Помню читал что у "День Гнева" не было кремля-надстройки на спине, ибо ещё не было культа Бога-Императора, и все Титаны класса Император были пониже метров на 10. As the infamous Chaos Imperator Titan Dies Irae of the Legio Mortis that laid siege to the Imperial Palace during the closing days of the Horus Heresy was said to stand approximately 43 metres (141 ft.) tall, a smaller size due to the fact that it had no cathedral dedicated to the God-Emperor on its back since the Imperial Cult had not yet become the state religion of an officially atheistic Imperium. Вот Dies (перекорапченный уже) Вот кстати http://comics40k.narod.ru/index.html в разделе титан 5 выпусков черно-белых комиксов, на джое тоже было - но забросили добавлять.
Да и к тому-же на знамени буква Т
As the infamous Chaos Imperator Titan Dies Irae of the Legio Mortis that laid siege to the Imperial Palace during the closing days of the Horus Heresy was said to stand approximately 43 metres (141 ft.) tall, a smaller size due to the fact that it had no cathedral dedicated to the God-Emperor on its back since the Imperial Cult had not yet become the state religion of an officially atheistic Imperium.
Вот Dies (перекорапченный уже)
Вот кстати
в разделе титан 5 выпусков черно-белых комиксов, на джое тоже было - но забросили добавлять.