Кода по все законам логики, кровавым пацанам должна прийти окончательная жопа. Любой автор ГВ может, не сильно заморачиваясь хитросплетением сюжета, смело воспользоваться узаконенным роялем и вести в битву проекцию психической силы ордена, Сангвинария, который точно всех порешает.
Это вообще из кодекса КА 5 редакции. Они там 12 пацанов в пакаяние отправили штурмовать баржу ПН. Ну тип да парни, вы здохните, НО ЗАТО КАК! И Сангвинор в общем тоже оценил сие действие и помог им зачистить ту баржу. Правда выжил только 1 сержант.
There, in the pages of a single iron-clasped volume, are recorded the accounts of the Sanguinor's
manifestations across the millennia. Yet most famous of all, and most readily recounted, is the legend of the assault upon the Night Lords' Battle Barge Terrorc!aw.
So it was that twelve Battle-Brothers were ordered to strike at the Terrorc!aw, to slay its master as penance for
unrecorded transgressions. No one expected them to succeed, for they were outnumbered several hundred times over, yet the Sanguinor seemingly saw merit in their task and joined the fight at the moment their boarding torpedo crashed through the Battle Barge's hull. Pausing only to grant
his blessing to the sergeant in command of the sortie, he cut a bloody path through the Terrorc!aw's defenders, blazing through the vessel like a hot and angry wind.
Tellingly, the Sanguinor's actions that day did not grant his penitent Battle-Brothers an easy victory. Though their passage to the command deck was made upon the carpet of dismembered bodies and severed limbs left in the Sanguinor's wake, the Blood Angels had to fight every step of the way against a crew of Chaos Space Marines, themselves hungry for vengeance. Though the quest was ultimately a success and the Captain of the Terrorc!aw slain, only the sergeant survived and returned to Baal. The Sanguinor did therefore not accomplish the quest for his Battle-Brothers, but through his might and wrath he did render the impossible possible. The name of the sergeant has been lost from the records concerning the Terrorclaw, but Dante occasionally casts his mind back to those times, and with a slight smile recalls the sergeant's renewed faith in his own skills, and of his Chapter's mission.
There, in the pages of a single iron-clasped volume, are recorded the accounts of the Sanguinor's
manifestations across the millennia. Yet most famous of all, and most readily recounted, is the legend of the assault upon the Night Lords' Battle Barge Terrorc!aw.
So it was that twelve Battle-Brothers were ordered to strike at the Terrorc!aw, to slay its master as penance for
unrecorded transgressions. No one expected them to succeed, for they were outnumbered several hundred times over, yet the Sanguinor seemingly saw merit in their task and joined the fight at the moment their boarding torpedo crashed through the Battle Barge's hull. Pausing only to grant
his blessing to the sergeant in command of the sortie, he cut a bloody path through the Terrorc!aw's defenders, blazing through the vessel like a hot and angry wind.
Tellingly, the Sanguinor's actions that day did not grant his penitent Battle-Brothers an easy victory. Though their passage to the command deck was made upon the carpet of dismembered bodies and severed limbs left in the Sanguinor's wake, the Blood Angels had to fight every step of the way against a crew of Chaos Space Marines, themselves hungry for vengeance. Though the quest was ultimately a success and the Captain of the Terrorc!aw slain, only the sergeant survived and returned to Baal. The Sanguinor did therefore not accomplish the quest for his Battle-Brothers, but through his might and wrath he did render the impossible possible. The name of the sergeant has been lost from the records concerning the Terrorclaw, but Dante occasionally casts his mind back to those times, and with a slight smile recalls the sergeant's renewed faith in his own skills, and of his Chapter's mission.