m /tproceeds, 'sa/dt/re Crimson Mop. 7Zre cosmos a/Zpns 'ZZ/s/boss tones ro/Zed/Zke d/stantt/runderaroundt/e m p/pant/c orrery of Zr/s astro/court. OatsZde t/re arcane cZtodeZ, Zr/s words tamed to ro/odrops t/ratZrept/sedtZe A PZanet of Sorcerers w/tZrtZrepower ofZr/s Zntent. T TZre Zr/ckster/rasproven a w/se too//sa/dPZrrZman, 'as w/ZZt/re Scr/Zres, no dou/rt.' a l 'Of course//roomed t/re tyc/ops, contempt p/ir/np an edpe to Zr/s words, 'andyou s/ra/Z do t/re same ' ‘ AZrr/man kept Zr/s features st/ZZ, Zrut/ns/de, a dart worm ofZr/ttemess wr/t/reduod/r/ssed A W 'PatZence, ex/Zedone/sa/dMapnusZn t/redZaZectof oZdProspero. 'Soonyou w/ZZ/rave t/re c/rance to vent t/re A darkness Zn your sou// B jk 7Zre Daemon Pr/marcZt spread ZrZs arms w/de, Zr/s w/nps unfu/Z/np to t/re/rfu/Zandmopaf/centextent. A 'PZZZsZn read/ness. tet dre ZmrasZon commence.' A
Thousand Sons,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Magnus The Red,Primarchs
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