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If your army 1» llattlr	ami imluitr» am * liar»* lUrmnni (Machment* Ihal 1%. any iMahinriM
that Imlu.lo .ml» unit« will» Solti lt»r < 11.%»»» ami l>At »••»*» l atlSin ItCfnonli fcultMling AmtlUry Suppoil IMa.hm.-nt*>. uiu have attr»» In Ibr Stratagem* ihnwti here.

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Chaos (Wh 40000),demon,Wh News,Wh Other

[laML I LirnnHn
I	Mountain» of corruption and gUnl» of filth, there are no more bounteou» creature* In exiMence than Exalted Great Undean One», granting Nurgle» gift»
| with a charitable largeur. Each ha» »ucceaifullr led a Plague Legion In every uage of the cycle of virulence,

If your army 1« led by • Wirlord wlih the Nuiolx Daemon Fiction keyword*, you c»n give one of the following Hellforgrd Artefact* to in Exaltio Ghat Unclian ONI model from your army, tiutead of giving them • Hellforged Artefact from

Duplldtottv manipulating and po**c»»lng knowledge »panning every time and realm of cxUtencc, Exalted Lord» of Change cniure the Changer of the Way»’ schemes are carried out a» Intended. They art foci upon whkh fate lurna, terrifying mutator» and bewildering magUter» far

arti fac ts of change
If,™« ».my U led by* W.rlorJ with the TMiwycit Da »mom KKtfon k~w,*ds. >«■ cut K‘rr one of the following llellforgnl Artefun to ut Exaitho Loan of CHAW.» ttwHlrl front your unty, Instead of giving them . IWIf^geJ Artefact from Another tourer.
Warpfire Blade
Eshtinf in nine

Glamour wreathed. »tllettoclawed and black-hearted. Hulled Keeper» of Secret» ere the ultimate e*prr*»lon» of every oh*r»»lon, their rickanlng presence enough to drive truer warrior» to rapturmi» »ciiurr». Pen erse acta of tortuous Intrmlty are committed with

artefacts of excess
If your «my It led by I Warlord with the Slaaniih Daikon Fiction keywordv you cio give one of the following I tell forged Arteficti to in Bsaltio Kerria of Sicarr* model from your army. Initrad of giving them i Mellforgrd Arteficti from mother tour«.

Vrudi of dltllllcd rage drenched in gore. Exalted Rloodthlr»ter* in ihr imlcti »errant* of the Bra*» Throne and their lu*t for battle la exceeded only by Khomc hltmclf. Bleated with murderoua rampage» of atar-apanninK violence, nran lead by auch Daemon* mull in ocean* of

artefacts of blood
If poor army Is led by a Warlord with thr Known Dauhm Faction keywords, you cm g^et one at the (oflowinj tldMbrpd Artefacts to an liaino Bi ocwiafarnf modd iron* ywir army, instead of giving them « HdHorprd Artefact iro«n amdaiWOT-
G'rmakiit the Destroyer
jhe Mad Matte of

 CHADS DAEMONS STRATACEMS If your army 1» llattlr ami imluitr» am * liar»* lUrmnni (Machment* Ihal 1%. any iMahinriM that Imlu.lo .ml» unit« will» Solti lt»r < 11.%»»» ami l>At »••»*» l atlSin ItCfnonli fcultMling AmtlUry Suppoil IMa.hm.-nt*>. uiu have attr»» In Ibr Stratagem* ihnwti here. RAZOR-SHARP CARESS tiorfaqi om An* pern nwnexro. Dmrmmeltn nde Arte idbai ilfTiwli the Amtrtt аиашг IW thu Mraiaprm In (hr Fight pha*e. Select one Da« momkttv iNrAXtiT unit from yout irtny Until the mil of (hr phase. (hr Armour FVnet ration vk»rtrmlK of mrlcr weapon* model« in that unit art equipped with b improved by I (e g. ЛР I become» AP -21 RUST AND DECAY Surgie [Улгтлпв Strmugem Vtfton ef every amlJfUmfrtm лент lime emj #p*/. [JarmcmfmfeJ pLiguei»x*\{i aepiwmii и ей IW ihi« Stratagem in the Fight ¡*ше. Select one Pi aci-i a* a a*a iMPAUTav unit from your army Until the end of the phaar. »»hen revolving an attack made by a model In «hat unit, an unmodified hu гой of 6 automatically кого a hit and wxcoaiu&y «round* the target (do not make a »round roO) Dmrtnant StmUtfcm mmpnhama*. SttrUi cfSUmnh ш Ыиг. теле тпрлшНе to hu. Uu that Stratagem In your opponent« footing phase when a pAaaaowaTia Cavai at unit from your army n chotm at the taigrl •«< an attack. Until the end of the phaar. »»hen mohring an attack made acarnat that unit. auUract I from the hut roll Surgie DanwM Sentfagrm Smegle'i fereurrtl erupt m a prfnJ A*»«r ipw Jaak L'vc thi» Stratagem when a PLAbi iiLAUi Cava lit model from your army n dotrojnl Before removing that model, roll one 1)61« every unit within 6' (excluding Nt’icti unit») On a 2». the unit being rolled foe auffm 1 mortal «round SONG OF DISCORDANT OESPAIR Яллтпк ¡Улепит» S/ratugem The keemmg pryehne tut of kuntmg FlemJi Jitfurfr 1 k th» stratagem at the »tart of the Morale phaar Select one enemy unit wtfhln 6* of a Fund» unit from your army Until the end of the phatc. mbcract 2 from that enemy unl'i Uadenhip charactrmllc , F1ENSING IMPACT iUdmeth ¡Улетите Urmtagrm t+*n 4 tbne tnpnn и (л>*тЫ * л гш ef Main, their menu nu ttflutmq *pmy Uk Ihk Stratagem In the Fight рЬак. Select one Dai мои« rri Ctuitov unit from your army 4 aurge more thli turn Until the end °t the f-ик. when rrwhing an attack made by a ' •^dalMilhai или. an unmodified Ml roll of6кот , ••ddoaunalhlL , ACIDIC SLOBBER SurfU IУлепит i Stratagem Wtth mbtethe affectum, Велиi Aamtr them JnenL я Ыг n> rvtten there u kkm ito Auv%auhmg At тоя 14c thi* Stratagem in the Fight рЬак. Sdect one Вк дата о» Nibgli. unit from your army. Until the end of the phaae. when rtaohing an attack nude by a model in that untt. an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflict* 1 mortal wound on the target in additioo to any other damage .Vurgfe OamMU Stratagem .Vufjhi WM«ir«i aumrrpul at Mi Mm*V Uclhb Stratagem at the end ofany phase except the Morale phaar Select one NvauiiNO unit fro® your army. Roll one D6 Ibe each model m that unit Ihal wra* dettruyed that phaie. Foe each roB 5*, return one dotroyed model to that unit with all of m wound* remaining placing them tn unit coherency (If a model cannot be placed in thi* way.

[laML I LirnnHn 'üMCLE/IN BMESi I Mountain» of corruption and gUnl» of filth, there are no more bounteou» creature* In exiMence than Exalted Great Undean One», granting Nurgle» gift» | with a charitable largeur. Each ha» »ucceaifullr led a Plague Legion In every uage of the cycle of virulence, perpetuating and taking Uve» In their million». | STRATAGEMS | I If your army b Battle forged and include» any Chao» Daemon» Detachment» (excluding I Auxiliary Support Detachment»), you can u»e the Stratagem below: I EXAUEfl GREAT UNCLEAN ONE P Surflc Daemon! Stratagem U*e thi* Stratagem before the battle Select one Gar at Unclean One model from your army that u not a named character. Until the end of the battle, that model gain* the Exalted keyword, and you »elect one of the Exalted Great Unclean One abilitie» below for thi% model for the duration of the battle Alternatively. >ou can randomly determine two abilities by rolling two D6 and applying them both to tht» model for the duration of the battle (if a double i> rolled, roll again until two different mult* arc rolled). EXALTED GREAT UNCLEAN ONE ABILITIES 1)6 kctuit 1 Bloated With Corruption: Ihb model ha» a Toughne*» charactcrblk ot 8. 2 Kooltingl) Resilient: Add l to all DUgiutmgJy Rodient roll» made for thi* model. 3 A» alanchc of Rotten Hcdi: When a charge roll u made for thi* model add I to tbc re»ult In addition, thi* model» C.ru*hing Bulk ability millet* D3 mortal wound»on a 2*. inttcad of indicting 1 mortal wound on a 4* 4 Living Plague»: When revolving an attack made with a melee weapon bv thi» model, a »ucccuful hit toll wore» I additional hit if the attacks Strength charactertUK i> at lea»t twice the target*Tbughno*charactcriMlc. 5 tiilt of Bountiful Vomit: In each of your Shooting phavcv vou can *rlevt our enemy unit that n vuihlc to tin* model and roll one Ik* |«.*c each model ill that unit dial u within 12" of thi» model (to a maximum ot ? dice» Fm ea*.h util of i«, that unit »utfer» I mortal wound llidcou* Vtugr. Subtract l fiom «lie Ixaderditpcharacteruta ot unit* whtlkt they are within 12* t»l any model* with thi* ability iro aioty EwilHiacI 2 instead wlilUt they aie within 6*> enetm nom *oor
ARTEFACTS OF DECAY If your army 1« led by • Wirlord wlih the Nuiolx Daemon Fiction keyword*, you c»n give one of the following Hellforgrd Artefact* to in Exaltio Ghat Unclian ONI model from your army, tiutead of giving them • Hellforged Artefact from ______________________________________________________ Effluvior Inode ««* of the lumpen ami pock-marked skulls hanging from the chaim of tint dread flail lies a portal to the bottomless Marten Mere within the Garden of Nurgle. Into the Mere irepi all the concentrated filth drained from the Garden's limitless bounty and every swing of Effluvior sends out a spray of this flesh eatmg anJ rod. melting soup, those not crushed by the heavy skulls art left as greasy pools of stinking effluvia. Exalted Ghat Unclean Oni with plague llul only. Ihla Relic replace* a plague flail and hat the following profile. Ifcur RAISE TYPE S IP D Г Atuullb «I л з A bill! »r* The beam сап rrukr *»Ucb with ihu wtulil wilhin l olifl enemy unit. inJ •P*Jb> »mb ihu wcipon сап uifn спешу umii «■Kbm I'd friendly until fj*o*«Unugr ir«*> j lb* trap«*) a not loti. »»им!, keef* Amntfg lo Another model m »hr urpl unit until ntber «II the dArrufe h*t been «Ibxaied о» «he land Ьм been destroyed The Endless Gift Waxing strong within Grandfather Surgfe's benevolence, only the truly favoured of the deity's servants art granted the Endless Gift. A disease of sueh septic and hfc-giving malignancy, the host's bulging folds offlesh undergo a constant renewal In ever fouler guises The Endless Gift Is granted to those whose own beifueits to existence are far too mttrrsting to be allowed to wither array. A model with thb Relic regain« ooe lost wound at the end of each phase tn which it lost any wound«. Tome of a Thousand Poxes Mo» this rotten volume found Its nay ma of the diseased libraries of the scholar kugath may neser be known, but within Hi art pages of daemonltlde art the secrets of many of the blague father's moil ruinous iHaguet. Even the simplest infection can ^Haom into new and vibrant potency by aang the arcane incantations willlln Its E*tes each Inscribed In divine llhor. with thU Relic known one *««1011*1 pay chic power from Ihr Nurgle (tee Code*. Our Paemom) f
t/WlLItU LUIfUa OF CHANGE Duplldtottv manipulating and po**c»»lng knowledge »panning every time and realm of cxUtencc, Exalted Lord» of Change cniure the Changer of the Way»’ schemes are carried out a» Intended. They art foci upon whkh fate lurna, terrifying mutator» and bewildering magUter» far beyond the ken of morlal«. STRATAGEMS If yvnir army b Battle-forged and Indude» any Chao» Daemon« Detachment» (excluding Auxiliary Support Detachment»), you can use the Stratagem below. iXAlIlO 10R0 01 CHANGE TztcnUh Daemon» Stratagem \< this Stratagem before the battle Select one Loan or Chanoi model from t»ur arms that Is not a named character. Until the end of the battle, that model pins the EtAiTro keyword, and you «elect one of the Exalted f.ord of Change ibilities below for this model lor the duration of the battle. Alternatively, you can random!» determine two abilities by rolling two D6 and applying them both to thU model for the duration of the battle (if a double 1« rolled, roll again until two different result» are rolled). EXALTED LORD OF CHANGE ABILITIES D6 Result 1 Mattery of Magk: This model know» one additional psychic power from the Txerotch discipline (tee Codex. Chant Daemon») and can attempt to manliest one additional psychic power in each of y our Psychic phases. 2 Spell thief: When this modd successfully denies a psychic power, the Ptvaia unit that attempted to manifest that power loses it and cannot attempt to manliest it again this battle. J Lord of Flux: When an enemy unit suHcrs mortal wound» as the fault of a psychic fame* manifested by tins model, tlut enemy unit surfers I additional mortal winind (eg if this model manitested Smite, the nearest »ruble enemy unit would surfer PJ* I mortal Mounds). 4 Neius of late: II this modd is on the luttkiicld at the stait of »our turn (»41 «me l)<>; on a I or a 6 you unmediaicl» gain one Command ISwni • Aura ul Mutability; When this model svtHild lose a wvuiwl a» a ir»uh »»f •».* aitacl. roll one l>6; on a ft t hat wound n not Uni Alter a unit Ha* mushed rs-w4vmg all *»t it» aliaska against tills nsosld. till» modd regain»«me fo*t *MHMkI ,u< •»‘Mind it negated because ot this ability •• Arshiles i tsl Drseptlum When resolving an atla«k ma»W with • nsged wrap,*», against (his inoskt »ul na. I I fimn il.. Im iv.it
arti fac ts of change If,™« ».my U led by* W.rlorJ with the TMiwycit Da »mom KKtfon k~w,*ds. >«■ cut K‘rr one of the following llellforgnl Artefun to ut Exaitho Loan of CHAW.» ttwHlrl front your unty, Instead of giving them . IWIf^geJ Artefact from Another tourer. Warpfire Blade Eshtinf in nine lima nine dimensions, the Warpfirr Wade fhtkm with the heturri tontnmi pom Every iteration of the Node Hrita m differing forms and al varying unpin - a plant of sharpened Witt an outstretched hand of frlendihip, a wart of stellar fire - inrbiig through retry tub-existence to sever (he toul of those a tinker Model with baleful sword only. Ihlt Relic replaces a baleful twonl and has the following profile Warylw Ммк Soul-eater Stave Invisible to those without witch-sight, etherral pseudopods, grasping talons and mans of non-matter surround this twisted staff, ever alert to the cry of a soul newly tom from its body. Riding the power channelled by the staffs bearer, they hungrily devour every scrap of soul-stuff they can catch before it is lost to the maelstrom of the warps other predators, invigorating the Daemon with stolen vigour. The Crystal Tome I rarrd even by many of Tleenuh's irrvurtti for in «puled lentienee, the Crystal Tome Is told (ty some lo contain the (rue name of rrrry hring who might have keen, including those who newer «пт». Invoking a rrruturr'c rrue name grant) irrmcndoui potter over It. yet there hate been some blown to mat Whether tha is due to a trull of thru own or some perversity on bdudf of the tome Itself may never hr known. At the beginning of your opponent's turn, select one enemy Ciaftcru model within 12* of a model with this Relic. You and your opponent then roll a IT; your oppooent adds the Leadership characteristic of their model to the result, and you add the leadership characteristic of the model with this Relic to your result. If your total equals or heals your opponent's, then all aura abilities that their СнлПАСтап model has cannot be used until the beginning of your opponents nest turn. Ml one D6 when a psychic power manifested by a model with this Relic •kdfoyi an enemy model; on a 4+. the model with Ihlt Relic Immediately tegalnt I lost wound. A model cannot "**h» mote than 9 lost wounds during ■he same lurn as the result of this Relic.
f EXALTED KEEPERS OF SECRETS Glamour wreathed. »tllettoclawed and black-hearted. Hulled Keeper» of Secret» ere the ultimate e*prr*»lon» of every oh*r»»lon, their rickanlng presence enough to drive truer warrior» to rapturmi» »ciiurr». Pen erse acta of tortuous Intrmlty are committed with lightning »peed and dark glee. STRATAGEMS If your army b Battle-forged and Include» any Chao» Daemon« Detachment» (excluding Auxiliary Support Detachment»), you can uie the Stratagem below kralm-raccri Add2 to this model'» Move characteristic When an Ad>ance ot Jurgc roll i% nude tor thu modd add I to the result. 2 Quuksiher Kctlrir»: 1his model ha» a 4* invulnerable save. J Blessing of the Dark Prince. When resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon against tins model, subtract I from the «sound roll. 4 Ughlning Flaxen When fcsutvmg an attack made with a melee weapon S this model, an unmodibed hit mil of 6 score» I additional hit. 5 fear seeker; Ooce per Morale phase, aftrt an enemy unit fails a Morale test but belorr an)- models tlee ttui unit, this model can move as if it негеун-* Movement phase, so long as it end» thu mmr closer to the unit that tailed that Morale lest In addition, each time an enemy model tiers from a uml whiUi ns unit is witlun Г»* of this model this model regain« t loil s««’cuul •• Hattie kapturr Ihit model can perform a Hetow Inu-rsenlton tliheie a»»> inrui) nuns within 6’ ot them tmtead uf S', and s«heit doing %«»«an ***** upbx. instead id V. In athlitton. ra«h time tins Keeper **l Sotsti iiihMiliilitd. И , 4(1 Ulus* lip III |»is V inumd III I I
artefacts of excess If your «my It led by I Warlord with the Slaaniih Daikon Fiction keywordv you cio give one of the following I tell forged Arteficti to in Bsaltio Kerria of Sicarr* model from your army. Initrad of giving them i Mellforgrd Arteficti from mother tour«. SlLVERSTRlKB The MrnduqfiJwW with w*k* Ihir Mode fi.ia out moles if appear at if it doer not csvm occupy rise rpuce hrtisevn thrusl dnJ unir. hr i hmrthrue. limbt ami hearfr pan from bodies or choice cult imUtnfy affair m. mamrttfara which tag in Hmfal rgnomet Dm Rehc replica i wttstciler twonl and hit the lot lowing profile AhthlH* A'hrn the hram njiiiih. e irakn 2 sOCetoral attack* »ith thu wrjpoo In fctklr.RV «attract I irrm hit rnQa far att.uk • mm6t fa a rtuuiri that hat hut am wuundi (mm thu wupaa Jewel of Excess Seeming as one perfect ornament among many worn by tht Daemon, the fewel of Extra it in faet a tormenting prison, housing the souls of every ptyker ever slain by the Keeper of Secrets, their power now the Daemon's. When a modd with thiaRdic take» a Piychfc tat whilst attempting to manifest psychk power* from the Slaancsh discipline (tee Coder Chaos Daemons). add I to the result. In addition, when a Deny the Witch teat»taken for a model with thb Rdk. add i to the result Whip of Agony 7hii hntthmg lash toils lazily and deceptively around tts masters hmbs. until willed into a serpentine strike. The Whip of Agony exudes a psychic poison. Unking Us sentience with the nerves of any U touches. With the connection made, the whip'i febrile imagination pours pain and horror into the tentorium of Us victims. Modd with living whip only. Tha hdic replace* a living whip and hat the pcotilr *****9~1
 EXALTED BLOODTHIRSTERS Vrudi of dltllllcd rage drenched in gore. Exalted Rloodthlr»ter* in ihr imlcti »errant* of the Bra*» Throne and their lu*t for battle la exceeded only by Khomc hltmclf. Bleated with murderoua rampage» of atar-apanninK violence, nran lead by auch Daemon* mull in ocean* of blood and mountain* of ahull*. STRATAGEMS If your army la Battle forged and includea any Chao* Daemon* Detachment* (cvdudity Auxilary Support Detachment*), you can uae the Stratagem below UUU.U0 Bl QQOTHIRSTIR khtrrnr Doemimi Stratagem I'-ae thi* Stratagem brforc the battle. Seiccl one BioooTiitatTta model from your army that 1» not a named character. Until the end of the tunic, that model gam» the F. x a t t i d keyword, and >00 *dcct «me of the Exalted Moodthtntcr ahdiUe» below tor th»t model tor the duration of the battle. Aherruttvrfy, you can randomly determine two abiiitiet by rolling two D6 and applying them both to tht» model tor the duration of the battle (If a double 1» rolled, rod again until rwo different rrvult* are rolled). EXALTED Hl.OODIHIRSTEK ABILITIES IX- It exult t MHIfirc wrought Armour. Пи» modd Kata Save characteristic of 2* 2 Blood bleocd; Ihi* model cannot low more than В wound» u* the силе phaw Any damage indicted after dih point in the >ame phaxe ha* no ede<L 3 Arch murderer: Add I to the Damage charactCfitilC ot all weapon» thi* model it equipped with 4 Slaughterhurn: II, »n die ('.large plu»c. thi» modd такт» a charge ти»т. I* charged by any enemy unit*, or perform* a Heroic Intervention. add t ^ it* Strength ami Attack* character!»!*« until the end of the following Krgh< [ilia -e Hu* u cumulative with die Unstoppable Ferocity ahiltf* 5 Rage Unchained: Ihi» model 1» cotmdercd to ha** Joul4c the nomhrt ci woutuix remaining for tbr рифом» ot determining what row*» u»e »* *»« damage table 6 Unrivalled lUtdr luu When a charge roll it nude for tin* model •K,‘! -to (hr n uili In addituNi, dm пмнН »an prttnrm a llrrok IntervmUi'*» it dwrr are any enemy unit» within n* of them mUrwd »4 V, and when wi can movr up to ft* muead of V
*v artefacts of blood If poor army Is led by a Warlord with thr Known Dauhm Faction keywords, you cm g^et one at the (oflowinj tldMbrpd Artefacts to an liaino Bi ocwiafarnf modd iron* ywir army, instead of giving them « HdHorprd Artefact iro«n amdaiWOT- G'rmakiit the Destroyer jhe Mad Matte of thti enormout a.xr axaakmthcaunctoflTrmM*.* n an etermd torment Should the axe'i wttidtr fA and Hi death be nrffuienity violent, iTrmakht met ih bannhmerrl la temporarily unbind Hi und-chaint. mantfettmg in the former Daemon t place and venting Hi unbridled anger upon any H finds before the axe't meuapaMe power nanam H once more. Model with an aw oi Khomr only. Hut Rdk replace» an air of Khomc and has thr foOowtng profiler In addition. thr fir* time a modd with tht* Rdk m destroyed. roll onr D6. On a 4*. mi that modd up again, at the end of thr phase. aa dote aa poMibfr to Its previous position and more than l# from any enemy modd». with I>6 wounds remaining, That modd loses aU Warlord Tralu, Rdics and F.salted abilities It had -instead. It always has thr Rage Unchained Fjulted ability (sec left) If thr destroyed modd was your Warlord, that modd h no longer your Warlord, and your Warlord counts as having been destroyed. Blood-drinker Talisman Ihlt living, rune* cuhtti ruby, twallaaaJ by Ih, tulud NMdlhtntrr, bat an tntiUtt VP««»¡of pm. At iht Ihumon/iUi *“S/W, tht talitman hath thttr blaotl. "/‘"ting tht Oimorit fifth tu II ahtarbt •»'y dray *“* I» «»til llnw M uutk m**l* ¡¡"h * «*»1». «.«.pon by * mwlel will! till» ____*l‘* J«»nm <n mmv mini«!. ■»* « *'■ Ih« modd Mk dm Rdac rrftma I km «nmd tkat « ha. «mhrd »8 at At data lombat Jtla.il lor dial %he A nmdd »Ml (hi. Uk canaal rrpam am than • ln<t wound« during (hr unc turn a»Ihr rewk of thn artefact Rune of Brass fJtheJ iota tht Dormant armour - at rmhezUrJ mta tit fink - the turn, of Beau rrtatnt the heat of tttatitm. tht glare of tit aM molls* form pamfidfor wtttha to look upon, that farm twutmf againtt them Enemy Pmiu uirter Penh ofIht Warp «n tary ftydiic leal due mehidr. «ny double whihl ihey ere w»hin IS"oi thn model Enemy P.T»»»« that wider Penh oi I he Warp »lube I hey tat wnhm I «• of thi* model niSer 3 mortal wound» (do nol roil to determine how many 'nwul wound. tit indicted). I
Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Chaos (Wh 40000),demon,Wh News,Wh Other
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