Взято отсюда: https://vk.com/wall-178573908_32057 / Ynnari :: Dark Eldar :: Craftworld Eldar (Эльдар, Eldar, Корабельники) :: Wh News :: Aeldari (Эльдари) :: Warhammer 40000 (wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник) :: Psychic Awakening :: drazhar :: фэндомы

Craftworld Eldar Aeldari Dark Eldar Ynnari Wh News drazhar Psychic Awakening ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

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II	Tenrith	thr hrdmn
12	lustune	KjMroth
13	Alccrith	Trtdehla
14	Yrila	Who Walk« Alone
15	Ailccr	of the Flotnn|i Spirit»
16	Caiijth	lydoth
21	Tai'thar	Bryttkl
22	1dr	Bsd rith
23	Lutnh	(mo
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Codex: Craftworlds describes haw the <Craftworld> keyword can be substituted with the name of your chosen craftworid. as well as describing the abilities that units in Craftworlds Detachments gain. One of these abilities is Craftworid Attributes. If your chosen craftworid does not have an

- Дети Кхейна - в хтх аспектники этого мира, на 6-ки ту-вунд выдают +1 дамаг
- Дети Морай-Хег - если в юните остается половина и меньше моделей, юнит получает +1 на ту-хит (восстановление/воскрешение моделей не влияет)
- Дети Пророчества - каждая 1 на пси-тестах считается как 2.
- Дети Открытого неба - флай юниты получают +2 к эдвансу
- Прорицатели судьбы - 6+ инвуль
- Искусные ремесленники- типа Саламандр - 1 куб на рерол ту-хит-вунд и дамаг во время драки/стрельбы/овервоча.
- Мрачные - типа СМ - рерол морали
- Град обречённости - дополнительное бронепробитие (-1) для стрельбы шурикен оружием на расстоянии 12 дюймов и менее

Howling Banshees

NAME	M	WS BS	s	T	w	A	Ld Sv |
Howling Banshee	8"	3+ 3+	3	3	1	2	8 4+ 1
Howling Banshee Exarch	8"	3+ 3+	3	3	2	3	8 4+
TTiis unit contains 5 Howling Banshees. It can include up to 5 additional Howling Banshees (Power Rating +3). A Howling Banshee Exarch can take the place

J % Speed, grace and overwhelming force are the hallmarks of the Howling Banshee shrines.
® ® ® Their Exarchs exhibit the greatest ability of all, their very presence enhancing the terrifying capacity for murder that their followers can unleash.
Graceful Avoidance: Whilst

Devotees of Asuryan himself, those who walk the path of the Dire Avenger become adept ■	at both attack and defence. Their Exarchs
are masters of a swift and flexible warrior-stance that capitalises on everything it means to be Asuryani.
Avenging Strikes: Whilst this unit

Swooping Hawks rely upon speed and firepower to tear their foes apart, committing to melee only when they need to strike a killing blow. Vteir Exarchs perfectly embody this way of war.
Suppressing Fire: When this unit’s Swooping Hawk Exarch fires Overwatch at an enemy unit,

Like elite cavalrymen, the Shining Spears fight from the saddles of their jetbike steeds with blistering speed and skill. So supremely graceful are their Exarchs that it is as though they ride the zephyrs of the wind themselves and strike with the fury of the hurricane.

Warp Spider Exarchs are masters of misdirection. Their minds spin constantly with tactical ruses and vicious predatory schemes, made all the more deadly for their ability to think beyond the dull physical dimensions of realspace.
Web of Deceit: Once per battle, in your Movement


Mobile Raiders
This Kabul revels in high-speed warfare, riding superior gravcraft to battle so as to ensure they reach the foe before their erstwhile allies da It is said that even the Reuser gangs of Commorragh are envious of the swiftness of this Kabul's craft.
Add 3* to the Move

- Мобильные захватчики - +3 к муву для Флай юнитов
- Повязанные душами - Для ФНП от Power from pain рерол 1
- Производители токсинов - поизон оружие на 6-ки ту-вуд получает +1 к дамагу (не работает на релики)
- Захватчики из Паутины - получают дополнительное использование стратагемы вэбвэй портал

- Художники плоти (особенность считается за 2) - снижает полученный дамаг на 1
- Темный урожай - морталки послечарджа на 5+
- Темные Техномансеры - улучшить стрелковое оружие на фазу - получить +1 на ту-вунд или +1 дамаг на оружие - но если кидаешь немодифицированную 1 то получаешь морталку. (по сути перегрев оружия)
- Экспериментальные создания - все получают +1 силу,а также всё поизон оружие получает +1 ту-вунд, если характеристика тафны вашего атакующего юниты выше тафнес характеристики жертвы.

- Рубящее столкновение - после успешного чарджа - на 5+ морталка по инфантри, байкерам и монстре
- Инноваторы стимулянтов - стоимость Гиперстимм стратагемы уменьшается на 1кп
- Проверка умения- по монстре и машинам с вундами более 10 получаете +1 на ту-вунд
- Собиратели трофеев - враги кидают на морали 2 куба и убирают наименьшее значение броска.

Далее немного инфы по Бэку

New Dki kport
4'I he Autarch» of
lugganath. appalled by the opportunistic Drukhari raids erupting in the wake of the Chaos-led Piscina Massacres, launch a retributive strike on behalf of their former Imperial allies. An escalating war rages between craftworlder and Commorritc even as the Chaos

UNITY,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Craftworld Eldar,Эльдар, Eldar, Корабельники,Aeldari,Эльдари,Dark Eldar,Ynnari,Wh News,drazhar,Psychic Awakening

Экзодиты и корсары обеими руками за Иннари и Иврейн.
Финальная битва книги - это Авенджеры и сборная солянка эльдар махается со слаанешитской варбандой, охотящейся на Иврейн.
Возглавляет эту варбанду именной демон-кипер Слаанеш (видимо Шалакси)

Как-то так.

ПЛЮС ВНЕЗАПНО ИННАРИ от ГВ - видимо перепечатка правил из весеннего Вайт дворфа - я так навскидку об изменениях не смогу рассказать.


To the Ynnari, the life forces released by the newly dead are invigorating in the extreme, the souls of the fallen spurring a burst of activity.
When a unit is destroyed, units from your army with this ability draw strength from death until the end of the turn.
If a unit

P	Ynnari Stratagem
The Ynnari know that all life must end in order to be reborn, and hasten to bring their enemy closer to that demise as quickly as possible.
Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight phase. * Select one enemy unit. Until the end of that phase, when

If you’ve just invested a whopping 4 Command Points on the combination described above, the last thing you want to see is a bunch of Is on your hit rolls. Simply channel Ancestor's Grace beforehand and you needn’t fear (m)any of those lovely Attacks going to waste!
Drawing upon

ASURYANI NAME GENERATOR (FEMALE) ASURYANI NAME GENERATOR (MALE) 0G6 FIRST ELEMENT SECONO ELEMENT II Tenrith thr hrdmn 12 lustune KjMroth 13 Alccrith Trtdehla 14 Yrila Who Walk« Alone 15 Ailccr of the Flotnn|i Spirit» 16 Caiijth lydoth 21 Tai'thar Bryttkl 22 1dr Bsd rith 23 Lutnh (mo metmd appttiathm) 24 AIcttj lyadolath 25 Phvllistra Latl of the House of the Ayantli 26 Mymoth the Melancholy 31 Fyrram Uacharni ('brighthear!) 32 (»Kytta the Huntress 33 Ttshnd Arynnctli 34 Ayxlona Hnnger of Arurr Death 35 Galinta l mac hull 36 YUeth Shdwe hann ('tong of enlightenment') 41 (oladrea Serenti (glory of the setting tun) 42 1 Kindi UB—ar 43 ( ilcnotghi Dystari (that which will nesrr shader ) 44 Uhti Oaradk 45 Yvrame lyadari 46 Intrtsid Flethil (star pattern of perfection') 51 Tore the Whiter of Death 52 Anesh Hanndroth (quest eternal') 53 Kaltstn Sheersom 54 Alee Ccgndari ('who laugh« at despair') 55 Akamth niatham ('«he who walks many paths') 56 (iwyth Corsikanni ('kin to Corsairs*) 61 Tynrtti Yn Farwolloch ('deadly to her enemies') 62 kaithr Indomi 63 Galrrthi Saim Ingrdli (the grace of the sinking snake') 64 Noilhi Ysbwrtdi ('»tar splinter') 65 Brae»il Moral fen 66 Mean Undomnirl DBG FIRST ELEMENT 1 — Mbé tn II Fachean Son of ( «ther ia 12 Tarvaril F martin 13 Final Fid non 14 Yrmnoch the Unyielding Fire 15 Barahir Giarrmnl 16 l id non Arronna» 21 DUv (Uoywach (the glow dragon') 22 FJdos the Uncompromising 23 Kinshar of the Noble House of Picarothi 24 Rhklhal Fnbrondil 25 Athairnos Liadronoth 26 Làrandd Bechareth ( spirit on the «rind*) 31 Sinolas Ceifulgaithann ( wind rider’) 32 Rahtaam Undroil 33 Fun Caman (the avenger) 34 Eldroth Tdir 35 lonnth Soon of Rhkimar 36 Ithsar the Wanderer II Falion of the ClanRandras 42 FJronhir 1 lmaea ten ('bom of black suns') 43 Tamishar Rillietar 44 Arena! Fiarique of Alaitoc 45 Iradil Sydarus Starstnder 46 Maur the ImplacaNe 51 Kequiel Ulthos ('speaker of unspeakable truths') 52 Lann Sharnal 53 Yrule the Deathly Fioquent 54 Rathar Born of Twilight 55 las'har of the Tower of Stars 56 Ansion Shehw nan ('song of the fading star') 61 Ingthar the Undaunted 62 Senn Rhunthan ('starlight partially obscured by nebula) 63 Haltbar FJdmneth 64 Yrion Trithjain ('storm of the stars') 65 Silgar the Rising Star 66 Konnth Bhanlhar ('avenger of the lost dan')
Codex: Craftworlds describes haw the <Craftworld> keyword can be substituted with the name of your chosen craftworid. as well as describing the abilities that units in Craftworlds Detachments gain. One of these abilities is Craftworid Attributes. If your chosen craftworid does not have an associated Craftworid Attribute in Codex: Craftworlds, you can create its Craftworid Attribute by selecting rules from the list here. Unless otherwise stated, your chosen craftworid has two Craftworid Attributes from the following list: Children of Khaine Ihis craft world holds a special reverence for Khaine. and contains a great number of Aspect Shrines dedicated to the Bloody-haiuled God. '¡he warriors these shrines produce are ruthless in the extreme, cutting down their enemies without mercy or hesitation. When resolving an attack made with a melee weapon by an Aspect Warrior model with this attribute, on an unmodified wound roll of 6 add I to the Damage characteristic of that weapon for that attack. Children of Morai-Heg 7he story of Morai-Heg teaches all Aeldan that wisdom cannot come without sacrifice. Some craftworlds even take the severed hand of Morai-Heg as their sigil, reminding them that in ewn the most dire circumstances, legends can be bom. When resolving an attack made by a model with this attribute in a unit in which at least half its starting number of models have been destroyed, add 1 to the hit roll. For the purposes of this attribute, destroyed models returned to a unit with this attribute are still considered to have been destroyed. Children of Prophecy A larger proportion of this craftworlds citizens find themsehrs drawn to the Path of the Seer. As a result, they can better focus and direct psychic energy in battle and know how best to avoid the dangers of those that hunger in the immatenum. When a Psychic test is taken for a model with this attribute, each individual dice roll of 1 is treated as a 2. Children of the Open Skies Ihese Aeldan display an affinity for open spaces, the \ast training domes of their craftworid perfect for honing the skills of then Windriders and other airborne wamors. When a unit with this attribute that can Fly Advances, add an additional 2* to the Most characteristics of models in that unit until the end of the phase. Diviners of Fate 7 he Farseers of this craftworid share openly the twists of fate they haw seen. Each warrior goes to battle knowing a portion of what awaits them, allowing them to anticipate and avoid situations that might otherwise see them slain. Models with this attribute have a 6* invulnerable save. Expert Crafters Some Aeldari display an affinity for crafting wraithbone into beautiful sculptures that bring tears to the eyes of connoisseurs. Ihey can also turn this art towanls creating potent weapons of war. When a unit with this attribute fires Overwatch or is chosen to shoot or fight with, you can re-roll a single hit roll and you can re-roll a single wound roll. Grim 'Die Aeldari of this craftworid ha\e been to the forbidden places of the galaxy and triumphed against its many horrors. For them the darkness holds no fear, for they hose faced such dire situations before and emergeil victorious. When a Morale test b taken for a unit with this attribute, you can re-roll the dice. Hail of Doom When gathered in large numbers, the focused shunken-fire of the Asuryani falls upon the foe like a rain of blades. Even the toughest plate is slashed to ribbons by the hail of deadly profectiles. When resolving an attack made with a shunken weapon by a model with this attnbute against an enemy unit within 12' of that model, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that weapon by 1 (e.g. AP 0 becomes AP -1). Ihis does not affect the abilities of that shunken weapon (i.c. a wound roll of be is still resolved at AP-3).
>*- « Howling Banshees NAME M WS BS s T w A Ld Sv | Howling Banshee 8" 3+ 3+ 3 3 1 2 8 4+ 1 Howling Banshee Exarch 8" 3+ 3+ 3 3 2 3 8 4+ TTiis unit contains 5 Howling Banshees. It can include up to 5 additional Howling Banshees (Power Rating +3). A Howling Banshee Exarch can take the place of one Howling Banshee. Every model is equipped with: shuriken pistol; power sword. Every model has a banshee mask. WEAPON RANGE TYPE s AP 0 ABILITIES Shuriken pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 When resolving an attack made with this weapon, on a wound roll of 6+ this weapon has an AP of -3 for that attack. Triskele (shooting) 12" Assault 3 4 -2 1 - Executioner Melee Melee + 1 -3 D3 - Mirrorswords Melee Melee User -2 1 When resolving an attack made with this weapon, you can re-roll the hit roll. Power sword Melee Melee User -3 1 - Triskele (melee) Melee Melee User -2 1 - WARGEAR OPTIONS • The Howling Banshee Exarch can be equipped with one of the following instead of 1 power sword: 1 executioner; 1 triskele. • The Howling Banshee Exarch can be equipped with mirrorswords instead of 1 shuriken pistol and 1 power sword. AGILITIES Ancient Doom, Battle Focus (see Codex: Craftworlds) War Shout: If this unit contains a Howling Banshee Exarch, then when resolving an attack made with a melee Acrobatic: This unit can be chosen to charge with even weapon against this unit, subtract 1 from the hit roll, if it Advanced this turn. If this unit Advanced this turn, you can choose it to charge with if it is within 15" of any Banshee Mask: Enemy units cannot fire Overwatch at enemy units instead of 12", and you can add 3 to the this unit. charge roll. FACTION KEYWORDS Aeldari, Asuryani, Aspect Warrior, <Craftworld> KEYWORDS Infantry, Howling Banshees /
A HOWLING BANSHEES J % Speed, grace and overwhelming force are the hallmarks of the Howling Banshee shrines. ® ® ® Their Exarchs exhibit the greatest ability of all, their very presence enhancing the terrifying capacity for murder that their followers can unleash. Graceful Avoidance: Whilst this unit contains a Howling Banshee Exarch, when a model in this unit would lose a wound in the Fight phase, roll one D6; on a 5+ that wound is not lost. FIRE DRAGONS Vie Fire Dragons burn with the heat of Vauls own forge. Not only could Vaul craft fabulous devices but he could also melt down and destroy them; so it is with the Exarchs of the Fire Dragon shrines, who unleash powers of fiery unmaking upon living warrior and war engine alike. Dragon’s Bite: Whilst this unit contains a Fire Dragon Exarch, at the start of your Shooting phase you can change the Type characteristic of this unit s fusion guns to Pistol 1 until the end of that phase.
A DIRE AVENGERS Devotees of Asuryan himself, those who walk the path of the Dire Avenger become adept ■ at both attack and defence. Their Exarchs are masters of a swift and flexible warrior-stance that capitalises on everything it means to be Asuryani. Avenging Strikes: Whilst this unit contains a Dire Avenger Exarch and any models from this unit have been destroyed, when resolving an attack made by a model in this unit, add 1 to the hit roll and wound roll. ¥dark reapers Those who fight as Dark Reapers become living embodiments of death. Their Exarchs are anathema, grim and cruel-hearted figures whose every thought and deed are bent towards the annihilation of their foes by whatever means necessary. They are truly terrifying beings. Rain of Death: When this units Dark Reaper Exarch shoots with a tempest launcher, you can re-roll the dice to determine the number of attacks made.
^ SWOOPING HAWKS Swooping Hawks rely upon speed and firepower to tear their foes apart, committing to melee only when they need to strike a killing blow. Vteir Exarchs perfectly embody this way of war. Suppressing Fire: When this unit’s Swooping Hawk Exarch fires Overwatch at an enemy unit, subtract 2 from charge rolls made for that unit until the end of the phase. STRIKING SCORPIONS Striking Scorpions rely upon stealth to stalk their prey. When they attack, their Exarchs lead them in lightning-fast explosions of violence that see their foes reduced to torn and bloody shreds. Withdraw: At the end of the Fight phase, if this unit contains a Striking Scorpion Exarch and is within 1" of any enemy models, this unit can make a Fall Back move of up to 6” as if it were your Movement phase.
Y SHINING SPEARS Like elite cavalrymen, the Shining Spears fight from the saddles of their jetbike steeds with blistering speed and skill. So supremely graceful are their Exarchs that it is as though they ride the zephyrs of the wind themselves and strike with the fury of the hurricane. Skilled Rider: This units Shining Spear Exarch has a 3+ invulnerable save against attacks made with ranged weapons. 7,V CRIMSON HUNTERS Pew, if any, can equal the airborne grace, skill and lethality of the Crimson Hunters. Their ▼ Exarchs are sufficiently deadly that they make even the ace pilots of the galaxy’s other races look like fumbling green recruits. Aerial Predator: When resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon by this model against a unit that can Fly, add 1 to the Damage characteristic of that weapon for that attack.
WARP SPIDERS Warp Spider Exarchs are masters of misdirection. Their minds spin constantly with tactical ruses and vicious predatory schemes, made all the more deadly for their ability to think beyond the dull physical dimensions of realspace. Web of Deceit: Once per battle, in your Movement phase, if this unit contains a Warp Spider Exarch it can make a warp jump instead of moving normally. Remove this unit from the battlefield and set it up at the end of that phase, anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from anv enemy models. / / Spider s Bite: Powerblades this units Warp Spider Exarch is equipped with have a Strength characteristic of +1 and a Damage characteristic of 2.
Mobile Raiders This Kabul revels in high-speed warfare, riding superior gravcraft to battle so as to ensure they reach the foe before their erstwhile allies da It is said that even the Reuser gangs of Commorragh are envious of the swiftness of this Kabul's craft. Add 3* to the Move characteristic of models with this obsession that can Fly. Soul Bound 7his Kabul has studied the process of dying for countless centuries, experimenting with binding souls to corpses in the hopes of mastering the transition between life and death. When an Inured to Suffering roll is made for a model with this obsession, re-roll a roll of 1. Units with this obsession that do not have the Power From Pain ability instead gain the Inured to Suffering bonus (see Codex: Drukhari). Toxin Grafters This Kabul is a manufacturer and distributor of many lethal poisons, but they are careful to always maintain a large stockpile of their most potent toxins for their own nefarious use. When resolving an attack made with a poisoned weapon by a model with thb obsession, on an unmodified wound roll of 6 add I to the Damage characteristic of that weapon for that attack. This does not apply to Artefacts of Cruelty. For the purposes of this obsession, a poisoned weapon is any weapon that has the Poisoned Weapon ability (see Codex: Drukhari). Webway Raiders The warriors of this Kabul are experts at using multiple webway portals to appear from unexpected quarters. Their enemies find themselves suddenly beset on all sides by swift and deadly fighters. The Webway Portal Stratagem (see Codex: Drukhari) can be used one additional time per battle for each Detachment (excluding Auxiliary Support Detachments) in your army that contains units with this obsession. The second and any subsequent uses of this Stratagem can only be used to set up units with this obsession in the webway. Artists of the Flesh The masters of this Coven are true masters of this craft, the products of their depras-ed surgeries emerging tougher and more resilient than those of their rivals. If you select this Haemonculus Coven Obsession you cannot select a second. When resolving an attack against a unit with this Obsession, subtract I from the Damage characteristic of the weapon making that attack (to a minimum of I). Dark Harvest This Coven waits with the patience of a spider, before descending on their victims in great force to gather a harvest of terror and flesh. After a unit with thb obsession finishes a charge move, for each model in that unit you can select one enemy unit within 1' of that model and roll one D6; on a $♦ that enemy unit suffers I mortal wound. Dark Technomancers The products of this Coven are highly sought after, their baleful technologies drawing upon the more unstable and destructive energies of the galaxy. Haemonculi care little if such weapons kiU their intended target, or the wteider. When a unit with thb obsession fires Overwatch or is chosen to shoot with, you can choose to enhance any or all of the ranged weapons models in that unit are equipped with. If you do. until the end of the phase, when resolving an attack made with that weapon, add I to the wound roll and add 1 to the Damage characteristic of that weapon for that attack. If any unmodified wound rolls of 1 are made for attacks with an enhanced weapon, the firing model suffers I mortal wound after shooting with that weapon. Experimental Creations Some Haemonculi delight in experimenting on their followers These monstrous test subjects are intravenously fed a variety of strength enhancing concoctions, tearing into the enemy to the delight of their master. Add I to the Strength characteristic of all models with this obsession. When resolving an attack made with a poisoned weapon by a model with thb obsession against a unit that has a lower Toughness characteristic than the attacking model, add I to the wound roll. For the purposes of this obsession, a poisoned weapon is any weapon with the Poisoned Weapon ability (see Codex: Drukhari). Slashing Impact Vie warriors of this Wych Cult are adept at using their bladed armour and equipment as they plunge into the foe to open up vetns and slash throats. After a model with thb obsession finishes a charge move, you can select one enemy Infantry. Biker or Monster unit within I* of it and roll one D6; on a $♦ that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound. Stimulant Innovators Nof for this cult the banal stimulants of their peers. Its fighters believe in trying ever-more interesting and dangerous concoctions to fuel their displays. From Ambull adrena-gland distillations to pheromonic infusions derived from the Elhereals of the Thu. these warriors will try anything to give themsehvs an edge over their opponent, the potential for metabolic meltdown only adding to the thrill. When the Hyperslimm Backlash Stratagem (see Codex: Drukhari) is used on a unit with this obsession, it only costs I Command Point instead of 2. Test of Skill This Wych Cult is driven to test its blade-craft against the largest and most dangerous foes in the galaxy. They are easily bored by slaughtering lesser foes, but when faced with a truly monstrous foe they attatk and dismember it with surprising speed and delight When resolving an attack made by a model with this obsession against a Monster or Vehicle unit in which any models have a Wounds characteristic of 10 or more, add I to the wound roll. Trophy Takers Taking a token from each defeated foe. the members of this cult are bedecked in patches of flayed skin, bones and skulls that proclaim their many victories. When your opponent takes a Morale test for a unit in which any models were destroyed as a result of an attack made with a melee weapon by a model with this obsession this turn, they must roll two D6 and discard the lowest result. If both results are the same, discard either of them.
 New Dki kport 4'I he Autarch» of lugganath. appalled by the opportunistic Drukhari raids erupting in the wake of the Chaos-led Piscina Massacres, launch a retributive strike on behalf of their former Imperial allies. An escalating war rages between craftworlder and Commorritc even as the Chaos fleet returns to deliver the killing blow. IDecp in the Halo Stars, Craftworld Yme-Loc matches its super-heavy Engines of Vaul against the Daemon Engine factories of Warpsmith Ur-Shcllax. Sivri:c Primi Naogfddon Luna pii agi Dimmamak UISTO ROL SEGMENTUM OBSCURUS. 2Iybraesil's matriarchy sends a strike force of ten Howling Banshee shrines into the Eye of Terror, their mission to track down Jain Zar and remind her that her true duty lies with her Asurvani disciples, rather than the emergent Ynnari cult. None return unchanged by the experience. SCARUS SECTOR Angflis FIN1AE SECTOR GOTHIC CAIJXIS SECTOR Df.SPI RATIOS 5 An assassination by the Wild Riders of Saint-Hann aimed at preventing a Chaos cult taking over the world of Vigilus sees them come under fire from Imperial forces unaware of their true motives. I he Asurvanis revenge is bloody and swift. Only by sacrificing the ruling council to Name for the strike do the Imperial war leaders avoid outright war. Cypra Mundi Com ia Vamialfa Mordían Raai. Alaric I Piscina Craftworld ll-Kaithe, its Bonesingers dispatched cn masse to the war against Wooagh! ZagNasta. falls to a strange ailment. The light of a Chaos-tainted star slowly denatures the world-ship’s wraithbonc. causing strange coral-like growths to erupt along its length. With so few Bonesingers to tend it. the craftworld sickens. Its people are beset by a madness that sees them plunge into a series of near-suicidal engagements. Chinchare Ш)‘ ■ | SableJ Asylus ULTIMA SEGMENTUM Agripinaa MOLOV ] Formund Elysia 6Craftworld Altansar fights alongside Imperial forces in defence of Sangua Terra, taking its fleet to battle against the Planet Killers armada even as it emerges from the Great Rift. Armageddon SEGMENTUM SOLAR* .* Golgotha Vordrasy Terra & Mars Corinth i: Attila atachan TlMfOtAil ' *1» r ÇofcBlOQtt. ' Gatiiafamor I Ciru lo Prime NOTABLE AELDARI ACTIVITY SITES The Ymga Monolith Necromunda Craftworld Ulthwi Craftworld Il-Kaithe Macharía Ultima Macharía SctllNDFLGIII 1ST Craftworld Ymc-loc Craftworld Ivanden [ Luthfr McInty'reI Krifg Tallarn UHULIS Sector Ophllia Craftworld Alaitoc Craftworld lybraesil Nocturne Balor Craftworld Altansar Craft world Mymeara I Aifusis I Ichar IV ¥Even as darkness rushes in to claim the stars the scattered remnants of the ancient Aeldari empire battle for survival. Far-flung are their war zones, desperate their wars. Yet that desperation fans the flames of Ynneads faith; more Aeldari adopt the Ynnari teachings every day. channelling the intense fervour of their peoples psyche into this slim hope of victory. Craftworld Biel-Tan Bane’s Landing Exoditc world Solstice [ Rynn’s World Monitored site NEPiyUM SECTOR Craftworld Lugganath SEGMENTUTV TEMPESTUS REDÜCTUS . SECTOR Major conflict Agrax Craftworld Saim-Hann Perdus Bakka Antagonis Craftworld Kaclor Gryphonni: IV Illustris Tin Shackling Storm or thi Empiror’s Wrath The Eye of Terror Suris» of Eironiiir COHERIA Sangua Terra Somnium Stars Cadmus Tertius Lyndheist Upsilon /ANDROS Dolorosa The Maelstrom Ursulia Otiii rnai Ma/i Battle of two hundred Pyres Gramas Prime Thi Swokdwind Ghodri Slkmet Тли Empire Purges NecRON Sautekh Dynasty IIadex Anomaly Moon of Nightmarvs Sirin’s Storm Sea oi Di ad Stars The Scourge Stars Klaisus I AT If <• I AS Three Sisters False Hope Necron Nihilakh Dynasty о > Macraggi: \ r $■ > ..*,e 2 1 Black Reach SECTOR X Ulthamar’s I Vengeance | f \ • N» \i % III A%ibo Station к
 STRENGTH FROM DEATH To the Ynnari, the life forces released by the newly dead are invigorating in the extreme, the souls of the fallen spurring a burst of activity. When a unit is destroyed, units from your army with this ability draw strength from death until the end of the turn. If a unit is drawing strength from death, that unit fights first in the Fight phase, even if it did not charge. If the enemy has units that have charged, or that have an ability7 that allows them to light first in the Fight phase, then alternate choosing units to light with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place. When resolving an attack made with a melee weapon by a model that is drawing strength from death, and that made a charge move this turn or has another ability that allows it to fight first in the Fight phase, add 1 to the hit roll.
2CP , INEVITABLE FATE P Ynnari Stratagem The Ynnari know that all life must end in order to be reborn, and hasten to bring their enemy closer to that demise as quickly as possible. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight phase. * Select one enemy unit. Until the end of that phase, when resolving an attack made with a melee weapon by an Ynnari unit from your army against that unit, you can re-roll the wound roll. 2CP That’s just the start. Why not make the most of your advantage by activating United in Death* for a bunch of additional Attacks as well? | .* UNITED IN DEATH P Ynnari Stratagem When the Ynnari act as one, their blows fall like rain, the storm of blades in the name of the God of the Dead. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight phase. Select one Reborn Asuryani, one Reborn Harlequins and one Reborn Drukhari unit from your army. Until the end of that phase, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of models in those units whilst they are drawing strength from death.
If you’ve just invested a whopping 4 Command Points on the combination described above, the last thing you want to see is a bunch of Is on your hit rolls. Simply channel Ancestor's Grace beforehand and you needn’t fear (m)any of those lovely Attacks going to waste! ANCESTOR S GRACE Drawing upon the greatness that is the genetic legacy of all Aeldari, the psyker holsters their fellows. Ancestors Grace has a warp charge value of 5. If manifested, select one friendly Ynnari unit within 18 of this psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, when resolving an attack made bv a model in that unit, re-roll a hit roll of 1.
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