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DOOM SCYTHES tv)l«TS £1) t' --1 VMpe ш/л i . 1 • ’Штш V • 1 ^ N>-4/1 (h^nUmb hurl vast nunbeл of l)mn Scythes at their enemies, gladly expending these deadly attack crap hi order to utterly terrorise (end Matter their enemy's strength on the ground. As they sweep overhead, seftiudnms of Doom Scythes fire then death rap as Щ pmfiiting a finest of wring energy few that rip parallel trails of carnage through the enemy ranks. Tanks explode, or air vafronsed entirety, infantry угглт /о- a split second before bursting apart ш ■load* of ash StWtigMdf eollap.se inflames while am ms dumps and ynerntmums - V urwr.g firth*, Chaos and confusion. As am* upon wane of these alfaeh runs hit the enemy fines, tenor and despair spread like wildfire until dJl trniblitr.ee of resistance is utterly crushed. гЛгтоигт BS Г S ft HP Unh'iyp* Combat Role Pursuit Agility Unit OimpoMtinn IliwmSnlhr Л 11 It H 5 Vehicle ffhrr) Лилек Flyer 1 2 1 Поит &ylhc WAR( WAR: • Death ray <pg 145) • Twin-linked tesla de.Mructur (pg 145) SPECIAL RULES: • Living Metal (pg H5) • Supersonic OPTIONS: • May be upgraded to л Y Iver Whig with up to three additional Doom Smites.......~ 160 pts/ihdrl
OPPRESSOR FLIGHT (dutihg through ammtrt skies i.omrs the Oppressor ftigftl, waving between flifffitt of Nwon mvanon craft /irui hammering vMyi of mem /Me. Ignoring leurt Ш/grU they unaf/tr force elept//pnmtt and (omrnmkatloni signals, fuafurinting command aunt* тыепк point i in the tnemy toir. Sweeping <loun m tight fiemiimi, the Doom Snihn annibil/O/ ituet target's defenders with Hiking beam of fitr. MtwiuAtU llu \>xh/ Stithr draws men* nut#-firm iti uiugmsu, supping three /vmvr townvi f.. suftmJuufp in own invasum beam The militant capth ипгкМг allows drpknmntt not of mere foot soUien. but of a mighty nemmltra' от machine, meat often an Annihilation Range with Us rannon read) to MtUrate 'Is taifyt minty and pat* the usq fen Mol titam lirtnrj. SPECIAL RULES: Command Asset Located: You can ic-roll To Wound i oil sd I and Armour Penetration roll» of 1 for «mil» from tin Formation «I the target is ли enemy 1IQunit. Energy Transference: If ,be ForntaUun U in tu Attack Pattern at the Mart of vour turn, pick a single Inrtulh Nermn vehicle that us ,n Reserve That vehicle can Deep Stttke to the battlefield within ГГ of the Night Scythe in,.,, thts Formation and will not «ratter The, roll h« a remaining Rwrivej normally.
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