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high world


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Horus Heresy Dark Angels Space Marine Imperium Space Wolves White Scars Blood Angels Thousand Sons forge world ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

XXX X . - ‘ > с Numeration; The Г Legion Primogenitor: Lion El*Jon$on .Cognomen; The First, Primaris Angelus Mortis (Honorific) Observed Strategic.Tendencies; Combined arms and multi-spectra warfare, Exterm in atus and purgation campaigns, extended independent void operations. ++ Noteworthy

x x t AND DBIR Since the days of the Vl'h Legion's inception on Terra, it has remained a Legion apart from its fellows, its origins shrouded as it garnered a fearsome reputation for itsr---:J--’ - a shock-assault force as well as tireless warriors prowess as ----------j pursuers and a

' l J ftp 1 •: . . The W hite Scars Numeration; ТЙ6 T' Legion *♦ Primogenitors Jachatai Kuan *f Cognomen: (Prior): Sons of ThOle (Informal) ++ Oismtii Strategic Tendencies! Shock assault, high-mobility warfare, HARROW INC ACTIONS AND EXTENDED UNSUPPORTED OPERATIONS WITHIN HOSTILE DOMAINS* ++

t ft Numeration: The DC™ Legion Primogenitor: The Angel Sancuin ^Cognomen: No primary cognomen; 1Г Chapter only, defunct] J 1 Observed Strategic Tendencies: H } STRIKES, PLANETARY INTERDICTION rk\ (Prior) The Hell Riders [FAcnoN coo* In battle, the Blood Angels Legion was the |incarnation of

The 1 housand Sons were born of capricious fate an have ever walked a precarious path between duty and damnation. The nascent Legion was spared destruction by the discovery of its Primarch, the one-eyed giant Magnus the Red. Only by Magnus’ devotion to his newly-found sons, his vast intellect and


wh humor Wh Other приколы для лоялистов Wojak Мемы ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Смотри, я его сейчас разозлю Сын, мне нужно вернуться на Терру для очень важного секретного дела, о котором я никому, даже тебе, не расскажу, поэтому ты теперь здесь за главного,wh humor,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,приколы для

Wh Песочница приколы для лоялистов Wh Other wh humor ...warhammer 40k фэндомы 

Утро понедельника на Фенрисе,warhammer 40k,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,приколы для лоялистов,Wh Other,wh humor

The Elder Scrolls Harry Potter Guild Wars 2 War Thunder World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Звездные Войны Knights of the Old Republic Ил-2 Штурмовик саундтреки ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы Игры Джереми Соул 

Привет, ^уИеайог! Сегодня день рождения великого композитора Джереми Соула. Надеюсь, ты сразу узнал это имя, ведь это он писал всю музыку к твоим любимым играм, о которых я напишу ниже. Естественно, всех игр и его работ не рассказать, но я попробую взять самые главные и общеизвестные. Как

Imperium Mark Molnar ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Dead Station

Imperium,Империум,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Mark Molnar


Necrons wh humor Wh Other без перевода некроны ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Gender Dysphoria Nooooo! I'm a woman trapped in a man's body!!! Dysphorakh My brain is begging for oxygen but my lungs are flat and stiff and they would not inflate! I need to breathe or I am going to die! As I try to claw at my own throat, desperate to clear the obstruction, there is nothing

Отличный комментарий!

Иногда в ваху завозят гримдарк самый настоящий, а не карикатурный.
Thunder dragon Thunder dragon18.12.202303:12ссылка

wh humor Inquisition Space Marine sisters of battle Ecclesiarchy Emperor of Mankind sailor moon Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon длиннопост Commissar (wh 40000) ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы Anime Wh Other Imperium Chaos (Wh 40000) Imperial Guard Slaanesh artist Noise Marine Lutherniel 

Sister doing Sailor Moon pose

Lutherniel,BolterToKokoro,artist,wh humor,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Inquisition,Imperium,Империум,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperial Guard,sisters of battle,Ecclesiarchy,Noise Marine,Slaanesh,Chaos (Wh 40000),Emperor of Mankind,sailor

Carpenter marine

Lutherniel,BolterToKokoro,artist,wh humor,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Inquisition,Imperium,Империум,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperial Guard,sisters of battle,Ecclesiarchy,Noise Marine,Slaanesh,Chaos (Wh 40000),Emperor of Mankind,sailor

High Inquisitor

Lutherniel,BolterToKokoro,artist,wh humor,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Inquisition,Imperium,Империум,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperial Guard,sisters of battle,Ecclesiarchy,Noise Marine,Slaanesh,Chaos (Wh 40000),Emperor of Mankind,sailor

Injured guardsman taking out a tank with nothing but a laspistol

Lutherniel,BolterToKokoro,artist,wh humor,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Inquisition,Imperium,Империум,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperial Guard,sisters of battle,Ecclesiarchy,Noise Marine,Slaanesh,Chaos (Wh 40000),Emperor of Mankind,sailor

Inquisitor Kaiba

Lutherniel,BolterToKokoro,artist,wh humor,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Inquisition,Imperium,Империум,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperial Guard,sisters of battle,Ecclesiarchy,Noise Marine,Slaanesh,Chaos (Wh 40000),Emperor of Mankind,sailor

Noise marine singing blues

Lutherniel,BolterToKokoro,artist,wh humor,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Inquisition,Imperium,Империум,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperial Guard,sisters of battle,Ecclesiarchy,Noise Marine,Slaanesh,Chaos (Wh 40000),Emperor of Mankind,sailor

Very tall sister

Lutherniel,BolterToKokoro,artist,wh humor,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Inquisition,Imperium,Империум,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperial Guard,sisters of battle,Ecclesiarchy,Noise Marine,Slaanesh,Chaos (Wh 40000),Emperor of Mankind,sailor

Sister doing skate trick

Lutherniel,BolterToKokoro,artist,wh humor,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Inquisition,Imperium,Империум,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperial Guard,sisters of battle,Ecclesiarchy,Noise Marine,Slaanesh,Chaos (Wh 40000),Emperor of Mankind,sailor

Angry chibi Sister

Lutherniel,BolterToKokoro,artist,wh humor,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Inquisition,Imperium,Империум,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperial Guard,sisters of battle,Ecclesiarchy,Noise Marine,Slaanesh,Chaos (Wh 40000),Emperor of Mankind,sailor

Commissar's daughter buying the Emperor Doujin

Lutherniel,BolterToKokoro,artist,wh humor,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Inquisition,Imperium,Империум,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperial Guard,sisters of battle,Ecclesiarchy,Noise Marine,Slaanesh,Chaos (Wh 40000),Emperor of Mankind,sailor

Darkness as Sister of Battle

Lutherniel,BolterToKokoro,artist,wh humor,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Inquisition,Imperium,Империум,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperial Guard,sisters of battle,Ecclesiarchy,Noise Marine,Slaanesh,Chaos (Wh 40000),Emperor of Mankind,sailor

Space Marine drinking smoothie

Lutherniel,BolterToKokoro,artist,wh humor,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Inquisition,Imperium,Империум,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperial Guard,sisters of battle,Ecclesiarchy,Noise Marine,Slaanesh,Chaos (Wh 40000),Emperor of Mankind,sailor

The Emperor with mustache

Lutherniel,BolterToKokoro,artist,wh humor,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Inquisition,Imperium,Империум,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperial Guard,sisters of battle,Ecclesiarchy,Noise Marine,Slaanesh,Chaos (Wh 40000),Emperor of Mankind,sailor

Lutherniel,BolterToKokoro,artist,wh humor,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Inquisition,Imperium,Империум,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperial Guard,sisters of battle,Ecclesiarchy,Noise Marine,Slaanesh,Chaos (Wh 40000),Emperor of Mankind,sailor

Lutherniel,BolterToKokoro,artist,wh humor,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Inquisition,Imperium,Империум,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperial Guard,sisters of battle,Ecclesiarchy,Noise Marine,Slaanesh,Chaos (Wh 40000),Emperor of Mankind,sailor

Lutherniel,BolterToKokoro,artist,wh humor,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Inquisition,Imperium,Империум,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperial Guard,sisters of battle,Ecclesiarchy,Noise Marine,Slaanesh,Chaos (Wh 40000),Emperor of Mankind,sailor


Wh Starship ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Мертвый космос

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Wh Starship


Wh News imperial armor red scorpions Imperium legio Centurio Ordinatus Adeptus Mechanicus Tau Empire Всё ещё много "Мехов" KX139 Ta'unar ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы Space Marine 

Новая информация и фотографии из следующего ИА про противостояние Ад. Мехов с Красными Скорпионами против Империи Тау на "далёкой заброшенной кузнице"

- Next Imperial Armour is "Fires of Cyraxus". Imperium vs Tau. Scheduled for Summer.

- Tau attack a minor Forge World. They don't know about the stuff underground ...

- Adeptus Mechanicus deploy to defend. So do the whole chapter of the Red Scorpions and the Legio Gryphonicus. And House Coldshroud!

- Looks like Angels Revenant are in too.

- Carab Culln got more or less eaten by Tyranids. He is a Leviathan Dreadnought now. No High Lord elacted yet, but the Captain of the 8th Company, Casan Sabius is de-facto leader and will probably get the position.

- 30k stuff is in. The robots were locked away 10k years. They are not nice. They are grumpy. They will be unleashed. Oh ... and Ordinatus Minoris too.

- The Tau plan to use the planet as testing zone for their new suits and other stuff. New Barracuda variant, two new weapon loadouts for the Tau'nar.

- No numbers for Imperial Armour books anymore. It's just confusing ...

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Wh News,imperial armor,red scorpions,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperium,Империум,legio,Centurio Ordinatus,Adeptus Mechanicus,Mechanicum, Механикус, Адептус механикум, Адептус механикус,Tau Empire,Tau, Тау,Всё ещё много

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Wh News,imperial armor,red scorpions,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperium,Империум,legio,Centurio Ordinatus,Adeptus Mechanicus,Mechanicum, Механикус, Адептус механикум, Адептус механикус,Tau Empire,Tau, Тау,Всё ещё много

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Wh News,imperial armor,red scorpions,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperium,Империум,legio,Centurio Ordinatus,Adeptus Mechanicus,Mechanicum, Механикус, Адептус механикум, Адептус механикус,Tau Empire,Tau, Тау,Всё ещё много

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Wh News,imperial armor,red scorpions,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperium,Империум,legio,Centurio Ordinatus,Adeptus Mechanicus,Mechanicum, Механикус, Адептус механикум, Адептус механикус,Tau Empire,Tau, Тау,Всё ещё много

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Wh News,imperial armor,red scorpions,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperium,Империум,legio,Centurio Ordinatus,Adeptus Mechanicus,Mechanicum, Механикус, Адептус механикум, Адептус механикус,Tau Empire,Tau, Тау,Всё ещё много

forge UlorLd forge UlorLd forge UlorLd Red Scorpions Leviathan Dreadnought Angels Revenant Relic Contemptor Dreadnought 'MATA,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Wh News,imperial armor,red scorpions,Space Marine,Adeptus


Skitarii Adeptus Mechanicus Imperium Wh Песочница brushray ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Skitarii,Скитарии,Adeptus Mechanicus,Mechanicum, Механикус, Адептус механикум, Адептус механикус,Imperium,Империум,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,brushray
В этом разделе мы собираем самые смешные приколы (комиксы и картинки) по теме high world (+1000 картинок)