Тем временем, совершенно внезапно, в предзаказ поступил кодекc кустодес. Ждем аналогичный для Сестер Безмолвия?
Кодекс содержит:
– Three datasheets: Custodian Guard Squad, Venerable Dreadnought & Land Raider
– One detachment: Golden Legion Task Force
– Armoury of the Adeptus Custodes and Aegis of the Emperor special rule
– Adeptus Custodes Warlord Traits
– Background for the Adeptus Custodes' return to the galaxy
– A showcase of Adeptus Custodes Citadel Miniatures
BROTHERHOOD DF DEMIGODS IV Adrptut Custodc». Il i> .1 name tpoken in reverent whisper». for these warrior» have »rood in tl»e presence of the immortal Emperor of Mankind, and are charged with hit protection. Hit greatness runt in their trim, undiluted by the passage of aeon». They hate been called the Kinperut'i tight hand, for they act with hit authority ami light in hit name. Only now. at the threat of Chaos grout ever greater ami take» itt rlreaded toll, doc* that gilded hand reach out ami become an eaglr*» elate. 'IV Custodian Cu.ird are the talont of live Emperor untheathed, and they will tear the corruption of Chaot from the linperium no matter the com. For millennia, the Adtplus Cuttodc» hate formed the unyielding core of the Emperor's multi-layered defences. Those Cuttwban (iuard cliargcd with the physical protection of the Matter of Mankind tpeml ctery waking secoml devoted to their latk. refining their warrior tkillt ami eontiantly letting ami u|>dating tlieir own tlrategiet to enture the sanctity of the Emperor’» throne. They are hb last line of «lefence againtl .1 h>■»tile galaxy hell-Vnt on Humanity'» dettruction. If they fail in their latk, the linperium will colla|»te from the in tide out. IVir duty it mi tarred, their reputation to profound, that e\en Spaec Marinet and Incpiititort kneel l>efore them
' Л» pari of Ihr Talons of Ihr Emprror, Ihr Adrpluk Cuklodro arr ihr golden chm of ihr Imprrial hagle, ihr bringer» of Trrrm’a bellicose vengeance arm« ihr galaxy. Thrir gleaming weapon« and pagranlry of war incorporalr ihr finrxl example« of ihr ballle-artificer’» »kill.
II" I I I I I l*~C The following section include* datasheet* for the nighty warrior* of the Adeptu* Custodes, iheir ancient and powerful vehicle assets, and a Detachment enabling )OU to field them in battle. Also included are a unique set of Warlord Traits for the leaders of the Emperor's personal guard, as well as the full rules for their deadly war^ear and equipment. This book «* designed to lx- used in conjunction with the various codexes Isrtongiug to the Annies of the lm|>eiiimi to provide |>iayrrs with all the mlrx needed to play ((antes of Waihamnter 40,000 with their Adeptut (lustodes miniatures collection. At the end of this section, an ap|>eiuti\ ]>g 21 summarise* the army special rules that a|iply to all Adept us (lust ode* units, a* well as providing the full rules for any weapons and sarjeir that feature on their datasheets 'pg 18-20). FACTION ANI) ALLIES the units on I lie followiriK page* Custodian (iuard Squad, Veneralsle Contemptor I head nought attd Venerable land Katdet base the Atlrfrtus Custsxles has lion, shown by the icon on their individual datasheets. They ate js.srt of the Armies of the Impetium and ally as such, as dew tilled in the Allies section of IfMftnmrr 10,000: 74e RJn. DETACHMENT The (¡olden legion Task Force presented on page 21 enaldes players to field an allied contingent of the .Vdrptu* Custsxles or, if they wish, an entire army of these warrior*. Thi* Detachment foils»** all the Detachment rules presented in IlivioMirr 10,000: 7*e fl.io. WARLORD TRAITS 'llte commanders of the Adeptu* Custsxles haw dislinctiw a|sjirss.n hrs to waging war. This Ixxik includes a Warlord Traits talile unique to these mights war leader*, found on page 21. You call choose to rs>II on this Warlord T r.sit * table instead of those fsmnd ill 11 ‘aHtmmn 10,000: Tie Rk!/\. 16
Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Wh News,Adeptus Custodes,Imperium,Империум
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