umaums HfífíLEQUIN T UPE rlequins are the most enigmatic members of the Eldar < ke no distinction between art and war. For the membe t/e Is a choreographed performance that ends with the the Eldar known asI lie IfarlcQirlns first appeared feflortng die Fall, lie luglc eumi that led to die birth of Staancsh and the almost roial destruction ol the Eldar race. As SlunaA battled die Eldar god Khme. the Uaghlng God CCgoodi escaped Into rhc •cbnay and so avoided the predaoons of the Prince of Excess. In the millennia since. Ccgorach’s agents -the Harlequin» - have emerged from the uctm jy to light In his name, conducting diclrown mysterious, untathomable war against die forces of Chaos i ble warriors who • Iuln Troupe, every lr foes. . lorform and fight as a i ml group of Individuals ilk role to fulfil The i • i Alt* represents < It. while the other Players aa»; i nr cast of gods and mortals in the plays, songs and stories the Troupe perform to their people, be they C'lflworld Eldar. EuxMesoreven Dark Eldar Indeed, they tend to ignore the hostile relationship between their fractious kin, fighting alongside Eldar of all backgrounds and inclinations
In battle, Uatlrquin Troupes move fast and hit hard, relying on speed and skill Ut annihilate the enemy before they even have time to raise their pins, Preferring to evade harm than endure it, every Player is equipped with a hokbsuit that fragments their outline into a storm of relented shards, am founding the foe's aim. Oner in combat, the Harlequins are in their element, performing a lethal dance of death while their masks shimmer with thefoe's wont fears. The Players cut their panicked victims to pieces using an array of horrific, yet strangely beautiful weapons, every pinpoint blade tknut and whipcord kick an act of worship to the Laughing Cod. WS BSSTW I A Ld St Unit Type Unit Composition Player 5 4 3 3 1 629 - Infantry 4 Players Troupe Master 65332 7 3 10 - Infantry (Character) 1 Troupe Master WARGEAR: OPTIONS: • llolo-suil • May include up to seven additional Players--------------------------------------- ^ pts/model • Shuriken pistol • Any model may replace their shuriken pistol with one of the following; • Close combat weapon - Neuro disruptor--------------------------------------------------------------- 10 pis/tnodd • Plasma grenades - Fusion pistol____________________________________________________________ f-------- №/modrl • Rip belt • Any model may replace their close combat weapon with one of the following: - Harlequin's embrace._________________________________________________________________5.pWm°?. SPECIAL RULES: - Harlequin's kiss--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii . . . o pts/moaet •Fair * Harlequin s caress..............................................;....... , ~^ • Fleet • The Troupe Master may replace his close combat weapon with a power sword--------------------tyu • Furious Charge • The Troupe Master may take haywire grenades..—...----------••"VT'l......................"¡V,|................. • Hit it Run • The Troupe Master may take one item from the Enigmas of the Black Library • The unit can select a Starwcavcr as a Dedicated Transport. WHITE DWARF 25
Then thr killing begins. Seldor fall, eyes widening at k/ad\ are severed, throats opened, and hearts pierced. blood ptb like monsoon rain in the wfc of a killer too fast to be sen. Only when he pauses forn moment amid the slaughter do his victims get a glimpse of their executioner - a domino field swirling around his like form, his grotesquely masked head tilted at a runout angle as he regards thorn he hunti This is the Solitaire, and as he leaps into motion once mem, hiI victims' deaths are but wondt away. Nome, even aooongit do Harlequins, knar the bmOsef the Solitaires' abilities. Tala exist of these supernatant kitten running op sheer farms walls, spitting from Aedndm inside locked bonkers, even slowing lime itself. Hm nob is hyperbole and how mud do truth, few can say foe tertam. To those who stand in the Solitaires path it molten bob, for their deaths are assured either um. WSBSSTW I A Ld Sv Unit ¡type Unit Composition Solitaire 9 9 3 3 3 10 6 10 - Infantry (Character) 1 (Unique) WARGEAR: • Holo suit • Harlequin's caress »Harlequin’s kiss • Hip belt SPECIAL RULES: • Deep Strike • Eternal Warrior • Fear • Fearless •fleet • Furious Charge «Hit It Run • Precision Strike« Blits: Once per game, at the start of any of the controlling players Movement phases, the Solitaire can move in the following manner instead of moving normally. Roll a numbei < D6 equal to the current turn number; the result is the number in inches that the SoliiaifJ can move. When moving in this manner, the Solitaire can move over all other models aito terrain as if they were open ground, but it cannot end its move on top of other model* “r impassable terrain. In the Assault phase of the turn in which the Solitaire moves in manner, its Attacks characteristic is increased to 10. Impossible Form: A Solitaire has a 3+ invulnerable save. The Path of Damnation: A Solitaire can never be joined by another character. If* is your army’s Warlord, he never has a Warlord Trait. Prismatic Blur: A Solitaire may move up to 12" in the Movement pha»e. OPTIONS: • May take haywire grenades ................................................. • May take one item from the Enigmas of the Black Library 26 WHITE DWARF
GUMU OULU As outcasts even among outcasts. Solitaires always fight alone, and as such you need some very different tactics when using them compared to most characters inWarhammer 40,000. You can't fust hide a Solitaire among the ranks of his friends and let them cover him as he advances into action. Thankfully, with a Solitaire, you don't really have to. He is the definition of swift, able to tear across the battlefield at a startling 12" per turn, leaping and skipping across obstacles and battlefield detritus without impediment as he goes. Think of the Solitaire as a high-speed assassin. Use his faster than average move rate and ability to pass through difficult terrain without slowing to advance unseen, hopping from one piece of cover to the next and. once you’ve closed In on your chosen target, launch the mother of all assaults. It's imperative that you do charge with the Solitaire as well - while he's surprisingly durable, with the ability to dodge nimbly aside from most blows, and he’s an Eternal Warrior, so he can’t be killed by a single hit. you really do need the benefits of Furious Charge to ensure you do the most damage in close combat. Then, it's all a matter of choosing the right enemy - go for enemy characters, lone heroes and support units, but avoid units that can muster lots of return attacks. ♦ UNLEASH THE BUTZ One of 0» most interesting abilities of the Solitaire is Bta. a one-use abity which allows him to move at an incredible rate, the SOfetarre's speed increasing as the dance of battle continues. Use Blitz in one of two ways, firstly, to increase the Sottaire's power in dose combat fBStz also gives the Sotare 10 Attacks lor the turn); if you have a Yey stubbpm foe that needs kiing this can make al the difference. Secondly, to cross the board: often in the final stages of the battle, you need to get an enemy off an Objective. BBtz is great for last-minute grabs. Fvsiunsm Fusion pistols vapourise their targets into nothingness. Range S AP Type 6' 8 I Pistol. Melta HARLEQUIN'S CARESS T/iis device sheathes the wearer's hand in a deadly power field. Range S AP Type User - Melee, Caress of Death Caress of Death. Each To Hit roll of a 6 made by a weapon with this special rule causes a single automatic Wound, regardless of the target's Toughness, and is resolved at AP2. Against vehicles, each To Hit roll of a 6 causes a single automatic glancing hit. HARLEQUIN'S EMBRACE | Tfiis weapon shreds its victims with a web of monofilament wires. | Range S AP Type User - Melee, Embrace of Death Embrace of Death: A model equipped with a : Harlequin's Embrace has the Hammer of Wrath I spedal rule, but makes D3 Hammer of Wrath Attacks that hit automatically and are resolved at Strength 6. HARLEQUIN'S HISS Pknged into the victim's body, this weapon reduces their innards to meat slurry in moments. Range S AP Type User - Melee, Kiss of Death Kiss of Death: When a model equipped with a Harlequin's Kiss makes its close combat attacks, one of its Attacks will be a Kiss of Death Attack (roll this Attack separately!. A Kiss of Death Attack is always resolved at Strength 6 AP2. If a 6 is rolled To Wound with a Kiss of Death Attack, that attack has the Instant Death spedal rule. REUR0 DISRUPTOR Neuro disruptors burn out their victims' nervous systems. Range S AP Type 12" I 2 Pistol, Fleshbane SHURIKEH PISTOL Shurihen weapons fire lethally sharpened discs at high velocities, cutting their targets to pieces. Range S AP Type 12” 4 5 Pistol, Bladestorm Bladestorm- When firing a weapon with this special rule, a To Wound roll of a 6 wounds automatically, regardless of the target's Toughness, and is resolved at AP2. PUP BELT These devices enhance the Harlequins' agility to incredible levels. A model with a flip belt is not slowed by difficult terrain and does not suffer the penalty to its Initiative for charging through difficult terrain. In addition, a character with a flip belt always passes Look Out, Sir rolls on a 2+. HOLO-SUlf I n battle, holcbsuits transform Harlequins into dazzling blurs, their outlines exploding into blizzards of light that leave the foe's aim confounded and their thoughts bewildered. A holo-suit grants the wearer a 5+ Invulnerable save. cmhM
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