Angry Marines :: Warhammer 40000 (wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник) :: фэндомы

Angry Marines ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

a Webcomicjunkie and (Itql) Internet Production With art by Various Artists
ÎOO? },Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Angry Marines

This section of the book details the forces used by the Angry	Unique Equipment
Marines- their weapons, the units, and some fucking angry	You will find that some items of equipment are unique to
special characters that you can choose, such as Temper	particular

Bolt Pistol...........................................lpts
Plasma Pistol.....................................15/10pts
Close combat Weapon...................................lpts

Artificer armor is forged by a master craftsmen and is even more ancient and ornate than a normal suit of Space Marine power armor. It offers greater protection and may be taken as an upgrade for a model wearing power armor, increasing his Armor Save to 2+.
Anauspex is a

A master-crafted weapon follows the normal rules for the weapon, except that you may re-roll on failed to hit roll per turn. Master-crafted weapons are taken as an upgrade for a weapon that is already being carried by a model and should be represented by a suitably ornate weapon on the

Also known as Tactical Dreadnought armor. Terminator armor is the best protection a warrior can be equipped with. Due to the powerful exo-skeleton and power sources built into their armor, Space Marines in Terminator armor are capable of moving and firing with heavy

	Pts	ws	BS	S	T	W	1	A	Ld	Sv
Captain	75	5	5	4	4	3	5	3	10	3+
Chief	60	5	5	4	4	2	5	3	9	3+
Options: A commander may take up to 100 points worth of equipment allowed from the Angry Marine armory.
Independent Character: A commanderisan independent character. See page 21 of the Space Marine Codex

HQ =
	Pts WS BS S T W 1 A Ld Sv
Angry Marine	20 4 4441418 +3
Number/squad: 4-14 angry marines.
War Gear: Bolt pistol, close combat weapon, and combat shield.
Options:The squad may be equipped with krakgrenades at +2 points a model. 1 in every 2 models may take any additional war gearfrom the

____________________________Pts	WS	BS	S	T	W	I	A	Ld	Sv
Space Marine Scout 15	4	4	4	4
14	18+4
Number/squad: Sergeant and 4 to 9 Space Marine Scouts.
Weapons: Bolters.
Options: No grenades. Any model in the squad may replace their bolter with a sniper rifle at +5 pts, and

	Pts	WS	BS	S	T	W	1	A	Ld	Sv
Sarge	20	4	4	4	4	2	4	1	9	3+
Angry Marine	15	4	4	4	4	1	4	1	8	3+
Number/squad: Sergeantand4to9 Angry Marines.
Weapons: Bolt Pistolsand Close Combat Weapons.
Options:The squad may be equipped with Krak Grenades at +lpts a model and/or Melta Bombs at +2pts a

	Pts	WS	BS	S	T	W	1	A	Ld	Sv
Sarge	30	4	4	4	4	2	4	1	9	3+
Angry Marine	25	4	4	4	4	1	4	1	8	3+
Number/squad: Sergeant and 4 to 9 Angry Marines.
Weapons: Bolt Pistolsand Close Combat Weapons.They are also equipped with Krak Grenades and Jump Packs.
Options:The squad may be equipped with Melta

Pts Front Side Rear WS
Crew: Two Angry Marines
WeaponsrThe Vindicatoris armed with a hull mounted Demolisher Cannon and a Heavy Bolter.
Vehicle Upgrades: Vindicators may have any of the following vehicle upgrades

	Pts	WS	BS	S	T	W	1	A	Ld	Sv
Sarge	50	4	4	4	4	1	4	2	10	2+
Devastator	30	4	4	4	4	1	4	2	9	2+
Number/squad: Sergeantand4to 9 Angry Marines.
Weapons: Bolters.
Options: No grenades. Any marine may take a Heavy Bolterat +15pts. Missile Launcherat +20pts, or a Plasma Cannon at

	Pts	Front	Side	Rear WS
Angrinator	80	13	11	10 4
Type: Tank	Crew:	Two	Angry Marines
Weapons:The Angrinator is armed with a turret mounted Angry Launcher. Also, Heavy Bolter.
Options: The Angrinator may take two side sponsons with Auxiliary Angry Launchers at +26pts, expanding its maximum

	WS	BS	S	T	W	1	A	Ld	Sv
Captain	5	5	4	4	3	5	3	10	3+
Chief	5	5	4	4	2	5	3	9	3+
Sigurdur	5	5	4	4	3	5	3	10	3+1
Brusiarch	5	5	4	4	2	5	3	9	3+
Sarge	4	4	4	4	2	4	1	9	3+
Angry Marine	4	4	4	4	1	4	1	8	3+
Cock Knocker	4	4	4	4	1	4	1	8	3+1
Terminator	4	4	4	4	2	4	2	8	2+
Scout	4	4	4	4	1	4	1	8	4+

Temperus Maximus
Pts Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv
Temperus Maximus 220	5	5	44	4	54	10	2+
War Gear: Terminator Armor, Rip & Tear, Tome of infinite Rage
Teleport: Temperus Maximus may teleport onto the battlefield, takingthe fight directly to the heart of their enemy's battle line. They may always

	Pts	Ws	Bs	S T	W	1 A	Ld	Sv
Commissar Dan	100	5	5	4 4	3	5 3	10	3+
WarGear: Artificer Scout Armor, Combi-Flamer, Power Weapon, Melta Bombs, Combat Shield
Special Rules: True Grit, Infiltration, Move Through Cover
Retinue: Commissar Dan must be accompanied by a Scout Squad. Scout

a Webcomicjunkie and (Itql) Internet Production With art by Various Artists ÎOO? }
FORCES OF THE ANGRY MARINES This section of the book details the forces used by the Angry Unique Equipment Marines- their weapons, the units, and some fucking angry You will find that some items of equipment are unique to special characters that you can choose, such as Temper particular characters or units, while others are used by more Maximus. Each entry describesthe unit and gives the rulesto than one unit. When an item is unique, it is detailed in the use them in your games of Skubhammer 40k. entry for its owner, and where an item is not unique, it is detailed in the war gear section. A good example is Rip and The models in the Angry Marines army use a number of Tear, which is a potent weapon born by Temper Maximus. As special rules that are common to more than one unit, as such, its rules are detailed in Maximus’ entry. Maximus also specified in the individual entries that follow. Given here are bears a Tome but as other Angry Marines may too, the rules either the details of those rules or a reference to where you for this jtem are to be found jn the war gear sectjon can find them. ANGRY MARINES SPECIAL RULES ANDTHEY SHALL KNOW NO FEAR Space Marines automatically pass tests to regroup, and can take such tests even if the squad has been reduced to less than 50% by causalities, though all other criteria apply. If Space Marines are caught by a sweeping advance, they are not destroyed and will instead continue to fight normally. If this happens then the unit is subject to the No Retreat! Rule in this round of close combat and may therefore lose additional casualties if outnumbered. Usually troops that regroup may not move normally and always count as moving whether they do or not. but these restrictions do not apply to models with this special rule. Drop Pod Assault Seeking to express their anger more hurriedly. Angry Marine forcesfrequently deploy directly from strike cruisers and battle barges via drop pods. Any Honor Guard, Dreadnought, Angry Squad, Cock Knocker Squad or Devastator Squad may be equipped with a drop pod as perthe special rules detailed on page 21 of the Space Marine codex. Independent Character, Scout, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Fearless. Allthese rulesare detailed in the Skubhammer 40krulebook. Move Through Cover Angry Marines give no fuck. Man, fuck bushes and shrubs and crenellations and fuck all. Angry Marines just plow right through that shit. To represent Angry Marines fuckbusting their way through difficult terrain, any Angry Marine with a close combat weapon gains Move Through Cover. Mob Rule The majority of units in the Angry Marine army are bound rather loosely to their Sarge. and thus have a bit more leeway in squad maneuvers. As such, unit cohesion restrictions for many units are expandedto 4 inches. For example, a ten man squad may be splayed over 40 inches across a table. The units that could give a fuck less are • Angry Squads • Cock Knockers • Angrier Squads • Bike Squadrons • Devastator Squads Yeah. They're pretty cool. No Matter The Odds Angry Marines' fury presses them on through some rather hazardous situations and keeps them fighting no matter the odds. They ignore the negative Morale check modifiers for being outnumbered in close combat. Fuck Yeah! Combat! To the Angry Marines, there is no higher pursuit in life than punchingbitches in the face. If charged, they will meettheir enemieshead on, in orderto punch those bitches in their faces.To representthis, unengaged models in an Angry Marines unit that has been charged must move up to 6" to get into base to base contact with the enemy. Models that pile in do not receive the +1 attack bonus for charging.
ARMORY SINGLE HANDED WEAPONS TWO HANDED WEAPONS Bolt Pistol...........................................lpts Plasma Pistol.....................................15/10pts Close combat Weapon...................................lpts Choppa.............................................10/5pts Power Weapon......................................15/10pts Power Fist........................................25/15pts Chain Fist........................................25/15pts Thunder Hammer....................................25/15pts VEHICLE UPGRADES Battering Ram...................................20pts DozerBlades......................................5pts Grenade Launchers...............................15pts Pintle Mounted Flamer...........................lOpts Powerof the Machine Spirit.......................30pts Bolter............................................lpts Combi-melta....................................15/lOpts Combi-plasmagun................................15/10pts Combi-flamer....................................10/5pts Storm Bolter......................................5pts Thunder Wrench....................................30pts Pair of Choppas.................................15/7pts Pair of Power Weapons..........................23/15pts Pair of PowerFists.............................32/23pts Pair of Thunder Hammers........................32/23pts WAR GEAR Artificer Armor...................................20pts Auspex............................................2pts Combat Shield.....................................5pts Jump Pack.........................................20pts Melta Bombs........................................5pts Master-Crafted Weapon.............................15pts Purity Seals......................................5pts Angry Marine Bike.................................30pts Teleport Homer....................................5pts Terminator Armor (no weapons included)............25pts Terminator Honors.................................15pts ARTIFACTS AND SACRED SHIT (One per thousand points, rounding down) Holy Relic........................................30pts Banner of Fuck You................................30pts Iron Cigar........................................35pts Tome of Infinite Rage.............................20pts Hand of Fury......................................30pts Power Sack Full of Power Doorknobs................40pts Items must be represented on the model. No item maybe taken twice. Where two point costs areshown, the highest point cost applies to models with three woundsormoreand the lower points cost applies to everyone else. Take as many weapons as you like.
ARTIFICER ARMOR Artificer armor is forged by a master craftsmen and is even more ancient and ornate than a normal suit of Space Marine power armor. It offers greater protection and may be taken as an upgrade for a model wearing power armor, increasing his Armor Save to 2+. AUSPEX Anauspex is a short-ranged scanned used by Space Marines to detect hidden enemy troops. If enemy models with the In filtrate special rule set up within 4d6" of a model with an auspex, then that model is allowedtotake a 'free' shot at them (or sound the alarm if Sentries are being used). If the model is part of a unit then the whole unit may shoot. These shots are taken before the battle begins and may cause the infiltrators to fall back. Otherwise, the normal shooting rules apply. BANNER OF FUCK YOU The Banner of Fuck You draws its origins from the day Sons of Gulliman 2nd Company Captain Tecliar rebuked an unnamed Banner Bearerfor his rough treatment of the standard he carried. The unnamed bearer responded by beating Tecliar around the head and body with the standard’s pole until the Captain retreated back onto a waiting Thunderhawk and left the planet. So angry that they were forced to "LOOK AFTER THIS CLOTHY PIECE OF CRAP” the Angry Marines began hooking up their banners to power weapon packs, effectively turning them into large bludgeoning weapons with the cloth on fire. An Angry Marine with a giant flaming banner is a terrifying sight, and as such, any units wishing to charge a unit bearing the Banner of Fuck You must first pass a morale test, else, they stand around with theirthumbs up their asses. WAR GEAR Inclose combat, the Banner of Fuck You counts as a Thunder Wrench and reduces morale of engaged enemy units by 2. CHAIN FIST A chain fist is simply a power fist fitted with an attachment designed to carve through armored bulkheads or armored vehicles. It is treated exactly as a power fist, but roll 2d6 for its Armor Penetration value. IRON CIGAR A symbol of the bearer's bad-assery,the Iron Cigar is an extremely rare luxury item crafted only on the Angry Marine home world of Ire. The Iron Cigar advertises the bearer’s toughness asfargreaterthan his own profile. To represent this, bearers of Iron Cigars do not suffer Instant Death when wounded by a weapon whose strength is twice his toughness, taking a single wound instead. COMBAT SHIELD A combat shield is a lighter, more maneuverable version of a storm shield. A model using a combat shield wears it fastened to his forearm leaving the hand free to use other weaponry. The combat shield does not count towards the maximum number of weapons carried and confers a +5 invulnerable save in close combat. CROZIUS ARCANUM The Crozius Arcanum is both a Space Marine Chaplain’s Badge of office and a lethal close combat weapon. In game terms it is treated as a power weapon. CYCLONE MISSILE LAUNCHER The cyclone missile launcher is a specially designed weapon that can be used by Space Marines in Terminator Armor. The cyclone otherwise counts a missile launcherwith krak and frag missiles. HAND OF FURY Originally the weapon of choice of a former Captain of the 8th Assault ( 3 )----------------------------------- Company whose name has been lost to history, this flamergain notoriety after it was usedto wipe out a hive that was taken over by the Greater Daemon Furseiseki. Though the captain died as he slew the monster in question, his weapon survived and is now the badge of office for whoever leads the 8th Company. It’s blessedfuels ensure neither shield or spell can save any filthy heretic or xenos from its purging flames. Ingameterm5, the Hand of Fury counts as a Strength 6 flamerthat ignores armor saves. HOLY RELIC Space Marines sometimes goto war carrying their Chapter’s most revered relics. This is not the case with Angry Marines. The Angry Marines bear forth anger inspiring relics, such as a copy of Ghosts n' Goblins, Contra, or. Emperor forbid, Battletoads. Revealed atthe opportune moment to throw their allies into a brutal fury, a model bearing a holy relic may reveal it once per battle at any point. On the turn the relic is revealed, all Angry Marines within 2d6" get a+1 Attack bonus for the rest of the turn. The relic maybe revealed inthe opposing player’s turn if you wish. JUMP PACKS Jump packs allow models to make great powered leaps across the battlefield and more quickly engage the enemy. Models equipped with jump packs move as Jump Infantry. Space Marine models who are wearing jump packs can be dropped from low-flying Thunderhawk gunships, using their jump packs to swoop down on to the battlefield. To represent this tactic, they can be kept in reserve and arrive using the Deep Strike rules, but only if the mission allows for Deep Strike to be used. MASTER-CRAFTED WEAPONS A master-crated weapon is one forged by a great artisan and is superior in almost every way to a normal weapon of its type.
WAR GEAR A master-crafted weapon follows the normal rules for the weapon, except that you may re-roll on failed to hit roll per turn. Master-crafted weapons are taken as an upgrade for a weapon that is already being carried by a model and should be represented by a suitably ornate weapon on the model itself. If the weapon selected has a ranged attack then the re-roll maybe taken on ranged attacks even if the weapon can be used in close combat. The cost listedinthe War gear section is in addition to the cost of the weapon itself. However, only the upgrade costs are taken againstthe 100 point limit on wargear. NARTHECIUM/REDUCTOR These devices are employed by Space Marine Apothecaries both to heal wounded Space Marines and if this is impossible to remove the progenoid glands.the biological repositories of Space Marine gene-seed and the future of the Chapter. In order to use this equipment, the Apothecary cannot be Falling Back, Locked in close combat or Pinned. He may treat any friendly non-vehicle model within 6” of him. Once per turn, he may use his narthecium to allow a treatable model to ignore a failed Save. It is however of no use against Instant Death or a close combat attack that ignores Armor Saves. In the enemy Shooting phase, the Apothecary can use his redactor to recover the gene-seed of any treatable models that are killed within 6" of him. These casualties are ignored when determining if their units have to take a morale test for suffering 25% shooting casualties. PAIR OF... Effectively twin-linking, a weapon that comes in a pair may re-roll failedto hit rolls inclose combat. POWER FEET These hulking, magnificent elf-stompers are forged exclusively on the Angry Marines’ pet Forgeworldof Omnigynist. Granting unreal power through sheer mass, these boots make their wielder a juggernaut of destruction. Models with Power Feet gain 1+ Attack and 1+ Toughness, and Fleet. POWER SACK FULL OF POWER DOORKNOBS During the great crusade known as the "Punching of The Dylad System", the single loyal planet in the system fell under attack of the vile forces of Chaos. First to respond to the attack but grossly outnumbered the Angry Marines battled in and around the Hive-Capita I of Dylad 2 until atlastthe Chapter Master (known only as The Angriest) took his tech-marines with him and went around every single home personally ripping the doorknobs off. With each knob the tech-marines would attach a power-field generator and then place it in a sack somehow made out of adamantite weave (Angry Marine chronicles suggest they just yelled at a servitor for ages till it somehow did it), until the sack was full and an activatorfor every single door-knob was placed on The Angriests wrist. As the forces of Chaos rallied for a final assault, the Angry Marines went to meet them head on, and the full fury of The Angriest saw the Chaos Assault blunted until reinforcements arrived and were sworn at for being so slow. The Adamantite Sack of Full of Power Doorknobs is a two handed weapon that adds +1 to the wielder's strength, and all hits to cause d3 wounds. The wielder's attacks are also considered to be the equivalent of attacks from a Monstrous Creature in regards to armor saves and armor penetration. PURITY SEALS Purity seals are bestowed upon Space Marines of proven purity and virtue. Apparently these traits make them superior at running away, because if a model with purity seals falls back, he may re-roll his Fall Back distance roll. This applies to the entire unit the model is a part of. ROSARIUS All Chaplains wear a Rosarius, a small amulet bestowed upon them by the Ecdesiarchy of Terra. The Rosarius generates an energy field that provides the Chaplain with a 4+ Invulnerable Save. This maybe taken instead of the Chaplian’s normal Armor Save. SIGNUM The signum is a special form of communication device that allows the Techmarineto access a myriad of useful battlefield targeting information, and then pass it on to his fellow battle brothers. In game terms it allows you to re-roll one missedto hit shooting roll for the Techmarine or any squad that the Techmarine belongs to or has joined. SPACE MARINE BIKE Space Marine Bikes are fitted with twin-linked bolters. Angry Marine Bikes, on the other hand, are fitted with a heavy bolter. Both increase the rider's Toughness by+1 point and makes him count as a Bike for movement. Angry Marines with an Honor Guard may not be mounted on a Bike. TELEPORT HOMER Teleport homers produce a signal that can be locked onto by teleporting troops. If terminators wish to teleport onto the battlefield via Deep Strike and choose to do so within 6” of the model carrying the homer, then they won't scatter.
WAR GEAR TERMINATOR ARMOR Also known as Tactical Dreadnought armor. Terminator armor is the best protection a warrior can be equipped with. Due to the powerful exo-skeleton and power sources built into their armor, Space Marines in Terminator armor are capable of moving and firing with heavy weapons. On the other hand, this armor is somewhat cumbersome, so Space Marine Terminators are not able to pursue a more lightly armored foe when they flee. Terminators may not Sweeping Advance. A model wearing Terminator armor has a 2+ Armor Save and a 5+ Invulnerable Save. The wearer automatically has Terminator Honors at no extra cost. TERMINATOR HONORS A model with Terminator Honors has proved himself a superior combatant and has earned 1+ to his Attack characteristic and a minimum unmodified Leadership characteristic of 9. Huzzah. THUNDER HAMMER Thunder hammers are ancient and mighty weapons that release a terrific blast of energy v/hen they strike an opponent. A thunder hammer counts as a power fist, but any model wounded by it and not killed may not attack again until Initiative 1 blow5 are struck in the next Assault phase. Vehicles hit by a thunder hammer are considered Crew Shaken, in addition to any other results they suffer. THUNDER WRENCH A mighty plumbing device fitted with a power pack. Adds 2+ Strength and ignores Armor Saves. TOME OF INFINITE RAGE An ancient libram inscribed with every ¡nsultthathas been told or every will be told. Born into battle by only the angriest of Angry Marines, the possession of a Tome of Infinite Rage symbolizes the boundless depths of their rage, a rage that allows them to shrug off the most wilting gunfire to engage his enemy. Models bearing a Tome of Infinite Rage can only suffer one wound from shooting per turn; ail other shooting wounds are ignored. VEHICLE UPGRADES DOZER BLADES Vehicles with dozer blades may re-roll failed Difficult Terrain tests as long as they are going to be moving no more than 6" that turn. GRENADE LAUNCHERS Not ones for hiding like I ini e bitches behind a thin wall of smoke, Angry Marine crews instead loadtheir smoke launchers with infantry frag grenades. This counts as a single shot defensive weapon with the following profile. Range S A Profile 24" 4 6 Assault 3Bla5t BATTERING RAM When Tank Shocking an enemy unit, the vehicle will cause d6 Strength 4 hits. When Ramming an enemy vehicle, the vehicle gains +2 to the strength of its hit. PINTLE MOUNTED FLAMER FUCKYEAH. POWER OF THE MACHINE SPIRIT A Machine Spirit is a combination of organic and mechanical components that helps to control a tank's movement and weapon systems. If the tank suffers a Crew Stunned result on the Vehicle Damage tables, the Machine Spirit allows the tank to move directly ahead up to its maximum speed. Also, the Machine Spirit can operate one weapon per turn as long as the vehicle has moved no more than 6" even if the tank suffers a Crew Shaken or Crew Stunned result. This is in addition to any weaponry that can normally fire. The Machine Spirit has a BS of 2.
HQ Pts ws BS S T W 1 A Ld Sv Captain 75 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 3+ Chief 60 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 9 3+ Options: A commander may take up to 100 points worth of equipment allowed from the Angry Marine armory. Independent Character: A commanderisan independent character. See page 21 of the Space Marine Codex for more details. Enduring Rage: Angry Marine commanders have led their warriors into battle for... weeks, maybe. The job has high turn-over. However long they've been commanders, they were thrust into the position, having been recognized as the angriest of his battle brothers. Carryingthem past the most grievous wounds, their rage burns indomitably, if only to punch one more f uck-face in the fuckingface. All wounds against an Angry Marine Commander are allocated at the END of the assault phase. Retinue: A commandermay lead an HonorGuard into battle. Seethe unit entryfordetails. I DON'T NEED A GOD DAMNED GUN! THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU THAT I CAN'T FIX WITH MY FISTS! -Coptoln Gus, ls:Compony 9 § P6* I i Pts WS BS S T W 1 A Ld Sv Sigurdur 100 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 3+ Brusiarch 85 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 9 3+ War Gear: A chaplain is armed with a Crozius Arcanum and wears a Rosarius. Options: A chaplain maytake upto 100 points worth of equipment allowed from the Angry Marine armory. Independent Character: A chaplain is an independent character. See page 21 of the Space Marine Codexformore details. Honor of the Chapter: Chaplains embody the honorand hate of the Angry Marines. They and any unit they lead are Fearless. Litanies of Hate: On a player'sturn in which he charges into close combat, a chaplain and any model in a unit he leads may re-roll failed rolls to hit. Explosive Rage: So great is a chaplain's rage that he cannot find enough outlets for it, even in the heat of battle. It boils within him, unspent, until he can contain it no more. When a chaplain is slain in close combat, the rage explodes out of him violently. Place the small blast template overthe chaplain. Any model touchingthe template automatically suffers a strength 5 wound. Retinue: A chaplain may lead an HonorGuard into battle. See the unit entry fordetails. BEAT THE LIVING HELL OUT OF SHIT WITH YOUR POWER BAT. IF YOU'RE TOO PANTS ON HEAD RETARDED TO FIND SOMETHING TO HIT THEN YOU BETTER FUCKING START RUNNING. -High Chaplain Peterson
HQ = Pts WS BS S T W 1 A Ld Sv Angry Marine 20 4 4441418 +3 Number/squad: 4-14 angry marines. War Gear: Bolt pistol, close combat weapon, and combat shield. Options:The squad may be equipped with krakgrenades at +2 points a model. 1 in every 2 models may take any additional war gearfrom the Angry Marine armory at the listed points cost. Characters: Models which are not equipped with additional wargear may be upgraded to a specialist as described below. Specialists Tech Marine: One model may be upgraded to a tech marine with a bolter, power weapon, auspex, signum, and servo-arm at +60 pts. The tech marine may take a servo-harnessfor+35pts; addinganother powerfist attack, a twin-linked plasma pistol, a flamer, and improving his armor save to +2. Apothecary: One model may be upgraded to an apothecary with narthecium and reductor at +20pts. Company Standard Bearer: One model may be upgradedto a standard bearer armed with the Angry Marine Battle Standard for+20pts. Transport: An honor guard with ten models or less may electto be mounted in a Predator Angrinator or Drop Pod.
C} s £ !s § T'"1 ____________________________Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Space Marine Scout 15 4 4 4 4 14 18+4 Number/squad: Sergeant and 4 to 9 Space Marine Scouts. Weapons: Bolters. Options: No grenades. Any model in the squad may replace their bolter with a sniper rifle at +5 pts, and 2 models may take a missile launcherat +15pts. Stealth Training: All Scouts possesthe Infiltrate and Move Through Cover special rules. Having little toste for "PLAYING PEEK AND POKE IN THE BUSHES" most Scout Squads working with Angry Marine strike forces ore on loon from the Mentor Legion. Upon orrivol, they ore unceremoniously tossed the keys to the ormory labeled, "FUCKING GAY" and ordered to "GO NUTS". Pts ws BS S T W 1 A Ld Sv Sarge 50 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 10 2+ Terminator 30 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 2+ Number/squad: Sarge and4to 9 Terminators. War Gear:The Sarge is armed with an Assault Cannon and Power Weapon. All otherTerminators are armed with twin-linked Storm Bolters. Options: The Sarge may replace his weapons with a twin-linked Assault Cannon for+10 pts.l in 3 Terminators, rounding down, may replace their Storm Bolters with a Heavy Flamer and Power Fist for+10 pts or Cyclone Missile Launcher and Power Fist for+25pts. Teleport:ATerminatorsquad mayteleport onto the battlefield, takingthe fight directly to the heart of their enemy's battle line. They may always start the game and Reserve and arrive using the Deep Strike special rule, even if it is not part of the mission being played. In a sharp diversion from Adeptus Astartes practices, Tactical Dreadnought Armor is not reserved for the most decorated battle brothers, but is instead worn as a disciplinary action. Those who their chaplain feels are, "NOT ANGRY ENOUGH," are subjugated to the low mobility armor in the next combat. Cumbersome and slow to the fight, there is little opportunity for the entombed angry marine to express his rage, and his frustration mounts his angerconsiderably. { 8 }
TROOP Pts WS BS S T W 1 A Ld Sv Sarge 20 4 4 4 4 2 4 1 9 3+ Angry Marine 15 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ Number/squad: Sergeantand4to9 Angry Marines. Weapons: Bolt Pistolsand Close Combat Weapons. Options:The squad may be equipped with Krak Grenades at +lpts a model and/or Melta Bombs at +2pts a model. One in three models may take a Choppaat+5 pts, PowerWeaponat+lOpts, PowerFist at+15pts. Flamer at +5 pts, Plasma Gun at +10pts, or Bolter at no extra cost. Character: The Sarge may take any additional war gear from the Angry Marine armory. Transport: An Angry Squad may be mounted in a drop pod. An Angry Squad that numbers 10 models or less may be deployed mounted in a Predator Angrinator. See Transport entry for more details. 1 Pts WS BS S T W 1 A Ld Sv Sarge 25 4 4 4 4 2 4 1 9 3+ Cock Knocker 20 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ Number/squad: Sarge and4to 9 Cock Knockers. War Gear: Bolt Pistolsand Choppas. Options: 1 in 2 Cock Knockers may replace his Choppa with a Power Weapon at+5 pts, a PowerFist at +10pts, or may replace both weapons with a Pair of Power Fists or Thunderwrenchat+15pts. Power Feet:The entire unit may be equipped with Power Feetfor +10pts per model. Models with PowerFeetmaynottakea transport. Character: The Sarge may take any additional war gear from the Angry Marine armory. Transport: A Cock Knocker Squad may be mounted in a drop pod. "ALWAYS ANGRY!” "ALL THE TIME!" -Angry Marine Hymn "POWER FEET ARE FOR KICKING THOSE FUCKS IN THE BALLS!" -Anonymous \
X Pts WS BS S T W 1 A Ld Sv Sarge 30 4 4 4 4 2 4 1 9 3+ Angry Marine 25 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ Number/squad: Sergeant and 4 to 9 Angry Marines. Weapons: Bolt Pistolsand Close Combat Weapons.They are also equipped with Krak Grenades and Jump Packs. Options:The squad may be equipped with Melta Bombs at +2pts a model. One in three models may take a Choppaat +5 pts. Power Weapon at +10pts, or Power Fist at +15pts. Deep Strike: An Angrier Squad may make combat drops from Thunderhawk gunshipsto strike at the heart of their enemy's battle lines. AngrierSquads may use the Deep Strike special rule when the mission played allows. Berserk Charge: Angrier Marines didn't qualify for jump packsfor no reason; they're fucking ANGRY. Their charges are furious and add+2 attacks. M 1 Pts WS BS S T W 1 A Ld Sv I J Sarge 50 4 4 4 4(5) 2 4 1 9 3+ \ J Biker 42 4 4 4 4(5) 1 4 1 8 3+ Number/squad: Sarge and 2to 4 Angry Marine Bikers. War Gear: Each bike is equipped with a Heavy Bolter. Each Biker is equipped with Krak Grenades. Options: Upto 2 models in the squad may take a Choppaat +5pts,a PowerWeaponat+10pts,ora PowerFistat +I5pts. Character: The Sarge maytake any additional war gearfromthe Angry Marine armory. "FUUUUUUUUUCK YOOOUUUUUUU!" -Angry Marine Hymn Brother Marine Aelidus of the Mentor Legion overcome his excitement rather quickly after o quick perusal of the "FUCKING GAY' armory. He turned to Brother Pounderond osked of him, "Where ore oil the Heavy Bolters?" "...TWIN-LINKED BOLTERS ARE GAY." Without o word, these spoce morines returned to their drop pod and were soon whisked owoy from the bottlefield. There had been no more thon o dozen of them, not o single word exchonged between our two chopters. To this day, I hove never seen ony morines fight with such roge ond hotred. The moss of enemy berserkers wos reduced to mere chunks, legs, arms, heods, craters full of blood. Bits of red armor lay strew obout the field. We had not even hod thechonce to advance by the time the screaming - both theirs ond the enemy's - wos through. I turned to my Coptain ond osked, "Who were they?" "I hod thought it was rumor. But no. Emperor bless us all, those were the Angry Morines." { -
0-2 PREDATOR ANNIHILATOR/ä^ \ 0-1 VINDICATOR HEAVY Pts Front Side Rear WS 140 13 11 10 Type:Tank Crew: Two Angry Marines WeaponsrThe Vindicatoris armed with a hull mounted Demolisher Cannon and a Heavy Bolter. Vehicle Upgrades: Vindicators may have any of the following vehicle upgrades atthe cost listed in the Angry Marines armory: Dozer Blades, Extra Armor, Searchlight, Grenade Launchers. "So we con't hove ony HeovyBolters becouse..." 'THEY'RE ALL ON OUR BIKES AND TANKS AND SHIT." "So we're stuck with Sniper Rifles, Bolters, ond Missile Launchers?" 'THOUGHT YOU GUYS WOULDN'T MIND MUCH, BEING GAY AND ALL." ft rr "YEAH, ENJOY, QUEER." Pts Front Side Rear WS Predator 135 13 11 10 4 Type: Tank Crew: Two Angry Marines Weapons:The Predator is armed with a turret mounted Twin-Linked Lascannon and hull mounted Heavy Bolter. Options: The Predator may also be armed with two side sponsons with Heavy Bolters at +10pts or Lascannons at +25pts. Vehicle Upgrades: Vindicators may have any of the following vehicle upgrades at the cost listed in the Angry Marines armory: Dozer Blades, Extra Armor, Searchlight, Grenade Launchers.
2 S? I s HEAVY Pts WS BS S T W 1 A Ld Sv Sarge 50 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 2+ Devastator 30 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 2+ Number/squad: Sergeantand4to 9 Angry Marines. Weapons: Bolters. Options: No grenades. Any marine may take a Heavy Bolterat +15pts. Missile Launcherat +20pts, or a Plasma Cannon at +35pts. Character: The Sarge may take any additional war gear from the Angry Marine armory. Fffffffffff-: Deep runsthe anger of the Angry Marines. When stuck with a sissy weapon on the edge of the battlefield, a marine's frustrations may reach its boiling point. Marines with Missile Launchers also sufferfrom the Gets Hot rule. Pts WS BS Front Side Rear I S A Dreadnought 85 4 4 12 12 10 4 6 2 Type: Walker Crew: One Angry Marine Weapons:The Dreadnought is armed with 4 Heavy Bolters. Options: Any Heavy Bolter may be replaced with a Plasma Cannon at +20ptseach. Vehicle Upgrades: Dreadnoughts may have the following upgrades from the Angry Marine armory: Extra Armor, Searchlight, Grenade Launcher. Meltdown: Such is the hazard of wielding so many Plasma Cannons that even a mighty dreadnought mayfell itself under its heat. If the playerrolls 4 onesto hit with fourPlasma Cannons, place the Ordinance Blast marker centered overthe dreadnought. All modelstouching the marker suffer a S7 AP2 wound, includingthe dreadnought. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-" Brother Marine Aelidus of the Mentor Legion gozed on in wonder and horror at the beoutiful explosion where the Belligerent Engine once stood. He exclaimed profoundly, "HolyshitthatDreodnought jus texp lodedfo mo reason” "FUCK," replied McFister, "YEAH HE DID!" L. ( 12 }
 Pts Front Side Rear WS Angrinator 80 13 11 10 4 Type: Tank Crew: Two Angry Marines Weapons:The Angrinator is armed with a turret mounted Angry Launcher. Also, Heavy Bolter. Options: The Angrinator may take two side sponsons with Auxiliary Angry Launchers at +26pts, expanding its maximum capacity to 10. Vehicle Upgrades: Predator Angrinators may have any vehicle upgrade listed in the Angry Marine armory at the appropriate points cost. Angry Launcher: Usable once pergame,the Angry Launcherlaunches angry marines directly into combat with an enemy unit. Fire the Angry Launcher usingthe profile below, for every hit; place one of the loaded angry marines in base to base contact with the target unit. For every miss, place one of the loaded angry marines out of combat, but maintaining unit cohesion. Resolve wounds against both units. If all shots miss, scatter the angry marine unit normally. ___________Range Strength AP Profile Angry Launcher 36"______________4___________ Heavy 6 Pts Front Side Rear BS Drop Pod 30 12 12 12 2 Type: Vehicle, Immobile Crew: None Weapons: Heavy Bolter. Transport: A drop pod may carry 10 Angry Marines, 5 Terminators, or 1 Dreadnought. Once passengers have disembarked, they may not re-embark. A drop pod always has the Powerof the Machine Spirit upgrade, it is included in its points cost. A drop pod may fire the same turn it lands. Vehicle Upgrades: A drop pod may take Dozer Blades, because fuck, why not.
SUMMARY WS BS S T W 1 A Ld Sv Captain 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 3+ Chief 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 9 3+ Sigurdur 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 3+1 Brusiarch 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 9 3+ Sarge 4 4 4 4 2 4 1 9 3+ Angry Marine 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ Cock Knocker 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+1 Terminator 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ Scout 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 4+ Biker 4 4 4 5 1 4 1 8 3+ Range Str. Ap Profile Bolt Pistol 12" 4 5 Pistol Boltgun 24" 4 5 Rapid Strom Bolter 24" 4 5 Assault 2 Heavy Bolter 36" 5 4 Heavy 3 Assault Cannon 24" 5 4 Heavy4, Rending Flamer Tem. 4 5 Assault 1 HeavyFlamer Tem. 5 4 Assault 1 Sniper Rifle 36" X 6 Heavy 1, Sniper Krak Missile 48" 8 3 Heavy 1 Frag Missile 48" 4 6 Heavy 1, Blast Plasma Pistol 12" 7 2 Pistol Front Side Rear WS Belligerent Engine 12 12 12 4 Vindicator 13 11 10 4 Annihilator 13 11 10 4 Angrinator 13 11 10 4 Drop Pod 12 12 12 2 Plasma Gun 24" Rapid Plasma Cannon 36" 7 2 Heavy 1 Range Str. Ap Profile Demolisher 24" 10 2 Ordinance Meltdown — 7 2 God Damn! ( 14 }
Temperus Maximus Pts Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv Temperus Maximus 220 5 5 44 4 54 10 2+ War Gear: Terminator Armor, Rip & Tear, Tome of infinite Rage Teleport: Temperus Maximus may teleport onto the battlefield, takingthe fight directly to the heart of their enemy's battle line. They may always start the game and Reserve and arrive using the Deep Strike special rule, even if it is not part of the mission being played. Retinue: Temperus Maximus may lead an Honor Guard into battle. In doing so, he forfeits the ability to Deep Strike. Seethe unit entry for details. IndependentCharactenTemperus Maximus is an independent character. See page 21 of the Space Marine Codex for more details. Rip and Tear: Resemblingthe Gauntlets of Ultramar, only angrier, these weapons are the sole domain of the Angry Marines Chapter Master, Temperus Maximus. Little is known aboutthe origin of the artifact, because Temperusforgot where hegotthem. Speculationfollowsthatthey were crafted by the same poorservitorwho made the Adamantine Bag of Dylad. Regardless of origin, their potency is undeniable. They are a Pair of Chain Fists with a built in Twin-Linked Assault Cannon. Fight Harder You Fucks!: Temperus Maximus' booming voice can inspire greatfeats of anger in even the most cowardly of pussies. Imparting his rage unto his fellow Angry Marines, Temperus can rally nearby allies to... well, fight harder. Once per game, at the beginning of any assault phase, player's or opponents', Temperus may issue his battle shout and give +1 Weapon Skill, +1 Strength, +1 Attack, and +1 Initiative to all allied units within 24" (not including Temperus himself). In addition, all enemy units within 24" receive -1 Leadership modifier until the conclusion of the assault phase. { 15
COMMISSAR DAN Pts Ws Bs S T W 1 A Ld Sv Commissar Dan 100 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 3+ WarGear: Artificer Scout Armor, Combi-Flamer, Power Weapon, Melta Bombs, Combat Shield Special Rules: True Grit, Infiltration, Move Through Cover Retinue: Commissar Dan must be accompanied by a Scout Squad. Scout Squads accompanyingCommissarDan have access to both Scout and Angry Squad war gear. JfKtepefKteftt-C-haractef: Commissar Dan must remain in unit cohesion with the Scout Squad he leads at all times. He and the Scout Squad count as a single Elites choice. METAL BOXES: Commissar Dan loathes enemies that cower in metal boxes. He would see them turned againsttheir allies in irony; the Emperor's glorious irony. In a round of close combat in which Commissar Dan's unit destroys a vehicle, Commissar Dan may deign to have it taken over. The vehicle sustains no damage from the assault, but is instead transferred to the player's control, at the cost of however many crewmembers the vehicle has (for example, a Rhino has one crewmember, so it would take one Scout. Predators, on the other hand, have two crewmembers and would take two Scouts). Summary Execution: If Commissar Dan's unit fails a Morale checkforany reason, Commissar Dan may execute a Scout to automatically pass the Morale test. The executed model is removed as a casualty. "Charge You Pig Fuckers!": Commissar Dan may order a charge, and emphasize his command... violently. This ability is usedatthe beginning of the player's assault phase. Resolve 3 bolter shots against your own squad (hit, wound, save; Commissar Dan may not absorb one of the wounds). Commissar Dan's unit gains Furious Charge and Fleetforthe remainder of the turn. Dire aVengeance:The Scouts are propelledto acts reckless ballistic abandon as Commissar Dan shoots one of them in the fucking head. The may fire twice that turn, but with a -1 Ballistic Skill modifier. They may not shootthe following turn, as they are reloading. Deviance: Suffers double woundsfromtemplate weapons. Angry Commissar: Being a commissar, Commissar Dan is very comfortable killing his own men to ensure their loyalty to the Emperor. Being angry, CommissarDan is at home killing a waiterto ensure speedy service. To representthis, Commissar Dan may "spend" Scouts from his attached retinue to use special rules. If the number of crewmembers is not evident, take one scout for transports and two scouts for vehicles with more dakka. Aware vehicles, such as Dreadnoughts and Defilers, may not be "METAL BOXED". { 16 }
Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Angry Marines
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Мне всё время интересно - на кой черт им комиссар? (сзади меня появляется двойка гигантов с криком - ТЕБЕ ИНТЕРЕСНО?!!! ЧЁ УМНЫЙ ЧТОЛИ САМЫЙ?!!! НА НАХ ЕПТА!!!)
Вот бы с переводом ;(
HArry HArry 05.04.201420:59 ответить ссылка 0.7
Комиссар Дэн, мороженое!
Malcador Malcador 05.04.201421:10 ответить ссылка 0.8
Ты знаешь что будет с этим мороженым.
А где комиссар Хуев?
Phtoros Phtoros 05.04.201422:20 ответить ссылка -0.1
Commissar Fuklaw скорее можно перевести как Еблов.
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