Go get 'em, Lids! THE BOYS FROM CADIA TAKE THE FIGHT TO THE TAU! XK LEVIATHAN RISES HERO OF THE HOUR! I U I hL uAmL I Ub nLAuh l.xclusivc interview- with Captain Е Ж ШЩ i.«rl.«cn. till Shield of U.I.d л I. iilwi oyer theTyranid menace. ,^r Ragnar HLuknunc lcad> the woke* to show the greenskins the price of New Tyranid strain forms spotted - | their impudence. is the I live Mind getTing dope rate? Gres -armoured Space Marines definitely NO T spotted in the Sanctus Reach Read on. nothing to see here... OBITUARY Corvin Severax - i lero of dte Raven Guard, fallen in glorious batdc against the cowardly Tau. May the Bell of Lott Souls toll in his memory. IS YOUR NEIGHBOUR A TAU SYMPATHISES? 3 TELL-TALE SIGNS REVEALED INSI0EI Report all traitors to local authorities BLACK LIBRARY Warhammer
Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Wh Other
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