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»Imperial Guard Imperium нарисовал сам пост сдал комиссар Бродяги имперская гвардия Warhammer 40000 фэндомы
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Wh Песочница Игры 3D art сделал сам DDK26 Warhammer 40000 фэндомы
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странно что он так плохо освещен здесь Warbringer Nemesis Titan
Warhammer Community brought more information out about the Warbringer Titan today. A new addition to the lore of 40k, we expect to see more come out about it as time goes on. For now, though, GW has been content to give hobby fans some more information. All content below is courtesy of Warhammer Community.
One of the biggest things – literally – to come out of this weekend’s Vigilus Open Day was word of a new Imperial Titan for Warhammer 40,000! You guys have been clamouring for a closer look at this behemoth of a model, so let’s explore what it has to offer.
The Warbringer Nemesis Titan is a dedicated Titan hunter, sporting a truly immense quake cannon designed to take down enemy god-machines at range. Used during the Great Crusade against various Titan-scale xenos constructs, the Warbringer Nemesis came into its own during the Horus Heresy, as Titan war became commonplace.
Sitting between the Warlord and Reaver in size, the Warbringer Nemesis Titan model shares many design features with its brethren. Its thicker frontal armour marks it out as a very different beast, though. In addition, it boasts a host of anti-air weapons designed to fend off aerial assaults against the Titan while it lines up a kill shot with its quake cannon.
The model is packed with detail, from an officer and servitor on the upper gun decks to an intricate loading mechanism, defence batteries, individual void shield projectors and much more.
Alongside the new Titan are a range of Battle Titan arm weapons, designed to fit both the Warbringer and Reaver Titan bodies. Either Titan can use any two of these weapons in any combination. You’ll be able to pick up four different arm weapons when the Warbringer launches – laser blaster, gatling blaster, volcano cannon and melta cannon.