.•■ '*.i АаШ'клЛ SLAVES ТО DARKNESS t f---*-----1--1--1----»--Г • I I » " " WWW » (IDik < ruiAdf Driirhmrnh arc used rucluiKcly by Ihf forcei oftbc Chao* Space Marines Ibt- ruW'» brkm i you to organise ilie model* in sour Chaos Space Marine collection of miniature* to represent one of tbrtr in sour game* III Warhammrr 10,000. CIIOOSIN4. \\ ARMY When rhnosirig an army to play a game of Wavtiavnmrr 10.000, ilietr air two main ways of organising your collection. I Ьгк are the I nbound method, which means taking whichever units sou like, and the Bat tic-forged method, whit h ii more rigid hut has rxtra benefit*. Both air described fully in ЙЬгЛишмег ЩО00: TfuRuUt. If >oti aie using the L'nhound method, simply use die datasheet* I h.it cur respond to the inodcD III yum o>Un lion. И you are using the Ibtllrlorged method. you will instead need to organise the models in your collection into Detachments I his is a Inn process in its own fight. I he most common nl these arc the Combined Arms and Allied Detachment* Note that you can also include any of the formations ptrsentrd in this section as part of a Hal lie'forged airnv. \ HI»< i f т node |k*ut hmrnt is a spectai npc rtf Deuchinciit that can I)C included in am B*nlHiii|ci лип Cnl.ke ibe Dcl.u'binrni* »hi»cn in H'grkmwr «.( 1У, Hubs, it lu* .1 Foice Of^inulion Chill «Ьглг »М. J,r combination of ipcafc Fomuiion* and Aim» la» Eulrir» inttr.ul of Balllrtield Role» Himrtrr, U -.I. ).,» rnmpulvoiv and optional dement*, л* vdl a. Rrtirin**, jnd (>>rn in and Benefit.*. )UM lib- any othn Drrtj.hmmi Although unit* cannot normally belong to more than oor Я Dciarhincnt. unit* from a Formation that i* pan of а Bl*r|d (:,u*adr Detachment .uc an exception. They'room a* futti| .»! tx.ih their Formation and thr Detachment. and h.nr a If, .i»»oi'iatrd Command Benefits and *pccul rule» II your Warlord i» part of a Formation or an Army li*i Enin that nuke* up part of a Black Crusade Detachment; die entire Шаек Cnnade Deuchllleiil i» youi Primary Dciachmeni. Й RESTRICTIONS: Tin» l>ri.w:hmem inmi include .11 Ie,i*r One Core choice and mu- Auxillat у rlmwc. Ii may include up to five Command choice» and any number of acldiiiuu.il Core or Auxiliary choice*, in any combination..Only ilir daiavhc cts lined hen; ran he included in till* IktarlimcrU and all unii» mtiM halve the Chao* Spate Murine.» Fat lion, LORDS OF TIIK IlLAOKf Rl’SADK • I ol iIm* following: - Cluox Lord 9 Sorccfrr * • Daemon Prince Cl )MMA\I) BENEFITS: Lord of Chao*} If this Drt.u hmcric is your Primary Detachment, you can re roll thr result when rolling on ihr VN jiU.fd fntils lahlr in (&Ux: Ckaai Mwin*L Orach to tbr fa Dr Lmpcrori All units In this Dciarhincnt bast: ibr Hatred (Atmirs of the Iruprrium) special rule. Jn j*»lfi tb»n. дну unit fiont this Detachment that lus the opurKi «d taking tin Vetnau* of ifvr Long War special rule (мЧ* f Лаг.» .%/*** bUtfintfi CAII do SO for free. Path to Glory! At tin 'tail ol each friendly turn, s boose s itHMirf in tins Pet.uhmmi with tbr Champion of duos sjiestjl rule aim! roll on the f Hum IVoon table. I be model lu* that O Hilt for the rrsr of thr game. II the model has if. \ j\> 11 red Sr ions <pg J\W spci li I rule, roll twice and appfr one or both irsulfs r**' Ш' CHAOS WARBANO (pg 118) • I Chaos laird 1 • <••! Sorcerer * • 1*3 unit* chosen III AIIY combination from the folUrtting lisi: - (.llOM'll • Chaos TcrniiiUUoi* - I'OVH'SSi’rl •2*fi units of Chaos Spare Marines • 1-3 units rhosi'ii in am combination from tbr lolloniug list: - Raptors - Warp Talons - Chaos Bikcis * 1-3 units chosen ill any combination Iron» tlw follow ing list: - Ilaiocs - Ilrlbviitr f МЛК1.STROM OF CORK (PK N9) • Kliani the Kcirayci in » Chao» l .oid • О* null» o| Kliorui- Uci/crkrr* • I NK I.OS'I AM) Till DAMNED (PR • I l)ark.\|H»tk • *1*9 units of Chaos Cubists
ш л( :к (:rusade detachment IV Bl*k CrT(!'' «О represent the typical structure of a Chaos Space Marine* .. Ьа.ЧеПгК». " betlier yon w»h to Ьг.пц «loath and destruction with the full might of д Chao, imas.no force, nr field ... usked »..h some dark purpose, the choices below offer a great «q to pick vour army Rm example. l*an\ Chaos S/мее Marines caller t ion (Grunts of „ (hoc* l Otd. n /V"W. 11 i)aTk A poult. KMju thr fotittyer. <> anil of (Chosen. lu'o ( hrnxs Space Mount units» two .tnf%of Kkorne Bfrzsrkrry, (ич\ Chaos Cultius units. a unit of fa#*», o HtlbruU. a Hihtmke amt и Forgefiend. j, ll m wishes to organise /ns collection using thr Rattleforged . (l. a\ described in War hat nit ter -10.000; The Rules -Ay<f to units ft**! to hr part of a Detachment or a Formation. fhK r.thtn rs this M cAClosing onr Black Crusade Detachment ra Jor.r Combined Arms Detachment /nan Warhummer niKI: Thr Rules. fAt Black Crusade Detachment in Dan's arm) consists of a , Arjo» WaHAmi as a Core choice (his Chaos Lord. Chosen, l ш\ Spare Marines. Raptors and Helhrute), and a Veterans Iht legions (his units of Khonie Rnzerkers) as an Auxiliary —T f f f f T f-----------------------T—T f f (fume Dan also takes tunr Lords of the Blark ( nitaJe *« Command Choices (one consists of his Itot-mars /Vinrr. and the other n Khans the Betrayer). Dans Dark Apostle, Chaos CuUiSls, Heldruke and fa ge fiend, form a Combined Arms Detachment As alt of his units belong to a Detachment, the aims is Rattle forged. Dan chooses his Chaos Ixrrd to be his Warlord Ins Black Crusade Detachment is therefore his J*rimor\ Detachment The units that atr part of it have the Lead of Chaos, Death to the False Fmpervt and Rath factory Command benefits, whilst those that are pari of the Combined Аппл Detachment haiv the Objective Л« - ured Command Benefit. г f f V " "f H f f * V Jf HELFQRGED WAR РЛС К (pg 121) • l Watpsmith • '-Г» units chosen in any (omhm.ition from the l(«IK>vvinv: Нм: Helhrute • Mauler! tend - Forgcflend - Oeftlrr )----------------------- / VETERANS OF THE LEGIONS "• A umt>chosen in am <c«o bination from tfie following: * h*»ntnc bn/rrkeiN thou vimd Sons “4й* Marines * ^obe Mjimcs ) HELDRAKE TERROR PACK m) CULT OF DESTRUC TION (pg 123) • 1*3 Warpsmiths • 3-3 units chosen in any combination front the following list: - ОЫiterators Mutilators FIST OF THE GODS (pg 124) • I Warpsmilh • 3-3 units chosen in any combination from the following list: - Chaos Predators * Chaos Vindicators - Chaos 1 .and Raider RAP FOR TALON (pg 125) • I Chaos Lord • 3-5 units chosen in any combination from the following list: - Raptors - Warp Talons © TERMINATOR ANNIHILATION FORCE (pg 126) • I Chaos I «>rd or Sorcerer • 3-5 units of Chaos Terminators © FAVOURED OF CHAOS (pg 127) • 1 Daemon Prince • 3-5 units of Possessed TRINITY OF BLOOD (pg 128) • 3 К Some Cords of Skulls SPAWN 1-3 units of Chaos Spawn 1 Abaddon [hr D($poiin, Huron Mtukheart, Khnru [hr Ikluiyr. 'typhus. I an in [hr Eternal or Cabins Mr nun hr taken initrad of a Chaos lend. •' Ahnirum nay lx taken instead of a Saitnn. ' Abaddon the Despoilrr ot Tsfdnn may lx uikru instead Of the Chaco lend or .W/rrr.
Ml |I»»«I <»•" ,H* and ;* powerful new at w«rgr»r. Tactical CWJ ---- Mil CHAOS VlNDJCATpRS SIMCIAI. К1Ч I S: I • ,ni,m.ke.- Bombardment: II ih.s ши. ... .. a................ ..... cannon*. squadron ran fire a smgle Lint-breaker Bombardment instead ol liring normally. Го do so патЫмг one model in the squadron as the firer; the l„4., s demolishcr cannon changes its type from Large Blast to Apocalyptic Blast and gains the Ignores Cover special rule. OPTIONS: • May include up to two additional Chaos Vindicators.......................120 pts/model • Any Clraos Vindicator may take a Siege shield............................10pts/model • Any Chaos Vindicator may take items f rom the Chaos Vehicle Equipment list. У У r У t TF*f У У У Л | |||A u А CHAOS PREDATORS SPECIAL RULES: Killshot: Whilst this unit includes three Chaos Predators, all Chaos Predators in the unit have the Monster Hunter and Tank Hunters special rules. OPTIONS: • May include up to two additional Chaos Predators.......................... ри/тоЛ Ain Chaos Predator may replace its autocannon with a twin-linked lascannon............25 pts/model Anj Chaos Predator may take two side sponsons which are both armed with one of the following: Heavy bolters..........................20 pts/model _I.as,:annons....................... 40 pts/model "> ledator may take items from the Chaos Vehicle equipment list.
WS BS S T w I A Ld Sv Kharn the Bet raver 7554354 10 3* / WARGEAR: • Plasma pistol • • Krak grenades • Aura of dark glory WARLORD TRAIT: • Hatred Incarnate SPECIAL RULES: • Champion of Chaos • Fearless • Furious Charge • Independent Character • Mark of Khorne • Veterans of the Long War The Betrayer: When rolling To Hit with Kham's melee attacks, anv unmodified rolls of 1 are not discarded. Instead they automatically hit a friendly model (but not Kharn) locked in the same combat. Randomly determine (for each roll of 1) which model is hit. from those within 6" of Kharn. If there are no \ iable targets in range, these attacks are discarded. Blessing of the Blood God: Kharn and his unit always pass their Deny the Witch rolls on a 2+. In addition if Kharn suffers an unsaved wound from a force weapon, that weapon cannot inflict Instant Death upon him. Unstoppable: kb.uu ' n ■ < attack* bo .... j :t thc\ would othoiww bit ли? maticalh). Nexus of Khorne: . /'• 'X Detachment that mdiMftv Khtim the Betrayer. К К • /»• lerhers kam the Trmfa Battlefield R 'U in stead ‘ th' t г.ЩBattlefield Rob. * A A A A A A A * * CHAOS ARTEFACT Gorechild: This .лее is an ancient and powerful artefact with teeth Jr -. : he jaws of а яиса dragon. Range_________S________ЛР Type ^1 2' Melee,
------- v..........S„.V „шаг. and blood simays hioh ns Z....77 'A' "“П 1Л* thr is a hacking, tearing bludgeoning riot of butchery os I h"' ’‘"P in,n lh' "/ ...../•- /• ’ » Hood red downpour falls from the chumino clouds / Г" . *! " м Ь Кл"гпЛ '«"O'" ™'”; ik, sk„s. ъ о < nve the Berzerhers to fresh heights of madness. FORMATION • 1 Chaos Lord or Kharn the Betraye • 4-8 units of Khorne Berzerkers SPECIAL RULES: Blood-crazed: Maelstrom of Gore units ha\e the Fleet special rule and add 3" to their charge Лыапсеч Red Rain: Once per battle, at the si.ut ot’vo a Movement phase, a Maelstrom of Gore can summon the red ram When it does so, every unit in the Formation that s Unked in combat is allowed to Pile In and tight as it it were a l tglu sub-phase, but .enemy units cannot fight back. Using ability does not stop the Maelstrom ot Core s nuns com fighting again in the Assault phase ot the same turn RESTRICTIONS: This Formation’s Chaos Lord must be given ihr Mark of Khorne at no additional points cost.
# I ж CHAOS WARBAND 7’Af i.vjrnoM of the Chaos Warband umr with* to the Dark God* as they storm into battle. They tire led by thr greatest champion amongst their ranks, a Chaos t.ord whose My and mind burn with nirw/ might. Beneath his gttnceringgax*, the traitorous warriors of thr warband fight all the harder,Jit to achieve glory in the eyes', if one so marked i\ a surrstepoh the path to power. Where loyalist Sfrier Marinesfight with honour and discipline, these civet and selfish renegades compete with one another on the battlefield, striving to elaim the greatest ru tones for them ulvrs. The effect и no less deadly, the superhuman won inis of the Chaos Warband falling upon then enemiei i. ith bolters thundering and blades swinging as they fight to ear n the invard\ of ultimate power. * - * A A A A A----------A--A FORMATION: • I Chao* box! • 0 1 Sorerrer # • )• uniUdiMrn in any combination Irorn rlir following Iht: • (illOM’ll • i liac» fcrmiiut<»i> • Po<toCWC<l • iM‘» unit* Ol i hiW* Spare Marine* • 1-S units chosen in any combination from the following list; Raptots • Warp Talons • Chaos Bikers • 1~$ units chosen in -inv combination from the loll owing list: - Havocs • I Irlhrutr RKS FRICTIONS: None • Ihn+sli*, t/uf>"\ lUjukhr+rt. AiAuirn /S« tUlmyn, /|M«», >«« tA# tier*, a i4 t*imi tUb *Л) A* tuln11*\Uet4 * < Auu» t»rrJ rt«» - • (« ыЛещ i••«jf.iii **/ и S^rteitf r T-T - f f t M f T f SPECIAL RI LES: Favoured Scions: When a model from a Chaos Warhaml earns .1 roll on ihc Chaos Boon table as a result ol the < hampioii of Chaos special rule, roll twice on the table an . boost- either one or both ol the results. Objective Secured: All units in a Chaos Warband base lfit special rule and will control objectives even it an enemy scoring unit Ls within range of the Objective Marker, utile: the eiu-im unit also lias ibis sjn-cial rule.
I hr ипыгшг d might о/ the Trinitу of Blood is enough to annihilate armies and burn worlds. Hit earth-shaking tremor of their grinding tracks brings buildings crashingdown and hurls enemy teaman from then feet, b.irry trashing trolley from the Daemon higtn/s' . . .л/, unites entile regiments of enemy wanton, or reduees war engines and tank squadrons to scrap metal The (oncenttaUd rage of the Угтшл of Bbod stern hes the irry fabrit of reality, an apoplectic storm raging around them to set light to the air in the enemies' tangs and , 1/ the Mi*ut 1 n their veins. Truly, the coming of the Trinity of Blood is akin to the onset of the apocalypse, and as reality warps and burns . ashn around them nothing tan halt their rampage. * ^ A A A A A A FORMATION: • 5 К home Lord* of Skull* *■ « 1 1 1 RI STRK I |( AS: Nunc SPECIAL Rt I.KS: • Rampage Apoplectic Storm: At the start of this Formations Movement phase, any enemy units lot ked in combat with any models trout a 11 inity of Blood arc engulfed it» a scorching storm of rage-fuelled energy. Affected unit* stiller a nuinltc! ol Strength t> AIM hits with the Ignores ( .over and Soul Bla/e special rules equal to the number o! models in the unit. Any Wounds caused bv these luts arc Randomly Allot ated. (.rushing Volleys: Wea|x>ns used by a model from a TriuiB o| Blood have the Twin-linked special rule И they :ue used In attack a target that has already been attacked bv aiiOlbcr model liom the Fonnation earliei in that Shooting phase. r f *--▼"! T -Г I Щ T
KIM К К ;r ION'S: None. ^ > t t f T~T * 1 / • * Favoured of < :ht70\ tof* into battle burning u itb unholy power. Messed by the tmuh of (hr Park Gedf, gam body and soul to the .’•jm/miV energir % that Suffuse their frames, thru- uured slaughterers are at momtroui in tuptti a\ they art dew stating in battle. Tent/и Us .uJ and rfcti.x snap, the lfo\i/ssed manifesting fresh mutations by the moment. The eye of the Gods rests hemn upon the looming Daemon hour that leads thn hideous uorband to battle, the rase pou'er of the Warp flowing from him to empower the vicious entities that inhabit */ • die i of the Chaos Spare Marines who follow him. Pulsing like a baleful nexus of Warp energies, the Favoured of Chaos r\p through tkemeny ranks, leaving mutation and madness in their wake. FORMATION: I Daemon Prince 5*5 unit» cA PotvMcd SPECIAL RULES: Baleful Nexus of Warp Energies: Units of Possessed from j the Favoured of Chaos that arc within 12" of their l>acmon Prince at the Mart of the Fight sub-phase receive the benefit of all three Mutations from their Mutation table, rather than ontv one.
; : Affront of thr ( Jiaos offenxnt come thr Raptcn Talons, junp parks holding as thru predatory uairsors swoop into battlr wing the keen prrdaton srnus of (hr Chaos lx/rd at its fort, a Raptor Talon iwtp\ around to тпгЫг thr rnrmy or fdungrs doom t . high, straight into (hr thuk of b*Utlr Trrrifymg shrieks and urenwu r<ho arrow thr hattUfuld as thr Rapton and Warp fob** ( iyA. thr if (tuophomt nsir ntrs driving thr rnrm\ wad with frttr. Rim as thru idrtimi tourr at thr unwn assault. thru tvurl watno • ' up1 ч thrm and trar them to shuds. Even thou who stand that pound will not sun n* for long - thr lashing daws and snarly Morris of thr Raptor Talon wakr short uwrk of suth rouragrous prry. FORMATION: ! Qnun b>nj •> units chosen in any combination ">m thr following list: Raptun forp Talons RESTRICTIONS: Foimaiion» Chaw Lord must be- equipped 1 jump рас к at no additional point* com. SPKC1AL RULES: Predatory Warriors: t nitx in this Formation ran charge on the same turn dies .и i i\r from Deep Strike Rrserse. bui jlwavs count as making a disordered vluigr when tbrv <lo Si). Cacophonic War Cries: Knemy units that air chaigcti by t\u> oi more units from a Raptor lalon must subtract 4 turns their leadership until tin: end of the turn. 13
# V; Я Cj w- m 4, DR j W 3. 1Щ7*1 г Dr /< ** - • ^ '.>*■* m ГЧ/ Щ / / fke irwnw'<[ fun о/the Fist о/ the (Unis i mashes enemy battle linn asunder and brings ninny strongholds crushing down in ruin. Iron n*i (kurv. through mud and tvfdrle. Gargoyle maued hrairy weafxms thump shot after shot into the enemy lines. Gruel eyed traitor tank тп*гл iirr i ;A/j' armoured steeds with masterful ease, bodies and minds flowing into flesh-metal communion with the tear machines ihn mmjifu: I nh,Js fie wings and dark wards crawl across the battle tanks' hulls, fending off enemy fire in crackling bursts of Warplight .*; - .4. ... л :he minds and souls of those who apprcach too close. / ike mobile altars, the tanks of a Fist of the Gods slaughter more •• ч/'"rwtim >lh passing moment, their dark offerings charging the runes on their hulls with eirr more power. ■ * A A A i A к FORMATION: I Wjf|*mitti ' r» unit» • I town in am combination Irrioi the following live - Out* P/rdatOM »Vtfidiatori land ICiiriri Oy RESTRICTIONS: «If»1 SPECIAL RULES: Dark Wards: All vehicles from the Fist of the Gods have л 6+ invulnerable save whilst they arc within 12“ «1 their Warpsmith. Unholy Blessings: The Warpsmith from this Formation ha* a ♦ I bonus when making attempts to repair a vehicle from its Formation.
FORMATION * Wirpunitht * udiu rho4on in an ’•tn ilir following li»c f*hJitcrMor% Mutilator* oinhiiKition CULT OF DESTl ФЧ ГfJ f.ult oj tirstnuium smashes and Haiti ity way остом thr battlr/irld in a hideously mrthodi/alfashion. !t\ Mutilators and OUitrrutms a it/ady, grinding ad\*anre% scouring the hiitlrprld for targets with obsessive for us. When fresh vutimx art Lxated. the Cult *f ,rt turns tlx JuU Jury upon ihrm% thr ObUtrraton founding them with an a+rrhanpng arsenal of heavy n«ruponr\ before thr I weapon limbi oj thr Mutilators rip into thr lurvrron and trdure them to bloody rap. Thr %hrrr pawn of thr Cult of Нытшиоп / enough U'hrn supported try thr rmfryrtonic guidance rituals of thr Warfnmsthi who lead it to battle. (An jomutoty. bn *«*/x r\o\t dr ad Is weafrom a Chaos I And ran send against thru foes. SPKCIAI. Rl'I.KS: Empyrionic Guidance Ritual* At .hr Mail .>1 the (1 mo* S|>,K<- Marine Movement |>ltau\ o.uli \Var|m..Uh in iln> Formation can |MMliirm а лес of Kinpviinnic Guidance KiliiaN on one unit of <)Mi<rrato.. o. Mnlil.itoii ||,.m i),«-Fornulion (lul b within 8". Each Warputtith mmt nick a different unit to perform die rftiul upon If .1 unit of OMitcrators is wlr« ini ihrn и «.in tbool tube (at the same unit) in (he Shooting (Адм* of the turn If a unit of Mutilator* i* selected. then и tan alia* l t*i»«* aftet piling In in the /taault pha*c ol the turn Carry out •*'«• firsi м-i of attacks to completion, then cam out tin- scco.nl M-t of alia, kv Л ............. me dillririu weapon, for the mo «liircrcnl sets of ana. k,. and .anno, nxe a weapon II used in ill." prcvm.l» HIM* RKS’I RIC I IONS: None.
/•./ , /и, у et ,j I the H'Uraks Terror Pack sweeps into battle. These blade winged Daemon Engines soar at the forefront oj the Chaos -1 . ' aloft /п /Л/ of Heath. Spitting gunfire, the Heldrakes spread fear and panic like a plague. Potent daemonic runes are . »u: • 'A • <•/ /Лму Daemon Engines, and they bum with unholy energies a\ they sweep low over (he heads of the foe. /./. A pul* ■ / wn/#r»* energy/ran the infernal \igds magnifies the aura of dismay that the Terror Pack creates, conjuring a bow wave of mnUi' i t, ft,. und fuinir that \<r\ all but the most stalwart enemies flee for their lives. To run is (odie. houtewr, for the Ueldrakes are rut i /. 'all uteri /being pm relishing the moment then talons sink into the backs of their terrified victims. К I* S I RKM IONS; None SPECIAL- RULES: Rising Terror: Lnctm units that art- within 12* of two models from a Held rake Terror Pack reduce their Leadership by 1. Kneitiy units that arc within 12" of three models from a lleldrukc Terror Pack instead reduce then Leadership by 2, or reduce their Leadership by 3 if they arc within 12 of four models from a I (oldrake Terror Pack. Merciless Pursuit: When performing a Vector Strike with a model from a Ilcldrake Terror Pack against a target unit that is Pinned, Falling Back or has Gone to Ground, the target unit suffers l)f> Strength 7. ЛР2 Inis instead Of only I hit.
mechanical roan etho across the battlefield ал the Hdforgtd Warpath hunts for flesh and blood. Claiming forwards amidst hauls of sulphurous straw, the monstrous machines stalk their pm. For mam terrified victims, the fust things they see are the ' then hunters, they glow through the smoke and fume of the battlefield like something from a primal nightmare. Seconds later, this L" •••w»«4£ sight is followed by whipping storms ofjgunfier, and the thundering charge of huge, ironclad bodies OS the Daemon Engines and He "rules attack. Focussed by the malice of the alpha engine of the pack, and enhanced try the dark leehnO-sorrrry of their Warpimith. the -1 wu/r o) the lUlfoigrd Warfxick /s a ground-making awlanchr cf iiatmon-tainted uni. SPECIAL RULES: Master of Mechanical Warperaft: Whilst then W.itptfnith is alive arid on the ^battlefield. Hrlforgcd Warp.u k models that haw alt cad v used their Daemon forge special rule <ltiring the game ran choose to do so for a second and/or subsequent time. Warpack Alpha: One vehicle itunicl from the Uclfotgcd Wat |>:u к must l>e nominated as the Warpack Alpha. The Warpack Alpha gains the (Character) unit type and a 1> invulnerable ..«xv II «he Warp** Alpha is completely dostioved. .ill othci models in its lleUorgetl Warpack gam I lie Rage special rule.
THE LOST AND THEDAMNED t;w Maiir.g with fanaticalfervour, the mortal servants о/ the Mae* can themuhres trailing} onto the Moody altar of war Whipped into a finny by the rhetoric cf the Dark Apart* in their m id it. urn* upon teen* of CultisU spill* arrow the buttle field. They rafodr\f#mU cries to their uncaring gods. their \c reamed prayer* mingling with the rattle of gunfire and the crump of explosions to create a madman* symphony. More CulthCi spill from thru hiding places by the moment, bunting from secret lairs in severs and ruins to completely surround thr forms noth a closing ring ofscreaming warriors and jagged sacrificial blades What these fanatics tack in strength, they make up for in sheet urighl of numbers. couftl/d with a mid fervour that sees them swamp even the most determined enemies. * * * A A A A A ------------------ FORMATION: • I Dark Apostle • unit* Ы < :haov Gullit RESTRICTIONS: None. Г"Т T r-r f AT* I Щ T SPECIAL RULES: A Tide of Traitors: Each time a unit «>!'Chaos Cullisis (tom thr Lost and the Damned is completely destroyed, roll д l)f>: on a H. you can immediately place a new, identical unit into Ongoing Reserve. These new units gain the Outflank sjxjcial rule, but otherwise count as being pait ot the original Formation, so roll a 1)6 a$ described above if they arc subsequently destroyed as well. Victory points arc awarded as normal for new units in this Formation that have been completely destroyed. Prophet of the Gods: I he Dark Apostle's Zealot Special rule applies to all the Lost and the Damned units within <V of him.
Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,chaos space marines,хаос,Кхарн,правила,формации,длиннопост
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Я с открытием для себя барахолки миниатюр и литеек, начал потихоньку собирать и красить армию Хаоса.
Рулбук и кодексы скачал, почитал, батллрепорты смотрел (и Спейса, и Миниваргейминг, и еще какие-то), но все равно много непонятного. Особенно в части формирования армии, что такое тот же Декурион, КАД, Коре? Где посмотреть правила на укрепления (Бункер, Башня, всякие эскейпинг хатч, комс рилей)?