Ответственные за Падение Кадии траллируют нас тем, что они уже играют в эту кампанию, а мы нет. Забавное описание партии:
Абаддон убивает имперцев налево и направо. Форджфинд пытается убить Крида, но того отталкивает Ярран Келл и погибает вместо командира. Рапторы нападают на Белизария Коула и отрубают ему несколько конечностей, которые он чудесным образом восстанавливает, используя их, чтобы разорвать рапторов на части. Абаддон вновь замахнулся на Селестину, но Драч'ниен снова взбунтовался у него в руке, и Селестина втыкает меч в спину Разорителя.
Абаддон ревёт в агонии и исчезает во вспышке света. Имперские силы победили, но какой ценой...
DEATH OF A TRAITOR WW . ,ic*r. f ¿Unfit* - . jnd A«« m P"" «* r.w a*»"* fW**-». «/>*• fix- Opin'* <fo*c*''d*don b^nu» C*•**•*/ hacked oH several of hn . »A** he nurxvfoutfy repaired udng N, tip apa-t the Raptor* In return Once Abaddon reached far Ceiestlne but •ten rebelled in hn hand once again 1 the A rdent Blade held beloic 1 Smocping do»1 A*r plunged it* tip into Abaddon * back the Despotic) honied In agony and ¿reappeared in a Hash of light The Imperial force* had prevailed, but the cost was steep KASRKRAFIS SAVED. BUT FOR HOW LONG ? Ian. Oh, .Abaddon, why? WHY! I was so close in the game, but all three of your characters killing Cehstinp and then you went and outclassed them Caw/ must have killed almost bhedyourseii Victory was almost within my triple his points value during the game p Erik: At least that, but then Abaddon also to ^Jaimess. you earn entirely blame murdered his way through almost two entire ¡"2*2M^thedicehrDrKhnyen Crusader squads’ The good thing was. the ^hV/Zt^^0arS3Ve $Ca,e °fthe *amo mcant ,he traders didn't fcsrmehithtm the Mowing turn completely dominate it - there was plenty of * tkno* I lust wanted Abaddon to Space /or other units shine, like the surviving all Somehow both Creylax and CLuardclaiming a few Victory Points .n i"alive and/ just hoped I could the ,ast turn and fhaf one brave member of ’three newhe'oes Alas, it wasnt 501 who iu* wouldn’t die' I think the Zm*nati°\0ithe ,arge <?ame- Empyric ^rebrilliant. aaus„y , ,f^!^and^^ons made Below Dan and Erik caught mid-Apocatyptic Was? dunng tne fiist turn The Baneblade was a constant thorn in Dan's side, kitting at least ooe of t»s units every turn Amusingty, the units Enk killed were lately the ones he aimed at even with the co-axial autocannon guiding the BaneWade's shots, it stilt scattered tar mote often than «t should have Also noto the choat sheet hanging ftom the bookshelf m the top left of the P>ctute With ptayers. orders, canticles, challenges, boons. StOITnS and fmmuCAr. .. A. ^
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