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Œacttcal Breaîmougljt ^utt €xecutor *attern Biscobereb bp tEecIjprieStü in tlje ancient ruin« of planet Barbaiiellus V. tl)c executor pattern is a fEerminator armor from tl|e Dark 9aeS of fEeclinoIogp. moBtlp fabricate)) loo far from Cart!) to lie fount) in any cftapter treasure. iCIjc Cxetutor pattern is a berp mobile anb resilient Suit of robotic armor tljat probibe berp soob protection anb tlje capacitp to bjielb Ijeabp Weapons Witljout tlie neeb to Ijabe a bipob or tripob to fire. St sljares map of tlje otlier ¡Tactical Breabnoualj suits, tlje arms liabe a Ijarb time aiming up. tlje Uiearer can't extenb Ijis arms or leas more tljau 90° anb tlje excessibe toeialjt anb noise can be a problem in Some missions, ©lit tl)e Suit is mabc for frontal close -quarter assaults, anb in tljis situations it excels, tuitli aoob protection, extra-pneumatic strenallt anb capacitp to tuielb Ijeabp Weapons tElje Œerminator armors usuallp comes bjitlj lieabp robotic Ijanbs calleb JJoUicrfist. Clje Wearer's Ijanb StapS insibe tlje robotic forearm, conecteb to a aroup of biireS anb rinas tljat reab tl)e Ijanb mobements anb reprobuce it to tlje robot arm. Jin tlie executor pattern, tlie JJoWerfist is open in tlie lower part, alloluina tlje Wearer to quichlp turn off tlje mechanic fist anb use it in tlie user ||1S otun. for bealina Will) kepboarbs, toucljscreens anb otljer bebices tljat are too Small for tlje JDoWerfiSI to operate. :onb "pair" of tal Bears anb jgtcauft of tlje JSIacb (Carapace. 3beptuS balance tlje astarteS can control tlje JDoWerfist bp nifp in tlje neural impulses, beina able to wielb 10 fire pistols or bolters in tljeir Ijanbs anb Ijeabp Il)e banger weapons in tl)e robotic fists, Worliina as if H'111- tljep l)ab four Ijanbs in combat.
Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Imperium,Империум,техноересь,продолжение в комментах,Terminator Squad,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Ultramarines,Ультрамарины
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Если это так-то у них художник, похоже, не совсем художник.
Выглядит как то по-детски что ли.
Как можно менять облик брони астартес ,терминаторскую броню,дредов они там охренели совсем?
Силовой доспех, Марк II, "Крестовый Доспех".
а теперь сравни с Марк VIII, "Неправедный Доспех" и найди 10 отличий