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Old Warhammer Roskan Imperial Guard Imperium ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Славные победы Росканских полков.

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they ^j
:h Hlonsir-^andEc^ 8 down tioi
always told is as alieprcç* »rities btœci the ЬЫ* ■ere lurrlujM haze of hff* I the я*0*
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' ruiierj SrrKcnnl.
Hie Baltic oriMs.p

was a decisive encounter, which a daring Imp* strategy nearly led to diSa ter, yet was saved by ^ blood and bravery of low^
The Deathskull mob of warboss Gorgar Grimrnkk split into too pincers after landing (1) and rampaged across the country

«"'kiin \\|\ rreimenlal banner
1» V*
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s„ii was Ih.«t lliis plmic l. nes-in the' inner arc of the st'.'iuentnin Tempestus. fni-¡,jsht'ti vast (iiianlilies of \iiliii*ble food and Imperial Guardsmen, unlouelied hy (he ravages of

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that the Orks wore split, hr behevrd that his unified force rouId lake on one mob before hn\ ing to turn to fare the other.
The Roska WIY
were stripped from the ities on the nd marehed to join
Roskans numbered just six thousand men, whilst it was estimated

1 ''np^nai ( ros> ls
I ,l"‘ Hoskans on Uip river’s artiviu.
constructed look
islands to oljscri,
'eapons arc
£"rs ,n '«i '"•»•«enous firearm
\\l\ rrtfmenl. look up position along tiw dyke towards dusk.

The Tide Turned Back
once more as the First (.umpanj of the XXV leaped into the fray. During the course of the day Nis would fall to the enemy four times, only to be regained as fresh troops were sucked into the light that flowed over the devastated farm.
The Battle for the South Flank

‘"'•»’I Ink..
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,n n<» longe
riling. \ bloodcurdling rry rang out a* the
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'^'"hikiill, rlI8, . "'"lain
,,"sh'-'1 ahead of	,M’Vz
- Wilding n veh m Th‘-devastating ||„. ,jJ' ,,l'ls's VoMlkov/iM	U
'luirkly reduced ,o',K "flSr
<«‘»rK«r SciMed

I x rn \ illngpr* Iriggcrrd iimlmshos in ih<> Krnsnnjx pnw* ngninsl lilt* tipping Orks.
Min ili<- Itnlllr ill«- \\l\ «*ii|iixril llirlr llrxl nipnl in Ixxn clnvn
^ DnrkneiiK Descended
Ihr Denthskull Orks ran towards the apparent safety of (lie Krnsnojx Mountains, Gorgar leading the headlong

S \ s Чу, " vj 4V \'Л W Vv чч sS ¿ч >Heÿ they ^j ,bcc*u*¿ :h Hlonsir-^andEc^ 8 down tioi always told is as alieprcç* »rities btœci the ЬЫ* ■ere lurrlujM haze of hff* I the я*0* vÀ *rtb<! ti-' <4 Sf'j 4 ; ''Vi Л,!*..] :¡ r*/ THE BATTLE OF • NÎS-PAZAR • Acmcv Impkhii's: Тик Roskan ImpkrialGi ari) GlqrIOI S Nil тип ч (Voi.. \N II. CllAPTKR 5) 1ВЕЗРвиай55555Е5п^^ : ;l ]аатиивввниинднвдии|
' ruiierj SrrKcnnl. QQE3QS3E3B Hie Baltic oriMs.p was a decisive encounter, which a daring Imp* strategy nearly led to diSa ter, yet was saved by ^ blood and bravery of low^ The Deathskull mob of warboss Gorgar Grimrnkk split into too pincers after landing (1) and rampaged across the country towards the Itoskan heartland. Leaving only a small entrenched garrison in the threatened cities. Lord tvralj withdrew the \\l\ regiment stationed there (2) to join reinforcements (5) from the capital. Meanwhile, the Ork forces, beaten back at the cities, sought to reunify for battle (4). unified troopers. The Roskau breadbasket is it term often used t„ describe the agriculturally rich planet of Roska. With a culture steeped in military tradition, it was unified under the dynasty of the Kirovs several centuries before it had even assimilated into the Imperium. Graf Hristo Kirov 111 succeeded diplomatically in securing a hereditary lordship of Roska in exchange for peaceful union with the Imperium. - (If* ■ tid, rfjor' , K i "U" slh (jistrf" ' :.t his Drathsk» Tilt* Roskau regiments art famous for llu-ir colourful uniforms, w hich arc based on traditional sty Its. Ixtrd hiroy ordered the adoption of an army badge, together yy ith the motto: Aul Yincere aul Mori To Conquer or IJie rtnadicr. The lsl compan\ is » nrnpnsrri nf those elite Iroops. Hu c.iflitional helnw t and eramite iDiptrlal <>lliir<,'llia ,. Many of the volu;; ;,,(l coulil tint be eqo P1 jn fully and ro"f'1" •civvies'. H«"s»a Mrulrnanl.l elite rcKiinctils „1 < avalr> are raised snlch '••'">1 the noble elass Orel lUOl hiroy \\ im
^XXIV «"'kiin \\|\ rreimenlal banner 1» V* \ K O ""■u Vv* S V*» ;S$ "<V >,*V **>,S £SÏ *«*£ s„ii was Ih.«t lliis plmic l. nes-in the' inner arc of the st'.'iuentnin Tempestus. fni-¡,jsht'ti vast (iiianlilies of \iiliii*ble food and Imperial Guardsmen, unlouelied hy (he ravages of war on its lands. I mil 376526 >.M fl, that w as. Defenee Satellites Smashed from their orbit were the first warning that Roska had of invasion. The Ork hattlefleet which had appeared so rapidlv from the Warp lost no time in disgorging brutal warriors onto the planet’s surface. They quickly established a base site in the Krasnojv Mountains. Roskan Astropaths despatehed a psychic distress signal. Warboss Gorgar Grimmkk sent his Death skill I mobs 'vest and south along sepa- rah' valleys, seeking to cross the phy sieal obstacle of the River Dovskov which kept his warriors from the plunder or Ihi' Roska cities beyond. Lord Vidor Kirov XVII knew that a battle would have to lu* fought before any off-vv orld reinforcements could arrive. His only chance lay in seizing the initiative. The Oi ks' progress would be slow through lh(‘ difficult terrain of the Krasnojv. While the Dovskov was at its highest due to th<‘ spring thaw, the hideous alien invaders would he forced to attempt a crossing via the cities of l)ovsk and Zaporozhye. A Daring IMan was evolved. Lord Kirov would sacrifice the cities and cross the Dovskov via the Pripctsk Marshes. Knowing Unskn’s people were ordered lo destroy llteir crops And village! order io deny the Ork army of any supplies during their advance Grimnikk’s personal war banner Warboft» Gortfiir Grimriikk th,, ,'^l,pnl1 ,hp volunteers, Bacau'sarsenals «en- stripped ■-------1 Hreamis and steam-nowrred \rhirlrv □E3E1
O0 I I JHS? v - ^ |M*^ i aJL r* that the Orks wore split, hr behevrd that his unified force rouId lake on one mob before hn\ ing to turn to fare the other. The Roska WIY were stripped from the ities on the nd marehed to join Roskans numbered just six thousand men, whilst it was estimated that Gorgar rom-nwnded nearer ten tiiousand hulking, merciless Orks. Tlie Orks Flinched before the fortified but empty cities on the Dovskov. Rush-iim across exposed bridges under all types of fire m heavy losses, ' vnt. and the seeking of w <i> to cross the iuT. I nfortunately Huskan army this that, rather than 'kii - the Orks into a protracted siegTI^^ them along the rh N would reunify ihoir rfr front of the horned J \i' and Pazar - djf the path of Lord crossing. Rickety Bridge« linking the marshy ,M on the Dovskov ranied ^i the thunder of the o' \ ll\ h oof - Ip crossed to the pastern »as midday as Coh Stoieho Borzna flan* h* horsemen into a rorijJ around the bridte-h^ \N hilst still forming cacophony greeted the* from the grain fields be^ signalling a horde boarboyz plunging tow. them. Borzna’s cool e assessed the ground, ordered an advance at trot. As their crazed foe the high flood dyke in fore, the colonel l< chainsword to initiate tfcr charge. The nimble men ploughed into greenskin foe. The 0 formation had been ted bv the dyke, and « WJI >>>"• A$V ( /A A ^ *<?« ,fif Mi ^ I***' ' •inf irarjcimciQanQQggpooo00 . V .jL
 1 ''np^nai ( ros> ls Aoskair, hiKhi^i mflitan I ,l"‘ Hoskans on Uip river’s artiviu. constructed look islands to oljscri, 'eapons arc decorated £"rs ,n '«i '"•»•«enous firearm USPtf. \\l\ rrtfmenl. look up position along tiw dyke towards dusk. ^^gggaaBqQBQaBBQQQQBQgaaragj Kirov’s Plan was Ruined It*"**? ,)oar and Ork alike. by the knowledge that he 'P1. ,.,oc. --1 now faCPfl .. through hoar ana urn alike. The rout was complete, and the cavalry pursued their opponents into the wooded >> ss %x opponents into me wooded slopes beyond to complete the work of destruction. Too Laic to Avert Disaster the Haussa saw the hordes of -~U n.lre #K^ .... | . f • ç ? X ¡s He "i, v si k ' 'SX> .. the ¿JH. • ,J°rzna\, sed the £rili ed an ad\ar. heir crazed [re igh flood djiti he colonel 1« isword to ini re. The niuri ploughed ■ iskin fof-n’ ***& „ the d?k If 1C* IICIUOOC1 cnivv IIIV IM/I IH\S () fresh Orks in the tree-line. Withering gunfire cut through the horsemen’s ranks. The decimated regiment fell back over the fields and dykes in shattered dissarray. ....icu^e that he now faced an enemy force of unknown magnitude. The XXIV were crossing the river even now, but iT they failed to hold they would he swept into the water and destroyed. mm A Further Disaster befell the Roskans, as the first of their Chimeras began to cross the last bridge to offer support. Its frail wooden structure collapsed under the weight of the vehicles. All Kirov could do was begin to rebuild the structure, and deploy the company of Basilisks on Kottinsky island to offer long range artillery support. The First Attack Came from both flanks. Gorgar had obviously seen the need to capture the farm buildings before the guardsmen could dig in. The assault against Pazar was ill-coordinated, and the attackers fell back under the Basilisk’s sustained bombardment. Lieutenant Utta’s 2nd company at Nis suffered far worse. A raucous wave of '■•Ptiirnani Br"na and S*>kill », «warded Mi to mrrinl All 4 soldier* / received a ft specially- ’ •strurk campaign medal Orks overwhelmed the guardsmen, who fled the farm leaving half their number lying dead and dying in the burning buildings. Streaming back to the river, they managed to meet with Lieutenant Giurgenj’s Grenaders, who had been held in reserve. The 2nd managed to rally and both companies charged back into the smoking ruins, finally ousting the enemy in a vicious melee. As night came, the foul Orks withdrew battered.
The Tide Turned Back once more as the First (.umpanj of the XXV leaped into the fray. During the course of the day Nis would fall to the enemy four times, only to be regained as fresh troops were sucked into the light that flowed over the devastated farm. The Battle for the South Flank began equally viciously, but with the assistance of the basilisks’ accurate fire, the mob ol Orks quickly I e 11 back, leaving their dead scattered across the cratered ground. (2) Sporadic Sorties were thrown against I’a/.ar, each lime the roar of the Basilisks answering in kind imlil Lieutenant Xariov was forced to announce to Lord Kirov that their ammunition I was so low, only enough TT7i - • ■ ■ I l lie Next Day Augured III for the Imperial forces. Torrential rains had seen the Dovskov rise nine metres overnight, and the waters had swept away the nearly completed pontoon bridge. This meant that only the three weakened companies of the XXIV held the ¡ire v\ hich ran front Nis along the dyke to Pazar, with a small reserve offered by the decimated llaussa VII. The more numerous companies ol the \X\ were slowly being ferried across the swollen torrid river on makeshift rafls. but no vehicles could assist until the bridge was operational. Gorgar Crimrukk’s Strategy I was as blunt as one would f expect front an Ork. lie would take that which he r^i had failed to seize the night > before, the farmsteads. With the flanks crushed, the I guardsmen would be caught in a huge vice. I "j (1) Nis was Charged pM by a wave of over a thousand foul greenskins. Sokal’s I Grenaders lobbed their Egd grenades into the masses, Igfg and slow ly tlie attack faltered. I only lo begin once more under the lead of a horde of Hi nobz. Lt. Sokal fell to GofTa IJM Tufgutz’s axe blow, as his Mm men were ejected from NIs.
 ‘"'•»’I Ink.. f"r к,,. «'■nV;;;:"- .h, ,n n<» longe ....linger riling. \ bloodcurdling rry rang out a* the Vi/: V '^'"hikiill, rlI8, . "'"lain ,,"sh'-'1 ahead of ,M’Vz - Wilding n veh m Th‘-devastating ||„. ,jJ' ,,l'ls's VoMlkov/iM U 'luirkly reduced ,o',K "flSr <«‘»rK«r SciMed Victory ”nd or,iered his cenIrp forward. The enemy rank“ ‘7pred I he fields as they ;hr;f; v-n -rnn,,n,s „f > hoKiered by another from the XXV (4). Yrt »he grossly outnum-"’r'‘f Offenders lav down *yrh ;l ""h,,ring fire that the 11 (altered. The nob/ were '<' n in in to beat their troops [orward, yet to no avail. *v itnessing the scene, 1 leutcnant Bo/na seized the ehanee. The remnants of the Haussa charged (5). Broken, their opposition iled back into the woods (6). Gorgar’s last opportunity to break the centre lay in his runtherdz and their Grelchin-manned cannon. A massed battery was pushed into position, and soon began peppering the dvke with shells (7). Lieutenant Litta saw his men being blown apart around him. Veiling that they d taken \ls the night before and would take these guns or die trying, he led the charge over the dyke (8). The cowardly Gretchen broke in panic. Pazar Still Seemed Doomed to fall to the determined Ork forces. If this were to happen, the green masses would surely sw ing behind the rest of the line. Gorgar committed his last reserves, a mob of stormboyz (9) and his dreadnoughts (10). But the 3rd company had held for long enough. The vital bridge had been repaired. Chimera. Leman Russ and guardsmen streamed into the battle (11). whilst the Basilisks’ final barrage did deadly work on the rigid ranks of 'h‘‘ storm boy / (12)-The Bailie Has Hon.
 I x rn \ illngpr* Iriggcrrd iimlmshos in ih<> Krnsnnjx pnw* ngninsl lilt* tipping Orks. Min ili<- Itnlllr ill«- \\l\ «*ii|iixril llirlr llrxl nipnl in Ixxn clnvn ^ DnrkneiiK Descended Ihr Denthskull Orks ran towards the apparent safety of (lie Krnsnojx Mountains, Gorgar leading the headlong flight. The Hoskans were exhausted by their momentous struggle, many i ollapsing to sleep where Ibex lax .1^ their officers counted the < ost of the x ictory. TIh* Heroic WIV d from a lull < omplcmeiit of over three huiidi id men In Irss than lillx I ord Kralj immediately offered these stalwart soldiers leave, but to a man they vowed to pursue the Ork horde to its final end. Scattered and Demoralised the greenskins fell easy prey to their pursuers, who knexv the rocky paths and deep gorges that traversed the mountains. Small bands of Orks were quickly overrun and slaughtered by the jubilant guardsmen. All hope of escape was finally lost xvhen the first Imperial reinforcements destroyed the warfleet that lay in orbit. Gorgar was Trapped with the last of his nobz n Stryy ravine, a dead-end gorge. The XXIV requests the honour, and yelling their battle-cry Made virtute (Be honoured in your valour charged in to finish the task. The Battle of >is-Pazar illustrates hoxv outnumber^.' guardsmen, through good tactics and determined resistance, can better one of the Imperium’s most prevalent foes. This battle should be a lasting example and inspiration to all of us.*
Old Warhammer,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Roskan,Imperial Guard,Imperium,Империум
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Astra Militarum,Imperial Guard, ig Imperium,Империум Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник фэндомы Old Warhammer

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