Lord of Wardens
Inferno Wardens
Original character by (®theunholyhandgrenade Fan art by Orniris Terensi
There are none so feared among the ranks of the Inferno Wardens Chapter as that of the Lord of Wardens, Azvaan Thanatos. As Lord of Wardens, he serves as both Chapter Master and H
The Thunderbolt
Black Dragons
Original character by @jezeus2 Fan art by Orniris Terensi
Hezeus would be commended for leading his squad, in slaughtering a rising feral ork horde within Armageddons jungles. Hezeus would be described as a thunderbolt by his brother's. Crushing the s
Vidar Four Fists
Space Wolves
Original character by @)the_garantine
A 420 year old Space Wolf, Vidar has spent the majority of his life as an Iron Priest, with an unparalleled obsession with obscure technology. Vidar, however, is an enigma even amongst Iron Priests. Despite being a native Fe