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Eoglewng's personal heraldry combines Dark Angel wing with homoworld clan/ personal name totem. Repeated on right knee pad. s&r DEATHWING HERALDRY Deafhwlng ii Company 1, Iho Terminator Company, of tho Dark Angels Chapter or tho Imperial Spaco Marinos. Originally, tho Tetmlnafoa- amour was block. bat artor ?no Cheviot's nomoword was rescued trom the Gonetiealex horde by I Го kvcarnafon ot me company ияоег Cloud Runner, the suits woro rocotoutod wMo to honour the memory of that courageous band Captain EapWwirg l-' the Mann* to the left, э lust one example of what a Deerthwing ;i Terminator looks like otter the suits were recovered from Coptaln s\* Сюис Rutvxk further Iryorrrcmon about painting Deathv/irg mooefc. see tho bottom pan of tno DoomwSTg box Facial scar-tattoos awurdod upon indue lion into the Dark Angeb. Dealhwing Qcdge (oppoars on back banner) Eagle whg’s personal nemo totem. Terminator Captain Eaglewing Vengeance symbol. Repealed on belt ptale ЧВБ "From death comes hope, from desolation comes new beginnings, from the stars comes Deathwing.' Above Is shown tho bat tlo banner of tho Doathwing Broken Knit« hlmiolf carriod an eariler vorsion of this banner Into the conflict upon Tno Sporo In® fallon angol with the broken sword represents Two Heods Taking wno e cclllrg the wrath of Doatrvwmg. the emperor's stood, down upon me GenosSoabr c+y Ths is doplcred by the boil ot Ightnnc destroying the rower in tho asfonce The motto above the Term rotor crux reads. ‘Upon the wrgs of death.' See o. 62 for o version of the Oeathwing battle bonnet that you can photocopy to paint and ottoch to your rrtneituos. 2 Homework! Symbols The Dark Araets’ personal name totems, with which they decorate Iheir knee and right shoulder paas. are derived from these symbols. Somo of thorn, like the thundeftwd. show obvious Imperial Influences Bear, wecsel. etc. can be modified for personal lotem-runes Eg. Lame Bear. Weasel-fie'ce. Weasel-fierce Lame Bear Thunderbird (The Imperial Two-headed Fcgle) Sky-warror (Marine) Deafhwlng (The Emperor'sSteed) Storm Sun Whcd Great Sobtr Vonaeanco Bear Earn Weasel Deathwbg -. -i } (The fermnafor Company); ...чаш li'HVHT* - '-ten*.
deathwing (wh 40000),Dark Angels,Тёмные Ангелы,,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperium,Империум,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Old Warhammer
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