Astra Militarum (Imperial Guard, ig) :: Imperium (Империум) :: Warhammer 40000 (wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник) :: фэндомы

Astra Militarum Imperium ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

It is common practice amongst the savage hive gangers of Mortant to take body parts as trophies from defeated enemies Colonel Radge of the Mortant VII encouraged his men to continue this custom, earning them a vicious reputation. This came to a head during the infamous Sacking of Colonia. during

Lcxxian IX Sawtooths’
It is a tradition amongst Lcxxian regiments to adopt one of the many vicious predators of their deathworld home as *
totem. The Lcxxian IX chose the Sawtooth as their mascot - a voracious feline hunter that can grow to the size a horse. It is claimed that a warrior mu
Jumacl I 'Lucky Aces’
The ‘Lucky Aces' were the first regiment raised from the agri-world of (umacl IV. They earned their nickname during the Tywia campaign, in which they were the only regiment out of three to survive a warpstorm. The regiment then went on to take the fortress of Ironhidc when a

It is common practice amongst the savage hive gangers of Mortant to take body parts as trophies from defeated enemies Colonel Radge of the Mortant VII encouraged his men to continue this custom, earning them a vicious reputation. This came to a head during the infamous Sacking of Colonia. during which it is said that the 'Headhunters' went on a three month rampage, pillaging and plundering from Imperial settlements on Colonia. after defeating the Orkish hordes of Warlord Charag Badtoof. It "was later claimed that the Orks had been responsible for much of the devastation, but there still blame the Headhunters'.. Mortant VII Headhunters’
Lcxxian IX Sawtooths’ It is a tradition amongst Lcxxian regiments to adopt one of the many vicious predators of their deathworld home as * totem. The Lcxxian IX chose the Sawtooth as their mascot - a voracious feline hunter that can grow to the size a horse. It is claimed that a warrior mu defeat one of these beasts in combat before becoming a Sergeant or Officer in the regiment. A trooper is allowed to wear a Sawtooth fang for every successful campaign that they have
Jumacl I 'Lucky Aces’ The ‘Lucky Aces' were the first regiment raised from the agri-world of (umacl IV. They earned their nickname during the Tywia campaign, in which they were the only regiment out of three to survive a warpstorm. The regiment then went on to take the fortress of Ironhidc when a freak earthquake breached its two hundred foot high walls. Also, during the battle, a lost patrol^ from the ‘Aces’ came across the fabled Chambers of Gold beneath the fortress. J
Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Astra Militarum,Imperial Guard, ig,Imperium,Империум
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