( 0. ) CHRPTER COLOUR SCHEME HDEPTU5 H5TRRTE5 MHRKING5 & HERRLDRY 11.1 chrpter nrme The fAaccanites 12. i chrpter motto To Serve the EMporer, and soue burgers ( 3a.) CHRPTER SYMBOL l 3b. J PRIMRRY WERPON CONFIGURRTION I i 4.) RLTERNRTE HELMET CONFIGURRTION t specify in sections 4a. - A.di MK II CRWL PHTTERN BOLT RILFE l see File ref R3541/e ) 14a.i .?P.PE/P3PP.P..a4b.) drtMAce.,4c ¡HeavyQrinner{4d.)..RedPevii ( 5. ) RLTERNRTE SHOULDER INSIGNIR ¡specify in sections Sa. - Sd. 1 \ 1 5a.)..............[ 5b.)...............( 5c.)................( 5d.) " i<5. ) ROOITIONRL CHRPTER INFORMRTION t request form R.11Sb to extend this section if required 1 ; Based on the, Bestaurant World oP Maooinos, fed, by their PriMe-Mao and, deterMined to bring orders (op Pries and etuPP) to,the ¡MperiuM op, Man «< FOR MUNITORUM USE ONLY »> 'While the enemies of the Emperor still draw breath, there can be no peace." MUNITORUM REF R:115
Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Wh Crossover,Wh Other,mcdonalds,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperium,Империум,Primaris Space Marine
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