Это лоялистские, готические шипы, а не хаоситские)
Силовое копье с тактическим фонариком, чтобы превозмогать даже во мрачной тьме.
Приветствую в моем первом посте, странник, как там в 2017?
Месье знает толк)
Мое увожение. Кстати, у капитана на шлеме инсигния: возможно карманный орден инквизиции.
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Используйте машинный дух "гуглтранслэйт"
Это последнее видео по этому сюжету.
Час назад чувак молодец, храни его Император, добавил сюжет по пятой части одобренный создателем видео.

Captain and Sargent observe boarding action from their ship , them move to oversee Orb1's chamber
psyker is ready to interface with orb 1 as part of operation
orb1 is locked down with huge psykick inhibitors
the Retributors have dealt with this before, possibly a few times as they have a plan and protocols in place
this scene also indicates the action we are seeing is parallel in time to the rest of the action, not linear

the squad moves into chamber2, passes a talos golem being that was being constructed (by the renegade psykers killed last episode)
on the left and right we see psykick amplification batteries (the skulls with spines floating) this indicates this construction was taking huge amounts of psykick power
this means if that body were to be finished and inhabited, it would have been insanely powerful and tough, they intended to give the body to orb2

the astartes resist psykick attack from orb2 multiple times, they have most certainly dealt with type of thing before

the squad deploys psykick inhibitors, no doubt have radioed for techpriests to begin installing permanent versions (as seen on orb1)

the orbs communicate with each other

the inquisitorial psyker observes the conversation
orb1: We have all failed, the astartes defile all they touch, you must return, break your seal
orb2: we will never survive
orb1: YOU MUST! (survive), take them with you (the squad)

psyker warns the captain, who sends the tactical marine to send word
psykers presence is revealed to orb1 and he is attacked for dropping his guard, he fights back
psyker opens himself to the power of the warp to fight off the orb1, gets a prophetic vision and looses control, is taken over/corrupted/goes rogue or all 3
(side note our psykers power is black smoke, the blue divine is pure warp taking him over)
is INSTANTLY put down by the Captain and Sargent

the squad receives the warning, but it is too late, the creature in the orb2 is already doing its thing

we see the creature inside the orb, all tentacles and faces, says chaos to me.. but im not 100% its powerful, whatever it is
it breaks down its seal (the orb) as a part of its escape, trapping the squad inside it

point blank high powered plasma round.. didn't go well, not a bad move considering how desperate a situation this is

we see the creature for its true organic form, for just a brief second as it has the squad tethered and is transporting them somewhere

in the warp, we see the creature in its divine blue glory, it gets hit by a black shadow and is pushed off screen
i think this was the last act of our psyker, who desperately tried to save the marines by trying to shove the creature off them.. we know how that ended at 4:56

the squad is dumped out on a set of pillars, in a strange land surrounded by what looks like ancient kings, this place sets my hair on end, i cannot tell if it is real or the warp
we see our heros face and watch is vomited blood instantly coagulate
as the scene fades out, the drumbeats line up with the arrival of the rest of the squad members on the platforms
at least in this new hell, they will have each other
А вот интересно, от ГВ комментарии по поводу астартес были? Или от авторов БЛ?