"Winner for August facebook Raffle chosen by RNG: Salamander consoling an upset child, and Solar Macharius planning something. I chose 2 winners this time because I forgot to post for September.
Anyways, my patreon is back under the third goal so its not done in color.
Submission for October's raffle is open now! Submission close end of this month. Here's a copy paste of the guide line from previous months; all the followers of this page can submit whatever requests they have to me by commenting HERE on THIS post! So save this post so that you can come back to it at any time before the deadline (31st of Oct). You may change or amend your requests at any time before I then. I will choose one out of all the submitted requests using a random number generator. Highlight your request by typing RAFFLE REQUEST (all caps) as the first sentence so I can differentiate between normal comment and raffle requests. I'll be using case sensitive search so make sure you type raffle request in all caps!"
Сколько раз слышал имя лорд Солар Махариус и до сих пор не могу понять. Солар - это имя, а Махариус фамилия? Или лорд Солар это титул, как лорд Терры, а Махариус - просто имя?
Лорд солар - это другое название титула вармастера, который в свою очередь является одним из высших званий в иерархической лестнице Имперской Гвардии. Однако "Лорд Солар" более престижное/приятное название данного титула, так как первый вармастер у нас запомнился лояльному Империуму далеко не победами.
В случае Махариуса титул "Солар" привязался к нему сильнее, чем к другим носителям этого же ранга, так как его победы были самыми внушительными.
find then the traitor got decapitated and the canoness recruited , roe to her team! ^
She said that if I fight well I will get more of
Waoh, Sisters' rations are YUM!
So anywag, I was denied my glorious death and a place on the Emperor's lap so now you have to let me ^ sit on yours
Want some? I
Anyways, my patreon is back under the third goal so its not done in color.
Submission for October's raffle is open now! Submission close end of this month. Here's a copy paste of the guide line from previous months; all the followers of this page can submit whatever requests they have to me by commenting HERE on THIS post! So save this post so that you can come back to it at any time before the deadline (31st of Oct). You may change or amend your requests at any time before I then. I will choose one out of all the submitted requests using a random number generator. Highlight your request by typing RAFFLE REQUEST (all caps) as the first sentence so I can differentiate between normal comment and raffle requests. I'll be using case sensitive search so make sure you type raffle request in all caps!"
В случае Махариуса титул "Солар" привязался к нему сильнее, чем к другим носителям этого же ранга, так как его победы были самыми внушительными.