Grey Knight doing kamehameha
Rebelious Dark Eldar complimenting Wholesome Daemonette
Grey Knight doing kamehameha
Rebelious Dark Eldar complimenting Wholesome Daemonette
Drunk Hospitaller
Daemonette knitting
Cute Sister Hospitaller with a long queue of fake wounded guardsmen waiting to be treated by her
Custodes feeding Corpse Emperor spaghetti
Cowboy marine enters saloon
Arbites daintily faint
Administratum Scribe on a date with SoB
Imperial Guard Captain Rex
Sister Ephereal Stern
Smol Marine
Smol Sister braiding Smol TP mechadendrite
Swarmlord hitting a pinata at his birthday party. alone.
Swarmlord and friend.
Wholesome Daemonette reading bedtime story.
Вы вошли в медпункт, чтобы обработать раны. Вы увидели Сестру Ари что-то бормочущую себе под нос.
Техножрец недовольна.Бро прикроет тебя.
Сестра Агнорис хочет что-то сказать о вчерашней битве.
Вы дали Техножрецу подарок
Вы заметили идущих навстречу комиссара и его помощника.Один шанс - все, что ему нужно.A Guardsmen being coiled by a Viper from XCOM.
Celestine sitting at a cogitator.
Ciaphas after Sulla gets the enemy to charge at him.
Custodes and Sister of Silence in awkward elevator.
Emperor taking notes from Napoleon.
Entire page of Cain Memoir that's blacked out by Vail with only word seen being naked.
Genestealer farmers.
Genestealer figure skating.
It was me, Emperor.
Jeanstealer wanted poster.
Ork car dealer meme.
Sheep Ork.
Sister of Silence ending CSM rightly.
Sister of Silence with a quiet pet parrot
SoB doing DUI.
Emperor Dakimakura
Commissar holding back Krieg guardsman from charging.
Cultist running away from a Primaris Marine.
Not Inquisitor checking out Emperor doujin
Not-Inquisitor holding a 'no lewd' sign
Ogryn protecting injured Sister
Pogo stick ork
Ratling Sniper teaching her ogryn spotter how to play cards
Rogal Dorn vs Perturabo pillow fort fight
Seraphim eating toast.
Sister of Battle wearing Converse all star
Sister of Silence and a lamb
Sister of Silence explaining the battle plan through interpretive dance
Sleeveless Sister showing off her biceps
Sly Marbo behind a tree.
Space marine in sharp business suit
Space Marine playing children's card game
A commissar who misses his dad
Space Marine playing ping pong
Sly Marbo gargling mouthwash