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caidus getting grab by tentacle

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Целых три ролика из пролога нового BFG Armada

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The seeds for the battle were sewn when the Eldar Farseer of Ulthwe, Eldrad Ulthran, developed an ambitious plan to awaken Ynnead and bring about the destruction of Slaanesh. Allying with Harlequins, Eldrad planned to use the remains of Farseers known as Crystal Seers to channel a summoning ritual through every Infinity Circuit in the Galaxy. Though Ynnead would be summoned at last, every Craftworld would be left derelict and the Astronomicon would be thrown into disarray, but Eldrad felt that these were acceptable losses given the outcome. Eldrad's greatest problem was that the ritual required a psychic medium of great power, something which could only be accomplished on the crystal moon of Coheria, which was in Imperial hands.

Keeping the truth of the ritual from allied Autarchs, Eldrad was able to get forces from Ulthwe and Saim-Hann to launch a diversionary attack on an Imperial Navy base near Coheria. This left the crystal moon largely undefended, and Eldrad and his Harlequin allies were able to begin the ritual undisturbed. However a Deathwatch Kill-Team led by Artemis quickly arrived. After a vicious battle, Artemis and his Battle-Brothers are able to destabilize the ritual and force Eldrad to flee as Coheria exploded.

Семена битвы были брошены, когда Ультвийский ясновидец Эльдрад Ультран разработал амбициозный план по пробуждению Иннеада и уничтожению Слаанеш. Объединившись с арлекинами, Эльдрад намеревался использовать останки ясновидцев, известных как Кристаллические Провидцы, чтобы запустить ритуал пробуждения через каждый Бесконечный Цикл в Галактике. Когда Иннеад наконец-то был бы призван, каждый рукотворный мир опустел бы, а работа Астрономикона была бы нарушена, но Эльдраду казалось, что это приемлемые потери ради такого результата. Главной проблемой Эльдрада было то, что ритуал требует проводника [1] пси-энергии огромной мощности, это могло быть исполнено только на кристаллической луне Кохерии, которая была в руках Империума.

Сокрыв полную правду о ритуале от союзников-аутархов, Эльдраду удалось заручиться силами Ультве и Сейм-Ханна для деверсионной атаки на базу Имперского Флота рядом с Кохерией. Это оставило кристаллическую луну практически без защиты, и Эльдрад с союзными арлекинами смогли начать ритуал, не на что не отвлекаясь. Однако вскоре прибыла зондер ликвидационная команда Караула Смерти во главе с Артемисом. После жестокой битвы Артемису со своими боевыми братьями удалось нарушить ход ритуала и обратить в бегство силы эльдар, когда Кохерия взорвалась.

[1] Medium - the intervening substance through which impressions are conveyed to the senses or a force acts on objects at a distance.
Example: radio communication needs no physical medium between the two stations
— Д J • чв». ШШГ щ IVI ntr 1 <1 ■ 1 Я щ «1 r - J | o3K.nl ji Л » 1 F А ш I • .н 1^» ■ *т*А А, f Ш J w • Я iWj jr®,Wh News,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,eldrad ulthran,Craftworld Eldar,Эльдар, Eldar, Корабельники,AoS близко,Librarium,Deathwatch,Ordo

юмор ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

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Врум-врум мазафака!

Форжа, форжа никогда не меняется!

Вы же все хотели еще один огромный танк в смоле? А вот они уверены что вы просто ЖАЖДИТЕ этого!
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А вот и больше информации подвалило.
What happens when you cross a Sicaran, a Repulsor and a Fellblade? Meet the Astraeus Super-heavy tank.

Just as the Primaris Space Marines themselves blend the best elements of several millennia of Space Marines, the Astraeus Super-heavy Tank represents the pinnacle of Imperial engineering, a devastating war machine that makes the perfect accompaniment to your Space Marine army.

An enormous hull mounts a devastating range of defensive and offensive systems. The main weapons of the Astraeus Super-heavy tank are a pair of macro-accelerator cannons, coupled with sponson-mounted las-rippers or plasma eradicators. The macro-accelerator cannons are particularly powerful, firing 12 shots with -2 AP and 3 Damage apiece!

Meanwhile, layered void shields protect this vehicle against even the most dedicated attacks, including Mortal Wounds, while the enhanced repulsor field is a powerful deterrent to enemy assault units – firstly, reducing their charge ranges, and secondly, literally crushing them with waves of gravitic force when they get close!

Unlike its little brother, the Astraeus Super-heavy Tank doesn’t have any transport capacity – instead, this colossal machine is dedicated to destruction alone. While there are few targets that can stand up to one of the Astraeus Super-heavy Tank’s furious fusillades, it particularly excels at shooting down Flyers. With the Steel Behemoth rule and Power of the Machine Spirit, this war machine can fire on the move, or even when locked in close combat, making it a surprisingly flexible and mobile unit for its size.

It’s not just a triumph of engineering in the lore of the 41st Millennium, either – this is one of the most advanced Forge World kits we’ve ever released. Every single gun (right down to the tiny storm bolter mounted on the vehicle’s rear!) can be moved and repositioned, while there are even options for which sponson weapons you can attach to the vehicle. Additionally, the Astraeus kit features a custom transparent flying stand designed to support the weight of this model while keeping it absolutely secure.

From a collector’s standpoint, if you’re looking for an army of exclusively Primaris Space Marines, the Astraeus makes for a fantastic centrepiece model, equivalent to other iconic Space Marine vehicles like the Thunderhawk.

You won’t have to wait long to pick up this massive war machine for yourself, with the Astraeus Super-heavy Tank – alongside free downloadable rules – available to buy soon. In the meantime, if you’re looking for even more Forge World models to add to your Space Marine army, why not pick up Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Adeptus Astartes?

Ну и фоточек новых.

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/ ^Шг В и ж. 1 1 1 • ill 1 J •> i 1 гН if i 11 1 1 ■ Il 1 1 И -. I 1 wjr 1 * ^ ¿г W " 1 11 * - 1 * 1 » 1 },Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperium,Империум,red scorpions,Miniatures (Wh 40000),Wh News

муЩ •Tl'l Vill WÆr^^Sm г i ' ' -Л ‘(ш • 1 T ММ V / /ЯЛ л.Г 1 \ 5gf .LjjJ F J Jf4\ fr / 1 ipPnflp /C¿ aj# *>// wy / Л *| ' 1# J flL - 1 " , 4 «cv* ( ^ ^ I % gfc »- i 1. ГТ!,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Space Marine,Adeptus

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Imperium Кайафас Каин Commissar (wh 40000) ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

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Wh Песочница Miniatures (Wh 40000) Imperium Space Marine ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

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Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Miniatures (Wh 40000),Imperium,Империум,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes

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