<Dr5cr of tlK TO>ortifl> Ko*C rejrfwnti the Iwperer ib4 it» lyiHtUl parity, 1 %AA4 tv» *A«rifU*» ^MJMVy 141 to #•*' fm»m itMlf ul Sis »apir» u a fait. Ta OK ti*« With th# Inquisition tv inks to Amrwlia, aa Ora *»rwti«ws X»q»i»it#r vm mj wrrK aa aa Awlji# t«4«iad of Wi Inquisitor Alleraa, VMM niter 4 «tMMM tv» laarnaa wt faitvfml aa« ««tpM»« 1 •Arswtrs r-fto.Otl* -Uvt fi«t rtMKUf MlTtfK fro« to* «atataJit of «MWtyK »ervoskun •*« C.145 3 t wtioo waa prwwwwt follow*«* tw •oaolmaioa of aa Xafaiaitarial aaaotioaa« rat« aa taitar P 44, Itww Caaotaatia. TwMfMtt «ata aaalpmia aa« poat «orto« aa fallaww... ataa« Vy... (aptioal laapaotiaal aaltipia olaaa r plaaaa alaatrioal «iaotar«a9 ari*ia > awtpaot (i4aatáfia«< Vawaaa» aiatar ailitaat / ttraaa «*#*%)• iataaaity > «a««fiaK, Vitola raa*a of 0-5 tortas aa« atawa... ftrtaar ata«iaa... ai*aaata« «istortiaa of aya «alora, tato proa« ;ri*%t) *Haaaal Xapat J-3T1 Mapaata < I paria*... oaaply... CXaatrw«tar> DoB t ■■■■■■■1(43) re«trioted »ervitorw «iapla^a« waaircta re Heigbt « 5' 7a, 1.75 ■ . 57 k,__ Hoaeworld aHPXm (Feudal World, fallón >*7>aeaon World*) -redacte«- v£8^S AffiUatloa s Acolyte, Holy Inquisition Ordo Heretlcus Curres* Handler «Xnquisitor Aurelia (Ordo Heretlcus) ?ut Associatlon i Ordor of too Tbornod Rose - Cañoneos Superior luoresis (Sloter foraerly, Retributor - foraerly) JToted neis huaan abillty « aHHMBl1# redaeted , aHHHP -r «apa «paaBHPv restrieted Psyehological Profile * Senerally Cala, Split Personality, Rage-lnduced Frenóles (7) | Jaqualo EM Ierra jtetams jJffiUtaruw jftcucna respite several accounts of the subject's burst of bloodlust and unaccountable tactical decisions during it occasions Managed to display a cala and controlled aind pre and post- eoabat, t»e subject had on operations. Coaaentary fron her coaaander revealed on one account, toe subject's willingness to negotiate teraa of surrender with beleaguered opponents during Operation flHHIHfc -redacted- « Multiple occasions, as well as the testiaomals of her teas neuters highlighting the subject's fira t« m Mankind's ability in atoneaent to achieve salvation and the value of preserving life. Conclusion: Subject had proven to te an above-average candidate for operations involving coaplex stratagea an. changing objectives, being an experienced eoatatant, and her faith in the Faperor is unquestionable. However, recoaaend caution and Maintain surveillance for outbursts of pppp -redacted powers fr the subject, it is still not yet understood if toe subject can control her pp| -redacted- abiliti 1 r . ) •art #'/y i f )*£&&& • AY*-*-■■■Mi — yfi" №6 H " »- . vEl/ ■ ? «№í ^ ' \fcv ’«yf"***. wJ % % $?§ — ^ -*y»‘■' —^ ~L* ■
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