И чуток тау 8ки. Осторожно, мыло. / Tau Empire (Tau, Тау) :: Wh News :: Warhammer 40000 (wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник) :: Brave new 40k :: фэндомы

Brave new 40k Wh News Tau Empire ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

И чуток тау 8ки. Осторожно, мыло.

В дополнение к этому посту ниже - http://wh.reactor.cc/post/3121872


!!! that us« a points limit. >*hi con use the following lists to determine the total« it vou arc	of all >*>ur mod*.« well as the wargear they are equipped with. tode^~i
[ ,,fuv. •.	[■•Mf.ts	________________________—
equipped with, lodete,«^^

XV8 Crisis Battlesuits,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Brave new 40k,Wh News,Tau Empire,Tau, Тау

XV88 Broadside Battlesuits
RAW	II	ws	8S	s	I	w	A	Id	Sv
Broadside .Shas'ui	5*	5»	4*	5	5	6	2	7	2«
Broadtide Shm'vre	5"	5*	4r	5	5	6	3	8	2+
MA H Missile Drone	8"	$4-	5e	3	4	1	1	6	4*

[	• > - -T or Jin. I Broads*!* shas'ui It can uv'ude I additional Broadside Stua'ui (Power Rating *9) or 2

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Brave new 40k,Wh News,Tau Empire,Tau, Тау

Miuulcpod _
lllttu DPIiORS
( tMnnunikr	ft*	3»
A Commande» i» a unglc modri quipped (Po»fr Kating *1)
Mim	mu
Kurt caneen
« annon and a m.»uic pod. It nuy be accompanied by op lo 2 Tactical |
AttMk 4 A «vau It 2
y replace i«» bont cannon and tniwile

| NftU lH»W
Thi* model can
• number‘>1 T‘*u ,h*nlOmi*km
■mu. but «*»

I .in^ie model equipped wtih a supremacy r*%u
Heavy i
Ia.h tim» you make a wound rad «(*• fr« tt*» «eaf»» the target

— — — — ^ _
•	-<>гчч1г1д/^%.чл ¿i taumf MmSc i^;y«weích.«K4^dCiM*bcy»auünlMi>cocftfr!^
-----	«•« rm	S др I ШШЦ
ьо,,ио	» и »-г...	п>
. .tJ, I........ r^cur*.VIi.4rt«IV Aes4W«irietdftfrtOc«rifcr.
»i.	. .кд-ххг.и». oflhricoxe when ЛвТМ! МИЮ «IaXIU Ifid ÜAftU
*>0»tnf»*i*v\ h

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Brave new 40k,Wh News,Tau Empire,Tau, Тау

KV128 Stormsurge

	|9 1. d*r rani'	10*	Heavy 2	N	•4	6
LUb I	!■ \tecirorr	20r	Heavy 4	12	•2	3
iho : finoj 1	i| ion< rxnv	JO’	Heavy 6	10	0	1
	¥M ' ■••11	72*	Heavy D3	10	-3	06
few H jyLS» | toiot.r ||	B» -tr iictem	3If	Heavy 4	5	0	1
U***** .^atiatUM pt


l«-	A«wult l)«
ir	A»«ault 4
4*’	Heavy 4D6
When attacking with	
itr	A*»ault J
IK*	Anaull DJ
I Tbit weaponcut lain«unit»that arcnot »»dg*loth»**.
i	i
ttwumakconeormoerhdnflUoO.theheaiei.uifcn.^ ,
1 • art« »« of th)> weapon» dx*» have been revohed.	Vv**n4

abilities	oi(|—_
!I* !,,i;,,wwp ability »V common to k»h»I Tata ErtjKr,,
For the Greater Good u <Va ..n r nemv mot drei»«« * vhifgr. a unit w*fc thrt,
„ vtr.hin 6- ■..tone of the charging unit« uqpftMjr fw(
,, „ -.ho «ere ahn targeted A unit that does w cutm I
Or<n.atch again m thi» turn.

Smart nû»ile *У»«т,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Brave new 40k,Wh News,Tau Empire,Tau, Тау

В общем если резюмировать:
- Много кто был "апнут", но есть и нерфы.
- Наблюдается общий ребаланс цен, кто стал справедливо дороже, а кто не стоил своих очков - дешевле. Пример: Рип со всем обвесом где-то 350 птс против +-210 в прошлом. Хнык, хнык.
- Механика тактик Кауйон/Монт'Ка у командеров нечего так.
- Кефирка теперь дает реролы единиц вместо 1+ выстрел и только на 6". Ну хотя бы всем подряд. Хотя все кефирки сильно подешевели
- Абилка Аун'Вы с парадоксом (и я не про то что он как бы помер) теперь интереснее. Суть: от ренда дает не минус к сейву, а плюс. 
- Маркет лайт теперь работает проще. Просто вешаешь на врага маркеры, у для всех тау по нему идут бонусы при стрельбе. Чем больше маркеров - тем шире враг раздвигает булки для рельс. 

 FT'AU EMPIRE POINTS VALUES !!! that us« a points limit. >*hi con use the following lists to determine the total« it vou arc of all >*>ur mod*.« well as the wargear they are equipped with. tode^~i [ ,,fuv. •. [■•Mf.ts ________________________— P*«*o* equipped with, lodete,«^^ ORONES ANO SUPPORT TURRETS MODELS PER UNIT I Breather Tram XY88 Broadside BaUksuils Cadre lircbUdc Commander Commander in XV86 1 CoJdstar Battlesuit | ] XV8 OUu Baltksttit* I XVBCrtus Bodyguard» j TV? Dctflfeh ! | Ethereal 1 Ethereal on Hover Drone j I Hreugbt Marksman XV95 Chosikeel Battlesuit Wl Kroot Carnivore* j KfOOt Hound» Kroot Shaper Krootox Ridm W Longstrike I Pathfinder Team | TX4 Piranhas SAX3 Raaotshork Stake Fighter XV104 Riptide BaUkvi.t XV 25 Steahh Battlcxuits jl KVI2SStormsurge l‘j Strike Team I AX» Sun Shark Bomber * lidcsoil Droneport I TldewaU Gsinng f Tidewai) ShicUlinc • Tidcwoll Drtrixc Platform r TX7 Hammerhead Ganship ' l’XT* Ay Ray Gunship I Vespid St. S 10 M 1 I 1 3-9 3-9 I 1 I 1 . X. 10-20 4 12 1 1-3 _ ::1. 5-10 1-5 I I 36 1 5-12 I 1 1 I 01 ! :•» POINTS (Does not include wary. 8 80 39 76 90 42 45 101 45 50 21 82 6 4 31 34 137 :• 45 83 = 209 20 150 100 ■V» MODEL powspSSSa D58 Tactical Support Turret 20 MV1 Gun Drone 8 MV4 Shield Dtonc 8 MV'5 Stealth Drone 10 MV7 Marker Drone 10 MV8 Mixilc Drone 30 MVI7 Interceptor Drone 15 MV3L Pulse Accelerator Drone 8 MV33 Gruv-inhibltor Drone 8 MV36 Guardian Drone 8 MV 52 Shield Drone 11 i MV62 Command-link Drone 6 MV71 Sniper Drone 18 MV84 Shielded Missile Drone 2S M83 Rccon Drone 12 UNITS UNIT MODELS i PfR UNIT ( Inc hades »ir^rM not Drone») AunShl l - AunVa I, 65 Ethereal Guard 2 5 Commander Farsight 1 15» Commander SEudouiun i-1 167 !>ark.stridcr 1 k
XV8 Crisis Battlesuits
 XV88 Broadside Battlesuits RAW II ws 8S s I w A Id Sv Broadside .Shas'ui 5* 5» 4* 5 5 6 2 7 2« Broadtide Shm'vre 5" 5* 4r 5 5 6 3 8 2+ MA H Missile Drone 8" $4- 5e 3 4 1 1 6 4* [ • > - -T or Jin. I Broads*!* shas'ui It can uv'ude I additional Broadside Stua'ui (Power Rating *9) or 2 addltio._ Raiinn • in A Broadside Shavsrc can take the place <>l one Broadude shas'ui EAch Broadside Kattlesuit iv«quipped ~> ha«nti^Hfe lhc um! mas he a«."-,partied by up to 2 MVft Me.vle I>ronc\.each equipped with a missile pod ifostrr f * ** I r ; 1..: livtiv jJ Dr. (Power Rating >1) S tf I AflUIKl____________________________________ Each time you make a Mound jofl o< t>> i y aw < _ the target unit suffers a mortal «round in aiUtim normal damage Heavy rail nllc High-yield miotic pod Missile pod Plasma title Seeker missile Smart miaule system um 6C‘ 36" .vs* 24" 72" W lYPf ______ Heavy 2 Heavy 4 Assault 2 Rapid Eire l Heavy 1 Heavy 4 Dfi D3 D3 1 VIMGMR OPTIONS liras • Any Broad • Any8fOa<J' • Any Htoads.dr « Any Broad : Foe the Créai.; Ekn V I Drone Support- \v . up in unli ¿»he™-. . - A unit hit by this ««ejjmii suiter« a mortal wound lad «eckcr missile ran only be used oner per battle. Ibi weapon only hit» oil a roll of 6. regardless of tie iny ! models Ballistic Skill or any modilim. Smart missile systems can be fired at units ifca: J ViSlble to the bearer In addition, units atta»ked weapon do not gain anv bonus to their saving ; _________in sorer._________________ ’~ra ice Ibeir heavy rail rifle ssilli tvsx> high-yield missile pods, l ice both smart misiile systems with two plasma rifles -a seeker missile. one urm from the Support System« list._______________i ' ■' ■ u to unit. Use test,^,~;M.N |'IVJ • Ults n set up on the battlefield, any accompanying Drooel - 'ids the Drones ate treated as a separate unit f ACTUM KEYWORDS KEYWORDS keyytoihis (MW y' 1 » bMTM, Fur..* Isiisrn o, BusmWKT, ’ **» target unit Tac Em HR*., ejsn- ; ES) I I M I Is l)KOXf, FtT,MV8 Misait r Dhon.s

Miuulcpod _ lllttu DPIiORS Moule PW, Commander MAIf ( tMnnunikr ft* 3» A Commande» i» a unglc modri quipped (Po»fr Kating *1) Mim mu Kurt caneen « annon and a m.»uic pod. It nuy be accompanied by op lo 2 Tactical | S AP I AWI«S AttMk 4 A «vau It 2 y replace i«» bont cannon and tniwile pod with two item« trom the Runfui Wt*pcn> ‘oi'port Vw.Vntl Inte . ,.%-i ma. alv tal c two additional Itcmt from the Rang'd Wetpon and/or lot tliet.rcalcr (.ood (pg4ft) Matter ot War < trice per battle. at the beginning of year turn, a tingle friendly Com.ma.sdu can d<cUft4 J -... Mont la . Kauynn l uni the end ot the turn. you can re-roll failed hit roll* for friendly <Srrr> urutt mthin ft*.| : : ,'v . aiHXil move for any reaton. • Mont ka i rn-ndly <■ Sr rt > unit» within 6‘ can both Advance and »boot u if they hadn't moved rbit t¡ Manta ‘•trike: l hiring deployment, you may vet up a Commander In a Manta hold ¡mirad of plxmg thna, ■'■eld It the end of any of your Movement phatet. they can uve a Manta »trike to enter the fray - tttf 1 «n% t. tierc on the battlefield that w moer than V Irom any enemy model»_____________________ Tau EMrmr.<$APT> Bâtii.i'mjit, Ch abattu. ht Pack. Fit, CommANritR NAIM ( oenmandrr in XVM ( oUUu Haltletuit A Commander In XVM CoMoar Btttlevuit I» « uu( accompanied by up to 2 Tavtio'. I iron.-. ipc r >' wupm__________ MM High output burn cannon t B" AoaaoJt ft with a high output bunt cannon and a rmvvile pod It mar be f&CltOH KiTVtQRQS i^Kinrans .vault 2 . : .ay take op to two item» from the SuppiM l or the C.reatert.ood !pg W) Matter ot War Once per bottle, at the beginning of yoor Wen. a «Ingle fricad^Commanm* can desdareetthw . k • ot on: inhi the end of the turn, you can re roll failed hit roll« for friendly dm > unit» within 6*. but the* . M^t'ka ' t Me^dly Swwfiiitfili$ <«• both Advance and «boot aa if they hadn't moved thn turn. , oUKui ,v hen I ho model Advance«. add Î0" to *» More chamcUrlMK foe ,h* Movement phaw .nvteod of Iv-Jling .1 DO «vpiovnenc »«« markup a Command« m XVAn ColdUar Batl»e*urt In a Manta hold a!, /,..*, .ng dJ5nÏ the Slehrid A. ¡*¿*^¿£¡¡£¡3 i he tray vet them uP anrwhm on thebattleneid Ú*nmgr thangfr— «ny.enemy «odda to enter the fray -1 T' ac Emw»>.<S»>t> BAl TtUt IT. CMAKACT,,. |,T PACK. FIT. COMMAND. ■
fjiriml dtdfcsB. | NftU lH»W Guttn^ Thi* model can • number‘>1 T‘*u ,h*nlOmi*km ■mu. but «*» WARHaKiMer 40.000 rijiinll Tl DEWALL GlJNRIG I .in^ie model equipped wtih a supremacy r*%u BANC» im 9MMHP mi«5 T»*' Heavy i Ia.h tim» you make a wound rad «(*• fr« tt*» «eaf»» the target M wider.Dt nrwul wntuit la Max** «he normal i'*—« Fortifkatioo: A I rdrwall Ouorigtanoot ment independently |vt* bdow), mK <*n rt fi$bi ki ihr Antik phate. Citeni) rnisdei» artorruiicallyhH ihi» nrodri ln tl« Aij;ht plta« d<> mit m*kc htt roll«. Howese«.Ihr» mndel can «rill ihM II ihre e »te «nrmy modelt wilhio 1* of ¡1. and fricndly unilitcait still largei eaemy ututi tha: are within 1' oi Ihi* modti Mubiie Defers« Platform. if«s#Vr»i. fsn« Im am (i und M embwtnl on a Tides.-a.'l1 .unn* ir the begfnmnjoi your Mo««toent pluae, you mir J In «Sc Movement ¡ku« A TaScwaS Gurus* ¿arm« Advance« dtV]|r Automated Weapon Inleo • Inrodhr l'a« lunar ISMM«r unit n enbarVrd on thn model ti «trprenucy rjiljtun tan only target the rearm iwWa enemy U Iw« «nt» are equally line, you cur uume which n targeted Open lopped: Mode-!« embarked oo thi« nnsdd can attack in thc.r .Shootingphatc Measure the rattle and dra"' lure ofaight from any point on tkti model When they do vx any rc.trwiiont nr modifier« that apply to this model aim apply to its passenger»; for example. the F-tplodr« II a TidrwaBtwa-mj n irdojd toO noond*. I'ancnsen connoc shoot if this mode) hai Kalleii Back rott a dicebefree teituMn* the model from the in tl« same turn and so on. Nike that the pattenjxrt hanletirtd ard Were any en-Aurked toodrii dwmhaekj cannot »ri*H>l (e«i:ep< wtth Pistol*) if Ihia model It on a n it rtpVadcv and each emitu•• hin V ...drrsO.' within l" of an enemy un/t. ctco though the Tidrwall mortal wound«. mmmm iiniWB TAL — Hini)iN<o v,MI<tt!
Sv — — — — ^ _ • -<>гчч1г1д/^%.чл ¿i taumf MmSc i^;y«weích.«K4^dCiM*bcy»auünlMi>cocftfr!^ ----- «•« rm S др I ШШЦ 11С1ШШ Mnrans ьо,,ио » и »-г... п> . .tJ, I........ r^cur*.VIi.4rt«IV Aes4W«irietdftfrtOc«rifcr. »i. . .кд-ххг.и». oflhricoxe when ЛвТМ! МИЮ «IaXIU Ifid ÜAftU *>0»tnf»*i*v\ h 1М1Л1А1 rh i.ntfM iw<f f»lP. Ux f#V. Al*? tnr*4H r>ii! rum uk*4 \W»W I/Hi ^.cUn.rK.iUK W4h»Kin4» mrvlwnHfw*« ГЛьЬттШ \J tbr Ыr*h I «ÿv pW*C« <houn (V* jí iKr МЬг*^ Им» kt UtC «iiHi. iht«ad «rfiAcpW • .NmWi «Лиг «m*tf *Ucfe ha* AP -1 ■'• .4 \h» . « ¿IraWTkkKfctorftCflfrumiiiyMffiltii»^ 1,4 AxWmiii . Mona oí Ib*. X**a»jn кАкЛнЬвЦЦЩ O* «•**.*$ pKatf WxaífvWd моц Ом. *rti» . VMUO »n О* «.«ntw* pU%f . N«»waf моде Whcorvff MI A(WMi«la 4n unwitU «MfL níiOiOililÉí *t»oi l% r*r*rrd • /«ph>r% (>mr You coi #r roí U« Jm кпИкИ I ид*>* *hmtVvA*.íwr Tai ÏMfin. Yiob'i л S*rr Chamaciii, Im asi by. \ пня* лi, AaVShi ИШ M ws RS I ï M Si AaaV. 6* 4- 2 3 • f *♦ ♦* >• U 2 » * s* Aun’Y* «cvS г-ч» Ij.Mrrel Gotnk TV I.-W *! Сыт* am rm i —.....■- wAb «r. Kt>;4t hUtr Oajp ê*t Ы ib» «bi ta*i ШПИ шли hd«N U So* 4a <>у«йо» >r*nl*- T U ^ «uMi d ** » »amu mi> u? Uoltnbtp itur«wn>U «Ytfnd #0 rtwu ЫШу^АкИЮ F***Hol(»»oUir WVt> Cu» un* m «1*л • *u 4 iW и mi. »iU r«ü*t (h»i. «d*r*<>. Af Af О ts Пмк «• rt SM <bfMfMUK 1*4 anAf I Buck ntuU « . I hoü»v»iii «arm! Ntf*ro« I *т#Ь Wbirt Aao'Vi Noatlv NlOikU -___И ** » ««и - "Л Mw*b ’"** ^ *“ M*rO>v r 41» а IICTM ВЛИШ___ Vu'fwit».rwaw______________J lirvva; uni) < H4»4Ciia. 1Ч14Ч7И1. IVHIMIAI. \i*» V* МЯМ Сяавастг». Ытачш. finmui Good «лишаю ph«r. WVí may invcA* up w> t*w rWnuoi Ml rii-Vmi NvAXiav «vl l%nuuif *U w*h*n *■ i4 *•* hiiu&Ai uixAuii ta Hrrw«*W ruoai p.n IK< reinar* brmAi unrj fV »Wt^Tig» ml MH. . t aim of TMrv fefcrtCI I fcowanr Mc#*W (« 4*Ч«Ы НЛ«4 • Wa«rr<№ **.ачу»*г.Л1Л*Ао<1и* iV Vmct«y pkox V- iUfrvd owu On rtmâM» rtovairr m Ow Miotmnf plow . Viw «U Mar Hlmynr an «ЛмИ »Ml a*^ •n um«n4 mat rgfl • D* Oa i *. On u ^M«f4 • /sffcyrbCfMaMMoaremtitfwOfctfaraflr.trtl илл> wlan Üxy Adr»/w«

 Ototv 111«.' KV128 Stormsurge WS BS A II |9 1. d*r rani' 10* Heavy 2 N •4 6 LUb I !■ \tecirorr 20r Heavy 4 12 •2 3 iho : finoj 1 i| ion< rxnv JO’ Heavy 6 10 0 1 ¥M ' ■••11 72* Heavy D3 10 -3 06 few H jyLS» | toiot.r || B» -tr iictem 3If Heavy 4 5 0 1 twofc«*r' U***** .^atiatUM pt OaOttroti«’ ■ Oc*oynmi' 1 .1 .ingle modd equipped verth a chntct rocket ulvc NavUannon and two «mart tniivUe nlllW «" ‘yvtem, lout JoJioyrr »yvtem* IBAMACI I Sonir ol thiv roodrl'« iluitoUfUtn«ihitij,« a I it vullcf* danugr, a* dwiwn brln* MUMI II I I U JO. 4» » > MO S* ? DJ 1-5 *♦ * 1 ir Arnault D6 a 4 *r 0 , lh.» weapon can be fired *t ututi that are not viuMr to 1 the beater 18* Avvanlt 4 5 0 1 48" Heavy 4D6 5 0 1. J 60* Heavy 1 Anault 1X> When attacking with this weapon, choote one of the profile* below » uim ■•» UJ mu wcajion iwnrn ii.i iiKinai wugndi l ath dextroyr r nuuile cart only he uted oner pet bedk Thu weapon ooiy hit» or. a toll of 6. rtja/Jieo of the firing nwdcft Halliuk Skill or any modifier» I Ihi* weapon aotoeiutkiilly hit» at Utgci '«nai u tombs ^wwss When attacking a unit with 10 or more model», thrt weapon» Ivpv change* to Heavy On Smart mtuilc mtemi can be bred at unit» that are not viable to the bearer In addition, unit» attacked by the» weapon do not gain am bonut cn their uvlng thou.» fur being mcmer • I hi* model may replace both it» I lamer» »nth two bant cannon* or two airbunting IragnwntaOoo projector» • Hito model may replace it» pulie hlutcannori with a puhe dttver cannon • I ■■ ••...*■•. .mmi 1-. . quipped »'til i.p ti> time I'.-ni- T..-'t !. —1------* n »uadi, mil Walking Hatllwlilpi Hm —:.-rc.--_-a:.Aa-------------------. __ Implode»; If thi\ model u reduced to 0 wound*, roll a Db before ten Hiving it from the battlefield On j 6 it explodes and each und within 6' wlfcn 1X1 mortal wounds ■ U» Wf....,— Walking Italllrdiip ih . v,.«kl. ... I .11 .kj,l try Movement pha»r and Hill »hoot and/or charge that turn, and doc* not MJtirr tlie penalty Mr totniu# and bring Heavy weapon» Thi* model can only benefit from ccwer when making uvtt if at leak half of it to obwurrd from the toer
■ RANGt IYPI l«- A«wult l)« ir A»«ault 4 4*’ Heavy 4D6 When attacking with itr A*»ault J IK* Anaull DJ AP ATOMS I Tbit weaponcut lain«unit»that arcnot »»dg*loth»**. i i ttwumakconeormoerhdnflUoO.theheaiei.uifcn.^ , 1 • art« »« of th)> weapon» dx*» have been revohed. Vv**n4 >,»>„.(• jiu.ir'j. '.i' we«|vn. »home one of ihr profile* Mow. :i linn« r -I i - ■ . ni If you male one of more h.t roll, of I. the he*,,, „dim , _ . w artet all of thrt weapon« »ho«» have been rnohrd ln4,J 24' Heavy 6 : •1 24* Heavy l>6 8 •1 60' Heavy 1 >s 8' Assault D6 4 0 itr Avuull 1 t •4 18* Heavy D3 8 •4 A unit hit by Ihu weapon mflen 03 mortal wourxk tach mi «ule can only be uxd once pei battle. Tbi> weapon nnb hit»« 6. regard!*»» of the bang model» Ballot k Skill or any ^(|[fL ‘ ** ** I Thi» weapon automatic ally hit» it» target When attacking with thb weapon, cboewe w accordance w*h the Riptide ShaiVre* Nov« III«» w»w|'»>»i wuo'iuiaki»way ui»P I«» tiupt a IV, 1(tKi Ur*rt “ WHh,n hj!l °flh" "rapon. mil two dice when inflicting damage with it and dneanl the low*»i rimdt It »6 ,itlK lifgit “ H'llhu'h4li '“8« °>* lh,‘ wapon. roil two d Kt when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowevt rctuh. !...- — '*f 'he pro61e» below. You may only uk the nora-char« Ktiuuim or ability fpgOJ). Standard 36* Heavy 8 6 •1 I Nov». charge 36* Heavy 12 6 •2 1 ¡-ieary rail role 60* Heavy 2 8 •4 P6 For each wound roll ot 6*. the target unit »Ulfen a mortal wocod in ad Jrtion lo the normal damage 1 f *gh output bunt cannon ir A»*au)t8 5 0 l •f'gh yield missile pod 36' Heavy 4 7 •l 13J loo accelerator «' neavv . 1 UJ • "hen atu.kl.iriy v. ih il-n weapon, choose one of the profiles below. You may only ute the nova charge »rmt^ia . : ■ niii • . c ;' .:•• Vi.ikvrr* \ova Reactor ability (pg 63). - V 1J-. . - « . Standard 72* Heavy 3 7 •3 (Hvrclurge 72* Heavy D6 8 •) No» a charge 72* Heavy D6 9 •3 PJ If you roll one or more hit roß» oi I. the bearer »utlri» a mortal wi-*iod artcr all of thi* weapon» thou have been revolved. loo rifle • Standard Overcharge Ktootgun Kroot rifle <»hooting) longjho! pu)»e rifle Marke flight Mi title ptxl Neutron bbot« 1 ■ ' ; ” '■ • • « I vote one of the profile» befcm. t hange llie type to Hea«y l>6 again»! unit» containing 10 or more tnodeh. It you roll one or mote hit rolU of l. the bearer wflen a mortal woood ■'•'et all ol thi» weapon'» ihot» have been moM : ;he profile» below u make one oe more hit rnlh oil. the bear« »uflen • mortal wound I . »• iK .a >.w . I, . k.... - - - ..I. a, I Standard «T Heavy 3 7 -2 Overcharge 60' Heavy D3 6 -2 l^otoo grenade jo- Rapid Fire 1 7 •1 1 jo* Heavy DJ I -1 1 48* Rapid Fire I 7 24“ Rapid Fire | 4 0 48* Rapid Fire 1 5 0 jo- Heavy 1 jo* A**»uJt2 9 i r Avuull 3 r» -2 ir Grenade 1)6 24* RafudFlrti 6 •3 I • capon may target a Cm ah act«* even if they are «*» «** v4t^'* try unit __ '• 'krrhfhe, (ff4S) capon doe» not millet any damage Your opponent any hit nfll» made foe I.Nraviiiv unit» that h*«e w®**01 photon grenades until the end of the turn
abilities oi(|—_ !I* !,,i;,,wwp ability »V common to k»h»I Tata ErtjKr,, For the Greater Good u <Va ..n r nemv mot drei»«« * vhifgr. a unit w*fc thrt, „ vtr.hin 6- ■..tone of the charging unit« uqpftMjr fw( ,, „ -.ho «ere ahn targeted A unit that does w cutm I Or<n.atch again m thi» turn. makkkki.ights ::„..del (other dun a Vwttci.» > tiro a nurkrrhght. ,r t •irr ir\ other weapon*in that phu*c. When a uiwt ii I -r«itishi. pia.c (counter neat tort for the remainder of i) phi««. Ihr table Men* dcacribn the benefit* T*At fxnui •use when »IwoUng at a unit that ha» marfce-flrght «Junten. J -.foiht» atecumuluUvr h.t by , MmauKMis You can re roll hit toll* of t for T*au Earn tnodeli ifl.', >. i:.; tin. unit I r.W.rotcr arxl woher mtMiIoüred at ihn uiii u« the tiring model* Kallnfac SUB <M my nodi lien) rather than only b.tti .uj en i £»*wax modeh attaching thu uititdl not auffer the penalty for moving and tiriuj Heavy weapon* or Advancing and tirlw Acuuh wcifvr. the target unit J,-:, no, SWn any uig ,hrvn»\ for hong m cover. J Add , «„ fc* r(J1, fc, rautam^S tKx% ui\n tor T’Ali empire army list thuieitioo unit aim i a,. t .«der to fifth« battle» w,,h 7°®' r“ roinii,u,e* f** ««contain* alt as an) h argear and Ipcdtl»bitiüe»it d.taUn-et include* the char..teriuk. yrolile* of .hcun.^.e*sr ^ referenced on the da.aU.ee«» vime rule* art uhiuw» to »everal 1 an unilv and are deunoco KEYWORDS throughout thj* «I tu» you will come aero*» a kajwd that i* • ihm angular bracket*. (pccificadli <Sin Ihn 1* dioflhaml for a keyword of your own ihooung, a* dweribed below. <$«m> AU Tau belong to a *ep< world, or hail (nmi the breakaway t-arughl fair late* Some ditaOn-rtt ipeedy what »cp« the unit t* drawn tr»m le.g Command« SWowvun ha* th< Tau St rr heyword, so 1» from the l »i tept, wh/k Commander F anight ha. the i aataw.it r Facet AVi* keyword. *o o from the Fanigtx Enclave*'; If a T'ac h*id»t datasheet Aon run tpeofy which *rpt e. i.drawn from, *t will have the <$rrr> keyword. Whm >*» include Midi a unit ui yogi army, you »mu noailnair which >cpl that unit it (junctor DOOalcote lliat i«iii to be tn<m the Karvght fnclaun). You '.hcu amply rrpla<e thr <Stn> Uywied on that unit, dataihicel with the name of yi*or ctio«eo .cpt, lie tlie word* YanigV.t Enclave*. You can u*e auy cd the wpt* that you have r*-«i about. oe make up j«ur own. tiif r(ample, it you wtie io (Dtfcltk a <*.-•ndyou deckled the» were front the V >; FoctJOO ho word it changotVtotr'l ■ Ffcre'abtUy would then *<n Mr*v \ t> Ilf wir friendi; Vioa’ia Sir ,b eitra thut wah jmUc pirtelv p-i. »hearting« a uivet w.iftlu lu1'
Smart nû»ile *У»«т
Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Brave new 40k,Wh News,Tau Empire,Tau, Тау
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THE T'AU EXPANSIONS SO FAR WARHAMMER 40.000 <FIRST SPHERE>•. . The T*au settle eight worlds-, including Tau'n*. Bork’an and Vior*la-. laying the foundations for thoir future empire. The expansion halts due to the vast distances they are forced to cross without access to faster-than-light travel

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник фэндомы Tau Empire,Tau, Тау Wh News breaking news

THE T'AU EXPANSIONS SO FAR WARHAMMER 40.000 <FIRST SPHERE>•. . The T*au settle eight worlds-, including Tau'n*. Bork’an and Vior*la-. laying the foundations for thoir future empire. The expansion halts due to the vast distances they are forced to cross without access to faster-than-light travel