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Harlequin woman


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Dark Eldar Eldar Ynnari СПОЙЛЕР Chaos (Wh 40000) Slaanesh Khorne Skarbrand Mask of Slaanesh ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

The Fracture of Biel-Tan - Part One

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Dark Eldar,Eldar,Ynnari,СПОЙЛЕР,Chaos (Wh 40000),Slaanesh,Khorne,Skarbrand,Mask of Slaanesh

It's Fight Night in Commorragh! Isn't every night, fight night in Commorragh though? Well yes, but this is the big ticket title fight! In the red corner, LELITH HESPERAX, Queen of Knives and the People's Champion herself! She's going to be tough to beat, given she's currently undefeated and undisputed champion of the Crucibael. In the blue corner, our challenger for this evening, an upcoming gladiatrix who's risen to high fame under the patronage of Lady Malys herself, known to the craftworlders as YVRAINE, known to the Corsairs as AMHAROC, known to Commorragh as THE DAUGHTER OF SHADES. The Dark City is abuzz, crowd attendance is somewhere in the millions and even a Harlequin Troupe has come to be entertained and some bloke is probably streaming the fight on Facebook Live. First some warm-up fights though. Sslyth vs Donorian Clawed Fiends. Horrors of the Haemonculi vs Wych Cults vs a battered squad of Astartes vs Hellion free for all. The crowd is going wild. Then come the Tyranids - cross-bred strains of Hive Fleet Kraken and Leviathan are released by the Haemonculi into the arena as Lady Hesperax and Yvraine enter the fight. Asdrubael Vect watches with interest from his floating fortress high above Commorragh.

The fighting is fierce. Yvraine is up against a Hive Tyrant (flips over its head, kicks a knife off the ground into the back of its head, charges in underneath, carves out its underbelly. Killed). She quickly finds herself caught up in a melee with a Lichtor though, and Lelith uses that opportunity to get some hits in. The Lichtor gets eviscerated in the cross-fire, as Lelith comes in at Yvraine in a furious flurry of blows - who does this upstart think she is challenging Lelith to a duel? Yvraine is hard-pressed to simply defend herself, and quickly finds herself on the back foot but an unfortunate stumble by Yvraine sees Lelith's dagger in her gut. Satisfied with her victory, Lelith vaults off to find new prey while Yvraine is trying to stem the wound in her gut. However a Priestiess of Morag-Heg steps up for a duel, and Yvraine is quickly overwhelmed and loses her hand. Yvraine knows she's dead - she's loosing too much blood but manages to lock the Priestess up in a deathly choke-hold to at least take the Priestess out with her. They both shudder in their death spasms, falling to the ground....

... only for an all consuming brightness of a star to burst up from the ground and consume them both. Yvraine is screaming as she feels the awareness of a new dimension open up in her mind, casting away all concerns of her previous self. She sees Ynnead, shooting like a star from a distant crystal moon (*cough see Death Masque cough*) and laying the immensity of his gaze upon her. Her soul is layed bared to him, and she will forever see nothing but his glory. "Daughter," he whispers.

Explosions of energy shoot off from her body, as she's raised up in the air by invisible forces. The energy sweeps out into the arena, withering any Eldar it touches and turning them into husks. The Tyranids are largely unaffected though, and use the opportunity to start rampaging through the crowd. The Trueborn guards try to fight back, but they are mixed in attacking the 'Nids or the glowing body of Yvraine. All shots just seem to bounce off her though. Lelith zooms away into the night on a Reaver Jetbike, her smile like the
“glint of pearls in the gloom”.

Above the carnage, Vect is watching with growing anger... what the hell is going on? He sends his proxies to try to restore order. But something far worse is coming... Yvraine wakes from her apotheosis, and the ground shakes beneath her feet as she touches back down. Her hand restored, and even her blade transformed and radiating with power. Her Bloodbrides rally around her, as they quickly find themselves under attack by both Tyranids and Kabilites. Realising she's in the middle of a :cussstorm, Yvraine decides to get the hell out and they make for the exit of the arena killing as they go. But with each death of an Eldar around her, she starts to feel more and more power growing in her mind and body and eventually she can't hold it in and speaks words unbidden to her lips. The entire arena goes dark as every light is extinguished, and she's shocked to see dead eldar all around felled without a blow. Kabalite Guards cry out in alarm - psychic activity in the city is surely to draw the attention of Slaanesh! Kill her! More Incubi rush out to attack her, when a red armoured figure steps in to defend her. "Team up?" He offers, as he helps her cut down the Incubi. "No. Go Away. I don’t need help," she spits back but for some reason he seems really familiar... something about the styling of his armour and guard stance. He points to her sword, telling her it is called "Kha-vir" and that it is blessed by Ynnead, just as she is. "Ugh fine, you can tag along," she relents as they try to escape to the space-docks. She's got some mates there, from her Corsair days, and she might just be able to escape... because that 'far worse' thing that's coming? 

Well, turns out that beneath Commorragh there is ancient sealed portal known as Khaine's Gate that has kept a flood of demons at bay. Only Yvraine's apotheosis had created a dysjunction of Empyrean energy that collapsed the gate, and let a flood of Demons into the Dark City. Vect had already prepared for an eventually like this though, and left the 'defence' of the gate to his rivals ensuring they are the first to die to the Demonic Invasion. His plan is to let other people bear the brunt of the invasion, while he can consolidate and come back in strength at a later date. Still, he's not particularly pleased at what Yvraine has wrought on his dominion. He commands Urien Rakarth to send his forces out to capture/kill her.

Anyway, Yvraine and her new buddy in red armour (he calls himself the Visarch) manage to escape into the webway along with some of their followers. They don't really know where they're going though, just away from Vect's forces. As she's travelling starts hearing voices in her head of some of the Eldar she killed in the arena. Wait a minute - she's somehow absorbed their souls! This meant she's kept them safe from Slaanesh! Could she be the salvation of all the Eldar? If only she wasn't hopelessly lost in the webway! Her Wych Cult are starting to get real antsy too, this deep in the webway and no 'food' to stave off their 'hunger'. They come across a portal, with strange music coming out of it which is creepy as :cuss, but Yvraine's got no real choice - she goes through it. Only to run straight into a host of Demonettes, dancing and frolicking around as if at a grand ball with corpses of Kabalite Warriors! Creepy and Weird! They get ready to fight... but... the music is kind of relaxing... and the Demonettes are kinda nice to look at... And dancing at the centre of it all, the Masque of Slaanesh watches with glee as the Dark Eldar begin to drift off into slumber. The Masque is drawn forward to Yvraine, when SURPRISE HARLEQUIN AMBUSH! Harlequins of the Midnight Sorrow drop down from the 'roof' of the webway and start cutting through the Demonettes. This snaps Yvraine and her Dark Eldar group out of it, and they rally to fend off the Masque's ambush forcing the Masque to flee into the Empyrean. The Harlequins offer to guide Yvraine to a destination she knows well. Craftworld Biel-Tan.

You see, Yvraine was born on Biel-Tan. She walked the Path of the Performer first, dazzling with her displays of acrobatics. But then she felt the call of violence and went on the Path of the Warrior, but eventually not even the fiercest of battle could sate her spirit. So she tried the Path of the Warlock for a bit, but that wasn't quite right for her either. So she became an Outcast, rising up to become a famed Corsair admiral before a mutiny caused her to flee to the arenas of Commorragh. And here she is now, the Prodigal Daughter returning to Biel-Tan as a new force that could change the fate of Biel-Tan and the Eldar forever. Biel-Tan, as I’m sure you’re all aware, has violent and vengeful ambition to restore to the Eldar to its former glory. They think that the Exodite Eldar are the true hope of the Eldar, and will prosecute anything threatening one of their Maiden Worlds with extreme force hence their reputation as the most militant of the Craftworlders. Most other Craftworlds look on this as a delusional ideal though - the ability to restore the Maiden Worlds to the former glory of the Eldar Empire has long passed. But not everyone thinks that way, a certain Ulthwe High-Farseer and a troupe of Harlequins among them. Eldrad has forseen the coming of Ynnead's ascension in the form of Yvraine and the ambitions of Biel-Tan could be a perfect platform to make this happen and the Harlequins of the Midnight Sorrow have already worded up Biel-Tan about an arrival of a ominous nature. The Biel-Tan Autarch Melineil consults with his sister, Farseer Lathriel - in her divinations she sees a fork in the road. One path leads to Rhana Dandra (the end of days) and the other leads to darkness with the sound of a mourning bell ringing. Could the prophecies of the Seventh Way (the one where the Eldar don't have to all die for Ynnead to awaken) be true? One other small problem though, unknown to the Eldar - The Masque of Slaanesh is kinda keen on getting inside Biel-Tan and feasting on their tasty souls, especially because she senses Yvraine will end up there. And she's got a plan.

There's a backdoor into Biel-Tan, from a Maiden World called Ursulia. It's sealed and all that, but the Masque reckons she knows how to crack it. A sudden Warp Storm has popped up over Usulia, wreaking havoc through the Exodites living there. Also, the massive Demonic Invasion that the Masque organised, made up of a grand promenade of Slaanesh demons... and a grand battalion of Khorne Demons. Wait what? Khorne and Slaanesh, like really, really hate each other! Lucky for the Masque though, she rolled really well on her Charisma at character generation and has like a Persuasion check of +30. The wards on the portal from Ursulia to Biel-Tan are too strong for her to break, but can they stop SKARBRAND?!?! Let's find out. She goes to talk to Skarbard with an offer of alliance, but Skarbrand aint interested in anything but Slaughter and Carnage. He goes to chop her into little pieces, but also lucky for the Masque she also rolled really high on Dexterity and has an AC of like 30 too. Eventually Skarbrand gets bored that she's not being dead, and she starts spinning a story of how they're not all that different from each other, both being exiled from their God and all that, and maybe they could have a friendly wager on who can kill the most Eldar on some random Maiden World. Natural 20 rolled on the Persuasion check it seems, because Skarbrand's ire is raised just enough to get him to agree to the wager (as if he's gonna let a puny Slannesh girl beat him!), but not enough that he flies into a rage and kills her on the spot. So off to Usulia they go, and the killing begins.

Biel-Tan aren't about to let one of their precious Maiden Worlds go down, so they launch a counter-assault with Autarch Melinial leading it personally. The battle rages back and forth, massed demon charges vs lightning strikes of Eldar. The Masque and Skarbrard are up near the portal – the Masque’s plan is to lure the Eldar up to the portal and set Skarbrand loose and in his rage he’ll destroy the wards on the portal. What could go wrong? Well the Eldar don't take the bait initially, and Skarbrand is in danger of being lured away himself. Not good! So the Masque jumps up on the Portal in full view of the battle and starts guzzling spirit stones off some Warlocks she's killed like they're oysters. Melinial is infuriated by the Masque's brazen feasting of Eldar souls, and directs all his forces towards where the Masque and Skarbrand are at the portal. The Eldar unleash a devastating amount of firepower, mainly at Skarbrand since he's a huge :cuss-off Bloodthirster after all, and manage to kill almost everything around him (except for the Masque) whilst also putting a fair bit of hurt on him. Skarbrand gets extraordinarily pissed that he's gonna die before he can even get to do anything, and looks around for something to smash... and the only thing he can see nearby is The Masque dancing on top of the portal. So he directs a big SKARBRAND SMASH! at her... but she jumps out of the way, and he cleaves through the wards on the portal instead. Meliniel watches in horror as the Masque and a whole swathe of Slaanesh demons dissapear into the Webway, enroute to Biel-Tan. Unfortunately Skarbrand is blocking his way, preventing him from pursuing. Skarbrand eventually realises The Masque has bailed on him through the portal, and he gets really angry (they had a wager!!!) so he jumps through the portal too. Demons are swarming through the portal now, and Melinel is forced to destroy the portal to stop even more getting through to Biel-Tan (though obviously cutting himself off from reinforcing). He sends a psychic warning off to his sister to ready the defences.

Lathriel has the defences organised - all ways into Biel-Tan are sealed off except for the main portal at the back of the Craftworld, which is put under heavy guard to destroy it if necessary. Drastic steps, but better than letting the Craftworld get overrun. The defenders wait - everything looks clear so far - and a scout ship returns from monitoring the advance of the Demons through the webway. No-one notices The Masque clinging to the bottom... ah the old classics. She slips off into the Craftworld, hypnotising anyone who crosses her path which allows Demonettes to possess their bodies. Back at the main gate, the bulk of the Demon forces have arrived led by Skarbrand. He bursts through the portal, carving through the Eldar defences... but the Avatar of Khaine has been roused and they slam into close combat. Farseer Lathriel rushes forward to seal the portal before more demons get through, and when she turns around both Skarbrand and the Avatar have obliterated each other. Meanwhile The Masque has set herself up in the Avatar's (empty) throne, and is summoning more and more Demonettes and preparing a ritual. Some Howling Banshees come across her, but quickly fall under The Masque's hypnotic spell and then Jain Zar shows up. The Masque tries to hypnotise her, to no avail, and Jain Zar impales the Masque upon the Avatar's Throne... but not before the Masque is able to dig her rune-inscribed claws into the Wraithbone surrounding the throne and breaches the Infinity Circuit. Oh :cuss. The Masque and her Handmaidens are transported inside the Infinity Circuit, bypassing all its defences. Biel-Tan is being destroyed from the inside.

With all routes into the Craftworld now sealed off, Jain Zar leads the counter-attack against the remaining Demons. Yvraine and her group of Dark Eldar and Harlequin guide had managed to get through the Webway Portal just before it was sealed. They're not exactly greeted with open arms by the Biel-Tan warriors - a group of Commarragh warriors right on the heels of a demonic invasion? Sounds suss. But Yvraine helps fight off a huge group of Demonettes that rush in, and a cautious parley is struck. The rest of demons (well the ones physically running around anyway) are mopped up and a War Council is quickly convened, as the very wraithbone structure of the craftworld beings to grey and wither and die around them from the demons still inside the infinity circuit. What the hell can they do? The Spiritseers are frantically running around, transferring souls into Wraith Constructs before they are destroyed in the Infinity Circuit, but even then that will be all for naught if the Craftworld just falls apart around them. Yvraine tries to speak up, but she is shouted down. She abandoned them before, and has now brought Dark Eldar here - why should the listen to her? But Lathriel speaks up for her - maybe Yvraine is the Opener of the Seventh Way? That gets the Autarchs attention, as it’s the first bit of hope they're able to hold onto. Jain Zar also steps up to bat for Yvraine. So Yvraine speaks. 

Yvraine tells the Biel-Tan she is the emissary of a new deity, that Ynnead is awakening. She tells them that the Seventh Path is indeed real; that Ynnead can be fully awakened without all the Eldar dying. She tells them that his sentience can be focussed from 5 enchanted bones, each a finger from Morai-Heg's severed hand. Vaul fashioned these bones into blades, and together they can awaken a god. She raises her blade Kha-vir, one of the Crone Swords, to prove her point. There is another Crone Sword aboard Biel-Tan, Asu-var, and she intends to claim it but in doing so the Craftworld’s fate will be sealed. This doesn’t go down too well amongst the Biel-Tani and some step forward to try to stop Yvraine. Jain Zar and the Visarch both step in to defend her, as Yvraine reaches into the Wraithbone structure as if it were a pool of water and draws forth a Greatblade. This sends cataclysmic shockwaves through the Craftworld, shattering spires and wreaking havoc, millions of souls in the Infinity Circuit being destroyed. “Arise!” shouts Yvraine, as a terrible form of ‘twisted bone and shimmering souls’ bursts forth from the wraithbone. Yncarne, the Avatar of Ynnead, had arisen.


Wh Песочница релизы ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Список релизов ...

Если все это правда, боюсь представить сколько будет продано органов ...

Week1: Plastic Jetbikes/Shining Spears
Week 2: Clampack Autarch and Codex

Dark Angels
Week 1: Tac Squad and Codex
Week 2: Summer Campaign Book Volume 1: Eldar Admech and DA vs Khorne

Week 1: New Daemon Unit
Week 2: Lord of Change
Week 3: Rubric Marines + Campaign Book Volume 2 (DA, Admech, Eldar, Harlequins + Khorne and Tzeentch)(Including a Tzeentch Daemonkin type supplement + rules for the new units.)
Week 4: Campaign Box: Clampack Sorceror and Chaplain

Assassin Boxed Game
Plastic Assassins.

Week1: Campaign Box: Tau vs RG (Plastic Commander and Captain)
Week2: Clampack Ethereal and Codex

Week 1: Plastic Marines
Week 2: Plastic Termies
Week 3: Plastic Vehicle, Codex
Week 4: Clampack Watch Captain

Genestealer Cult
Week1: Hybrids
Week2: Limo, Codex
Week3: Clampack Patriarch, Magus and Broodlord re-release
Genestealers included in dex.

Horus Heresy
Week 1: Boxed game.

Week 1: Plastic Nid Dominatrix
Week 2: Plastic Dias of Destruction. (Including Vect and plastic Court.)
Week 3: Apocalypse Book.

Week1: Codex. Dominatrix added, Genestealers removed.

Wh Other SJW ебанутым нет покоя ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 


art красивые картинки Imperium Inquisitor Czevak ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

i V Â • . y л № ' *■ 1 'í I Г ÉÚf'* - I ■ /<rife ш <■ ].- ■Pt. <4u*-^ i T « f. “ i ^ А '•*1 -wj L-ar * v>%^ r- Ш :Yi }% n \ ■ V I: I \ls $ i ! 1 fc Г 4 P b.r •& 4Ns4f| i« vwMHi t,-.- ■■ ¿ff. Í 9 ф, ■>'• - i. ' j J ‘'UP .<tS 7 v V, ^ F К - ; tvçT^T 51 fV

The Horor Wh Комиксы ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Деймос >ч. Будет прямо за следующей горой. Дальше я идт тч^>не могу. Ты никуда не пойдёшь Правильно, моя дорогая инки ^игт.что является^* абсолютно не моей виной. Не будь придурком Зетус, Она - друг. Я не видел тебя с тех пор, st^aK крепость подорвали,,/ Лорд Элифас хочет поговорить с

Wh Roleplay Wh Other Wh Песочница анкеты! ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Сильно перепиленная анкета, в связи с полной перебалансировкой вооружения и системы магии. И да, те кто паниковал по поводу брони шута Короля-Чародея и имбанутости поцелуя арлекина не переживайте, ему тоже все понерфили.

1) Полное имя.

2) Фракция и биологический вид.
Эльдар Риллиетан, ученица теневидца.

3) Возраст

4) Характер, личные качества.
Глава труппы охарактеризовал бы ее как плохо вливающуюся в коллектив и излишне разговорчивую для мима.
Мастер мим покрутил бы у виска, затем сложил бы руки на груди и отвернулся.
Собратья риллиетанн вспомнили бы ее богатую фантазию, особенно когда дело касалось придумывания оскорблений для врагов.
Наставница теневой провидец сказала бы, что это замкнутая и равнодушная душа, при должном отношении расцветает подобно цветкам орхидеи каттлея в оранжереях миров экзодитов.

5) Внешность
Если бы вам довелось побывать на красочном представлении подданных Цегораха, вы бы никогда не приметили ее на сцене,
потеряли бы в толпе массовки, а то и вовсе забыли эту темную тень на яркой картине.
Эта эльдарка среднего роста - где то метр шестьдесят пять, с фигурой без заметных особенностей, всегда прячется за спинами своих товарищей риллиетанн. Наблюдая за всеми своими голубыми глазами через маску полусферу похожую на птичью голову.
Ветер треплет черные перья нашитые на наплечники из психокости, щекоча темную ткань капюшона, прячущего красные волосы.
Она иногда вправляет непослушные локоны выбившиеся на свет кончиками пальцев . Тонкие фиолетовые перчатки в крупных белых ромбах, как дань артистизму, любимый узор сидящего в паутине древнего бога, присутствовал у всех в труппе. Он делал разношерстную группу артистов схожими хоть в чем то. Но вот костюмы сильно различались.
Ее костюм - Яркого лазурного цвета отрезок ткани на черном фоне шел от правого плеча, разделяясь на две части, прикрывал спину и живот, заканчивался нитями, с легкими золотыми бубенчиками на концах. Легкая ткань была перехвачена широким прыжковым поясом бежевого цвета с разноцветным узором идущим от груди до поясницы обхватывающий большую часть туловища. Золотые гранаты на цепочке тихо тихо позванивали при каждом шаге, то замолкали не издавая не звука, словно повиновались силе воли эльдарки, каждый шаг которой был тих и осторожен, словно кошка крадется по песку. Коричневые ботинки были и вовсе без узоров, не считая яркой маски на бедре с длинным носом.

6) Биография
Представление начиналось, маленькие гости перестали шуметь, усевшись полукругом у сцены.
На подиум вышла женщина в веселой маске, одетая в костюм воина в цветах Биэль-тана, за ней шли еще воины, на встречу к ним вышла фигура в маске и одеждах варлока, они пожали друг другу руки. Путешествие началось. Вместе они пели, сражались, воины всегда следовали по стопам варлока. Они прошли много испытаний вместе. Декорации переносили зрителей то в пустыню,то в морозные горы, то они все вместе оказывались у теплого очага. Девушка в веселой маске положила голову на плечо варлоку, вместе, они хотели пропутешествовать еще много миль. Но вот, на сцену упала тень, черная с когтями ворона, черные перья посыпались с неба, мужчина в одеждах варлока скинул шлем и одежду, под которой показалась голова ворона, руки с когтями, черный халат в перьях страшно шелестел. Огромные черные крылья закрыли собой фигурки испугавшихся воинов, только девушка в маске стояла перед ним, ее маска сменилась на грусть, она прощалась с варлоком, товарищем, любимым. Ворон замахнулся и отбросил ее когтистой лапой. Зрители вскрикнули! Воины в бело зеленом отступили к краю платформы. Ворон наступал, на помощь воинам подоспел мечник невиданной силы, которого эльдары могли бы узнать как одиночку солитера, отважные эльдары вместе сумели победить в схватке с демоном. Маска девушки сменилась на роняющую слезы, оплакивая падших, ее разбитая слеза лежала на сцене. Взяв за руку девушку, солитер увел ее за декорации, оставив разбитую слезу лежать перед зрителями.
В зале кто то всплакнул. Но вот актриса появилась на сцене снова, в черном капюшоне, в наплечниках с перьями, в маске без лица похожую на птичью голову, рядом с ней встали другие актеры, все вместе взявшись за руки они поклонились. Занавес опустился
- Но ведь варлоки никогда не превращаются в демонов!
Голос прозвучал с трибуны, на сцену вышел эльдар в веселой маске с длинным носом и в плаще.
- Конечно нет дети.
- Значит это все не правда.
- Это быль, или сказка, выдумка а может быть и нет, но вот мораль вам, варлок тоже думал, что никогда не превратится и над ним посмеялся повелитель перемен. Ведь никогда не стоит недооценивать опасностей варпа.
Зрители зашептали, глава труппы поклонился и занавес опустился второй раз свет погас.
А ведь сказка была правдой, более жестокой, с ловушкой организованной Тзинчитами, с пытками и обращением эльдара варлока в демона с помощью страшного ритуала.
Труппа иногда ставила и жестокую версию этой истории когда они приходили в темный город Комморраг. Напоминая об опасностях варпа темным собратьям. Напоминала себе о непостоянстве судьбы и Лазурь, когда трогала мягкие черные перья перчаткой или придавала форму в виде птичьей головы своему шлему, думая о хитрости подданных повелителя перемен. Но это не всегда помогало. На последнем задании, ее труппа откликнулись на зов корсар с Яндена, обнаруживших нурглингов на одном из своих сателлитов. Оказавшись в центре западни, в ходе которой сателлит рухнул на планету вокруг которой вращался, погребя под собой часть кораблей. Ей удалось спастись, удачно открыв портал. Сейчас она застряла где то в паутине. Шлем сломался открыв часть лица, навигационные системы не работали как и связь, ей оставалось только идти наугад, надеясь найти выход в знакомый мир.

7) Навыки и характеристики
Сила 4
Восприятие 8
выносливость 3
харизма 5
интеллект 7
ловкость 10
сила воли 10
Бой без оружия 30
Метательное оружие 15
Тяжелое оружие 15
Холодное оружие 15
Взрывчатка 15
Вождение 15
Легкое оружие 40
Поиск 25
Выживание 15
Легкая броня 15
Сопротивление урону 15
Тяжелая броня 15
Бартер 15
Лидерство 15
Красноречие 15
Притворство 35
Взлом 15
Использование техники 15
Медицина 15
Ремонт 15
Легкий шаг 60
Ловкость рук 45
Пилотаж 15
Уклонение 60
Колдовство 80
Концентрация 35
Предвидение 40
Сопротивление колдовству 15

8) Особые способности
(пассивная новичок)
Вытягивает карту таро из колоды арлекинов +20% к предвидению

"Пантоми́ма " (новичок)
Психическая сила. (активное).
Действует только на живых.
Не требует свободных рук.
Арлекин вызывает свою иллюзию в мозгу жертвы, и мешает тому вести бой 30% шанс атаковать иллюзию вместо арлекина. Каждое действие заклятого требует проверку на восприятие. После удачной проверки заклинание снимается. При провале броска идет критическая неудачадля врага.
Иллюзия нематериальна и неуязвима. По сути она есть только в воображении цели.
Подчиняется псайкеру, что ее послал.
Перезарядка - 1 ход.

"Фантеска" (мастер) (не открыто)
Психическая сила. (активное).
Действует только на живых.
Не требует свободных рук.
Иллюзия поражает всех врагов (каждый проходит свою проверку на сопротивление магии) Все видят одну и ту же иллюзию которая мешает вести бой 40% шанс атаковать иллюзию вместо арлекина. Каждое действие заклятого требует проверку на восприятие. После удачной проверки заклинание снимается. Для каждого своя проверка. При провале броска идет критическая неудача для врага.
Действует 3 хода и подчиняется псайкеру, что ее послал.
Перезарядка - 3 хода.

"Тантамареска" (эксперт) (не открыто)
Психическая сила. (пассивное).
Действует только на живых.
Не требует свободных рук.
Иллюзия, повреждая нервную систему, может убедить жертву, что та получила рану. 1 атака за ход.
Урон 8. Игнор. брони.
Перезарядка - нет. Навык дополняет прошлые заклинания.

Плацебо ( активная новичок)
Скорбь о былых временах и тяжкие воспоминания вызывают непреодолимое желание отомстить перебрасывает свой неудачный бросок кубика при атаке оружием или колдовстве. Работает разово. Новичок - 1 применение, мастер - 2 применения, эксперт - 3 применения за бой.

"Гипербола" (новичок)
Психическая сила. (Активное )
Действует только на живых, разумных существ.
Не требует свободных рук.
Проникая в воспоминания цели, психически преувеличивает прошлые заслуги и достижения, воодушевляя и мотивируя заставляя мозг вбрасывать в организм вещества и ферменты увеличивая скорость, восприятие, анализ и другие качества. Цель получает бонус 50% на проверку любых действий на 2 хода. После спада эффекта воодушевления цель впадает в депрессию и получает штрафы 30% на проверку любых действий на 2 хода.
Перезарядка - 3 хода.

"Гротеска" (мастер) (не открыто)
Психическая сила. (Активное )
Действует только на живых разумных существ.
Не требует свободных рук.
Проникает в воспоминания цели, восхваляя её прошлые заслуги до пика самодовольства, раздувая чувство собственного достоинства до космических масштабов, +4 к харизме и увеличивает все навыки харизмы до 100, но при этом цель заклинания купаясь в самодовольстве сильно недооценивает других существ в округе получает штрафы -30 к остальным навыкам. Каждое действие цели под заклинанием требует проверки на концентрацию, после успешной проверки заклинание снимается.
Перезарядка - 4 хода.

"аллегория" (эксперт) (не открыто)
Психическая сила. (Активное )
Действует только на живых разумных существ.
Не требует свободных рук.
Соединяя во едино "Гиперболу" и "Гротеска" в бою накладывает эффект "Гиперболы" на союзников и "Гротеска" на врагов, которые ощущая себя величайшими из своего рода, тратят 1 ход на флирт, если в радиусе 4х метров есть объект противоположного пола. Успех флирта зависит от показателя харизмы цели. Орки тратят 1 ход на выяснение кто тут варбос если в радиусе 4х метров есть другой орк. При этом сама арлекин из-за перенапряжения выходит из боя на 3 хода.
Не перезаряжается. Блокирует эту способность (все 3 заклинания) до конца боя, даже при неудачном сотворении.

"мениппова сату́ра" (новичОк)
Психическая сила. (активное).
Действует только на живых.
Не требует свободных рук.
Иллюзия в мозгу жертв возникает когда они ступают в зону заклинания. В месте действия заклятия с потолка или с неба начинает капать вода, земля покрывается острыми, колючими, но при этом красивыми цветными кораллами, анемонами, морскими ежами, которые обламываясь и застревая в ботинках и броне замедляют передвижение на 20% и наносят урон 2 раны игнорируя броню за 1 задевание. Можно избежать задевания кораллов проверкой на ловкость. Заклинание развеивается при выходе из зоны заклинания. Область действия 30 метров высота действия области 15 метров. Дальность 35 метров.
Перезарядка - 3 хода.

"Инвектива" (Мастер) (не открыто)
Психическая сила. (пассивное)
Действует только на живых.
Не требует свободных рук.
В зону области заклинания к эффекту "мениппова сату́ра" случайным образом добавляется один из эффектов. Из-за воздействия на вестибулярный аппарат и органы чувств ступившие в зону действия заклинания ощущают:
1) проваливаются в воду и вынуждены плыть, не смотря на то, что в реальности они стояли на твердой земле. Невозможно уклонится от "сату́ры" проверкой на ловкость.
2) Стоят в озере лавы и вынуждены прыгать по камням, не смотря на то, что до этого находились на простой ровной поверхности к эффекту "сату́ры" добавляется ушиб на 2 раны игнорируя броню при падении. Можно избежать проверкой на ловкость.
3) находятся на льду и вынуждны не скользить и не натолкнутся на замерзшие острые кораллы. Урон "сату́ры" увеличен на 1.
4) земля качается, вынуждая цели стараться не упасть, эффект "сату́ры" обязательно сработает 2 раза.
Заклинание развеивается при выходе из зоны заклинания. Из зоны можно выпрыгнуть с помощью устройств или перелететь. Область действия 35 метров высота действия области 20 метров. Дальность 40 метров.

"Ки́ники" (Эксперт) (не открыто)
Психическая сила. (пассивное).
Действует только на живых.
Не требует свободных рук.
В зону области заклинания к эффекту "мениппова сату́ра" и "Инвектива" добавляется лабиринт, стены которого заросли острыми кораллами, затрудняющий выход из зоны области. Покинуть зону мжно только выплыв, пропрыгав, или проскользив к выходу из лабиринта. Или взлетев Скорость выхода из лабиринта расчитывается исходя из интелекта целей попавших в него. Х ходов действия, где Х - это 10 - Интеллект цели.

9) Снаряжение
- сюрикен пистолет: урон 6, урон броне 1, игнор 4 защиты. 20 выстрелов
- нейродисруптор: урон 10, 100% игнорирование брони. Не потребляет боезаряд дальность 15 метров не работает, разбит после падения из портала.
- Поцелуй арлекина: Наносит 12 ран игнорирует 4 единицы брони. Бой без оружия. Не потребляет боезаряд. Невозможно использовать против брони 5 и выше.
- галюценогенные гранаты 3 шт: вызывает глюки. радиус- 10м. Распыляет плотные клубы газа. При попадании по голове глюки усиливаются.
- прыжковый пояс: дает активную способность "Прыжок с неба" 1 уровня. Способность позволяет перелетать через расщелины и сокращать дистанцию с врагом за 1 раунд. Дальность прыжка неболее 15 метров.
- Теневой сюит с домино полем: облегающий костюм со встроенными голо-полями. Броня 0. Прочность 25. Класс: одежда. Состояние: плохое. Во время движения он создает мириады разноцветных вспышек ромбов домино каждую секунду, что размывают силуэт арлекина в движении.
В движении: уклонение + 5. Навык Холодного оружия и Ближнего боя у врага - 5, навык легкое и тяжелое оружие - 10. Не действует, если враг может не ориентироваться по видимому свету.
Статичен: Режим не работает из-за повреждения генераторов голо поля нурглингами.
- сломанная маска ложное лицо, защищает от солнца, дождя и злобных взглядов арлекинши. Работает респиратор. Качество плохое, выживание +5
- колода карт арлекинов
- Набор Фармацеталиста: Позволяет исцелять тяжелые раны. Процент здоровья исцеленного равен навыку медицины применившего. Применимо только к эльдарам.
- боезапас к сюрикен пистолету: 1 магазин.

Тау - 0
Хаос и тираниды - -100
Эльдары (все виды) - +20
Империум - -30
Некроны - -100
Wh Roleplay,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,анкеты!

сделал сам geek печать чистоты магнит на холодильник ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

iff ' S' ■L ET. Лише« \ Воа|*тИявЗ!!Г Несуно««*^’ HtSiRu» я»? °* tTtctt,w kuJon tcfWÍ о tu****! Hpp »6° )iGtpe mukpoîo AMoÄa Cup u колбасу я BeduHoeoo«. He dponrt moi мочи o<kpu8«0m1 ОсриЬимрую кликай Caraoro Итпсрмор». Не «пул roo* «on В cymepku куми бе* сВта, Beck уель гоояю* И

Литания Ночного Дожора

Во славу Императора
Несу ночной дожор,
Избавляя мир от ереси,
Сладких тортов и плюшек,
Сплавляя в божественном
Жаре микроволновки
Сыр и колбасу на хлебе
В единое целое.

Не дрогнет моя рука
В ночи открывающая дверь,
Скрывающую великий дар
Самого Императора.
Не отступит моя нога
В сумерках кухни без света,
Ведь цель моя ясна
И вера тверда как и голод.

Имя нам - ночные дожорцы,
Нас Легион - бессонных,
Алчущих еды во тьме,
Но при свете истинном -
Свете, источаемом из недр
Холодильника открытого.
И ради искоренения пищи
Мы несем свой дожор.

Да не оскудеют запасы
В чреве холодного ящика,
Да не иссякнет срок годности
Яств, охраняемых нами.
И пока сияет свет его,
Будет длиться наша служба.
И ночью во тьме, ежечасно
Открыты будут двери.

Necrons Wh Песочница сделал сам стихи ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

History of the necrontyr-necrons in a nutshell.

The Green Glow

From very birth cursed they have been
Dying of plague were Necrontyr
Under the glow of native sun
Their own fates were been undone

Then they have built from living steel
Space ships which made survival real
To distant stars flew Necrontyr
And no more doomed, they had no fear

Civilization thrived among stars
But Necrontyr still beared their scars
Albeit free from plaguing light
Gene mutilations were hard to fight

Then Necrontyr have Old Ones met
Those who lived long and sculpted fates
Deepest chagrin possessed their hearts
For immense length of Old Ones' lives

The War in Skies then had begun
Old Ones forced Necrontyr to run
Their greater numbers have not won the war
For Old Ones were masters of the Warp

The Necrontyr defeated were
And hatred grew towards their foe
Then found was that native sun
Held power of the great C'tan

From necrodermis - the living steel
Bodies for Gods have built Necrontyr
C'tan have accepted it with delight
Powers were granted Old Ones to smite

Maphet'ran the Deceiver, one of C'tan
Offered salvation from physical harm
From the pains and diseases the Necrontyrs' bane
Only one realized - price shall be insane

Through bio transference whole race have went
They thought it will be misfortune's end,
Their new bodies like ones of the Gods'
C'tan gorged their souls - that was the price

Feeding on souls C'tan powers grew
Szarekh realized the Diviner said truth
He understood that his kin - Necrontyr
Robbed of their souls became just machines

Old Ones were failing to match Necrons' scores
Web-way was breached with Nyadra'zath's force
Galaxy was in the hands of C'tan
They and Necrons have Red harvests begun.

Whole planets razed and races devoured
C'tans' hunger for lives knew not a bound
Then legends tell that the Great Harlequin
Fooled the C'tan and they killed their kin

After this war only strongest remained
Slaughter of races made Warp inflamed
Necron empire under psykers’ attack
Unseen in the Warp such powers lack

All of the dynasties together once more
Necrons have united against common foe
Great plan of C’tan to shut off the Warp
As though meteor seemed unreal to be stopped

War of the ancients came to culmination
No living soul spared from evisceration
With their pain rose storms in the Warp
No Old Ones nor C’tan have this foretold.

Immaterium’s depths shaking with spasm
Void predators first-borns of chasm
Created and weaved from mortals’ emotions
Enslavers Plague caused great Warp distortions

This was the end to the Old Ones empire
Shattered and smitten they ceased in fire
But the Star Gods’ glee was not meant to end well
Silent King Szarekh leaded rebel

Weapons were charged, powers were aimed
Such was the strike, no C’tan could withstand
Shattered to pieces slaves they became
Necrons once fooled, now their bane

To stop the spread of Enslavers’ hordes
All life was wiped of Necron worlds
Plan was developed what’s lost to regain
Necrons to have living souls once again

To be once more living, have feelings and souls
Free from C’tan, for this strive Necrons
Ten millions of years command was to sleep
Ten millions of years multiplied by six

But the great slumber came to its end
Perilous changes already at hand
Szarekh the head of his people afresh
Under his tread will the Galaxy thrash.

Corsair Craftworld Eldar imperial armor codex ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Честно был очень удивлён что прошло так много времени и никто не слил инфы с 11 ИА 2 редакции сюда... Лулзов много, у корсаров батлфокус и много новой даки и тишина... Так что я слоупочно компенсирую это.

Imperial Armour The Doom of Mymeara What1 sin the Book? • New Units • Corsair Jetbikes • Skathach YVraithkmghts • All New Eldar Corsair Army list • Rules revised for all Eldar Vehicles and Characters furyst illuriiJ,Corsair,Craftworld Eldar,Эльдар, Eldar, Корабельники,Warhammer 40000,wh40k,

The Corsair Prince gets six different paths to follow. A prince can come a psyker. One way is to dabble in malefic demonology, obsessed with finding artifacts of the ancient eldar, leads too demonic possession. If it goes wrong, it has horrific consequences…. Another path has a prince who has to keep summoning until he runs out of warp charge points or dies doing it.

His retinue are gone and are replaced by the Void Storm squad all of whom are Felarchs and can be armed with a variety of exotic weaponry from Eldar through Harlequin to DE and some new stuff. Void Storm squad get void hardened armor which is a 3+/5++ armour save now.

The Shadowfield is still in there too.

The Prince can access ANY remnant of glory, enigma of the Black Library or the relics listed in the DE codex.

The Prince can take a Corsair Venom like an Archon can. Corsair Venoms can now have two heavy weapons including splinter cannons or a mix of Eldar heavy guns and DE. So they can take scatter laser and a splinter cannon at the same time.

A Corsair Baron is a new HQ that sits between the Prince and the Felarchs in the ranks of a Corsair band.

Formations There are some that resemble loose associations and war bands rather than rigid military structures. One uses multiple princes.

The Void Dreamer Gets a major buff. Able to take Telekinesis now and will be ML2. Void Dreamers can use the webway to suck an enemy unit or vehicle off the map and place it into ongoing reserve.

Infantry get boosts. Corsair Jet Packs give a 4+ armour save. WS and BS are 4 as per other Eldar. Felarchs have 5 and 5. Each model can have a different weapon including splinter rifles.

Felarch’s have an ability that helps their unit in close quarters fighting. Not sure if that means shooting, assault, or something else.

There’s an army-wide power akin to battle focus “but a little different”.

New vehicle wargear kinetic fields which is a 4++ against anything within 24″. The 4++ works in CC as well where it becomes rerollable. Wasp Walkers can take kinetic fields which means they’ll tie things up in CC pretty well. Corsair vehicles can really be in the thick of it.

Corsair Jetbikes – There are new models completed by Will Hayes. He coyly confirmed this to me. Corsair Jetbikes can take splinter cannons. The Corsair Prince can take a jetbike.

Warp Hunter – D strength minus 1. Same profile as before not sure if the AP moves to 2.

Firestorm gets ignores jink and rending.

Hornet pulse lasers have a higher cost.

There are lots of specialist grenades that do different things including building and fortification busting. One is a S: D grenade that can be thrown but cannot be used in CC.

Bel-Annath gets a makeover but not sure on the detail.

Changes to how Spectres and Iryillth move.

There is a new Wraithlord variant produced by Will Hayes.

Revenant, Cobra, and Scorpion all getting updated.

No more void dragon phoenix.

And from the Amsterdam Open we have:
Via Lord Thørn on B&C

Anyway, I’ve got a few things to add to this list :
Doom of Mymeara 2nd edition should be out soonish (in the next couple of months), with an updated and expanded corsair list (new units, but no or few new models planned)
Who wants to put money on a highly mobile jump force of infantry and light vehicles updated to 7th Edition?
I predict a LOT of D in there…

Perils of the Warp Chart

Corsairs have their own unique Perils of the Warp chart. In addition to the Void Dreamer, Barons and Princes can be Psykers.

1- Devoured. No Ld check. The Psyker is claimed by She Who Thirsts. Gains Demon, Hatred (Khorne), Rending, and may run +3 inches. Control switches to your opponent. If the psyker is part of a unit they’re locked in combat.

2-3 Soul-Wracked. Slaanesh gives them a back massage is basically what the fluff says. The unit (not just the model) are pinned and your opponent gets to change the target of the psychic power being cast.

4-5 Warp Terrors. Demons swirl about the veil. Unit and all Corsair units within 6″ must make a morale check on 3D6 take the two highest or fall back.

6 The Eye of She Who Thirsts. The Psyker gets the attention of Slaanesh. For the rest of the game perils happen for the psyker on any doubles.

Psychic Powers

– Psychic power #5: Warp Tunnel – WC2 – Pick a friendly unit within 6″. Make a no-scatter Deep Strike anywhere on the table. The target may shoot and assault as normal. For every 6″ moved this way roll a D6, for every 1 rolled take a wound (saves allowed).

– as a whole their psychic powers are pretty average though. The one that puts enemies into ongoing reserve is powerful but it’s WC3. Not witchfire though so that’s good.

– Primaris power under Aethermancy… not so good IMO.

Path-Ward, WC2 (why?) – Blessing, only works on Corsair faction units. The unit automatically gets a ‘6’ on difficult terrain rolls, charge distances, thrust moves, hit and run moves, reckless abandon special rules. If it was a D3, it’s a 3.

I guess that’s a very long, predictable charge range though.

Army Special Rules & Info

By the way, regular troop Corsairs (now called Reaver Bands), got defensive grenades.
Not sure about the vampire hunter. Firestorm yes. Lynx is still there, holofields unchanged. Sonic lance unchanged, It has a whole new gun though:

Corsairs get these two rules:
– Dancing on the Blade’s Edge: Corsairs are piratey and stuff and not the most disciplined. They come with two Ld Values, ie 8/5. You use the lower value when trying to regroup.

– Reckless Abandon: If within 12″ of an enemy, the unit can “battle focus” only after shooting. But don’t roll D6, it’s a flat 6″. Jetpack units get 6+D6″.

Princes can take relics from either book as well as the Harlequin book. Hello Mask of Secrets.
Dissonance cannon: 24″ S5, AP4, Heavy 1, pinning. For each additional model in the unit that hits, add +1S and -1AP. So if three hit that’s S7 AP2 on all of them. Not bad.

grenades – Tanglefield
S2, AP-, blast. Any unit hit by it takes a strength test, if failed reduce initiative and WS in half until next turn.

So the cloud dancer felarch comes with a brace of pistols, either or both of which can be exchanged for a list of named items…
… but the default loadout just says ‘brace of pistols’.
Meaning what – brace of shuriken pistols? Fusion pistols? Laspistols?
Brace of Pistols is wargear that effectively gives access to 2 shuriken pistols and 2 splinter pistols.

– Yes the Corsair Prince and Baron can both take a Cloud Runner jetbike.

– The Baron is a 30 point HQ base, super cheap. He’s not an IC, can take a lot of upgrades such as a shadowfield, pay 15 pts to become a lv1 psyker. I think he’ll see a lot of action.

– The Prince dropped 25 pts. Anything with 12″ uses his Ld.

– Yes Corsairs have a pistol fetish. They have access to 4 pistols (but can of course only fire 2). For one, this means that they all have 2 CCW.

– There are scout Corsairs called Ghostwalkers. They get stealth, scout, infiltrate, plasma and defensive grenades, and a lasblaster. For one point per model they can get longrifles. They can also get flamers, fusion guns, shredders, and blasters (1 per 5). And they can get haywire grenades.

– Corsair jetpacks grant 4+ armor

CW Eldar, Dark Eldar, and Harlequins are battle brothers. Tau, Imperials are Desperate allies, never may be in a list with Chaos, Nids, Crons. Nobody is allies of Convenience for Corsairs (except different parts of their own detachment lol)hey gained open-topped… But get 4++ rerollable vs shooting whenever they jumped or deep struck on the previous turn.

– For +10 points Corsair Reavers (“basic” Corsairs) can all upgrade to Void Hardened armor. This gives them 3+ armor and re-rolls for dangerous terrain and difficult terrain, but they lose Fleet.

– Balelight: Pistol 3D3, rending, blind, one use, 8″, S3, AP6.

– Elite Slot: Malevolent Band. These corsairs are half-insane because of Slaanesh gnawing at their souls and therefore charge into battle with berzerker-like rage.

: Any Corsairs within 6″ of them get -1Ld
: They’re 2W models with FnP
: Fear, fearless, fleet, furious charge, rage
: 5 points gets the whole unit Jetpacks or Heavy mesh (4+ armor). No-brainer.
: Can get melta bombs, venom blades, power swords (1 per 5)
: Comes with brace of pistols and a CCW

In other news, the Corsair Prince can be configured as a “drug lord” and have a better combat drug chart than dark eldar – and it works for his whole detachment. Roll a 6 on the drug chart and your prince goes full El Chapo and gets to roll for two drugs.
Dark Eldar need a new codex.

Looks like no new model support other than the new WK and the jetbikes and those look like modded kits. FW told me though that they plan on releasing more in the future but couldn’t say what or when.

Corsair Formations & Detachments

Anyway Corsairs can take a CAD. Or they can organize into a…
Corsair Fleet Raiding Company
Mandatory stuff:
– Command Crew (1-2 HQ, 0-1 Elite, 0-1 LoW)
– Primary Coterie (1 HQ, 1-3 Troops, 0-2 Elites, 0-2 Fast, 1 Heavy)

Optional 0-3 Coteries (same as primary)

– Obsec Troops
– Coterie Specializations. Each Coterie can select one of the following rules and you can’t double up on any rule pick. (Command Crew doesnt get one):

Titan Breakers – Preferred enemy tank and walker
Head Takers – Rerolls 1 to wound in CC
Sky Burners – Deep strikes scatter D6 and reroll failed reserve rolls (optional)
Vault Breechers – Gain Dissonance breech
Night Hunters – Gain Night Vision and Preferred Enemy (stuff at night)
Hate Bringers – Pick an enemy unit on turn 1. The Coterie’s infantry and jetbikes get Hatred (those guys) for the whole game and if you kill those guys gain a VP. Any part of your army can kill it for the VP doesn’t have to be the coterie with this ability or even Corsairs.

Drawback!!! Internal Politics: Your Coteries count each other as Allies of Convenience. This is potentially a big deal.

The book also has more choices for the Eldar Warhost formation in the CW Codex. Lots more actually. Here’s one.

Lord of the Undying Host (Command Choice)
1 Wraithseer
1-3 units of Wraithblades

Special Rules:
– Wisdom Beyond the Veil: roll 2D6 for warlord trait, pick the one you like
– Bound to Serve: Wraithblades and Wraithseer re-roll to-hit rolls of ‘1’ in the first round of CC

Warhost (decurion type detachment)

There’s an alternate to the Eldar Warhost in here, sort of a modified version where instead of getting the buffed battle focus thing, you pick a trait.

Warhosts of the Pale Courts (The Pale Courts are the minor craftworlds), uses normal auxiliary and command choices
– Pale Courts Battlehost: Farseer, 3 Guardian Defender units, 0-1 Warlock councils
– Pick one of 11 traits.

> Crossroads of Eternity: The Battlehost may include a Harlequin Troupe, counts as CE Eldar faction

> Children of Khaine: The 3 units of Guardians must be Storm Guardians who are S4 when they roll a ‘6’ to hit

> Disciples of Vaul: The Battlehost adds 1-3 Vaul’s Wrath batteries and the Guardians may take 1 support weapon per 5 models

> Graveyard of Dreams: The Battlehost must take 3 Wraithblade units, the Guardians become 0-3. The wraithblades get Crusader.

> Tomb-Ship of Fallen Heroes: The Battlehost uses a Spiritseer or Wraithseer instead of the Farseer, roll 2D6 take the best for WL traits. Must also take a Wraithlord.

> Aspect-Lord Shrine: Guardians become 0-3, Battlehost must include three Aspect Warrior units from a single aspect.

> Fortress of Discipline – Battlehost adds 1-3 War Walkers or 1 unit of Wasps. They get pinning against anything Guardians targeted that turn.

> Swift to Anger – Battlehost must inclide 1-3 Vyper units or 1 Hornet unit. They get outflank and re-roll reserve rolls.

> Halls of Martial Splendor – Take an Autarch instead of the Farseer in the Battlehost. He re-rolls misses and wounds in a challenge.

The strong stand alone – The Battlehost adds a single squadron of Warp Hunters, Night Spinners, or Fire Prisms. Your army can’t contain any other detachments except more Pale Courts Warhosts.

New Vehicle Details
– The Phoenix Bomber looks unchanged other than dropping 20 points.

As well as the Wraithknight (there’s a new one) and the new Revenant.

Unfortunately Prism blasters (focused and dispersed), as well as Ghostlight are the same as they are on the FAQ downloadable from FW’s website, which is to say, lacking. I don’t have info on the Spear of Twlight, Irillyth, or Spectres themselves though, sorry. I have the corsair stuff mostly.

Is Firestorm in the book?
Yes. Its gun got rending and ignores cover vs skimmers and flyers.

– Warp Hunter, 185 points, can be squadroned. 36″ Str: D minus 1 AP2 with small blast barrage D3+1 shots. Also has a template firing mode.

– Kinetic Fields grants a 5++ save to vehicles, increasing to 4++ re-rollable if the vehicle deep strikes or moves flat out. Wasps get it when jumping. Doesnt work in melee but this is damn good.

The Phantoms guns got a boost

Eldar Lynx:
12/12/11, 5 HP
Heavy Support NOT a superheavy
Costs 5 more than a Land Raider
Flyer with skimmer mode
Can Deep Strike
Can’t jink when flying (it’s too clumsy), only snap firing when flying
Comes with a shuriken cannon, can turn it into a BL/SL/SC for +5 pts

Lynx Pulsar:
Saturation: 48″ Str, AP2, Ordinance 1, Large Blast
Salvo: 48″ Str, AP2, Ordinance 3, Twin-Linked

it’s 60 pts cheaper and got +1 armor f/s

The Lynx Pulsar has an Ordinance 3, S: D, AP2, Twin-linked 48″ firing mode now, as well as the Large blast D which also gets ordinance

Sonic lance is unchanged

Revenant Titan
Gets a heavy 4 S8 AP3 skyfire, interceptor, sunder ”Cloudstrike” missile system. And it’s only hit on 6’s in close combat now (GMCs and superheavy walkers hit it on a 5+). Titan holofields are unchanged. Weapons are unchanged. 

– The Nightwing is only 25 points more than a naked Farseer. It has stealth and Agile.

– you can arm a Wasp with both a dark lance and a bright lance.

– Wasps get D6+1 hammers of wrath when they assault using their jump jets. They gained open-topped… But get 4++ rerollable vs shooting whenever they jumped or deep struck on the previous turn.

A lot of folks seem to hate shooting D weapons these days, so if these rumors are true and the Pulsar is changing THAT much it may not be too popular with quite a few people. Also only being able to hit the Revenant on 6’s in hand to hand really cranks up the power level notch on that thing a whole lot.

I can’t imagine the Phantom that’s like 3 times as big as the Revenent not getting the same rules as far as that goes. The titan holofield rules staying the same won’t hurt sales either for these big boys.

Eldar Corsair Jetbikes,Corsair,Craftworld Eldar,Эльдар, Eldar, Корабельники,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,imperial armor,codex

Eldar Skathach Wraith knights,Corsair,Craftworld Eldar,Эльдар, Eldar, Корабельники,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,imperial armor,codex

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Corsair,Craftworld Eldar,Эльдар, Eldar, Корабельники,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,imperial armor,codex


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