"This is just a fan art of warhammer40000I think,If they can make PSM, then maybe they can make female Space Marines too,Tradition seems less important than business,hahaha."
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»wh humor длиннопост sisters of battle Ecclesiarchy Necrons Chaos Space Marine Orks Techpriest Wh Crossover Ultramarines Warhammer 40000 фэндомы Primarchs Officio Assasinorum Aeldari Ynnari Игры Team Fortress Team Fortress 2 Adeptus Mechanicus Astra Militarum artist Chaos (Wh 40000) Tyranids Commissar (wh 40000) Space Marine Wh Other Imperium Cyrene Valantion Argel Tal Visarch Sly Marbo Inquisitor Greyfax Carnifex Saint Celestine assault squad (wh 40000) Scout (TF2) Ciaphas Cain Jaghatai Khan Callidus Yvraine Lutherniel
Angry maid sister
Argel Tal and Cyrene
Assault marine forgot his jump pack so he have to run to keep up.
Callidus assassin brushing her hair
Carnifex and necron ballroom dancing
Chaos marine trying to scare a space wolf with a vacuum cleaner.
Ciaphas Cain doing Ciaphas Cain thing
Commissar dabbing on a guardsman
Crying chibi SoB
Sly Marbo eating a sandwhich
St Celestine and Inquisitor Greyfax drinking smoothie.
Swole techpriest saido chesto
Techpriest about to pop a paper bag on a sleeping Necron
TF2 Scout Marine
Tyranid in shoujo
Ultramarine with Smurf hat
Visarch stalking Yvraine
Yamcha death pose ork
Yandere St Celestine
Young Jaghatai with a tricycle.
gretchin Orks видео Wh News Red Gobbo squig Miniatures (Wh 40000) Warhammer 40000 фэндомы
ХА! Я знал, я верил! Орктябрь продолжается!
Красный Гоббо получил новую миниатюру!
А еще он завел собственную страничку в twitter. На своей странице он будет рассматривать списки новогодних желаний своих подписчиков, и осуществлять самые оригинальные из них. Один день - одно желание. Акция продлится с 9 ноября по 15 декабря.Важно!
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