Solkaitr Unit Type Infantry (Character) Unit CompotiiW.« I (Unique) WARGEAR: • Hoio-ftuit • Harlequin's cares« • Harlequin'« kiss • Hip bell Blitz: Onrc per game, at the «tart of any of the controlling player s .„ ( „„„»N'l <-i Solitaire can mow in the following manner imicatl of moving norma >• ^ D6 equal to the current turn number, the result is the number in i0f rood**4 SPECIAL RULES: • I»..,, faun • F.ternal Warrior • Fear • Fearless •Fleet • Furioua Char* e • Hh fc Run • Frecifciix, Strike« IK It Ml" is HIV oil"'1 I"' can mmc. When moving in this manner, the Solitaire can move over ^ ^ ^ terrain as if they were open ground, but it cannot end its move on top m,nr, impassable terrain. In the Assault phase of the turn in which the So ita manner, its Attacks characteristic is increased to 10. Imposniblc Form: A Solitaire has a 3+ invulnerable saw. . character The Path of Damnation: A Solitaire can never be joined by anot er is your army'« Warlord, he never ha« a Warlord Trait. Prismatic Blur: A Solitaire may move up to 12* in the Movement ph*8* OPTIONS: • May take haywire grenades......................... • May take one item from tlu* Knigmas of the Black Library hst SOLITAIRE Solitaire \ onset it n \hin, W«r of light and sirntking thmugh then rn. Ihn, I hr killing hrpttt W pill. eyes ■I'uUninf’ <|| ^ air sesrrrd. Ihtuah of^ and hearti purred Hloodu^ like monsoon rain in »*, ^ of a killer loo fail loUien. Only irhrn he pauses Joe „ moment amid the slaughter do hi\ vuhim get a tfmpwy thnr executions - o deem# field .wn/ing around ku kike form, his grotesquely nmked head tilted at a runnis angp a i he regards thair he hunts Thi\ is the Solitaire, and at la leapt in to motion on/e mm. 1» victim.\' dealhi ate but uvMik away. Sone, evert amonpl du Harlequins. know the trrrab ef the Solitaires' abilities Tain exist of these supernatural killers running up sheer fmtreu wills, spilling from the skodmn inside lo/k/il hunk/is, ft** slowing time itself. Hw mwi is hyperbole and hm mrnth the truth, few /an say fee ifrtom To those who stand in ike Solitaire's path ti matl/n Ue. for their deaths are ansae*I either wts.
In hauls. Harlequin I roup/s mmr fast and hit hard, relying on speed and skill to annihilate the enemy before they exxn hair lime to raise (best pint IStfemng to evade harm than rndurr it, eirry Player is equipped with a holo-svit that fragments their outline into a Won* of '«l><urnl shards. confounding the foe's aim. Once in combat, the Harlequins are in their element, performing a lethal dance of death while then masks shimmer with the foe's mmtjean. The Players cut their panicked xncttms to pieces using an array of horrtfie, yet strangely (•nuli/iil uvapnnt, nvn fitnpoint blade thrust and whipcord kick an act of u<onhip U> the Laughing God. PU>ti Tmupr Manor W'ARGKAR: • tlobMuii •Shun ken pistol •¡^nrcomhji weapon • nauru grenades •Hip bell SO CIAL RULES; • fr*t •Mrri •Wit A Run WS BS S T W I A I.d Sv 5 4 3 3 I 6 2 9 - 6 5 .1 3 2 7 3 10 - Unit TVpc Infantry Infantry (Character) Unit Composition 4 Flayers I Troupe Master OPTIONS: • May include up to seven additional Players................................... • Any model may replace their shurikcn pistol with one of the following - vN’euro disrupter............-....................—..............—......... - Fusion pistol.................................-..-............ • Any model may replace their close combat weapon with one of the following: • I harlequin's embrace...................................................... - Harlequin's kiss...........................—.........-............ - I l.irlcquin's caress.......................—........... *;•"......"Jlii jjl • The Troupe Master may replace his close combat weapon with a posu t swon • The Troupe Master may take haywire grenades ••••••• . . 'ih . • The Troupe Master may take one item from the Enigmas of t e ac • The unit can select a Starweavrr as a Dedicated lr.mspott. ... /5 pts/modei ... 10 pls/modrl ... Hpts/nodA W4ITE OWARf 25 L_
lOlHG S°L® jnl0njj ouicasi A-‘0U'CaS,VTvs'whl jlC,nC’ and d" SUh' goli»iKrsa , ve,\ diffeicnt tactics «hen vou ix«d s0 " red 10 most characters *«*^№000. You can t ¡us. ^ » in Ins the ranks ol his Iriends SolW'^ cover him as he advances and let thankfully, with a Solitaire, you in,° aCt'°nv h jvc to He is the delinition ol *"*£10 tear across the battlefield at rthyi« 12" per turn, leaping and stopping across obstacles and battlefield Sus Without impediment as he goes. Think of the Solitaire as a high-speed assassin Use his faster than average move rate and ability to pass through difficult FUSION PISTOL Fusion ptslds vapourin' their targets into nothingness. Range S AP Type 6" 8 I Pistol. Melta HARLEQUIN S CARESS Tte device sheathes the aearers hand in a deadly power field Range S AP Type User * Melee. Caress of Death Caress of Death Each To Hit roll of a 6 made by a weapon with this special rule causes a single automatic Wound, regardless of the target's Toughness, and is resolved at AP2. Against vehicles, each To Hit roll of a 6 causes a single automatic glancing hit. HARLEQUIN'S EMBRACE T*|> * capon shreds ils victims with a web of monofilament wires. S AP Type User . Melee, Embrace of Death Hariri * °f Death A rnodel equipped with a specinfV Eum^race ^as *he Hammer of Wrath that hi» & Ut.mal<es Hammer of Wrath Attacks u omatically and are resolved at Strength 6. ^UllTtKKj ‘Wards tonifj Mis weapon reduces their Range J ^in m,f1fnts. S Ap TvDe U*' ■ Melee, KlssofDeath Harlequins Kjss ^n.a model equipped with a a cs its close combat attacks, one terrain without slowing to advance unseen, hopping from one piece of cover to the next and, once you’ve closed In on your chosen target, launch the mother of all assaults It's imperative that you do charge with the Solitaire as well - while he's surprisingly durable, with the ability to dodge nimbly aside from most blows, and he’s an Eternal Warrior, so he can't be killed by a single hit, you really do need the benefits of Furious Charge to ensure you do the most damage in close combat. Then, it's all a matter of choosing the right enemy - go for enemy characters, lone heroes and support units, but avoid units that can muster lots of return attacks. ♦ UNLEASH THE BUTZ On© of the rooa interest»*} aWruesoiiheSoktaife« Bit;, a one-use atriity wbeh a*ows ten to move « incredible rate, the Soltaire's speed increasing «the dance o< battle contra UsoBliu in one ol two ways firstly, to increase the Solitaire's power n close combat {Btrtr also gives the Solitaire 10 Attacks lor the turn), if you have a very stubbpm foe that needs Ming, this can make all the deference. Secondly, to cross the board, often in the final stages of the battle, you need to get an enemy off an Objective, fttr is great for last-minuto grabs of its Attacks will be a Kiss of Death Attack (roll this Attack separately). A Kiss of Death Attack is always resolved at Strength 6 AP2. If a 6 is rolled To Wound with a Kiss of Death Attack, that attack has the Instant Death special rule. HEURO OISRUPTOR Nnrro disruptors burn out their victims' nervous systems. Range S AP Type 12" I 2 Pistol, Fleshbane SHURIKEH PISTOL Shuriken weapons fire lethally sharpened discs at high velocities, cutting their targets to pieces. Range S AP Type 12" 4 5 Pistol. Bladestorm Bladestorm: When firing a weapon with this special rule, a To Wound roll of a 6 wounds automatically, regardless of the target's Toughness, and is resolved at AP2. FUPBELT JC, 1 I These devices enhance the Harlequins agility to incredible Inels. A model with a flip belt is not slowed by difficult terrain and does not suffer the penalty to its Initiative for charging through difficult terrain In addition, a character with a flip belt always passes Look Out. Sir rolls on a 2+. SET**»«* Inform lhe,r cutI.«« «pmn aim confounded and their oug invu|nerable save A holo-suit grants the wearer a OB
фэндомы,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,Miniatures (Wh 40000),Harlequins,Harlequin,Solitaire (wh 40000)
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и почему солитёр не вообще долбанная имба всем и так понятно. одиночная модель с 3 вундами и 3++ очень даже убиваема. но проблема в её мув-способностях...
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в принципе стандартные такие космоэльфики, мощная стрельба вблизи, хтх, скорость, но ватность и хрустальность. читня в виде солитёра - читня из-за того что за 145 очей он могёт съесть всю вражескую стрельбу, а если на него забить то он тут же устроит вакханалию ПО ВСЕЙ карте, выполняя/не давая выполнить маэль. но труппа вполне адекватная, а как замечали выше - без некоторых вещей она ещё и может вообще быть дном.