ну написано "смертельно ранил мельта взрывом" если переводить дословно. но собственно залп из мельты - такой же взрыв как и мельта-бомба. ну и там ссылка есть, что "мельта" в тексте - это не бомба.
Вот что пишут:
Zhrukhal Androcles, known as the "Siegebreaker," was the grim Captain of the 9th Devastator Company of the Star Phantoms Space Marine Chapter. During the internecine Imperial conflict known as the Badab War (904.M41-912.M41), Captain Androcles played a crucial role in the final battle of the campaign when he confronted the renegade Astral Claws Chapter Master Lufgt Huron and mortally wounded him with a point-blank Combi-Melta blast before dying from his own wounds.
И в варгире у него значится комби-мельта (как на арте в посте).
Капитан Андрокл уже кричит "SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!"
Zhrukhal Androcles, known as the "Siegebreaker," was the grim Captain of the 9th Devastator Company of the Star Phantoms Space Marine Chapter. During the internecine Imperial conflict known as the Badab War (904.M41-912.M41), Captain Androcles played a crucial role in the final battle of the campaign when he confronted the renegade Astral Claws Chapter Master Lufgt Huron and mortally wounded him with a point-blank Combi-Melta blast before dying from his own wounds.
И в варгире у него значится комби-мельта (как на арте в посте).