WM wmMß XXYIII-HI \. im , ■ / .t?iV SN* Laeran i /AÍÍ«L ^ JmW* . -V ■■ ÉL>vX The L / Slaanesh :: Chaos (Wh 40000) :: Emperor's Children :: Wh Other :: Slaanesh Goddess :: warhammer :: Warhammer 40000 (wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник) :: Slaanesh Goddess Heresy :: личное :: разное :: Игры :: фэндомы

Slaanesh Goddess Heresy Wh Other личное Emperor's Children Slaanesh Chaos (Wh 40000) warhammer Игры #Slaanesh Goddess ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 
WM wmMß XXYIII-HI \. im , ■ / .t?iV SN* Laeran i /AÍÍ«L ^ JmW* . -V ■■ ÉL >vX The Laer had the potential to be a powerful foe. serf V. \ e Like the Emperor's Children themselves Lv.j 1 .V* the Laer prized the pursuit of perfection in all aspects of civilisation. By the use
WM wmMß XXYIII-HI \. im , ■ / .t?iV SN* Laeran i /AÍÍ«L ^ JmW* . -V ■■ ÉL >vX The Laer had the potential to be a powerful foe. serf V. \ e Like the Emperor's Children themselves Lv.j 1 .V* the Laer prized the pursuit of perfection in all aspects of civilisation. By the use of chemical - and genetic manipulation from birth, individual .'V Laer were adapted to their roles, whether as workers soldiers, diplomats, or even artists. Observers from the Adeptus Administratum wondered if perhaps • ^ | • / OHi/ J* \ the Laer might be made a protectorat . v of the Imperium as conquering sue 74" an efficient race could prove a long and costly endeavour. ’1 £ rn cil ol Ierra wo ast for several decades, but - > V <11 • . s rim t for a few months. • •#s* . • * v : V % • % % • * ••• v „ St* V 4. 'j Jh:. ■ V» t ' \ ' 1 I * h VfV
Slaanesh Goddess Heresy,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,личное,Emperor's Children,Slaanesh,Chaos (Wh 40000),warhammer,Игры,Slaanesh Goddess,разное
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