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Genestealer Cult Tyranids Imperium flick artist Wh Other личинка человека Warhammer 40000 фэндомы
Счастливая имперская семья
Miniatures (Wh 40000) Imperium Space Wolves Space Marine Warhammer 40000 фэндомы
Stormwolf - Fast Attack - Points = Land Raider minus 35
BS4 - F12 S12 R12 HP3 - Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport)
Twin-linked helfrost cannon
Twin-linked lascannon
Two twin-linked heavy bolters - May be replaced with a Skyhammer launcher for free, or two twin-linked multi-meltas for 20pts
Ceramite Plating
Special Rules:
Assault Vehicle
Power of the Machine Spirit
Transport Capacity - sixteen models
Fire Points - none
Access Points - One ramp at the front of the hull
Stormfang Gunship - Heavy Support - Points = Land Raider minus 30
BS4 - F12 S12 R12 HP3 - Vehicle (Flyer, Hover Transport)
Helfrost destructor
Two twin-linked heavy bolters - May be replaced with a Skyhammer launcher for free, or two twin-linked multi-meltas for 20 pts
Two Stormstrike missiles - May be replaced with a twin-linked lascannon for 15 pts
Ceramite Plating
Special Rules:
Power of the Machine Spirit
Transport Capacity - six models
Fire Points - none
Access Points - One at rear of the hull
Helfrost cannon
dispersed - R24" S6 AP3 Heavy 1, Helfrost, Blast
focussed - R24" S8 AP1 Heavy 1, Helfrost
Helfrost destructor
dispersed - R24" S6 AP3 Heavy 1, Helfrost, Large Blast
focussed - R24" S8 AP1 Heavy 1, Helfrost, Lance
Helfrost - If a model suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon, it must pass a separate Strength test for each wound suffered or be removed from play
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