Lord Admiral Hawke, commander of the 478th Batdcflcet Ultima, waited impatiently. The shuffling Te / Techpriest (Техножрец) :: Adeptus Mechanicus (Mechanicum, Механикус, Адептус механикум, Адептус механикус) :: Imperium (Империум) :: Warhammer 40000 (wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник) :: хайрез :: фэндомы

Imperium Adeptus Mechanicus Techpriest хайрез ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 
Lord Admiral Hawke, commander of the 478th Batdcflcet Ultima, waited impatiently. The shuffling Tech-Priest was hunched, his breath the wheezing of valves, his gait the driving of pistons. He churned forward slowly, heading towards the entourage
The creature laughed again before switching off its
Lord Admiral Hawke, commander of the 478th Batdcflcet Ultima, waited impatiently. The shuffling Tech-Priest was hunched, his breath the wheezing of valves, his gait the driving of pistons. He churned forward slowly, heading towards the entourage The creature laughed again before switching off its chestplatc dials. It sketched a final bow, and its hand signals offered the blessings of the Omnissiah to end the meeting. The red-robed entourage began the long shuffle back to their waiting shuttle. ahead, which was waving smoking braziers and chanting. They bore a sarcophagus. The cowled Tech-Priest bowed to Supreme Admiral Hawke and, adjusting several knobs on his chestplatc, began to speak. His voice sounded tinny, his syntax mechanical. In his long and storied career, Lord Admiral Hawke had twice seen Exterminatus performed and he knew that this was not that ritual. He did not know what it was that he fired upon Agrcllan, but he was glad to have it off his ship. 6Lord Admiral, this is the gift ofVoxodecimus Nyle 96th of Mars. He sends to you the gift of the world-flame. The warhead mounts upon a torpedo. My lord bids you discharge it as a parting gift, targeting the nebulae storms in the northern hemisphere of Agrellan. Nemo mea poena effugit.6 * * 9After this, it laughed, a truly awful sound. The Tech-Priest continued, ‘They who have sown the stormclouds shall now reap its whirlwind. Our ship, the Archaetrove, shall soon bless the entire Damocles Gulf.9 From his bridge command, he saw what the warhead did to Agrellan - setting a sea of flames raging across the world, changing it from grey to luminous and unnatural orange. It was not long before the Archaetrove delivered upon its dark promise, setting alight the nebulae. The Damocles Gulf erupted in light. L é ' ' . s' PKctk i ) HSMgW; ¡i BV .* iéi .Л JH nXlvC' *■ 1 1 i « . i • :r « -Æyi IL ^ /ÿ V jg V 4. Y/£J0lr^ Ш rR i JF* л^Ш ^0р^ЩГ^А ^KîIH Jkft л^ВЙвЛу
Imperium,Империум,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Adeptus Mechanicus,Mechanicum, Механикус, Адептус механикум, Адептус механикус,Techpriest,Техножрец,хайрез
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Очень неплохой арт.
GW уже слишком уж долго конентрирует все свое внимание на лоялистах
вы посмотрите: до конца года выйдет 4 новых кодекса, и из них 3 - лоялистские
пора бы и Хаосу теперь воздать по справедливости
Так только один кодекс только будет в релизу.
Лучше надейся, чтобы все остальные фракции в один кодекс не запихали. А то будет - "В мрачной тьме далёкого будущего есть только примарисы, и штуки в которые они стреляют".
Раз тут такую классную картиночку запостили, то подскажите, есть ли книги, в которых главным героем был бы техножрец? Не космодесантник, не гвардос, не инквизитор, а именно механикус.
механикус . грем макнилл
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