Terminator Squad :: Space Marine (Adeptus Astartes) :: Wh Alternative :: Imperium (Империум) :: Wh Песочница :: Warhammer 40000 (wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник) :: фэндомы

Wh Alternative Wh Песочница Space Marine Imperium Terminator Squad удалённое ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Cacttcal Breatmougbt ^>utt
Cxecutor mtmn
JDiSrobm-d bp tErcbpru-o'la in Uir uitciinil rintitf ol pLum Daidam-Kus V. tlic Cxeculor pattern is л Xmumatoi' 3ruuir from t(je IDark ages of tDccljnology. mostly fabricated too far from iCartlj to be found ш hiip chapter treasure.
iEIie Executor

Cacttcal Breatmougbt ^>utt Cxecutor mtmn JDiSrobm-d bp tErcbpru-o'la in Uir uitciinil rintitf ol pLum Daidam-Kus V. tlic Cxeculor pattern is л Xmumatoi' 3ruuir from t(je IDark ages of tDccljnology. mostly fabricated too far from iCartlj to be found ш hiip chapter treasure. iEIie Executor pattern is a berw inobtie and resilient Suit of robotic Rrmor that prodide fiery good protection and the capacity to toiclb heady tocaponS toitfjour the need to babe я bipod or tripod to fire. 5U sharps mar o( (hr о thru eT.utical BiRithnongli suits, Ujp arms Jiabr a f*irb limp aiming up, Uir toi'dter can't rxlpitd iiis arms or tegs' more than 00° and the exressibe freight and noise can be a problem in some missions, dJiit the suit is made for frontal close-Quarter assaults, and in this situations it excels, truth good protection, extra pneumatic straight and capacity to tweld brain» tvcaponS Cacti cat Jbelmet Cerminator 2>elmet Chaplain pelmet librarian if3si K.iuod tCIic Cxecutor pattern armor habc a ingenious my ro deal until legs and freight. й рясг of robotical limbs extends from tlje bacbpacb to tlje boots, putting most of tlje tonight in mptalir structures, and not in the user legs. EClie boots also haue a Second "pair" of feet, activated bn mechanical gears and pneumatics. 3t'S used to balance tlic armor freight and hold firmly in the ground, .THohuirg the nSrr to five heady recoil gnus bntlioiil the banger us failing or shaking the aim. Hbr Henuinator armors usually comes torch IjradP robotic hands called |)otorrfist. CTlir bearer's hand stars inside lhr robolir forearm, cuurtlrd to a group ol toirrs and rings that read the hand ntoueuicnts and reproduce it to the robot arm. Jin the Cxecutor pattern, the jpotoerfist is open in the lotoer part, flltotomg the toearer to qnicUly turn off the niechanir list and use his otou. lur dealing toiili keyboards, LotuhScreeits and Ollier delmes Uiai are loo small for the ^otoerfist to operate. because of the ItflacU «ИСагарнее. adeptus Sstartes can control tlje ^oiverfrst by nenral impulses, being able to luield pistols or bolters in their hands and heady toeapons in the robulic lists, toorking as il U|ei* had luur hands in combat. Ulje (Terminator mask ran be remoneb. and some pilots like to toear tlje exoskeleton umltoiii the mask. 3s expected, remouing tlje mask expoor the pilot to barrum, toxic gases, extreme temperature# anb pressure anb also adorns enemies to Stupe tlje pilot lo Steal the armor almost ititart (i£haos astartes for example. Iiabe ninny uses tor tins pieces of losi technology) QHir pilot operates the (Tactical Dreadnought from a rorhpit in tlje torso of tlje armor, toitli pedals anti joysticks to control the arms aub legs. 3bepfuS Notaries can hook the terminator system luitb their $lack Carapace, adorning them to топе aub manueuer tlje armor mill) neural tnipttl, leabtng llje IjanbS aub feet free to control other hjcapmt systems anb to concentrate in more Delicate mobes, like reloading, arming explosibes aub opening boors midi the armor huge baubs. factual iBreabnougfjt tTermmator terminator Ssiartes Ujnman Jllany gnus too Ijeaby ebeu for the 3beptus 3startes to use can he outfitted in tlje QEeninnator armor, ober or under tlje mrchantcal gaunllels. fllwin healiy bolters, minigiiu-style aurocanous. Ijeabj' flamers, beam? uielta guns aub rockel launcher racks aub alt lie abaptrb to terminator use. fCaclital Dreadnought armor, 3Iui. Cerutinator armor is a pomerful anb Xuell protected relic from tlje Dark 3gc of ctTeclniologi». Chis hulking exosheletotts of plastcel anb Ijarbcrete mere useb (ip Utah у latuotts anb tnfamous people Stnce the 31 miUenium, including Mortis aub the tfmperor nil Self. i2o item {Terminator armor are fabricated anymore, lhe fern that exist are nibalnadle treasures.
Wh Alternative,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperium,Империум,Terminator Squad,удалённое
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Комментарии 6 06.09.201620:30 ссылка -0.4
Первый либо пропускал день ног, либо техножрецы опять проелюбили технологию, на этот раз отвода физиологических жидкостей.
Zprime Zprime 06.09.201620:42 ответить ссылка 0.8
Он хочет писеть
В гугле забанили?
IIIYXAPT IIIYXAPT 06.09.201623:40 ответить ссылка 0.0
Упс... Мой косяк. Правда в свое оправдание хочу сказать что гугл у меня вчера никак не давал инициировать поиск именно по этой пикче. Хз почему. (Ну а пост я удалю, как дома буду)
Астартес переросток ?
Ой Омниссия не лупи этого техно-еретика сильно ......щас набегут -"ЭТО НЕ СШК , НЕ КАНОНЬ , НА ЗАПЧАСТИ ЕГО , В СЕРВИТОРЫ ! "
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