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 littleFernanda,little Fernanda,artist,Harlequin,Aeldari,Эльдари,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Operator (Warframe),Warframe,Игры,Wh Crossover,Wh Other,crossover

Abaddon the Despoiler Wh News Vigilus ablaze Marneus Calgar Imperium Saim-Hann Craftworld Eldar Aeldari спойлеры перевел сам ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы Chaos (Wh 40000) Ultramarines Space Marine 

СПОЙЛЕРЫ к бековой части книги. Взято отсюда https://vk.com/lampy_station Отдельным постом, чтобы не захламлять пост с правилами (и чтобы набрать классов, да). Вторая попытка, первая сгорела в бездне "данные загружаются. Пожалуйста подождите" реактора вместе с моим стулом.

"- The Chaos invasion is at first overwhelming, but clever use of ceding ground to the orks, genestealers, etc means that Calgar is able to pit his foes against one another and slow them down, at the cost of the planet being less salvageable should they somehow win.

По-началу вторжение Хаоса сметает всё на своём пути, но грамотное отступление Калгара с орочьего, генокрадского и прочих фронтов, позволило ему натравить врагов друг на друга и замедлить их, правда, ценой того, что если каким-то оброзом они (имперцы?) победят, то от планеты мало что останется.

​- The Vengeful spirit and accompanying chaos fleet are absolutely decimating the Imperial navy, but it's still not quite enough. As a result Abaddon makes a deal with the Fallen (who are hiding in the swirl, as they have a fortress city in there, hence why the Dark Angels were always looking at it in book 1) and they activate a gravity weapon-esque thing called the voidclaw that messes with all the ships in orbit. The chaos navy knew it was coming and had positioned themselves accordingly, but the Imperials are shredded by it and Chaos now has overwhelming naval superiority.

Мстительный Дух (Дух Мщения, как кому нравится прим.перев) и весь флот хаоса полностью опустошили имперский флот, но этого всё равно недостаточно (как одной фразой описать весь бэк, где имперы типо проигрывают ABSOLUTELY decimating...but it's still not quite enough прим.перев). В результате, Абаддон заключает сделку с Падшими (которые прячутся в буре, т.к. у них есть собственный город-крепость - причина, по которой в книге 1 Тёмные Ангелы постоянно что-то ищут) и они включают что-товроди грави-оружия под названием "коготь бездны", которое влетело во все корабли на орбите. Флот хаоса был предупреждён и подготовился, а флот имперцев был полностью рассеян и теперь у хаоса подавляющее преимущество в космосе. 

​- Calgar realises that he's stuffed and his promise to Guilliman will be unfulfilled if things keep progressing at this rate, so he hatches a plan. Thing is, he ideally needs some eldar friends if this plan is going to work, so he goes to the angry Saim Hann lot and after fighting his way through to them and surrounding them, manages to hold a successful parlay.

Калгар понял, что ему напихали и такими темпами он не сдержит обещание, данное Гиллиману. Так что он рождает план. Но дело в том, что для исполнения плана ему нужны эльдары в друзьях, так что он прорывается к злым Сейм-Ханновцам и после того, как окружил их, ему удалось успешно провести переговоры.

​- The plan is basically "Take an aeldari ship, because they're stealthy to avoid radar, and have psykers to avoid the black legion's sorcerers' "psychic radar", fill it with a bunch of deathstrike missiles and ram the vengeful spirit like a fire ship, making Francis Drake proud."

По сути, план состоит из: "возьмём эльдарский корабль, т.к. он скрытный и может избежать радаров, возьмём псайкеров, т.к. они могут скрыть от "пси-радара" колдунов Чёрного Легиона", забить его кучей ракет "смертельный удар" и протаранить Мстительный Дух так, чтобы Фрэнсис Дрэйк сказал малаца. 

​- While this plan is going on, Abaddon and Calgar + their respective bodyguards have their duel. Calgar is trying to draw it out, and this is ok at the start, but eventually the superiority of Abaddon's wargear is really what does it, and Calgar gets sliced open, with his primary heart completely caput and his secondary one with a big dent in it. Just as Abaddon is about to finish him, Haarken gets word that the Vengeful Spirit is in trouble, and Abaddon falls back, which really pisses off his very thirsty sword.

Пока план приводят к действию, Абаддон и Калгар, а также их телохранители устроили дуэль. Калгар пытается тянуть время и поначалу у него получается, но крутость эквипа Абаддона зарешала, и Калгара выпотрошили, основному сердцу настал полярный лис, второстепенное заработало "Инфаркт микарда. Вот такенный рубец" (с). И когда Абаддон уже собрался прикончить его, Хааркену докладывают, что Мстящий Дух в беде, и Абаддон отступает, что серьёзно выбесило его голодный меч.

​- Sure enough, the plan worked, with the Imperial Navy's remaining ships trying to open up a path for the Aeldari (there's a funny little bit here about how they dragged so many ships for this attack away from other planets that the Necrons, etc just took them) and the Eldar managed to ram the Vengeful spirit, ripping a whopping great big hole in it. The ship is very nearly dead, but manages to pull off an emergency warp translation (and therefore will probably be fixed up and fine by the time the writers need it as a plot device), but this hands naval superiority/equality at least back to the Imperium.

План вполне себе сработал. Остатки кораблей имперского флота пытались расчистить путь для эльдар (тут есть сменшной момент, что корабли для этой атаки они наскребли по другим планетам, так что некроны и прочие потом легко захватили их) и эльдарам удалось протаранить Мстительный Дух и проделать в нём здоровенную дырень. Корабль был практически уничтожен, но смог экстренно уйти в варп (и скорее всего будет как новенький, когда писателям понадобится новый Летучий Роялец), но этим имперцы вырввали преимущество/паритет в космосе.

​- Calgar survives his grevious wounds, but is no longer able to fight on the front, instead directing everything from his apothecarion bed. Vigilus is still absolutely boned, but it's not quite over yet."

Калгар всё же выжил, но больше не может воевать на фронте, вместо этого он командует с койки апотекариона. Вигилус всё ещё в полной жопе, но это ещё не конец.

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Abaddon the Despoiler,Chaos (Wh 40000),Wh News,Vigilus ablaze,Marneus Calgar,Ultramarines,Ультрамарины,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperium,Империум,Saim-Hann,Craftworld Eldar,Эльдар, Eldar,

Warpencil 40k Каляки-Маляки нарисовал сам Ordo Xenos Ordo Malleus Ordo Hereticus Eldar Aeldari Daemonette Chaos (Wh 40000) ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы Wh Other Inquisition Imperium Slaanesh 

^AXOAQT I^Ak'-TO ß ßAP инквизиторы opao ксенос, орао МАДлеус V V V и орао еретикус.,Warpencil 40k,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Каляки-Маляки,каляки-маляки, Каляки-Маляки, Каляки маляки, ,нарисовал сам,Ordo Xenos,Inquisition,Imperium,Империум,Ordo


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rukanishu rukanishu01.07.201911:47ссылка
Все обменялись подозрительными взглядами. Началась резня.
zedns zedns01.07.201911:50ссылка

canoness Orders Hospitaller Commander Shepard Sisters of Silence Adeptus Custodes Lelith Hesperax Dark Eldar Space Marine wh humor Lutherniel ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы artist Adepta Sororitas Ecclesiarchy Imperium Wh Other Aeldari ME персонажи Mass Effect 

Cannoness finds a SoB Novice’s Emperor Doujin.

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,canoness,Adepta Sororitas,sisters of battle, сестры битвы,Ecclesiarchy,Imperium,Империум,Orders Hospitaller,Commander Shepard,ME персонажи,Mass Effect,Sisters of Silence,Adeptus Custodes,Lelith Hesperax,Dark

Commander Shephard as a Space Marine.

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,canoness,Adepta Sororitas,sisters of battle, сестры битвы,Ecclesiarchy,Imperium,Империум,Orders Hospitaller,Commander Shepard,ME персонажи,Mass Effect,Sisters of Silence,Adeptus Custodes,Lelith Hesperax,Dark

Sleepy hospitaller.

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,canoness,Adepta Sororitas,sisters of battle, сестры битвы,Ecclesiarchy,Imperium,Империум,Orders Hospitaller,Commander Shepard,ME персонажи,Mass Effect,Sisters of Silence,Adeptus Custodes,Lelith Hesperax,Dark

Sisters of Silence idol fanmeet.

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,canoness,Adepta Sororitas,sisters of battle, сестры битвы,Ecclesiarchy,Imperium,Империум,Orders Hospitaller,Commander Shepard,ME персонажи,Mass Effect,Sisters of Silence,Adeptus Custodes,Lelith Hesperax,Dark

Lelith being attacked by cheese when she least expects it.

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,canoness,Adepta Sororitas,sisters of battle, сестры битвы,Ecclesiarchy,Imperium,Империум,Orders Hospitaller,Commander Shepard,ME персонажи,Mass Effect,Sisters of Silence,Adeptus Custodes,Lelith Hesperax,Dark


Craftworld Eldar Wh Песочница Wh Other Anime ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Craftworld Eldar,Эльдар, Eldar, Корабельники,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Wh Other,Anime,Аниме,eldar,aeldari,warhammer 40000,fandoms,Wh sandbox,wh other,Anime

Chaos (Wh 40000) wh art Possessed Marines ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Chaos (Wh 40000),Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,wh art,Possessed Marines

Wh Песочница Wh News Orks Miniatures (Wh 40000) ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Orktober 1st: Introducing the Orks…

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Wh News,Orks,Orcs, Орки,Miniatures (Wh 40000)

The first day of Orktober is here at last! We’ve got stacks of cool and exciting stuff to show you and talk about over the coming weeks, but before we get ahead of ourselves, we thought it only right and proper to formally introduce the Orks to those who may not be familiar with this fan-favourite, belligerent, green-skinned race.

• #лл ч 1 -V ^ kV А в 'V - vO Jpw^5 T ' * ♦ \ 1 <Г Th. /чГЬ. ШлЛ , у>$ '¥,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Wh News,Orks,Orcs, Орки,Miniatures (Wh 40000)

Let’s take a look…

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Wh News,Orks,Orcs, Орки,Miniatures (Wh 40000)

Ever since Mankind first set forth across the stars, it has been subjected to war and death on a scale previously undreamed of. Yet of all the myriad xenos races responsible for this relentless warfare, the Orks are in a class all their own. A crude and warlike breed of hulking brutes, the Orks love nothing more than a good scrap – so much so, in fact, that in the absence of a suitable enemy to take their aggression out on, they will readily fight amongst themselves just for the sheer joy of it. As such, any attempt to reason or negotiate with Orks is doomed to failure.

'■у Ж У - *'г аУагАД ^ИЫУ * 1 fe t»Y ш№ >,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Wh News,Orks,Orcs, Орки,Miniatures (Wh 40000)

Orks have been encountered in every corner of Imperial space, and due to their unique biology and the incredible rate with which their populations replenish, they are all but impossible to eradicate. Even the most ruthless purge of Ork numbers seldom earns little more than a temporary respite. The question of how to rid the galaxy of the ‘greenskin menace’ has vexed Imperial scholars and agents of the Ordo Xenos for thousands of years. To this day, Orks remain one of the most bitter enemies of Mankind, responsible for the loss of countless trillions of lives, vast tracts of territory and once even threatening Holy Terra itself.
Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Wh News,Orks,Orcs, Орки,Miniatures (Wh 40000)

Ork populations in their infancy form crude and barbaric societies founded on the notion of ‘might makes right’. Due to a quirk in their physical development, the most aggressive and dominant of their kind grow, accordingly, into the largest and most powerful of their tribe, which in turn is led by its strongest member. As their numbers increase and their encampments develop, rival tribes are conquered or otherwise subsumed into larger groups. It is at this stage that Orks begin to emerge who have an innate knowledge of how to push the growing mob to its next evolutionary step, and they are known collectively as Oddboyz:

(Big) Meks:

Ingeniously skilled mechanics with the ability to create deadly weaponry and war machinery from little more than scrap and scavenged parts, Meks provide the ‘teknology’ that Orks rely on to spread carnage and destruction across the galaxy. More often than not, these guns and contraptions shouldn’t function in the conventional sense, but that never seems to stop them and has baffled millennia worth of Tech-Priests and Imperial scholars.

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Wh News,Orks,Orcs, Орки,Miniatures (Wh 40000)


Sometimes referred to as Warpheadz, Weirdboyz are latent psykers who channel the cumulative energy given off by large exuberant Ork hordes into suitably impressive and deadly pyrotechnic displays, from green lightning to giant, stomping manifestations of their deities’ feet! The more Orks there are nearby, the more powerful these manifestations can become.

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Wh News,Orks,Orcs, Орки,Miniatures (Wh 40000)


Named for their callous lack of patient care or bedside manner, Painboyz are surgeons who are able to patch up traumatic injuries, or work alongside a Mek colleague to graft mechanical replacements onto missing limbs, to get maimed Orks back into the fight.

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Wh News,Orks,Orcs, Орки,Miniatures (Wh 40000)


The handlers of the Orks’ diminutive Grot cousins, the Runtherdz have an instinctive talent for goading their charges into doing something useful in battle, be it swarming the foe or bodily clearing a minefield. Runtherdz also serve as the cultural history keepers of the Orks, for they are born with an ancestral memory of past events and the deeds of their clan – not that anyone listens to them.

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Wh News,Orks,Orcs, Орки,Miniatures (Wh 40000)

You can’t learn about Orks without learning about the Waaagh! Ork tribes and clans are unrivalled in the swiftness with which they can develop, rapidly changing from a warband of savages armed with scavenged and improvised weapons into a deadly, space-faring invasion force able to bring whole planetary systems to their knees. Once the population has reached a critical mass, its (now towering) Warboss will launch a Waaagh!, named after the ferocious Ork war cry that has terrorised the armies Mankind on battlefields beyond counting. The Orks will mobilise and unleash total war on their nearest prey, taking to the stars aboard flotillas of crude ships once they have scoured their current location of everything worth fighting.

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Sometimes referred to as the ‘green tide’, the bigger and more successful a Waaagh! is, the more Orks it attracts, sometimes from systems away. No one is certain exactly how this occurs or by what means other Orks find out about a Waaagh!, but it appears to take place on a subconscious, even instinctive, level. Buoyed by this steady stream of reinforcements, once a Waaagh! has begun, only the most horrific losses will deter its advance. More often than not, this will be due to the Orks losing their enthusiasm for the fight rather than ‘losing’ in the conventional sense. This is sometimes the result of the death of their leaders and the subsequent in-fighting, and sometimes they just get distracted or find a better fight. In any case, entire worlds or even star systems will have usually been destroyed by the Waaagh! before enough forces can be mobilised to inflict a meaningful defeat against it.

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Wh News,Orks,Orcs, Орки,Miniatures (Wh 40000)

In battle, Orks fight in the simple manner of their gods – the cunning brutality of Gork and the brutal cunning of Mork. More often than not, this sees them perform various types of headlong charges into their intended victims either on foot or on the back of sturdy transport vehicles. After all, the only thing that Orks enjoy more than firing guns, blowing stuff up and racing at dangerously high speeds is fighting in combat. War allows them to freely indulge in most – if not all – of these favourite pastimes, which is why they love it so much!

Since the emergence of the Great Rift, the wars that have erupted across the galaxy in its wake have seen the Orks in their absolute element. One of the largest conflicts has emerged on Vigilus, with Warlord Krooldakka’s invasion giving rise to a Speedwaaagh!, a Genestealer Cult insurrectionand, more recently, an Aeldari invasion as well. The escalating conflict has seen more and more Orks drawn to the sector in search of a good bust-up.

Tfl r ft ^ ft Ш i ШЛ Sssift. € 4k \,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Wh News,Orks,Orcs, Орки,Miniatures (Wh 40000)

That pretty much covers an overview of the Orks for the moment. Over the coming weeks, we’ll be investigating the six major clans of the Orks and their respective kulturs in greater detail, as well as the ancient legend of the Brainboyz and even more besides.



Necromunda Imperium Wh News Miniatures (Wh 40000) Genestealer Genestealer Cult Tyranids ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

 ''rit яа NECROMUNDA,Necromunda,Imperium,Империум,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Wh News,Miniatures (Wh 40000),Genestealer,Genestealer Cult,Tyranids,Тираниды

 Мальстрейн - мясистая химера человека и генокрада, мутировавшая из-за странной энергии, загрязняющей опустошенный Улей Секундус. Да, это новый чемпион Некромунды по гротеску, победивший Ортруум 8-8 и Спайкера Дома Делак…

Это летающий, психический чемпион, доступен для Malstrain Gangs и Malstrain Corrupted Gangs. Он медленный, но имеет доступ к своим собственным уникальным Wyrd Powers, и по мере повышения уровня в кампаниях может узнать еще больше!

Вы даже можете сделать его своим лидером… 

Necromunda,Imperium,Империум,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Wh News,Miniatures (Wh 40000),Genestealer,Genestealer Cult,Tyranids,Тираниды


Necromunda Imperium House Van Saar Genestealer Cult Tyranids Miniatures (Wh 40000) Wh News Genestealer Spyrer ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Некромундские Шпилевеки, Ван Саары и генокрады

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Necromunda,Imperium,Империум,House Van Saar,Genestealer Cult,Tyranids,Тираниды,Miniatures (Wh 40000),Wh News,Genestealer,Spyrer

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Necromunda,Imperium,Империум,House Van Saar,Genestealer Cult,Tyranids,Тираниды,Miniatures (Wh 40000),Wh News,Genestealer,Spyrer

REVEALED ПТ THE S PREUIEUL,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Necromunda,Imperium,Империум,House Van Saar,Genestealer Cult,Tyranids,Тираниды,Miniatures (Wh 40000),Wh News,Genestealer,Spyrer

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Necromunda,Imperium,Империум,House Van Saar,Genestealer Cult,Tyranids,Тираниды,Miniatures (Wh 40000),Wh News,Genestealer,Spyrer

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Necromunda,Imperium,Империум,House Van Saar,Genestealer Cult,Tyranids,Тираниды,Miniatures (Wh 40000),Wh News,Genestealer,Spyrer

REUERLEO RT THE PREUIE WARHAMMER COMMUNITY,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Necromunda,Imperium,Империум,House Van Saar,Genestealer Cult,Tyranids,Тираниды,Miniatures (Wh 40000),Wh News,Genestealer,Spyrer

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Necromunda,Imperium,Империум,House Van Saar,Genestealer Cult,Tyranids,Тираниды,Miniatures (Wh 40000),Wh News,Genestealer,Spyrer

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Necromunda,Imperium,Империум,House Van Saar,Genestealer Cult,Tyranids,Тираниды,Miniatures (Wh 40000),Wh News,Genestealer,Spyrer

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Necromunda,Imperium,Империум,House Van Saar,Genestealer Cult,Tyranids,Тираниды,Miniatures (Wh 40000),Wh News,Genestealer,Spyrer

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Necromunda,Imperium,Империум,House Van Saar,Genestealer Cult,Tyranids,Тираниды,Miniatures (Wh 40000),Wh News,Genestealer,Spyrer

 А 111 1 J ■ с HOU) J WAKHAMMKR COMMUNITY,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Necromunda,Imperium,Империум,House Van Saar,Genestealer Cult,Tyranids,Тираниды,Miniatures (Wh 40000),Wh News,Genestealer,Spyrer

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Necromunda,Imperium,Империум,House Van Saar,Genestealer Cult,Tyranids,Тираниды,Miniatures (Wh 40000),Wh News,Genestealer,Spyrer

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Necromunda,Imperium,Империум,House Van Saar,Genestealer Cult,Tyranids,Тираниды,Miniatures (Wh 40000),Wh News,Genestealer,Spyrer

NECROMUNDA HIVE SECUNDUS RULEBOOK,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Necromunda,Imperium,Империум,House Van Saar,Genestealer Cult,Tyranids,Тираниды,Miniatures (Wh 40000),Wh News,Genestealer,Spyrer


Genestealer Cult Tyranids ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Genestealer Cult,Tyranids,Тираниды,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы

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