition, an army w hose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player s Assault phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty. The Blood of Barbarus The people of Barbarus inhabited one of the most terrible death worlds in the Imperium and had grown supremely hardy in the face of such adversity. Many of the Death Guard retained this all but unbelievable resistance to the effects of poisons and phages, able to shrug off toxins and wounds that would lay even a mighty Space Marine low. Even amongst such warriors, this warlord is renowned for his unflinching fortitude on the field of battle. Any Hits with the Rending (X), Murderous Strike (X), Poisoned (X) or Fleshbane special rule allocated to a Warlord with this Trait, or any model with the Legu>ncS Astartes (Death Guard) special rule in a unit he joins, on gain the benefit of those special rules on a D6 roll of a 6 instead of the value listed as part of that special rule In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait nta> make an additional Reaction during the opposing Shooting phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty.
P^t which has the Ugioncs Astartes (Death Guard) Factio includes at least one model with the Master of the Ugion U” of,h' ^llovcing RrtesofWa, , rr 0F War: The Reaping B,Tl ,k Guard urre arguably the most remorseless and V* most feared of the Space Marine Ugions. This a****1 amply because of their power in battle or force “i> but a/so because there seemed to be no loss they *'ot accept to ensure eventual victory and no hell they " y "no, (ndure to reach their foe. Although specialising “w rrni f,,d and attritional warfare, the Ugion also had a *" en‘ 0fformations and tactics that enabled it to operate in n“m lrattd and crushing force in an attack - one such was *77 The Reaping' by those who had fought alongside the nL,h Guard during the Great Crusade. A heavily reinforced ~Tmn of attack particularly suited to urban warfare and ¡tottered landscapes, the Reaping was deliberately slow „01,ng and utterly murderous in its methodical assault pattern and, like the reapers scythe, little escaped it. Effects , Legion Veteran Squads may be chosen as Troops choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War. . Legion Heavy Support Squads may be taken as non-Compulsory Troops choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War. • Any model chosen as part of a Detachment using this Rite of War with both the Ugiones Astartes (Death Guard) special rule and the Character Sub-type may be given rad grenades for +10 points each. unsealed 7 H"tSy gmund onwards, the Death Guard mure potent we*™ antnak and unleashed ever by edict of the 7*'“ °7 '°,h' Lf«'onM Astartes y eatet of the Emperor h.mself At length, they were able arelentles 7 b°7mi™" °fchem,cal mum dons and would 1 , 7 m l0g ^ tht Cua* would assault m lockstep, somehow untouched by weapons able to render entire forests to fetid swamps Effects All models in a Detachment with this Rite of War that have the Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) automatically pass any Dangerous Terrain tests they arc called upon to take. • All models in the Deployment Zone of a Detachment using this Rite of War gain the Shrouded (6+) special rule, and the entire Deployment Zone of a Detachment using this Rite of War counts as Difficult Terrain and Dangerous Terrain. • All zones of Area Terrain on the battlefield (including named types such as lungles, Woods, Ruins or Craters) are counted as Dangerous Terrain. • In a Detachment using this Rite of War, Grave Warden Terminator Squads can be taken as non-Compulsory Troops choices. Limitations • Models taken as part of a Detachment using this Rite ofWar may not make Run moves or make any Reaction dut allows them to make a Move, with the exception of 'he Remorseless Advance Reaction. N°unit in a Detachment using this Rite ofWar may be signed to a Deep Strike Assault, Subterranean Assault “'Hanking Assault (and units which must deploy by ii method therefore cannot be chosen as part of ^ detachment). Limitations • This Rite ofWar may only be used by a Detachment with the Traitor Allegiance. . The army using this Rite ofWar must include a Legion Centurion, Ugion Cataphractii Centunon or Legion Tartaros Centurion with the Siege Breaker Legion Consul upgrade.
THE ARMOURY of THE DEATH GUARD The following comprises a list of new options and VVargear available only to Detachments with the I (Death Guard) Faction and exemplifies the nature of that Legion. K'°nes Asta^ Ee bleZg of their grim Primal t fie Death Guard made free use of a number of fork,dden weapons, thentog, 0/ Ich were the Lous toxic compounds which they deployed in place of the more common promethium gel as amm^ for flame weapons. These compounds could reduce flesh to a rancid slurry ,n moments but were also known to corrode*,,« mechanisms of the flamer used to deploy them, though the Death Guard paid little heed to the casualties this caused among their own ranks. Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) special rule may choose to exchange a hand flamer for an alchera pistol, a flamer for an alchcm flamer, a heavy flamer for a heavy alchcm flamer (including the in built heavy flamers included as part of a Contcmptor Dreadnought's Gravis power fist or chainfist), or a flamestorm cannon for an alchem cannon at no additional cost. A model with the Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) and equipped with a combi-weapon may select an alchem combi-flamer as the secondary weapon of their combi-weapon; it is counted as a 'minor' combi-weapon. All weapons listed here are counted as 'Flame' weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. Weapon Range Str AP Type Alchem pistol Template 3 - Pistol 1, Fleshbane, Gets Hot Alchem flamer Template 4 5 Assault 1, Fleshbane, Gets Hot Alchem combi-flamer (Secondary) Template 4 5 Assault 1, Fleshbane, Gets Hot Heavy alchem flamer Template S 4 Assault 1, Fleshbane, Gets Hot Alchem cannon Template 6 4 Heavy 1, Torrent (18"), Fleshbane, Gets Hot
in Bombs A*<*V many forbidden took the Death Guard ren, ¿^retardfor,he damage done to the *'**“« \ Am model with the Character Sub-type. U '°" ^hugh,’^ uC^"n .«¿n bombs for +10 points. g,°n« *«*te, (Dejth ^ rd)sP«ial rule and Tr When an enemy unit declares a Charge tariretim,, ■ 'mor Al|rguncc „.ay uk, each model in the unit that has declared a Chartfe f"" 'hj'includ« one n chosen by that units controlling plaver s reachr°HofaT m°r' models . "* ^'nSt 'hiS W°Und' bUt ^ Saves tnTsh'nt^r ^ "• *" POWER Scythes M,ti**ion roll maybe n«r unique pouer weapons are used to great effect hu.k „ ¡bang apart the foe with ease. Many amona then Dtalh Guard, wielded frm as foe the carnage they inflated upon the foe. ” Am model with both the Character Sub-type and the Le pmier weapon fora power scythe for no additional cos^”1000 ^startes (Death Guard) special rule m */ exenangea ftmrr scythe Rangc Str Ap Range Str +2 Type Melee. Rending (6+), Two-handed, Reaping Blow (1)
MORTARION........ The Pale King, Master of the Dread Liberator of Barbaras M Mortarion Death Guard, the Traveller, ^ ^ Po'STS 1 ws BS s T w_'Au -7-6 7 7 7 S nrî Unit Composition • 1 Mortarion Unit Type • Primarch (Unique) Wargear • The Barbaran Plate • Silence • The Lantern • 7 phosphex bombs • Frag grenades Special Rules • Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) • Master of the Legion • Bulky (6) . It Will Not Die (4+) • Fear (2) • Adamantium Will (3+) • Hatred (Psykers) • Shadow of the Reaper • Preternatural Resilience • Traitor • Warlord: Sire of the Death Guard Warlord: Sire of the Death Guard Mortarion was renowned amongst the Pnmarchsfor the implacable aehanceofhis Legion, a slow and steady encroachment that could not be stopped or turned aside by dangerous ground or enemy action. 77le foe was left with the choice of cowering in their boltholes until the Death Guard arrived at their doorstep or sallying forth to die upon the guns of Mortarions warriors. If chosen as the army's Warlord, Mortarion automatically has the Sire of the Death Guard Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait. Sire of the Death Guard - All friendly units composed entirely of models with the legiones Astartes (Death Guard) in the same army as Mortarion, including Mortarion himself, ignore all penalties to their Leadership caused by the Fear and Shell Shock (X) special rules and when locked in combat suffer no penalty to their Leadership Characteristics due to casualties suffered during an assault-In addition, an army with Mortarion as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as Mortarion has not been removed as a casualty.
. rbtnn Plate ^Z^rpanopty isofhisown design, fusing power armour technology in bo^lc but augment his owm singular physiology and 'mrronZnZnZT' 'T * “ **"* ™ only to P"*** Lou« of his home world to mix with the air he breathes. * S'7uVi,slr>9 ’race elements of the puonoo* ^ Barbiran Plate Prov,dcs a 2+ Armour Save a"d a 4t Invulnerable Save. jott of the Reaper rZnon IS 0 terrifying, almost spectral figure, who despite his size and bearing fa able to oo #£lnPm an unexpected quarter. 9 °Wr9° u/most ot will and ■ „ « Mortarion is not Embarked on any model, in Reserves, locked in fnnue oVl'eathshroud Retinue special rules, in the player’s Shooing^^ may be redeployed by his controlling player, this counts as an alternative form of Mo Sh°°t,ng *,Uck’ thi kncftts of the Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) special rule when used. VCmem *"d cancils ,fch.s option is used then Mortarion is removed from the battlefield, leaving any unit that he was part of. The controlling player must then redeploy Mortanon to any point on the battlefield that is within 10" of his original position, as long as there is space for his model and the chosen position is not within 3" of an enemy model He nuy not be placed within Impassable Terrain or inside a Vehicle or Building. This is not counted as a move as such, aid the intervening terrain does not affect him in any way. Mortarion may Charge normally in a turn that he is redeployed in this way, but counts as making a Disordered Charge if doing so. Preternatural Resilience Vortarions resilience and stamina are legend, and it has been said that of all the Primarchs none were more able to shrug off injury and torment as he, and of all none had endured more in their lives before the Emperor had reclaimed them. Any Hits allocated to Mortarion with the Poisoned (X), Rending (X) or Fleshbane special rules only affect Mortarion on a D6 roll of a 6 instead of their usual effect. . ' V> -V • ,• . ; > Silence A masnir two-handed battle scythe with a blade span as long as most human warriors are tall, ‘Silence’ -to give it the ’ytabre nickname favoured by its wielder- is accounted as one of the most fearsome blades Welded by anyPnmarch. !*! ^onari°n's finding, there have been dark whispers that the blade is ofxenos-tainted origin and some ami lar wit ■e tgendofthe Death Guard Primarch's early life believe it to be none other than the weapon o) t e tern ‘y’ nam(d himself Mortarion s ‘father. WejPon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons. Range Str +1 V, AP Type 2 Melee, Instant Reaping Blow (2) Death, Sunder, Two-handed, fern \ for those mies that alfect such \vcap°ns Adhere is counted as a ‘Plasma’ weapon
Deathshroud Terminator Squad...140 p0|NTs Dedicated Transport • A Deathshroud Terminator Squad numbering no more than 5 models may take a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. Options • A Deathshroud Terminator Squad may include: - Up to eight additional Deathshroud Terminators......+70 points per model • Any model in the unit may be given any of the following: - Melta bombs...............................................+5 points each - Grenade harness..........................................+10 points each Deathshroud M WS BS S T W I a I 1 S S 4 4 3 4 T~~~T * U Unit Composition « 2 Deathshroud Unit Type • Infantry Wargear • Alchem pistol • Power scythe • Legion Tartaros Terminator armour Special Rules • Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) • Relentless • Deathshroud Retinue . Bulky (2) • Battle-hardened (1) • Stubborn • Chosen Warriors
polishroud Retinue pcJthshroud Terminator Squad may be selected a, ¿node, with both the Master of the Legion and U^onl elites choice. A unit selected as a ‘Retinue Squad’ i i.amines Astartes (Death Guard) special mi.. Ust 1 „ ...ay oe selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes at least one ic Legion and Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) special rules, instead of as an •Retinue Squad’ must have one model with both the Master of the Legion ar pccial rules from the same Detachment selected by the controlli"" Leader for the purposes of this special rule » r>- iot use up a Force Or— ’ ^tfBhnwd Terminator Squad's Leader fo”hlTpurpo^of I ^letted*** Retinue Squad does not use up a Force O^g^^satbn'slot'and1^ ^ ^^''’^inator So1* rf1* I ¡¡£ selected as its Leader. A Deathshroud Terminator Squad selected a Cn°nSidtrcd P« of the same ¿Tj ,u ¿node! selected as its Leader deployed as part of the unit and the Lead^SqUad must * deployed^ *uad during play. One Deathshroud Terminator in a Deathshroud V.olu,nUri|y >«ve the Retinue exchange their power scythe for a Legion standard and power weapon for ™ *kcted u a Re,inu' the the moaei seicucu a:» u» Lcaaei Squad during play. One Deaths exchange their power scythe foi A
Grave Warden Terminator Squad...250 pQ| WY SUPPORT / ; ! i ! ! / / / / / ! ! I / / / / / / / / / / / / I I I I I I 1------------- M ws bs _s T W | A u Grave Warden 6 4 4 4 4 ~ 4 2 Chem-master 6 4 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 Unit Composition Unit Type • 4 Grave Wardens • Grave Warden: Infantry (Heavy) • 1 Chem-master • Chem-master: Infantry (Heavy Character) Wargear • Assault grenade launcher Special Rules • Power fist • Lcgiones Astartes (Death Guard) • Death Cloud projector • Relentless • Legion Cataphractii • Bulky (2) Terminator armour • Shrouded in Death • Firing Protocols (2) • Shrouded (6+) • Stubborn NTs IT 2+ Dedicated Transport • A unit of Grave Warden Terminators numbering no more than five models may take a Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. Options • A Grave Warden Terminator squad may include: - Up to 5 additional Grave Wardens......................+45 points per model • Any model in the unit may exchange his power fist for a: - Chainfist..................................................+5 points each • For every five models in the unit, one Grave Warden may exchange his assault grenade launcher for the following: - Heavy alchem flamer........................................+5 points each I lu Chem-master may exchange his assault grenade launcher for one of the following: ...Fit« - Combi-bolter..............................................+jq points - Magna combi-weapon........................................ +5poh'ts - Minor combi-weapon.......................................... • The Chem-master may exchange his power fist for a: pjee -Power scythe................................................+iopoin° • The Chem-master may take a grenade harness...................
Gw*^u"m"cl , M ***"*. fWhl,i< l,n„u hr, , , ,, „+*nh *» m"wn''^,v* *' ,hf l’"l*»«l \,,ny ,, Wrf(C4 ,U() ' •r""r I, „ ,W„„ \..,v *w* «f"VIM »'*^1./«*.<>. urWra«hrt „ iMlrw !!on, „ „ ‘/ h wi,,v ihernii „1 ,,llr pattern druu„td <• a standard ihuptH «f/rnf» l| 11,1 lllrurnlrolrr/ IV|X Assault 2 Assault 4, Poisoned (J+), Ignore« Cover IVatK Cloud Projector iV Termnitor amour of the Gone Warden carried in built alchemical containment and projection unin alhmna the gnir R> direct focused jets of lethally poisonous wpours against their enemies. VN- weapon has two prolilcs ; one may lv selected to use each i^ke' a Shooting Attack. Weapon Range Str AP wult grenade launcher • Krah 18" 6 4 . Toxin 18" 1 S Weapon Death Cloud Range Str Template 1 Type Assault 1, Poisoned (3a) Shrouded in Death The Death Cloud projector sened not only as a uvapon, but also as a shield against the foe - the thick cloud of toxic gas it produced obscured the Grate Wardens on the battlefield and thwarted those that attempted to drive the Death Guard from the battlefield by force of arms. When an enemy unit successfully Charges a unit that includes one or more models with this special rule. < In Charge is aiwavs considered to be Disordered.
he Tint Captain of the jth catard legion rxr punned the rule af stolan in the Leyton > branny but with the imarch Mortanan trbotinnq a deep-rooted must of those who elded the powers of the yker, Tvphon suppressed gift and strove instead serve as a wur leader. > strength, skill and nour led him to high ik indeed, culminating kts command of the rnt and unique war i Terminus Est and deadly alchemical bud held within its nal. Though he served tore as battle-psyker, nfluencr of the Warp red within Tvphon for he hos amongst w of ha Legion to the influence of the id In the aftermath ’ Leyton’s treachery. on was revealed as the t of chemical death be reaper of men. g down his foes with ¿¿’.power scythe ith blacnhcmoL . Calas Typhon............... First Captain of the Death Guard, The Master of the Terminus Est .................200 PoiM-», Left Hand of Mortarion CaJas Typhon Unit Composition • 1 Calas Typhon Wargcar • Alchetn pistol • Lakrimac • Grenade harness • Death Cloud projector • Rad grenades • Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour Unit Type . Infantry (Heavy, Character, Uniqi* Psyker) Special Rules Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) Master of the Legion Independent Character Relentless Stubborn Bulky (2) Witchblood Shrouded in Death Firing Protocols (2) Shrouded (6+) Traitor Warlord: Comes the Reaper Warlord: Comes the Reaper If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Calas Typhon automatically has Comes the Reaper as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other. Comes the Reaper - When making attacks as part of a Shooting Attack or during the Assault phase with any weapon that has the Poisoned (X) special rule, Calas Typhon and any unit with the Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) and at least one model within 6" of Calas Typhon, increase the value of the Poisoned (X) special rule by 1 (e.g., from 3+ to 2+) and may re-roll failed To Wound rolls for «capons with the Fleshbane special rule. In addition, an army whose Warlord lias this Trait may make an additional Reaction in the Movement phase as long as Calas Typhon has not been removed as a casualty.
Range Str +2 AP Type Melee. Two-handcd, Reaping Blow (1) umts, many weapons Calas Typhon is knoxsm'to have carried a , 'Since for the heavy hladcd scythe he referred to only as ‘Lakrimac <W Wanhr a particular ofl)ph°ns oam creation. the toxin dr,pping from the hlade and Zn °g7( 'Znd'' T**a *£« n mer ^hveh he advanced TV Weapon listed here » counted as a Power weapon for those rules that affect such weapons Weapon Ijkrimae peath Cloud Projector TV Terminator armour ofCalas Typhon is modi fed to carry in-built alchemical contain* allowing him to direct focused jets of lethal poisonous vapours against his enemies. Protection Weapon Ran8e Str AP Type peath Cloud Template 1 4 Assault 1, Poisoned (3+) Shrouded in Death The Death Cloud Projector sensed not only as a weapon, but also as a shield - the thick cloud of toxic gas it produced obscured Typhon on the battlefield and thwarted those who attempted to drive him from the field by force of arms. When an enemy unit successfully Charges a unit that includes one or more models with this special rule, the Charge is always considered to be Disordered. Witchblood Thought by some to have been ‘tainted' by the blood of the nightmarish alien warlords who once held sway on ill-fated Barbarus, Calas Typhon was a psyker. However, given the hatred of ‘witchery’ professed by his Primarch, he has long held his abilities in abeyance before the whispers of Chaos came to him in the guise of Erebus. Calas Typhon has the Witchsense Psychic Power and Toxin Cloud Psychic Weapon, and does not gain access to any other Disciplines. When included as part of an army that includes Mortarion, or if Mortanon is present in a battle as pan of another friendly army, then Calas Typhon may not make use of any of his Psychic Powers or Psychic W eapons. "itchsense (Psychic Power) , Colas Typhon, despite having long suppressed his psychic ability, can sense the actions of his foe the instant 0Kur. (/ranting him a subtle but deadly advantage on the field of battle. ¡S of any assault phase, Calas T>phons controlling pky«T may choose to “ °r‘ "Wing short lived but utterly deadly vortexes of caustic miasma. Range 24" Str 1 AP 4 Type Assault 1, Large Blast (5"), Fleshbane, Pinning, Psychic Focus 24 1 H ---- * Psychic Focus rmake a Psychic check. If the sedBIf°re mak'n8 any T° Hit r°11S Wkh th’S WeaPh°n’ mfiksholn for this weapon. Itthe then the Psyker may attack as normal using t e p casualty then it nu\ ker Offers Perils of the Warp, and if the model is not rented Use *is weapon.
 *fhc XV“ Legion's place within the Horus Heresy is Wdefined by the destruction of Prospero at the hands of the Space Wolves. Though this event would occur before even the atrocities on Isstvan III and V, later scholars would see it for what it really was - one of the Warmaster's opening moves in his galaxy-spanning war against the Emperor After the use of psychic powers by the Legions had been forbidden by the Edict of Nikaea, Magnus and his Thousand Sons had withdrawn to their home world, ostensibly chastised by the Emperor. It was here that Magnus, via psychic means, discerned the danger Horus posed to the Emperor and the fledgling Imperium, and tried to warn the Master of Mankind. As events transpired the warning failed, and only contributed to the Warmastcr exploiting the opportunity of the Space Wolves' censure of Magnus the Red to eliminate a rival in the Thousand Sons Legion. In the terrible battle and Space Wolves tie that followed both-nv. suffered horrendous cas^*'^ PP ------..coous casualt^!“^ the world of Prospero was set ablaze. Thus by ^ ^ of the Warmaster's true rebellion, the Thousand*c**' were diminished and scattered, and Magnus him*? broken by the betrayal of his once trusted alii« companies of the I ^ 1----- * “---- " ause*. companies of the Legion had been absent from p/ ' still prosecuting the Great Crusade either unawa,^"' the Edict of Nikaea or uncaring of it. and these joined multiple warfronts throughout the Age of Darkness ln the following years of strife and war, small groups of Thousand Sons, survivors of Prospero and others** would take to the battlefield on both sides of the Hotm Heresy. Though the Loyalists condemned them as Traitors, many Thousand Sons Legionaries maintained their loyalty to the Emperor and opposed the Y/annafai plans. Eventually, by the closing battles of the Horus Heresy, the Thousand Sons were often seen standing beside the forces of the Warmaster, and when the final assault on Terra began, Magnus would re-enter the fra*a last, to march beneath the Eye of Horus. Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons) Cult Arcana All models with the Infantry or Cavalrv Umt /k... | any Disciplines a model already has am.« , ^ / ", ,°C' not ^rant an' Disciplines, but does not otherwise remr't | Arcuu ‘PecuJ rule). Any model with the Infant ^ m^St SeleCt onc M,nor Arcana option (see the Prospennc k;dfw ’¡'additional points to gam i oil ’n ‘ T ‘I,r' ‘uK hau' one or more Psychic Di-up .• J>ros,,|"^e Arsenal tss to unique War« ns So 252
nlNE A«<-ANA « P*°Srt ,„/,xcu/l train,nq of the HiaiuoiKl Son, were anurid llu dlu,o . f**‘ I'liK r*** „„Jed 'heir Initiate! with unique abilities on the field of battle * l“' cnl 1**S*s**r ** „ thc Character and ISykcr Unit Sub types In a Thousand Son, Detachnwm mus, «W, on, Minor ^b *’th r,following option. during army select«*,. before ,h, bcgmnmgof u* w, ^ ypgT^C 11 ^ ,„rc than one model with the Character Umt Sub type then all those model, mu« select ,he „me , untt m‘luJ'5 _eC,al rule. No model may have or use more than one optton from this, pee sal rule, unless another unit that includes a Psyker with this power "^lested to make a Move or a Run move during thc “* ,|m(, peer's Movement phase that ends within T'f an enemy unit, the controlling player may make U “ h|C chcck for the Psyker with this power before 1 models in the unit arc moved. I f thc Psychic check is «fid then all models in thc unit with thc Psyker Sub-w and the Ugioncs Astartcs (Thousand Sons) special rule gain a 6+ Invulnerable Save, or if thc unit already has u, Iroulnerable Save, that save is increased by one step fa example. from 6* to Sr) up to a maximum of a 4* Imulnerable Save, until the start of the controlling player's „ext turn. If the Psychic check is failed then the Psyker tufas Perils of the Warp. PvtUE Mien a Charge is declared for a unit that includes a Psyker with this power, thc controlling player may make aPsychic check for the Psyker with this power before any dice are rolled to determine if the Charge is successful. If the Psychic check is passed then all models in the Charging unit with thc Psyker Sub-type and Legioncs hkartes (Thousand Sons) special rule gain the Hammer d^rath (2) special rule - with all hits inflicted by this Hammer of Wrath special rule counting as ‘Flame’ attacks, failed then the Psyker suffers Perils of P«0S| --tlul includes a Psyker with this power "’"troll' 10 mak a Move or a Run move during the Ate, Peer's Movement Phase, the controlling ^Posse) ^ Psychic checlc for tf>e Psyker with ^Cfkcki f°rean> modeIs in the unit are moved. If **t*jth t|) s“ccessful then all models in the moving ¡SSr f Sub-type and the Legiones Astartes ^hce movCjS* SpCC'a' tttfe add a bonus of +3 to the „ ■'hient f0) an<* ignore any penalties to their a! Vmen,mL0Ving ,hrou8h Difficult Terrain during ^ »nit PaSC on*y- *f *he Psychic check is failed SUff^ Perils of the Warp. » nen a unit mat includes a Psyker with this power makes a Shooting Attack, thc controlling player may make a Psychic check for thc Psyker with this power before any rolls To Hit arc made. If thc Check ts successful then thc first Wound scored on thc target unit by thc Shooting Attack is allocated by thc Psyker’s controlling player (but once this model has been removed as a casualty, any further Wounds are allocated as per the normal rules). If thc Psychic check is failed then the Psyker suffers Perils of thc Warp. Athanaen When a unit that includes a Psyker with this power makes a Shooting Attack, the controlling player may make a Psychic check for thc Psyker with this power before any rolls To Hit are made or Reactions declared. If the Psychic check is successful, then the enemy unit targeted by the Shooting Attack must reduce the Leadership Characteristic of all models in the unit by i for any Pinning test or Morale check caused by the Shooting Attack. If the Psychic check is failed then the Psyker suffers Perils of the Warp.
Thousand Sons Warlord Traits A Warlord with the Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons) special below instead of selecting one of the Core Warlord 1 raits. Evoker of Pain (Traitor only) In the aftermath of the ravaging of Prospero, many among the Thousand Sons nursed an abiding hatred for those that had abandoned and betrayed them, casting aside the laws of morality that had been put in place to limit them and giving full vent to the powers that coursed through the Warp. The cowards that sened the false Emperor would be little more than chattel to feed their powers, a sacrifice to be laid at the feet of new patrons that would see the Thousand Sons reborn in glory. This Warlord Trait may only be selected by a model with the Traitor Allegiance. When a Warlord with this Trait fails a Psychic check and suffers Perils of the Warp, neither the Warlord nor any models in a unit it has joined suffer any Wounds. Instead, select one enemy unit that either has at least one model within 6" of the Warlord with this Trait, or is locked in combat with the Warlord with this Trait. The selected enemy unit suffers D3 Wounds against which only Invulnerable Saves may be made and no Damage Mitigation rolls may be made, if there is no valid enemy unit within 6" then resolve Perils of the Warp against the Warlords unit as normal. Wounds inflicted in this manner during the Assault phase do not count for resolving the winner of a combat and never cause Morale checks or Pinning tests. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player's Assault phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty. Magister of Prospero The Magisters of Prospero were the greatest leaders of the Thousand Sons, the lords of the great cults and sorcerers unequalled in the other Legions. It was warriors bearing this title that would oversee some of the Great Crusade’s most famous victories and, when the lmperium turned against Magnus and his children, it was warriors with this title that would lead them into rebellion. A Warlord with this Trait, and any model with the legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons) special rule in a unit it joins that makes a Psychic check (such as when using the force or Psychic Focus special rules) may roll an additional dice and discard the highest rolled dice before determining the result of the Check. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player's Movement phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty. rule may select a Warlord Trait from among th0 j Eidolon of Suffering Not all of the Thousand Sons were gifted with the ^ potential as sorcerers and mystics. Whether stunted in some sorccrous experiment gone strong, broken for some transgression against the rules of the Ugion or simply afflicted with some defect in their gene-seed, some wertnol only incapable of channelling the ethereal but suffered pa,nn its touch. These outcasts would be granted the most difficult and dangerous of missions, sent out to find an honourable death in battle rather than linger as something less than a full warrior of the Thousand Sons. A Warlord with this Trait may not use Psychic Powers or Psychic Weapons and gains the Adamantium Will (3+) special rule. When another model, friendly or enemy makes a Psychic check within 12" of the Warlord, the controlling player must roll a D6. On the score of aT, there is no effect, and on the score of a 7' or higher the Warlord gains the Rage (2) special rule for the remainder of the battle. If this Trait would grant the Warlord the Rage (2) special rule a further time then it instead increases the value of the Rage special rule by +1 (from Rage (2) to Rage (3) and so on) up to a maximum of Rage (4). In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the opposing players Shooting phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty.
Thousand Sons Advanced Reaction ^________________________ Atis Advanced Reaction is available only to units , omnoacd flbousand Sons) special rule and the Psyker Subtype , **"> both the j(1 unique and specific circumstance,, a, noted in their descrinci ^ Advanced React,"" Advanced Reaction, use up points of a Reactive player’,ZTnA,^'’'**«* restriction. Placed upon Reactions, unless 1, i, specifically noted «fc obey aZL “ *ersvi*e in their description For.,«. Of the Mind - This Advanced Reaction may be made once per ban, a Shooting phase when any enemy unit declare, a Shooting Attack tu,„, U,ln|!'hi'’PP<"'ng played, control, made up entirely of models with the Legione, Asia,,« mJll.11 i “n" undcr "* «»Active player-, type. Once the Active player has resolved all To I lit and To Wound rolk h ;T! ‘P'CUl ,ul'lnd 'he Psyker s ,he Reactive player must make a Psychic check. If the cut >- 'bul M,lrr ____.____ ,11 Mr-J • «.....wv* mg pljyrr’» . »*rf{ci»ng4 unit under the Reactivr nlaver'. ppe Once the Active player has resolved all To Hi, and To the Reactive player must make a Psychic check. If the Check is passed, the Reacting uni, gam, a 1. ,„vulne,a£ Save against all Wounds inflicted as part of the shooting Attack that triggered the Reaction If the Check is failed then the Reacting unit gams only a Sc Invulnerable Save and both the attacking unit and the reacting unit suffer penis of the Warp, removing any casualties immediately before resolvingany unsaved Wounds inflicted by the Shooting Attack that triggered this Reaction.
THE ARMOURY of THE THOUSAND SONS The following comprises a list of ness opt.ons and Wargear avarlable only to Detachments ssith the legum«. (Thousand .Sons) Faction and exemplifies the nature of that Legion. /€ther-fire Cannon A later d<\ clopmtnt of the P\rae Cult Techmarine artificers, these modified plasma weapons utilised both occult unique techno -arcana of the Forge World of Zhao-Arkhad in their construction. “ ' Any model with the Lcgiones Astartes (Thousand Sons) special rule may exchange a plasma pjstol for an -€thcr-foe pistol; a plasma gun or plasma blaster for an /Ether-fire blaster; a plasma cannon for an /Ether-fire cannon; oraGrwfc plasma cannon for an /Ether-fire magna-cannon for no additional points cost. All weapons listed here arc counted as Plasma' and Force’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. Weapon Range Str AP Type Æther-fire pistol to" 6 4 Pistol i, Rending (6+). Achcan Force Æther-fire blaster 18" 6 4 Assault 2, Rending (6+), Achean Force Æther-fire cannon 24" 6 4 Heavy I, Blast (3"). Rending ((h). Achean Force Æther-fire magna-cannon 36’ 6 4 Heavy i, Large Blast (5-). Rending ((h). Achean Force Asphyx Shells Tainted uith a psycho-reactive toxin of unknown origins, the Thousand Sons were able to arm their elite with these unusual and highly lethal munitions. These shells were first believed to have been developed on Prospero for use with relatively pnmitnt projectile weapons made to defend against the Psychneuein. but the difficulties of mass production and scaling of their effect limited their deployment. \n\ model with the Lcgiones Astartes (Thousand Sons) special rule may exchange a bolt pistol for an Asphyx bolt pi«ol or a bolter for an Asphyx bolter for +1 point per weapon: All w«pons listed here are counted as Bolt’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. Weapon Asphyx bolt pistol Asphyx bolter Asphyx bolt cannon Range Str 8" 4 18” 4 24" 6 AP Type Pistol i, Shred Rapid Fire, Shred Heavy 4, Shred
hea Pattern Force Weapons P9*«'“’® « ^nnrlM,hrough ,h( hnt ^»-(br, v. , &*■**•*•“" *"A* ,w'rr,or' **» «•»«* C “ ^,cC. ^»oMou-,,^ on^a uv „«Kiel with both the Legion« Asurt« (Thousand s„„ . *> . „»e. »eapon »-«r any one Achea partem forte weapon fnr 'u,t *"d the r h cSacter speeial rule may not select this option): J<ld"">n->l poim,^"*,,r Uni, Sub.,** m ^ with the tt^^r mfifr hladt law tx ¿llvveip0"' Weapon vhca force sn'-o^ *hea forcc axc Acheafor^nuul |S listed here are counted as Force' sveapons for those rules that affect such weapon, Range Str User +1 + 2 AP 5 2 Type Melee, Rending (6+), Achcan Forcc Melee, Unwieldy, Achcan Force Melee, Achcan Force *hean Force: The controlling player of any unit that includes one or more models with the Psykcr Unit Sub t«* and i weapon or ability with this special rule, may choose to activate this special rule before making any attacks with ¡hat w*apon or resolving the ability. To activate this special rule, the controlling player must make a single Psychic check ujmg the Leadership Characteristic of any model in the unit that docs not have the Independent Character special rule If the Check is successful, then the Strength value of all attacks made with weapons or abilities with this special rule U increased by ♦2 (in addition to any modifiers the attack or weapon may already possess), this benefit is applied only in the Phase in which these attacks are made and ends immediately after that Phase is resolved. If the Check is failed then do benefit is gained, but the models in that unit may attac k as normal. «
WWLl, //// J ^At^isrMt Rro ■mhbmmhShShSSt IMmarch of the I housand The Crimson King, The l ogos Maxima, The Cyclopean GUm Sons, The Sorcerer of Prospero^0 ^*Nt| PRI MARCH lagnus the Red wot rugue among the rima re hy a psykxr of mdigiow power m hose tv essence boiled with ychu potential Such a> hi\ poner that it w id that alone armvufsl v Pnmarchs, Magnus ct the Emperor in the ‘aim Besvnd long before ey met in the flesh. In críe. Magnus the Red fht like a mythical fire wreathed him foibwrd in hts wake a burning cloak, and ' matter nos unmade a gesture. Armies of ■ mortals powerless x him. would fall to r knees weeping as nightmares danced e their eyes. But action and war tvu> a means to an end for nus. for possessed of a me intelligence and \ger for knowledge. m himself and ha n as creators of the ■ rather than simple eron. Others might of themselves as ig for the betterment rrkind. c\en of being -of the Imperiums howew Magnus [other path. To him. M WS BS w Magnus the Red Unit Composition • 1 Magnus the Red Wargcar • The Horned Raiment • The Blade of Ahn-nunurta • Psyfire serpenta • Frag grenades Unit Type • Primarch (Unique, Psykcr) Special Rules • Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sornj • Master of the Legion • Arch-Sorcerer • Deep Strike • Adamantium Will (3*) • Shrouded (SO • Eye of the Crimson King • Traitor • Warlord: Sire of the Thousand Sons Warlord: Sire of the Thousand Sons As the pre-eminent sorcerer of his age, Magnus the Red trained his sons to wield the ephemeral arts with superb skill. On the field of battle it would be these eldritch powers that the Thousand Sons employed as their chief weapon, favouring them user the blade or the bolt. If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Magnus the Red automatically has the Sire of the Thousand Sons Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait Sire of the Thousand Sons - All models with the Infantry1 Unit Type in the same army as Magnus the Red with the Psykcr Sub-type gain the Adamantium Will (6+) special rule (if a model already has a version of this special rule then the value of that special rule is increased by one step, for example from (S+) to (4+)) and any model with the Lcgiones Astartes (Thousand Sons) special rule (including Magnus the Red) that suffers Perils of the Warp reduces the number of Wounds inflicted by 1 (to a minimum of 1 Wound). In addition, an army Magnus the Red as its Warlord gains an additional Reaction in the opposing player s Assault phase, unless Magnus the Red has been removed as a casualty
rCirtr undisputed master of the arcane among the brotherhood of Pnmarchs Mis knowledge of the Red was ,he " . ivas equalled only by the Emperor himself, and many have claimed that some secrets held by **-”* .......................'........' Jwrnf stCl Magnus the Red has access to all of the Core Psychic DisciDi (see the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness rule-book, pagc 322), Wh"'111'*''''*in *»* Cort P$V(. n an assault. Magnus may choose to use any one Psychic Weapon a , !? a Sh°°tmg Att'y* Di*Wne lis, Psychic Powers he has used in a given turn. In addition to anv r,1' from *"y Disc^lin 1,Uckin8 duhng Magnus may use any one of the Minor Arcana provided by ,he ychic Power he ha' used'*"111'" °f wh,ch different Minor Arcana each turn (see page 2SS). When using a *P«*ial rule and “a 'U"’ « ,h“k! r"|Ul,“‘ Wi'h”' '*« «hi. .ppliXo fc"’ . , „ ,____________ or Arcana powers) The Eye of the Crimson King Magnus’single baleful eye seemed to some a grotesque defect but to m he practised. His eye saw further and deeper than any mere mortal nr “n in Jr warrior could match. > ^ m0rta'^ and allowed he invaluable tool for the arcane ans him to maintain an edge that no m ^f^argets for h;s Ps>fk P«wers' aI1 within range are assumed to be in line of s.ght (except those Embarked upon models with the Transport Sub-type or Buildings). K P iWS1 Tfc. The Homed Raiment Magnus’armour was believed to be as much a thing of tangible psychic force and Empyreal energy as it was a physical construction, shifting form and appearance as he willed, and the means by which it protected him was proof against the most savage weapons despite its often primitive appearance. The Horned Raiment provides Magnus the Red with a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, if he is struck by a weapon With the Destroyer type, the amount of Wounds it inflicts is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1. The Blade of Ahn-nunurta ■ Taking the distinctive shape of the weapon of the Prosperine war god of ancient myth, this force blade com lore with Imperial weapons technology and was lethal to living creatures and battle engines alike. weapon listed here is counted as ‘Power’ and ‘Force’ weapon for those rules that affect such weap ^P°n Range Str AP Type Ahn-hunurta _ 6 I?''5"*"- lype Melee, Force, Two-handed debate even among ’tywt Serpenta t need, there was alwayspsychic J№ fhand^ of prodigious size seemingly conjured to his grasp ^ of simp|y a numtf J'on whether this powerful plasma-type weapon »as - _ons. ^alf0rn]. r' / , on for th°se rul ^ w'aPon listed here is counted as ‘Plasma and Force we P Son ^«rpent, Range Str Ar petlaff»«,Fo’^ 15" 3 2
ELITES ’n \ \ \ \ \ \ I i i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ondedto they stood thcrs of the therhood herhood. heir minds levels of the s, the Scarab with such ori and seemed |, hut more | __________________ Sekhmet Terminator Cabal 275PoiNTs ___________________________M ws Sekhmet 6 5 Sekhmet Inceptor 6 5 Unit Composition • 4 Sekhmet • 1 Sekhmet Inceptor Wargcar • Combi-bolter • Achea Pattern force weapon • Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour Unit Type . Sekhmet: Infantry (Heavy, Psyker) . Sekhmet Inceptor: Infantry (Heavy, Character, Psyker) Special Rules • Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons) • Relentless . Bulky (2) • Stubborn Dedicated Transport • A Sekhmet Terminator Cabal numbering no more than five models may take a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier or Legion Dreadclaw Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport. A Sekhmet Terminator Cabal of any size may select a Legion Spartan Land Raider as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army.
Option* , a Sekhmet Terminator Cabal may inc|Ulje. . Upt0 5 additional Sekhmet...... , My model in the unit may exchange^"................. - Slagn* combi-weapon............ COmb>-boltcr ........................ . Minor combi weapon............. .................... °nt of the foliowi...... . Mrllite chaiger................ .................... ................ ng . Any model in the unit may exchange thc-r f.............................. • >»*" .......................... °rtc WeaPon for on;oft,.......... ....... - Chainfist................... .......................... ................ . Thunder hammer.............. .......................... ................ ....... The Sekhmet Inceptor may take a ¿enarfn h.................................• ■■■■.. Heresy: Age of Darkness rulebook, page 322) ^ DisciP,ine fron,','^ c............. *50 n ""odd ■♦10 n ...... J>"'’each ..... ’ Poin,»each - *J Point, ta(h ......-*1® Point» .«I, .... ^Points each ♦IS D*scipline .. Points cacg 15 points each U^eHZTmi -+2S points
CONTEMPTOR-OSIRON Dreadnought Talon.......... •l00P0| Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnought Unit Composition • 1 Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnought Wargear • Gravis bolt cannon • Gravis force blade with in built combi-bolter • Atomantic deflector Unit Type • Dreadnought (Psyla-,.) Special Rules • Legiones As • Drcadnougl • Adamantium Will (4+) Legiones Astartes (Thousand W, Dreadnought Talon Dedicated Transport A Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnought Talon of no more than one model may select a Dreadnought Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, this docs not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army.
 •the unit — ’ no to 2 addition*1 ContemptorOsiron Dreadnought* ^yContemptor-Osiron Dreadnought in ,hc unit may rcpl;lc ........ ........... ** GWVi* bolt «nnon w1(h 4100 Wnt, pc, m , ........................... vContcmp'or- * cravis«"«lucannon.......... ’ Gravis autocannon.......... ' rthcr-fircniagna-cannon ‘ Conversion beam cannon..... 'volkiteduaf-cu'veri"........ ,Kheres assault cannon....... . Gravis lascannon........................ Gravis force blade with in-built combi-boitcr....... ..................-...................»ISpoint» Any Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnought may replace an in built comb' hoi.............-■..........420 Point* ’ the following: " °n * Gri*‘ force blade wi,h on. . Heavy flamer............................................. ./Ether-fire blaster............................................. -Graviton gun.................................................... . Any Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnought may take one of the following: - Havoc launcher.................................................. . Any Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnought may select a single Minor Arcana for +15 points each mod'1 special rule on page 255). ^ tsee the Prospenne Arcana . A Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnought Talon composed of a single model may be upgraded to an Osiron Magus Dreadnought, and select a single Psychic Discipline from the Core Psychic Discipline list (see the Horn Heresy: Age of Darkness rulebook, page 322) at a cost of..........................................................+50 points ••••♦S point, .......... point, .........4,0 point, ....’20 polnu —• *K point, •• »15 point, ■■♦20 point, --♦S points each •••♦10 point, each •••♦10 points each ••♦IS points each Gravis Force Blade Akin to the smaller force-blades wielded by the librarians of the Legiones Astartes, these monstrous weapons took the form of slabs of sharpened metal whose surface was laced with an intricate web of psycho-reactive receptors The .c receptors ollow the wielder to sheathe the blade in a field of psychic energy that amplifies its already terrifying destruct fhe weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Force’ weapon for those rules that affect such p Weapon Gfavis force blade Range Str 9 Type Melee, Brutal (2). Achean Force
CasteLlax-Achea Automata M WS BS s *4o Points Castellax-Achea Unit Composition • 1 Castcllax-Achca Wargear • Aither-firc cannon • Two Asphyx bolters • Two Achca force claws • Atoinantic deflector Unit Type • Automata (Psy-automata, Psyker‘) *A Castellax-Achea may not select a Minor Arcana from the Prosperine Arcana special rule. Special Rules • l,cgioncs Astartes (Thousand Sons) • Hammer of Wrath (1) . Adamantium Will (4+) Options • The unit may include up to four additional Castcllax-Achea...+140 points each • Any model may exchange its /€thcr-fire cannon for an Asphyx bolt cannon..Free
Fore* Cl*w "<ip°n -law ,vh^’rCtJ counted as 'Force' weapons for those rutes that affect such weapons Range Str AP Type Melct • Rending (st), Achean Force ” ' '""-"can Force foitial* Uni* Sub-type ™ th<m the cybernetics cortex utilised on the most advanced Mechankum ha, i ^'^blochuseti# more primitive robot*. the Caste),ax-Achea uti,,sesacZ^!^°,^^m,iet ‘J „ Zncate web ofpsfhlcenergtes wovenfrom the stuff of the Immaterial ^T,^ZZ T* ^ L of the Omnissiah and the laws of the Impcrtum both, these esoteric device, „ ,asbhrmy accord, ng l0 ,h, ^ccamLly manipulated like puppets under a psyker’s remote control, and a lJnZ % 'hf flb,% «1 from foe with reasonable accuracy when not under direct,on. But even with all the Zfe 1 "10 r,C09nt« frvsand Sons provided them with, the spirits within were not entirely faithful. ' SUards and geas wards ihc He following rules apply to all models with the Psy-automata Sub-type: . Models with the Psy-automata Sub-type that are not within 6" of a friendly model with the Psylcer Sub type 1 jnd both the Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons) and Independent Character special rules are subject to the programmed Behaviour provision: . During both the controlling player’s Shooting phase and the Charge sub-phase, a Psy-automata unit must attempt a Shooting Attack and/or Charge if there is an enemy unit within range, and must target the closest enemy unit possible that is within its line of sight and is a valid target for a Shooting Attack or Charge, if two or more targets are equally close then the controlling player chooses which will be the target of a Shooting Attack or Charge ■ A model with the Psy-automata Sub-type may fire all weapons they are equipped with in each Shooting Attack they make, including as part of a Reaction where eligible (this rule on its own does not allow Automata units to make Reactions). ■ Models with the Psy-automata Sub-type may fire Heavy and Ordnance weapons and count as Stationary even it they moved in the preceding Movement phase, and may declare Charges as normal regardless ot any Shooting Attacks made in the same turn. Models with the Psy-automata Sub-type may fire Heavy and Ordnance weapons and count as tatio^aiy if‘hey moved in the preceding Movement phase, and may declare charges as normal regar ess o Attacks made in the same turn. ,.ctir ...uen charging into ¡¡#d* the Psy-automata Sub-type ignore any penalties to their Initiative Characten. ” through Difficult Terrain or Dangerous Terrain. r«tellax-Achea model, a model n using a Psychic Weapon to make a Shooting Attack from within 0 * mav USe the Castcllax-4 L the Psyker Sub-type and with the Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons) sp than themselves. 3model as the origin point of the attack, drawing line of sight and range from
 •••••••••••• i \) the faekal u ho sensed s the guardians of the their reliquanes and nitums. Round together oath and ritually larged shn hinds, cash of the e urrr all inmates of Cults' inner secr, is and pts in their techniques, hsophtes and arts Ihc most u arnors of the octal /tinnedcahals of k s tors who had honed psichtc powers to he e i rn. Their dual force Is u ere shaped from shec Hit x>nd to the welder's ’unics and the deeds 'd performed In 'hi'.' wort urimnir ind shaped b} tr„ e and the force hinds alone arid It d nil. ’ii 'll ii gruijp ..■ Khcnctai Blade KHcnctai Blademastcr Unit Composition • 4 Khcnctai Blades • I Khcnctai Blademastcr Wargear • Bolt pistol • Two Achca force swords • Frag grenades • Krak grenades • Power armour M 7 7 WS 5 5 BS 4 4 T W J A u 4 2 4 2 4 1 ’ ^ Unit Type . Khcnctai Blade Infantry (Psyker) . Khcnctai Blademastcr. Infantry (Character, Psyker) Special Rule* • Lcgiones Astartcs (Thousand Sons) . Chosen Warriors . Warriors of the Khenetai Dedicated Transport • A Khenetai Occult Cabal may take a Legion Rhino Transport or Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. Options • The Khenetai Occult Cabal may include: - Up to 5 additional Khenetai Blades......................+24 points per model • For every 5 models in the unit, one model may exchange their bolt pistol for one of the following: - /Ether-fire pistol............................................+10 points each - Hand flamer...................................................+5 points each • The Khenetai Blademaster may exchange his power armour for: - Artificer armour..................................................+15 points • The Khenetai Blademaster may take: - Melta bombs........................................................+10 points
l-ll.. _ ' ----1 Jjj /IjX. rirriors of the KhcneUi ~~~~ ' Zof^n>leSSerfU,tS Within thc ^rosPerinf Arc,i tfd skill of ¡he blademasters that fl,cd rhcn run^’^ Khcneta, w ^ a model tvith this special rulegains thc Minw CaPability ofan°Usand nrc'/'" (/,<• rf.. ,0Si presemod by thc Prospcrinc Arcana s^^'^cs Psychjc ^ ^ indsong of Blades (Psychic Power) not *lec, , M ••'-«•iiu spC Mindsong of Blades (Psychic Power) " not *lcct, M| jWpcfe *!*»*»•*. tf unique fo the Khenetai cult AtClni bo 1 №i*«We overProspero. In battle these warriors of,« „^,un of the cMrollmg p|ay<,r.s turr| a "**■ ' rf*this Ps-VCh'C P°Wer’ usin8 thc highest Leadersh-'r? ^ bc ™ade for 3 [),„ the unit gams+1 to the following Chafer» P tharacter‘stic am„ Un,t c°№pov-<l, ffovenieirt.WeaponSI(ill,ahdAttaclcs. If the ,es”^faj]pjtt*|1^ei(,'mofiheCon^1J|^(lli n»t suifers Peril, of ,hc w^'1“ ,,,r~
iW'isj//// Ahzek Ahriman . Chief I Jbrarian of the Thousand Sons, Arch-masister nfiii t he Enduring Son ,hc Corv><Ut) M WS BS S Ahzek Ahriman Unit Composition • 1 Ahzek Ahriman Wargcar • Master-crafted Asphyx bolt pistol • The Corvidacan Sceptre • Artificer armour • Iron halo • Frag grenades • Krak grenades S S 4 4 -T— Unit Type • Infantry (Character, Psyker. Uniw Special Rules • legioncs Astartcs (Thousand Sons) . Master of the Legion • Independent Character • Relentless • Adamantium Will (i+) . Arch-magister of the Corvidae • Traitor • Warlord: The Pattern of Fates Warlord: The Pattern of Fates If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Ahzek Ahriman automatically has The Pattern of Fates as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other. The Pattern of Fates - If an army’s Warlord has this Trait, then once all models have been deployed onto the battlefield (including any Infiltrating units and after any units have been redeployed using the Scout special rule), but before the first turn is begun, the controlling player may select up to three friendly units and cither redeploy them to any other position within the controlling player’s Deployment Zone or remove them from the battlefield and place them in Reserves. In addition, an army that includes Ahzek Ahriman may make an additional Reaction in any one Phase once per turn, as long as Ahzek Ahriman has not been removed as a casualty (the Phase in which the additional Reaction is made does not need to be declared in advance).
I jIk Corvid*«" Sceptre | ynW9aihoth a mark °fhh «ation os, ,V Cttv^aean ^fP,re ,vaS a long slave W claim that this artefact mas one ofs, coatTotii'm their power. The «capon is counted WcaPonforthos Weapon flieCorvidacan Sceptre I arelimjgister of the Corvidae I Muck Ahrinian gains the Minor Arcana fmm the Core Psychic Discipline list (set points cost and may not select any other
Magistus Amon................................. J The Hidden One, Captain of the Ninth Fellowship, Tutor of Keeper of the Keys Magistus Amon Unit Type • Infantry (Character, Psyker, Special Rules • Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sor • Master of the Legion • Independent Character • Relentless • Magister of Dust • Infiltrate • Traitor • Warlord: Lord of Hidden Paths Unit Composition • 1 Magistus Amon Wargear • Archaeotech pistol • The Reliquary of Dust • The Armour of Shades • Iron halo • Frag grenades ■ Krak grenades Warlord: Lord of Hidden Paths If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Magistus Amon automatically has Lord of Hidden Paths as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other. Lord of Hidden Paths -If an army’s Warlord has this Trait, then all units in the same army with the Infiltrate and Scout special rules gain the Shrouded (5+) special rules for the duration of the first two Game Turns. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Movement phase.
r ofShadC' . suit of artificer power armour art layer upon layer of psychically chanpd 9(>T *<:»t***z Amon’s own abilities to pass unseen, or even to appear ai another »ho- "vLei'^10 jtoaaflr,,f,lt' r~- ’ ^Uns''n'°'"'n',Z,nf*xh«'»>^ n. Arm our of Shades provides a 2+ Armour Save. and„„ a’ <*^**“ ** »<■>, the bounds of a zone of Area Terrain, it grants him the ShrouckjTJ'? w*llc*' Magi»lu, A ^ ^ ^............................ w within the concealed chambers of a short rod bound in n,m,r u Mr remains of slain Psychncuein mind-parasites. These warp-bomnZ ^ ^ ^u„ry. Amon pmperv was one. The hungering psychic essence of these creatures was ,® in Amon’s power to invoke it with lethal results. f ^ d bkt a murderous echo i0 The weapon listed here is counted as a 'Force' weapon for those rules that affect such ArJ[K, Range Str AP Type User s Melee, Poisoned (4t), Reaping Blow (i), Master-crafted Weapon » capon The Reliquary of Dust Master-crafted a Shooting Attack once per battle, and instead of attacking The Reliquary of Dust may also be used to make normally, using the following profile: Weapon Range Str AP Type Tlie Reliquary of Dust 6" I - Assault 2D6, Poisoned (4+),Concussne(}), ■ , Rending (6+) /a/'. • ^«er of Dust . rore Psychic Discipline list (see t Justus Amon gains the Divination and Telepathy Disciplines romt not select any other Miw erri}'Age of Darkness rulebook, page 322) at no additional Point 0r Psychic Disciplines.
Weapon Carsoran power axe THE ARMOURY of THE SONS OF HORus Range Str AP Type User 3 Melee, Breaching (S+), Specialist Weapon Banestrike Bolters These mysterious variant holt shells, believed to have been designed in secret within the armouries of the Alpha Legion tong before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, had it seems a sole purpose: to breach the ceramite power armour of Space Manna. Used openly for the first time at the Dropsite Massacre on Isstvan V, their dense explosive cores and firing stresses reduced thee range and swiftly degraded the firing weapon, but their effect against the betrayed Legions was devastating. Fortunately feu** Loyalists, supplies of these difficult to manufacture munitions rounds were limited, and only the Alpha Ugion and (he Sons of Horus were able to field them in substantial numbers beyond that incident of brutal treachery. Any model with both the Independent Character and the Legiones Astartes (Sons of Horus) special rules may exchange* bolter for a Banestrikc bolter or a combi-bolter for a Banestrikc combi-boltcr for +5 points each. Additionally, all modeb in a Legion Seeker Squad that is composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Sons of Horus) special nik may exchange their Kraken bolters for Banestrike bolters for no additional points cost or all models in a legion \etcran Squad composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Sons of Horus) special rule may exchange their bolter» for Banestrike bolters for +2 points per model. All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Bolt' weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. Range Str AP 18” S 4 18’ S 4 Weapon Banestrike bolter Banestrikc combi-bolter Type Rapid Fire, Breaching (6+) Rapid Fire, Twin-linked, Breaching (6+)
,F HoRljS ***** OF War Sot»oiHon«ii »V‘h^UK^ J* k‘°nC " WUh ,hC M-',Cr Of the >l^,‘0n »’tty »*. ^d** . ' S**1a| ruU 9 A(. the Black Rcaving pit °r w of the \Varma>trr. thru gene father, the Jd iv fj^on morr unytfft and proud K*ain,n* 'ha<k,c' in'lM«*1 °n them hy the jdte fnif*n>r and the dim remembrance of ^^t^ traditions, they fought w ith callous. calculated fgff darkness in their hearts and shadowed V%*tn h,bn» had found communion with Their battle Jilfl* —nrs.l/ltiir\ llVll//- lh+ ll'.fr»...»_ ***' of* <"T m‘'fr Pr*dalory- whilr th* Worm aster %o> * Kll (hat as the rebellion burned on, his own ***»# represents ¡ust such a Sons of Horus formation, ^Ifi^edinaltd strike force which encircles and tears *«rirtMib bbt a pack of nightmarish predators. ^tie ffects (he Legioncs As tart es (Sons of Moms) ’ rule taken as part of a Detachment using this toiof War gain the Rage (2) special rule when they *assfdBy Charge an enemy unit which is already keted in combat with one or more units or an enemy at that is the target of at least one other Charge in the [ wmc Charge sub-phase. • leaver Attack Squads may be chosen as Troops choices fcrktjchments using this Rite of War, and when dxaenas Troops choices gain the Line Unit Sub-type. • baenn Terminators chosen as part of a Detachment ^ this Rite of War gain the Deep Strike special rule. ‘«Watiom ^fiments using this Rite of War must take a Legion ifJ Mither for recruits nor the finest weapons and kk enthralled Mechanician allies could supply. This m • ...-L-f____«fi j__e_____ Rit* or Wmu Twe Long Makch r.vm btfait i*h odv*ru of tKc iMnwur', ►*»*,,. 0*Sc**d I lorn* legion <*tn honoured as the fir* Alin hstvan V. they formed (he mam body of the Tmiwm advance towards Terra, a »Hmtlew. atUooqumNi Kim iKm swept all before It and a^aiml ahull no aory ioald \umd. Effect* . Unit* made up entirety ot models wish ihc \staitc* (Son* of VionB) vpecui nde and it* intenirs « Dreadnought Unit Type that are part <* a Detachment using tht* Rut ofWat. gam .1 to the« Mmemetw Characteristic in the Ntosemr moving normally and choou «nem phase. °"»У*Ьеп n<> bonus to Cham ***** . ¡Ып« ‘ >W»,I ”” *«**£« Legion Cataphractii Trm, S4“«fa nuy be cbo«„ ^ " “*’,Л T™““ An> Legion Cauphractii Terminator Squad». tenon ТСПТ,0Г *** * !u«acnn Term.rutor Squads selected as Troops chokes in a Detachment using this Rue of War gain the Outflank special rule Limitations • A Detachment with this Rite of War must be of the Traitor Allegiance. • A Detachment with this Rite of War may not include any models with the Heavy Unit Sub type, unless they enter play from Reserves or begin the battle Embatied upon a model with the Transport Sub-type.
¡>Rl\t\^li I ; 1 I (kf count of th* CtfTOt I CraadeoSJ madofd I ^vnJonhtoeheDnprtw I kA>m he senxd and ¿aded ' fat*r So it u® dial whin I the Fntpcmrxood apart farm the burden of the I command of the Great I Crayatk, rl»m Ham> j ¿hat he named Wcrmaster I to act in hti ittud. But I ambition and pnde fme red ' »tfim the \Vurmastn\ f heart and at fAnin he fill. I and the hes and corruption I tidie Warp infMedhii I '"¿from then on he I I Pkicdvtn dark fonts to I I ***** \ : L ,hc Brc'kcr War t»*«cr thrE>^fTcrra Hon* A^rndcd VnitComP°*ition . 1 Horus W'arg«r . The Serpent s Scales . The Warmastcrs Talon . Worldbreaker . Cognis-signum . Frag grenades M WS BS N Unit T)pt : Corrupted) Special Rul« • ^»csAsune,^ - Master of the Le^T* 1^ • Master of War • Master of Weapon* • Deep Strike • Traitor • Warlord: S,rc „f lStSoMt<K^ Options • Horns Lupcrcal may be upgraded to Horns Ascended.. r Warlord: Sire of the Sons of Horus As ihe Warmasterof the hnpehum and first amongst the Primarchs, Homs demanded the best from those that sensed him. When he took tothebattkfKUn person, every warrior would strive to gain his favour with acts of bra\m that wu ensure a position in the inner circle of the Warmaster. If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Horus automatically has the Sire of the y I lorus Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait. Sire of the Sons of Horus - All models of the Infantry Unit Typ« in the v. army as Horus l.upercal, regardless of Faction, gain +1 Leaderships Stubborn special rule.
rI(W. trvrl ***** iKtdlnt <„mh,ntxl 0,ui martudex)re rimer, and u M,„ ^ tJii ti the *Urt «f 4ny Cum where I cn 101 of ll*r iu include* Hon»* i* imrc-ud In # | °»l»roii 'MWrfci ffter* NOW* ■« known u> n maun of M tnrunÿ <V * Ottoman gutter hum Itr. i,t Jtnah hn opponent, and u tij ,•<«!/» „ n nmUmng the rtwtiwrf JkUl« <4 « im«* * mrald ute »hatexrr meant +et, return iltmm any of hit kin never be hit by j Melee Attack on 4 »tore o( bette* ih ,jt\. during the Avuult ph*K liottu l upctcal axxy A ipped with, declaring which attack* V^K'nSW ¡£5***<* egfpetit't Scale* ,/Terminator armour is one of Oh fxnt prototype of us land iofKtlborHaiwd the greatest artificers of the Impenum. and it u p 00*<>nPn- x its Scales provides a 2+ Armour Save and a 3* Invulnerable Save ««‘Kkoffcochhn.rro*» [ CoriJbrcakrr I fejjo pourr maul of prodigious size and might, which as well as being a scrap ;camju. is also a signifier of Horus ’ rank of Warmaster, and is said to hase been hzsdfasagift to his favoured son. Range Str AP Type 10 2 Melee, Master-crafted. Brutal (2). Sunder, Unwieldy 1 **r* lightning claw which incorporates a baroquely styled twin bolter, the 1 alon has loaf J«"and »os 1 «** W apocryphal sources claim it is an antediluvian relic that was found deep w*m iheptanetc . fr^*tof Mankinds Dark Age of Technology. has two profiles listed, one for Shooting Attacks and one for attack*^^ifcurfefl »* '“‘«wnofasw^-»—^ L_________________________-____a ’Bolt’ weapon for those nr Weapon Woridbrealier Melee, Shred. Pcf^ Assault S. TVrin-UnW
r^llSSARV .„„rirwt I 1 ^phr«Ctil l M. r. Ji1'1 .. \vr_iHr\ (S<>n> <i| I li ii iii.i .. , 1^^ ^ 1 "’"MOW,» №Ly>t«s A**«« (*>»» of l io.n„ specUl ,„|C *f’n r"*K» v._lt Uv'ZmA to - Dark BminAty "* ¡£* ml** All U,‘"n esConsularis: Dark Emissary l,t/ .. ,.m»n UYff (he nn n (he Worm/.».. * •••• -----<••/»>'■0.... +2^ POINTS nrt** ~ l4Yf, (he tyti of (he Wcimmwrf. sent out unton„ tht Umn t„ I**'li°r', Jfv0 f/N1« pkdned tIwmfWvo «<• I htut- sflvkr ,hfy mvu!J ^ !w- j jui* ,h°'tL„i (he Warmu*irr demanded from !»*«< that follow, 4 hj» jjjj| j.| Rule* Jpjj* Entity Rilin (he Warmutcr** Kyc spccUl rule Eye: If a Dark Emissary is selected as a Compulsory ,lo k Detachment that b part of an army with the Traitor A <e ‘n ,n the Allied Detachment with the Legiones Asiartc» *hcn 4,1 ¿¡jun the StuWmm special rule. *°m»>* ^iijtir tOari Emissary gains a StalTof Dark Authority at no additional points con A Da k ternary may not select a legion Warhawk jump pack, legion Spathacombat brk. irjwn Scimitar jetbike. gaff of Dark Authority: All models with the Traitor Allegiance within 6* of a model «dii Staff of Dark Authority, including that model, increases thciT Leadership to 10 *bcn taking a Morale check or Pinning test. a Staff of Dark Authority may also be used as a weapon with the following profile fl* weapon listed here is counted as a 'Power' weapon for those rules that affect •ri) weapons. Range Str +1 AP Type 3 Melee, Unwieldy, Murderous StnkcM
Homs Ascended AftiKfhfUi/kmy »orrori, /fonts uvtM fit//further and further into the urn hi WArr* * A"**” ttfkutour. ftihmtteJ/ut hi» sense ofjuitK*andturnan^0 *** and, r»Jcwrn<e/iut*«rKru*hh™»r>/of even the nt<»t minor ofinfractions nr / >*' hfl*‘On, j> .i«**1*' ^ . _r.Jc i> id*1*4 ,h*.Jfd to lioru* wv .......•• ’K »pccui rulo „ '•*'» ,f«^B,enul' *nd ,hcSp,c*di,,>(tof,up>^ ,u* Che HOftM Ascended profile •» used to determine th< p Homs Ascended the following special rule|^nu*dil d* <***>"* **tn*trn' f* Warmosttr that none ,m%ocaht< • for>**h »**1 _ - vvtionu-'««f •«— ■-- <'™‘"^£*£son^atbhJ<™<»9‘"' ^S^rurmsuttedthearrikolofhh son TV toe tune in any battle that I lorns Ascended loses hTlast Wound, or u otherwise removed from play as a ¡¡U* the model hinstead placed into Reserves with a ««|e Wound remaining any unit Horns Ascended was pm of remains in play even a Retinue or other unit that »wild normally not allow the removal of a model from tV unit After having been placed in Reserves due to this special rule. Homs Ascended may choose to re-enter play, with the controlling player making Reserves rolls for the model * per the normal rules. If the Slay the Warlord objective, or any other objective that requires the enemy Warlord be removed as a casualty to score Victory points, is in effect then it is still triggered when Horns Ascended is moved tnto Reserves due to this special rule - and may be tnggered a second time if Horus Ascended returns to play and is removed as a casualty again. tt* Power of duo* Eternal ZZJZ Z? :ogr"d- ** *">«fww dm h’'Un»d uP°n :^«^lZ£,ZZr°nyolhisbmh,'n- ^ «n*n »ZdZt0rr apm *> »“k '"W№™W Tm-andw'^ once per hat lie. at the start of any A»Uu, I loros Ascended'* controlling pUy*, u ’ p*1*<i*» ' Reactive player). Horuv Ascended»«.ontrnlu”’*j may choose to activate the Power of Ch*™'c**^ activated. Horus Ascended increases hi» St I Toughness Characteristics to 10 for thedur”^*^ ! Assault phase and ignores all the effect»efT*"^** ] special rule on attacks made with WoTtobffl]J*'*1,Si> ] Assault phase is ended, all combats being fot»h resolved and the effects of the Power of have ended. I lorus Ascended ^«»matKdly»,,^!^-of the Warp but any Wounds caused must t* to friendly models in the same unit as Horus/Jwf if any such models exist, before they are allocated to Horus Ascended The Spreading Corruption Even as Horus himself fell further into the embrace of it fel powers of the Warp, so too did those loyal women vc had hound their fate to the Warmastcrs Corrupt* put through the ranks of his host like wildfire, igniting akboMi and fuelling the grim fervour of the Traitors asiknmtm the empire they had helped to build. Feu would ncogae the proud Legion that had once borne the namt 1** Wolves 'in the savage throng that now stood attbesded I the Warmaster. All models in a unit made up entirely of models*^ the Infantry, Cavalry or Dreadnought Unit Type - ^ same Detachment as Horus Ascended Corrupted Unit Sub-type at a cost of *2S P®®® ^ (See page 307). If this upgrade is selected tot *^:T£ all models in the unit must gam the - models that are attached to units, such * ^ ^ or Techmarines, must be upgraded Apothecary Detachments. Techmanne ° ^ and other units which are bought as a 1 Organisation slot and then separated ^ to other units (including units bought special rule or any variant of that ru ^ ^ to be counted as part of the same Fon^oUgiit (fit. slot as a Leader model), the upgw* * the entire set of models before the' ^ ^ ^
 STAER'N terminator Squad ' \r'" lustaenn r-r l nit T LonlPO«>«»‘»n l n.l Infantry He»»> WMO> Special Rale, Wargear [fPones ARan« bote» gjncstnte combi Relentless power Carsoran Bulky (2) Canateni I MM Iust~nn Rettnu, Terminator armour Furious Charge Chosen W ■-V O «nor* s-_~vom Dedicated Transport . A lustaenn Terminator Squad numbering five models or less ,e\ ---- * ^ ---- Und Raider Proteus Carrier or a Legion Dreaddaw Drop Pod asarw"'5'* Transport- As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an - J •* D°^c*ei l ransporu a -----—-------1--- ^upanaddino-,.-^ Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as pmoftfc* imniomt £«m «ntsafthtieeof od Dreadnought . V^^coa ^ech, ' nd Tw.o ' model its Leaac its Lead« that Lea Squad g may exc
 ■tin Terminator Squad ,„Jy ,1K|udo # ¿I«**1 )*“**crin * . IT five model* in ll.c unli. onc ,u f ... .... " • *» ,lK Un,‘ "“y C*th-*»KC <hc„ ■ZZx‘<*«biw'‘pon......... •Sd« eh"*"......•;■■•■ ' ■" the un" "“>' "change tiic11 cario «capon ughtnin*«Uw..... thunder hammer „ymodel ■" <h«Un" CXch-*n«c ^I, ,hcir Bj ' ,«« lightning cliWS....................... Ik* ‘«"■bi bolt 'mmodel in Che unit may take a grenade harness'"' terin ReCinue ofth. r>ndc "«tan Ptrwtr, L.ihboth the Terminator Squad may be selected as a Reti he Master of the Legion and Legioncs AsUrtTtZ“!1" 1 »etachmen, nit selected as a'Retinue Squad'must i,,_ of H°rus> . choice. A unit selected as a Retinue Squad' must have ,,nt J Horu'> «pedal "'em .wanes (Sons of Honrs) special rules from the same Detach^ "1! bo’h,h' rem.ina.or Squad s Uader for the purposes of thts special rule A m^ Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is consider! T'rm"u,»r Squad JL . ^ S“''• its Leader. A /ustaerin Terminator Squad selected as a Re^n^ldTum' “ its Leader deployed as part of the unit and the Uader may no, «.lunund!!!^ W,h ,ht "“«Xu! that Uader has the Deep Strike special rule then all models in the lustaerin T R'1'nut Sq“‘li“nn«Ph- « I Squad gain the Deep Strike special rule as well. One lustaerin in a lustaerin T^ " * *nr“* | mayexchange their Banestrike combi-weapon for a Ugion standard for *15 points I #' \ &
№ K»‘v e*Arr*cK SQ«JaD........ V0C***»0* • 4KfJVCr!«.n . i Reaver CH'c Unit Type • Reaver. Infantry • Reaver Chieftain; Wargear - Bolt P,s,<>1 Chaina-« FragS«' nados Krak grenade» power arwour Wintry Special Rules . legiones Astanes (Sons 0f u . Relenúess ^ . Chosen Warriors . Counter-attack 0) . Precision Shots (.6+) . Precision Strikes 16+) plicated Transport .... __ Dedicated Tr^VW,0t S^noTuse up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its ^ ^ Anudad oflO models or less may take a Leg,on RhmoTr*^ ' ,... nmn Pod as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicate ¿U be paid for as part of the army. ~+22 points Penaoki -•----+10 pona *10 peins ..+10 points od¡ ..+10 points each ... +15 points cadi ^AR^yer Attack Squad may include: - Up to 15 additional Reavers................... . One Reaver may take: - Nuncio-vox...................-................... • One Reaver may take: - Legion vexilla-------------------------------------- . Any model in the unit may take one of the following: - Chamabal weapon------------------------------------- - Power weapon---------------------------------------- - Power fist....—...................................... • .Any model in the unit may exchange their bolt pistol for a: - Hand flamer...................................................+5 point oh • Any model in the unit may exchange their bolt pistol and chainaxe for. - Two lightning claws.....................................+15 points pet n»» • For every 5 models in the unit, one Reaver may take one of the following: - Flamer............ ..........................................+10 pomes«*" - Meltagun....... ...................................... .......+15 pomes a* - Plasma gun.......ZZZZZZ!..............Z ZZZ....Z...........--•+1° P0“5** - Plasma pistol... ......+5 P°mt <> .... - Amficcr ärrn ma^ exchange his power armour for: +-10 p° oil* *0 • Kr'* . *° lx ■■ Beard gain'
auRST the Twisted............... «.lOgH „f the Sons of Horus, Bearer of the Eye, EquerO of *he Warn,aster ’40 Points tMl)n„ M WS BS S T -S3S=*- Boit pi IlStol sword mi'e ■nades Mikpc KrfrJtror tirades field upon standard Artificer armour Unit Type • Infantry (Character. Une. Unique) Special Rules • Leones Astartes (Sons of Horns) • Master of the Ugion • Independent Character • Relentless • Adamantium Will (4+) • It Will Not Die (S+) • Broken in Body • Traitor • Warlord: Bearer of the vtaiord: Bearer of the Eye If chosen as the army's Warlord, Maloghurst the Twisted automatically has Bearer of the Eye as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other Bearer of the Eye - All models in a unit joined by Maloghurst the Twisted gain the Line Sub-type and counts as a Scoring unit, and when Maloghurst the Tainted or any unit he has joined controls an objective, that control may not be canctHed or contested by enemy Denial units - only an enemy Scoring unit can tomesLan objective held by Maloghurst the Twisted and any unit he has joined, haddition, an army with Maloghurst the Twisted as its Warlord may make * additional Reaction during the opposing player’s Shooting phase as long as "doghurst the Twisted has not been removed as a casualty. *”*«11 in Body finest warriors in his Ugion, Maloghurst s body was shattered by injuries which have left him a shadow of his former glory W?Ur5' Twisted and any unit he joins may not Run or make , '""g Advances.
\KAl>t>ON'V"i'loruv HiRh Marshal of lhc‘Vu^° N,, the Breaker of Worlds U*t4*r»n> ■ I r:**‘ \ **££*'« * [&2£~ 1 ' Uf*'*0'”' Z*"«*W**ZZ Z«d< **r**°t'hl' he echoed ho PnmardiI _jl, -r-*i-f'iy*l< I 0mfcp«mr,as‘l^h!er I „¿¿dtasaiacocm nbteh ijui^ kirn *''* pnteXwIhot mtU/KJ 1 jm- wffbm the St»D o/ tbmberhts Pnmmh Jncr ttfttded os a hero (the Imptnum, Abaddon m fast and foremast noted to Hants almn\ <d naked ndlinalv todamnaam with Ats ;iiM ¡SgSSS.—*■■ BS „trike a>mbi i blade i-bolter want«* Banc*1 PariKOn...- _rc|aw C'thonian p° (¡renade harness Ug,onCauphracn. pcnn.nator armour Unit Type • Infantry (Heavy, Charicter , ’Nut) Special Rules . Lcgiones Astartes (Sons of u . Master of the Legion ^0ru'l . Independent Character • Relentless . Bulky (2) • Battle-hardened (1) • Fearless • Deep Strike • Precision Strikes (4+) • Traitor . Warlord: The Vengeful Spirit Warlord: The Vengeful Spirit If chosen as the army 's Warlord, Ezekyle Abaddon automatically has The Vengeful Spirit as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other. The Vengeful Spirit - Ezekyle Abaddon and any unit he joins gain the Feel No Pain (4+) special rule during the Movement and Shooting phases of any turn in which they are deployed as part of a Deep Strike Assault. In addition, an army with Ezekyle Abaddon as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player's Movement phase as long as Ezekyle Abaddon has not been removed as a casualty. Cthonian Power Claw Modified from more commonplace weapons, Abaddon wields a cruelly barbed potter fist that tears and crushes with equal abandon. The weapon listed here is counted as a 'Power' weapon for those rules that a®« such weapons. I "capon Cthonian power claw dif Range Str AP Type x2 2 Melee, Unwieldy, Specialist Weapon. crafted
 PL L^KEN............... rjJ^fthc 1 O'" Company, Ncw-moon of the m.I7e D S^i3fof Lu- C 75 P0«NTS ** M WS BS s T ¿¡piel token ¡nil Composition , ¡Girvtel t oken Atrfetr . Bolt pistol . Putgon fade . Aiti/ieerjrmoiir . iron halo . fag grenades • krik grenades BS S T W 1 6 4 4 Unit Type • Infantry (Character, Unique) Special Rules . legiones Astartes (Sons of Morns) • Master of the Legion • Independent Character . Born Survivor . loyalist . Warlord: Wolf of Luna qjr|ord: Wolf of Luna lt'chosen as the army's Warlord, Garviel Loken automatically has Wolf of Luna his Warlord Trait and may not select any other. Wolf of Luna - A Warlord with this Trait may only join a unit composed entirely of models with both the Legiones Astartes (Sons of Horus) special ale and the Loyalist Allegiance. Both the Warlord and any unit it joins gain ♦1 Attack on any turn in which they successfully Charge, or are successfully Chafed by, an enemy unit composed entirely of models with both the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule and the Traitor Allegiance. These increases are in addition to any other bonuses granted by other special rules. In addition, an army »hose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the opposing players Assault phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty. Horn Survivor ^ first time in any battle when a model with this special rule is reduced to bounds for any reason or otherwise removed from play as a casualty, the polling player must immediately make a Leadership test for that model It T Test is failed then the model is removed as a casualty as normal, but it the ls P^sed then the Warlord is not removed as a casualty, remains in p * Wounds, foil 0*1 Dtnin, h old wav—the ideals of Great Crusade and the into the dark conspu» that was overtaking hi Mot ed Legion Assign to lead (he Sons of Ho contingent attack in t first wave, he rose swi| to (he mantle of lead< -
XVII'" legiones astartes WORD BEARERS It tat to the Sons of Horut, the Word Bartn were L me In many or,he first pivotal lu tiles of the I torus Here» the scale of their betrayal of the Loyalist forces J, Isstvan Vanil CM would reverberate across the years and se, a high water mark for the treachery of the Warmaster In Ultramar, the Word Hearers first laid waste to Calth and then to dozens of other planets In the l ive Hundred Worlds In vengeance for an unforgotten slight: Monarches. Once .1 beautiful city-shrine raised in praise of the Emperor, the Ultramarines, at the Emperor's own command, levelled Monarchia in an act of censure for Ixirgar s religious zeal, which was itself contrary to the strict tenets of the Imperial Truth. Alongside their allied Traitor Imperial Army formations and Titan legions, the perfidious XVII'1- ravaged Ultramar. While their enemies fought for strategic and tactical advantage, the Word Bearers revealed their true nature, striking at targets of little military significance but of high ntual and symbolic value, spreading wanton terror .tmi destruction. Th¡s Wil5 stir the Immatcrium. and gay,,'' * U,culjtcd forces the Word Bearers consoné *° 'heotl^ the Huinstorm. brj r"'<>t|* "tt* r,r flic Priests and Diaholists of the W remain at I lorus' side throughout m ^u. Even when thetr Primarch fell r hcM»c^ r..,w Sc ,h„, as archi,ccts of his donation fSZin Ho>‘ were a curse upon the galaxy ,n th' *0rd Be, J*. spreading across the stars seeking 8' 0ftW c/sc unleash,ng the Warp as -nd ^ gods. Few loyal Imperial Heraids ^Pact Witbü01 Pr,march, for in seeking his PrLZa^'°°PpJ^'1 long since purged his Ug¡on of th°rd,aJ Trmh' !h' F^’-cn* s™ &Z3T»- m ^ be'nstrumenul to the Traitor r he Word Beir "orus Heresy, and would %££>*** to assault the Throneworld. arnor>» the ^ li r* r,af mie modiñed 'h s,drs ttdudc models » ,rh it ' Sl'b'phase *ith this special r,/ ^3 draw'thcn r«M.„s„fC,........ ' .. i*r*C££ ^ CoD! "•t“ s*in access fsuIar's 'JwciaJ l,Pgrade - see Th a ^ D,aboi,st Word Bearers a the Disciples of Lorgar A Warlord with this special rule may select a Warlord Trait from: t' Word Bearers Warlord Trait list ™

TF Word Bearers Warlord Traits A Wjrlord »«A thr Legumes Asurrcs (Word Bearers) special rule may select Mow instead of selecting one of the Core Warlord Traits. C J ^'*rlord t Tri" ft, Enslaved by Darkness (Traitor only) Among th<ne that accepted the fax our of Chaos into their flesh, there were those uho conquered the corruption and became more than human and those that did not. This m amor is among the unfortunate ma/orin that found themsehes subsumed and owrcnme by the other - the oaopet controlled by the vicious V DaTf\SZl (hr wamor common H brdBearrn or o servantofErebus undo gleeful participant m Ibe destruction of the Impenum. Tire Warlord True may only be selected by a model with ,he Traitor Allegiance and the Corrupted Unit Sub-type. A Warlord with this Trait modifies his Strength and Toughness by a value determined by the current Game Turn: ♦] on Game Turns l,2& modifier on turns 4*5, and -I on Game Turns 6*. When targeted by any weapon or special rule that targets the Daemon Unit Type, this Warlord is counted as though it had that Unit T\pe. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the opposing pianos Movement phase as long as the Warlord has not been remowd as a casualty. Unswerving Devotion TV Word Bearers had always been ,rn above all others, their deswion to ihtHe the Emperor, then to largo, and fir,alC' ^ O' benevolent masters On the held of bam.^ ,S a loyalty far stronger than that found J*No? legions, and this warrior is no exception^ , «Oh his warriors follow without hesitation. rjfj**h\,, their loyalty will demand from them N Any units that include at least one c model laigioncs Asurtes (Word Bcarem at least one model within 6" of a (including the Warlord himself and automatically pass the firs, fajl,rf test they are called upon to make ’ -1 army whose Warlord has this T *,Urn '"a. I rait mj. additional Reaction during the opprem„ ^ phase as long as the Warlord has not beeiT^'5”^ a casualty’. rOTtoTedu c Iconoclast Once, the Word Bearers were devoted to the destnma the symbols, marks and leaders of other creeds and the literal destruction of fear and superstition TTisfc,* once been at the heart of the Emperor's Great Cnisak l« over time fell out of favour with Lorgar and the rev'nor. of the Ugion. Yet. some of the Word Bearers still row*. the old days of the Legion and continue the traduxnifdt Iconoclast, whether for the simple /oy of destruction»* hope of redemption for their Legion. A Warlord with this Trait, and any unit he has too*. gain a bonus of +1 Attack when locked in combat** an enemy unit that includes at least one model»**1 Independent Character special rule, a Legion a Legion standard. When making a Shooting ^ Melee Attack targeting a Fortification, Building" ^ Terrain piece with a Toughness Characteristic^ a bonus of +2 to their Strength or the i'Ian^ j[Wdh> weapons used. In addition, an army this Trait may make an additional Reactio^^ vVlIkcdv opposing player's Assault phase as Ionsa not been removed as a casualty- #2 aft*'. geld* of**' **>«'• orf*“ de ph th
I «„P P-' has the Legionts AsUrtes (Word Bea„.„,, ÿsffîôd* ** ■**“ °nt m<XW WKh ,hC M“"r o( <hc I£***"»9 ,»»**** Kl I to III WAR t \V*g ,,ruplion took root within tht Word Jiff0 ¿d*' ol C rtnàwntd for ihr cohesion and selfless ’[¡ft*- " * jf ¡ought in ihr Emperor's name After /■ % »*“ . J . older and more nightmarish gods, d^ro 'y ,S ro enacting horrific ntes on .fc- — • The Dark Brethren y make use of i\w fattowynfckiv Spcoil xu\c. RiTt of Last of thf Sfubatfd Svjn The Serrated Sun Chapter of the Legtona Astanc ' Bearers were the first sons of Lorgar to Ruinous Powers, and mo«' >‘TLjpn took to enacting horrific ntes on the eve 1 d^ rrx fawur from the Warp. Such warhands soon *** ,h'foulc" anJ mmt unnatural ml. •., '"'ns Dctachment using this Rite of War N.*» one unsaved Wound or Hull Point of J“'««*, lnCr,^lce unit in each of their turns or one s^tind f)ctac^ment us'ng this Rite of War, Nrtw °m' suffers Perils of the Warp. ««fW« uith the blood and souls of their own brethren e^Zrew "asters- flfr** . Jlt of the battle, after both sides have deployed • “** „re army, excepting only those units deploying *'#<^isof the Infiltrate special rule, but before the * Xthe first turn, one unit in the enemy army that deployed onto the battlefield must be selected XSacrifice by the player of (he Detachment using .* RitrofWar. If no enemy units arc deployed on the r^grlrld at that point, the controlling player of the ¡yochment using this Rite of War must select an enemy from Reserves or otherwise off the battlefield as the jjnfict If all models in the Sacrifice unit, including an models that are assigned or have joined the unit, arc Asrovtd or otherwise removed as casualties then the ¡dietcontrolling this Detachment gains one Favour of it Did Gods and another Sacrifice unit is selected from oh$ those enemy units deployed on the battlefield ad* end of that turn by the player of the Detachment aag this Rite of War. If no enemy units are deployed on kisttlefieid at that point then the player that controls & Detachment using this Rite of War must select one ®®i unit that is in Reserves to be the Sacrifice. He controlling player of the Detachment using this *®°f'\ar must assign each point of Favour of the kdstoone of the units under their control as ®*ls it is earned. For each point of Favour of the ^Godsassigned to a unit, its Strength, Movement 'aP°n Skill are increased by +1. A unit may have ^an 3 points of Favour of the Dark Gods ^fiCod'0 *t^SOa unit 2 points of Favour of the W „ 'ould increase the Strength, Movement and ^Skil1 of the chosen unit by +2). ..i Word . .~»gar to walk the Puth of th< —««*, and most of its Lfgionnn« fdl in battle the hands of the betrayed Raven Guard at the Isstvan V Dropsite Massacre. Later on. the chapters legacy would passed on to the Vakrah fat. but fo» - ^ the SerTated $**- f %mncJelt^,!^^^uZZ' h"n «Hailed ‘ nod orxf Effects Pod as a Dedicated Transport. Limitations • A Detachment using this Rite of War may nor include any units with a Movement Characteristic of 0 (unless that model also has the Orbital Assault Vehicle special rulel, or any units with the Artillery Unit Sub type. • An army w hose Primary Detachment is using this Rile of War may not take an Allied Detachment. . This Rite of War may not be used by an Allied Detachment. . An army that includes a Detachment using this Rue of War must have the Traitor Allegiance
aRmourvoFthewukubEah TH E A1'' . Wargear available only to Detachments w„h ^ ^ i^sssssgz-* ^ PVafd|Wjrr Willingly to the corruption of the warp -j, Anv W"j' the Burning Lore uph ^ ^ Diabotam Discipline (see the Diabolist entry). C^ruptrdand P«ker L-n nine , n were fully aware of the truth behind Urgars new teach,ng, .. xerptfd the neu n Infantry or Dreadnought Unit Type as well as the UgK**, A„v unit with the «-¡-ft* Dark Channelling for +25 points per unit. All models in a Tainted weapon Grcat Crusade polluted by the accursed practices of the fallen Word Beaten * ^^ZnZlZtheLld relics of thenformer allegiance into battle against those of their kin who , , . ,h fhe character Sub-type and the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule may txch_ Range Str AP Type User 3 Melee, Rending (6+), Murderous Strike (6+) +1 2 Melee, Unwieldy, Murderous Strike (6+) +2 3 Melee, Murderous Strike (6+) 9 2 Melee, Brutal (2), Murderous Strike (S+) User 3 Melee, Rending (6+), Murderous Strike (6+) Weapon Tainted blade Tainted axe Tainted maul Tainted daw Tainted talons Warpfire Weapons The Word Bearers applied their blasphemous theories not only to their creed and bodies, bu t also to their weapons. The nwtej of the so-called warpfire' weapons defy all conventional wisdom, indeed they should not function at alL Vet, in hank these weapons emit a searing burst of xtheric fire with a scream that can drive warriors to panic and dismay. Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule may exchange a plasma pistol for a Warpfet pistol« po per model a plasma gun or plasma blaster for a Warpfire blaster for +5 points per model; or a plasma on >- 1 Gram plasma cannon for a Warpfire cannon for +5 points per model. All weapons listed here Weapon Warpfire pistol Warpfire blaster Warpfire cannon are counted as Plasma weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. Type Pistol 1, Breaching (4+), Pinning Assault 2, Breaching (4+), Pinning Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Breaching (4+), Pinninl> Range Str AP 12" 6 4 24" 6 4 36” 6 4
""" <#c'"pr,w“...* ................., r , listed here .ire counted u 'Bolt' we«po„, f()i Ih ^ ^ ""«/»«г,, “•'"ill h у.**!’1’" , $;‘и”р,,,сг ""и. Клике 24" 48" Str 4 5 ЛР s 4 “for 1 " /1"’1 кГе'У таПУ “5 ',‘,'r,ldf’'iM'' W,,uU huvt fflt lh'-o-rup,™ feuth , tvc‘’ ,n Sr ted 4 ' aixcpl „ (l„d the [,Ы II. hear it. mark Into bettlr. A. ,h„ J„Wm<< И" Lid I* ^„„4 «■r.rriors, but soon И had become« terr.We and 1ггет,1Ые tramf«,«^ jj£*.t other than their brothers. no hmger enhanced human, bu,. *£ fuwm ,,(man 3^ 4 btC" .. Sub-type art subject to thc following rule, and tcMriuWm.. ..................... ’ .....о........ ................ - '«.sh*. 'Vpe |Hm* KaplO Wrt .(odd' . All models with the Corrupted Uni, Sub-type gain thc * ДПУ Hits Inflicted on a model with thc Corrupted Uni, v, , ’>Pccial rule. »gain the Instant Death special rule. ’'У|>с by a w«pon w„( . «»”"comP°Scd cnti,;ely °f modcl* w‘th the Corrupted Uni, c " Р°ГС'0' P'^‘< FocU„Mtul special rule, automatically passes Regroup tests and cannot eh ,ypt'K »"munc th „ Ihele« special rule. When a unit composed entirely of model V" Ы a Mora|c check d! °f,ht *"«) „ no, Fall Back as per the standard rules, bu, ¡пГ.е^еГт ' ^ Mitigation rolls of any kind allowed. M automatic Wound, with пГ W M',riltch«l . no model that does not also have thc Corrupted Unit Sub-tvoc or ,h n "° oneor more models with thc Corrupted Unit Sub-type. ",0n Unit T№' may )01n a uni, tha, mdu.
Diabolist A Legion Centurion. Legion Cauphractii C with the Lcgioncs Asiatics (Word Bcarcro a Diabolist: AMk Ltgb'"in* A >»»rk *" Special Rules A Diabolist gains the Corrupted and Diabolism Discipline. PsykerUnit Wargear • A Diabolist points cost. When •» ^ gontrolHf the Chart I i.tnuncr auradonl been rest next tun power weapon for Hellfirc The IM terrible t Psych i< Cheek failed I norma
pijriplinc. ---------- W&, with this Discipline gains thellsted P„Wcr% u, —=* Terrible Power (Psychic Powen "'tnr's nilek. ^henc VP- mrl>ni TtTTib,t POW"(P,ychic Power) ' "“'«ner, n , —.a,x „ A °Zbf9<nmn9 °fth' H°mS """>- the WoJ «e tbo'* Jt» -»flWon and,iuk und™°^ngof7?'Z'cz;h;'+* «* a Charge >s declared for a model with this „ " *'’*"« «OH**>»* _ "*••**. y Charge Distance of that Charge. If the Psychic^0' the ">ode| £ mclu<^ a ^, ilmer of Wrath (3) special rule and increases both 5Uc««ful S* *"» <h„ _ 5*" of Jar Assault phase. if the Check is faiIed ZtT'™ ¡5 ^dga,m W b°,h ,tS Str'n*h «- i-ghness cLm0dtl Heilrtre (Psychic Weapon) C°ntroll'ngpUytr., I ^IXabolist has no restraint when it comes to unleash,na th / f/>e/oe a/most wtrh u a,t0<J“ unW, Weapon Range Str AP pype doUtsown. Hedfire Template 7 4 A„ , I Assault 1, Rending (6+), Deflagrate, Psvehic Foe I Psychic Focus: Before making any To Hit rolls with this weapon th Check is passed then the Psyker may attack as normal using the nmfil u mUSt makc a PsVch,c check, if th, Med then the Psyker suffers Perils of the Warp, and if the modeUs no'"^ ^ *** W'ap°n lf 1** Check„ I normal but may not use this weapon. «moved as a casualty- then it may attack as i T [ wi L - J
i^BG^Vw0Vd*Bc»rers’Aurel,a paster o ws 6 BS 6 Ujrfr*r Unit ComP®»' . lb<rn*r litio" WürK«r iffh, . rhe Armour of the . |||umi"jrum . Devotion . Frag*renatle* Word Unit Type . Pri march (Psyfcer, Unlqy^ Special Rule« . Legumes Astartes (Word ft. • Master of the Ug,on “**«*) • It Will Not Die (4t) • Crusader • Thc Fortress of the Word • I he Power of the Word • Traitor • Warlord: Sire of the Word Beir(ts :tr°;: may take the Lorgar Transfigured special rule ...+2S points Warlord: Sire of the Word Bearers iorqar, though mightier than any mortal combatant, was often seen as the /east martial of his brethren. More of a statesman than a swordsman, Lorgar was a master beyond compare with rhetoric and oratory, and wielded these tools with a deft touch. While he could not stand in a duel against any of his brothers, there was none he could not stir with his words. If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Lorgar automatically has the Sire of the Word Bearers Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait. Sire of the Word Bearers - All units composed entirely of models which have the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule and which can draw line of sight to Lorgar add +1 to the result of Charge Distance rolls made for them, and may use Lorgar's Leadership in all Leadership^ests, Morale checks and Pinning tests made for them. In addition, an army with Lorgar as its Warlord gains an extra Reaction in the opposing player’s Assault phase, as long as Lorgar has not been removed as a casualty.
, of tbs W |*0** .¡¿»ith weapons than his brethren. Urnm, 1* y ***, flex other muscles and hr,ng other 'Vj the battlefield. Among hn brothers ^fLfewtO master the posse, of the ethereal *^p J* " jnj though his skill»» ihx-arfed by that *’ Jed*' ytillwork feats that surpassed most thc psychic Disciplines Thaumaturgy and the Core Psychic Disciplines list f„und |*,rut*’'\ n^ess-Age cf Darkness rulcbook (sec paRc ,&****. not select ins other Psychic Discipline J..•) jflJ ^ ^ of the Word 1*^** ..¡he least physically imposing of the Patriarchs, l.rf-j nf ^ an orator and statesman more than t Strategist or warrior. When forced to take to fc *" * |(Y. he allowed his warriors and bodyguard to see “**» stirO »bile he focussed on the morale and fervour of ’ \scmees nslepon Command Squad, Legion Cataphractii .iamJrid Squid or Legion Tartaros Command Squad ¿ctcdis a Retinue Squad with Lorgar as its Leader ^die Fearless and Feel No Pain (4+) special rules. In aijwn. once per battle, one friendly unit composed (rrrrh of models with the Infantry or Cavalry Unit •,p.»Tth at least one model within 18" of Lorgar (but wa unit that includes Lorgar himself) may be selected id* start of any Game Turn. The chosen unit gains at fearless and Feel No Pain (4+) special rules for the canon of that Game Turn. lie Armour of the Word ■“IP's battle plate is a customised suit of artificer armour xxdupon the Maximus pattern, incorporating a defensive ^generator and graven with ancient Colchisian sigils of Pxtaion and Lorgar's own words of anathema. .. 4“_'nour of the Word provides a 2+ Armour Save and ^nerable Save. This Invulnerable Save increases . 4^nst any Wound inflicted by a weapon with JeLor P^ic Focus special rules and Wounds Perils of the Warp. d>dtheh, ,OCal gnm,°¡**9" ^ V •ntenufy i* ^ rV ^ b«i '‘^POnfeT lK"d ho, „ P°n *» 'We Weapon "Capone Dcvotion St, .p «* 8 * > - h«tol t. £**-*Ok 'n«n,iMnun This ornate sceptre-nuud was fms. m™er WeaPonsnuth Cir ** •**» »> Ac support. Perfectly balanced fZZZ‘ ** *** «isafo ^dableweaponan^Zr^ The weapon listed here is counted as a Town' *<lpo„ for those rules that affect such weapons. ^ Weapon Range Str AP Type llluminarum - +2 2 Melee. Master-crafted, Armouibane (Melee). Brutal (2) Lorgar Transfigured When Lorgar came to embrace »•hat he sou as the Primordial Tmth of Chaos, he used it and its sorterous lore to finally unlock his full psychic potential gains the Corrupted Pevchic Disciplinesw1th Thaumaturgy and Di^p'ine (see the Anathemata and D,a '' n mv that includes Ruinstorm Dae™ dots on the For« * for in must beginth^" CBreach the Vcd ,-hart as normal, ns 0t t
itV v0«»^sqU*d i^‘hrtn . swrH»'"h"” YVargear Boltspitter Tainted talon* Frag grenades Krak grenades Power armour Unit Type . Dark Brethren, infantry Special Rules . Legioncs Astartes (Word Bear*™ . Relentless . chosen Warriors . Rage (2.) . Feel No Pain (5+1 . Bulky U) . Traitor .....................-***.„.* . Up to 5 flo W (he uniti one modei may exchange their boltspitterfc^ . for every tive nl of the following: ....................................—.+5 points«* - Flamer....... .........................................+10 ^ -Mdtagum...............~.................................^points«* - Warpfire blaster.... . Fo^every fWe models in ie unit, one model may exchange their Tainted talons for one of the following: gnat ritual of id betrayaL
 . r,RCi E Squad.. m ws JRS •4 4 Uni, Typ. * '"«ndu SP^UI Rult, * •^Rion« \,u_ ru, * Stubborn * * l-'nn*df.T )***"— * ,.l<f«nn0ur . Scorched Earth • War hawk tump pack . UJP° «*£*„ Circle Squad may include: ' to 5 additional Incendiaries............. kon0clast may exchange his Akkadic hand flamer for one of IhcWi^' m°d" ................................... . pusroa p»tol............................. jy Iconoclast may take one phosphex bomb. TV konoclast may exchange his power armour for: .Artificer armour................................ »10 points | Scorched Earth I tthena model with this special rule inflicts hits due to the Hammer of Wrath V, special rule, it inflicts an additional Hit (so, a model with Hammer of Wrath I 1 would inflict 2 Hits), and all Hits inflicted due to the Hammer of Wrath (X) special rulegain a bonus of +1 to their Strength (this is cumulativ e with any other rxxuners that may be applied to such Hits) and are counted as 'Flame' attacks for I ~ose rules that modify such attacks. coooclast Armoury ^hen Circle are masters of a variety of esoteric thermal weaponry, making uy ^ danced flame weapons and compact melta pistols in battle. Range 6” Str 8 | ^0 pistol 1'^lc hand flamer Template 4 AP 1 Tvpc Pistol l.Armourbanc (MeUa) Assault 1, Torrent (6). Pinning 'T»kt Sblad<isuscil° Enforced axe-weapon with a grappled corthe Pt‘‘ **» *ctims and topple graven idols and false icons /
 Gal Dreadnought Mhara Unit Composition . , Mhara Cal Dreadnought Wjrgcar • Warpfirc cannon ... . Tainted claw with in built boltspttter -Mor>0 Unit Type . Dreadnought (Corrupted) Special Rules • Legiones Asian-. It Will Not Die (S+) . Rampage (2) . Shroud of Dark Fire . Accursed • Pathfinder • Move Through Cover • Traitor Wordfie^ »prions A Mhara Gal Dreadnought may replace its Warpfire cannon and/or Tainted and in-built boltspitter with one of the following: di* - Greater boltspitter.. - Gravis melta cannon. - Gravis autocannon................... Warpfire cannon.................. Gravis lascannon_________________ Tainted claw with built-in boltspitter___ +10 points r'tt
N ifr^urfir*rf,Ktor °n<e P°'"rre<i,h, s.. ■ f*‘"f■• '"> ‘ /.nr A„m „,, Co,hQi i I cal Dreadnought in a guttering °> »he '«"v,, Q II .* ^ 0"'» *«ct ««* >"<* f/lc. „,. i^9ra,lnn that I l'<‘t' Vh Wit a»<*Jtcd to ■* n,odcl with ,his special rule fr„ II ^by 1 ,n addi,ion- a modcI W“h this special «7 * **»*. Ram. 11 W«h thC lnSWnt Dcath SpCCi*1 n,lc ‘s not » S* £■ MtU* or Vo,, KSrf** for each un saved Wound with the Z^*^**£S?*' | ■'flits its last Wound or Hull Point, but before i, is " ^ath ^al fu.^y.bM, ^ I.*» i»'6'“*™ *"ra“aC №t« 8 «, I of empyreal forces is centred upon the accursed jui. te ^dform, and the echoes of this tormeminaZ if Ukt 0 "*»*. ^ frmonkind. h ho must shun th,s warp abomination lest the black fire , Part,cular'> «tto^nr ’ ot ,ts forr consamr tk-_ ^ models with the Daemon Unit Type and/or Psyker or Cc xrrngth by-1 while they are within 6” of a model with this ,2LrTrtiuctlht,tTou^^ Models that also have thu,^^
îi;S«of.H^"‘Ptak,ng M ws ___ ~J r ZÎdu Uy>k 7 S Blade Sb'« Unit compoii'i°" *ar*~r(7.*rduUv.k> . Bolt pistol . The Azurda Char is . Artificer armour . Iron halo . The Panoply of Flame . Frag grenades . Krak grenades Wargear (Blade Slaves) . Plasma pistol . Anakatis blade . Power armour • Frag grenades • Krak grenades Bom, The Binder of Unit Type . Zardu Layak: Infantry (c. Psyker, Character, . Blade Slaves: Infantry (Corru Special Rules (Zardu UyaW, . Legiones Astartes (Word Bea^. . Master of the Legion . Independent Character • Relentless • Fearless • Hatred (Loyalists) • Binder of Souls • Traitor . Warlord: The Eater of Wisdom Special Rules (Blade Slaves) • Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) • Rage (2) . Bulky (2) • Feel No Pain (S+) • Chosen Warriors • Relentless I Warlord: The Eater of Wisdom If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Zardu Layak automatically has The Eater of Wisdom as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other. The Eater of Wisdom - If Zardu Layak is the army’s Warlord, then the controlling player may choose up to three friendly units composed entirely of models with the Corrupted Unit Sub-type from the same army as Zardu Layak 11 e beginning of the battle, before any models are deployed. All models in of the selected units gains a bonus of +1 to its Strength and Movement cnmrdC|!CriStl|CS' *>Ut must ta*ce a Leadership test at the end of each of the WarnwH Pr yer’S tUms’lf that Test is fai'ed the unit suffers Perils of the with Zard ,V ? n0< t*lere is no effect that turn. In addition, an arm opposing itS Warlord ma>' make an additional Reaction during a casualty.^ >Assault Phase as long as Zardu Layak has not been re"I * * * * * * * * 10'
25 **"8« Str ^ iP'fÎW» User 2 ft* Ch#» <Bl»à< Typ* Melte. Un^idy, foret Hwo "<* °funbol>- warP'sPawnfd power and thri i***L *** Sfw** u,rhin ^ «■**. ^t,r,„,/,« .+^artonly bought at « frrn/vngpner to both body and^ ^pon *"* hffC^ ***** “ *,P0WCr'ind *"«' ^ponforew^, affect < Range Str AP Type I«uch \kiK*’n "«Mm blade User **<**«* hBOph of Flame of name serves both as a war banner and as a weapon to turn onward , ¿vg hm to mould the unclean flame the Panoply now produces by will fl/on, " ^ $ tnm,n- ha~V*fu aSaodels with the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule within JT of the Panoptv of FW ^ ajfa to their score when determining victory in assaults and *1 to their Sweepmg Advance rolls. fcfcr of Souls cadu Uyak gains the Psychic Discipline Soul Binding and may not select any other Psychic Discipline indie Discipline: Soul Binding A ink» »ith this Discipline’gains all the listed Powers, Weapon and other special rules, as well as the Aethenc jcrang Psychic Weapon (see page 322 of the Horns Heresy: Age of Darkness rulebook). W Binding (Psychic Power) Vakhas long since mastered the art of shackling the will of another, binding it to ms 1 tm own niH and timnnj mrmies Zardu Layak or any r— n^ic nf the Warp, resolving*11 _ a*dW • — ™cuon is resolved. If Zardu Layak is not „d ifthe «*^.,7" , E^cmc Player does not expend a point of their Reaction ¡nsunct) ntd lh< UIU ^■«»teoftaes.i.isLcord.redtoha^beenused.nd.o' ^ Pins no benefit and takes no action. ^lc Chains (Psychic Weapon) Type Shell Shtx*^1^^ - ^ ^Ift* *d*s»° c Chains Range Str 36" 2 SPlh'" the Psyker may attack as normal u«s rcim,t htthe Warp,and ifthe model weapon.
AK6ti TA\;;;d'co^^er ofthc Serrated Su".Ho v TheCri"**0" BS _ M WS BS S t w . 8 6 5 S s s ISZffZ' Arj?cl L,„itCompo«<>ion . lArgclTal Unit Type • Infantry (Character n Corrupted) ' Un‘qu*. ssr*.-r* .Wr^*f,i,fmon,c w,°ns Uinbral Pinions . Artificer armour . Frag grenades . Krak grenades Special Rules . Uegiones AstartesIWordB^, . Master of the Legion . Independent Character . Relentless . Bulky (3) . Feel No Pain (S+) . Rage (2) . Traitor • Warlord: The Crimson Lord Warlord: The Crimson Ixtrd If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Argel Tal automatically has The Crimson as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other. Lord I The Crimson Lord - If Argel Tal is the army’s Warlord, then both Argel Tal and any Gal Vorbak unit he joins gain a 5+ Invulnerable Save and the Line Unit Sub-type. In addition, an army with Argel Tal as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as Argel Tal has not been removed as a casualty. Mi ■ir\ Of*"1 ofl4< M°vCl M°vi I panf I or UII
'Carried the weapons of a Space Marine prou .. fat 0f His o*n armour fused with unnatura, bone ^ob ottfe. ^ |?> 1 'ron-h Range str User ,ard flesh. "Ulh'U № '«Mü, ' MurdcrQ Strike (S’)’Rtnd, pair of wings of twisted ceramite and fused bone, erupting from his armour Hu •o«»s tje£eld borne by a^P 0|-Jarkness, the Crimson Lord descends into the midst of his foes to itor*>- 1 by thesf w,ng I fhiStart ofthe controlling players Movement phase Ar , ^■¡4 for the duration of the controlling player’s turn. This aHo^3'5 M°Vement Cha lenient Characteristic shown on his profile and gajn " T Argd Tai‘o mot risticmay t* v y,ng the bonus to Charge distance). In addition when °'*er benefits of a Mot” l° U’’ I ¿L C^ns. but must take D,„gcroU! Te^tS+ *^“55% Lerous Terrain. On turns when this option is in use, Argel TainT [ ,f units without penalty - but must end his movement at least r I 3y from^> model from anti'nem^^ ^Tal may still Run whileusing this special rule, if he would normally be able t r terrain and models from other units while doing so. If Argel Ta R ?. moMn8uP>oir lnd I Mtmrke Shooting Attacks or Declare a Charge in the same turn During a Re t *** Sf*Cul mIe’hc pot choose to use this special rule to gain any bonus to their Movement Chi“ y %»*
H.GM C,,APtl‘Vmi*«r> of «he Warmaster, *<>S p S ^-^mordiaiTrutH V c"i,dofth v, WS BS S x w , 5 4 4 ^ ^ Unit Type . Infantry (Character, Corrupted, Unique ’■ Wargear . plasma pi»'“1 • Crux Malifica . Artificer armour • Iron halo . Frag grenades . Krak grenades Special Ruin • Ugiones Asurtes (Word r. • Master of the Legion . Independent Character • Relentless • Hatred (Loyalists) • Fearless • Harbinger of Chaos • Traitor • Warlord: Shadow Behind the Th,( Warlord: Shadow Behind the Throne If chosen as the army’s Warlord, High Chaplain Erebus automatically has the Shadow Behind the Throne as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other Shadow- Behind the Throne - When High Chaplain Erebus is the army’s Warlord and is part of a unit composed entirely of models with any version of the Legioncs Astartes (X) special rule, no Wounds may be allocated to him, regardless of the attacking model’s rules or effects, as long as there is another model in the unit. If High Chaplain Erebus is Engaged in a Challenge then this rule docs not apply. However, if High Chaplain Erebus’ controlling player chooses to refuse a Challenge for a unit that includes High Chaplain Erebus then the opposing player loses the option to stop one model from participating in the combat. In addition, an army whose Warlord is High Chaplain Erebus may make an additional Reaction in any one of the opposing player s Phases, chosen by the controlling player at the start of the battle, as long as High k haplain Erebus has not been removed as a casualty.
,1*1'^ decorated with the defaced f *£^'t’>'iauajorus t Empcr°rs *‘4*^^**^ Range -- VJ ’"fitlf ,i.' Type 0” M*MWi fCbao* **>» H***£ent that includes High Chaplain Erebus may »1** Rainstorm Daemon Army last - these choices Up to 'Hree „ ^?£ char, as norma,, but must begin the ba,S£££ - p^pline: Harbinger of Chaos ft*, W* with this Discipline gains the Breach the Veil Psychlc p entry on page 106). ^and Vthenc
M WS BS s T w ( Koh - . Fir«* C*Pta,n Unit C<inip0$i,‘on . i Kor Pli*eron rSS-'O" : %STa»** Unit Type . Infantry (Heavy, Character Corrupted, Unique) Special Rules . Lcgiones Astartcs (Word Be, . Master of the Legion . independent Character . Relentless . Bulky (2) . Feel No Pain (St) . |t Will Not Die (S+) . Jealous Command . Traitor . Warlord: Dark Oratory ;ir«r») Warlord: Dark Oratory If chosen as the army's Warlord, Kor Phaeron automatically has Dark Oratory« his Warlord Trait and may not select any other. Dark Oratory - When Kor Phaeron is the Warlord of the army then the controlling player can choose one of the following two options at the beginning of each of their own turns: ■ Cruel Invective - All enemy units with at least one model within 12” of Kor Phaeron at the start of Kor Phaeron’s controlling player’s turn (before any models are moved) must make an immediate Pinning test, and become Pinned if the Test is failed. Threatening Entreaties - Kor Phaeron and the unit he has joined gain the Fearless special rule until the start of the controlling player’s next turn, but all models other than Kor Phaeron in the unit reduce their WS and BS by T unUl the start of the controlling player’s next turn. In addition, an army with Kor Phaeron as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player’s Assault phase as long as Kor Phaeron not been removed as a casualty.
. «»rtof hr amidmanipulate il,.- n./ ‘ *° "^.Jhh throne. >> tnd* <"* ""r °> nhdr. I lr M,m/. '‘n f^ehU* «•'* h>' son an,I l’ri,i,„rci‘ '""r '¿Lnh .Ml* »to '*n/» »*<»» to.f /*llm ,, ... - thouah mans, »***,* ar* ^^hsslhnmr „ ««01*'»’ 0» U.fK*r 1» not Chown a. the War|„r i r "M ' 'to' *«r rh*cr,,n ls >*« «»- ‘ton l,iM ,,dru ',f h* 1 *n.l he K*ln* the I l.«,ccl d verythi^, P *Pfj»J rule When Kor Phaeton Is Included in the same £ ^ 1 or**'-fx,,h ,,uhMn *#Jn •1 Ws and «he I urc, j2yth.nK> ‘P*ial rulcs whlle part «» »he same unit. Terminus Consolaris transformation into a full blooded Space it0tne then the Emperor found ixtrgar on Colchis, the pjMnA nesertheless assured, through the use of gene rftjnJ ants-ago t hies, that his foster-father would join h0 on the Great Crusade as his First Captain. Before he later transfiguration by Chaos, KorPhacron’s aged pssique hms augmented in battle by a custom designed wteiTerminator armouf reinforced with additional mrheae. exoskeletal and life support systems known as theConsolans. I TV Terminus Consolans grants a 2+ Armour Save, and »Invulnerable Save of 3+ in the Shooting phase and S+ ■ the Movement and Assault phases. isr-C* '*• >,» •*" —- 555^ ' - ■AStfe-Csat- ln emshat ,h. n„ d "“dry th? ih^bolf,oh?na'*' of a full <ha, U ^ '^"topo.y VV«apon „ Patriarchs CUs* "* ” T>* Utt 2 Md*,** *Jhe Patriarchs Cln» arr ^ _ , the sam* profile, and at ****** Attack when using '
ii i i/l_il\c5 great war of the Horns Heresy, many deeds of r\y and valour were writ upon the bloody stars, the centre of this maelstrom lay the Salamanders v, betrayed, struck down, laid waste and yet resolute it the foe. There are few Legions who have paid v high price for their loyalty and honour as the \anders. There are fewer still who have so willingly o often shed their blood in Mankind s defence nd their measure and due. Driven to near destruction yrvce.but time and again, they have arisen from the •s of war, stronger and tempered like the peerless steel les fashioned in the legendary forges of their home ■id: unbroken, undefeated and true to their cause. From the ashes of the Dropsite Massacre, the Salamanders would rise once again to strike back at the Traitors. Mans splintered elements of the Legion were also elsewhere in the galaxy during this first great betrayal, independent and fierce as their battle-groups ever were, and these either returned to Nocturne or rejoined with other Loyalist hosts to avenge themselves upon the Warmaster’s forces. Time and again, would the Salamanders throw themselves upon the anvil of war with the righteous flames of vengeance in their eyes, often selflessly sacrificing themselves so that civilian populations across the lmperium would be spared the grim fate suffered by uncounted others. McrmcE or nocturne Models with this special ru Wargeaf options. to unique . Volkite weapon »“to w»"""1'- >" *ld№n; Uack. only Ihe result of speeUl rule. Wound or Hull Point gain tke U wi „,VUU»H The Creed of Vulkan selctl a" A Warlord with this spea d rraiI |,st Trait from the Salamanders _ wmt&ae* s«?-. C'y mMZZ'd in unique and^ u5e :tions arc activ Advanced Re R(.ac«<’nS _____f, Reactive players description- . Assault pi«^ pcr battle during Arr the Reactive p > -,rgc l*- S1 , Attach mit under ti ______„vunii'chJ'k..i, ¿nJ'U , is specifically noted ot»« .« TbU Advanrcrl Reacrkruim» « , ,nK lever’s contra - Reactive play’f is succ* v cncnou"1' Cngd- under of models wu • Type the targe , ,HW<-vcr. once the c Mo„|e checks ^ >n has been se e a p6 for each m d against «huh resolved .f ... r.rUvrcsolvco, ..--„one automatic , thc combat n _____„Duty1***. ..„till ^has^een aD6f°r eaeb rao*^ Wound'ana"1*1 ^ hj^ h^b^u^csolve^u^^^uioUj^ jin' “f0rnturnanado
Salamanders Rites op War A IVUchnwnt which h*s the 1 cgtonc* Astartes (Salamanders) Faction may make use of the Ml 1опц as it includes at least one model with the Master of the l cgion special rule AR: 1 Covenant of Fire Vulkan thtSa'lani ^tUal leadrnhiPof their Primanh mist!"' htvt I«™™ ° ‘Won of warrior dhxiplme "IT' ('el,herat*in aa,on Ml supremely thf,r ** “ '^hed. >< t - remit an/an^ k ? 0Mt "ith M tht ur" ofvarfare flee at their disposal, an unstoppable tide of fire and ‘testnation purging all before it Effects IN roclust Squads and l egion Tactical Support Squads that include any models with Dragon's Breath llanters may he chosen as Troops choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War and gain the Line Unit Sub type. • Legion Predator Squadrons composed entirely of models with only Dragon's Breath cannon and Dragon's Breath heavy llanters as weapons may be chosen as non-Compulsory Troops choices iit a Detachment using this Rite of War. Limitations • Detachments using this Rite of War may not make a Deep Strike Assault (and units which must deploy by this method, or any other deployment method which requires the Deep Strike special rule, therefore cannot be chosen as part of the Detachment - however, units from a Detachment using this Rite of War may be assigned to a Subterranean Assault or Flanking Assault as normal). . A Detachment using this Rite of War may not include Legion Destroyer Assault Squads, Legion Mortalis Destroyer Squads or Legion Centurions with the Moritat Consul upgrade. . A Detachment using this Rite of War must include a Leg,on Centurion. Legion Cataphractii Centurion or Legion Tartaros Centurion with the Legion Champion Consul upgrade. RmoFW».:THtA*WNWcc not hern assigned to tht /ssft«,„ у * to the Promethean depths for юте guidance as to ho» the, gjy *U"1 their unfathomable loss In time, в пеи апЫ^Г emerge, one that challenged the accepted**,*, Jv"* Imperial Truth upon which the lmpenum had v,„ Effects • All models with both the Infantry Unit Type and the l.egioncs Astartcs (Salamanders) in a unit witcinj, part of a Detachment using this Rite of Wat mas he given the Fear (1) special rule for »20 points per unit. • All models with both the Infantry L'mt Type and the U-gioncs Astartes (Salamanders) in a Detachment uuf this Rite ofWat ignore all modifiers to their Leadenfup when making Pinning tests. • All models in a Detachment using this Rite ofVhar»ttli the Psyker unit sub-type may choose to have the Fun of the Salamander Discipline instead of anv one other Psychic Discipline they could normally select- • A Detachment using this Rite of War gains a eagle additional non-Compulsorv HQ choice *^**'™“\ be used to select a Lcgton Centurion with the chap® Consul upgrade. Limitations lode . A Detachment using this R'**® * models <oik no more than one unit composes) ^ the Cavalry Unit Ivpe U ls ‘Ч' on Technun« Apothccanon DctachmenKOi < ,0hastd* Covenants that include models PF^ JB) Cavalry Unit Type), and may not with Legion WarhasvkjumpP*^ , . A Detachment using th«Ri ithihtdupui" at least one lxgion Centu Consul upgrade. ия"в ,h‘' . Aa.armyinwhRhaDerachmen« War may not include
Astartcs (Salamanders) Faction >^^oneof.heCoreWarlordTrait, . htofDut> (Loyalist only) TV"“*1" . ,? Horns and the warriors of the Emperor /t tV spared no iota of fury, focussing every i" b0“e'u[t(r destruction of the foe with no regard for the V* Ucaused to the Imperium and its people. To the ii^ remained true to the teachings of Vulkan sjjjr-jr. vs forh [heir own shattered ranks and ^“Lsubjects. To them fell the duty of saving the JT.JSWarlord Trait may only be selected by a model with ^ Loyalist Allegiance. \Warlord with this Trait, and all models in any unit lx lus joined, gain a bonus of+1 to their Strength Omarttnstic when locked in combat with any enemy unit that includes one or more models with any variant rfthe Fear special rule. Furthermore, this Warlord and im models in a unit he has joined composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartcs (Salamanders) special rale gain the Hatred (Traitors) special rule while the Warford is pan of the unit. An army whose Warlord has this Warlord Trait may not include l.egion Destroyer Assault Squads, Legion Mortalis Dcs quads or leg»nCenturions with the Moritat ■ upgrade that *1» have the Legkmes Astartes (Sal 1 ;)ecia] ™k In addition, an army whose W. ,;, Trait ^enaddirional React,on d, losing i may select a Warlord Trait from among those listed below Promethean Will The discipline and mental fortitude of the Salamanders is legendary. Throughout all the long years of the Great Crusade they endured the most terrible hardships without complaint or compromising the high ideals that they held so dear. Warriors and commanders who lived through that terrible crucible of war are amongst the wisest veterans of the Emperor's long crusade and pass on that wisdom to their followers, guiding them through the furnace of battle with a sure hand. A Warlord with this Trait, and all models in any friendly unit composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) special rule that is part of the same Detachment, gains a bonus of +1 to their Leadership Characteristic when making Pinning tests (to a maximum of 11) and reduce the effects of the Fear special rule by 1 (note that this means the Fear (1) special rule has no effect on models granted this benefit, and negative modifiers conferred by other variants of the Fear special rule are reduced in effect by 1). An army whose Warlord has this Warlord Trait may not include Legion Destroyer Assault Squads, Legion Mortalis Destroyer Squads or Legion Centurions with the Moritat Consul upgrade that also have the Legiones Astartes (^ilimanders) spr isl rule. In addition, an arm make an acid i Shooting ph; removed as ¡Haines (Traitor only) f [he Warmasur, the ? *■ •hr'seck to fit f'. ; .. Redemption Turned to thr who abandons, the bonds that or battlefield, ¡liar.. the trail of ash and devastation that is left in their wake. This Warlord Trait may only be selected by a model with the Traitor Allegiance. ■ A Warlord with this Trait, and all models in a unit he has joined with the Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) special rule, gains a bonus of+1 for all To Wound rolls or Armour Penetration rolls made for Flame or Volkite weapons that arc used by those units to make Shooting Attacks. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the opposing player's Assault phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty. 509
 THE ARMOURY of THE SALAMANDERS The following comprises a list of new options and Wargear available only to Detachments with the Leei (Salamanders) Faction and exemplifies the nature of that Legion. Ast*rte» Artifice and Flame The Salamanders were noted amongst the Legiones Astartes for the expert craftsmanship of their weapons, each as much of art as a weapon of war, and for their fascination with flame weapons. When theSonsofVulkan wtnt to war, esrn the of their commanders bore a panoply that was the emy of great generals and was preceded by a mantle of flame Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) special rule may exchange a heavy bolter for a Dragon's Breath heavy flamer or a twin linked heavy bolter for a twin-linked Dragons Breath heavy flamer for no additional cost. In addition, any model with both the Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) special rule and the Character Unit Sub-type may add the Master-crafted special rule to any one weapon they have that does not already have that special rule for *10 points each. Dragon’s Breath Weapons Among the most ancient of weapons employed within the ranks of the Legiones Astartes, flames have always been a potent weapon against creatures that lurk in darkness. Many of the Space Manne Legions consider the cleansing power of flame a key part of their arsenal, and, indeed, the ability of these weapons to rout the enemy from fortified positions has prosen prvotol m any number of battles. Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) special rule may choose to exchange a hand flamer for a Dragon's Breath pistol a flamer for a Dragon s Breath flamer, a heavy flamer for a Dragon s Breath heavy flamer, or a flames,on. cannon for a Dragon's Breath cannon at no additional cost. All weapons listed here are counted as Flame «aponsfor those rules that affect such weapons. Weapon Range Str AP Type Dragon's Breath pistol Template 4 4 Pistol 1, Dragon's Breath Dragon's Breath flamer Template 5 4 Assault 1, Dragon's Breath Dragon's Breath heavy flamer Template 6 4 Assault 1, Dragon’s Breath Dragon's Breath cannon Template 7 4 Heavy 1, Torrent (18"). Dragon's Breath Dragon’s Breath The flame weapons used by the Salamanders were made to the finest levels of craftsmanship, operating at a potency far beyono that of lesser weapons.
* standard scale Storm Shield Swl»»“"‘1“,:*“* ™'Sn<'hU!•;"'C^nc„.“-1*«»"Tam™,Te™i„«„,a™,may„ra “ bi^ bolter for a Dragonscale storm shield for +10 points each. y 8 a ¿Dragonscale storm shield provides a 5+ Invulnerable Save or increases an Invulnerable Save the model already has by one step (for example, from 5+ to 4+, to a maximum of 3+). A model with a Dragonscale storm shield may not clair an additional attack for a second weapon m close combat or make attacks with any weapon that has the Two-handed special rule. Mantle of the Elder Drake Among the warriors of Nostraman birth, the hunting and skinning of a drake was considered an important test of those who m!d claim the position of war leader. Such rituals persisted among the Legiones Astartes who were bom on that world, and many among the Salamanders’ leaders sported a cloak of tanned and expertly fashioned drake-hide. A single Legion Praetor, Legion I os Praetor or Legion Cataphractii Praetor with the Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) special rule in any hment may take a Mantle of the Elder Drake for +35 points. A Mantle of the Elc Drake grants the Battle-hardeno ecial rule.
. fury of the Salamander chU Di'c'P ,n ’ scjpline gains all the listed Powers, Weapons and other special rules, as well as the Aethcric m with this 1 ‘st 322 of the Warhammer: Homs Heresy: Age of Darkness rulebook). APS- pevchic Weapon v» r * ughtningp • Purv (Psyehie Power) primarch led certain adherents of the Promethean Cult to explore its mysteries deeper in a quest Ax loss of ,hf,r "r,n re(jefne their existence in a universe without Lord Vulkan. Certain of those gifted with p J (_Cf lull • V.V.. ---/-- -------------------,w nyrj ituta uccpcr III U l(UCM It/ ¡¡nd redefine their existence in a universe without Lord Vulkan. Certain of those gifted with psychic their loss a ^ something of the elemental power of their home world. SSireveotedtothemi r" • \i the start of their own player turn, the controlling player of a Psyker with this power may choose to make a Lhtc check. If the Check is successful then all enemy models within 18" of the Psyker treat all Open Terrain „ Difficult Terrain and all Difficult Terrain as both Difficult Terrain and Dangerous Terrain until the start of the taker's controlling player's next player turn. However, the Psyker may not Move, make Shooting Attacks or Charee i„ that turn. If the Check is failed, the Psyker suffers Perils of the Warp but may otherwise act normally Elemental Horror (Psychic Weapon) Focusing their rage and grief into a tempest of roiling psychic flame, devotees of the Promethean Cult can loose pure terror ghen searing form upon the foe. p Elemental Horror Range Str AP Type emplate 7 4 Assault 1, Pinning, Deflagrate, Shell Shock (3), Psychic Focus Psychic Focus: Before making at lit rolls with this weapon, the Check is passed then the Psyker n ack as normal using the prori then the Psyker suffers Perils of th rp, and if the model is not re: hut may not use this weapon. e a Psychic check. If the pen. If the Check is failed may attack as normal é-
\ A Vulkan........................... The Primarch of the Salamanders, thePronü-t’hJ^ Hre'iu4<i5 Po,NTs Salvation, Regent of Nocturne ’thc Hammer of Unit Composition • 1 Vulkan Wargear • The Drakcn Scale Id • Dawnbringer • Thc Furnace’s Heart • Dragon’s Breath heavy flamer • Frag grenades 7 6 Unit Type • Primarch (Unique) Special Rules • 1-cgioncs Asiatics (Salamanders) • Master of the Legion • It Will Not Die (4+) • Loyalist • Warlord: Sire of thc Salamanders Warlord: Sire of thc Salamanders A paragon of wisdom as well as martial prowess to his Legion, Vulkan embodies the stoicism and honour that has become the hallmark of his Legion, and those who stand with him have an unshakable conviction in their cause. If chosen as the army's Warlord, Vulkan automatically has thc Sire of the Salamanders Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait. Sire of the Salamanders - All models with both thc Infantry Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) special rule in the same army as Vulkan gain the Stubborn special rule. In addition, an army with Vulkan as its Warlord gains an additional Reaction in the opposing player’s Shooting phase as long as \ ulkan has not been removed as a casualty. sjmifiMiiin ’J.
A warhammer of prodigious size and reputedly indestructible material construction Dawnhringer was too great a weight for any but a Primarch to lift. Wielded by Vulkan. Dawnhringer was capable of sundering any defence set against it. from ston, to the densest armour plate, and brutally crushed countless foes. AP Type 1 Melee, M, Two-h.” Armor- Weapon Dawnhringer The Furnace’s Heart A baroquely styled energy weapon gifted to Vulkan by Per: Heart utilised individual < harged shells to produce power/. °f tutting swathes through even heavily armoured foes. The . not truly favoured hy Vulkan, for reasons that remained the s hut the Salamanders' Primarch carried the weapon into butte 10 honour his brother for the gift. \P Type 2 Pistol 1, Lance, Shock Pulse, Burst (D6) Bur''<X):|fth, numberof Hit* a Hit then instead of one Hit it inflicts a nber in brackets included as part of the rule. rose to rule r/iJ homes, Vulkant content to servi a teacher and p| on Nocturne, le\ when the F.mpem to summon htm\ part of the Grea. bequeathed a Ui the verge of date Vulkan was quick and remould the. Legion, forging th a potent tool of us the wisdom that h golf hiding 1 < <l at the creatii 1 1 1 _
-J PyroclastSquad "-,75 Pqiv». Unit Composition • 4 Pyroclasts • 1 Pyroclast Warden Pyroclast Pyroclast Warden Unit Type • Pyroclast: Infantry * Pyroclast Warden: Infantry (Character) Wargear • Artificer armour • Pyroclast flame projector Special Rules • Legiones Astartes (Salamanders • It Will Not Die (S+) • Mantle of Ash • Bolt pistol • Basic close combat weapon • Melta bombs • Frag grenades • Krak grenades Dedicated Transport • A Pyroclast Squad may take a Legion Rhino Transport or Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paii for as part of the army. Options • A Pyroclast Squad may take: B - Up to 5 additional Pyroclasts.............................+ one of V • The Pyroclast Warden may exchange his basic close combat weapon or the following: - Power weapon.. - Power fist.... Thunder hammer хороши r.
f UslFl*",ePr°icctor ^ an(j complex flame weapons wielded by the Pyroclasts ,V art both more elegant and far more potent than the si ^ ustd to incinerate a vast swathe of targets in the mam cutting arcs, difficult to aim, but able to slice through the n When making a Shooting Attack, the entire un TV controlling player must declare which this must use its Pyroclast flam< «every time the weapons an weapons for rules that tarK< These weapons count as both ‘Melta’ and 'Flame' weapons. Weapon Pyroclast flame projector • Dispersed •Focussed Template 6 Assault], Dragon’s Breath Assault !, Armourbane (MeltaJ, Mantle of Ash The/ndy wrought artificer plat toctume, and draped with tlu the Pyroclasts is fashioned with flecks of obsidian Damen-Salamanders who dwell in their fiery dep ulnerable Save of 5+ against .ill Flam». r>u - Models with this special
Firedrake Termi Firedrake Firedrake Master Unit Composition • 4 Firedrakes . 1 Firedrake Master Wargcar . Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour . Power weapon . Combi-bolter NATORS<jUAD, WS 5 5 a5°PoiNn W I 2 4 t „ Unit Type • Firedrakes. Infantry (Heavy) • Firedrake Master: Infantry (Character, Heavy) Special Rules • Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) • Relentless . Bulky (2) • Stubborn • Forge-craft of Nocturne . It Will Not Die (5+) • Favoured of Vulkan Dedicated Transport • A Firedrake Terminator Squad of no more than 5 models may take a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. A Firedrake Terminator Squadof any size may instead take a Legion Land Raider Spartan as a Dedicated Transport As a Dedicated Transport, this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. physiology fy fashioned
op***, r. Terminator Squad may take: •AfirCi5 additional Firedrakes....................... 'lode, in the unit may exchange a power weapon for one of the follow................... P°>"ts each ' 'funder hammer.................................................*..... power fist.................................................. ......................... points each ....................................................... .......................... +S points each ,'m model in the unit may exchange a combi-bolter for one of the following:............. Points «ch . ........................................................ . Combi melta........................................ .................................. points each . The entire unit may exchange their combi-bolters for: .............................. points each -Dragonscale storm shields....................... ■ ...............................................................................*s poims■»« .......................... points Favoured of Vulkan Afiredrake Terminator Squad may h wth both the Master of the Legion A unit selected as a'Retinue Squad' n Salamanders) special rules from the Squads Leader for the purposes of this d as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includ s 5,: > t one model lesAstartes (Salamanders) special rule- '.•••” . ,-s.,.c:ce. one model with both the Master o' •' achment selected by the control.' 1 rule. A Firedrake Terminator S __________ Uiujc.nriicui<«.c lciminators not use up a Force Organisation slot ar nsidered part of the same unit Fuedrake Terminator Squad selected a unue Squad must be deployed ^ployed as part of the unit and the Leader may not voluntarily leave the Reti ^Se-craft of Nocturne Controlling player of a model with this special rule may re-roll all failed lo 1 It-^ Melee type. as me l i<Yih.'.l • . > h etedasa Retinue . lodel selected as its Le .. model selected as its! • • id during play. weapons of
XIX™ LEGIONES ASTARTES raven guard the outset of the Horn» Heresy, the Ra\*n Guard wrre among the least numerous of the Emperor's Legions. Coras and much of his Legion were amongst the first to muster as part of the grand Retribution Fleet dispatched to Isstvan V, with the Primary h determining that a portion must return to Deliverance in order to guard it agamst counter attack. While the Legion lost the greater portion of its strength on the black sands, and much of the fleet in orbit, as well as tens of thousands more legionaries dunng the mnet\ eight days of guerilla w arfare and evading pursuit that followed, it would be the contingent from Deinerance that maxed to extract Corax in the wake of the Dropsite Massacre. In the aftermath of lsstvan V, many of the surviving splintered elements of the Raven Guard would go on to join the Shattered Legions, striking at the heels of the Warmaster’s advance, but the bulk fought as a coherent, if much reduced force directly under their sire. The Raven land had no intention of rettnr* h. tight against the Anhlraltoc. and rc organ,^ tattered remnants of his legion in an attempt to J/ combat capable at a strategic level Coras hunicli * lead a contingent of the survivors of kstvan V. the Traitors behind their own lines with »ndefat»^ In the Age of Darkness the Raven Guard were to «r*, numerous telling blows agamst the Traitors, from ft* capture of the Perfect Fortress from the FmpomiQi^ to their ongoing frustration of the Death Guard dwt* the Malagant Conflict. In the vcty last day* of the km« Heresy, the Raven Guard under Corax would ucn&r oadi of what remained to them at the Battle of Yarint.thrc»«| themselves upon the Traitors' fury to save the onion) Space Wolves, proving that always, even m the darir* rf hours, they fought against the oppressor m onkr tobfo* the sufferer, for justice and for what was right for a**«* **¡2 Raven Guard Advanced Reaction vilh lhc ugk*** This Advanced Reaction ic available only to units composed entirely of nu 1 ^ unlque and '^'^p^***^* Guard) specul n»le. Unlike Core Reactions. Advanced Reactions are act*va*^ ]||tCd Reacting uii *nv uid^' as noted in theu descriptions, and can often have game changing effect* ' ' ucCd up*,n *** Reactive player’s Reaction Allotment as normal and obey all other restrictions p ^ specifically noted otherwise in their description. Fade to Black - This Advanced Reaction may be made once per when any enemy player declares a She composed entirely of models with the A—1. -C - battle during the ^ .. ..„d-r the Re*1 .„«ed* -------------- »Muion may be made once per battle ,he when any enemy player declares a Shooting Attack targeting a friendly u ^ fUj<. Bei‘,ff ^ v composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Raven Guar ) ^ a n“pdx | th* t*’ * , Attack, the unk targeted by the Shooting Attack may make an immediate ljircctl0n and g* ,l^{ ^ highest unmodified Initiative Characteristic of any model in the unit, in jn> ^ (ji»r to * ,,f> specul rule for the remainder of the turn. If the Shooting Attack is no^ot select *1 having line of sight to the target unit, for example) then the Active pl*»>cr n' attacks arc made nr dir- -ai-a c—‘ ---D" *••••*! »»n v A. attacks are made or dice rolled for that unit
 Ravtn Guard Rites or War army who* Primary Detachment and Wjrlord has the I v . following Rites of Wars if the Warlord also has the Master of fhc UgioVsp^l mle **** makr “* °*lh< Rite of War: Decapitation Strike Although the Raven Guard Leovrt possessed (as any Space Man re 'ey on did) the manpower, will and matériel such as heavy weapons and tanks eo ftght wars of brutal onslaught and bloodv attrition, they found it to be both needlessly wasteful and primitive to do so. Strategically, where possible, they favoured the clinical effectiveness of the decapir, on &ïke. Launched either with complete surprise, or against a foe lured in by a raiding ftiKt set up as bait, this was a highly organised and precisely targeted attack, whose mu'derous and unforgiving force was contained and directed with precision, like the predatory strike of a raptor at its prey. Rite of War: Liberation Force In the aftermath of the Drop»« Massacre ,t feared that !x>rd Corax. Pnmarch of the Raven Guard, had fallen, but in fact he had survived and led several thousand of hn sons on a ninety'-eight day campaign of vengeance and survival before his force was extricated from Isstvan V Having returned to the Legion's home world. Corax led the Raven Guard on a campaign to liberate the peoples of numerous worlds across the southern Impenum whose leaders had declared for the Warmaster. With each world freed from the yoke of treachery, another loyalist army was raised, and the scales of justice tipped but a fraction back in favour of Terra. Effects Effects • All models with the Legioncs Astartcs (Raven Guard) special rule in a Detachment using this Rite of War gain the Preferred Enemy (Independent Characters) special rule. • All models in any unit from a Detachment using this Rite of War assigned to a Deep Strike Assault or Funking Assault gain the Shrouded (S+) special rule for the duration of the Game Turn in which they are deployed to the battlefield. • In missions that use Victory points, an army that includes a Detachment using this Rite of War gains an additional 2 Victory points for the Slay the Warlord Secondary Objective. Limitations • A Detachment using this Rite of War may only include a Slngle Heavy Support choice. A Detachment using this Rite of War may not take **t«fication choices. • Once per battle, at the start of any Game Turn, the controlling player may choose to have all models with the 1-cgiones Astartes (Raven Guard) special rule in a Detachment using this Rite of War gain the Stubborn special rule for the duration of that Game Turn. • All models from an Allied Detachment that is part of an army whose Primary Detachment is using this Rite of War gain the Stubborn special rule. • All models in a unit composed entirely of models with the Legioncs Astartes (Raven Guard) special rule gam the Hatred (Everything) special rule while at least one model from that unit is w ithin 6“ of any model from an Allied Detachment in the same army. Limitations • A Detachment using this Rite of War may not include any models with the Slow-. Heavy. Artillery. Bombard or Automated Artillery Sub-types. • A Detachment using this Rite of War must have the Loyalist Allegiance. • This Rite of War may only be selected for a Primary Detachment. . An army whose Primary Detachment is using this Rite of War must include an Allied Detachment that -------------. ....................... à
 Raven Guard Warlord Traits A Warlord with the Legiones Asurtes (Raven Guard) Faction instead of selecting one of the Core Warlord Traits. The Bane of Tyrants (Loyalist only) Those warriors who, like their Pnmarch, had been freed from the depths of Deliverance to serve the Emperor brought with them an undying hatred for the tyrant and the oppressor. Throughout the Great Crusade, they would seek to topple the unjust and liberate those that languished under the heel of terror, facing down terrible odds to bring the light of the Emperor to the darkest corners of the galaxy. When Horus tore apart the Impenum and made of himself a tyrant greater than any other in history, these old crusaders knew their duty and turned their bloody talents against those they had once called brothers. This Warlord Trait may only be selected by a model with the Loyalist Allegiance. This Warlord increases his Attacks and Strength Characteristics by +1 when Engaged in a Challenge, and by +2 when Engaged in a Challenge with the enemy Warlord. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during their opponent’s Assault phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty. The Hidden Hand Ihe Raven Ixird taught his would,caste rpect tleTtoTrikT^ ^ the,rfull fur, and retire before J* **•*■.!?* greatest of his commanders took 1^2 '^ mastered them, eschewino th. ,***&«* ha,t,;'°fih'irbro«'"‘'g> ons9Zh2Z2^m^ would become the hallmark of the Rosen* masters of these strategies were renowne^V^ ^ appear a, the enem/s weakest point, no set against them. While a Warlord with this Trait is in ^ controlling player may choose to re-roll all failed ^ rolls and when deployed to the battlefield the VSiriwd and all models in any unit he has joined gam theRm (2) special rule. In addition, an army whose Gadoid las this Trait may make an additional Reaction dura* d* opposing play er's Movement phase as long as the»»W: has not been removed as a usually. No Gods or Masters (Traitor only) After the brutal massacre of Isstvan V and the fel mm savagery that quickly overtook the Impenum. factions within the Raven Guard chose fallen master and seek their own destm). no allegiance to Horus, these reavers would no ^ ^ themselves to the whims of a distant Em)reror now only for themselves and had no mt^n • ^ ^, their lives in the name of some great a defence of their brothers and for the plunder. the ruins of the Imperium. . I,, selectedby*** This Warlord Trait may only be* the Traitor Allegiance. f ,ih an el*0' ] When in base to base «mtac*. gj, St/enC^l & Cavalry model whose is higher than this War Strc,gth ^ increases to match those of the rt ,s if ^ value in that Charact^^h^^ In addition, an army « leRe*00" once per battle, make j^g apointofthecontroll.^eb^ long as the Reaction Warlord has join«
CAMELEOL1NE дл old Terran innovation, a legacy of the Dark Лае of T A ,he Roten Guards earliest recruits. These long cloaks inc''^ рге^Ы Ы °1*'1 firm t„„L , nullify Any l^on ^aetor or Legion Ccntunon wuh the Ugioncs M Omeleoline upgrade for +20 points, gaining ,hc Shrouded (6+> " Cu«d> special n , Shrouded (X) special rule by one step (from 5+ to 4c, for example^ Z °r imPr^s ln ex, * P«" the upgrade may not select Camclcolinc as an upgrade. P 'A nio<1,:1 w'<h the Morjfo,^"® Vcrsion <*»•>€ •' °r or Ptaexun Consul Corvid Pattern Jump Pack A redesigned version of the tried and tested Warhawk pattern jump pack the C a assembly that allows its wearer to make a longer, more precise, leap and „void ZacZZ^ "**'"* ‘«.or thrust "f point of impact with ease Any model with both the Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard) and Independent Ch Infantry Unit Type may exchange a Legion Warhawk jump pack for a Corvid pattc^u^ck'f”'T* W,‘h 'h' At the start of the controlling player's Movement phase, a model with a Corvid pattern „ , Characteristic to a value of 14 for the duration of the controlling player's turn (sometimes refme-dZ *'M0W the jump pack). This allows a model with a Corvid pattern jump pack to move up to 14", regardless of die*Movement Characteristic shown on its Profile and gain any other benefits of a Movement Characteristic of 14 (including the bonus to Charge distance). In addition, all models with a Corvid pattern jump pack that have been activated ignore terrain while Moving and Charging, but must take Dangerous Terrain tests when beginning or ending their Movement in Dangerous Terrain - but gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save against any Wounds inflicted by failed Dangerous Terrain tests. A model with an activated Corvid pattern jump pack treats all Difficult Terrain as Dangerous Terrain and may move over both friendly and enemy models or units without penalty, but must end its Movement at least 1" away from any model from another unit. A model with a Corvid pattern jump pack may still Run, if it would normally be able to Run (this does that include any models with the Heavy Unit Sub-type to Run). When making a Run move far a mode Corvid pattern jump pack, add the Initiative Characteristic of that mode to 4pattcm jump pack as noted model ignores terrain and models from other units while making a unmove hich it has Run as per the normal above, but may not make Shooting Attacks or declare a Charge in the same turn m which it has Ru rules for Running. % tnodel with a Co * t or if jt alread h n,<J Pattern jump pack also gains the Bulky (3), Hammer ofWrath (1) and Deep Strike special ru* y as t e Bulky (3) special rule, it gains the Bulky (4) special rule instead. ^Uri >ng a Reaction made in any Phase, a player may not choose to activate a model’s Corvid pattern jump pack toaain о — ■•vhvuv/ii inauv. in oii^ » ‘“wv, — r < *ny bonus to their Movement Characteristic.
THE ARMOURY of THE RAVEN GUARD The following comprises a list of new options and Wargear available only to Detachments with the Legion« Asian« (Raven Guard) Faction and exemplifies the nature of that Legion. Raven’s Talons , These unique and lealously guarded ***** of lightning daws, each a work of art in its own nght. were both sinonyn^ the Raien Guard Legion and often bestowed as a mark of honour among them. Anv mode! with the Legtones Astartcs (Raven Guard) special rule that has a lightning daw may upgrade that weapon to a Raven s Talon for +5 points per weapon. When a model has two Raven's Talons, that model gams +2 .Attacks instead the +1 Attack for using an additional weapon in combat. The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons. Weapon Range Str AP Type Raven's Talons User 3 Melee. Shred, Rending (S+). Specialist Weapon Infravisor Based upon Kuzvarhan technology seized by the Raven Lord, these improved optics systems were capable of piercing even the worst conditions encountered during the Great Crusade. Capable of more accurate target acquisition as well as grtater perception m reduced visibility, these visors were reserved for use by the most veteran of the Raven Guard ’s wamors. Anv model with both the Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard) spedal rule and the Character Unit Sub-type may be given an iniTavisor for +10 points. This grants the model the Night Vision special rule and a bonus of +1 to their Ballistic Skill Characteristic However, the model, and any unit they have joined, counts as having an Initiative of 1 when taking Blind tests.
Shadow and Fury »Ah w*h Guard) sp«!a rule gain o* of ,hc Wiping ^ rulc! ^ „„ th, "d *«**' °Hh' m0dtl *>*• «“ *>*>• MO « of .he 1bM| „¡««a g^„ „„ addhh, J Z,#r Models with the Legiones Asiatics (Raven Guard) special rule that have the Infantry Unit Type, but do not also have the Heavy Unit Sub-type or a Legion Warhawk jump pack. Corvid pattern jump pack or legion Tartaros Terminator armour, gain the Talons special rule. . Models with the-Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard) special rule that have the Dreadnought Unit Type; any models with the Legiones .Astartes (Raven Guard) special rule and both the Infantry Unit Type and the 1 Icavy Unit Subtype; or any models with the Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard) special rule that have a Legion Warhawk jump pack, Corvid pattern jump pack or Legion Tartaros Terminator armour gain the Falcons special rule. • Models with the Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard) special rule and the Cavalry Unit Type or both the Vehicle Unit Type and Flyer or Fast Unit Sub-types, gain the Hawks special rule. Talons - If a unit composed entirely of models with the Talons special rule is targeted by a Shooting Attack, all models in the unit gain the Shrouded (6+) special rule if the attacking unit is more than 8” from any model in the i target unit. In addition, all models with this special rule also gain the Infiltrate special rule. I Falcons - Any models with this special rule may re-roll all failed To Wound rolls of T in any Assault phase in which j they make a successful Charge - even if that Charge is considered Disordered. Hawks - Any models with this special rule gain the Shrouded (6+) special rule on any turn in which they Run, Move | Out or move as a Zooming Flyer, with this benefit lasting until the start of the controlling player’s next turn - or that model would already gain the Shrouded (6+) special rule, it instead gains the Shrouded (S+) special rule | №a model already has the Shrouded (S+) or better then it gains no additional benefit).
weapon. Like most of the Pnmarchs, Corax is blessed with an extensive armours of artificer-| wrought weapons but those he most often bears to war are a pair of metre Liberator, Chooser of theth^01*1* The Shadowed Lord Corvus Corax Unit Composition • 1 Corvus Corax Wargear • The Sable Armour • The Panoply of the Raven Lord • The Korvidine Pinions • Wrath & Justice • Frag grenades M WS BS S T W I__A Ud $v "g 7 6 6 6 6 7 7 Unit Type • Primarch (Unique, Skirmish) Special Rules • Lcgiones Astartes (Raven Guard) • Master of the Legion • Hit & Run • Deep Strike • The Shadowed Lord • Loyalist • Warlord: Sire of the Raven Guard Warlord: Sire of the Raven Guard The grim and brooding Raven Lord was a hard master to his Legion, but one whose noble goals inspired true devotion from those that followed him into battle. His sons would learn to master the Raven Lord’s evasive style of combat, seeking always to bleed and tire the foe rather than overcome them with brute force. If chosen as the army's Warlord, Corvus Corax automatically has the Sire of the Raven Guard Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait. Sire of the Raven Guard - All models with the Legiones Astartes (Raven Guardi special rule and either the Infantry or Cavalry Unit Types in the same army as Corvus Corax gain the Scout and Crusader special rules. In addition, an army with Corvus Corax gains an additional Reaction in the opposing players M<n ement phase as long as Corvus Corax has not been removed as a casualty Co
The Sable Armour The Sable Armour provides a 2+ Armour Save ,1.1 , l"vul"'r.ibleS.1Vtl. The Shadowed Lord If Corvus Corax chooses to use the Hit & Run specU) determining the distance moved and discards any one **• "* an *u In addition, the controlling player may re-roll all faded Shm. a a P ^‘ '"*«b,fnf, *« ‘Sen in any unit he has joined after using the Hit & Run specul rule, *‘ Tmid*<w'h'h,ul roul< this effect continues until the start of the controlling player s n ° Co,Vv» Cora, fIor ind -"odeU IS \ i-ycr \ next turn. ^ an ongoing comhat - The Panoply of the Raven Lord In combat, this is counted as a single weapon with the follow,ng profile Weapon Panoply of the Raven Lord Range Type 2 Mflfc, Shred. Blind, Fighting Style. Tvro hjnded Fighting Style: At the beginning of each Assault phase. Corvus Cotax's controlling player may choose on , rhe following special rules to apply to his attacks, based upon the weapons and fightmg style he ,s emplos'me Murderous Strike (4+), Rage (4) or Sudden Strike (3). Wrath St Justice Wrath and Justice are two separate weapons, both counting as both an Auto' and %'olkite' weapon and with identical profiles. Weapon Wrath & Justice Range Str AP Type 12" 6 4 Pistol 1, Rending (3+), Deflagrate, Master-crafted Korvidine Pinions , «of a Deep Strike Assault, he start of the controlling player’s Movement phase, or when *P “^¡on of the controlling player's vusCorax’s Movement Characteristic may be set to a vaue о ,,,ro move up to 14", regardless of the i (referred to as activating’ this special role). This allows °*'m 0fa Movement Characteristic ot H 'ement Characteristic shown on his profile and gam any ot eT move over Impassable Terrain, seme luding the bonus to Charge Distance). In addition, Corvus in which the Kon^‘~ i activated, but may not end his movement in or a Charge in nas Corax is not part of. If Corvus Corax ends or t8‘"S he automatically passe ng any turn in which the Korvidine Pinions have « ain tests he is called upon to make. ^ n making a Run ",0 have been activated <ktcrmineh°»"ir ■“* Corax may still Run on a turn when th^ ^^Corlx’s Initiative C^^tvtf"' №ion^L having activated the Korvidine pi"ions'i * 3 ^ ^hlle making a Run m^me tum in ^ich ^nus ,0 Con* 'ay move - igi loring terrain and other models w 1 charge in the^ d ,o ga." " - ^е, butmay not make Shooting^"¿¿Х**»*****0 is per the normal rules for Running- The Ко Xs Movement Characteristic during a Rcactioi
Mor Deythan Squad. I ■ r hi tr, _ ..tkt I _ ______ _ M ws BS ,5°I>°ivn Mor Deythan Mor Deythan Shade Unit Composition . A Mor Deythan • 1 Mor Deythan Shade Warjfear • Power armour • Bolt pistol • Chainsword • Astartes shotgun • Frag grenades • Krak grenades • Shroud bombs Unit Type • Mor D^han Infantry (Skir^ • Mor Deythan Shade: InfantTy (Character. Skirmish) Special Rules • Legiones Asurtes (Raven Guard) • Relentless • Scout • Fatal Strike Dedicated Transport • A Mor Deythan Squad may choose a Legion Rhino Transport ora Legion Storm Eagle as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, this does not use up an Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the arms Options • The Mor Deythan Squad may take: - Up to 5 additional Mor Deythan..._____________________+25 ^ • Any model in the unit may exchange its chainsword for one of the following - Power weapon.-----------------------------------------♦lOpoumod. - ChamabaJ weapon---------------------------------------+10 pone an • Any model in the unit may exchange its Astartes shotgun for one of the foDosnng - Nemesis bolter-----------------------------------------+5pocmaa - Magna combi-weapon____________________________________+]0 pomts each - Minor combi-weapon_____________________________________+5pomtseacB For every three models in the unit, one model may exchange its Astartes shorgur for one of the following: ■ Volkite charger. - Flamer........ - Meltagun........ ___ +15 points ______ +]0 pouuseai ________+10p«n»£a^ ____+15 pomo exh _+$pou® tack each - Plasma gun......................................... - Plasma pistol___________________________——-—"—* - Missile launcher with frag and krak missiles------- • The Mor Deythan Shade may also take: - Melta bombs__________________________-——--------— • The Mor Deythan Shade may exchange his power armour for artificer armour_____________ _+lOpoCI° *10 P**10 Fatal Strike a. medal h*1'twtK Once per battle, a unit that includes any models with t is pha-'*'" pjtal a Fatal Strike at the start of any of the controlling pla'cr' duration of that Phase, the Shooting Attacks of all Itvxi<\Voon to ah' Strike special rule gain the Rending (4+) special rule in their weapons might have. This does not replace or imprm^ no* ^ , rfr-the Rending (X) special rule already possessed by the uru’ ^ (X) ~T° ^ attacking with weapons that have either the Template or
Fury Squad Dark liiikRiO Chooser of the Slain U*K Composition . 4 Dark Furies l Chooser of the Slain War-gear . iv»vr armour (Dark Furiei only) • Artificer armour (Choosers of the Slain only) . iv-o Raven’s Ihlons . Frag grenades . Krak grenades - <v>rvid pattern jump pack M WS ns s 7 4 4 4 7 S 4 4 «50 P0lNTs Unit Typ« • Dark Furies Infantry '............................. Special Rules • |*8*ones Astartes (R.ncn Ciuardi • Deep Strike • Precision Strikes (6r) • Sudden Strike (1) Options . The Dark Fury Squad may take: - Up to S additional Dark Furies...................... . A Dark Fury Squad that includes nine Dark Furies may upgrade up to twooTt'hov!' models to Choosers of the Slain for...................+B points per model . All Choosers of the Slain may take melta bombs. *10 points per model
ALPHA LEGION The Alpha Legion was ever-prese events of the Homs Heresy 0fte ' its own endsaga.nst theJmpenu, at odds with the plans of the Wa Alphj legion deployed uninvited alongside the Iron Warnors durin conflict, and at Alaxxes and Yaran Wolves, contributing to their neai Cull alongside numerous others v of the Sons of Fcnris in their time raged on and many legions saw ,| away, the Alpha Legion appeared, a-'orus saw the XX* l-cgion as a unique weapon in the fflmpenums arsenal, ns ambition laudable and its mastery of the battle sphere not far removed from his own. It was no surprise that the Alpha legion pined his cause, though the legions inscrutable motivations and the double-edged nature of many of the services it granted the Warmaster, such as the pyrrhic victory of the first battle for Paramar, and the sabotaged containment of the White Scars at Chondax, would cause frustration on both sides of the galactic civil war. At the hands of the Alpha Legion's talent for conspiracy and that of their agents, countless billions were to die, even on planets that would not feel the thunderous footfall of the legiones Astartes. It is even whispered amongst the Imperial Court that Alpharius himself had a hand in the planning of the Dropsite Massacre on isstvan V, where SO.OOO warriors of the XX'1’ were present to spring that bloody trap. Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) All models with this special rule are cubin' rh, , < , ■ " ' uu- ..... i to mt Following Lies and Obfuscation A model w„b this spec,.,I rule i, always considered to be 2” further away than it an l horn any enemy model for the purpose of resolving a Shot„, ng Attack Cl am ->....... n, A Surir Panoply Models with this special access to unique Wargeai see /he Armoury of the egion on page 314) Sons of the Hydra A Warlord with this special may select a Wjrlord Trait from 'H Alpha legion Warlord Trait list A t-egion Centurion may choose to select the Saboteur upgrade its an option for the legiones Consulate special rule, as detaile ,n Thc Armoury of the Alpha l-cgion section
 ,HKr, «• > CRMnc Asr.m, or Tr»*chi ,a ¡5*d*is'n that U,u, p,, pccutl rule is !>a,d far i™:-1"" ....--..„ 'pco 'I ml, In, t|,._ , i uptu legion Advanced Reaction ~ — ¡rancid Reaction is available only to units composed entirely of models wuh .h ■ I tt**| special rule. Unlike Core Reactions, Advanced Reactions arc actuated m uniquc3?» £“*' mooted in their descriptions, and can often have game changing effects. Adv^.-i o- - cucun"un' ' «Iw^r’c Rr»a/'fic»r» AIIaHvsa«» UP™ >•------- "““"’ns, Advanced Reactions are acti^d iTT 'h' ^ (Alpha lasnrxcdm their descnptions, and can often have game changing effects Advan a ITJni1 ..............— I ¡tame placer's Reaction Allotment as normal and obey all other restrictions i , a,ons u* UPP"no ■! I seaftcally noted otherwise in their description. ' P acc upon Rt*"ons,unl«iH | Smoke and Mirrors - This Advanced Reaction maybe made once per battle during the Shooting phase »hen am enemy player declares a Shooting Attack targeting a friendly unit under the Reactive player's control composed j entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (/Alpha Legion) special rule. Before resolving the Shooting Attack. d*unit targeted by the Shooting Attack may be redeployed. To redeploy the unit, the controlling player «elects I ooemodel from the unit making this Reaction and places it anywhere within 12 of its original pc ''*** I '-ten scatters the model D6" (if the Scatter roll would place the model within jmpassa c e ( ^^shortest Marion, within T of any enemy model, or off the edge of the battlefield then tew*|i,pb«d. J Stance possible to place it free of all obstacles and within the bounds o t e a ^ ^ lwst v from any Mother models from the Reacting unit may be placed "»dd. and i„ Unit Coherency. Any models that cannot be P «d " aJ . (*»“”>“1. fdeplovment is complete, the Active player may resolve their s oo unitn0longerha'1"*ord»« I «no longer valid once this redeployment is complete (due to t e V ^ and n0 attacks arc I unit, for example) then the Active player may not se ect a . ^ f°r that unit
Alpha Legion Warlord Traits A Warlord tilth the legiones Attunes (Alpha Ugion) special rule may select a Warlord T • ' ■'-'nun one of the Core Warlord Traits. r‘>'t hum below instead of selecting The Mobius ton hgu r a 11 on (^ WamasUr Despite Alphanusdrs a,“'‘"n" ,{h( Tra,lo, cause, there and his legion s efforts e' behlf df[achmtnts known :Lh the Emperor these detachments appeared to be prosecuting ZtZspan of some greater plan that sow the Alpha Ugion foht on both sides, seeking to prolong the fighting rather an bnng either side to victory. This Warlord Trait may only be selected for a model with the Loyalist Allegiance An army whose Warlord has this Trait counts any Allied Detachment that has any version of the legiones Astartes (X) special rule as though it had the Fellow Warriors level of Alliance, regardless of the variant of the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule it has. Units from this Allied Detachment that are removed as casualties do not score Victory points for the opposing player, regardless of the Mission Objectives in play, and if all models that were part of the Allied Detachment have been removed as casualties at the end of the battle, the controlling player gains +1 Victory point. No unit in the Allied Detachment may make Reactions of any kind, but the first unit in the Primary Detachment to make a Reaction each tum does not use up a point of the controlling player's Reaction Allotment when making that Reaction. Master of Lies The Alpha Ugion are renowned for their skill ai m and subterfuge There are few leaders who can predict the intentions of these obtuse warriors and'*'** of battle they are all but impossible to pm down or ** An army whose Warlord has this Trait, may, at the battle once all players have deployed all of ,ht)r”1'r* onto the battlefield (including Infiltrators and any rolls to Seize the Initiative have been made to three units that are under their control. The *1^,' ^ units may be redeployed as the controlling pLiytr within the constraints of the mission being played ^ may be placed into Reserves, but may not be brought ow of Reserves and onto the battlefield or assigned to a IW Strike Assault. Subterranean Assault or Flanking Assau^ In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the opposing plaw, Movement phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty. Hydran Excursor Some amongst the Alpha Ugion are dedicated to the study of one of their brother Ugions, some even having infiltrated and fought as part of the Ugions they hav e studied. With the outbreak of the Horus Heresy these warriors brought vital knowledge to their compatriots, the secrets of both ally and enemy alike that could be turned against the enemy and used to bring victory to the ranks of the Alpha Ugion. A Warlord with this Trait, must select any one variant of the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule other than Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) at the start of the battle, before any models are deployed. The Warlord and any unit he has joined gain a bonus of +1 to all To Hit rolls made against models with the chosen variant of the Legiones Astartes (X) special rule. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during the Shooting phase as long as the Warlord has n°-been removed as a casualty.
I EGlON Rites of War „UA V , primary Detachment and VVarU , " h<,S 0f War if the Warlord also has ,h>rd.has thc U ¿Zt Rit<* ot 3S thc Mastcr „^»on, wab: The Co,LS °F The Hydr* A 0f f, verfuge for which thc Alpha Leg,^ rpfl “ to an end; the end, more oft... more often than tvIntrMe to sudden surprise attack by ram’, ^ (orces whose goal was nothing short of d ¿¡A (fi*0 hment using this Rite of War may include un • itX!!e of t^ units selected as part of the Rewards of ^^rvsp«'21 rule' Each of these units is paid for ^laiand uses up the normal Force Organisation '‘for a unit of that type as per the restrictions of the rds of Treachery special rule. ^mts selected as part of a Detachment using this ’ ofW*r by means of the Rewards °f Treachery ^ rule gain the Fearless special rule until at ft0„e other friendly unit has been deployed from Jnes onto the battlefield. a units selected as part of the Detachment using № Rite of War without the use of thc Rewards of Treachery special rule gain a bonus of +1 to all To Hit mflsmade for them in all attacks (both Shooting and Melee) made during the player turn in which they are ¿¡ployed onto the battlefield. limitations • H units selected as part of a Detachment using this Rite of War by means of the Rewards of Treachery ?fdai rule must be deployed on the battlefield at d* start of the first turn, they may not be placed ® Reserves or assigned to a Deep Strike Assault, Subterranean Assault or Flanking Assault or any ^deployment option that requires them to start ® Reserves. detachment using this Rite War must include “umber of units selected without the use of the ^Wds of Treachery special rule equal to or greater jfjy1 c number of units selected using the Rewards ^special rule. These units must begin VJin ^serves, or assigned to a Deep Strike W |U^terranean Assault or Flanking Assault or " Cnt °pt'0n that re9uires them t0 SWrt ’PccU]»On)F '*8 :>x»n «'«he Me. HykbhvntwUwkvhm. activities of thc Alpha Uqton throughout the Ottm Crusade and the Uorus Heresy were net shrouded W>VJT) few more so than the opetattons of its elite Headhunters. Though no first hand eye witness accounts describe such missions in reliable detail, secondary evidence of suth operations being carried out has been >-and breadth of the war-'- tRr5ucYsti«oV usmthvstoe tie VtoitortttaTo»»!.««»' ,\UK.V cVtotces es. Sdi If an War 'odudes a iv, , Waf. then the SU. rh . '^' °°')s chosc, «»ndF»« iifit is in ^tartes (Alpha Ugion) specU? <5+) Special while atkast 12' layT' enemy unit. wynoinany Limitations • All models with the Vehicle Unit Type in a Detachment using this Rite of War must begin play in Resents. • A Detachment using this Rite of War must include more Fast Attack choices than Heavy Support choices. ,± A>
THE ARMOURY OF the alpha legion The following comprises j list of non options and Wargear available only to Detachments with the ■ [Alpha Legion) Fiction and exemplifies the nature of that Legion r ‘-»pon*, . POWFR DACOFRS These unique pourr » eapons are a partic ular speciality of the Alpha Legion, crafted specifically for htciri^ grace attacks Mans the other legiems consider them dishonourable »eapons, the weapons of ° t,n^° ang the Alpha Legion see them as eminently practical tools of war auasstru ang tQVp a. Any model with the legionec Astartes (Alpha Legion) special rule and the Character Unit S h dagger for +5 points per model. tnay tjL The »rapon listed here Weapon Power dagger „ c(Hinted as a Power weapon for those rules that affect such weapons. Range Str 3 AP 3 Type Melee. Sudden Strike (1). Breaching (S+) BANESTKIKE BOOTH f0 havt designed in secret with.n the armouries of the Alpha Legam bn, ^ZTlZakofthe^orus Heresy, had it seems a sole purpose - to breach the ceramite power armour of Space Marine ^dZiTfoe the first time at the Dropsite Massacre on lsstran V. their dense explostve cores and ftnng stresses reduced tW ^Zifth dlradedthe finng weapon, but the, r effect against the betrayed Ugions was deviating. Fortunately-g. Undoes, supplies of these difficult to manufacture munitions rounds were limited, and only the Alpha Legion and the Son, of Homs were able to field them in substantial numbers beyond that incident of brutal treachery. Any model with both the Independent Character and the Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) special rules may exchange bolter for a Banestrike bolter or a combi-bolter for a Banestrike combi-bolter for +S points each. Additionally, any mock* in a Legion Seeker Squad that has the Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) special rule may exchange their Kraken bohrn for Banestrike bolters for no additional points cost or any models in a Legion Veteran Squad that has the Legiones Astartes (.Alpha Legion) special rule may exchange their bolters for Banestrike bolters for +2 points per model All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Bolt' weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. Weapon Banestrike bolter Banestrike combi-bolter Range Str 18- S 18" 5 AP 4 4 Type Rapid Fire, Breaching (6+) Rapid Fire, Twin-linked, Breaching (6+) Venom Spheres An\ model with the Legiones Astartes i AJ h I sphere for +10 points per model. Venom spheres are^ ^ ^ ^ C-^aracter Unit Sub-type may take one venw- Weapon Venom spheres Range 8" Str 1 weapon with the following profile: AP Type Assault 6, Poison (3+). One Shot
PZriS consular.*: Saboteur fd0ffHm#*"**'" <0'rrr ,nfi,trari<"'. «*«“„R. ! Zs^Zjeath the Ugiones Astartes but at whi T"°n ar>d ZZ" +*$ IV I S#**« make their pmtnct known «• Co?>’ 2S 9b'hr"^> :I Rule* . i gules t**., «ins the Infiltrate. Scout and False Colour, l J S*-«**- addition' a Sab«tcur may *■£> rules as 4 JS?-*'«’ "*“ *ny ""■• ot,"r -*« S^Cr • C;., j^Te*mS' 0rHe*d‘Himtt [&*£ COLOURS * 4* W>on are masters °> >alst coloun operations, relyina on , I more traditional stealth techniques. The Saboteurs are, T9 * Loot) the/be unnoticed, selecting the most deadly moment to reveal,h*, ‘° "** L unleash destruction upon those that have earned the ire of the Legion I .< unit composed entirely of models with this special rule may not be targeted I «tha Shooting Attack by an enemy unit as long as the unit with this special I nik has not made a Shooting Attack at any point in the battle. Once a unit or I node! with this special rule has made a Shooting Attack or successfully Charged I a enemy unit (including during a Reaction) then this special rule has no further I effect, nor does th is special rule restrict the enemy from declaring Charges targeting a model or unit that has this special rule. **|ear • I Saboteur gains melta bombs, breacher charges and shroud bombs at no Atonal points cost, and may select a Nemesis bolter for +5 P°intS- "a kf 1 Saboteur may not select a Legion Spatha combat bike, Legion cim ^°n "arhawk jump pack.
ill Билайн LIE 9:17 13 ,hc л|ср|’Nui1, ,ь* ^ ч»к "-¡»"tb о* I" r ^ f'inal Configuration ^4 Alphjnu» ( nic C»mpo«»'on . | Alpharius Wargear . The Pythian Scales . The Pale Spear . The Hydra s Spite . Three venom sphere . Krag grenades Unit Type • Pri march (Untque) Special Rule« • Legiones Astartec (Alpha i • Master of the LegKm ^0"' • Adamantium WU1IJ») • Crusader • Insidious Mastermind • Everywhere and Nowhere • Warlord: Sire ofthe Alpha Leg*» Warlord: Sire of the Alpha Legion Feu among his brothers truly knew A/phanus. the last of all the Emperors Pnmanhs to rejoin the Impenum. Tall tales, rumours and outright lies spoke of a variety of flans and gifts possessed by the last Pnmarvh and none knew what to expea from flaws ana gi[u> pu*yc*x* —*■------- lorxpcct fn him. When the war began, his enemies would spend much time attempting to i truth from the lies, finding out only too late that Alphanus was no Ins a master of war than any of his brothers. If chosen as the army 's Warlord, Alpharius automatically has the Sire of the Alpha Legion Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait Sire of the Alpha Legion - At the start of the battle, after all models from all armies have been deployed, including units deployed using the Infiltrator special rule and after any Scout moves have been made. Alphanus' controlling player may select up to three friendly units composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) special rule. The selected units maybe redeployed to any position in the controlling player s Deployment Zone or placed into Reserves. In addition, an army with Alpharius as its Warlord max declare a single Phase at the start of any turn in which Alpharius' controlling pla>cr is the Reactive player, gaining an additional Reaction in the chosen Phase a ol18 as Alphanus has not been removed as a casualty ----- -
„A No"» here * thfrT ^ n°nt “ unPr*dn ,ah. rZZ could am*“' alm<"< any loca,m Wf*cOU 1 ~ —-'y lOCOfign ««tv”**“*'?** *orr"'"> ^ i»'* f^j »vuld find no pattern m K-/~ _ J 1 S a^ld find no pattern to help pird \»i I» '¡hen* hr wtuch hl* PrTfrrrnces could he l^JIn *«n> caSf' >""uWLS>"r<,r ,ha‘ ** V*L* „ngU entity. 9nvn hl* »Mtty ,„ appear0. * sir** „.k cuth tact iVNhUt,t ^dC.Ssi> Z 5*5 ¡¡T r° O '' ^'V *wr-*0' V0* ¡,1th <u<h eait St,enZ lu* Or. v,.t^n. ¿7* 'ft. 1) '»tnwK »Nh, rfthe battle before *V models arc deploy,, ¡SSiSi: I pV**°s be (¡pen any one of the following i*>Zinfiltrate. Stout or Deep Strike. AlpharW I e pLa>er ntay **!«» UP 10 ,hr« friendly untu I entirely of models with the l-cgioncs Astartes | .^"^Ln) special rule to receive the same special Opt“ \0 \lphanus by Everywhere and Nowhere. T\w f«k V« This wo. 'me of a numbet o( enfywoM « associated with the Pranank and mnwa ■„, urtefact whose larging predated even the no d da This double Maded ipeot tinkered —-With the mate'"' Mastermind f~,c 'lane...- JJ¿pus n perhaps the most devious commander in the »1 tfi a labyrinthine mind able to both predict the I Za of others with uncanny precision and manipulate 1 fts mto unwittingly doing as he wishes, often sealing .¿Ion doom m the process. ' fa fleet (2) special rule ^Preferred Enemy (Everything) special rule Sudden Strike (1) special rule ^un Scales »mj0 ^e<luently recorded as entering battle in the *Mui re^ar member of his Legion, Alphanus %, fo “f* an mdividual carrying that name— is also dbg °Vt kdhis Legion to war armoured in sinister e r(P(dian-styled armour whose stature left %(h c 1 m,nd of onJookers that a bloody-handed ‘'«yj a (ntrred the fray. This armour, faceless an after ru. ,LJ , _ ^ of Ancient - maded epea, ZZZur^ZJZ. ..... "“tmnl untseev a ken .vWd nrm,m erne and otherworldly hcmhng. and We t„ any physical defence it encountered nctW mftmnc ripping them opart ot the molecular lewt Cgama tow, matter, tt inflicted hldeoudy qapeg. hioodeu «node» the flesh where it «ruck diuniwd mlo ody «rude The weapon lilted here »counted » .Ttwor rapoa fot those rules that .fleet cuA .eapom uthtstart of any turn in which Alphartus' controlling djtens the Active player and Alpharius is on the btdelieM (including when Embarked on a model svith it Transport Sub-type or Building), the controlling yliyer may grant one of the listed special rules to all ■odds in the army with the Lcgiones Astartes (Alpha ¡/pom special rule (including Alpharius) that do not ¿»have the Vehicle Unit Type, until the start of the .¡wollmgplayers next turn as the Active player. of die listed special rules may only be selected *Cf per battle: Weapon Range fo AT The Pale Speai - User 1 vwe Melee. ImumUeah Two-hinded The Hydra's Spite A weapon recorded as muse by lewnl highl> mU members of the Alpha Legion - whether thanin weapon or a senes of similar pmocypts e wimn ha its efficacy in battle is undmaWe A high pmend ------- the Hydra ’s Spite id not suffer hm m»n dd* ■ •—- •-'W* an its efpcac) IflMtum_ weapon, the Hydra's Spite did not suffer from mm g cm shortcomings common to Imperial plasma ledadaf md may well have incorporated unos emomnss The weapon listed here is counted is i Tbsra mpoc. for those rides that idea sudi weapons .p r Weapon i8’ TTreH^s^" SO tf ‘«icrra me ¡ray. i ms — y . {jerra afcrtht shadowed mythic age 0/^n^
Headhunter Kill Team. lier Headhunter Prime l nie Compotieion . 4 Headhunter • I Headhunter Prime Warjeear • Bancstnke tom hi hotter • tower dagger • Bolt pistol • One venom sphere (Headhunter Prime only) • Frag grenades • KraJt grenades • tower armour WS 4 4 OINTS HS s T * 1 \ l-d Sv s A 4 1 4 T I ü s 4 4 » 4 2 9 \♦ Unit Type • Headhunter Infantry (Skirmish) • Headhunter Prime Infantry (Skirmish, Character) Special Rule» • Lcglonc* Arlane» (Alpha legion) • Relentless • Precision Shots (4») • Preferred Enemy (Independent Character) • Infiltrate • Scout Dedicated Transport ' ^UntCT^,T^™VUk'*U«to" Rh'noTr.n.po.,or Legion n,„d.Uv> d at n тrampo,,,M1 MkMcd rnn*°" -1-1» n«. ts an additional Lore* Onjanuatton ,|ot. but Its points cos, must .,,11 be paid fo, a, port of the army. 1 Options • A Headhunter Kill Team may take: Up to S additional Headhunters-----------------------------_ *20 points each • Any model in the unit may exchange their Bancstrikc combi bolter for: - Magna combi weapon........................................*5 points each - Minor combi-weapon......................................... „...Free • One Headhunter in a Headhunter Kill Team may exchange his Banestnkc combi bolter for: - Heavy bolter------------------------------------------------_fl0 points - Multi-mclta................................................+20 points • The Headhunter Prime may exchange his bolt pistol lor one of the following options: * Plasma pistol.............................................-.—♦$ points - Inferno pistol...............................................+15 points • The Headhunter Prime may take one of the following: - Power fist...................................................♦№ po‘"1* * Power weapon....................-....—-................-......^ points • The Headhunter Prime may take: Mclu bombs....................................................-.♦1SP°ln,s • The Headhunter Prime may exchange his power armour for: ........HO points * Artificer armour.........................—......-........ ^
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