$£Щ, - ^ Як / I ( lj ' «/шС®, * SERUO-SKULL WthmtternrestteHi Team starch ta tmces of tte la$t Deatbwaich tesm to inwstjgase Gn:<sar Qjlr-s They fr.d an omrwcryer-р»яетшуо*сАз technj- servant buh from she flensed sM of a deceased Imperii savant GARRAN BRANATAR. TERMINATOR Ttio anW upon \\TKh the >crcs hordes are broken, Bwatar is a Space Warns of the Salamanders Chapter. CW m Ttflnrutor armcur he is a» but mv^itotfe. able to advance steady onto the ranks of the «ют/ where te special Ьот-у flamer and portrer fist with aitacted met* gin can v/realane most tenoc. Branatar’s mijfrty arnwu так» him stave? than the rest of ha till team, so hs wargear rrdudes a compact teleport Inrrer that one of hi trotter Doatlwatch can catty irto tattle, eraolng turn to solve in a fash of light and gouts cf films. JETEK SUBEREI. BIKER SERGEANT Seated чип his h'gb-fcncrcd Space Mama t>ke. Sergeant S>jb6tei scorns use of sancticned Daath.vaich gear m favour of hns own. speakng mere to his суЬепкде. Wagla. than to any of >« battle brothers. £sen so. he is inwlustro, for his skill in tte sodcle >$ unmatched as lie crashes into the wits hydes wch untndltd wrath. Subere's bte is heady customised, wrtl» a mature of Dcodwaich and ЛКсе Scan heraldry 7re scafctoidfor SuberftTsagulon.class power word a&ms one fink white tte cchy teats a tntei start AUwsteulder tears his fjiinftJ cybor-cogl). errerwatchfufferthetao THE COLOURS Of OEATH At’Jwugh the Of-Khwviteh are dwif fromnvriy Spue M.ur*j Cteptirs, tte,-alv,ear tfcemdnght tlsck of their oida. with я *6*1 atm at hired nh\? For a gude on panting >Ojt Da*'.hwjtch modes, check os; cu1 guide lo Chaslain Cassius to p>ge 20 id tte tochiagjK that appV to hd <*vnc»f .nj Ic-fi armaresuCsKctathc whtte M Teem ЛНПГ O'A'ARF 5
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Dethwotch - это как Dethklok, только пафоснее пафосного пафоса бесконечности.