Heldrake WS U# equipH ««h » had« au.ocannonand I Iddrakc daws. Hrfdra^ Bjldianicr Hjdts autocann°n HrUrakcilaw.' MTARCEAR OPTIONS mm RANGE TYPE S AP _ D 18' 36" Assault P6 Heavy 4 6 8 _2 -1 2 2 Melee Melee User -1 D3 Id DAMAGE Some of this models characteristics chan it suffers damage, as shown below: M ws REMAINING W 7-12+ 4-6 1-3 ABILITIES This weapon automatically hits its target When attacking models than can Fl.v. you may add 1 to this weapons hit roll. . This model may replace its hades autocannon with a balellamcr. Daemonic: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. Internal Regeneration: At the beginning of each of your turns, this model heals one wound. Crash and Burn: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 betore removing the model from the battlefield; on a b ii : . ties in a fiery explosion and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds,_______________ MOTION KEYWORDS Chaos. Mark of Chaos>, Heretic Astartes, <Legion> KEYWORDS Vehii >mon, Daemon Engine, Fly, Heldrake \ ■ - ■ - - 1 -.......................................................................................................... — - —1 1 'M f Aos Land Raider DAMAGE Some of this model’s characteristics cha it suffers damage, as shown below: BS S I W A Ld Sv REMAINING W H BS 8 8 16 * 9 2+ 9-16+ 10" 3+ 5-8 5" 4+ w 1-4 3" 5+ . >ped with a twin heavy bolter, two twin lascannons ’FE S AP D ABILITIES Havoc fournîtes Twin heavy bolter TVin laoannmi W UREA PORTIONS mm 1 Ieavy D6 5 0 1 Heavy 6 5 -1 1 Heavy’ 2 9 -3 D6 model may take a havoc launcher and/or one item from the Combi-weapons list. . Launchers: Once per game, instead of shooting any weapons in the Shooting phase, a Chaos Land Raider sc it.s Smoke Launchers; until your next Shooting phase your opponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls for : d weapons that target this vehicle. Daemonic Machine Spirit: Ignore the -1 to hit modifier for moving and shooting I ieavy weapons for this model. SS» ••sim Kivwoms Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark; on a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D6 mortal wounds. This model can transport 10 <Legion> Infantry models (each Terminator and Jump Pack model takes up the space of two other models, and each Cult oi Destruction model takes up the space of three other models).________________________________________________________________ Chaos, <Mark of Chaos>, Heretic Astartes, <Legion>_______________________________________ Vehicle, Transport, Chaos Land Raider
Obliterators 2221------- №niioc* l^ih nMitrrator »• wiih flohmrtAl gum ' im I *__________I ftfiWMHWBWJS %>Mtli loth» Mh Emperor (pg 10) FMl„,e,.l Weapon«: When « unil of OW.Irrefoo» ET e I^Th, „.her The fn* n*.. £ !L „41» *e AK end .he .h.nf roil .. .he l»«fr. Foe d- a Lfaii ftv * 2 then the unit* attacks would have 1 Strength oi7. «a APoi . < Mrfwiich attack Ife* a3. . inrrator* have a 3* invulnerable save . r l luring deployment, you can »el up this unit m a tekpoctansca chaotwr ****** ****^** At the end of any of your Movement phase» «be cat can ax a teieport gnkeioatmwe oe tnc ip anywhere on the battlefield that a more than 9’ awar trom acy gg— . vrk os C»iaos>, Heretic Astabtes, <Legiov>________________ viT of Destruction, Daemon, Obliter.ators Aiplnoy ( hampum ifl Havocs M WS BS S T * A 11 Sv 6' 3r 3* 4 4 11 7 «• y* 3a 4 4 12 3 3+ TV- Rauag -3\ Lacr. sooe - CW. Isaj^iu ««111*1*5 TYPE s AP B «MB | 12' Pistol 1 4 0 1 . 24 Rapid Fixe I 4 0 1 Melee Mdce User 0 i Each tone the bearer fight». s car. —xvc ; attack wah this wrapor. ft Grenade 1)6 ^ 3 0 1 6* Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 • «-----a uuji>wora I ,“y ^,hnr ***“■« ’h - . h‘TK,n m*rr'pU“ htt hoh f'1'"1 “hi hofc*u„ - —:<Jog model may take a Cham Icop (pg 10) ' m tothc False Emperor'pg 10) HIMTi7as,. . 1Ulll,N IWantmv Havocs
----------- ...uiwhmcnamlthe Talon of I lorus. Only on* of this model mav K. JHarmedw,,hDn.^ ■ „ ABILITIES TYPE___________ 3 —------ Rapid Fire 2 4 * Melee Melee Roll a D6 each time Abaddon the tv. . 1 he suffers a mortal wound and tann* further during this phase. On a 2- he' many additional attacks with this wedp,- Death to the False Emperor DarkDestiny: Abaddon li" Despoiler is halved (round 1 Lord of the Black Legic Abaddon the Despotic r Mark of Chaos Ascen < wilhin 12" of Abaddo , . a -1+ invulnerable save. In addition, all damage suttcredbv II any failed hit rolls for friendly Black Legion unitsthau« 11 KRF. ru: Astartes units automatically pass Morale tests whilst Teleport Strike: Dur: cut, you can set up Abaddon the Despoiler in a teleportariumdumbe ofpiacinghimon the h„i At the end of any of your Movement phases Abaddon canuse a telepon arrive on the battlefield sci linn up anywhere on the battlefield that is more thjfl^J Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Heretic Astartes, Black LiG,° Character, Infantry.Chaos Lord, Terminator, Abadd
Some 0f thi« model’« charactertitle* cha. H cullers damage, at »hown below: RIMAIMING * M WS 13-24+ 12* 34 1 7-12 9" 44 1-6 6" 54 This weapon automatically hits its target This weapon can target units that are not visible to the bearer. If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard lowest result. When attacking units with 5 or more models, chanjj this weapons Type to Heavy D6. If the target is with half range, roll two dice when inflicting damage an| discard the lowest result. Add 1 to hit rolls made for this weapon against tarj that can Fly. Subtract 1 from hit rolls made agains other targets. Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with thi weapon. If you slay a Vehicle or Monster with thunderstrike gauntlet, select an cm ; v mil with 9" and roll a D6: on a 4+ that unit wounds as the dead body nr deb Make 3 hit rolls for each atta instead of 1. 03 mor *1 it • This me del may take one item from the Carapace Weapons list. • This model may replace its thunderstrike gauntlet with one item from the Knight • This model may replace its reaper chainsword with one item from the Knight l\: This model may replace its heavy stubber with a meltagun. Ion Shield: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save against shooting attacks. MrtUM Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from t! explodes, and each unit within 2D6" suffers D6 mortal wounds. Knight Titan: A Renegade Knight can Fall Back in the Movement phase and^ turn. When a Renegade Knight Falls Back, it can even move over tncmv its move it must be more than 1" from all enemy units. In addition, a t onj , , weapons without suffering the penalty to its hit rolls. Finally, a Renega b _covcr if at least half of the model is obscured from the firer.------------ .Chaos, Questor Traitoris_________________ Titanic, Vehicle, Renegade Knight
Loro OI Vywi.—p--,IV I I Malignant Plaguccaster (pg 59) Noxious Blightbringcr (pg6l) | I Daemon Prince (pg 21) ■ Chaos Lord (pg 16) I 1 Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour, I (pg 16) Chaos Lord on Palanquin of Nurgle I (pg 19) I Sorcerer (pg 22) I Sorcerer in Terminator Armour i iPgJ2) _ Xhaos Cultists (pg i | Possessed (pg 32) ■ Helbrutc (pg 33) I I Foetid Bloat-drone (pg 60) I Chaos Rhino (pg 34) I Chaos Spawn (pg 36) i | Defiler (pg 41) I Chaos Predator (pg 38) | IOiaosLand Raidedpg_37T CONTAGION DISCIPLINE to the rigb N fyou must, hut ** futile. .ViirgJc't e#^ »erthe within enough, ,r*CC u, „ Pat *». Ht $*•* i> 'h ¿fifth. Path Plague Wind: Plague Wind has a warp charge value of 5. If manifested, select a visible enemy unit within 18" of the psyker. Roll one dice for each model in that unit - the unit suffers a mortal wound for each roll of 6. PSYCHIC POWER Miasma of Pestilence: Miasma of Pestilence has a warp charge value of 6. If manifested, select i visible friendly Death Guard unit within 18' of the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, your opponent must subtract I from all hit rolls that target that unit. (¿if! of Contagion: (lift of Contagion has a warp charge value of 7. If manifested, select a • iMblc enemy unit within 18" of the psyker and roll a D3. Consult the table below to discover »vhat characteristic penalty all models in that unit suffer until the start of your next Psychic phase (this cannot reduce a characteristic to less than I). 03 EFFECT 1 f lyblown Palsy: 1 Attack 2 Muscular Atrophy: -1 Strength 3 l iquefying Ague: l Toughness
IERETIC flSTARTES 16*8«==*'.... putnu , j.-i ermine tbciotol point* cosl ,ih i" »Icicrminc your armyV ini' tmn MOW is PEU UNI) llhw irwlodl* ChtcJ BArt* 19 1040 OMwCullnn Ciiw»l-and Ruder 1 ChmM Lord 1 i'hvn lard w Term inetur Armour 1 1 Cham lord on Rilot 1 1 Cham lord on Dbc of irccnuh 1 1 Quo« lord on fogputMii aflihornr 3 1 Own Laid on Palanquin •V Single 1 Ouum Lord on Steed of Slunr>i) 1 Qiim Lord with lump Pack l Quoihcdilar l 1 Chao* Rhino 1 < 3m» Space Marine» S-20 OumSpavm 1-5 Ouot Terminator* 5-10 Quum Vindicator 1 Omen 5-10 Damron Prince 1 Daemon Prince with Wing» 1 Dark Apotllc 1 DdUcr 1 3 Lulled Sorcerer fjulled Sorcerrr on Otic 1 , of lxmtch 1 Fallen 5-10 f-oetJd Bloat-drone 1 Forgehrnd 1 Havoc» 5-10 Helbrtite 1 leldukr 1 Chorne Bcr/erfcrr* 5-20 itorne Lord of Skull* 1 ord of Contagion 1 Uitgrunt Plagurcatlrr 1 Dulcrhcnd 1 lutilator» 3 mac Marine» 5 20 ukntf Blight hunger 1 »lilerulor» 3 tgue Marine* 5-20 HCMcd 5-20 (walker* 10 20 MODELS PER UNIT POINTS PER MODEL (Doc* not include w; 125 99 13 lh 72 216 86 120 14 99 119 U 72 138 16 465 139 110 149 65 If. 71 65 21 22 6 .Pit SOreTTW Stjwib Occull Terminators Starah Occult Sorcerer Sotteier in Terminator Armour Snrcciar on Rike Sorcerer on DIk oflzcentch 515 m 5-20 5-10 I I I I 17 18 30 33 50 90 140 130 125 Sorcerer on Palanquin of Nurglc 1 123 Sorcerer on Steed of Slaancsh 1 115 Sorcerer with lump Pack 1 114 T/aangors 10-30 7 Warp Taloni 5-10 15 WarpMnith 1 78 UNIT Abaddon i he Despoiler Ahrlnun Ahrtnun on Disc of Txccntch Cypher habiM Bile Huron BlackHcan Khirn the Betrayer I uciu* the Eternal Mugnu* the Red ' _______ MODELS PER UNIT POINTS PER MODEL • Including winMr)
PARK hereticus discipline "■'•ore the battle, generate the psychic powers for Phvkkm that n use p0Wers from the Dark Hereticus discipline using the table low you can either roll a D3 to generate their powers randomly (Te-roll any duplicate results), or you can select the psychic powers >u wish the psyker to have. DARK HERETICUS DISCIPLINE D3 PF HWER____________________________________________________ In/cr dGaxe lias a warp charge value of 5. If manifested, enemy unit within 18" of the psyker and roll 3 i filters one mortal wound for each roll of 11 j Warptune is a warp charge value of 6. If manifested, pick a ■o tic Astartbs unit within 3" of the psyker. That nediately move as if it were its Movement phase. Vu. i! use Warptime on a unit more than once in each Psychic phase. Prescience Prescience has a warp charge value of 7. If manifested, select 3 a Heretic Astartes unit within 18" of the psyker. You can add 1 to all hit rolls made for that unit until the start of your next Psychic phase.
minie! equipped with two Furioso * «o»m bolffr "’¿agun. Uc- «'Mttad ^•«hiSmo, ^ them: n? musr sul JI target th, kt UuiKhf^Orv« per b*nl¿'~ *%*Vn «*“ ****ng phase. UtKitS *2*««' U “ ^“'P^ with them, untd your Shooting phase your opponent mu« wbtracú fre « -"«s for .»gri «.p™ lhl, ^ZZZ Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Blood Angels Vehicle, Dreadnought, Furioso Dreadnought kjm 0TWBÖS insßs íulPrriitor f Jar.' Predator is a I fkaoionn cannon •Wbofcir ■Vm ¡iinff cannon •“««»«»s This model RUfCl TTPf 11 S AP 8* 8* Assault 2D6 Heavy 1.16 6 5 •1 1 24* Rapid Fire 2 4 0 12* 8 -4 Melee Melee x2 -3 Melee Mclcc x2 -3 3 ^imo^*'i4«lurpp<dv*itht c, : .-rlifoTuiac I Uilu^o lui.aM Crther its«to^““№ ;,: -lace Its two Furioso fists with blood talons mel,a^n withTh^^“ . :r.r. replace its storm bolter with a heavy flamer . ■;;,. .-.vie! may replace its meltagun with a heavy flamer. . i;:iv. Jel may replace its smoke launchers With a magna-Explodes: It this model t% reduced to 0 wounds, roll a i)6 before removing the model from the battlefield; on a t it explodes, and each unit within 3* suffers D3 mortal wounds. Magna grapple: If a model with a magna-grapplc targets 3 Vehicle in the Charge phase, you can add 2 to its charge roll. Baal Predator DAMAGE Some of this model's characteristics change as it suffers damage, as shown below. single model equipped with a twin assault cannon. RANGE TYPE S AP REMAINING VI M ES A I 611+ 12* 3* 3 4 « 6* 4+ D3 J. 1-2 3* 5» 1 8* Assault D6 6 -2 36" Heavy 3 5 -1 8‘ Heavy D6 5 -1 24* Heavy 12 6 -1 mm This weapon automatically hits its target. 1 1 This weapon automatically hits its target —' ‘"-liP*™ mav take two heavy Doners or two-----------------------k_. Once oef battle, ii^ of »hooting Overcharged Engines: When this model Advances roll Smoke Launc .^v base, this model can use ~ *“and p,ck ,hf hi«hts' rcsul1' Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll opponent must, ^vehicle. a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield; weapons °n a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6* suffers D3 mortal wounds. Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Blood Angels ^ ehicle, Predator, Baal Predator
minis FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWOROS jW I Commander Dante 12" 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 6 i Commander Dante is a single model armed with the Axe Mortalis, an inferno pisto I may be included in your army. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP 0 I Jnferno pistol 6" Pistol 1 8 -4 D6 1 'Ihe Axe Mortalis Melee Melee +2 -3 D3 Frag grenade 6" Grenade D6 3 0 1 Krak grenade 6" Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 ABtums _____________________________ If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon if the target is a Character. O _______v _____* And Ihey Shall Know No Fear (pg 88) Death Mask: Enemy units suffer a -1 modifier tothw~~ Leadership while they arc within 3" of any models Chapter Master: You can re-roll failed hit wearing a death mask, rolls for friendly Blood Angels within 6" of Commander Dante. jron Halo: Commander Dante has a 4+ invulnerable« Jump Pack Assault: During deployment, you can set up Commander Dante high in the skies instead of placing him on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases Commander Dante can assault from above - set him up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9* away from any enemy models. Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Blood Angels Character, Infantry, Chapter Master, Jump v , ------------ --------------------------------' ly, Commander Dante Captain Tycho M WS BS S
Astorath NAME Astorath storath i< a single model included in your army. WEAPON Bolt pistol The Executioners Axe Frag grenade Krak grenade ' ABILITIES JACTION KEYWORDS .KEYWORDS M WS BS s T W A Id Sv 1 12" 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 2+ mted with the Executioners Axe, a bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. Only one of this model may be HANGE TYPE S AP 0 ABILITIES 12' Pistol 1 4 0 l Melee Melee + 1 •3 Pj Each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon it causes 3 damage instead of D3. 6" Grenade D6 3 0 I 6" Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 And They Shall Know No Fear (pg 88) Redeemer of the Lost: All friendly Blood Angels units within 6" of Astorath can use his Leadership instead of their own. In addition, friendly Death Com pan v units automatically pass Morale tests if they are within 6' of Astorath. Jump Pack Assault: During deployment, you can set up Astorath high in the skies instead of placing him on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases Astorath can assault from above - set him up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models. Litanies of Hate: You can re-roll failed hit rolls in the Fight phase for friendly Blood Angels units within 6" of Astorath.__________________________________________ Mass of Doom: Once per battle, at the start of your Movement phase, Astorath may chant the Mass of Doom. Roll a D6 for each friendly Blood Angels Infantry unit within 6" of Astorath and apply the result below: D6 Result 1 Frenzied Death Throes: The unit suffers a mortal wound. 2-5 Dark Wrath: You can add 1 to hit rolls made for this unit in the Fight phase until the end of your turn. 6 Vessel of Sanguinius: You can add 1 to hit rolls made for this unit in the Fight phase until the end of your turn. In addition, the unit has a 4+ invulnerable save until the end of your turn. Rosarius: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. Imperium, Apeptus Astartes, Blood Angels Character, Infantry, Chaplain, Jump Pack, Fly, Astorath
one of this model may be Lemartes is a single model armed with the Blood Crozius, a bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. Onl> included in your army Lemartes mm of WEAPON RANGE TYPE S ДР D I Bolt pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 1 The Blood Crozius Mclcc Melee +■2 -2 D3 I Frag grenade 6" Grenade D6 3 0 1 [ Krak grenade 6" Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 ABILITIES And They Shall Know No Fear, Black Rage (pg 88) Fury Unbound: You can re-roll failed charge rolls and failed hit rolls in the Fight phase for friendly Death Companv units within 6" of Lemartes. Guardian of the Lost: All friendly Death Company units within 6" of Lemartes can use his Leadership instead of their own. Jump Pack Assault: During deployment, you can setup Lemartes high in the skies instead of placing him on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases Lemartes can assault from above - set him up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9“ away from any enemy models. Rosarius: Lemartes has a 4+ invulnerable save. ACTION KEYWORDS Imperium, Adfptus Astartes, Blood Angels, Death Company FYWOROS Character, Infantry, Chaplain, Jump Pack, Fly, Lemartk ",
WcArun _ - - - - Plasma pistol Standard - Supercharge The Sanguine Sword Frag grenade Krak erenade ABILITIES When attacking with this weapon, cnoosc «... y. 12" Pistol 1 7 3 Pistoll 8 -3 2 On a hit roll of 1, the bearer is slajn Melee Melee x2 '3 Grenade D6 3 0 6* Grenade 1 6 — And They Shall Know No Fear (pg 88) Lord of Death: Each lime Chief Librarian Mephiston suffers an unsaved wound or a mortal 1 a 5+ the damage is ignored. Psyehie Hood: You can add 1 to Deny the Witch tests you take for Chief Librarian Mephiston aga,^ 1 Psykers within 12'. — PSYKER Chief Librarian Mephiston can attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, H attempt to deny two psychic powers in each enemy Psychic phase. He knows the Smite psychic power l-,: . .. 1 psychic powers from the Sanguinary discipline (pg 89). EAGT1DN KEYWORDS Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Blood Angels ^KEYWORDS Character, Infantry, Librarian, Psyker, Chief Librarian Mephiston —— ®Z 'S,- TheSanguinor NAME M WS BS S I w A Lit SV The Sanguinor 12" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 5 9 2+ ■lhe Sangutnor k a angle model armed «ill. a., carmine broadsword, frag grenades and krak grenades. Only one of this model maybe included in your army. 1 WEAPON Encarminc broadsword Frag grenade Krak grenade ABILITIES jgjj ™ U AP 0 ABILITIES Melee Melee +2 .4 03 ' 6* Grenade D6 3 0 j 6 Grenade 1 6 -1 m And Ihey Shall Know No Fear (pg 88) ~TT—7TT. —T'TTd Heath Mask: Enemy units suffer a -1 modifier to Aura of Fervour: You can add 1 to the Attacks leadership while they are within 3' of any mod* ch u.i t.. lie of friendly Blood Angels Infantry Wcarm8 a death mask. units within 6'of the Sanguinor. Iron Halo: The Sanguinor has a 4+ invulnerable *■ Avenging Angel: T he Sanguinor can charge even if he 1,.».^ .» , . Fell Back in the preceding Movement phase ,, ack Assau,t: During deployment, you «n the Sanguinor high in the skies instead of placing <>n the battlefield. At the end of any of your Move phases the Sanguinor can assault from above - * up anywhere on ihc battlefield that is more than 9 —i 1 1 a ^ —from any enemy FACTION KEYWORDS I.mpi im m. Am PT1 S Am arms, Blood Angels —~—L — ^KEYWORDS Character, Infantry, Jump Pack, Fly, The Sanguinor"
Death Company dreadnought NAME Death Company Dreadnought A Death Company WEAPON 1 )readnoughl is a single model equipped with two Furioso fists, a storm TYPE S AP D ABILITIES bolter and a meltagun. RANGE Heavy flamer 8’ Heavy D6 5 *1 1 MeJtagun 12’ Assault 1 8 •4 D6 Storm bolter 24* Rapid Fire 2 4 0 1 Blood talons Melee Melee x2 -3 D6 Furioso fist Melee Melee x2 -3 3 This weapon automatically hits its target. If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. If a model is equipped with two Furioso fists, you can re-joll failed hit rolls when attacking with them. WARCEAR OPTIONS ASIUTiES ACTION KEYWORDS EYWÖRDS . 'Ihis model may replace its two Furioso fists with blood talons. . This model may replace its storm bolter with a heavy' flamer. • This model may replace its meltagun with a heavy flamer. « This model may replace its smoke launchers with a magna-craDnle Black Rage (pg 88) Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield; on a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 3" suffers D3 mortal wounds. Insatiable: This model may move up to 6' when consolidating at the end of the Fight phase Imperium, Adeptus 'EH1CLE-1)RtAUNHtüllT- Smoke Launchers: Once per battle, instead of shooting any weapons in the Shooting phase, this model can utf smoke launchers if it is equipped with them; until your next Shooting phase your opponent must subtract 1 i*0® all hit rolls for ranged weapons that target this vehicle V i iKl graPPle: If a model with a magna-grappl« ' .< i i in the Charge phase, you can add 2 to
ANBels war Angdus boltgun Blood Song • Master-crafted boltgun Meltagun Frag cannon Hand flamer bit rolls for this weapon * Ca*>0n' c*1°OSc 000 or both of the profiles below. If you choose both, subtract t from ail i U' Rapidfirel - *2" Assault 1 8’ Assault 2D6 If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. Infer no pistol 6’ Pistol 1 $ V -4 D6 inis weapon automatically nus us target. If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two ¿ice l when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. \ ■ Mil n KIPHS 1 Y/FAPQN RANGE ITPf S AP D ABILITIES FI LUl UIV I he Axe Mortal»* Melee Melee +2 -3 D3 You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon if .the target is a Character. +2 -2 D3 - Ihc Blood Crozius Melee mcicc Melee Melee Melee Melee x2 -1 3 Each time you roll a hit roll of 6+ for this weapon, inflict 1 additional hit on the target. Blood Reaver x2 -3 D6 +1 -2 D3 1 Blood tdon* incarmine zxc 1 ncarmine brod*«*6 1 ncarmine The Executioner% ^ 1 urioto ft*1 ...tfSUs he Mel ee Md« Mtl<* M dec M'|K Md« Md“ Md« MclK Md« Mc,cc Md« Mtlcc +2 User x2 D3 D3 D3 Each time you roll a wound roll of 6* for this weapon it causes 3 damage instead of D3. If a model is equipped with two Furioso fists, you can re-r failed hit rolls when attacking with them.
Sanguinary Guard Urn unit contains 4 Sanguinary Guard. It may contain up to 6 additional Sanguinary Guard (Power Rating *12). Each Sanguinary Guard is arnwrd with an angclus boltgun. cncarminc sword. Sanguinary Guard WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP 0 ABILITIES jf Angclus boltgun 12" Assault 2 4 -1 1 *1 Inferno pistol 6" Pistol 1 8 -4 D6 If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the 1 lowest result. V Plasma pistol When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. | - Standard 12* Pistol 1 7 -3 1 -Supercharge 12’ Pistol 1 8 -3 2 On a hit roll of 1, the bearer is slain. 1 Encarminc axe Melee Melee + 1 -2 D3 - Encarmine sword Melee Melee User -3 D3 Power fist Melee Melee x2 -3 D3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Frag grenade Krak grenade 6‘ 6“ Grenade D6 Grenade 1 3 6 0 -1 1 D3 - «TIES FACTION KEYWORDS .KEYWORDS • Any model may replace his angeius boltgun with an inferno pistol or a plasma pistol. . Any model may replace his encarminc sword with an cncarmine axe or a power fist. And They Shall Know No Fear (pg 88) Heirs of Azkaellon: You can re-roll failed hit rolls for models from (his unit if (hey are within 6' of a Blood Angels Warlord. Death Mask: i-inemy units suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership while they are within 3” of any models wearing a death mask. Jump Pack Assault: During deployment, you can set u this unit high in the skies instead of placing them on 0 battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phase; this unit can assault from above - set them up anywht on the battlefield that is more than 9* away from any enemy models. IMPERIUM, AOEPTUS ASTARTES, Bl.OOD ANGELS Infantry, Jump Pack, Fly, Sanguinary Guard
Tycho the Lost fm M WS BS s I W A Id Sv f I Tycho the Lost 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 2+ , J Tycho the Lost is a single model armed with Blood Song, a ■ included in your army. bolt pistol, frag grenades, krak grenades and an iron halo. Only one Tycho may be l 1 WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Blood Song When attacking with this weapon, choose hit rolls for this weapon. ■ one or both of the profiles below. If you choose both, subtract I from ail 1 • Master-crafted boltgun 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 -1 2 - Mcltagun 12" Assault 1 8 -4 D6 If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. 1 Bolt pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 - Frag grenade Krak grenade 6" Grenade D6 6" Grenade 1 3 6 0 -1 1 D3 pmims And They Shall Know No Fear, Black Rage (pg 88) Abhor the Beast: Tycho the Lost may make D3 additional close combat attacks if he is within 1" of any Iron Halo: Tycho the Lost has a 4+ invulnerable save. enemy Orks after he has piled in during the Fight phase. pACTION KEYWORDS Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Blood Angels, Death Company t KEYWORDS Character, Infantry, Tycho If >. |x__y Librarian Dreadnought | name M WS BS S I W A 111 Sv Librarian Dreadnought 6-2+ 3+ 6 7 8 3 9 3+ A Librari . • ught is a single model armed with a Furioso force halberd, a Furioso fist and a storm bolter. m RANGE TYPE S AP 0 ABILITIES He Me 24" 8” 12” Heavy D6 Assault 1 D6 This weapon automatically hits its target. If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard ! lowest result.
9 s NAME Chief Librarian Mephisto» Chief Librarian Mephiston M WS 2+ Chief Librarian Mephiston is a single model armed with a plasma pistol, the Sanguine Sword. hag grenades and krak grenade r ABILITIES WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP 0 Plasma pistol When attacking with this weapon, choose one ol the - Standard 12" Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - Supercharge 12" Pistol 1 8 -3 2 The Sanguine Sword Melee Melee x2 -3 D3 Frag grenade 6” Grenade D6 3 0 1 Krak grenade 6" Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 ABILITIES On a hit roll of 1, the bearer is slaia And They Shall Know No Fear (pg 88) Lord of Death: Each time Chief Librarian Mephiston sutlers an unsaved wound or a mortal wanexU'.\ j a 5+ the damage is ignored. Psychic Hood: You can add 1 to Deny the Witch tests you take for Chief Librarian Mephistonaguftsti Psykers within 12"._____________________________________________ L, Chief Librarian Mephiston can attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic piusc. * PSYKER FACTION KEYWORDS \ KEYWORDS attempt to deny two psychic powers in each enemy Psychic phase. He knows the Smite psychic po*« psychic powers from the Sanguinary discipline (pg 89) Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Blood Angels Character, Infantry, Librarian, Psyker, Chief Librarian Mephistos NAME The Sanguinor Ihe Sanguinor The Sanguinor is a single model armed with included in your army. ■vord -mine broad', : rJ. frag grenade, and krak grenades. Only one of*»1 J?______D ABILITIES
b* Death Company [■» [peath Company Marine 3+ BS 3* Sv 3+ T^isunit contains ? Death Company Marines. It may include up to 5 additional Death Company Marines (Power Rating +9) or up to 10 addition.»! Death Company Marines (Power Rating +18). Each model is armed with a bolt pistol, a chainsword. frag grenades and i_l- «wna'irS- krak grenades. KUPON Bolt pistol Boltgun Hand llamer Inl’erno pistol [ Plasma pistol -Standard - Supercharge I Chainsword I Power axe I Power maul Power sword | Thunder hammer I Frag grenade | Krak grenade 1 ¡¡¡¡¡GEAROPilOWS ABRITIES FACTION KEYWORDS JKYWDROS RANGE TYPE S AP 0 ABRITIES 12“ Pistol 1 4 0 1 . 24“ Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 6' Pistol D3 3 0 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. 6* Pistol 1 8 -4 D6 If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when indicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 12’ Pistol 1 7 -3 1 12’ Pistol 1 $ -3 2 On a hit roll of l, the bearer is slain. .Melee Melee User 0 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. Melee Melee + 1 -2 1 Melee Melee +2 -1 1 • Melee Melee User -3 1 - Melee Melee x2 -3 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract from the hit roll. 6' Grenade D6 3 0 1 6’ Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 - power fist, power maul or power sword. • . Any model may rcpl.c, his chainsword wiih , power axe. power fist, power maul or power sword . Any model may replace his chainsword and bolt pistol with a thunder hammer . The eniirc unit may take jump packs (Power Haling . I per 5 models). If they do. Iheir Move charac.eristic increased to 12 and they gain the Jump Pack and Fly keywords. And They Shall Know No Fear, Black Rage (pg 88) Jump Pack Assault: During deployment, if the entire unit has jump packs, you can set them up high in the instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can assault i above - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models. 1.MPFR1UM. Apeptus Astartes, Blood Angels, Death Company Infantry
Brother Corbulo ! KAMI M WS BS s I w A LU a» 6” 2+ 2+ « 4 5 4 9 3+ 1 Brother Corbulo is a single model armed with Heaven’s Teeth, a bolt pistol jrag grenades and krak grenades. Only one ot this model may be 1; I WfAPON RANGE TYPE s AP 0 ABILITIES f Bolt pistol 12’ Pistol 1 4 0 1 1 Heaven’s Teeth Melee Melee + 1 -1 1 • s I Frag grenade 6’ Grenade D6 3 0 1 1 Krak grenade 6’ Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 ABIlfTIFS And They Shall Know No Fear (pg 88) Far-Seeing Eye: Once per turn you can re-roll a single dice roll made for Brother Corbulo. The Red Grail: Friendly Blood Angels Infantry and Biker units increase their Strength characteristic by 1 whilst they are within 6' of any Sanguinary Priests. In addition, each time you make a hit roll of 6-* in the Fight phase for a friendly Blood Angels unit within 6* of Brother Corbulo, that unit may immediately make another close combat attack using the same weapons. Ihese bonus attacks cannot themselves generate any additional close combat attacks. phases. Brother Corbulo can attempt to heal or revive a single model. Select a friendly Blood Angels Infantry or Biker unit within 3” of Brother Corbulo. If that unit contains a wounded model, it immediately regains D3 lost wounds. If the chosen unit contains no wounded models but one or more of its models have been slain during the battle, roll a D6. On a 4t a single slain model is returned to the unit with 1 wound remaining. If Brother Corbulo fails to revive a model in this manner he can do nothing else for the remainder of the turn (shoot, charge, fight etc.) as he recovers the gene-seed of the fallen warrior. A unit can only be the target of the Narthccium ability once in each turn. FACTION Kf WORDS KFWOROS Imperium, Apeptus Astartes, Blood Angels Character Infantrv, Sanguinary priest, Brother Corbulo
Sangitin.ii. Guard Ancient ^Sangui", y Guard Ancient is a single modd ”n’Cd Wl,h an -'ngolus boltgun. an eiu-armine sword. WUPDS ABILITIES Assault 2 If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles beta On a hit roll of 1. the bearer is slain, SanguiNary Guard hi*—Ancient I Angelus boUgun 1 inferno p^toi || plasma P>stoi . Standard , Supcrc^arSc lEncarnnncaxc I Encarm»nc sv/or \ power fist \ Frag grenade lKrakg£22£-------- mum options 1 ABILITIES jaction keywmds Lkeywords Pistol 1 •2M Pistol I Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Grenade I>6 Grenade 1 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. • This model may take a death mask. . This model may replace his ángelus boltgun with an inferno pistol or a plasma pistol. « This model may replace his encarmine sword with an encarmine axe or a power fist. And They Shall Know No Fear (pg 88) Death Mask: Enemy units suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership while they arc within 3’ of any models wearing a death mask. Heirs of Azkacllon: You can re-roll failed hit rolls for this model if it is within 6" of a Blood Angels Warlord. Blood Angels Chapter Banner: Friendly Blood Angels units within 6" of a Blood Angels Chapter banner do not need to take Morale tests and re-roll wound rolls of 1 in the Fight phase. Jump Pack Assault: During deployment, you can set up this model high in the skies instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this model can assault from above - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models. Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Blood Angels Character, Infantry, Ancient, Jump Pack, Fly, Sanguinary Guard
WARGEAR OPTIONS ■ 'This model may replace his lightning claw with a thunder hammer. abiutiis ACTION KEYWOROS EYWOROS And They Shall Know No Fear (pg 8«) Terminator Armour: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. Teleport Strike: During deployment, you can set up th.s uni. in a teleportanum chamber instead of Archangel Standard: friendly Blood Angels units p ac.ngon the battlefield. A, the end of any of your within 6" of an Archangel standard add 1 to their Movement phases th.s unit can teleport into battle - set leadership character«?«:. and you can rc-roll failed bit ,l up anywhere on the battlefield that ,s more than 9" rolls for them in the Fight phase away from any enemy models. _______ & F Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Bi.ood Angels Character, Infantry, Ancient, Terminator
Sanguinar Sv A Sanguinary Priest is a single model armed with a bolt pistol. WARGEAR OPTIONS WEAPON Bolt pistol Boltgun RANGE 12" 24” iirt Pistol 1 Rapid Fire 1 4 4 0 0 1 1 Chainsword Melee Melee User 0 1 Frag grenade Krak grenade 6" Grenade D6 3 0 1 6’ Grenade 1 6 •l D3 ABILITIES Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 addition attack with this weapon. This model may replace his chainsword with an item from the Melee Weapons list. This model may replace his bolt pistol with an item from the Melee Weapons list. This model may take a jump pack (Power Rating +1). If it does, its Move characteristic is increased to 12' aedfi gains the Jump Pack and Fly keywords.____________ ABILITIES FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS And They Shall Know No Fear (pg 88) Blood Chalice; Friendly Blood Angels Infantry and Biker units increase their Strength characteristic by '■ whilst they are within 6" of any Sanguinary Prif.sts. Narthccium: A, .he of any of your Movement phases, the Sanguinary Priest can attempt to heal or rev« ■ single model. Select a friendly Blood Angels Inla vTuv,„ n.. 1 . . ^ , unit contains a wounded model, it immediately regains D3 lost w ^ °* thC. San8u,.nary *^ models but one or more of its models have been slain durim. th klf’ * «thc choscn uml conta,ns no " .. ■ returned to the unit with 1 wound remaining If s >n K c battle, roll a D6. On a 4+ a single slam m • • do nothing else for the remainder of the turn (shoot ^ t0 3 m°dcl *” ,hU warrior. A unit can only be the target of the Wit ..ctc ^ ** rccovcrs the gene-seed of the ^ 6 iNarthecium abUity once in each turn. Jump Pack Assault: During deployment, if this mo 1 1 k of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of am . 'JUmp pack' you can ** *» UP high in ,he ski(■s,nSt, it up anywhere on the battlefield ,• v < Van«nt phases this model can assault from abo« * >_^vaykom any enemy modeU -------------------—7 away Imperium, Adeptus Astak i f;s, Ht.ooo Angh t s Character, Infantry, Sanguinary Priest
M WS BS S T W A Id Sv guinary Priest on Bike 14" 2+ 3+ ¡A »Sanguinary Priest on Bike is a single model armed with a bolt pistol, a chainsword. frag grenades, krak grenades, a blood chalice and a iccium. His Space Marine bike is equipped with a twin boltgun. ■ Bolt pistol ■ Boltgun I Twin boltgun ■' Chainsword 12’ Pistol 1 4 0 1-24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1-24" Rapid Fire 2 4 0 1- Melee Melee User 0 1 time the bearer fights, it can make l additional attack with this weapon. I Fr3g grenade | Krak grenade 6" Grenade D6 3 0 1-6" Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 jWARGEAR OPTIONS . 'This model may replace his bolt pistol with a boltgun or an item from the Melee. Pistols or Combi-weapons list. • This model may replace his chainsword with an item from the Melee Weapons list. I mints And They Shall Know No Fear (pg 88) Blood Chalice: Friendly Blood Angels Infantry and Biker units increase their Strength characteristic by whilst they are within 6“ of any Sanguinary Priests. Narthecium: At the end of any of your Movement phases, the Sanguinary Priest on Bike can attempt to heal 0 revive a single model. Select a friendly Blood Angels Inpantry or Biker unit within 3" of the Sanguinary Priest on Bike. If that unit contains a wounded model, it immediately regains D3 lost wounds. If the chosen ui contains no wounded models but one or more of its models have been slain during the battle, roll a D6. On a single slain model is returned to the unit with 1 wound remaining. If a Sanguinary Priest on Bike fails to revi\ model in this manner he can do nothing else for the remainder of the turn (shoot, charge, fight etc.) as he rec the gene-seed of the fallen warrior. A unit can only be the target of the Narthecium ability once in each turn. (FACTION KEYWORDS Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Blood Angels ^KEYWORDS Biker, Character, Sanguinary Priest
Sanguinary Guard Urn unit contains 4 Sanguinary Guard. It may contain up to 6 additional Sanguinary Guard (Power Rating *12). Each Sanguinary Guard is arnwrd with an angclus boltgun. cncarminc sword. Sanguinary Guard WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP 0 ABILITIES jf Angclus boltgun 12" Assault 2 4 -1 1 *1 Inferno pistol 6" Pistol 1 8 -4 D6 If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the 1 lowest result. V Plasma pistol When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. | - Standard 12* Pistol 1 7 -3 1 -Supercharge 12’ Pistol 1 8 -3 2 On a hit roll of 1, the bearer is slain. 1 Encarminc axe Melee Melee + 1 -2 D3 - Encarmine sword Melee Melee User -3 D3 Power fist Melee Melee x2 -3 D3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Frag grenade Krak grenade 6‘ 6“ Grenade D6 Grenade 1 3 6 0 -1 1 D3 - «TIES FACTION KEYWORDS .KEYWORDS • Any model may replace his angeius boltgun with an inferno pistol or a plasma pistol. . Any model may replace his encarminc sword with an cncarmine axe or a power fist. And They Shall Know No Fear (pg 88) Heirs of Azkaellon: You can re-roll failed hit rolls for models from (his unit if (hey are within 6' of a Blood Angels Warlord. Death Mask: i-inemy units suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership while they are within 3” of any models wearing a death mask. Jump Pack Assault: During deployment, you can set u this unit high in the skies instead of placing them on 0 battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phase; this unit can assault from above - set them up anywht on the battlefield that is more than 9* away from any enemy models. IMPERIUM, AOEPTUS ASTARTES, Bl.OOD ANGELS Infantry, Jump Pack, Fly, Sanguinary Guard
Tycho the Lost fm M WS BS s I W A Id Sv f I Tycho the Lost 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 2+ , J Tycho the Lost is a single model armed with Blood Song, a ■ included in your army. bolt pistol, frag grenades, krak grenades and an iron halo. Only one Tycho may be l 1 WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Blood Song When attacking with this weapon, choose hit rolls for this weapon. ■ one or both of the profiles below. If you choose both, subtract I from ail 1 • Master-crafted boltgun 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 -1 2 - Mcltagun 12" Assault 1 8 -4 D6 If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. 1 Bolt pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 - Frag grenade Krak grenade 6" Grenade D6 6" Grenade 1 3 6 0 -1 1 D3 pmims And They Shall Know No Fear, Black Rage (pg 88) Abhor the Beast: Tycho the Lost may make D3 additional close combat attacks if he is within 1" of any Iron Halo: Tycho the Lost has a 4+ invulnerable save. enemy Orks after he has piled in during the Fight phase. pACTION KEYWORDS Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Blood Angels, Death Company t KEYWORDS Character, Infantry, Tycho If >. |x__y Librarian Dreadnought | name M WS BS S I W A 111 Sv Librarian Dreadnought 6-2+ 3+ 6 7 8 3 9 3+ A Librari . • ught is a single model armed with a Furioso force halberd, a Furioso fist and a storm bolter. m RANGE TYPE S AP 0 ABILITIES He Me 24" 8” 12” Heavy D6 Assault 1 D6 This weapon automatically hits its target. If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard ! lowest result.
u ,f following list* to determine the total potnisc™ wargear they are equipped with, to determine ymir rute point* values from page* 202-203. ftûNREfl WEAPONS MELEE WEAPONS WEAPON POINTS PER WEAPON Blood talons 65 Encarmine axe 16 | Encarrnine sword 1> | Furioso fist (single/pair) 40/30 Furioso force halberd 0 OTHER WARGEAR WARGEAR POINTS PER ITEM Death mask 2 Magna-grapple 5 HR liJiil ID' ¡i not liuiudf W u) 1 fBaal Predator I 107 |l| Company Ancient with H lump Pack i 72 Company Champion with . I Jump Pack i 70 *1 Company Veterans with lump Packs 2-5 19 Death Company 5-15 17 Death Company Dreadnought 1 128 Death Company with Jump Packs 5-15 20 Furioso Dreadnought 1 122 Librarian Dreadnought 1 150 Sanguinary Guard 4-10 22 Sanguinary Guard Ancient 1 84 Sanguinary Novitiate with Jump Pack 1 60 Sanguinary Priest 1 69 Sanguinary Priest on Bike 1 94 Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack 1 86 Techmarine with Jump Pack 1 91 Terminator Ancient 1 108 1 UNITS UNIT MODELS POINTS PER MODEL PER UNIT (Including wargear) Astorath l 143 Brother Corbulo i 94 Captain Tycho .1 95 ChiefLibrarian Mcphiston l 145 Commander Dante 1 215 Gabriel Seth l 135 Lemartes 1 129 Ihe Sanguinor 1 170 1 Tycho the Lost 1 70 Angelus boltgun 9 Frag cannon 19 Hand flamer 8 Inferno pistol 20
,Ss >' . •< . *. • Vl^1 , , ;-v . Mttfiis Hen'S' S* ' -v >r^v ',*nm's m ,'i‘ ~~ v~- HbtwSh**«M«‘ ( ►J* ir* the gene seed thfll sTi-fc ro etch w» generation ot - .-v st-iayk- constantly with V. •- - -V- 'V Ficxxi Angels ,-ici :hor nature, hut this ssiuics into herserk frenzies. It is hi. See Thirst, as it is known, in ances. Or.h with rigid discipline nsehes :r. check. Vet for some not »ugh to prevent the next stage and i anes such as Brother Corbulo no escaping the curse that Siood Angels that succumb to it: into their own company, id carefully guided by •7th the Black Rage becomes nto the present so that he no aes. Instead, those afflicted himself upon the eve of his es of the Horus Heresy raging e gathered and their armour ad; them into battle one final -ompany storms the deadliest :r shrugging off mortal blows d drop of their strength •r todicglorioujjy in battle SaiT**-' And so>,0 this day, ^nguimuj- bloodline seek ww.JS, •-"hdrhattie |,r„„ , r.. wi";,""»ywil,u;n;...n 'll. esi that should "l "’<■ Sanguinary 11 winged armour, the San . honour detail, each one a direct deU'n>'"r-.. who oil, e guarded Sanguinius himself. To see'th'^" < is to glimpse the glory that has maintained the bT * prominent place in the Imperium for ten thou^N Although doomed by their own tragic legacy, thc s„. Sanguinius remain steadfastly loyal in theirservjce^ Emperor. I hey remain hopeful that one day a cure ^ for their affliction. Until that day they will continue to at the vanguard of the Imperiums most deadly battles, ** striving to be remembered in honour rather than disgra«. ABILITIES The following abilities are common to several Blood Angelsss | And They Shall Know No Fear You can re-roll failed Morale tests for this unit. Black Rage You can add 1 to this unit’s Attacks characteristic in the Fight phase if it charged in the preceding Charge phase. In ad®00, j a 1)6 each time this unit loses a wound. On a roll of 6 the is ignored. ■y;>. : |r>c . V . A*0' . V •v-t*»' . * r>->! eo- . V cs V a: gl» . life? , t'c^3 sa>g B«№-- ' San* power- wish th1 D3 Jump Pack Assault ivment, if this model has a jump Pa i the skies instead of placing it on thebatt ^.„.j i your Movement phases this model :p anywhere on the battlefield that lS enemy models.
points muis fjn n,r tlic following lltut« determineth< toulpoinu f they «c equipped with, v.deternu,*^ ■lut i»K» * r°,f'u ._ltl ail VrtUr IHOoCI»! ** nuuhe*1|'>«VH"n,,‘- *H * F h ,.M \ofidU« the point» v value. (Will«» MODUS PMTS PER Mogu PER UNIT (Dde» not include w,n. INIS PUT MOOfl |lsi,ijp»ewW I Ami. >iif I* Capuin m Gravis Armour Captain In Terminator Armour I Captain With Jump Pack 1 93 1 'j Chaplain 1 72 1 Chaplain in 1 115 Chaplain on hike J 95 1 Chaplain with Jump Pack l 90 jd land Raider Excelsior ;j 300 ' 1 Librarian i 93 HI Librarian in •'I Terminator Armour l 1*5 Librarian on Bike i 119 '*i| Librarian with Jump Pack ] 116 Primaris Lieutenants 1-2 70 1 Rhino Primaris 1 100 1 Techmarinc 1 58 1 Techmarine on Bike 1 70 R TROOPS UNIT MODELS POINTS PER MODEL PER UNIT (Does not include wargear) I Crusader Squad 510 13 ' j • Neophyte 0-10 11 I Intercessor Squad 5 20 I Scout Squad 5-10 ill | Tactical Squad 5-10 13 | OfOIGATEO TRANSPORTS UNIT MODELS POINTS PER MOOEL PER UNIT (Docs not include wargear) U Drop Pod 1 103 Land Speeder Storm 1 80 J Razorhack ; 1 70 J Rhino Apowux . Apdtbc^/W1 l 80 1 Gataphractil •ra.minator Sousa 5-10 30 Centurion Assault Squad 3-6 73 Chapter Ancient 1 72 chapter Champion 1 65 Company Ancient 1 63 Company Ancient on Bike 1 88 Company Champion 1 56 Company Champion on Bike 1 80 Company Veterans 2-5 16 Company Veterans on Bikes 2-5 34 Contcmptor Dreadnought 1 98 Damned Legionnaires 5-10 23 Dreadnought 1 70 Honour Guard 2 21 Imperial Space Marine l 60 Ironclad Dreadnought 1 120 Primaris Ancient l 69 Servitors 4 2 Sternguard Veteran Squad 5-10 16 Tarlaros Terminator Squad 5-10 31 Terminator Assault Squad 5-10 31 Terminator Squad 5-10 26 Tyrannic War Veterans 4-10 16 Vanguard Veteran Squad 5-10 16 Vanguard Veteran Squad with Jump Packs 5-10 18 Venerable Dreadnought 1 90 FAST ATTACK Assault Squad Assault Squad with lump Packs I Attack Bike Squad Bike Squad Attack Bike Inceptor Squad Land Speeders Scout Bike Squad MODELS PER UNIT 5-10 5-10 POINTS PER MODEL (Does not include wargea/»
(:c»turlon pcvastator Squad pivaslotor ’u.-d . Arniorn ub Hcllblasic Hunter ^nd Rail Land Rail' i Land Raid-, a net predator Stalker •jhunderfirc Cannon Techmarinc Gunner indicator Whirlwind MODELS PER UNIT POINTS PER MOOLI (Including wargear) ISO 132 2 138 120 p‘S«ntTelion ^SS?Hesian NAMED CHARACTERS Captain Lysander Captain Sicarius iCenobyte Servitors ; Chaplain Cassius ; Chaplain Grimaldus : Chief Librarian Tigurius J 'lhe Emperor’s Champion High Marshal Helbrecht Kanaan Shrike Kor’sarro Khan Kor’sarro Khan onMoondrakkan i Marneus Calgar j Mirneus Calgar I Artificer Armour Kantor : p°boutc Guilliman ^eant Chronus |Ser 400
‘gfpoft borner
Ifloltstonn hampion’s bj; ^‘ttoful I '-' «sccrator i Force axe / ,:°rcc stave Force sword 'Lightning claw Master-crafted Power sword Mdec *wapoalfi **A time it t Weapon. \\>u IhunderhanuW'' j imit has a canto cJoak you can add 2 to saving throws nude for models in the unit when they ts of cover, instead of 1. If ever}' * ‘Ve J*er Pier ' ¡«dec Pier 0 Melee +i -| Mefee * -4 Melee Melee *2 *3 <2 -4 I Power axe Power fist I Fowcr lance Power maul Power sword Polls' blade Visniic hammer Vruv-arm drills Sieyie Melee Melee Melee Melee +i x2 +2 ■2 -3 -I 1 03 1 Melee Melee Melee Melee f2 User •1 -3 1 1 Melee Melee ♦2 -3 D3 Melee Melee x2 -4 5 Melee Melee x2 -2 3 Melee Melee x2 4 3 Mdee Melee x2 -3 3 ■ •■'••«»wo «he hit roll \S hen attacking with this weapon, you must subtract l from the hit roll. Each servo-arm can only be used to make one attack each time this model fights. When a model attacks with this weapon, you must subtract l from the hit roll. When attacking with this wrapon. you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. _______________ Jo** I ativo *h»Jd invulnerable save. A modd with a combat shield has a 5+1 A model with 3 storm shield has a 3+ invulnerable save.
nm ttw s - -wmn Add 1 to ill hit rolls made tor this weapon agamst »argrt» 60' Hw'7 3 l I> < that cm fit Subtract I from the hit roil» made for thu w eapon against ill other ta/geiv VJgnpear mtuak launcher 9 D6 Add 1 to all hit roll» made for this weapon against target» that can Fly. You can re-roll failed hit rolls for thus weapon. T; is weapon may target a Cm a «act» * even if it i» ru> t Sniper rifle 36’ Heavy 1 4 0 1 the c losest enemy unit. If you roll a wound roll of 6* for this weapon, rt inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its normal damage. Special issue bo*tgun 30* Rapid Fire 1 4 -2 I - Storm bolter 24* Rapid Fire 2 4 0 1 Stormstrikc Heavy 1 missile launcher 72* 8 -3 3 * Ihundertirc cannon 60* Heavy 4D3 5 0 1 Ihis weapon can target unit» that are not viubie to the firing model Twin assault cannon 24’ Heavy 12 6 •1 1 Twin autocannon 48' Heavy 4 7 -1 2 Twin boltgun 24’ Rapid Fire 2 4 0 1 • Twin heavy bolter 36* Heavy 6 5 •1 ! Twin heavy flamer 8’ Assault 2D6 5 -1 1 'Ihis weapon automatically hits its target Twin heavy plasma cannon When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Standard 36" Heavy 21)3 7 -3 1 - Supercharge 36* Heavy 21)3 8 -3 2 For each hit roll of 1. the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound alter all of this weapons shots have been resolved. Twin lascannon 48* Heavy 2 9 -3 1)6 Twin multi melt a 24" Heavy 2 8 1 I>6 l! the target is wnthin half range of this weapon, roll twt> dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest remit. 1 TWin plasma gun When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. Standard 24" Rapid Fire 2 7 3 1 - Supercharge 24’ Rapid Fire 2 8 •3 2 On a hit roll of 1. the bearer is slain after ail of this weapon's | shots have been resolved. Typhoon missile launcher When attiwking with this weapon.choose one of the profiles below Frag missile 48" Heavy 2D6 4 0 1 - 1 Kiak missile 48" Heavy 2 .s -2 D6 I I Votiutc charger IS* Heavy 2 5 0 2 1 H Whirlwind t| castellan launcher 72" Heavy 21)6 6 0 1 Ihis weapon can target unit* that are not visible to the firing model B $ j Whirlwind 72' Heavy 21)3 *1 This weapon can target units that are no« visible to the - I vengeance launcher 7 2 firing model. ■ Wrbl - mounted 12* ■ grenade launcher Assault 1)3 4 1 1 ■
Surcharge Standard Supercharge agamst x& «b« urgtu. rKVrWjCdiW n m- ***t hn tt» 'up' -*1n# f.rhe Sexier ndSrrs 1 .... rpjf . vhOtt h»T bee* rrwAnd • . fiff eadb of h* batxerkJU » • I- •- • :-Jde for ibis weapon *£um! target» ■- fit fcbtract 1 irca the hit nth m*de for tfc* If the target i\ wjthia haii range of this weapon, roll two dice *hcn indicting damage with tt and dsward the »owe« rrtuk. 72* Heavy D3 18* Assault 2 18* Assault 2 4 0 1 It -2 Df> 8 4 D6 10 -4 D6 pon, choose one oft! 7 *3 1 8 -3 2 lithe target is within hall range of this weapon. roB two dace "hen inflicting damage with it and dneard the low*« revak. Ihu weapon can only be tired once per battle Thu weapon <an target units that are not vwiKL. -u- u_____x.-v _ ----;...• ;>iKf ;o ;ne ocarer. Wh Urgcting unit« with 10 or more models, change ihu weapons Type to Heavy l*. vin a tut roil ot 1. the bear Aou have been resolved. 36* Heavy 1)3 36* Heavy 1)3 •Staadard ^frrcharge Vaadard snots have When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below 19" t ? 1 . On a hit roll oil. the bearer is slain alter all of this weapon mvois have been resolved. 12" Assault! 7 -3 1 - ir Assault 1 8 -3 2 On a hit roll of l. the bearer is slain ^«fthirge flvaoetator -----— ■ w a v/n a nitrone "’hen attacking with this weapon, choose one ot the profiles below 24' Rapid Fire 1 7 -3 1 24“ Rapid Ftrc 1 8 3 2 On a hit roll oil. the bearer is slain aher all of this scrape _____________________ shots have been resolved._________________________________________ What attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 30* Rapid Fire 1 7 -4 * 30* Rapid Fire 1 On a hit roll of 1. live bearer is darn after all of this weap .■••r?'. ms "---------- * shots have been resolved. W’ben attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 12* Pistol l 7 -3 1 • •>» . . <% W A« -w Cl On a hit roll of 1. the bearer »slain
. * SPACE MARINES WARGEAR i| !l*#v V . * ,,fl «mi«, «» to •to"”-*"' ~ *4' Moo'll DA 5 0 24' Assault I * A-** uhln half range, add I lo this c fit Strength. 12* Pistol 1 4 0 i0' Raptsl fmr t 4 -1 24* Rapid Fire 1 4 0 »2* Piston 4 0 36“ Avsaull I>3 A 2 18' Heavy 1)6 4 0 24* Rapid Fire 2 4 0 When racking with this weapon, choose one or both of the profiles below. If you choose both, «¿»tract I free afl hi! rolls for ihiv weapon Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 8* Assault 06 4 0 1 Ihu weapon autonut ¡call)' hits its target. \Vhcn attacking with this weapon, choose one or both of the profiles below. If you choose both, subtract I from ill hi! rolls for lhis weapon. 24' Rapid Fire I 4 0 1- If the target has a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, this 18’ Rapid Fire 1 weapon has a I)amage charactcristlc of 1)3. When attacking with this weapon, choose one or both of the profiles below. If you choose both, subtract 1 from all hit roll» for this weapon. 1 - (| I 11 the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discatd the lowest remit. • Boltgun 24“ Rapid Fire 1 4 0 • Meltagun 12* Assault 1 $ 4 Combi-plasma When attacking with this hit rolls for tins weapon. weapon, choose - Bohgun 24' Rapid Fire i 4 0 - Plasma gun 24“ Rapid Fire 1 7 •3 Conversion bcamcr 42* Heavy D3 6 0 1 I Si* plasma gun Attacks from a conversion bcamcr that target enemies at I over half its range are resolved at Strength 8. AP -l and Damage 2. Cyclone missile launcher When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 1 D6 I Frag missile - Krak missile Deathwind launcher Demolish« cannon 36* Heavy 2D3 4 0 36* Heavy 2 8 •2 12* Assault D6 5 0 24* Heavy D3 10 -3 D6 "'hen attacking units with 5 or more models, change this , weapon's Type to Heavy D6. _ £oml" *u" Wipo°-th”«( «« « both of ,hc profile, below. Ifyouchoow both, «hnci 1 to. *“ Bohgun Disintegration gun Disintegration pistol Flamer Flame-storm cannon F'rag grenade <*rav pistol | lirav. cannon and gras - amp 24* 24* Rapid Fire 1 4 0 IS' Rapid Fire 1 5 -3 9* Pistol I 5 -3 r Assault D6 4 0 8* Heavy D6 6 -2 6* Grenade D6 3 0 12* Pistol 1 5 3 24* Heavy 4 5 «3 This weapon automatically hits its target Ihis weapon automatically hits its target. If the target has a Save characteristic 0*-u ^,cf’,h“ weapon has a Damage characteristic oi D3. ^ t -tlMl If the target has; i has; .haractmtfsc at P3-
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Но раньше когда он один в чистом бполе был, он живучий до первой крак-ракеты
Меф какой то тощий, аж не солидно. Дк и Сангвинарную дисциплину порезали...
Просвещайся, невежда.
Не скажу за базисную настолку 40к, но в БФГ есть Девастейшн, который суть облитератор (универсальность).
Забрали кулаки - снижайте цену на 25 очков за модель. Их еще теперь минимум три тела в отряде.
Был юнит за 70 очков, с набором стрелкового вооружения почти на все случаи жизни и с силовыми кулаками для ХтХ.
Получили юнит за 65 очков, с одним оружием, которое имеет рандомные характеристики, со средней дальностью и малым числом выстрелов, т.е. малопригодно против масс пехоты (ассолтка, два вида флеймеров, плазмопушка неплохо решали эту проблему) плюс отобрали кулаки для ХтХ, при этом стоимость снизилась очень незначительно.
По-моему, поводов для недовольства достаточно. Имхо, им цена очков 50-55. Т.е. берем отряд из трех, по огневой мощи примерно соответствует старому отряду из двух.
Вполне может быть, что новые Обли будут не так уж плохи или даже хороши, но пока они выглядят не очень хорошо.
Единственные как по мне два плюса - это реворк твинлинка и отмена огнемётных шаблонов (именно огнемётных), что сделало огнемётное оружие действительно лучше. Ещё наконец-то ввели мув и ренд.
Навыки, инициатива, фэйсинги - вот отстутствие этого реально плохо скажется на игромеханике и возможностях с ней.
Таким образом по сути в механике именно стола отмена скаттердайса может и взлететь. Если же игра идёт в Вассале (я вот, например, как раз через Вассал в БФГ и играю), то позиционирование шаблонов - легкота, а сами шаблоны (в частности, новы) очень красят саму игру.
Отмена фэйсингов вообще чушь - даже в настольном БФГ с ними не было никаких проблем, но видимо в 40к комьюнити настолько мандило, что даже ГВ вмешались.
Самая основная проблема шаблонов в затягивании игры. Не знаю можно ли было решить эту проблему каким либо другим способом но мне будет не хватать их.